Nouman Ali Khan – Ramadan Gems 2019 – Night 16 – Commentary on Muhammad SAW in Surah Al-Jumuah

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The use of the Prophet's words in surahs and their cultural significance are discussed, along with their use as a means of teaching the laws of Islam and achieving the ultimate message of Islam. The importance of finding wisdom and achieving a healthy life is emphasized, along with the need for total civil law and a culture of peace and happiness to live a healthy life. The historical and meaning of the Quran is also discussed, along with the need for a culture of peace and happiness to live a healthy life.
AI: Transcript ©
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hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam O Allah say the NBA he will mursaleen while early he was happy woman is gonna be Sana de la yummy Dean Allahu masala mean home Amina Latina, Amina Amina Sally hurt, whatever so behati whatever so the southern Armenia Robben Island mean Am I bad for the villa Humana? shaytaan rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim u sub beholding lahemaa for semi YT well marfil of the molecule co duessel Aziz al Hakim wolesi basophil Amina salamin homea to Allah him Aya t he will use a key him you only Mohammad Kitab al hikmah lumen kaaboo Luffy abahlali movie in a hurry I mean hola Maya Coby him. Ola Aziz will Hakeem.

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Officially salary were silly Emery wackadoodle Raka Tamil lasagna poco de La Hoya sabita and del multi de la ilaha illa Allah Allah homage and Amina alladhina amanu hurt whatever COVID hottie whatever so this sub, I mean, you know, but I mean, today inshallah I want to speak with you about a remarkable commentary on the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam found in Soto Juma. It's a very unique place in the Quran where Allah opens the surah usually you find if you're regular readers of the Quran, you know that Allah azza wa jal in many Ayat of the Quran, he describes two of his names at the end, like Hola, hola foto Rahim, or as even Hakeem, or Aziz and Dante, calm, excetera, etc.

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So you have two names of Allah, and Soto Juma and the first ayah, Allah mentions four of his names. And he starts by saying, declaring his perfection, everything in the skies and the earth declares the last perfection. And after that, he mentioned four of his names and Malik cudos al Aziz al Hakim. For the purposes of getting across some of these lessons to all of you, I'm going to make you repeat some of this so you can keep it in mind so I can get across what I want to get across to you today. So the first of those names is Al Malik, which is the King and I don't expect you to remember the Arabic because some of you are not familiar much with the Arabic or your pronunciation may not

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be good. So we're just going to stick with the English for now to keep things simple. Okay. So the first name is what the king and then he says, well, kudos, and again to make things simple, the pure, the pure, the king and the pure, right so code, this is actually purity. And Allah azza wa jal is the source of all purity, the ultimately pure. And then he says Allah Aziz the authority. So now we'll start over, the first one was what the king, and the second one was the pure, and the third one is the authority. And then finally, he says, I'll Hakeem the wise. So as Malik produce Aziz and Hakeem the king, let's see, if you remember the king,

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the pure, then the authority, and then the y's and allies origin says everything in this in the universe. Every everything in the skies in the earth, declares how perfect Allah is as the King, and declares how pure Allah is, and declares what an authority Allah is, and declares by its existence, the wisdom of Allah, the wisdom, you know, so all four of those things, reflect in everything in the universe, all four of those qualities of alerus origin. But what Allah does in this remarkable surah after describing these four names ever met, and I know some of you might be confused, I thought tonight is a night we don't talk about a lot as though until we talk about a little luck, some a lot

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more on this and in fact, this is about Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, in the next ayah Allah says something remarkable. He says who Allah the basophil Amina Rasulullah met him, he is the one who appoint who raised among people that are unlettered and educated, not people of universities, not people have many you know ancient, you know civilizations of philosophy and poetry and you know, our you know, even though they had their oral tradition, this is not a people that have books and archives. These are people in the middle of the desert the amin, and he sent a messenger from among them. Now the first name of Allah was what the king and when the king appoints someone, the King of

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all kings, Allah azza wa jal Aleem, he's the one who made this entire earth and at the time of the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam before him and at his time and even after him there were many great kingdoms the Roman Empire was massive before then the Egyptian you know, dynasty was massive, the forerunner the pharaohs, you know, they were a huge empires, the Chinese Empire, the Persians, the Persian empires, these were huge superpowers of the time with endless armies and huge territories of land. But on the on the map of the world, there was one place that nobody was interested in, and that was this hot desert in the middle of, you know, in the Hejaz, that wasn't

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really that important to anybody and these empires like the Romans and the Persians, they would fight each other. They would battle each other for more and more territory, obviously, but one place they left alone in between, which is this region. Why because why would they send their soldiers to get barbecued in the middle of the sand? What are they going to get? It's not like there's oil there yet. You know, that's a later problem. That back then nobody's fighting over.

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This region, nobody's interested in this region because it has nothing to offer. So these are the Forgotten people of the world. These are the people that nobody writes about. Nobody has an exhaustive history over. They're the they're the people that are kind of left alone. This is actually one of the reasons the Arabic language is so rich is because you know, usually what happens with languages, people do business they do trade, and different people have different languages meet with each other, and languages become mixtures. But the Arabic language the world left them alone, so it got to refine itself, because they were so isolated, but the point is, a lot chose the most

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forgotten people on earth. The most you can say politically, economically, socially irrelevant people on earth, and he decides that he will send a messenger from among them, the King of all kings, who could pick anyone from anywhere, and he chose this place. And then of this place, he chose someone from among the unlettered, he could have also chosen someone from among the very knowledgeable from the among the scholars, among other categories of people that humanity recognizes you see, even though Qureshi used to say lolani Zilla hasn't Quran Allah rajala minakari Athena Quran says that how come Quran didn't come down to one of the celebrities? How come Quran didn't

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come down to one of the politicians a great man we already respect him. And if he said he's a prophet, easy for us to accept we already used to listening to him. How come it comes to just one man among the only in among them the unlettered people and a lot of proudly declares about his messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Mamata hoto hoomin Yemeni Omar cantata bloomin company human Kitab Amato, Toby emenike, you didn't refuse to read anything of any book before this. And you you've never written or you don't write with your hand at all. Well, moto Toby me, Nick, but who I used to be, you know, so now the first thing this king, the good the King of all kings has chosen

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this place that's not very royal.

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Though by the world standards, it's, you know, a desolate place, not a strategic place. And what does he do this ambassador of Allah, little Sula Villa some Aloha and even sent him, you know, what is it? What does an ambassador do? He speaks on behalf of the king. Kings used to send ambassadors and allies describing his Ambassador as who also de la sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And so the ambassador has been sent with four tasks. I told you for Names of Allah before. Let's see if you remember what was the first name, the king, the second name was the pure and the third was the authority and the fourth was the wise Now Allah says he sent this messenger in this Uncharted place,

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this desolate place this desert to these unlettered people, and he gave him four tasks. He gave him four jobs. Here's the first job. He says yet Lou I lay him iottie. He, he will, he will read on to the people this His signs, Allah's signs. Well, I'll come back to that in a second. But I want you to remember that the first thing the messenger does is read on to you allas signs, which is back basically the Quran. So he reads on to you, Allah assigns the second task that he does when he was a key him, he purifies them. He purifies them. The third thing he does, he teaches them the law. We label him will Kitab. And then the final thing is he teaches them wisdom. I went through that a

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little fast. Let me slow down again. The first thing is he tells you his His signs. The second is he purifies them. The third is he teaches them for law. And the fourth is he teaches them wisdom. You see when you come on behalf of the king in ancient civilizations, if somebody came on behalf of the king, they're dressed a certain way. So when they come into the village, everybody knows he came on behalf of the Roman Emperor. Look at the horses that came with him. Look at the soldiers that came with him. Look at the flag that came with him. These are all signs that he represents who the king, Allah allows messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam represents whose message allows message. So what

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are the signs? What is the proof that he's on behalf of Allah, any Ambassador has to have proof. There's an official letter signed by the king. It can only be the king's writing. It's got the official seal. Allah describes that the Koran was proof that he came on behalf of the king, that he came on behalf of the king, the ayat of the Quran, are actually allows writ given to his Ambassador salallahu alayhi wa sallam so we could recognize our king. The first name of Allah was the king. And the first thing the Prophet does is introduce people to the king, by way of his iaat. And then the second thing the Prophet does sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he says he purifies the people. He

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purifies them now that you've been introduced to Allah by way of Allah Ziad. Now let me purify the way you behave, the way you speak, the way you sit, the way you stand, the way you look at people the way you think, the way you act. What's going on inside you and me has to be purified, not just the outside Islam isn't just just about purifying our body by whoo and listen. It's not just purifying our food with eating halal.

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But it's purifying our thoughts, isn't it? It's purifying our hearts, isn't it? It's purifying our opinions about others, isn't it? It's this purification that's happening. What was the second name of Allah, the second name of Allah was the pure and the second task of the prophets on the long run or the celibacy purifies. He purifies on behalf of the pure. So he entered the king has been introduced. And now after him being introduced, the people must be purified, because that's what the pure king wants. Then he says, the messenger was told, we are told about the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when you only Muhammad Kitab, he teaches them the law. He teaches them the law,

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what is what is allowed, what is not allowed? What must you do? What are you not allowed to do at all? This is the law. The law comes from who in any society, the law comes from the authority, doesn't it? Nobody can tell you what's legal and illegal until they have the authority. The police can stop you because they have the authority was the third name of alarm villages. And as he is the authority, and the third thing the Prophet is doing is introducing people to the authority of Allah azza wa jal by describing to them by his authority, what is allowed and what is not allowed. What must they do and what must they stay away from, and Aziz And finally, alas, messengers describe some

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Allahu alayhi wa sallam, he teaches them the wisdom for tasks, he teaches them wisdom, what was the fourth Name of Allah, the highest? Where is wisdom going to come from, if not, from the source of all wisdom, Allah azza wa jal, you see how Allah described himself with four names. And then he described four things that the messenger does some a lot more I do sell them that bring into our lives, those four Names of Allah, they bring into our lives, those four names have aligned beautifully. These four names are mentioned in the first if social Joomla. And these four tasks are mentioned in the second idea of social Joomla, right on top of each other. So we understand that the

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Messenger of Allah sallallahu, Alayhi, salaam came to for this exact purpose. But you know, even then, you know, when when you say somebody came on behalf of a king in history, people don't remember, people don't remember anything except those who made an impact on this earth. You see, people who criticize others, people who live for themselves, people who make a lot of money. Wealthy people have lived, and they've come and they've gone. People have governed, and they were kings and they've come and they've gone and we don't remember their names, but the people who make a change in this world, people who impact this world what for the better or for worse, the world remembers them.

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Allah azza wa jal sent this messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the most politically irrelevant, powerless place, the economically weakest place, weather wise, climate wise, economy wise, socially the weakest of all places, and he says I only gave him these four tasks. But what happens when Allah The King of all kings give these four tasks, you know, our messenger, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he did not leave behind buildings. You know, when the Roman Empire was done, you see some of their buildings. The Egyptians left behind the pyramids, our messenger sallallahu, Alayhi, salaam didn't leave behind roadways, and pyramids, and buildings and coins. You see, he

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didn't leave around these markings of his civilization. You know what he left behind. He left alone behind people. He left behind people, those people that experienced four things, they heard the Ayat of Allah, they were purified, they learned the law of Allah, and they learned wisdom, isn't it? Those are the Sahaba he left behind people who experienced those four tasks of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and those people who experienced that went around and change the entire Earth. The word the map of the world changed because of the change that came in that place. That place that was invisible on the map. Look at the map of the world within the next century. What happens to the

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world after the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam comes into this desert, the Roman Empire is shaken. The Persian Empire shaken, the Indians are shaken. Islam is going all the way to Asia, it's going to China, it's coming to the Africans, it's going everywhere, within 100 years. And it's not even at the hands of those few people in the desert. They understood that they must now do exactly what the Prophet did some Allahu alayhi wa sallam, Allah made him the ambassador, and now they become ambassadors of Allah's Messenger, salallahu alaihe salam. So they went around the world reciting the loss is trying to purify people by way of teaching them the law and teaching them

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wisdom. And in doing so, very quickly, the vast majority of the Muslims of the world were non Arabs. The vast majority of the Muslims of the world were not Arabs were Who? Non Arabs and they were flooding into Islam. And what is the lesson the next ayah? Well, our Halina Minh home, the Mayan hakuba him. There are others other than the Arabs, they haven't joined them yet.

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They're on the way love Michael hakuba him well as he is, and he's the ultimate authority he's wise that's a loss plan. So that in this remarkable I Allah has taught us something about the power of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam think about this messengers came before yes or no. And when messengers came like New Hollywood film came, he's honored in the Quran, Musa alayhis, salaam Kim is honored in the Quran. And these messengers came, and their nations did not listen. And when their nations did not listen, their nations were what destroyed and then a few people who believe remained, and over time, even their eemaan started getting mixed in few generations would

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shift and there was need for another prophet, and then another prophet, and then another prophet. And so the story of profits is not a story of victory. The story of profits is actually a story of tragedy. Very, you know, my mama who illa kanila battle prophet Allah says, nobody believed in him except very few people. But our messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was given a kind of victory that has never been given before. You know, I'm a student of before I was a student of political science. And in political science, you learn about revolutions in the world, like the French Revolution, or the Bolshevik Revolution, you know, or Tiananmen Square in the last century, etc,

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etc. You learn about these different revolutions. And when you think about these revolutions, I want you to think about this for a moment when the when the European revolution happened against the church. Yeah, they overthrew the church. They brought about democracy. They democratized you know, and they created secularism, this is what happened basically, in the European revolution, and the power of the church was gone. But even after the power of the church was gone, were people still eating the same food. Yeah, that people still want the same things in life. Yeah. I mean, the politics changed. But the culture didn't change. The language didn't change, the eating habits, and

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the sleeping habits didn't change. marriage and divorce didn't change, how you raise your children didn't really change. One thing changed, everything else stayed the same. What happens in countries when you know there's one party in power than another party comes in power? does everything change? No, it's still the same country. It's just some faces on top change. Some things change. Sometimes just the economy changes, sometimes just the politics change. Now these 23 years of the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam. Think about these 23 years that Allah gave him this mission. That's a very little time. What changed in these 23 years? What changed in these 23 years that the politics

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of Arabia change? Yes. Did the economics of Arabia change? Yes. Did the social structure of Arabia change? Yes. The way people get married, the way people get divorced, the way people have children, the way people raise children, the way people stand up the way people sit down the way people clean themselves, the way they go to sleep. What they say before they eat what they say before they go to sleep, how they remember Allah how they deal with each other, how they deal with others other than themselves. What do they love? What do they hate, inside of them a complete change outside of them a complete change. The change that was brought in these 23 years has never been experienced in human

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history ever, ever. That is the change given total sudo la sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam, and those people what what gave them that change? It was those four things yet to Allah him it he will use a key him or UI limo Makita will hikma when people experienced that? Every their world changes. And when these people's world changed, you know what happened, they ended up changing the world. They themselves experienced that change their own world change. And then as a result, a map of the world changed the world completely transformed, because of what Allah had given to his messenger, salallahu alaihe salam that has never been given before I actually talked and this was when I was

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like 19 years old, I asked my political science professor back in New York City, I asked him, tell me about these revolutions. You know, you have these revolutions that happen in Europe, these revolutions that happen in China, other places, you who's the author, because you know, the philosophers in Europe that wrote about revolutionary ideas. They were philosophers. And they wrote these ideas in hiding, and they put them in novels and other things. And 60 7080 100 years later, people read them, and we're inspired by them, and we're willing to die for them. So the people who had those ideas were never actually part of a revolution. They were just people that were thinkers.

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Has it ever happened, that someone presenting the ideas is also on the battlefield himself? He says, No, that's not the case. ideas come from people that are thinkers, and then people that want to die for those ideas, and struggle for those ideas or someone else. And here you have Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam being given the ideas, being given the Ayat of Allah, being given the means to purify people and the law and the wisdom, and he himself is in the front of the battlefield. So in the long run, that's again, never happened in human history. That's unprecedented. So when Allah azzawajal describes his, you know, these mighty names of a line how

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perfect Eliza is, in these Iota lies telling us how unique and how powerful our messenger is to love more or less alone.

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Now the last scary part, I, you know, I've spent this the time that I've had with you, I've had to focus all of my attention on developing a love and an awareness and appreciation of allies messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but we have to also raise in us a sense of obligation, total civil law sallallahu alayhi wa sallam You see, one way of looking at these four things that I mentioned to you, is I art are actually Quran. I art our Koran, and we are purified by means of the word of Allah also, that's also a Quran. And the law also comes from where Koran and then the mama chef, he said, The hikma is the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but the Sunnah itself is

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actually the Quran in practice. So actually, all four things are at the end of the day, what they're called on. Now the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam on Judgement Day. on Judgement day there are two testimonies from Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam that are recorded. One of them I will share with you today. The other one I will share with you day after tomorrow inshallah Tada. The one for today is the scary one. The one from today is in the Quran. And Allah azza wa jal messenger says to him on Judgement Day, yeah, Rob in cometa, who has a Khurana Majora. My master. He calls on a lot my master this nation of mine. They abandoned the Quran. They left the Quran abandoned. They left it

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What does it mean that the Quran got abandoned? What does that mean? We're listening to Quran every night. We're listening to Quran every single night around the world. Hundreds of 1000s if not millions of children are memorizing the Quran. There are so many people reading the you know reciting the Quran. And we're celebrating the recitation of the Quran so many people are listening to the law of the Quran and perfecting it as you eat of the Quran. And then listening to that in their cars in their offices. The Quran is alive and well, like the Sahaba said, what a fire in

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home. He said how can Quran disappear? When we read Quran we make our kids read it our kids will make their kids read it and so on and so forth. How can allies messenger say something along with others Hello, this nation of mine abandon the Quran. Some say this is about courage. But others say it's not limited to courage Let me tell you, the Quran came for a purpose. It came for a purpose first to recognize who the king is. Second, so we can become what? Pure third so we can learn the law what to do and what not to do. And fourthly, so we can find wisdom for the way that we must live through Allah's words, if we don't have that relationship with the Quran, and everything else is, is

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you know, on top, that's the, that's the extras, you need to make your mind to wrap your mind around this concept. So we understand the seriousness of this. Think of it this way. You know, many of you have a job. And your boss tells you, here are the five things you must do. These are your five tasks this week, get this done. And if you have time, do 678 Okay, if you have time do 678 at the end of the week, you're very happy. You come to the boss, what did you do? I finished 6780 You did? What about one to five? No, they were a little hard. So I but I really liked 678 I finished those first.

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Because I really enjoy those. You see what's gonna happen to your job? You're not gonna have one.

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Because you don't decide what's the priority, isn't it? You don't decide that. We don't decide what our relationship with the Quran should be. Our relationship with the Quran could be recitation. Our relationship with the Quran could be calligraphy, our relationship with the Quran could be listening to beautiful sounds. Our relationship with the Quran could be memorization, learning Tajweed, our relationship with the Quran could be just, you know, reciting, reciting, reciting. And all of those things are beneficial. Absolutely, absolutely. But when a lot describes that the mission of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was something else first to make you understand who is it that is speaking

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to you? You know, when when an ambassador comes on behalf of the king and read something, and you have no idea what he's saying, then you are still you're in trouble. Because if you don't follow the king's instructions, the king's army comes after you and says, Why didn't you follow the instructions? I didn't understand what was being said. It sounded nice, though.

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It sounded really good. You understand the problem. So when they do that, having those people abandon the Kings instructions? Isn't it important for that Ambassador, and that Ambassador himself has to answer to a law or he has to answer to the king. Did you deliver my message? Yes, I did. But they left. They didn't listen, they didn't make any changes. They didn't take it seriously. That's the testimony of a loss messenger on Judgement Day. Some of them, I tell you, I have no doubt about it. The change that was brought in the life of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam

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That changed the world. That change happened because Orion came inside people's hearts. And today, when we find the world in chaos, if we can restore the place of the Quran, not outside, but inside the believers hearts once once again, the world is easy to change. That's easy to change unless as to what meaning you are going to be in the supreme position if in fact you truly are believers, if in fact you truly have your mind, where's the mind going to come from, if not from the Ayat of Allah? If not from the teskey that no prophet is offering? sallallahu alayhi wasallam if not from learning the Kitab and the hikma if we do that, then we don't have to complain about what's

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happening in the world. We don't you know, this, this is the call of Allah's Messenger sallallahu Sallam May Allah make us of those for whom the Quran is a witness in our favor and not against us on Judgement Day. May Allah azza wa jal make us people that think about ullas words and contemplate Allah's words and find purification for ourselves and learn and abide by the law that he's revealed and learn to live by the wisdom that Allah has given us to the example of His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam barakallahu li walakum Quranic Hakim when a funny way er can be it was decreed, Hakeem

“Whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth is exalting Allah, the Sovereign, the Pure, the Exalted in Might, the Wise. It is He who has sent among the unlettered a Messenger from themselves reciting to them His verses and purifying them and teaching them the Book and wisdom – although they were before in clear error.”

– Surah Al Jumuah, verses 1 and 2

Nouman Ali Khan delves deep into the meaning of these verses and which is aimed at the Noble Prophet ﷺ.

This verse begins with four of the Names of Allah – Al Malik, Al Quddoos, Al Azeez and Al Hakeem. After describing His attributes, He goes on to elaborate that He has appointed Muhammad ﷺ who is unlettered but he has to recite His Verses unto them and purify them, teach them the law (what is allowed and what is not) and then teach them the wisdom.

What is the proof that Allah had sent the Noble Prophet of the Islamic faith ﷺ? The validation is the Qur’an which gives proof of this. 

The Messenger of Allah ﷺ recorded a testimony on the Day of Judgement – the Qur’an was abandoned. What does this mean? The Qur’an which came for the purposes mentioned above and we as an Ummah have failed to adapt or abide by any of these purposes.

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