Yasir Qadhi – Ramadan – The Month of Hope for Sinners and Saints

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary ©
The hotbar in Islam is meant to encourage individuals to reach out to the Lord and fulfill their daily activities, but not to be a victim of evil. It is meant to open doors for Islam's ultimate race ofams, and is meant to reintroduce spirituality to worship Jesus. The importance of fasting during the month of Bara is also emphasized, and the recitation of the holy month is emphasized. The segment emphasizes the importance of avoiding discouragement from past accomplishments and not giving up hope of Islam's ability to forgive.
AI: Transcript ©
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Alhamdulillah All praise is due to Allah subhanho wa Taala we praise Him and we seek His help. And we seek refuge in Allah, from the evil of our souls and the consequences of our actions. Whomever Allah guides, none can miss guide and whoever is misguided cannot be guided except through him. I bear witness and I testify that there is no God except Allah. And Deborah witness and I testify that the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is the messenger of Allah as to what follows Allah subhanho wa Taala has advised us and commanded us to be conscious of him when he says in the Quran, yeah, you are Latina, mono taco, la haka, Ducati wala Thermotoga Illa. One two Muslim moon. Dear

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Muslims, as we're all aware, today is the last Friday of this year's show one Shaban and within two three days the day of Ramadan are going to begin and as quickly as this entire year has gone by, so to the month of Ramadan will go by. Today I am giving you a hutzpah and I am telling you what Ramadan is around the corner, and within the twinkling of an eye, I'll be giving you if Allah wills a hook by reminding you of the animal bond that has just passed, such as the reality of life, the swiftness by which we go through time. And the day before Ramadan. Our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam stood up and he gave a moving lecture. And he told the Sahaba as it was reported in the books

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of Hadith that all Muslims a blessing month has come to attack him Sharon Mobarak a blessing month has come to you. Allah has ordained that you fast during the day, and he has encouraged that you pray during the night. And it is one night that is better than 1000 months that is better than many lifetimes. in it. Every single night. Allah opens the doors of mercy. And during it Allah has shut the doors of punishment. Jana has flung open its doors Jahannam has shut its doors. In this month. He told us Allah has chained up all of the evil shayateen and on every single night, what Allah Hirotaka Amina now whether the kakula Leila, every night, Allah will free many people who are

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destined for Jahannam Allah will free them because of this month, and the excitement has been building up. And we have been giving hot buzz and roofs and lectures and hot arrows. And all of us are looking forward to this month of Ramadan.

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But how about that person who looks around and he sees the excitement building and he sees his brothers, his cousins, his co workers, his colleagues that are Muslim, all of them are planning and thinking and excited. But this person does not feel that excitement in his own heart. How about the person who instead of feeling excitement is wondering how will I last in this Ramadan? How will I pass through the days of fasting? How about the one who instead of planning how many Quran atoms he can finish? This one is wondering can I even do anything extra of the Quran? How about the one who is struggling with sin right now when there's two days left, and they still have issues in their

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personal lives? They might still be struggling with substance abuse. They might still be drinking the Haram eating the Haram looking at the Haram and two days are left turn they're wondering where am I in all of this excitement is something wrong with me. Am I not a believer do not do not have Eman. Today's hotbar is meant for that person. Today's chutzpah is a reminder for the one who is struggling and who does not share in the excitement that everybody else seems to share. And the purpose of this chutzpah is to raise our hopes and to feel a sense of encouragement and to remind us all Muslim that Ramadan is not just for the Olia. It is not just for the muda goon. It is not just

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for the salah hain. It is not just for the righteous. Ramadan is for the sinner. It is in fact primarily meant for me and you those that are sinning day and night. Ramadan is not just meant yes of course the righteous will go higher and good for them. But the primary purpose of Ramadan, the main audience of Ramadan is me and you who are struggling in our daily lives, who recognize we have fallen short, who understand our sins have overwhelmed us. And Ramadan is meant to give us a sense of hope. Ramadan is meant to give us a sense of optimism that indeed Allah Rama can and

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Shall and will reach us all Muslim who is struggling with fulfilling the daily YG bots or Muslim who has still not yet mastered the five daily Salawat or Muslim who is still drinking that which is haram looking at * that is out I'm struggling with unethical ways in business that are out on, will you and I Not when Ramadan comes, change our lifestyle even just a little bit? Will we not at least observe the fast of Ramadan? In these hot days that are about to come? Will you and I not stop eating and drinking from fajr until Maghrib. And our co workers are wondering who really cannot eat and drink and we say yes, not even a drop of water. Will we not monitor our eyes, our tongue, we

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might not be perfect, we might still fall into sin. But we and I, you and I we both know, in this month, every one of us we raise our iman bar, even by a little bit. Every one of us we put in some extra effort. Every one of us we cut back on some of the things that we do. And I say to you that very raising of the bar, that very effort, even if it is minimal compared to others. The fact that you do it indicates that you have Taqwa of the heart. And it is that Taqwa that will bring about blessings. Allah says in the Quran, why may you outlive SHA it Allah He for inner hum in Tuckwell Kulu. Whoever shows respect to the signs of alleged majesty, whoever shows respect to the Shah of

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Allah, that is a sign that that person has Taqwa of the heart. Anything that is a shot of Allah the Quran is a child of Allah, the Kaaba is a child of Allah, Ramadan is of the Shah of the signs of Allah. If we change our lifestyles during Ramadan, and every one of us inshallah does that, if we try to cut back our sins even by a little bit, if we observe the ritual of fasting, if we are more punctual in our daily Salawat this very action of changing our lifestyle is an indication that our pulse is there. Our Iman is alive, our spiritual heart is beating. And if we are indicating this, then in sha Allah, who to Allah in Rahmatullah, he'll cut EBO middle Marcin in Allah's Rama is

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always close to those who do good or Muslim. Indeed, it is good to be of the Olia. Nobody is saying you shouldn't be it is good to be of the mood to own it is good to be of the solid own. But your ultimate competition is not with other people. Your ultimate competition in Ramadan is with your own self. You need to beat yourself and tomorrow has to be better than yesterday. That is the ultimate race of Ramadan. Ramadan is not meant to compete with the righteous with the top 1% of the ummah. Ramadan is meant for cleansing for me and you. Ramadan is meant so that even the sinner is reintroduced to the pleasure of the worship of Allah so that even the foster understands there is

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great joy in such stuff in the middle of the night, so that even the one who is drunk outside of Ramadan understands the joy of worship is greater than the joy of being drunk. Ramadan is meant to reintroduce us to spirituality. Ramadan is meant to open up the doors of Allah's Mercy on Muslim Do you not just hear what our blessed said Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, What did he say on every single night? Allah shall free manifold people more than you can count from the fire of *. And that will happen every single night of Ramadan. He did not say Allah will take the righteous to the full dose of Isla. Even though that will happen. He did not say the top 10% will become the top

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1% Even though that will also happen. He told us those that were sinners, those that were destined for punishment because their lifestyles are so far from the religion. Allah will open up doors have mercy on them, and Allah will change their lives and Allah will bless them and Allah will accept their repentance. And so in Ramadan, they will change from a life life of evil to a life of piety, from a life of sin to a life of virtue, and that will happen every single night. So I say to you, oh, sinner, do not lose hope in Allah's mercy. Your sins are nothing Allah's Mercy is infinite. I say to you, a one

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who finds himself or herself far from the religion? Do not fear Do not worry for Allah subhanho wa Taala will judge you based upon the end and not based upon the beginning. As long as you strive for piety, as long as you put in the effort to raise your ranks, as long as you show Allah that you want to be forgiven, then you shall be forgiven. It is not the quantity of worship that will bring about Allah's pleasure. It is the quality of your subservience, the quality of your humility, the quality of your sincerity, the quality of your repentance, do not trivialize any good deed that you do, or Muslim. We all know some people finished 234 10 Rama Hutton Korans in one Ramadan, we all know they

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are righteous, they're in suffering, oh, well in every single Salah and you look at them, and shaytaan comes to you and says, I can never be like them, forget about it. But I say to you, that is a tactic of shaytaan do not compete with the top 1% If you find yourself struggling at the bottom, then at least be in the ranks of the mousseline and you shall gain Allah's mercy. At least show up as much as you can. And Allah's Mercy will encompass you if you cannot finish one whole Quran finish half the Quran finished 10 Jews finished five job's finished Surah Al Baqarah do something that you have not done outside of this month. Allah is not interested in the quantity Allah wants to see the

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effort put in some effort all Muslim who is struggling with addiction with substance abuse. If in this month you give up that addiction you give up that substance abuse you have demonstrated to Allah you love Allah more than you love this haram substance and Allah might forgive you simply by showing that you love him and you respect Ramadan do not lose hope in Allah's Mercy do not lose hope in Allah's month Farah, Allah forgives all sins and the purpose of Ramadan Oh sinner is to cause you to understand and realize that Allah is Ever near And Allah is Ever Merciful and Allah is Ever forgiving. All Muslim, do you not realize that giving up hope of Allah's Mercy is a bigger sin than

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any sin you and I can possibly do. Do you not realize that thinking Allah cannot forgive me is a bigger thought crime. The crime of thinking Allah cannot forgive me is a bigger crime than any action and any deed that you can do. Why? Because no matter what did you do, that is your deed. But when you accuse Allah of being stingy in His mercy, when you say my sins are more than Allah's mercy, you have limited the infinite mercy of Allah. And you have accused Rahman of having no Rama. The Rahim of not being able to show compassion. You have accused the one who says in Allah yo fu but Jamia, Allah forgives all sins, you have accused him of saying but he won't forgive my sin. And that

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is a bigger sin than any sin you and I can possibly do in our personal lives. Oh Muslim, I remind you that Ramadan is meant to raise your rank sub, Allah has facilitated everything for you. The doors of Jen are open the doors of Johanna more shut all of the evil Sheltie and are chained up. Every night Allah as Rama is coming down the whole society turns towards Allah, the whole world is now in a spiritual state. And all of this is meant so that even the one who's not that pious, they shall be dragged by the current of piety, even the one who is struggling when they look around and they feel the ambience and they smell the air of Ramadan, even that person smells the fragrance and

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they are pushed forward. Even though outside of Ramadan, they would not be pushed forward. And I say to you, do not be discouraged. Even if you're dragging at the back even if you're in the last rows when you come to the masjid, you are still here and this is a part of Allah's mercy, almost slim, do whatever you can try your best that Ramadan is a transformative month. This is the goal that you end Ramadan on a better note than when you began Ramadan. That is the ultimate goal. And yes, well Allah He is good if you're in the top 1% I'm not trivializing or making fun of that. But I am saying if you're not in the top one, if you're not in the top 10 As long as you are with the group of Muslims,

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as long as you are fasting as long as you are praying as long as you are demonstrating extra piety in this month than in sha Allah Who to Allah, you are amongst the group that Allah will forgive have good thoughts of Allah be optimistic, do not let shaytaan overpower you with pessimism. Do not let shaytaan allow you to feel a sense of being downtrodden No. Allah's Rama is not going to come to you based upon how many hours you stand in tahajjud Allah's Rama will come to you based upon the state of your heart based upon the state of your culture. And so you

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OCE Allah with a humble heart you confess and recognize your own shortcomings. You ask Allah to bless you, and you put in whatever effort you can 5% 10% 15% put in whatever effort you can, but you must be consistent from the beginning to the end, keep on pushing forward, do not give up after 510 days, do not give up in the middle of the month, because the last 10 days is the end of the marathon. The last 10 days when you see the finish line is when you must put in the Spirit and be your best in those last 10 days. And if you do so, then insha Allah Who to Allah this month will be the blessed month for you almost them Do you not know what our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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said, even the smallest deed of Ramadan will be rewarded 7100 times more the smallest deed that you do in these days and nights you will get much more than any other day and night. Do you not know what we know about later to the other one night in this month is equivalent to multiple lifetimes of good deeds. So you say a stuff that Allah on that night it is as if you're saying a stuff that Allah for an entire lifetime. And that night is one of the last 10 Odd nights those five nights spend extra in worship, do whatever you can from now put it in your schedule from now if you can take off holidays if you're able to or even change your schedule such that those five nights you put in some

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extra effort and the very fact that you want to put in effort. The very fact that you want Allah's Mercy will guarantee Inshallah, that you will get Allah's mercy, almost slim. Our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Whoever when thinks when thinking of his good deeds becomes happy. And when thinking of his sins become sad, that person is a movement. In other words, the fact that you are happy at the good you've done, and you're sad that the evil you're done. This is an indication your heart is spiritually alive. At least you have Eman so do not allow shape on to make you feel like a hypocrite when Alhamdulillah Ramadan is demonstrating you have eemaan Put your trust in Allah put

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your hope in Allah raise the bar have the highest of expectations. And even if you know you're not going to win the race in the top 1% Even if you know you're not going to be the first batches to pass in this race of Ramadan. As long as you finish the race you are successful, as long as you finish the race and how do you finish the race? Our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gave us three opportunities to finish that race. Number one mon sama Ramadan, Eema and YT Saba and woofie Roma, Taka dama bin number, this is the lowest level whoever fast in the days of Ramadan shall have all of his previous sins forgiven. That's the lowest level surely you and I can get to that level.

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By fasting we obviously mean you're praying as well then you're doing the other major, major fallout of Islam, Whoever fasts during the days of Ramadan, that is the lowest bar who amongst us will not be able to achieve that number to monk comma Ramadan. Whoever prays every single night with iman and expecting Allah's reward shall have all of the sins forgiven. This is a higher level now it is not obligatory to pray to them every night. But whoever does so shall have a double guarantee. And number three, man Arma Laylatul Qadr, whoever, whoever prays on the night of other whoever puts an extra effort, those last 10 Nights, if you put in your most utmost, and that the whole year, your

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utmost should be in those last 10 Nights shall have all the previous sins forgiven. These are the three opportunities and that's why the bar is so low, who can possibly not pass in the month of Ramadan. And that is why our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had some very harsh words for those who reach Ramadan and are not able to have their sins forgiven. He said, Whoever reaches Ramadan, and whoever lives to see Ramadan, and does not have all of his sins forgiven, made that person perish, made that person perish made that person perish, meaning there is no hope for you if Ramadan doesn't provide you that hope. And we say never did. The Prophet says that I have such harsh words.

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But the reality is the reason why those words are so harsh because the bar is so low. And if you're not going to be better in Ramadan, you're not going to be better in any other month and the good news and Hamdulillah we all are better in Ramadan. We all put in some effort in Ramadan Wallahi even the most far non practicing Muslim you would think they have no iman left come Ramadan, and all of a sudden they find something and they do a little bit extra. This is the baraka the blessings of Ramadan if the one who never shows his face in the masjid if the one who never opens the Quran throughout the year if the one involved in every major sin when Ramadan comes all of a sudden they

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start coming to the masjid and they mean it

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mice their sin and they read and listen to the Quran if that person changes his or her life then how about me and you who are trying our best outside of the month so oh Muslim lotta or not Oh mil Rahmatullah la taco not all mil Rahmatullah la taco now to me Rahmatullah Do not despair of the mercy of Allah do not give up hope of Allah has Rama Do not despair that Allah can forgive you? Allah can and Allah shall and Allah will forgive you. But on that one condition that you turn to him wanting forgiveness, as this Ramadan is coming as Ramadan is only two days away, and you find yourself I'm not as enthused as everybody else. I'm not in the forefront of the soft you know what I

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wish you were and I wish I were but the fact that you're not at the forefront, do not think you are a failure. Do not think there is no hope. Do not think you will not do anything this Ramadan, the very fact you are with them will Selene the very fact you are with the song. I mean, the very fact that you are with those who are observing the shot of Allah indicates that you have Eman and if you have Iman in this month, and you put in some extra in this month, then indeed our prophets Allah Salam has said that Allah has guaranteed to forgive anybody who fasts during the days of Ramadan. Anybody who strives extra during the night and anybody who prays during the last 10 Nights May Allah

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subhanho wa Taala make us amongst them may Allah subhana wa Tada bless me and you were going through the Quran and may make us of those who is versus they understand and applies halal and haram throughout our lifespan. I ask Allah for forgiveness, you as well ask him for his liver for under Ramadan.

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Alhamdulillah All praise is due to Allah the one and the unique. He it is when we worship and it is his aid that we seek. He is the Lord of the oppressed and He hears the prayer of the week as to what follows. There are certain rituals that should be emphasized more in the month of Ramadan. And of course many of us we immediately think of the fast of Ramadan and there is no doubt that is of the top of the list. But there is a ritual and there is a good deed that Allah mentions in the Quran, more directly linked to Ramadan than the fast of Ramadan. And that is the ritual of reciting the Quran itself. Allah emphasizes during this month the recitation of the Quran more than he emphasizes

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the fast of Ramadan. We just recited SHA Ramadan Allah the own Zilla fee Hill Quran. The month of Ramadan is when the Quran was revealed. The primary association of Ramadan is with the Quran. Then after one paragraph, Allah says whoever witnesses the month should fast the month. Fasting is mentioned after the Quran is mentioned three times in the Quran. Allah links this month and links Laila to other with the Quran in Anza. Now who failed later Timo Baraka in Nyanza Nafi Leila to uncover shahada Ramadan are the own Zilla V Hill Quran three verses Allah talks about the Quran coming down during this time. So the linkage of the Quran with Ramadan is stronger in the Quran than

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the linkage of Ramadan with Siyam and therefore, throughout our history, from the very beginning of time, the Ummah has understood Ramadan is the month of the Quran, and they would eagerly recite the Quran, they would recite it in their salawat and outside of their Salawat they would understand this is the ultimate priority. The famous scholar of Hadith Malik Ibn Anas, who is the greatest scholar in his generation and the teacher of the teachings of Imam Al Bukhari. When Ramadan would come, and he would teach Hadith in the masjid of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. When Ramadan would come, he would shut his Mata his Hadith, and he would say this is the month of reciting the Quran.

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His teacher had been Shabbos Zhu every one of the greatest of the students of the students of the Sahaba his teacher would also be giving knowledge throughout the year when Ramadan would come, he would stop his gurus he would stop his knowledge. And he would say Ramadan is para to the Quran, where it's armato Ramadan is meant for two things Pirata Quran where it's our motto, I have to read the Quran and I have to feed your sadaqa to the hungry people, two things and Ramadan, reading the Quran and being generous, this the scholars of the past understood, and so number one ritual that must be on our agenda is to increase the recitation of the Quran and I say to you again, to be

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practical and realistic. Some of you will finish 345 HUD terms of the Quran good for you. May Allah bless you, but I say loudly and clearly. If you cannot finish even one Hutton do

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not lose hope and Allah's mercy and finish half a Cottam if you cannot finish half finished 1/3 If you cannot finish 1/3 do 1/5 In other words, do something, do something. And whatever you do will be something of Baraka something is infinitely better than nothing. And so every day and every night consistently open up the book of Allah open up a Quranic app, open up something and read the Quran, read something that you do not read. And also understand listening to the Quran is a separate act of worship than reading the Quran. So when you're in your car is driving to work when you're doing something in your household, put on the Quran and have it reciting in your daily in your daily

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routine, so that you are listening and then you are reciting. This is the first ritual. The second ritual that the Quran mentions linked to Ramadan is mentioned in the very verse of shahada Ramadan, Allah subhanho wa Taala either says in the very verse that talks about Ramadan Allah says what either Celica Eva the I need for in near Corrib OG Buddha dari either Dan, when you i servants ask you about me tell them I am ever close to them and I respond to the dua of the one who makes to when he makes two DUA and the month of Ramadan DUA and fasting dua at the time of his thought drop into her Jude drop in Tara. We're dua in the sense that at night, Ramadan should be a month of dua.

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Ramadan should be a month of raising your hands to Allah opening your heart to Allah subhana wa Tada speaking to Allah in your language from your own way, there is no routine there is no dua I can teach you. The best dua is the one that comes from the heart in your own language. Allah speaks all languages, Allah understands all languages, and dua can be done in any language by the unanimous consensus of all the scholars of Islam. So before you break your fast, raise your hands to Allah subhanho wa Taala our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, the dua of the one who is fasting before he breaks the fast shall never be rejected the dua of the one who is fasting before he breaks

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the fast shall never be rejected. So when we gather together at that time, have a thought when we have all those delectable delights in front of us when that smell is wafting through our nostrils and our minds are attached to the food in front of us at that time, just for a few minutes, disconnect, raise your hands to Allah and make sincere dua for Allah's blessings upon us upon your families upon the OMA ask Allah for hedaya ask Allah for Mo Farah ask Allah for Baraka. This is of the most powerful times you can make dua and whoever is able to make dua at that time, Allah will accept that dua also do hours at night do as in tahajjud. Do as in Torah we do as in such those

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every night make dua to Allah subhana wa Tada. This is another ritual that should be done. And the third which will because of time I'm going to finish here but much more can be said. So we said number one without a doubt is the Tilawat of the Quran number two is DUA and number three, another act that should be associated with the month of Ramadan is the act of sadaqa and charity and giving food to the hungry and being generous to the people. Our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam demonstrated utmost generosity during the month of Ramadan, dedicate some amount of money from now try to shift your bank accounts or whatever and figure out I'm going to be giving in the first 10

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days this much the middle 10 days this much the last 10 days this much and small but consistent is better than one large chunk every few days, you give some small amount and you save the biggest amount for the last 10 days. And that is why many people choose to give there is a God in Ramadan. And that's great to do. It's not obligatory that you give zakat only in Ramadan, but it is what the Ummah has done and is useful if you can give zakat every Ramadan. But remember, it's not just the cut, it's also sadaqa generosity, and it's our motorhome is not even just money, just feeding people that are hungry, smiling in their faces, doing chores for them, and especially brothers and sisters.

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And with this I conclude we cannot forget the plight of the Ummah around the globe. So much is happening Subhanallah Of course, Gaza is on our minds, but still the solution to so many other problems has not been solved. Still. The Uyghurs are as they are our brothers and sisters in Kashmir. So much is happening in Africa. The Rohingya are still in that plight Subhanallah the OMA is in so much pain. And so the very least be generous with your two hours be give sadaqa with your two hours, raise your hands before if thought and remember the plight of the Muslims around the globe as we have those beautiful meals in front of us. Thank Allah Wallah, he is a blessing you

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should not feel guilty for having food Allah has given you but you should feel responsibility. You should feel a sense of blessedness Yes, you don't need to feel guilty but you should feel that hamdulillah Allah has given me and others don't have this

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Make dua for those who do not have an ask Allah to make their situation better because this is one of the things Ramadan does it connects us with the entire Ummah all Muslims, Allah knows who will be amongst us one Ramadan from now Allah knows statistically speaking there will be people that are sitting here right now that will not be with us one Ramadan from now for some of us this will be our last Ramadan and none of us right now knows who that person or those people will be. And therefore let us aim Let us strive let us intend to make this Ramadan, our best Ramadan ever that should be our intention. Your competition is what the top 1% Your competition is with yourself. Your

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competition is against you, you your worst enemy, and you're also your best ally. You need to overcome yourself and you'd be better tomorrow than you were yesterday. If you do so then you have been successful and Ramadan has indeed been a blessing month for you. Allah humma and NIDA aminu Allahu Allah azza wa jal yami them when it love a photo with a Hammond Illa for Raja wala Deignan Illa Kadota when I'm the one in Russia feta when I see Ron Illa Yes, sorta Allama fildena What is one in a Lydia sub Hakuna been Eman, wala Tetra I feel Cubanelles Hilda Lilla Robina in the car oh for Rahim Allah whom is Islam I will Muslim in Allah whom is an Islam I will Muslim in Allahumma and

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Aradhana orada Islam will misdemeanor be sue in federal hoomin FC which outed me wrong feed at bat here Acharya Aziz rebels Allah in Allah to Allah Amara COVID Eminem by their behavior NFC within the Malacca code you see what's the letter B comma you have Moon in Gemini here we're in say for all asthma pardon in Lima in Hola Hola. Hola. como yo saloon Allah Nabi you will live in Amman also Lu Allah He was selling him with a steamer Allahumma Salli wa Sallim wa Barik one and I love the cross with Mohamed while early he was such a big marine about Allah in Allah to Allah. motorable. Adley when esterni Waitara Cordoba were young here and in fact che will Moon carry well basically you're

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either coming to Allah coming to the Quran or the Quran Allah had come wash crew who yesterday What did it grow might

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me what to feed

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at what

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feels cool to me.

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Jenny tassa down to

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