Ahmad Saleem – Importance of Learning Tajweed 001

Ahmad Saleem
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of shedding the concept of "the teacher" in science and how it is our responsibility to give every health every day. They also touch on the difference between today's "front door" and today's "naive" concepts, emphasizing the benefits of reciting the Quran and protecting one's health. The importance of balancing science and technology is also emphasized, along with the importance of working hard to build a foundation. The recap of upcoming lectures and events is given, along with plans for the future.
AI: Transcript ©
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So don't worry I'm gonna have to lower a cat to swallow and hamdu lillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah he will probably surely say that he was certainly somebody who looked at me Lisanti of holy Robin as he denied when the academe.

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Inshallah today

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in anticipation for tomorrow's dreams class Inshallah, we're going to take a break from Quranic character and we're going to just talk about the importance of learning to read and some basic introduction that we that is necessary for us and especially for those who are going to be here and those who are not planning to come at least you know, what is necessary for us to know. So, the polymer they before they talk about any science of shedding, they put for you. They call it my buddy, Elijah, there are 10 things you must know about that science for you to be able to understand the science, it's a basic introduction of it. Again, this is not a detail, this is just for us to be

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able to understand. Number one is

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lower than what does that word mean? The word that you eat, it means testing to beautify something to make something beautiful. It comes from the root word of Jodha. Right, something J It's something that is really nice, something that is good, Joda that comes from the quality so to enhance the quality of our recitation, and to beautify it, that's the science of surgery, it is still our hand in our linguist in our apply the terminology of shedding out what does it mean? It means that we give every single health it's due right? That which Sahabas and prophets are Salam has passed down to us.

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And it was not passed down to us in written but it was passed down to us spoken but not. So we heard it from this person to that person to that and that's why we have these ages, as you know, so a person say I have any Jazza ie my teacher learned from his teacher, they learned from his teacher there, that teacher all the way to some of the Quran, and then the Sahaba and then Prophet sallallahu sallam.

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So it's still our hand, it means that we give every one of its do right. So for example, there's a huge difference between her and her.

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There's a huge difference, the meaning changes, there's a huge difference between calf and off.

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Huge difference, if you switch the word and you say CALB means a dog. But if you say,

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a job, it means heart. Just by that switching that word, you've changed the entire meaning of the IRA. There are certain Tajweed makes that read mistakes. If we make them we will change the meaning for example, many times people giving a damn they will say they won't say hi AlFalah they will say hi, you ll fella, which means come to an open ground.

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But if you say hi Alpha come to your success, two different meanings, right, but certain meanings can switch the meaning to a negative connotation in the Quran. So it's still 100 We have applied meaning of it is that we learned that which is necessary for us so we don't make those mistakes. Okay, now, what is the token in any type of knowledge? They didn't say what is the outcome of it, ie what is the official position about learning this knowledge?

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it is felled the Keifa to have knowledge of this which means it few people within the community, they have detailed knowledge of the science then not the entire community is saved from that sin that is called fourth Keifa it's an obligation but it's not an obligation on every single individual, it's an obligation. So a few that uptake that obligation, then the sin is fallen down on the rest of us.

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Similarly, like for example, janazah services, it's an obligation on our community. A few people take that obligation then all of a sudden the sin is dropped from all of us that's called for CalFire further ain and obligation that is specific

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right that means that you must do it and nobody else can do it for you. And if you drop it then the essence or the sin is on you. So the knowledge of Tajweed ie this depth of knowledge instead read is further in some people should have it the practice of it ie being able to recite with proper that read whether you know the rules and names that doesn't matter. What matters is are you able to recite that as far as I mean

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and and this is like a Jedi in some of the other people they have said they're very strict about it that our Salah is

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Not even accepted, if we're not reciting Surah Fatiha properly. Right, some of the third read scholars went, you know, a bit extreme, but to that level, that a person if they're 30, higher is not corrected. You have to repeat this Allah.

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It's very serious matter, then

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what's its content? What do we study we study the alpha of Quran we study the words of the Quran. Okay, these are ayat that Allah has revealed to us. And we study it because of the verse of Allah subhanaw taala. We're dealing with Khurana that are the law and recite Quran with 13. Now something that is more tell in Arabic language means something that is orderly. The Arabs, they say it's wrong Maura tell when they look at the teeth of someone, and they don't, you know, after when you've done your what are they call it braces and stuff, your teeth have like this perfect shape. When they look at all of that perfect shape of the teeth, they used to say it's a little more rotten. This is like

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a job that is perfectly uniform.

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Which means that the element of 13 is that when you resign, there is an element of beauty and balance.

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For example, a person can start reciting, like, you know, I'm giving you an extreme example of how how much the balance is necessary in the dream. So for example, when I was studying to read, we were in Surah, Al Fatiha and I would recite and I will start off like Al Hamdulillah he Robillard I mean, now I come to an amateur Allah him I sped up, and I said, and I lay him my shift was like stop.

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Because the word I'll hum do, I and Josephat have all of these rules are exactly the same. So the balance has to be kept.

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So the way you recited Al Hamdulillah you have to recite and lay him exact same balance. So some of the territory teachers are of that level forget mud and this is like next level mud, like your roof have to be balanced in that. So that's that how do you know that you know that because you understand the SIFAT of it.

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Similar to what's the benefit of learning this knowledge, it is solely sunny Anil Jota if you kita Billahi as we protect our tongue for making major mistakes in the book of Allah subhanaw taala

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what's the purpose of itu why do we even study this? Sure, that's the benefit. But why do we study this? So that we can actually be from Kira min Bharara, we can be from those those angels that Prophet sallallahu sallam said that the one who is my hero on Bill Quran who is an expert in the Quran, ma Sephora till Kira, minbar, he is from those honorable angels. And the one who struggles you have to adapt our ofI you have struggle like you're trying you're putting in effort, okay, but you keep trying to run that person gets to Azure, the Azure of you attempting an effort and the Azure of reciting the Quran.

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So in both cases, it's a win win scenario for all of us. Right? And that's the via, for blue. What's the significance of this? It is the best knowledge

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or shuffler alone. Because anything that is attached to Quran, it is the kalam of Allah. You and I when we study that the druid and the science of Madrid, we study it so that we can pronounce the kalam of Allah subhanaw taala with utmost Iran respect, but with absolute precision and perfection, because it's no none other than that. It's not any random speech. It's the speech of Allah subhanaw taala the kalam of Allah, we aim for that.

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While there are who every science has been placed by someone, somebody established the premise of that science. The premise of this science was predicated by Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam as the Quran was revealed. He recited the Quran, Allah subharti profane, he recited the Quran on seven different ways or seven different dialects. Those of you that missed my lecture, this was my second lecture, I gave it Hamza, it's on YouTube, you can go check thing, why do it's on YouTube channel? Why do we have different Grodd the 40 minute lecture that I gave about summary of us to be able to understand why certain dialects were allowed in the Quran and certain dialects did not make it to

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the Quran. It's a small like it's it's very short lecture. I think it's 35 or 40 minutes.

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And if you study it, then you will be able to actually you know, if you listen to it, you'll get some basic knowledge they're in trouble. Now

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Some of the things that we study in it is number one, Mahajan huruf. Where does the heart have come out is that all comes from Fanning and the tip of your tongue will have fat. And listen, all of these different things, I'm not going to bore you with terminology, our style of learning to read is not going to be that we're going to be picking up books and learning all the outcome. Rather, the style is going to be the style which I learned from which is delicately

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we will recite together sort of will Fatiha and afterwards on Wednesday, we'll spend maybe 1520 minutes reciting together as a group. And then I will sit somewhere wherever I can sit down. And then every person depending on how much time we have, you can come and recite one or two verses, the purpose is going to be with Talati. Ie you will come and recite the verse I will just correct it for you. Now, sometimes you will have to correct Be patient. The first time I sat with a good read teacher, he was from a certain idea he had studied from Shanghai min suede, and he was a urologist. He was a doctor, he was finishing his

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specialization or he was doing his residency in Canada. So he was there and he will use to come to our masjid.

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And we spent

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no exaggeration, we spent almost four to five weeks just perfecting arrows to build Bismillah Alhamdulillah. And sometimes you may think that we're going nowhere. But the purpose of that entire thing is that we're building a foundation. You know, sometimes when you see a big skyscraper that has been built for almost a year and half, you don't see anything.

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Because the length of the skyscraper 1/3 of that they're building underneath the ground, they're digging, they're digging and digging from outside, you feel like nothing is happening. But there's an entire work that has been done on establishing a foundation so that that building can be built. Similarly, the process of which we will be doing the surgery, there's going to be Talati, you will recite I will correct, don't worry about the rules. Just try to make sure that the way I corrected it, you know, and through repetition, eventually it will stick. Eventually it will stick. So that's going to be the lucky the second thing because that's how Quran was taught in the past. If you're

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younger, you have a good advantage because your muscles are still weak, loosened to you can really pick up really fast. If you're older, you'll have to work harder, but it's doable. It's not something impossible. It's just with a lot of practice, you'll have to do a lot of practice and it's doable. Second part is going to be about the second part of this is going to be practice. So I will assign hamdulillah with technology. You can have access to some of the best recyclers in the world. Some of the best recyclers, a little history of the lavas fertile. All of these phenomenal recyclers that have risked they've sat down with professional studios and recorded for us these phenomenal

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recordings that you can sometimes hear their Christmas better than a live teacher when you have the headphones on. So I will give you some homework which will be honestly no more than 20 minutes a date. But we have to put in that time of 20 minutes a day. The rest of the time the regular Mussolini's I will be in the masjid.

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Alright, so I'm here on Mother's Day of I'm here in Russia. I'm here between McGraw Venetia. Today I have a small I have a few meetings so I'll be in my office. But sometimes I don't have meetings. Grab a hold of me I'm here from Muslim tarisha Right grab a hold of me you're you're trying to learn and let's start with certain Fatiha The reason we're gonna pick certain Fatiha is because that is something essential for us. perfecting our Surah Al Fatiha is necessary. Then afterwards we'll pick on Usamah and we will start just our mind will go with this you know hubhub A small, small you know, whatever Allah spent Allah gives us Inshallah, Wednesdays the only day I have other days I have so

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many other holidays happening. So, you know, I know some brothers, they can't make it to Wednesday, can we move it to Sunday and stuff like that? Sunday, I'm going to start the Youth Connect. So I will have like three lectures on Sunday. So it's not going to be possible for me to do it on Sundays. It's going to be very heavy day for me on Sunday. So Wednesday for now. And then childlife more time opens up and stuff, we can do something later in JAMA.

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It's going to be after motive. So we're going to come we're going to pray Maghrib tomorrow. And then I want every just make sure you have your must haves or whatever if you want to use I would prefer that you have some form of a must have that you highlight your mistakes and stuff.

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My teacher always used to say when you're starting something fresh, invest in it. There's a buy a new most have, it will give you this charm of like okay, this is a new thing, I'm starting something new. Right and if you're used to your own Quran that you have been reciting that's fine and grid, bring that Quran insha Allah and we'll start with that the purpose would be to at least get certified to heaven, because that's for the unknown, all of us at least getting making sure that our soldiers are perfected and then

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Whatever though feel like gives us a shot. All right Allahumma salli wa salam ala Nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa sallam to see Monica Tierra, verde Killa home Allah Muhammad, Muhammad Ali Ibrahim Al Al Ibrahim indica. Mita Majeed Allahumma liminal Quran Allahumma liminal Quran Al Robert al Amin, Allahu Murdock Mattila de who Anna Leila trafen Hara the Lord you jolla the year the con la mother kidnap mineral miner see now I live in Amman, Omar Johanna Natella Tawana, Leila, whatever now, otherwise you're watching whether you're the kind neither Jedi you will be from below my limit or my info and finally my limit and I was in Armenia Kareem or Benassi dinar Alma Robina. Zina

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alemannia Kareem. Yeah, the god with Rama SallAllahu Matata, Hakeem Hamada. He was so happy you're selling them to someone because yeah, but the Love

01:01:59 --> 01:02:06

Along with Michael Long lecturer

01:02:08 --> 01:02:17

Allah all log on like

01:02:19 --> 01:02:20

I said one

01:02:24 --> 01:02:26

log Lola

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