Nouman Ali Khan – Prayer & Courage

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of maintaining the prayer of the Father and avoiding cultural bias in order to be a warrior. They emphasize the need for everyone to stand by what is right, even if one is a "monster," and emphasize the importance of avoiding evil and maintaining a healthy mindset. The speakers also mention the importance of learning to become a warrior and maintaining a healthy mindset.
AI: Transcript ©
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Allah Allah, Allah.

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Yeah, well, yeah, I think it's solid a lot more with one hand in one card was para de la Sol back in Nevada come in as much more proficiently somebody were silly od. Dr. Missoni of Coco de la Tabitha and dynamodb La ilaha illAllah, la cama dynamin, under the

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motto, so be happy, but also beside me. Today, I'm going to continue speaking to you about the 16th ayah of Archie not the 17th, I have a look, man, where one is giving advice to his son, the first bit of advice in that ayah that we've already talked about is when he told his son to preserve and maintain the prayer. And I talked to you last time about the difference between simply praying, or what we become used to seeing establish the prayer and preserving the prayer or maintaining the prayer, and how that's a very broad concept. And it's something that's very important to talk about, and very easy to lose sight of. Today, we're going to take a step further and see how the advice

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that he was giving is kind of like building a building, you can't build a second floor until you have the first floor, right, you can't take step two until you've taken step one. So they're not just different advices on make sure you do this, and this and this and this kind of like a grocery list where you can do them in different order. Right. And only if you forget something, you could do it later. It's logical progression, what's called logical progression. And what that means is, the first advice is actually the foundation on which the second advice is built. And if somebody's not able to do the second, if keeping with the simple analogy, if somebody's not able to make it on the

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reach the second floor, that means the stairway to from the first floor to the second is missing something, right? So the reason somebody is not able to do number two is because they didn't take care of number one well enough, right? So sometimes we're not able to do something and we wonder why not? Why can't I do this? Like somebody could feel because I'm saying to you step two is going to be something beyond the prayer. And when we talk about that, and somebody says to themselves, but I'm not able to do that. It's hard for me. Why is it hard for me? Well, the answer might be there's still something missing in the prayer or the way we're dealing with the prayer. Right? That might be

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the answer. So this is an important conversation to have about the foundations and everything. With that point of view, if you study this small passage, because it's not pages and pages, right, I'm spending a lot of buzz on this passage. But it's very small. It's just a handful of ions. And in these handful of ions, the advice that his father is giving his son is one thing built on top of another thing built on top of another thing, and that progression is really important to understand, because we have it helps us look inside ourselves. Especially because this whole bi is dedicated to younger people because the IRS keep beginning with yada yada yada, yeah, my my young son, my child,

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right over and over again. And that's an emphasis not just that the Father is showing love to his son, which I already talked to you about. But the other is, is highlighting here maybe these are the things that every child should know that every parent should have a conversation with every child because this is a parent child conversation in the Quran. Right? So this is a lovely way of almost devising a curriculum for the building of a personality of a young man or a woman that's a believer. Right? So those of you that are physically in front of me and so many that are not that are now starting to become young men and women This is important for all of you. Now if you consider

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Before I talk about what would have been my roof, and what that means is that we are, and I was talking to earlier to my wife about this is that we are today exposed to a very different world than when these ions were revealed, like if some young boy lived in a village somewhere, right, and his family knew the neighbors family, and everybody knows everybody else. And they, you know, they have a certain moral code. And people have certain norms. And, you know, they believe in the same things, they have some similarities with each other, right? There's cultural, you know, cohesion, if you call it, everybody's kind of the same culture, they speak the same language, they have the same

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principles, they have the same manners, things are pretty much in sync with everybody else. And those of you that come from different countries, you know, from traditional societies, when you go visit, even for vacation, and you go back to the home village, you'll see that right, but you don't see that in an apartment building, you don't see that in a modern suburban neighborhood, everybody's different, you might even might not even know your neighbor. So we're not all the same at all. In fact, your neighbor might even speak a different language than yourself, completely different religion, completely different norns completely different everything, from from food to dress to,

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you know, priorities, that everything is different, right, then, so we're in a very individualized society, right. So everything is, in a sense, everything is up to the individual. Right? So we don't, the society can put pressure on us virtually. But at the end of the day, nobody really checks on you what you're going to do and what you're not going to do. Even the larger family structures that used to be there that put people in check, they're not there. And if a young man or young woman wasn't doing something, right, or they were being lazy in something, then they could be the uncle who corrects them. It could be the older brother who corrects them, there could be the neighbor that

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could correct them, there was an entire correctional society, right? We looked out for each other, we watch out for each other's kids, each other's families, and that was the environment, but that's no longer the environment, right? We're, we're in the environment where you have to stay, you know, at a safe distance from all strangers, I'm not just talking about Corona, but just generally, socially to, right, we don't know, if you don't know, if you don't know somebody, they're a stranger and keep a safe distance. So strangers are not a source of safety anymore, or our neighbors, our communities, they're a source of just make sure you lock your door. Right. So it's a very different

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world in that sense. But it's also a different world in other senses. And that is that, you know, even if somebody wanted to be bad, or do something terrible, it was really hard to do. It wasn't easy. It wasn't easy to sneak out of the house, it wasn't easy to gain access to something, or to, to get together with somebody you're not supposed to get together with, to see something you're not supposed to see, to talk about things you're not supposed to talk about to hear things or read things you're not supposed to hear read, all of that stuff was very difficult, you have to make a lot of effort to do something messed up. And it had to be very secretive, and very, you know,

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inconvenient, and scary, too. But then what's happened for us, for most of you, as you're growing up, you don't know what that world is. It's almost like I'm talking about an imaginary world. And the world you live in, if you want to see something, you can just tap your finger and you can see it, you want to hear something, you can tap your finger and you can hear it. There's, there's no, there are words that I never heard. When I was growing up until I was a certain age, then I came to hear of them. Right? But those are the same words that someone today could be five years old, or even younger, and they would know them. Even even worse, not only know them, sometimes parents are

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teaching them to them, and then making videos about them and putting them on line saying how cute my son, you know, curses like a sailor or whatever, you know, my baby. Like to them. It's cute. So censorship, for all practical purposes is gone.

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Access is completely open. And you don't have to make any effort to have access to bad things. You have to make zero effort now it's all accessible to you all the time. And so things that were wrong all along and have always been wrong, are now no big deal. So forget that they're not wrong. First of all, they're no big deal. In most places. They're even being celebrated. They're called freedom. So it's something ugly and something evil and something that harms you inside. It ruins your insides, but it's being called freedom. Right? And we're being brought up in a society in a worldwide society. We're in the name of freedom, all the things that a lot detests for us that are

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harmful for us are being beautified and being made to seem like this is this is what you know being modern looks like this is what being free looks like this is what being liberated looks like now the word liberated or modern or free or progressive or these are these are good words. They're not bad.

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words, you know, but these words are now associated with celebrating disobedience to Allah, they're being associated with making bad things look good. And at the same time, whenever that happens in any society, whenever bad things are made to look good, then good things are always made to look back to that those two things go hand in hand. So you know what happens, then, then you might be in a society where when you're praying, you're the weird one.

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Right? If you're not using bad words, and you choose to use good words, then you're the strange one, if you don't participate in a gathering, where people are talking trash about each other, and insulting each other, and you refuse to do so you're the strange one. If you're the one playing sports, and all the kids are praising themselves, oh, yeah, I'm number one, or nobody can touch me anyway.

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They're talking smack about themselves and putting somebody else down a garbage, you're this, you're that and you're not doing that. You're the weird one. So every time you don't do something wrong, and you stick to something, right, right, there's something wrong with you. You should be like everybody else you should fit in.

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What does Allah say in this ayah that the Father is telling his son, he said, preserve and maintain the prayer that he told him what motivated maruf and stand out I'll choose a translation that is, it kind of captures the essence of the phrase, even though it's a very loaded term, like that's a given like, long hour and a half long, Bruce, I'm just I'm gonna build my roof from South Alabama, because a very comprehensive concept, but I want to simplify it, at least for our younger audiences today. And what it just means this stand by what's right.

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To stand tall and stand by what is right. Maintain the prayer and stand by what's right, you know what that means. You have to have a lot of courage. That means you're okay with making somebody upset because they don't like that you stand by what you know, to be right. You're completely okay being weird, where everybody else thinks it's wrong. But you know, you know, better you know what's right.

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And you're still standing by it. It doesn't matter who's offended by you. It doesn't matter who makes fun of you. It doesn't matter what friends you lose what popularity you lose, it doesn't matter who gets angry at you. None of that matters. Because when you stand in prayer, you learn to fear only Allah. When you stand in prayer, you realize it is coming, where people won't matter, I'm going to be alone in front of a non Judgement Day. And when you maintain that, then it makes you courageous to deal with everything else because everything else becomes less scary. Then I'm going to do what Allah says is right and everything else is wrong. And I have no problem saying it.

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And I'm going to gently encourage others you can encourage somebody else to do something right if you're not standing by yourself. So it's included within what would be my roof is what enough stackable model.

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So it Tell yourself to stand by what's right. And then even tell others look, I'm standing by it. And I'm not just keeping my business to myself. That's the other part of this. That's pretty interesting. is one thing that I don't do bad things. And then what we have now because we're in a hyper individualistic society, is something called Mind your own business. Right? So I'm not doing something messed up. These people want to go to * that they're welcome to. That's their business. Right? I'm not going to interfere that's none of my business. No, you can interfere sometimes and it isn't only your business sometimes, but the command given to or the advice given to the sun, which

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then later turns in the Quran is a command given from Allah Himself, is you must speak up for what is right.

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The prophets like Selim would tell us that manga I'm in comun, current value obeah de familia, Satya Fabiola, Sani from Allah Satya.

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Whoever sees an evil among you let them try and change it with the power of their hand. If they're not able to, at least they should speak out against it with their tongue. And if they're not able to do so at least they should hit it in their hearts. And that's the weakest state of faith you can have with oligopoly, man. So two things doing what's right, and then go what goes hand in hand with that is one hand in one car and stand against what is wrong, speak out against evil. When something is evil, evil doesn't matter who's celebrating it, who's giving it a beautiful name, if it's evil, it's still evil. If it's if it's something headed by a light says something hated by Allah, if it's

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something against the fitrah the nature that Allah created human beings with, then it's still against the physical in nature, that the human beings were created with. If you we can change morality. That's something you guys should know. What used to be okay 10 years ago, and what used to be bad 10 years ago has changed. My morality has changed. So some things that were weird, are now normal. Right? And some things that were okay are now extreme. There are societies in the world where anybody who prays five times a day is canceled.

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an extremist, and they're under watch and surveillance, because it's too extreme for that society that somebody would pray their societies in the world today, where if a woman is wearing a job, that can be considered a crime against the state,

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or that that's enough reason for her for her not to get into a university or get a job or anything else. There. So what is maybe normal in some places, has now become more and more one extreme, it's become what is actually a good thing as an alternative to evil. And things that were evil are not as bad, they become Okay, then they become kinda acceptable, then they become mandatory.

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So the bar keeps shifting. So by the time another 10 years go by, by the time you're adults, the world and the way the world sees what's right and wrong is going to change again, and it's going to change again, and it's going to change again, the definition of right and wrong will keep on changing. And you know, what they say? They'll say, it's up to the individual.

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They'll just say it's up to you know, it's you decide. It's personal freedom. Right? That's the idea. Well, you know, for a believer, what's their personal freedom, our personal freedom is we freely give ourselves and slavery to Allah, that's what we do. And when we do that, then we don't decide anymore. what's right and wrong. our conscience in line with the revelation of Allah, with the teachings of the prophets, which has been consistent throughout history is the same. The prophets came in different societies, in different cultures in different continents, you know, in different languages, and yet, what was right and wrong was exactly the same.

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You know, sometimes different cultures have different right and wrong. Something's totally okay. In some cultures, not okay in some other culture, right. But the things that are right and wrong, that was given by prophets has always been the same, right and wrong. It's a consistent set of morality. It's a consistent worldview. That's why the Quran talks about ancient prophets, that the prophets lesson have never met, never spoke their language. And he's talking about those prophets. Why? Because the thing that the right that was given to them, the what was taught to them as right, and what was taught to them was wrong is the same as what the prophet is being taught, taught, we're not

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going to be amenable, so tell them I'm not some new invention among the messengers. I'm not something new. I'm not some innovation, where there's new new rights and wrongs, when you have to be the best Europeans that's always been there, when you have to be truthful and honest, has always been there. modesty has always been there. The path back to what lies always been there has always been there judgment and has always been there, the beliefs and the rights, the morality of our religion is actually universal across history, this is from you know, from the earliest times. And so, we will not be people that we we it will take a lot of effort for us to not become people that

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change as society changes. Right and not just not change, it's one thing to resist the culture, as one thing to resist new morality. The one thing to resist the call for personal freedom and in the name of that freedom, change the definitions of our religion altogether. Or even let some parts of that religion go because it's too extreme. It's too intolerant. Yeah, our religion is intolerant of evil.

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When something is wrong, john Huck was awful. But in truth comes in false the desert gets destroyed. That doesn't mean we hate people. That doesn't mean we hate groups. It means we hate evil. When something is evil, we hate it.

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The our, our intolerance for an idea, and our love for another idea, our intolerance for certain, you know, actions, and our love for other actions does not make us love and hate people. But you know what, others will try to confuse those two things together. Or if you hate these actions, that must mean you hate the people who do these actions. Right, therefore, you're intolerant. Now I can actually the prophets, nobody loved the Quraysh nobody loved the kurush more than Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, no one.

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He was crying for them.

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And the Quran is very direct and very critical of wh at the same time.

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No one loves their people more than New Holland Salaam.

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But the Quran is calling them out for 950 years. That doesn't mean he hates them. In fact, all the way till the end. Yeah, call me. Yeah, call me. Yeah, call me. My people. My people might be he didn't even say disbelievers hypocrites, filthy people, dirty idolaters. Except he didn't say any of that stuff. He said, My people, you know what that means he loves them.

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So that's not so others will try to confuse these two things together. Just because we have the right code. And we stand by that code must mean that we hate anybody who doesn't believe in our code. No, of course we know people believe in other things. We know that. But that doesn't mean that our

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Love for someone is going to source often our beliefs about what's right and wrong. That's what he's telling his son. He's telling his son, when you make the prayer, right, then you're going to have the courage to speak up for what's right, and speak out against what's wrong.

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And when you do, that stuff will happen. It's not you don't just say that and get away with it. You can pray, and be done with prayer, and then live your life and nothing can, nothing will happen to you. But when you pray, and you pray the way you're supposed to, and then it gives you moral courage. And then you speak up for what's right and you speak out against What's wrong, then people will give you consequences.

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You might lose your job. You might get bullied at school,

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you might get harassed, you might get you know, heckled and you might get bullied online, it could all kinds of things can happen. But people will not like you for standing up for what you believe. They won't tolerate. You need to get in line with everyone else. And when that happens, that's when we understand the last part of this it was spirit, Alana sabak.

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Persevere, you need to stand and take it take the hits, have grit, you know what grit is sober is one of the meanings of somebody is in fact, grit. grit is when you're pushing, you're exercising, you're working hard or you're, you know, lifting a weight and you're, your body's about to give up. And mentally you're like I can't do any more you push yourself through anyway.

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In you have, you have to have toughness inside you to be able to withstand when somebody is going to, you know, to be confrontational with you. Because you know, for a lot of us, we don't want confrontation, if somebody is going to say something that we know that we're not going to like we'd rather not even put ourselves in that situation will be avoided as much as possible. And in doing so sometimes we don't speak out for what's right.

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We don't speak out against what's evil. He says what's better Allah ma sabak, stand tall, persevere, have grit in the face of whatever hits you. It doesn't matter what hits you. Let it hit you. Don't worry about it. This this is what happens when somebody prays

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that because you know we believe we know that when we pray, Allah azza wa jal sends his protection to us. Right? You see, the Koran says he sends guardians over you. So when your family's traveling in a car, there are angels that are security guards all around your car,

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right, that are keeping the road clear, that are keeping your tires from popping off that are keeping the engine running, they're keeping somebody else from swerving into anything, death can happen in any second. We are literally traveling in a hunk of metal at high speeds. Right? It can happen at any second for any reason whatsoever. Right? But Allah azza wa jal sends guardians over you, but it's not just guarding you from physical harm, or guarding you from sickness, Allah, especially guards those who stand by him who stand up because when you when you say the right thing, and when you stand tall like that, then you're gonna get attacked.

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And when you get attacked, you need protection. And the protection can only come from a lot. And some people say, Well, we don't want to we don't want to deal with people being offended by us. We don't want to have to be afraid of people. What does the law say about that? For that talk, show home walk schoening stop being afraid of them, be afraid of me.

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That's actually what this is. This is this is at the end of the day is don't be afraid of them. Be afraid of me.

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Don't want to be don't live like you live your life wanting to make people happy.

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Live your life making me happy. Because I cannot control anybody's heart. This is the last thing I'll share with you about this. I cannot control anybody's heart. Allah controls hearts. So it's a formula when I tried to make a lot happy. Then when Allah decides he can make people happy with me too.

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But when I keep trying to make people happy, and sometimes when we try to make people happy, we make a lot of unhappy and guess what those people after you doing everything you can make them happy or still unhappy with you.

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Allah is very easy to please. People are very difficult impossible, even please. We live our lives trying to please people know please Allah stand by what's right, what would have been maruf when Halle mocha The last thing that I'll include in this code, but because there needs to be some disclaimers with this to somebody could hear this and say I am ready to stand by what's right. As soon as I'm done watching this, there's gonna be there's gonna be a tornado in my family, because I just heard this called bow. So I'm ready to stand by what's right. Well, the word of mouth roof means that which is recognized that which is known.

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You really have to know what you're talking about. If you're going to stand by it.

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You can Google something and say I know what the Hadith says and I'm going to stand by it. Wait, hold on.

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You need a little more depth, in a little better understanding, you have to learn what is right. And learn it properly. Before you become a warrior to stand by what's right. You guys know all too well what the key what a keyboard warrior is, right? What a troll is, you can become a troll in life too. You know very little, but that little knowledge you have, you're very passionate about it. Right? That's also a danger, because chevonne likes you to stay in ignorance. And then in that ignorance make you feel like you're being righteous. Because you're standing and doing the right thing. Until you know, right, you have to know well, you have to understand something deeply before you can give

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it to somebody else. Right? So this is why all of us at some level have to be sincere, genuine learners of what is right. Allah's word, we have to learn it, we have to spend time learning it, we have to learn things about our profits in the long run, you have to learn right from wrong and learn it deeply. Learn it carefully, not learning casually, not learning in passing. There's enough stuff you do in passing when you're scrolling through your apps on social media. You can watch something for two seconds move on the Islam has been reduced to memes, right? So you can have a meme quoted by somebody else. Oh, that's a good one. I'm gonna, I'm gonna share that when I've done my Islamic

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This one This video that's two minutes long, that's good. I can listen to that as two minutes. That's, that's about my attention span threshold. You know, now I'll share this one This is good. That's that's you getting a reminder, great. But if we're going to become people of a motivated by roof and mooncup then we have to become grateful to Allah and how do we become grateful to Allah? When Allah has given us His greatest gift, the Quran? That's his greatest gift, then clearly, the way to thank him is to learn it. Because the greatest gift from Allah is he taught to Quran, the greatest thing was thanks from from, to Allah will be to learn it. Right? It would be pretty ironic

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if I had a student, right, who I poured my heart out into teaching and they never do any assignments. They don't do any homework. They don't spend any time reading what I sent them. No, no, they don't pay attention in class. And they say to me all the time, I'm so grateful for you style.

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It will do as a shackle they hear like What's wrong with you? You don't if you're grateful for me as a teacher, then the first thing I want from you as well show me the hard work you're putting in as a student.

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grateful for what that you're just sitting around. What are you grateful for? Allah azza wa jal has given us something to learn. So all of what I've shared with this advice that he gave to us, and that was so timeless, what would have been my rule 100 in one cup hospital, Allah masaba all of that advice will make sense to us. How will we live that advice is when we become sincere learners and what a lot of the gifts that Allah has given us. So I pray that all of especially the young audiences that are listening, decide to make dedicated time every day you guys have time for a lot of stuff, you have time for enemy of time for PlayStations and xboxes. As many of you are making

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doll for the PlayStation five to be available in a household near you soon. You know, you guys have time for all kinds of, you know, app games on your on your mobile devices, you have time for all kinds of stuff. I know you have time there's no such thing as I don't have time. Everybody has time. Okay?

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And if you have time, then then you have to take some time out that nobody's telling your parents didn't tell you. Your teacher didn't tell you you weren't put inside of a school or a program on your own. You decided I want this much time I want to dedicate every day I want to learn something about this book. I want to think about it for myself. Because Allah has made me responsible. And that's really what he's teaching his son at the end of the day. You have to maintain your own prayer. You have to stand by what's right not me telling you to stand by what's right you have to do that yourself. The more we you know the earlier age you do that in the better for you. The better

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for you and chillin next clip, I'll still be talking about this ayah there are another there's another dimension of this ayah that I think is important for everybody to hear. And me to remind myself of, but we'll pick up from where we left off this week. barakallahu li walakum filler for unpacking. When a family what yeah can be

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handled Allahu Akbar Salatu was Salam O Allah. Nina Safa Susana Ali Mohammad Nabi Muhammad Ali

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Baba an akula Billahi min ash shaytani r rajim. In Allahumma salli ala Nabi

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Taslima Allahumma salli ala Muhammad Ali Mohammed ki masala

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Amita Majeed Allahumma barik ala Muhammad Ali Mohamed Omar Abdullah Ibrahim Ali Ibrahim Ali

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about the law, not gonna lie in the lie a little bit I do live somewhere in Korba when hanifa

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Akbar Allahu

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Allah in a salata can

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