Nouman Ali Khan – Jesus in the Quran – Episode 13

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the history and use of words in English and Arabic, including the return of the "has" and "has" in Arabic, and the return of the "will" and "willful" forms of punishment. They also touch on the use of negative language and the importance of faith in Christian teaching. The speakers also mention the use of "rem embhurst" in the language of Islam and the significance of the "rem embhurst" concept for the audience.
AI: Transcript ©
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I want you to go through the whole Quran with me. Join [email protected]

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Shakeology is called La Jolla in Lima toffee Guevara Avianca Isla Yamamoto, hello kameena Latina cafo matcha vena cava kalevi Naka from Isla de

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Tiffany Murphy him Ooh, la Houma la Hui hula, you

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mean the only candidate Lu while he came in and it was the krill Hakeem permission of the Saudi silly Emery melissani Khalifa from the Rila salatu salam O Allah, Allah Allah Allah He was a PHP my god once again everyone salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. So we are going to wrap up some discussions on the 55th I have salt Allah and Ron now, we were at the part which are Latino, America, poco, Latina, cafaro, Illuminati ama, that I've placed those who followed you, above those who disbelieved until the Day of Resurrection, we talked some about some of the nuances in those phrases. So mighty Lima Jochem, then to me alone is all of your return and the word not in Arabic is

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the man and McCann's interesting term, the place that you will be returned as me towards me, and the time is towards me so place in time, your time of return your place of return, that's that's towards myself. For khumba Unicom, then I'm going to pass the verdict between all of you, I will be the final judge between all of you, this might also be an indication that some of this mystery around Jesus is not going to be solved until then, because I'll finally be the one to judge Of course, it's generally about judgment, they also that Allah is the final judge over all the issues that used to occur, female quantum fetus telephone, in whatever issues you used to have disagreements in female

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quantum fee does telephone. And even here the fee is actually what's considered more condom. In other words, the expected languages, female content of study funa fee, and the fee is dropped or brought earlier than expected to almost highlight that the differences that used to exist in regards to the Sally's Salaam and this debate and this, this confusion, and the great catastrophe that was created as a result of some of this confusion, that deliberately by some is not a small disagreement, it's impacted the entire world. You know, the, the truth about Isa a Salaam is something that's impacted how the world looks today, you know, so FEMA quantum via telephone, you

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know, the, the, in the English language in what you disagreed in,

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and what you disagreed in, but in the Arabic language in what you disagreed in it, they add an awkward it at the end, which doesn't exist in the English language, like for example, in English, you don't say, I know, you say, I know what you said English, some simple statement, I know what you said. But you don't say I know what you said it.

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You don't add the it this this extra eight. Of course, if you have maybe some Arab friends, you might hear them use pronouns awkwardly, sometimes I know what you said it. Right. When they when they do that, they're actually thinking of that in the Arabic language. It's a concept of grammar in Arabic, where the word what comes back as a pronoun. So my quantum fee comes back from the math, it's a repeat of it. And in English, we just like when we translate this, we just look at the word in what we don't say in it. So I translated in what you used to disagree in or in regards to what you just disagreed in. And I left it at that. But the reason I'm giving you all of this technical

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grammatical stuff, is that the mention of that is actually one of the ways of doing cave painting to really focus and attention on some issue. Another way of Quran highlighting that this disagreement in particular, about what happened to Saudi Salaam, and what his role is and what his message was and what his actual mission was, and who are his real followers, and who are therefore, those who are his followers are believers, because by contrast, those who are not his followers are disbelievers. alladhina tabarka, Coco Latina, cafaro, typically you have believers contrast it with disbelievers. Here you have his followers follow contrast and with disbelievers. So the definition

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of true faith then becomes those who followed his way were believers and those who denied it were disbelievers or who stood against it. So some pretty big challenge because there's you know,

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Those who follow him or claim to follow him. Allah says about them a huge number of them. nakahara Latina colleagues in the law college, salifu salata, those who settled as a third of three have committed an act of disbelief. That's a denial of the truth about a silence and I'm so but again, I do hold the view and Allahu Allah that this is speaking about the conflict that comes at the very, very end, the the, the the saga of this world, the story of this world and towards the very end, it's the return of the silence. And that final conflict and at the end of all of that comes Judgment Day. So my Ilya Maggio co founder bukhoma Quantum fajitas telefoon summit. Also just a small comment

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about from it can suggest the rocky meaning some significant delay. So even though this is towards the end of this world, from the end of the world to resurrection is actually a huge time of death. Like it's not a small gap like this stuff happens. And all of a sudden, there's Judgement Day, there are phases and judgment day first, everything dies. And then everything is brought back to life. And when everything dies, it's gonna be a long time. And then finally, you'll be brought back towards me, and I will judge in the matters that you disagreed in FEMA quantum fajitas telefoon for Amala Dena cafaro, then as for those there meaning no judgement day, the scene of judgment, a those who

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had disbelieved, felt like the Bahamas avintia didn't fit Daniela switches back we thought we were now in an era. But Allah took it back to dunya. Again, there's a kind of a default here and the ayah as they have this transition, that's for those who disbelieved I shall punish them and torture them and intense form of torture or debenture didn't fit dunya will

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in this world and in the next. Now the thing is the idea of urban Schaden is not as light phrase, what are the boom by itself is actually a pretty intense phrase that Allah says he'll torture. But when he says I shall torture them, and intense form of torture, as I mentioned, even you typically think of this kind of torture is held like a lower gift somebody held next life. But the phrase continues the phrasing continues fifth dunia will era in this life, and in the next life, in this life and in the next life, yet again seeming seemingly an indication that this intense form of punishment is coming for the final generations of people that are going to reject the return of SRT

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Salaam, and they're going to be given the worst form of punishment even in this world. And then again, in the afterlife, kill our hero. Well, Marla luminosity and they're not going to find any aids whatsoever. You know, there's a consistency between Hadeeth narrations and these Ayat of the Quran if you look at the the narrations describing the end of times, and you know, the accounts that take place with a stylus and especially the authentic narrations in which there's little to no disagreement, it seems to corroborate the language of these IOD pretty clearly. And again, there are other interpretations but they seem to be more like there's more of an effort to kind of extract

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alternative meanings from them than to look at them very directly even though I won't do that in this session. But in the next session, I will look at counter arguments that I mentioned I will be looking at. Well, I'm alladhina amanu Amina solid hard for you, for your for your fee him was wrong.

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And as for those who believed and have done good deeds, and Amina Sally Hart is very common. You've heard this many times before Sally had a few good deeds asked of them, not much was asked of them, then I shall then he shall give them their full compensation for your fee him when you are a home, he shall fully compensate them. They're the compensation that was owed bait owed based on contract. There's some interesting things here. The first is on the one hand was disbelieved.

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They just simply disbelieved, but on the contrast it should be. Belief should be contrasted with or disbelief should be contrasted with belief. And that's it. That's all there should be a Latina Latina Avenue, but you find alladhina amanu. Aminu Sally heart.

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And this is the Crohn's very subtle way of sometimes comparing something with more than what was expected for a purpose. So the expected length language almost you could say is believers are on this hand, or disbelievers are here, believers are here. But he said no believers and those who did good deeds. Why was that important? Well, one of the reasons that's important is a huge number of the followers of Jesus, though who thought that they're following Jesus essentially rejected the idea of following the law that he followed, the authority was given that his sacrifice and his blood excuses them from following the law and purifies them from the need to follow the law that was given

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even to him not just to Moses, but to him also, Kron highlights not only his faith, you know, because you know, if you if you know anything about Christian missionaries, regardless of denomination if you know anything about missionary work, so long as you accept Jesus as Lord

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Savior, you're good. Like, you're fine after that, yes, they'll give you sermons about don't do this sinner that sin. But, you know, there's an inherent conflict that's very difficult to solve. And you have to do a lot of philosophical gymnastics to solve it. Because, you know, I sometimes have fun conversations because I live in Texas. So there's lots of preachers to go around, there's like six churches on my way to the grocery store. So, you know, and their signs come in Jesus welcomes you or whatever. So I'll go in sometimes, I'm just

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looking for Jesus.

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Let's hang out and talk. So what we'll talk and we'll have some conversations like, so.

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He paid for my sins.

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If I accept Him as Lord and Savior, he's paid for my sins. Yes, he has. Okay, so can I rob a bank? As soon as I

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finish here? Can I go? No, why would you do that? I was like, because you already paid for my sins.

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Because if I, if I go rob a bank, then and if I get, I'm saying, I'll try to get away with it. But if I get away with it, it's not like I'm gonna go be answerable to God for that, because he paid for my sins. And he said, no, that if you did such a thing, that means you don't have Jesus, you truly don't have Jesus in your heart.

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So I was like, well, then what did you pay for?

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If I'm not going to sin anymore, then what's he paying for?

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And so they're just kind of back and forth about the role of that sacrifice of Jesus and how it you know, amidst all of the London the other problematic piece, which is probably the most consistent part that this sort of highlights

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Adam alayhis salaam was given revelation was given real revelation Abraham was given revelation as a matter of fact, with the exception of silence, or shall I would a handful of prophets. The other prophets mentioned in the Quran are biblical prophets, mentioned in the Bible also. And they're all preaching the same exact thing, one God, good, follow his law, you know, be kind to your neighbor, good to your parents stay away from stealing, you know, adultery, and all this other stuff like the same law, basically, fundamentally the same good and evil that was taught. And this is how you can earn God's mercy.

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But if you're claiming that the coming and the saving of Jesus, Jesus, being Savior is like, the greatest event to ever happen in human history,

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then all of the previous prophets should have been telling us about it's coming.

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If this is the event that's going to save humanity than every prophet before, should have been talking about it.

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And none of them should have been providing an alternative view of what salvation is, what does it mean to be saved? Because they're all prophets of God, they're coming from the same source, and the light, keep them in the dark about his coming and the fact that all your sins are going to be cleansed. And even Moses should have said, you're following the law. But eventually you won't need it. Don't worry about it, because Jesus is coming. And that'll be good, you'll be fine. But that didn't happen. Why is it that this one Prophet and his message is going to be in contradiction with everything else that was given before Him

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will be accepted narrative about this prophet that contradicts all of what came before him. As a matter of fact, this is negated in this in this account in earlier Milan, even by the way, he saw himself as described why, because from the very beginning, he allowed teachers interact, and

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not just in jail Taurat and engine authority has the law.

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So if he's teaching dot, he's not teaching it to say you don't have to act on this. It doesn't really count. It doesn't really matter. Obviously, he's teaching it because it applies. So you will get a heck of a lot while in jail. Now,

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that's one part of this that deserves highlighting, a Latina Amina Amina Sally had the deeds are in fact highlighted because that's something the, the the Christian folk that came need to hear the value of deeds and they're how they're interconnected with faith, the notion being that once you truly have faith, it needs to be the, the the fruit of it, the impact of it is how we carry ourselves. So, you will see him with Ramadan, the next part, then he shall compensate them in full, their, you know, their their compensations, he will give them in full their compensations. adjure, is in response to a contractual agreement. This is why it's the job is employment, even back then,

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like in the story of Musa alayhis salam, you know, in the lead to an old Doc, you know, Adam, Natasha, thank Allah and Ronnie samanya judge, and the doctor says is that God who hired hire him, meaning make an agreement with him do this work, this is what you'll get paid. So it's clear these deeds shall result in this reward. Agile is associated with work and being compensated for work I did itself in almost implies that it's not just you believing something that's going to get you compensated. It's that belief coupled with the work you're going to do. And what's the phrasing for the work here. I'm a little slightly hard that will get you

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compensated. This was important for the Christian missionaries who visited the Prophet site, it was important for them to hear because their notion is that compensation, there's, if there's no need for a company being compensated for our needs, it's already what we have in our hearts, that's going to get compensated. It's also important for certain groups of Muslims to hear this because the some variation of this kind of thinking has made its way into, you know, aspect, you know, elements of the Muslim community, the prophets I still have so long as we have faith of him in our hearts, then even if we lived sinful lives, it's okay, he will do shafa for us on Judgement Day, we're going to

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be good, we're gonna be just fine. And this is yet another one of the implicit parallels between Jesus and our messenger sallallahu wasallam. Because some of the deviation that happened with the Christians some element of that even made its way into the Muslim world, into the into the thinking of many, many Muslims. And it continues to be the case like, you know, they say he's gonna be our Savior and judgment a, it's literally almost that language accepted, replaced Jesus with who Muhammad wa sallam and a misuse of the hadith of Shiva, the hadith of intercession, and how he's going to intercede on behalf of the mindset Almighty almighty. If you look at those ahaadeeth

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carefully, you will see a very different picture in my series in Bukhara. Under ayatul kursi when Lazarus has Mandela the huge power in the hula V, right, the one who's going to intercede except when he gives permission. I talked at length about that. Hadeeth like, what does it mean when the Prophet session was gonna stand in front of Allah and speak to him to hope for the salvation of his oma? And how that's different from the Christian account of Jesus, but those parallels have to be understood. So for you or for him, would you go home, then he will compensate them in full, their compensations meaning the work that they did, will allow, allow, you're humbled by the mean, and

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Allah does not love those who do wrong again, a very strategic phrase, generally, Allah doesn't love those who do wrong is a universal phrase. But what is it doing in this particular context? The definition of volume those of you that have studied Quranic Arabic a long time, probably not. This is one of the easiest, most commonly used definitions. Well, the rochet in theory, were highly putting something where it doesn't belong. putting something where it doesn't belong is the definition of wrongdoing in Arabic, so vile, amin wrongdoers, basically people who place things where they don't belong, basically people who misplace things, people who misplaced their hopes that

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salvation is only a result of accepting Jesus as the Son of God, and misplaced the notion that the deeds that God revealed that the Torah that he revealed the law that he revealed of the permissible, permissible and impermissible is basically negligible, it's irrelevant. It's abrogated. That's a form of volume. And then they believed on top of that, because we love Jesus, that God loves us. This is the only way for God to love us. Look at the language will not hula, you have to have volume in Allah does not love those who misplace those who do this kind of that kind of wrong. So there's actually this, you know, the language that resonates with those who came to meet with the prophets,

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I saw them, Allah speaking with them.

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Again, I remind myself of myself and all of you that this is a law speaking, not me, I don't get to tell someone who Allah loves and who doesn't love. Allah gets to, we introduce people to the word of Allah. And they This is not me deciding who Allah loves and who he doesn't love that's between him and the lives of them. But this is Allah speaks from a position of authority. He speaks from a position of authority, we can't, we have to speak from a position of slavery. Okay? And that's a very difficult balance to strike as we study these ions. So in any case, and ally, in fact, he does not love of alameen wa sallahu hypovolaemia. The other interesting thing here about the language of

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Allah who live humbled by the mean is this is a Joomla Ismir. And the norm of a theorem is that you should be it should typically in what would you like failure, meaning whether you have a lot of volume in whether you have a lot of volume, that's the typical structure, the fairing proceeds the firing, but here you have the moqtada. And then you have the Hubbard law, you have a volume and what that does is what Dr. Samurai also argues in cases like these is what's called Ls bathala. Real file, meaning you're alluding to someone other than the one you're talking about. Let me put that in Simple English. And the law in fact, not him. He doesn't love wrongdoers, as if to say in

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parentheses someone else does. Who would love wrongdoers?

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The devil would not you know, and and those who misguide would and those who take advantage of your lack of consideration of the truth about revelation and use you and manipulate you into false religion they would love it, but allow it it will allow a lot of hyperbole mean the other interesting thing about hola hola in Bali mean is that people who claim to follow Jesus up until the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam were responsible for some of the worst atrocities in their own among their own people.

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Like volume, and oppression of the people in the name of Christianity in the name of Christ had become a phenomenon by them. How could God love people who do this? How is this godly behavior will allow him to mean because the Empires had already now engaged in forms of persecution in the name of Christianity that had already started happening. And so it's even a comment on a global phenomenon will law Hello hypovolemia. And then in conclusion, Lazarus says that he cannot legally come in and it was the kill Hakeem, that is what we are narrating onto you reading onto you, della yet Lu in Arabic means to follow. Okay, Italia to means to follow. And it by implication, the word is used for

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reading. Okay, so the idea of tala or tilava is when your eyes and your finger is following the text.

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That's what you're reading. And the the word is used to describe someone, obviously, who's capable of reading a text.

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And Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi. wasallam is not someone who reads and writes.

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He doesn't read, read and write, but it's being read on to him. We are reading onto you. We are reading onto you from the I art from the miraculous science and ethical hacking. I believe in the field verify this, that some have argued that this may be even referring to God

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that he's reciting these out on time. And that also creates a parallel between a Saturday Salaam and rasulillah. So I said I'm just particularly the implicit mention of Solomon desires. So we're narrating onto you from within the ayat, I love the men here, the alikhan at Lu alayka. And it could have been out of a an ally art was the king, no mineral it was where they came from within the IRS, meaning from within the revelations that could have been given a law chose to be partial. I'm not telling you the whole story. And I'm letting you know I'm deliberately not telling you the whole story. These are just from within the IRS. Minar liat, what they call Hakeem, and the wise mentioned

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meaning there is with from within the Wise Remembrance, this is there, the purpose of this story is to look in it for what you will use to remember Allah and what wisdom you can draw from it. It's almost like the purpose of Revelation is being told to us at the end, this is not there to tell you the story, it's the purpose of all of this account is for you to remember something and to try to draw wisdom from it. So going back, it's you know, this is these are the kinds of places in Quran where, you know, you read somewhere, and it's almost as though it's compelling, you go back and read it again. And now read it with the following lens. All of this is a victor al Hakim. This is all a

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remembrance full of wisdom. Now you're looking for how is this a remembrance of Allah? And what wisdom Can I get from it? Maybe the first time your lens wasn't refined enough, then by the end of us is that the kind of blue lake I mean, it would Declan Hakeem. And it's actually in and of itself an inspiration to go back and review and recap. What is it that's being said? And how is it being said, I'll say one brief thing about the next ayah and inshallah we'll, we'll talk more about it in future sessions, where our time is almost up anyway.

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Just start the subject of the ayah. It's something nuanced about the idea that I wanted to share with you. And now my fellow Isa and Allah, He co matale, Adam halaqa, who mentor Robin makalah, who coined the example of Isa, as far as ally is concerned is just like the example of who added meaning if you're thinking that Isa is a miraculous birth, and therefore he is of divine origin, because he was born without the intervention of a father, then what do you say about Adam who's born without father or mother, that's, as far as the lies concerned, that's a miraculous creation. This is a miraculous creation. As a matter of fact, if that's the logic, then other Mali Salaam should have

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twice the rate. No mother or father.

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You know, and I, when I first studied algebra, many, many, many years ago, I was traveling one time, and I happen to be sitting next to somebody who has a long train ride in Long Island. And I figured I need to do our time because I was reading earlier in Milan, and in the, on the train, and like this, I got to tell a Christian about this.

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Hey, so

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and he was reading the Wall Street Journal.

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And I don't know how to start a conversation. I'm not gonna Hey, by the way, Jesus, not Son of God. So what I do is like, hey, the market nowadays are crazy, right? I know nothing about the market.

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And it goes, Yeah, it's crazy what you're reading. I was like a revelation.

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strike up a conversation. And in the course of the conversation, I kind of use this I said, You know, I was wondering about you guys because he was Catholic. And he was talking about why he doesn't go to church.

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They always want money and he was complaining about church. I was like, You know what? You You went to Sunday school, right? He goes, Yeah, I was like, I have a question for you. Like what? You know, I was wondering like, So Jesus is the Son of God is what you what you learned is Yeah, it's like, why not Adam? Like, if Jesus is the Son of God, because no dad. So God must be somehow. Why not? Adam? He's got like, twice the right no mom, No dad.

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So he's like, super Son of God, according to your formula. But you don't really give Adam too much credit. So what's up with that? He goes,

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Well, I guess that's the mystery of faith, isn't it?

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And that's the first time I heard the phrase mystery of faith. And then I realized this is actually a staple phenomenon in Christian teaching across many denominations. What makes it beautiful is that it don't make sense. It's a mystery in it.

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That's genius. It's so clear because it's mysterious. Like Yes, yes, it is. Yes, it is. You know, but what I wanted to highlight Not only that, that theological parallel like okay to a lot of feminists are no different. They're just Creations halaqa home and Torah be created and from

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the other side of it is interestingly from a literary point of view, it's a subtle nuance in the Quran. From what I recall, Jesus Isa is mentioned in the Quran 25 times

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the size mentioned 25 times other is also mentioned 25 times

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okay. He says mentioned 25 times Adam is mentioned 27 in this is iron number 59 of an Avalon before this ayah before this, if you go from neurons order and insert comes up six times,

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other muscle comes up six times, this is the seventh time seventh time for both and then after this, they will be mentioned 18 more times each.

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So just from that point of view, the example of Isa in the Quran as far as ally is concerned is exactly like the example of Adam even as far as number and distribution.

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In number Salah is and Allah hiqa maselli Adam

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Holloman Tanaka makalah, who, when He created him from dirt and thereafter he said Be and he came in to be. So inshallah we'll discuss some of the things that I have left out in more detail in our upcoming session. barakallahu li walakum wa salaamu Alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato

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