Haifaa Younis – Ramadan Series The Month of Love – Day 02

Haifaa Younis
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses three actions that Islam will take to return to his love for his partner, which is to do the action of returning to Allah's
the action of doing the action of returning to Allah's
the action of doing the action of returning to Allah's
the action of doing the action of returning to Allah's
the action of doing the action of returning to Allah's
the action of returning to Allah's
the action of returning to Allah's
the action of returning to Allah's
the action of returning to Allah's
the action of returning to Allah's
the action of returning to Allah's
the action of returning to Allah's
the action of returning to Allah's
the action of returning to Allah's
the action of returning to Allah's
the action of returning to Allah's
the action of returning to Allah's
the action of returning to Allah's
the action of returning to Allah's
the action of returning to Allah's
the action
AI: Transcript ©
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AsSalam alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen This is the tour from Oban. Allah gave us another day, another life, to obey Him to enjoy the Baraka the blessings are from Alon al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen in our planet today, another action indeed that Allah subhanaw taala love that Allah pantalla if we will, inshallah, do it and apply it. Allah will love us. As we said, This Ramadan we're going to make it the Ramadan of love, the love of Allah subhanho wa Taala and Allah spawn Thailand Salatu Baqarah when the verse tu tu tu Allah was talking about menstruation, he ended it by saying in Allah how your Hebrew terroir been, or your feeble Matata

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hearing. Allah wordly loves those who are in constant state of Toba repentance in a constant state of taharah purity or purification. So we're going to take today the action that we will in sha Allah by Allah grace, we will be able and we will try to and we will do our best to is to be of those people who Allah loves because they practiced Toba, and what is Toba? The word itself to return basically, and in the Islamic terminology is to return back to Allah subhanaw taala we all make mistakes we all sin, no one is immune. And Allah subhanho wa Taala even to Rasul Allah hisar to a Salaam in the Quran, he said to him, we're still friendly them big ask forgiveness for your sins,

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all the prophets from Satan and who threw outside net Ibrahim, all of them, you look at them they have in the Quran, Allah told us that they did something that needed to be forgiven. So what about you and me, so let's make this day the day of Toba, of returning to Allah subhanho wa Taala by doing what, for me to know this thing, and to be of those who are in constant repentance to Allah, I need to know what mistakes I did. If, and we agreed we all gonna make mistakes, and we're all gonna basically sin. So I am going to try today to put like a camera, on my mouth, on my heart, on my body, and I'm going to try or selfie or I'm going to try to record remember something to remind me

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of the sins that I did immediately. I am going to follow it by an action that will make me mean at the webbing that's gonna make me from those to Wahby constant tober return to Allah subhanaw taala therefore Allah who love me, and if Allah will love me, Subhana Allah what else I want. So let's look at three actions today where I did something that is regarded as sin, or I didn't do something, and then this is a sin also, so I missed my Salah. That's a sin. I delayed my Salah for no reason or missed my son up for no reason. For no reason, just lazy. I was just doing something extra. That's a sin. I need to repent, turn to Allah subhanho wa Taala and the way we turn to Allah subhanaw taala

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three steps. Number one, I feel it I feel I have done something wrong. Number two, I am going to ask Allah to forgive me a stock for LA LA EDA Atlanta subhanak in new Quantum navali me no god but you I was a wrongdoer meaning your Allah forgive me, we all are. And number three in me, I am going to feel sad pain because I did this specially in this blessed month. And immediately I'm going to say to myself and ask Allah pantalla your law, please give me this energy and this is strength that I will not do it again. That Stober you return to Allah subhanho wa Taala and unless power to Allah asked us to do it, not to only he said, I love those who are in constant tober or repentance but he

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said he oh you believe Yeah, you already know amanu tubu in Allah He Tolbert and also her, turn to Allah, turn to Allah, it's an order, turn to Allah in a way, perfect way. The sun we talked about it yesterday that it will absolutely remove all your sins, and which will shield you from making future sins. So to move in Allahu Toba to Nassau. And as I said in the beginning Rasul Allah is off to a center. The Companions used to say that we used to count on for him 70 times now another narration 100 times he asked Allah for forgiveness. Yeah, EDA. hotlanta subhanak inaka nominal volley meet y'all Allah make us

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Have those who are in constant state of Toba repentance to you, your love We want you to love us. Your love love us because of this because of what we practiced yesterday and make us continue to practice these after Ramadan. You ought to be me

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