Ismail Kamdar – Tafseer Summary – Juz 1 to 5

Ismail Kamdar
AI: Summary © The importance of the Quran in understanding the language of Islam is highlighted, along with the use of the title of Surah Fatiha as a summary of all of the message of the Quran. The importance of guidance and understanding the meaning of the title for individuals is emphasized. The political and cultural changes in Afghanistan, including the trend of Christians attacking the Muslim and the political environment inrows, are also discussed. The speakers emphasize the importance of learning from the actions of the Prophet and recounting the events of the past to inform one's actions. They also discuss the negative impact of the "rows" of women on society and emphasize the importance of following rules of family life and the "the" of social life to avoid dangerous and sad consequences.
AI: Transcript ©
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salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu salam, ala Karim, Allah Allah He was happy as you know in.

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He became a pregnant last year by hand over to Allah and asking Allah to send his peace and blessings upon the final prophet, Muhammad ibn Abdullah Sall Allahu alayhi wa sallam, and all those who follow his way with righteousness until the end of time. So today, inshallah, I'm going to do something a little different for Juma discussion. What I want to do is I want to very briefly recap some of the most important topics covered in the Torah we up until today. So we've done about four nights of Torah we about five Jews of the Quran, about four sutras of the Quran, Surah Fatiha, surah, Baqarah, surah, Allah imraan, Ezra, and Nisa. And the purpose of the Quran is not just for

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being recycled, it's not just that we completed in a matter of Ramadan, far more important than that is that we understand the Quran that we live by the Quran, and that it becomes the guiding force of our lives. And so, with this in mind, today, inshallah we are going to, as much as we can cover a lot of ground in terms of the Tafseer of the students, I'm going to take it in a very broad manner, because obviously, we're just about 20 to 25 minutes, we cannot do an in depth of scene of every verse of for Jews of the Quran, it's, it's not possible. So, what I'm going to do instead is I'm going to give a basic overview of what each hoorah is about, I am going to give a basic overview of

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what each surah is about, and then on your own inshallah, you can go back and read the translation of the sutra, in light of this information and get a more detailed understanding of these verses.

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So the Quran begins with of course Surah Fatiha and I've done an entire Juma on Surah Fatiha before, so I won't go into details about it. Just a brief reminder that Surah Al Fatiha is the greatest surah in the Quran, as per the words of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. It is the oft repeated verses that Allah subhanaw taala calls it in the Quran, and it is a dua for guidance. So when we are reciting Surah Fatiha, we are not just reciting a surah we are making dua, what is the doula industry roto mustachian. We are asking Allah to guide us to the straight path in every aspect of our lives. Now, some of you may see but I'm Muslim. Why do I need guidance? We all need guidance,

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because every single one of us makes mistakes. Every single one of us has confusions every single one of us has some issue or the other will be not sure what is the strongest opinion what is the right opinion to follow? What's the correct understanding? So we all need our guidance every single day. And this is why every single day Allah Allah Allah subhanho wa Taala has taught us to ask him in a Scirocco study guides us to the straight path

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and then the next ruler that comes after Surah Fatiha, which means makes up the first two and a quarter Jews of the Quran. Surah Baqarah Surah Baqarah is the longest surah in the Quran is about to over 280 verses of the Quran. And many of us, you know many of us tend to neglect this surah because it's very long. We see how long this surah is and we don't really take the time to recite it or to read the translation of the study the Tafseer but this is one of the most important students in the Quran. Surah Baqarah is one of the most important sutras in the Quran. The Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that shade on runs away from the house in which Surah Baqarah is

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Now, this neuron to the psyche for the average person will take about between one and one and a half hours depending on your speed of recitation to legislate for the average person who's not familiar with it one and a half hours.

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This surah should chase away any worthwhile size in your house any satanic influences in your house. So if you feel your home is a place of becoming a place of sin, a place of temptation, a place where your family members are going astray. Or worse in this maybe you even know or maybe there's some gene or something in your home reciting Surah Surah Baqarah is a Rukia for this reciting Surah Baqarah chases these evil forces away from your home. So what is Surah Baqarah about it is the longest surah in the Quran because it contains all of the messages of the Quran. Imagine that you are Al Baqarah is a summary of the rest of the Quran. Right? This first two and a half Jews

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summarizes the remaining 27 and a half years of the Quran. It summarizes the entire message of the Quran, specifically focused on the laws of Islam, specifically focused on the laws of Islam.

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You will find every single law of Islam is mentioned in Surah Baqarah Surah Baqarah speaks about Salah it speaks about Zakah it speaks about fasting, about marriage, about divorce about jihad, about criminal law. Almost any law that you can think of, you will find it discussed in Surah Baqarah. And so if someone has to study the Tafseer of Surah Baqarah they will get to know the basic laws of Islam covering every aspect of our religion. Surah Baqarah also covers our basic aqeedah our basic beliefs. So in Torah Baccarat we learn about the prophets, we learn about alegebra hana tada we learned the number one command in Islam, the very first command in the Quran. Right when you

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start reading the Quran in the beginning is praised for lecture by Hana with Allah, this description of the believers and the disbelievers and hypocrites. And then comes the first commandment, what is the first command in the Quran? Yeah, yohannes or Buddha,

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or mankind, worship your Lord. Number one in the Quran the very first time in the Quran in surah baqarah. Allah subhanho wa Taala uses the command form. It is for what? worship your Lord tauheed the worship of Allah. This is the number one command in Islam. This is the purpose of our lives. This is why Allah created us not just to worship Him in the month of Ramadan, but throughout our lives until we pass away. This is how we should be living our lives in a state of worship of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So in the sutra, you will find all of the laws of Islam. In the surah you will find a description of the believers and the disbelievers and hypocrites. And you will find examples

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of all three, you find example the Prophet Ibrahim alayhi salam, a man who was a true believer and how he interacted with these people and how to ask Allah, you know, to put yaqeen in his heart by showing him his science, you see the story of the people that Mousavi Salah, some of whom will believe that some of whom were they had some of the qualities of the hypocrites. And so when moose Ali Salam will get commandments, these people will try to turn it around or change it or to ignore it altogether, really similar to how some of us behave today. So Surah Baqarah is a comprehensive study of the laws of Islam and people's attitudes towards these laws. So very, very beautiful sutra

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and really, you should take the time not just to recite it in your homes, but also to study the Tafseer of the surah with a scholar.

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The next surah in the Quran, which we covered in detail, Ravi is Surah Allah Mr. Surah Allah Imran. Now what's fascinating about the surah is when the average Muslim looks at it, they don't see a relevant thing, right? Because when you look at surah, Allah, Amman, it begins talking about the Christians and about the story of Jesus and Mary. And then he goes on to speak about the Battle of God. Now, what's the relationship between these two topics? The relationship between these two topics is that this surah was revealed in the year three H three years after he joined what happened in the year three h two major events. Number one, Christian delegations came to Medina to ask the

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prophets lie some about his message. At the same time, the prophet SAW some is dealing with the people of Makkah fighting against them in the Battle of COVID. So at the same time, these two things are going on, Christians are coming to Medina, they want to know about Islam, the people are attacking the fighting the Muslim do so in one surah. It is talking about hood, it's talking about Christianity, why? Because these two things are happening at the same time. So we can see that the theme of surah Allah imraan is the political environment in Medina in the third year after his show, and the things that happen in Medina, in the third year after his show in the surah. We find that

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Allah subhanho wa Taala he speaks about the story of Maria Maria salam, and in the story, there is great lessons for all of us. Now one of the mistakes that we made is when we see the stories in the Quran, we think it's for the Christians, right? We think we take these stories and we use them to do Dawa to the Christians. That's one purpose of the stories and yes, we should do that. But the stories are for us as well. They are lessons in the story of Maria Maria Salam and Isa de Sala Mary and Jesus that are for us, the Muslims. It's not just a matter of using it in Dawa, but it's also a matter of reflecting upon it and applying it to our lives. I want to take one lesson from the story

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of martyrdom Elisa Lam infura Allah in Ronda, every single one of us can apply to our lives. This Ramadan. What is that lesson is one of my favorite verses in the surah when Maria Ali Hassan is staying in the in the place of worship, and zaccaria Islam the prophet who is in charge of taking care of her, when he comes to check up on her, he finds that he is truly in her chamber that is out of season. Right that she has fruit tea that is out of season. So he asked you where did you go

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Get this From where did you get this book from? And she replies, who I mean in the law, it is from Allah in Allah.

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Allah gives whatever he wants to whomever he wants without any limits. This is one of my favorite verses in the Quran. Maria Maria Salam tells a prophet of Allah, a woman of a great woman of Islam, the prophet of Allah, that Allah gives what he wants to whom he wants without restrictions.

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zaccaria Ali Salam is so inspired by the words of Maria Malik Salaam, that immediately hoonah Lika punakha the other cariappa immediately immediately on the spot, Zachary Elisa mix to Allah. No, this this kind of statement when when you think about it, anyone who thinks about the statement that Allah gives whatever he wants to whomever he wants to out limits, your reaction to that statement is to make should be to make dua immediately. Why? Because when you hear this statement, you are being reminded that anything you want in this life or in the AF era, there is only one way to get it. And that's to Allah subhanho wa Taala. So if you wanted, ask him, don't ask anybody else ask Allah

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directly. So we see that this was the prophets reaction to the statement Prophet, Zachary arisa. Immediately upon yearning, the statement for mudumalai has salam, he immediately we do our for a son. Now, Zachary Ali Salam and his wife at that time, were both elderly, they were past the age of being able to have children the natural way, right.

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But Allah answered his door, and he blessed him with a son named yahia alayhis salam, the Prophet yahia, who is a miracle child, he is a miracle child in the sense that his parents were very elderly way past the age of being able to have children, but he was put into his mother's womb as a result of a death of his father, his, his father made dua, his father didn't say, you know what, it's too late. I give up. No, his father said Allah can give whatever he wants to whomever he wants, without limits to he can give me a child. And so he made to offer a child a logistical challenge. So this verse of surah, Allah imraan, should inspire all of us that whatever it is, we want in this world or

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the next ask Allah and especially in the month of Ramadan at the time of school to answer the time of it's time to either answer when you are in such that you as the answer on legal coddled, was answered, to make to make a lot of during the month of Ramadan.

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Later in the surah, Allah subhanho wa Taala then discusses some lessons from the Battle of word. Now what is the battle over the Battle of over is the only battle in which the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and his army suffered some kind of temporary worldly loss in the sense that the enemy army walked away from the battlefield victorious and some of the great Sahaba were martyred in this battle in the profit loss who himself was injured. So what what caused this to happen? But what happened was a group of archers had, this obeyed a command of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. Right. And because of this one act of weakness, the entire battle was turned

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around and the Muslims have lost. And so unless you have a handle data, he tells us two things about this battle that I want to reflect on the first one. He says in the steward, he's forgiving him, those archers who made this mistake that caused the death of great Sahaba like Hamza and Musab even Amir rajala, and Houma. What does Allah say about the doctors in the surah if he forgave them, and then that should be our attitude towards each other. Right? Sometimes somebody makes a big mistake, they mess up badly. And we just don't want to forgive them years and years and years go by and we don't want to forgive them. But we expect Allah to forgive us. Rather, if you weren't allowed to

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forgive us, we should forgive people. We see this later in the Quran in surah. Noor May Allah subhanaw taala reveals a verse addressing Abu Bakr radiallahu Abu Bakr did not want to forgive a cousin of his who has landed, I shall read the law and allow the real diversity to forgive and overlook Don't you want a lot to forgive you? These are exactly forgive and overlook, don't you want a lot to forgive you? This should be our attitude towards each other. We want a last forgiveness and every single one of us needs a lot of forgiveness. forgive each other for the mistakes that we make these arches the mistake was major it was debt, it caught great people to die, but Allah forgive

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them. So who are we to think our sins can be forgiven, that person can be forgiven or this person can be forgiven? Do not try to limit what allowed me to pass. Allah has made forgiveness and mercy of us. So do not try to limit it.

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The other great lesson that we take from this from the story is that the Sahaba were human but they were the best of humans, right?

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Allah subhanho wa Taala use them to teach us how to deal with difficult situations during the Battle of Allah subhanaw taala shows us through the example of Sahaba how to deal with certain types of difficulties. Number one,

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the those who fell into the trap of of leaving the outpost causing the army to fall apart. Number two, there was a rumor going around in the Battle of boyhood, that the prophets lism had passed away. And this caused some of the Sahaba to run away to Medina. It caused them to run away to give up to think that the battle is over. Right? So we see mistake upon mistake made by the Sahaba. And why does this happen? Why did Allah allow this to happen? No, sometimes some young people, they come to me and they're like, why the story, the Sahaba there's all these things going on civil wars and mistakes and you know, people hurting each other and people committing sins, you know, because we

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have this idea that this is perfect, people. The reasons why all this goes on in the story of the Sahaba is Allah wanted us to have human role models, human role modeling Sahaba were angels. And I stood up saying you should be like this haba you would all say I can't be an agent.

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But with the Sahaba because they were human beings because they made mistakes and they repented because they made mistakes and Allah forgives you, because they showed you you have moments of weakness we can relate to them. And because we can relate to them, we can follow in their footsteps, we can be inspired to at least try to be somewhat like them in some way or the other. So this is another lesson we can take from the backlog hood in Surah Allah moving on to the next era Surah Nisa.

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Now Surah Nisa I want to spend the most time on

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nowadays actually discussed this earlier this morning on my YouTube channel, but I'll go into details about it anyway. This is

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what people doubt is called the most controversial surah in the Quran. It wasn't your history, but in this day and age, especially people who are affected by feminism and liberalism. They consider Surah Nisa to be the most controversial surah in the Quran. I mean, they consider it to be so controversial that some people have even left Islam because after leaving the show, what what's controversial about it in the surah, for example, Allah subhanho wa Taala gives men permission to have up to four wives. In this Torah, Allah subhanaw taala says that men have authority over their wives in the surah, Allah subhanaw taala says that the inheritance of a son is double the shape of

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the inheritance of the daughter. So you can see the issues piling up or related to what you know which type of people is this going to upset? Those who are affected by liberalism, not woman, they will those who are affected by liberalism, the pious woman are not affected by this Mashallah the sama to Allah has revealed. But this is a major issue nowadays, we have to discuss the surah we have to understand the surah in his context, and we have to approach the surah in the right way because I have seen personally people who have actually left Islam because they do not understand the surah. You know, you see this take a look at it historically. For the bulk of history until 50 years ago,

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see for 1350 years, nobody had a problem with the shore. Nobody. Why go back to the time of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam, the people of Makkah had 10, or 20 wives, and he did not treat them with any fairness. Allah reveals the verse in Surah Nisa you only allowed for and you have to treat the adjustment. And if you can't treat him justly and only one. So what does this look like to the people are Makkah restriction? Right? It's a woman's rights, then the people of Makkah, the woman were not allowed to inherit at all. In alarm reviews, the worst thing they should get, your daughters should get at least half the share of what the brothers get. And the brothers still have

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to take care of him on top of it. Meaning, yes, the daughters are getting half the amount that the brothers get by the only reason the Sharia has this is because it's the male's responsibility to spend on the females. The females don't have to spend on any on anybody besides themselves. They keep all the money for themselves. So in that context, the laws that Islam revealed, were very liberating. Right? We see that the people of Makkah and Medina, before Islam, they used to abuse their wives, is to hit their wives very badly. So Allah revealed the verse in the surah, which, you know, nowadays people trade around, take this ruler, this ruler telling people to hit their wives.

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There's nobody sued. I think the surah mentioned that in the worst case scenarios, you know, worst worst case scenarios. It allows a single hit, worst case scenario, and the issue is makuu. Do you know why it's makrooh because the profit loss I'm never delete the profit. So I look for the leveling with love, never hit a woman in his life. Therefore, the sooner is never to hit a woman in your life. Understand. But now people take this verse out of context, they see the padri Buddha This is the exact word of the Quran, Padre buena, so hit them

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If you just take that word out of context, sounds terrible, doesn't it. But when you look at it in context of when it was revealed, and the restrictions leading up to the practice of the practice law, you saw them and the advice the Prophet gave to the men of his time, and the way he shouted men who actually hit their wives, you realize that this verse is not saying what you think it says, it's talking about worst case scenarios. And he's talking about maybe a single hit, that doesn't leave any marks. He's not even talking about what people do these days in terms of abuse that's never allowed, that's completely completely haram to abuse any human being.

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So all of these verses that looks so controversial, when you view it in light of the modern world, when you view it in a historical context, you can see the beauty of Allah, that Allah revealed these laws to make life more just unfair. But what has happened in recent times, is that human beings in general across the globe, have started to follow American culture, right? Even Yes, Africa, we are guilty of this, the average person follows American culture, right? And whatever they say is right and wrong, we think is right and wrong, as if they are guided by a law or something like that. And so when they say this is the way the world should be, and the Quran says something else, what the

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most of us do, we see if Why is the Quran, seeing something different? Let's try and change the meaning of the Quran. Let's come up with a new tafsir. We don't want to accept that maybe maybe the Americans got it wrong.

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Right? Maybe they got it wrong. Why don't we accept that? So you see what is happening in society, or in America and Britain and stuff over the past few 100 years, is that the woman were very much oppressed by the woman were very much suppressed. And, you know, they do actually, in many ways jealous of Muslim woman, because compared to them, Muslim woman has a lot of rights. And because of the oppression, they went through a rebellious phase called the feminist movement, where they went to the opposite extreme. What do I mean by the opposite extreme? I mean, go to America today, take a look at things like the red pill movement, what's going on there? Men are now complaining that they

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are oppressed. Right? America went from one extreme to the other, from a society where women were oppressed to a society where men were oppressed, when women are oppressed. Why? Because this is a principle I believe in about this world. When you replace one set of manmade laws by another set of manmade laws, you are simply replacing one set of problems with another set of problems. So when people replace, you know, the old American laws, that oppressed woman with the new feminist laws, they got rid of the old problems, and they replaced you with new problems. Do you know how you get rid of all these problems? Just follow through aneesa. Just follow the surah. And you will have a

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happy home a happy family contentment, inner peace. For now if you follow the modern lifestyle instead? What do you have? We have divorce rates higher than any other point in time in history. Really, divorce rates in the world today are higher than any other point in history of this world. Why? Because we following that instead of following All right, people today don't want to get married at all. If you talk to the average youngster, even the average young Muslim, many of them have no intention to ever get married at all. Why? Because of what this culture has done to them. Depression rates at the highest in history, suicide rates are the highest in history. It's all

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related. When we abandon the laws of Allah and we follow manmade laws, this is the consequence of it. So my advice to you if you find the message of suicide to be problematic, it's not a problem with the sutra is the problem with our souls. Our souls have been so caught up in Western culture and Western ideas and Western ideology, that we are unable to separate the good from the bad and we are able to separate you know what is true and what is false hood. So what we need to do is we need to approach the Quran with a blank mind open mind that what Allah says is right, and if I have an idea that goes against the Quran, My idea is wrong and I need to change my ideas. And this is how we

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need to approach the surah and anybody who approaches the student with an open mind, they will find that this surah will be a source of blessing for the life. If you follow the rules of family life in Surah Nisa, you will have a happy home, you will have a happy marriage, you will have contentment your spouse will have contentment, your children who grew up in a happy home, because this is the Baraka of following the laws of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So to recap, as we only have less than a minute left. Today we spoke about briefly the message of the Quran in the first four or five years of the Quran. Because this is what we covered in the Torah we have until tonight right? So we had

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four nights of Torah which in which we covered about five years of Sakura and we said these five years are made up of four students. We started Surah Al Fatiha Surah Baqarah, surah, Allah imraan and Surah Nisa and we said the purpose of the Quran is

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Not just to recite it in the taraweeh, but to understand it, to think about it and to live by it. And so we went through a brief Tafseer of each of these tours. Surah Fatiha is a dua for guidance. So make this to our everyday in your setup, right when you're reciting surah. *, and this slide is cited as not just as a recitation Surah Baqarah is a collection of all the laws of the Quran, so you can read it to study the laws of Islam, and also Surah Baqarah the prophets laws I'm sad about it, that whoever recites it in his home that he said the shaitaan runs away from the home in which Surah Baqarah is recited. So we should all make it a habit at least once a year or once every few

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months to recycle a Baccarat in our homes to get rid of satanic influences. So the Allah imraan teaches us the story of East LA Salaam and the story of the Battle of over and redrawn lessons from the stories. And finally, Surah Nisa teaches us the laws of family life of social life of dealing with each other. And these laws may seem strange for those of us who've been influenced by Western ideologies and feminism and liberalism, I say put those ideas aside and approach this with a clear mind that Allah knows best and Allah was our best and you will find blessings in the surah when you apply to your life. So with that, we conclude ask Allah to grant us a deep understanding of the

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Quran, to make us from the people of the Quran to protect us from all kinds of extremism and liberalism and all these sicknesses of the heart that are causing problems in the oma to bless our Ramadan to accept our fasting and taraweeh and to make it a means of forgiveness for us and to give us make us all from the people

A summary of the Tafseer of Juz 1 to 5 of the Quran.

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