Mohammed Hijab – How to Conquer Atheism in 8 Minutes

Mohammed Hijab
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The speaker discusses three different ways to break down the argument that the universe has a beginning, has a course, and has a course. They explain that the argument is not logically impossible, but it is a natural thing that is impossible to break down. The speaker also suggests that the universe is a natural generation, and that people should not be stuck in a world where they
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asks a very simple question. In chapter number 52, verse number 35 of the Quran, it says, um Hola, como una vida de se in a normal Harlequin, while they created from nothing, or they themselves are creators of themselves.

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If you speak to an educated atheist, they will not deny the fact that the universe had a beginning. Because this is pretty much scientifically proven through the expanding universe, for example, we know that it had a beginning, since it's still expanding.

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However, when you start speaking to them about what happened before the universe, this is when you get an unsure answer. They'll say, we don't know.

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And this is the first point of contention.

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If they don't know, then why do they call themselves atheists? Since that word means without God, an agnostic, which is a better word means without knowledge, because it comes from the two Greek words, a without meaning without an glowstone, meaning knowledge, meaning without knowledge. Moving on now,

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if you really want to stop an atheist in his tracks, all you really require is one deductive argument.

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And deduction has always been part of the scientific method, and maths, and thus is really the strongest kind of logical argument.

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Now, the argument goes like this,

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that everything. Number one, everything that begins to exist, has a cause.

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Let me say that one more time. Everything that begins to exist, has a cause.

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And number two,

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that the universe began to exist. As we've just mentioned,

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three logically follows, which is the universe therefore has a course.

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Now, the question is, the question is what kind of causes this, because if we say that that cause had a cause, and that cause had a cause, and that cause had a cause, and we go regressively, infinitely backward, and you'd have an infinitely regressive line. Thus, it's completely appropriate and completely necessary for that, that cause to be uncaused. To have no beginning,

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and to have the knowledge and creative capacity to change the situation.

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So the only way an atheist can really destroy this argument is by destroying one Zoo premises. One, which is that the universe that everything that begins to exist has a cause.

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They can try and prove that but then you have to show why and how things don't come into existence, popping into existence. on a day to day basis, they won't be able to show you this scientifically, empirically.

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The other premise is the universe began to exist. And as we said, science pretty much confirms this reality.

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Now, this really, I'll leave it open for the atheist.

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try and break down this logical argument.

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try and break it down.

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Another argument that you can bring forward to the atheist is what's referred to commonly as the fine tuning argument. Now, before I begin, I wanted to find fine tuning here, as the universe is so fine tuned that it would allow life to exist. I'm not talking necessarily about aesthetics, how beautiful the university is, or whatever. I'm talking about this particular definition that allows life any kind of life to exist anywhere in the universe. Yeah. Now, if you look at Paul Davis, for example, as a cosmologists, he said that it's not as broad basically agreement, he said, there's a broad agreement between the physicists and cosmologists that the universe is fine tuned for human

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life. And this is a broad agreement between theists and atheists, believers and disbelievers. Right. So you don't have to believe in God to recognize this reality. Now, there are three, you know, three actual options as you can choose one of them

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to how this universe became so finely tuned. Option number one is that it evolved somehow.

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Well, this option is not available in physics, and there's no actual evidence of that all and no serious physicists has ever made such a proposition. Thus, it's unscientific. Thus you cannot say that.

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Option number two is that the universe is like this because it's a random generation. It's a chance factor.

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This is what lots of atheists actually do say.

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Having said that, if you look at Roger Penrose, he's a physicist in Oxford University, he was talking about the entropy, the entropy levels of the beginning of the universe.

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And he says that the, the possibility of the entropy level being the way is in the beginning of the universe is, and he says 10 to the power of 10 times 123, NASA, big number.

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That's just one calculation for one of the components of, of the universe in the beginning of the early stages of the universe. Now, having said that, you should know through just this evidence, that saying it's a chance factor that the universe came into being is a ridiculous option that shouldn't even be uttered.

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The third option is that there was a designer, there was a creator, there was an inventor. This makes more sense, doesn't it?

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Okay, if you don't want to admit it, now, it doesn't matter.

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If you don't want to admit it, it doesn't matter.

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I just want to say something to you, guys, to the atheists. Seriously, this is why I want to say

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that, you're going to need to logically follow these arguments and put forward to these arguments make sense, they're logically grounded, but you don't need to follow them. Because it's actually a natural predisposition to believe in God.

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And as the anthropological Society of Oxford University, I've concluded through some very, very, very, very important studies that have happened in 2011, for example, that belief in God is a predisposed belief within children. So to believe in God, you don't have to actually follow any logic whatsoever. You don't have to be a smart person.

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It should be a natural thing. So I say this.

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I say it's time now. It's time to stop fooling ourselves. It's time.

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What did you say? And I'll say it one more time. I said, it's time it's time

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to release yourself from the suppressive shackles of atheism that are stopping you from realizing your true potential.

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Once you've completely taken those shackles away from yourself, and liberated yourself from atheism, and released your predisposed self, that's the true self, your true self. Once you've done that, then and only then will you realize both peace and purpose in life.

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Then, and only then will you reach the basic human function.

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What's it I want to

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also listen guys, if you liked the video, please share it, try and share it to your friends and colleagues wherever and subscribe to the channel inshallah. And also stay tuned to what we're going to do in other videos.

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