Fatima Barkatulla – IslamiQA on Islam Channel #04

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The speakers discuss various rights related to marriage, including privacy rights, financial and privacy rights, and praying before the time of marriage. They also address strange situations where women have a son and caution against overestimating power. The importance of praying before marriage and setting up five o'clock prayers is emphasized, as it helps to avoid falls into disbelief and build relationships with Allah. The speakers also advise against checking online and provide practical advice for saving data and correcting mistakes.
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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah the brothers and sisters Assalamu alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh and welcome to Islamic with me your host Fatima Baraka Tula.
I wanted to start off today's session and of course, we will be welcoming your questions through WhatsApp. And also, you can call into the studio to ask your questions. But I wanted to start off today's session by reminding us of something that I feel that in our community and our societies we've forgotten about. That is about the rights of a Muslim, the rights of a Muslim over another Muslim and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he actually spoke about this in the Hadith. We have reported by Abu Huraira, or the land who in which the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, a Muslim has six rights over another Muslim. And he said, The first is to greet him
with Salam, when he is met. The second to answer his invitation, when he invites him when he invites him for a meal when he invites him to come to his house, that he accepts to advise him when he seeks now see how when he seeks sincere advice when he seeks counsel, that he advises him. The fourth is to bless him or to say your hammock Allah when he sneezes, and he says Alhamdulillah. The fifth is to visit him when he is sick. And the sixth is to follow his janazah when he dies. And this hadith is in Sahih, Muslim Subhan Allah brothers and sisters, if we just reflect on this, you know, some of these things we've stopped doing or we've at least started to neglect the first to say salaam to a
fellow Muslim when you see them. And that means whether you know them or not. You know, sometimes we only say salam to somebody when we pass them by if we recognize them, but actually as Muslims, we should be spreading the salam. Regardless of whether we know somebody or not, because the Salam is a DUA, isn't it? We're basically asking Allah subhanaw taala, to give peace to this person, and that Allah subhanaw taala will be with this person. Right? Because a Salam is one of the names of Allah subhanho wa taala. And then when the person says what alikhan was salam, they're returning that dua. And of course, all of us want peace, don't we? The second to invite to accept an invitation. So if
somebody invites you to their house for dinner, or to a wedding or something, they've invited you, it's actually the right as a Muslim that you accept to the best of your ability you should be trying to say, yes. So Pamela, it takes quite a lot of organization and a lot of generosity to invite somebody. And I think it shows you how important it is to honor the feelings of a Muslim, that we actually are told that it's a right of a Muslim that we should accept.
The third, to advise to give sincere advice if somebody asks you, if a fellow Muslim asks you for advice, do your best to give the best advice from your knowledge and from the resources that you have, that you can just the basic rights of a Muslim.
The next one was to say your hammock Allah to say, may Allah have mercy on you, when a Muslim sneezes, and says Alhamdulillah.
The next to visit him when he's sick. When a person is ill, you know, when we go and visit them, it's one of the biggest greatest deeds that we can do. You know, angels make dua for us.
And then, you know, the last thing we can do for a fellow Muslim is, when he has passed away, he or she has passed away that we follow the janazah
I hope we can revive some of these rights, all of these rights, in fact, and we can start taking them seriously because I think what that will do is help to build our society back up, you know, to being a society where we're not always just thinking about what people owe us, but actually thinking about what we should be doing for other people. Right. So with that in sha Allah, I'm going to turn to some of the questions that have already been submitted.
I've got a question here. And please do remember you can call into the studio. And I'm going to be taking your questions live. And you can send your questions in via WhatsApp. Okay, I've got a question here. The question is, I heard that according to,
to an opinion
You can't use the words of the Quran to decorate your house. I've got such decorations, but I'm afraid of committing a sin if I hang it on the wall.
Okay, so the person is asking this is to Oh Brother is asking, you know, is it allowed to have
words of the Quran used as decoration, you know, something that you hang up on your wall? Well look, the Quran, the words of the Quran are not primarily for decoration, right? The purpose of the Quran is for us to recite it to, you know, to read it, to recite it, and to learn from it, to act upon it, right to learn the message of the Quran and act upon it. So primarily, it's not meant for decoration. However, however, if a person is putting up words and ayat of the Quran on the wall, as a way to remind them as something that they're going to read, and you know that something that just inspires them. So that means that they're using it for more than just decoration. And in sha Allah,
that should be okay, Charlotte, that should be fine. So if you put it up as a reminder, if it's something that you're going to look at and read, and it's going to benefit you, you know, in that it's going to remind you, then in sha Allah, it should be fine. The next question that has been submitted is cinematical. I'm nearly married in my late 20s. What are my rights in this marriage? And it's a question from a sister. Okay, sister? Well, you know, of course, in a marriage, both husband and wife have certain rights and responsibilities, but you've asked about the rights of a wife. So some of the rights that a wife has are financial rights. And some of those rights, I'm on
financial rights of the financial rights are things like the matter, which is the dower which is a certain amount of wealth or something that the husband has promised to give to the wife, you know, at the time of marriage. Okay, so she has a right to that, that He gives that to her, because that was the terms upon which the marriage was contracted, right. The second thing is that he should spend on her
on her needs, you know, her everyday needs, provide for her financially provide accommodation for her as well.
And the non financial rights are things like that you'd expect in a marriage, right? Like kind treatment. And also being fair, especially if a husband has more than one wife, you should be fair between his wives, that's something that she can expect. Also, if there were any specific or particular stipulations in their marriage contract, then of course, the husband should be honoring those, right, because the things that he promised, and things that are in the marriage contract. So those are things that he must fulfill as well. And, of course, to also have intimate relations with the wife on a reasonable basis, that's also a right of hers, because, of course, one of the purposes
of marriage is to help either spouse, each of the spouses to
lower their gazes and to feel satisfied in that regard, within marriage. So I hope that's covered pretty much most of the technical rights. But of course, you know, the main thing is, we treat each other with the kindness and the respect and the consideration that we'd expect from the other. Right. Insha Allah. With that, we'll go to the next question. I've got a question here.
Can we pray salatu Aisha a little earlier before the time, can we pray Salah to Aisha before the time? Well,
you're supposed to pray each of the prayers once the time has started. Okay, that's one of the conditions of the prayer. So no, you shouldn't pray Salah Felicia a little bit before the time, you should wait till the time has started. And make sure that you pray within the time. However, okay, there are certain exceptions or certain extreme situations where a person might be allowed to pray the Isha prayer before the time and that would be if you're living in a country where there are extremes of timing. So for example, you know that Isha is extremely, extremely late. If the issue of Salah is so late, that the gap between a shot and Fudger is is very small. It's going to cause you
problems. It's going to be difficult for you. Then, some of the scholars have said that
You know,
and it's going to be hard for you to stay awake until Isha starts. Then they said because of this Masaka because of the difficulty, it could be permissible for you to combine hisher with Maghrib at Mulherin time, but that's if you're not going to be staying up to Elisha if you're going to be staying up to the show then of course you should pray
in time so every single prayer has to be pray prayed once the time has come in.
An exception here that I'm mentioning is if is a huge difficulty for you to stay up till Isha because the times are very, very late, then it could be permissible for you to combine a show with Muslim at Maghrib time. But again, that's not if you're going to be staying up until Isha anyway. Right?
I think we've got a call now. So Inshallah, I'm going to go straight to the caller. A Salam o Alikum. Caller, what's your name? And where are you calling from? I'm calling, calling from London. And my name is asked him. Okay, brother. Awesome. What's your question? Brother? Awesome. Yes, please. I want to ask you one question that if anybody
clear that
offer love that. I will not do this work until that time. And but the situation is that someone says, Is it reasonable that you do and I will pay behalf of you, your co Farah. So what about
Islam says about this. You know that thing? I just am not sure. I want to make sure and I will listen to you on TV. Please can speak slowly. Thank you, Sister. Bye. Thank you, brother.
Okay, so I think my brother was asking if somebody can, so he's made a vow to not do something. He's made a vow not to do something or to do something. And for some need, he has to,
you know,
actually break the vow basically break the vow. So can somebody else fulfill the kuffar for that? Yes, they can. Somebody else can fulfill the godfather for that.
And I've got one example for you. That was a funny story and the time of action at the Lana actually, I shot a deal on her she made an oath. She heard that her nephew, Abdullah bin Zubair had said something that really annoyed her, okay, and she made an oath and this isn't an oath that we should make. But you know, Allah subhanaw taala.
Our mother actually the law, she made this oath, and she regretted it afterwards, okay, she made an oath that she would not speak to the law because about
because of this thing that he had said he discouraged her from giving sadaqa because she used to give too much a lot a lot of sunup. So, I showed her the Lana she made this oath, but she regretted it. Abdullah Bina Zubair, he played a little trick on her to get her to break her oath, he hid behind a curtain with two uncles of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And he asked, they all asked for permission to enter or to come in behind the curtain. And they came, and she, she admitted them. And then he came in through the curtain and hugged his auntie, of course, she was his collar.
And he forced her to break the oath, basically. And actually, the line had began to cry. And she said, you know, you've made me break my oath. But Abdullah bin has where he said, Don't worry about your health, I will free the slaves that time they had slaves. So I will fulfill the kuffaar for this. So he did it on her behalf. So yes, it is possible is permissible to, for somebody else to fulfill the Kafala on your behalf, and we should be careful when we make oaths. That's that's the lesson, right? We shouldn't be making oaths. It should be something you do very, very sparingly. And because you know, it's a big thing to use Allah's Name, to swear an oath and promise something that
actually we might change our minds about later.
In sha Allah, Allah Subhana Allah knows best. I'm gonna go on to the next question.
I think we've got another caller. Salam aleikum. caller please could you tell us your name and where you're calling from? Hello, can we go while he comes salaam
My name is
Mrs. Dyer from Bedford and we are so blessed that
scholars like you are among us to guide us.
I have
Can you please elaborate on this issue that a lot of Muslims I experience in
like, from my point of view that being a Muslim we are
like first five times the Salah, and how much we put our effort and
you know, lots of things we need neglected and how much
we should put extra care for
to perfect our unit Salah and make it make our relationship with the last dollar that he wants us to build our relationship with the Allah subhanaw taala because everything else we put our 100%
You know, for our job for our CV for our other dealings, we want to give our best to the family we should
as a Muslim, we should give our best efforts put extra care for to build relationships with Allah subhanaw taala Can you please
elaborate on this because a lot of things when we read Salah especially.
It's like building your relationship with Allah subhanaw taala to Allah and we missed so many things. Neglect so many things and we can't get the proper unit benefit of Salah and it's five times so effort of every Muslim so we should take extra extra care
to do the perfection. I know it's not obligation, we should at least read in a lot. But
how much have we put effort in Salah? Like we put our efforts in other dealings of everyday life? Thank you very much. Dr. Fong sister.
So Masha Allah says that yes, you've highlighted something very beautifully. hamdulillah and that is the importance of the five prayers. You know, it's the second pillar of Islam. Literally, once you've taken your shahada, you've entered Islam and for those of us who are born into Muslim families, literally the first thing we've got to do is to start praying. And even if a person doesn't know Arabic, they should start praying and use any of God they can. So yes, the five daily prayers, they are the line between us and disbelief. And this is how the prophets Allah Salam described it, you know, it's literally the line between us and disbelief, we can easily fall into
disbelief fall into losing our Eman if we neglect our salah. And so we've got to make our Salah a priority. And it's something that you have to habituate yourself to initially, you have to force yourself to do it right. And then it becomes a habit. Once it becomes a habit. We can't even live without the salah because it's our connection with Allah five times a day and it becomes something that we love and we yearn for. If you think about it, people in our community in our society.
We're just going to go into the break. So let me finish that thought after the break. Salaam Wa alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
Salam aleikum Welcome back. Yes. So before the break, we were just talking about the importance of Salah and of course, as the system mentioned, in the call the five prayers or, you know, the one of the five pillars of Islam, which means it's one of the essential things that every single Muslim must establish. So, yes, the system is right to emphasize this. And it is the thing that we should all be striving to establish in our homes, in our communities and emphasizing the most, because in sha Allah by praying our five prayers, we fulfill our covenant with Allah in that regard, but also, it keeps us on the straight path, it keeps us safe, and sha Allah. So I'm going to answer another
question that's come in. We have a question here. I have performed the ombre but I did not remove a fingertip of my hair system. It's the sisters question. What should I do? Okay. So,
the scholars usually say that you should if you forgot, now that you have realized that you should have done it and it is something obligatory that you should have done, you know, at the end of the camera, then you can just cut a tip of the tip of your head
Now, okay. And although some scholars say there is no failure, you know, no kind of
expiation that you need to pay, because you did it out of not knowing or forgetfulness, and you thought that you had exited your state of the Haram automatically, I guess,
to be on the safe side,
some scholars actually recommend that you do pay some failure. And for that, you would have to either fast for three days consecutively, or feed six poor people. Okay, if you can feed six poor people
food a meal, or slaughter a sheep to be distributed among the poor, then, you know, in sha Allah just to be on the safe side, because of that mistake, just to cover that mistake. Sharla that would be something that could be a good idea for you to do. Just like enough. Aaron. We've also had another question come in, sister was asking that her doctor is recommending or in this country, she's saying in this country, I assume she's talking about the UK.
Doctors don't recommend apparently, that you have children beyond the age of 40. And she's saying that she wants to have a child. And you know, a doctor is not recommending it. What does Islam say about this? Look, Islamically a person can have children, as long as they are able to have children, you know, it's something encouraged, we're encouraged to have as many children as we can. And as we can manage, you know, the more worshipers of Allah subhanaw taala, that there are on the earth, the better. When we have children, of course, it means that they are a blessing, they will come with their own risk. And also, they will be a means of reward for us, when we passed away, they will make
dua for us in our life that if we raise righteous, pious children, may Allah subhanaw taala make all of our children pious.
So generally, the general idea is that we should have children and we should have as many children as we can. It's something blessed and encouraged. Okay. However, if there is a medical reason, if there's a specific medical reason, and there could be a harm caused to you,
then that's something for you to think about, you know, but if it's just a cultural thing, if you're talking about this general culture, you know, that discourages older parenting, then that's not really something that Islam condones, or Islam aligns with, you know, but like I said, if there is a specific medical problem, medical reason, that's for you to really weigh up, you know, in your own life, you've got to weigh it up, discuss it with your husband,
would you be able to bear the medical issues that might arise if they will arise if if there's a high chance that they will arise, et cetera, and I would encourage you to pray salata, lista Hara as well, you know, especially if there is some doubt that you have about that. And Inshallah, you know, of course, it takes faith to have children, right, at whatever age you are, there are complications that can happen, right? There is a risk. But like I said, generally speaking, if you're a healthy person, if there's no issue there, there's nothing stopping you from having children as you even if you're an older lady Charla but, of course, the UN also encourages us to take on board medical
advice, and be guided by it. So, do you take that into account with any decision that you make? Just like, you know, ferret? Um, I've got another question here.
A Salam aleikum is allowed to check the horoscope
of the partner you intend to marry? Is it allowed to check their horoscope when the partner you intend to marry? The short answer to that is no. Don't check the horoscope of anyone, not yourself. Not Not anyone you're intending to marry at all. Why? Because
horoscopes are
basically astrology, right? Astrology, they're, they're a type of, they're a part of this. of astrology. And of course the Prophet sallallahu wasallam forbade
astrology, right? In the Hadith the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Whoever learns anything of astrology has learnt a branch of witchcraft. He called it witchcraft. And in many other narrations as well you know, astrology soon
Sayers, people telling us, you know, what's going to happen in the future? The all of these things are things that are basically shirk, you know, they're associating partners with a lot. Why? Because we're depending on something other than Allah, and we're ascribing to other than Allah. Knowledge that only Allah subhanaw taala has, right? Because when you go to when you check horoscopes, and when you go to somebody, for example, an astrologer to tell you things about somebody based on the stars, you're basically saying that something other than Allah has knowledge, or controls the universe, right controls people's fate, people's lives, people's personalities, et cetera, right.
And all of this is false. And Islam came to remove all of this from human beings and human societies, this superstitious stuff. So don't check horoscopes don't go anywhere near horoscopes, okay. And the real way to check somebody out, is, of course, to look at their track record, get some references for that person, right, I recommend you get some references, somebody who's traveled with that person, somebody who's lived with that person, somebody who's studied with them, maybe done business with them. If you find those types of people, and you ask them sincerely to offer to provide you with a reference or character reference anything about them that you want to know, then
it's their duty to provide that to you. Okay, so I think we need to start becoming practical. Stay away from superstition, be practical, look into the person's personality and history through, you know, practical means, and stay
far away from horoscopes stay away from astrology as a Muslim. Okay.
I have another question here. What are the rules of a pika? And a sister actually called in and left a question. She said that,
that she didn't have enough paper for her son.
And can she now have an Akiko? Even though he's a bit older?
Well, yes. The answer to that sister's question is yes, she can. And she should. She should have an Akiko. Even now, if she didn't do it before. And that would be by sacrificing to sheeps, right, or to animals, basically. And distributing the meat eating from the meat, sharing the meat, you know, with people.
So that I think that is essentially a sacrifice that's offered on behalf of the newborn baby,
usually on the seventh day after they are born, okay, that's the recommended day, the seventh day. But you know, if it's not possible to do it on the seventh day, we can also do it later. You know, we can do it later. It's fine.
And it's prescribed to slaughter two sheep for a newborn boy and one sheep for a girl. Okay, and that is what the Sunnah is.
We said that the best time to offer that Africa is seven days after birth. But, you know, if it hasn't happened, then we should do it later. Because it's a bit like a ransom right? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam described it as a ransom the way that Ibrahim alayhi salam, you know, he slaughtered a sheep instead of his son, right? And instead of sacrificing his son, he was told to ransom a sheep.
We do the same thing. We do something similar. And so and then we also shave the baby's head usually. And we give the weight of the baby's hair in silver to charity. Okay, I think we've got another caller. A Salam aleikum. caller
please give us your name and tell us where you're calling from.
Oh, my name is Shannon.
Okay, salaam alaikum. Sister. Can you please ask you a question? What is your question? Yeah, my question is how can they go save data? How
can you can you say that again? I didn't quite catch that. How can we do
How can we do some data?
Oh, you mean so that to mean like how to correct when you make a mistake and your Salah? Yeah, yeah. Okay. Just not gonna hire and for your question. Thank you for calling in. How old are you by the way?
And that's it.
Sorry, can say that again.
And my other question is,
are you have another question? Okay. Yeah, okay.
So far away.
My question is my son got autism. And my daughter asked for not fuzzy growth. And I just want the request Kenny Tura or to reduce the size any higher.
Okay, could you just repeat the reason for it again? You said Is there any sort of for what?
Oh, my son's got autism. Your son has autism. I think you said yeah. My daughter is also not growing her growth is not going back
to be sorry to hear that.
Okay, I'm sorry to hear that sister. Karen.
Thank you for your call.
So sister, one of the ways that you can do such that the sounds so that's like, you know, when you make a mistake and Salah and you've you finished the Salah, you so you come to the end of the Salah. Okay. And then you one of the ways you can do it is you say a Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah to the right. Salaam aleikum, wa Rahmatullah to the left. And then you make to search that's okay. You make to search does and then you
again, you can do your, you know, the, here the the shahada you do it again. And then you say a Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah. That's one of the ways that you can do it, there are a few different ways. So in other words, at the end of the Salah, after the salam, you You Make two such days and then you make the shahada and then do Salam again, and that should cover any mistake that you've made in the Salah with regards to your other question,
you know, I'm sorry to hear that you're having developmental issues with your children must be very, very difficult to go through that. But what I would encourage you to do, as you've mentioned, is to make the art and although there isn't a specific dua that I can think of except
you know, when we do comma B kalimat, Allah He
mean Cooley Shaitan in Wareham, Wyoming COOLEY I in in lamb. This is a dua that the Prophet SAW Salem used to make, okay. He used his make it for his two
grandchildren. What evil Kumar used to say you can say or evil coma, and you've got two children as well so you can make the same door or evil coma be Kelly Mantilla he
mean Cooley che on in Wareham, Wyoming co laning lamb, you're basically saying, Oh Allah I, I seek protection for you to for you to children,
in Allah.
In his words, in the words of ALLAH, that are complete from all the shade bonds, and everything that is harmful, right? And especially from the evil eye as well. So this is one dua apart from that, to be honest, there are so many ways that we can make blood and we should make the art from our own hearts, we should make the art in our own words, because those are the doors that come you know, like really sincerely and they do as the that Allah Subhana Allah loves, right? So Sister, you know, apart from general the hours that you can make and you can do to Korea, for example, you know, using the sewers of Quran, especially the sewers that start with the let the word call
apart from those, okay and blowing over them. General do ask for protection, etc. I would really encourage you to make dua from your heart, in your own language, call on Allah sincerely cry to Allah,
you know, for the needs that you have, and also seek medical help as well. Of course, we should also do that, as believers, you know, we seek the means and we make the diet we do both, right? Both are important.
But I would really encourage you to not feel that you have to say any specific to art in any specific language. But that you can do it in your own language in sha Allah. We're coming close to the end of the show. So I'm gonna see if I can fit one more question in.
I have an interesting question here. Can a married woman who is unhappy in her marriage make dua to be married to another man who is already married? Okay. Well, the answer to that I would say to the sister is actually be careful. Be careful what you wish for. Be careful what you make dua for right
You're making dua for something like this. Why would you not want to make dua that Allah Subhana Allah rectify your marriage? You know, Allah subhanaw taala is capable of helping you to improve and rectify your own marriage, rather than you looking elsewhere. And you know, the grass is always greener on the other side, right? Until you get to the other side. So, I would really encourage you, instead of thinking about this thinking, you know, basically fantasizing or imagining a life outside of your own marriage.
Put your effort into rectifying and mending your own marriage, you know, make sure you've done your best. Make sure you're doing your best.
And make sure you make dua for your own marriage make dua for this life that you're living right now to be improved, right, rather than making dua for someone else about somebody else somewhere else.
Well, brothers and sisters, we've come to the end of the show Desikan allow Harun a Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh Subhanak alone will become the shadow