Mirza Yawar Baig – Reminders Differentiate On The Basis Of Sunnah

Mirza Yawar Baig
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the cultural differences between Islam and America, particularly in terms of dress and language, and the "arson culture" of the miniscule minority in India. They suggest that the "arson culture" is beneficial for couples, but not for individuals. The speaker also touches on the significance of dressing up for a wedding and avoiding false information about the date.
AI: Transcript ©
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In elementary, lower salatu salam ala rasulillah, Allah, Allah, he was happy he

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lots of layers that he has have. And it was halogen. As halogen, the human Faisal, Allah said that the people of the fire and the people of Jenna

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not Nicholas. They're not the same lions curvy. And he said only the people of Jenna are the people who are successful. Now, we don't want to go into all the details with regard to Who are the people agenda. But obviously, people are generally the people who followed us were like

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in terms of our era, in terms of Amazon, in terms of in terms of their way of life, in terms of every single aspect of how Rasulullah sallallahu ala Salah was. And that is the reason why Allah subhanho wa Taala confira. So rely on Hashanah is it for you the best example is the life of my prophet in the life of mine, Avi is a good example for you

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to follow. Now, one of this is one of the big issues that happens with the Muslims today, where we in terms of our orientation, to religion to our religion,

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we have become like the non Muslims, like the Hindus or like the Christians or others, who restrict their religion to purely rituals of worship.

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I think more so for the normal average Hindu, Hinduism is inside the temple.

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outside the temple is his life, he can do whatever he wants.

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And if you make some mistake, you will go and put some money in the whole day you will go and give some money to the Buddha he will go and put some money over some money to his God and that's the end of the story is fine. Similarly, the Christian is religion is confined to this church inside the church on a Sunday.

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The rest of the time from Monday to Saturday, he is free, he can do what he wants.

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Unfortunately, we Muslims seem to have done the same thing with our religion, where we confine our religion to Fridays in the masjid, or while others may not be frightened, maybe all the days, but in the budget, outside the budget, we do what we want. But this is not Islam. There's never one Islam. Islam directs and regulates every aspect of our life. Not because Allah Subhana Allah wants to be some control freak, and you know, decide what you will eat and how you will sleep. But because in this there is benefit for us, in this there is higher for us. And it is because in every generation, there have been people who have understood this, and who have respected this and who have stuck to

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this, that Islam has not merged, and Muslims have not assimilated and disappeared from the landscape of people

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who dig if you look at people today, especially this country in India, many religions came here, but you don't find signs of them. Why? Because they activated the bigger one with everyone because they lost their individuality not Muslim, Muslims stand out. And this is a very unique and very important thing. The example I give you is that of the British, if I ask you today, what is the most common form of dress for men? In India, what would you say?

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vantaggi. Right trouser and shirt. If I asked you what is the one most common dress for men anywhere in the world? What is something called the reason why the British ruled India for 200 years.

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And the total number of British white Englishman in this country was probably never more than about two to 3% of the population.

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The other 97 98% of the population used to wear bowties or Louise or pyjamas or sherwanis.

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Right there was to wear turbans on their heads of various kinds.

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But when you left when when did you ever see a Englishman wearing a turban and a bowtie?

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He Was he an Englishman? And you ever see an Indiana sherwani university as a very, very elegant, very nice, there's nothing wrong with it. But did you ever see an Englishman wearing it? Did you ever see an Englishman wearing a Mondo or a Louie?

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Not even in his bedroom, he will wear a nice suit in his bed.

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What is the result of 2% of the population sticking to their culture and refusing to follow the culture of the dominant majority. What is the reason

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The dominant majority started following the culture of the miniscule minority.

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The reason I'm saying is today Muslims we seem to have forgotten our own culture. Our culture is related directly to our Deen because our culture is the Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu taala culture is not what happens in India or Pakistan or Bangladesh or Saudi Arabia or Jordan or or Sydney or Melbourne or or Ottawa or you know, whatever know our culture is what happens with or what happened with them is Allah Allah Allah was Abu Salah

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that is a Muslim culture the Muslim culture is not related to race or, or or not related to nationality. It's not related to tribe or Kabbalah. It is related to the Sunnah of Rasulullah Saracen today in the name of culture. In this country in India, we are going closer and closer and closer and taking in practices from the dominant Hindu culture.

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We celebrate our marriages and we officially send out invitations for a ceremony called sanjak and mehandi

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in the seven years and then what do they do?

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They would have you on the bride right? You marinate the bride in turmeric best. Maybe they should also do the next day by the Nadir in ginger garlic paste and the following day, you know make her a hot bride and married marinade or a chili paste or something. However, what they love it

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and now they've introduced a new system where they have what is called Sangeeta. So there is a an evening of dance and music.

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And they think the Muslims think that this is something which is beneficial for the marriage. My question is how can something which is a Hindu custom be beneficial for the marriage of your son and daughter?

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If you do it, how can it do anything other than invite the anger hollows router into the lives of those young people who are now starting a new life?

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What insanity is this?

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The actually printed invitation in Santa

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Monica may Monday invitation.

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It is incumbent upon us to distinguish and separate ourselves from the disbelievers in every aspect of life, not only in every aspect of life and follow the tsunami.

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Because in that there is it is not the vision simply disease Allah is Allah will stand up and put your hand on your chest as their Salah because Allah Allah, Allah

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Allah de

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nada is

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nothing else.

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If you love Rasul Allah xlm, follow his sooner in your life don't make some damage and damages.

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But when we are very easy to do that, but will not follow the sooner in our own lives, then you are inviting the anger of Allah subhanaw taala.

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So let us be very clear, number one, number two, those who are invited to this to these ceremonies. It is incumbent upon you to refuse to go and don't tell lies don't say matters or matters or I have a headache. No, I will not come in this function because it's a Hindu function. I'm sorry, I do not come to a Hindu function in a Muslim wedding.

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Do you want to go read an introduction go into it no problem that is called the door you can go and attend. There is no problem with that.

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But there is a problem with attending and bringing in a Hindu first Hindu custom into our own

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culture and our own religion.

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The Muslim nikka itself may not be a religious ceremony. But are you not doing a football at the demo? nikka even though it is not for which you accept it if I tell you that there's no there's no need for a cuppa because it's not for

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there's no need for that because not fun does not work.

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Are you okay with that?

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Why because you have reduced your religion to a set of rituals.

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So you want to pronounce the vulva

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and you want to have the Imam or have the coffee or somebody delivered the football and you want him to make law

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in a function

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where you are also doing custom bringing in customs and practices from other religions.

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These are not simple matters. These are very serious matters of inviting the wrath and anger of Allah subhanho wa Taala on your heads

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refused to go when you get these invitations tell them very straight and the truth of it sorry I will not come in this function. This is the reason I will not come into function. If it is not a function which is according to Islam, sorry we wrote attendance because unless we become strict with these things

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nobody will come to our way or May Allah forgive us. We will go on the way the others

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It is very important for us to distinguish and separate ourselves from other people and to distinguish and differentiate ourselves on the basis of the Sunnah of Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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And even myself I knew that this is very important to do. Allah subhanaw taala naked easy for us, was Allah Allah Allah Allah will vary while it was always mine, but I have to get

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