Adnan Rajeh – Three Ramadanic Reminders
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AI: Transcript ©
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Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah
Alhamdulillah Hina Hemudu who want to study you know when to study he wants to steal a few people who want to steal silver when I will be learning in shallowly and fusina women say Dr. Medina but yeah in
the main yo glial Phelan taggi de la humulene Yum Murshida wash,
Isla in LA LA who either hula Sharika la isla Hanwha hidden or held on summer the Miata for herberton Walla Walla Walla, LA who for one had a shadow anNabi Jana, what are we man, Mohammed Madonna Abdullah he was Zulu, while Sophie you whom in holiday he or Habibollah Allahumma salli wa sallim wa barik ala Nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi urgyen Marine Rabbi Yehudah La Jolla Lu Fimo commitment zeal Yeah, you are Lavina man who study Buddha he William was truly the Lima ye come where Allah mu and Allah Hi yah hoo bien el model e well, we'll be here and who la hito Sharon, he says Subhana wa Tada and zoological and furl Oh those who believe respond to Allah subhanho wa Taala
and His Prophets when they call upon you, when they call upon you for something that will grant you life. Lima you become something that will grant you life not the physiological or the biological life but rather the spiritual one. Well Allah and Allah Hi yah hoo lubaina elemental II Welcome to be here know that Allah subhanho wa Taala is knowledge exists between you and your heart.
The part of you that no one knows about Allah subhanaw taala is listening and know that you will be resurrected and returned back to him again.
We did a quick census at the beginning of Ramadan for the first three or four days.
And I went around and asked the number of people who are praying and Salah and every shot in the different massage and around the city.
And I had every every email or center manager, do an estimate over a few nights and then give me a an average. And I added them all up together. And the number of Muslims who are praying in massages for serratus Asia is something around 6500 people.
Now, these are the numbers that we would have for eight in the previous years. These are the numbers that we usually have for salata laid. I've been here for 10 years and this is the highest number and we do this I do this every year. I never I never share it because the numbers are never too
they're never that impressive. But this year is the highest I've ever found it to be. And the reason being is that obviously this is Ramadan and this is a season where Allah subhanahu wa taala as the Prophet alayhi salatu salam tells us in his Hadith and that is authentic narration of Muslim that once Ramadan begins someone calls there's a there's a caller that will call to my unit even when I didn't. And yeah about the lady upcoming. Well yeah, barely showed it Appleseed and someone a caller will call us and they'll have someone call on the one who wants to come come near. And those who want evil stay afar.
And when you see these numbers because if you just do a quick comparison of how many people pray isha outside of Ramadan, and yes, I did that as well. And it's nothing more than 400 people all across the city. So Asha outside of Ramadan, maybe 400 People tops unless there's an event I'm not counting for events when there's a double Sarah HELOC or something for 100 people is what you get throughout the whole city. And then 6500, starting the first night of Ramadan, and it continues like that towards for all 30 Nights. Who is it that calls upon the hearts of His servants and tells them to come and they come running to him? Who has the ability to do that? Who has the ability to turn
the hearts of people with one night just one moment and have them come in this in this velocity to go to go from 400 500 people to 6500 Aside from Malik and Malik SubhanaHu medalla the King of Kings Masada even call Obi Wan Opsahl McCulley will call it will be one of the one who carries the hearts of His servants between two of his fingers. And he moves them in whatever way he wants. And he brings them subhanaw taala to him every year. Every year, he brings them subhanho wa Taala to him.
And people come in you see massages that are full. It's only during Ramadan, that I understand how the Prophet Allah your salatu salam has worked. Like when you study his hope masala he's still out to us. I'm granted we don't have a lot of them that are written down. But the ones that we do have are very concise, very short. They're very simple. He does talk about the plan for his people. He was a leader I used to assign when he would go out on the Get on the member. And you'd tell people where the deficits live. And where there were problems, what the challenges were, and he would talk about next steps out of his thoughts. And I'm for sure, but his hook was were by far, much shorter
than the ones that we do here. We are the hook was outside of Ramadan are way more intense. And they're much longer than what he did on his solo tours. I mean, the reason I think it is, is because I think what he's used to see on a instalado center from his community outside of Ramadan is what we get to see only in Ramadan. We only get to see people come to the masjid in Ramadan. And then they then they fall off, they fall off. There's a 70% drop off after Ramadan, at least at least it goes up to 80 by the end of the of show while 70% of people drop off after Ramadan.
So you had to spend the entirety of the majority of the year trying to get people to come back. Encouraging people come back to your homes, come back to the house of Allah, find your piece of the puzzle, figure out how you're going to participate. He said he brought you here subhanho wa Taala Ramadan, that's why you open your door at night and you went out and you prayed somewhere and you stood there he did that Subhanahu wa Taala it is your responsibility to keep on coming after Ramadan is over. You can't continue after Ramadan how it was before, because it's not the same season. In Ramadan, the gates of heaven are open, the gates of * are closed, the shayateen are chained and
held back. And Allah subhanaw taala is calling upon your heart. That doesn't happen after Ramadan. So we can't expect people to behave the same way. But he brought you in Ramadan, he made sure that your heart opened up enough that you would come to him. And then the idea is after Ramadan is upon you to stay. It's upon you to continue to come afterwards. And to find your part of the equation. Where do you fit and how do you serve? And what is it that you're going to do with all of this. And that is what we have to think about when we talk about this blessed month. Because Allah subhanaw taala is just it's a boost. It's a push forward, it's an opportunity.
It's an opportunity to turn and turn a leaf
and open up your heart and your mind again and change how things were before. And when we see these numbers and that's the only way I can understand how the Prophet alayhi salatu salam could afford to get these shortcuts because right now I don't feel the need to give long clip was I don't wanna I don't I'll give you a reminder to reminders every will be short. I don't
feel the need. People are already in recession. They're there. They're volunteering, they're committing, they're participating, they're coming. They're reading the Quran, they're looking for how they can help you. And when you have that feeling and vibe in the community, you don't need to waste too much time talking to people. You just give a click, here's, here's where we need to go. Here's something we should think about and focus on nice and concise.
But then after Ramadan, it doesn't that doesn't work that way. And the drop off is so severe that you have to go back and say, Hmm, ah, oh, do come back again. Why did you leave? Why did you leave?
That's what I think is important for us to kind of take some time and contemplate. I'm going to offer you three Ramadan reminders today, whenever you will be similar. The first reminder I want to offer you number one,
renew your intention. And I'm gonna say this every single week throughout Ramadan. Jomo is designed perfectly as a milestone throughout this month to get you to renew your intention. Why is it that you're doing what you're doing? You can't deny that fasting throughout the day is difficult. If you have a job or you go to school, it's not easy. It takes a takes a toll on you. Not eating and drinking most of the day than staying up pretty late at night, every night praying and waking up for fish and after that it takes a toll on the human body and it's not easy. So why are you doing it for 30 days straight you will do this well, why there must be a good reason for it. So renew your
intention. And if the intention if you can't find a good intention regarding your relationship with Allah subhana wa, then that's not enough. If Allah subhanho wa Taala malakian Will calling upon your heart wanting you closer because he loves you. And He wants you to feel that love and feel that compassion within your data does not enough for you then do it for yourself to make sure that you're milking and you're not in a position where you don't want to be. And if that's not enough for you do it for the 31,000 people who died under their under the rubble of their own homes, do it for them, because they did nothing wrong aside from look like you have the same faith as you and just live in
the land that they've been living there for many, many, many, many centuries and probably Millennials before, that's the only thing they did wrong. And they refuse to move. And they refuse to accept persecution and oppression upon themselves when they stood their ground. And they paid with their lives and they paid with their blood. And they paid with their with their hunger and their starvation with their children. That's how they had to pay for the carrying the taxation of blood apart from this Oma.
So if you can't think of a good reason, to renew your intention to have a good intention, there's Ramadan, for whatever reason, if there's some emptiness in your heart, and you can't find that way to fill the gap between you and Allah subhanaw taala and revive that again, then do it for them because they deserve that from you. They deserve it from us to at least do be better, to at least take upon see the moment you just disassociate the rituals. From the bigger picture we have a problem. The moment we just we compartmentalize Islam and Islam just becomes a bunch of rule, a list of rituals, things that we do that are personal between us and Allah, we disconnect them from the
bigger picture we fail, we fail miserably as an omen limit the moment we allow that to be the case never never were the rituals of our deen, disconnected from the bigger picture of the status of the Ummah, the status of our nation, the nation of Muhammad said Allah Allah use IBH Marine, as it spreads from honey spreads over all continents. Muslims everywhere are a part of this, of this group of this nation of people never were our rituals disconnected from that ever, ever you had to zoom out? Yeah, you have to zoom out a bit. Just zoom out a little bit from your from the bubble that you live in, to zoom out and see the world for what it is, you're a part of something much bigger than
yourself. We're all a part of something that means more than our lives than just the time that we spend here eating and drinking and doing our daily activities which are important obviously you can't make it your milk and without your Salah and your CRM and your gut and your hygiene you need a family and your children you need all these things. But zoom out so you see what the point of it all is. And allow that to be a part of your intention in this Ramadan allow it to be see the bigger picture so that we may actually do something with with these lives that will be meaningful at the end of
2018 I don't know We'll come Phoebe VBA as you heard there Shereena Mubarak January Ramadan gehele Quran Allah do you have to Hovey here are guna SubhanaHu wata Allah Allah Jana tea or your coffee boy bunny Ronnie he also voodoo fee he shall clean we're gonna do a little bit a birdie for Jacobi, Luna la he held below walkabout and FEMA and the hui da da de Shahabuddin Allah hula Nabila in the Sacramento econia decom went to JD duniya T comm why dial amplified ha Coolio min budget didn't yet like a cooler yo mucho more professional Yo Ma Juma al yo Milla de $2 Euro fee Hinduja check the amount of that assume what do you mean by that to whom? Well he made that up but Rebecca Subhana who
was in Mattoon in foster in Oman in Fossella Boehner.
shot at her ouabain al jihadi visa de nuestra to marry her on Mattoon tough shell. Hola. Hey man, I had heard that V hayati Salah ha to you earlier Salim Well, have you been attacked by the who and whom you have so you don't wanna be in a shot at what I'm eliminating when are sadati Almighty him? Well, I don't mean
philosophy howdy Hadith.
Who islam al Islam Hayyan and Kullu Billy bad where? Islam and rocky rocky can Islam Allah tecoma Da Mo Salah houfy Hyah till Bashar Where are you why you Roman military? Where are you at zero fishy to me my whole Toby he
fell out of Slovenia shot at wellbeing I'm leaving he heard the lawnmower What are your only two you can fit in there? Calum tachypnea Tom Salia you heard the show he'll carry me female Yatta Allah co female who obey in Eco obey you know who but being eco obey in Allah. Oh my oh my gosh, I love FEMA Bay Nico have been enough sick by the local jet didn't yet occur. Hi there, Cherie. Hi there shahada well, so I'm home and as you said, our thena Alpha hola hola Dena Delfino Taluka me booty him when Isaiah Verona body butter Demi? Muslim in what Adam Bella home Allah and the home you should be Huneck.
Why are you showing us a lot of the Mocha desta what I felt the one you saw, Oh, the volume will work out for coffee and coffee. I'm about goofy macchine him.
So Allah subhanaw taala. And you federally John whom.
The second reminder, I want to offer you
with these numbers that we're seeing at the beginning of Ramadan, I'm only telling you the numbers that we see at a shot, I'm not telling you the ones that were said they're not as impressive.
But with these numbers, I want to take I want to take a go out on a limb here and tickle my optimistic nerve that's been dead for a number of decades now. And see if maybe, maybe we can say maybe, maybe we can say that there is a youth driven, modern awakening, maybe, maybe there's a youth driven modern awakening based on what they are seeing. Maybe younger people are seeing that this is not this is not okay. And we don't want to live in a world where that this is okay. And if we have a say in this and we do we want to make sure that we figured out how we're going to have a say in this. Maybe that's what's going to happen. I don't know, even if we're wrong. Let's say we're let's
just say hypothetically, that that I'm right, that there's actually that these numbers are reflecting a youth driven modern awakening. The question is, it requires more than that to actually have change, you require more than just the youth having that awakening? No, you need massages that are designed to take them in to embrace them, to cultivate that energy to harness that power to take them in and empower them and allow them to, to actually do and reach their potential. If you don't have institutions that do that, they'll just stop coming after Ramadan. But just stop coming after Ramadan. The six year old or five year old that annoys you and taraweeh it has the same kid that you
will, you will do anything to get them to come back when they're 15. And they won't, because they weren't taken care of when they were they didn't they weren't welcome when they needed to be and they won't come back anymore. You will be surprised go back and read history and look at the names that you are so proud of the Muslim names of history, those who lead the armies and those who ruled lands and those who and scholars who changed the world read their look for look for their ages, when they did what they did. Well lucky, you're going to be shocked, not surprised. You're going to be very surprised at some of the names that you carry in high regard. I'm actually very, very young
when they when they beat when they achieved what they achieved. They're at an age that you wouldn't even think was worthy of being in any position of authority at all, at all.
No OMA and especially ours has ever seen any awakening that was not youth driven ever. It's never happened before. If this generation doesn't work, we have to wait for the one after
we have to keep on underway, we have to keep on waiting to see if one of the generation because it doesn't work any other way. It has to be the youth. There has to be the teens in the 20s and 30s 40s 50s 60s. All we can do is hope that we did a good enough job and stand on the other side hoping that we can help them offer them the wisdom that they need the power, the wealth, the encouragement, the advice, and then that they have to do it. It has to come from them. There's no other way. But if we're not prepared for that, if we're not designed for that, then it won't work. It won't work. If massage aren't welcoming, and we don't have it's not about the doors being open.
It's not the it's not about the doors being open, not the physical openness of the messiness, The Mentalist, the spiritualist, the emotional is that type of openness. That one has to be open as the mind the doors of the mind and the heart that have to open not the doors of the Masjid. Obviously you need that open because people have to be in here. But if the doors of the heart and mind are closed, it doesn't matter. They'll walk in once in the leave afterwards, because they're going to come to you with the good and the bad.
They're not going to come only with what you think you think there's some some magical large brush, just one stroke and everyone is going to be perfect. And those who come to Michigan are going to have no bad habits at all this could come with the good stuff. No, that's not how this works. They're going to come to you with the good and the bad. And if you're not willing to accept the bad and work with it, and show him the tenderness and kindness and patience and perseverance, love that it requires then you can't get the good you're not going to get the good
This has this mentality this added to this person has to change this culture and massage it has to become better. We all talk about youth youth youth it's all Calum Foley. Willa it's all empty. Jargon is empty. I'll say it to anyone bring any any Alltel to every institution in the city and the whole country is empty. You just say it you don't do it. Doing it is hard. Doing it takes it takes a lot of work. Doing it is extremely, it's excruciating.
It takes so much of your of your energy and your time to help build the next generation, especially when you're doing it almost alone, especially when no one else is willing to do any of this work. Because it's got work. Because it's got work. No one wants to do that stuff. Especially if you're a bit older. You did that back when you were an intern or whatever it is what you were doing and you don't want to go back and work with people who don't who still haven't. Nothing to really offer you. But what hope do we have for this oh my if we don't invest in them, all this talk about youth but there's very little investment in that 6500 people are praying I shot every night here probably more
than that number is going to be I know it's going to be more at the end and I'll share it with you because we're gonna continue to take these numbers. Like the majority of them are younger people. The majority of them are Shabaab. All right, they came Allah subhanaw taala. He brought them for you Plus, he brought them for you.
I brought them for you. Yellow do your job. Do your job. Cultivate harnessed embrace, bring them in, work with them. mentor and teach and educate and empower him to do your thing you're not going to see he does that every week anyway. Subhana wa Tada. If you think about every week, every Joma every week, there's four 4040 500 People that prayed your mind the city? Well,
maybe it's just daily Ramadan were more likely to think about this.
The concept to me is very, very crucial. Without it there is no hope for a future. The future has to be today is what we work on and we work with them and you have to be willing to participate in that for anyone to you know, see how to sell your ticket or to thing if you had the hotbar I Lana Nicolino Imam Moussa Tanisha Barbie yet if you had a little more well
what else two minute moto fair enough you had the hayati o'clock and morale me and Allah subhanahu wa taala foon What are you gonna call me and Robbie? Look ba Lu Rahmatullah be ill Akbar alone Rohilla Halal home Homolka if you don't, but I am begging What are your Jews who? Well who are haram? I mean, who subhanho wa Taala lacking at the fact we'll do that and Tara,
who I'm in the middle Hi, yah. Hoo hoo mil Hello. Omnia, and I'll do Anna Antara ASAN for anyone that had to had that one Earther in order who are the mousseline if you had the heel? If you had the heel belt those of you who actually mean aim in mobile when I'm who them into actual center watch call center.
When a Latina you deal with the maracas and your tonal added and WA salatu Eurasia for your Otoni for them as you drop them on your rocker Milady Nora Denarau Julio, why the intellia che in Hindi for your doula and the Hoonah caraka feature of Ed Herzl Walker and Mazuri Alladhina Hanafi y y la the LA Hepburn Yasha Robbie he in son well I can Yeah honey either Carrick Melissa to now almost
18 List barely him when he thought of ABB him well he know who the B him will be or maybe him well Italia me him What are your Shaadi him when you're somebody either you him for anomala doing that gerbil Jimmy reefer Papa when we are doing our cable Jamelia Bill kabhi when I'm in sunny La Jolla TV NBFC he will show up to an accountability and the home fell in touch with him lamea silica Hi rowhome lm tellspell In Leptospira Allah de men home for NLJ them in home la Yamaha out for Allah for
Allah mentally petita Karina Fatah Molina ma hula is Shabaab when hola hola Tina, how about you? Oh, Martin, whatever. You're so hot in La mia Quinn Illa Mia con inland lambda con la Emerton V jazzy huffy awfully her own solutia BUP
well oh god in shirt. I wonder if you had the labia Well, hopefully any instapot Apolo probably still here. Hola. Hola. Hola, como. Yo, yo fiddler. Konya. Frozen was takfiri you know, stock Fetullah?
Hamdulillah He was also Allah who was telling him about like Allah, may Allah be yerba Harada. Early, he also had the human energy who, well, if I had to have my final reminder of this whole,
remind yourself, that dua requires to be affiliate
Did with action with Anmeldung to art without MLS is a problem No, something is fine without, like the Mona Lisa, like holy I grew up in school bethey well whose need Allah when you turn to Allah subhanaw taala with your pain and your agony and the suffering and your hearts and your and your sorrow and your sadness, that that doesn't require you to turn to Allah subhanaw taala that's therapeutic. But when you talk to Allah subhanaw taala asking him for things that he asked you for. You need a proper setup or it sounds very
disrespectful is the word that I'm looking for here. It's he said, My Allah, there's a problem. Because he told you, you're responsible for every night in Tel Aviv all across the world, not just in the city. We asked him, you're an answer. Your grant has prevalence, you have granted success. Y'all have grant us prosperity, prevent the Muslims in certain parts of the world and in all the world grant them this. But he told you to do that. That was your job. He told you answer he could have commanded you to perform when Austin I understand but so when you turn to him and say yell up, grant it to us unless you're working unless you're unless you have an action plan of how you're
going to achieve that in your life or how you're going to contribute to it. Not everyone contributes the same way not everyone contributes. But politically or militarily. Some people contribute through education through mentorship through wealth, through community work, and volunteering everyone through outreach or advocacy or there's a lot of different ways to contribute. But if you don't have an action plan of how you're going to contribute, then it sounds really weird. It's like well, yeah, I'm too busy. My weekend is full you do it is basically he's telling you to do it, I have too much work, I have too much work, you have to do it you can do you can do anything. So you might as well
do it. It's not it's not nice. It's not appropriate. That's not how you speak to Allah subhanaw taala. So if that for that to change, you're this type of drought requires an action plan aside of it. This type of diet requires you working towards a goal. And that way your diet is being yelled up, help, aid me and support me and grant me success. But I'm going I'm walking in the direction you told me to go, I'm going there. I'm going I know where I need to go. And I'm walking in that direction grant me success. If you're not doing that it sounds doesn't sound right.
And this hobo with a nice story of Abu Hanifa. And the story is symbolic to the second Yanni piece of second reminder. The youth Abu Hanifa the Allahu Anhu. Heidi, you lived in a house, and he had a neighbor, this neighbor was a young man scuff scuffie And he worked
in fixing shoes and stuff. And he worked all day long. He worked all day long. He would come at the end of the day with whatever money he made. He bought chicken or fish and he ate and drank for the rest of the night.
That's what he did. And I bought honey if I knew because I bought honey if I would do a lot of pm in his home so we would hear him and you would hear him actually when the guy got drunk enough, you will start singing one of the known pieces of poetry about owning a yogurt and Leo McCurry hatin was 3030. So he will sing this piece of poetry. And it says they they missed it. They lost me. They didn't neglected me, they neglected me and who did they neglect? They looked at a person that is filled with strength, filled with bravery, but they didn't care about me. And he would drink himself to sleep every night. And Abu Hanifa would stand there and hear his journal but he would never say
anything he would pray and one night you standing there praying, he doesn't hear the guy singing. So he goes in the morning to wear his wooden, right he wasn't singing drunk last night, whereas he forgot who aka who asked us to flail. The police came and picked him up at night. And he's in the federal prison or the the central prison. So he would get on his bubble. Isabella is a mule, and he would go towards the gates of the emir, the leader of the city. And Abu Hanifa at that point was a well respected Scholar so when they meet her heard that on his door is uncommon. Hanifa Norma is at his doors. He said other fellow who will yet Carla badolato Bring him in and he comes in with the
mule. I don't want him he doesn't have to walk. He can come in. And so we entered the I mean, the princes court on his mule, the Haida Moana mode, and I have a honey but tell us what you command me for Carla? All right, Julian jailed only DACA last season to college who knows? A neighbor of mine to enter the the prison last night you you'll get him out for me. Taco I know who did you who will call Amanda Hala Mara who mean Tilka Leila? I will bro I will release him and everyone who went into prison that night. So he released the man the boy Hanifa would come by on his new we'll see the young man in time get on. So we'd jump in sit on his behind his on his knee behind him and he would
walk silently wouldn't say a word wouldn't say a word. You would take him to his house. He would get off and he would look at him and he would say oh by Nick
did We did I neglect you? Clarify Becca show when the kids start to cry for Kayla he metadata by default our eyes no you didn't you
You, you preserved and you protected Karla Fatah Cheb was Ottoman to lobby and he repented and became one of Abu Hanifa is known known students, the storyteller will not tell you which student just to conceal his previous sins, because he became famous. He became a famous scholar later on, but to conceal his story so that we wouldn't know which of these scholars had that background didn't tell us which one it is.
This is the mentality that we have to have if we hope to see a future that is better than the reality that we're living here today. I hope that was a benefit to you while I'm waiting Allah I'm not gonna be rambling I'll even call in Hola. Hola, Mila. Iike who use Aluna Alain de un Latina Mundo Solu Allah He was selling motors Lima Allahumma Salli ala Muhammad Ali Mohammed can also lead to Allah Ibrahim Ibrahim alberic Allah Muhammad Anwar early Muhammad Kamal Baraka Ibrahim Ibrahim fill out I mean in Mecca Hamidah Majeed what are the Allah who manage Almighty Allah hola for that Ilona. I'll be back or one Omar workman our ally what are the Allah Who man as well as you heal
Mahajan? What meaning line early hit by UB and a PA hitting our on Sahaba T hill over in Miami in one it'll be in elementary or home via CERN in your mid Dean or middle Hermetica Mohamed Rohini Allahu metalhead and Muslim you know, well mostly not well, meaning you know what it means to Allah here in home? Well, I'm worried Allahumma featheredge whom Allah Muhammad Amin when I finished school rubelli Michael Rubin WaterFire Juan Manuel Malcolm all mean, a very poorly managed blue mean rockin Dima and our Dina and Mussolini Allahu Mappin Dima is When Ian was stopped by fi and a few of us that have you know, spin off his Sudan with the lady honey and Bella. Bella al Amin, Allah Who
made you go to customer whom Allah Who mistura Allah to him Allah whom Allah it him Allah Humann Surah Humala I do recover I do with him Alohomora then MST the Lochside rehabbing Muslimeen video so honeynut I mean, who are they let on Savarin obviously he is even more ISIS and Isla Yomi Deen word than a Juma eco Isla de Nicola den Jamila waterboarding Allah whom I'm in Jamia is going to be natto but then also, but here now you have full bandwidth just said and Maru ha Allahu Malik Al hamdu unblocked Anna shahada Ramadan Allahu atomia. Molina. Ferber live
Jeffrey Carbonell, Amina No well the villa whom Magoo BANA WA, Houma Kulu Been a while slash Allahumma Shabaab and whether how will our food water in
the law in Allah Yamato bill I believe anyway eat easily. We can handle fascia you will Moon curry will doubly look into the coral nothing Masada.