Nouman Ali Khan – Reminders From Surah Al Jumuah

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the challenges faced by Muslims in the face of diversity and minority groups, including the loss of Islam and the need for people to hold onto it for a long time. They emphasize the importance of learning the words "immediate of Islam" and following the process of learning to understand it to restore the connection with Islam. The speakers also emphasize the importance of protecting privacy and personal information, and the need for a culture of self-acceptance. They also mention the negative impact of Islam on society, citing studies showing that it promotes violence and racism. The speakers emphasize the importance of acknowledging and embracing Islam's teachings and protecting one's privacy and personal information.
AI: Transcript ©
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About in the three minutes that I have left, I want to share with you some organizational goals. We did talk a lot about the foundation, a lot of you are watching this live on the foundation on Also, there are long term lofty vision type stuff that I've shared with you before, I want to share with you what's going to, we're going to try to pull off in the next 12 months. inshallah, one of the things that I'm very excited about that I've made a commitment towards is that within the next 12 months, I will be traveling to different parts of the Muslim world, and capturing what I feel are inspiring stories. I think it's really important at a time of distress and hopelessness,

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that we go around the oma and we show people that are doing little things, but there are amazing things. Like, for example, one of the most, like, inspiring stories to me was my visit to the state of police in Malaysia. And this day, the each of the states have a small town have a ruler, right? The Sultan, as the Sultan and his his followers, like his entire government body, they literally get on bicycles. This is a salt, like a ruler, with a palace think he's got a real palace, I've been to his palace. And he's got a museum, a family museum next to his palace. So this is legit. But they get on bicycles at 90 of them. And they drive their bikes to the parts of the country that has no

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roads. And they literally knock on doors to find out if anybody sick or anybody needs help, or a child is okay or if there was a death in the family. And they take record of people by checking on them. And then the you know, they come and Juma prayer, the ruler is actually the first roll. And I give the hook but when I was there, and the Sultan was in the first row, which is amazing, but he's there. And then after that they made and they called the people by name that they had checked on, and they had Zakah checks ready for them. And they were just like every week. That's what they do. And as a result, because they've done 90 bike runs in one year. The first year they did 72 the next

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year did 90 I think they broke 100 this year. It's crazy. And I went in I was like

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this is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my life. But how come I never knew and if I don't know, a lot of people don't know. So I want to go with a film crew and actually filmed the whole thing. And just talk to people and show the beauty of Islam and this little part of the world. It's just so inspiring. That that kind of stuff happens. Santa Monica Monica de la hirakata

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My intention this evening is to share with you some reminders for myself and for all of you from the Quran. And this has been a very difficult challenge for me to speak in front of you today. I first want to share with you why this was a difficult challenge. Most of the time, when I speak to an audience, I'm speaking in the United States, or I've spoken many times in Europe, or I've spoken many times in places in the world where the Muslims are a minority. And when the Muslims are a minority, their challenges are different. And what they see around them, the environment is different. And when I come to a place like this, it's a completely different world for me. And it's

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actually very empowering for me to experience because I'm not used to seeing Muslims not as the as the majority, I'm used to seeing us as the minority. And I'm used to seeing us not in a position of authority or a position of power, but really mostly in a position of weakness. So when you turn the equation and you look at the look at it from the other side, it's very difficult to first of all think, What is the message of Allah's book that and a community like this one needs, so I had to do a lot of thinking about what message I want to share with you and inshallah huhtala something that benefits myself and benefits all of you because at the end of the day,

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The Book of allies for all times and all people and all situations. What I want to start with today inshallah is a simple thing to speak. And hopefully I'll build this idea by the end, you'll see how all of it is connected.

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When allies origin created human beings, the angels had a problem.

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And their problem was that human beings when they will come on this earth, attach a new fee have a UFC two fee, how is frequent demand? Are you going to put on this earth, someone who is going to cause a lot of trouble, he's going to do a lot of facade, a lot of corruption, and he's going to even kill yesterday could demand he's going to spill blood. And Dima is not a little bit of blood, it's a lot of blood, and Suffolk is used for rivers of blood. So not just a little bit of killing, a lot of killing will happen in the world. This is the concern of the melodica of the angels, and then they offer a solution. And the solution from the angels is when a new new suddenly will be hung deca

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on the sulak. And we in fact, we do your test be the angel say we do your test B and we declare that you are on good news, we declare that you are sanctified, you are pure.

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So on the one hand, you have facade, and one hand you have killing, and on the other hand, you have this V.

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And you would never think these two things are opposite of each other. facade and killing have to do with injustice, they have to do with corruption. They have to do with people stealing from each other or robbing each other or invading each other, or war. That's what facade has to do with that's for what's good demand has to do with but this via has to do with Subhana Allah Subhana Allah Subhan Allah Subhana Allah subhanaw taala this via has to do with Vicar inside the machine. This via has to do with Salah, we begin our Salah Subhana Allah home ob handig in ruku. So how neurobion are the insurgents and cannot be Allah Allah, Salah is about the speed, what is this we have to do with

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corruption. And there are so many places in the world where there's a lot of this view. And all over the Muslim world, we make Salah, we do this we and all over the Muslim world, there's a lot of corruption, and there's a lot of blood that's been spilled. So we don't think of if you have one, if you have corruption, you will not have destiny. Or if you have this V, you will not have corruption that is just not the case. But when the angels spoke to Allah, they told him human beings are going to be a problem. And the real problem is they don't really have to speak.

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Because we are the ones of this, we're not no no sahbihi handicap.

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And it's almost as though the ishara the implication here is that if human beings were actually creatures of the species, if we did do some kind of law properly, then there would be no corruption, then there will be no spilling of blood.

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A lot of hold them in the law. Now let me fast forward a little bit.

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A law is origin sent many profits. And every time you send profits, it's the same message, same message every time and in a sense, you can say it is also a message of this B because what is this V at the end of the day? What is Subhana? Allah Subhana Allah is to declare that Allah is unique, and only allies perfect. It is another way of saying that ilaha illa Allah really at the end of the day, and that is the message of all of the prophets. But the problem was, every time the prophets came and taught their message, the majority, the majority did not accept the minority acceptance. And even the minority that said, La ilaha illAllah, even the minority that did this via because they

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were taught by their profits 234 generations later, same problem again, because the next generations would forget, they would become weak, they would lose some of the teachings and eventually they would fall back into shock. Again, they would forget about some kind of login, a low would send another prophet, and he would fix the problem for a small minority, and then they would continue and then the problem came back again. And it came back again and again and again. And again. This continued to happen throughout history. If one Prophet was successful in his own time when he was alive,

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then you cannot say that 500 years later is still successful. Because the future generations failed.

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So when I look at a community like this one before I go on, and 100 in North America Alhamdulillah there's something beautiful happening here. There's Islam here. Our children are saying that in the in the law here are massage either here or there. Full here.

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But we have to think about 500 years from now.

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We have to we can't just think about right now we have to think what's going to happen later on. When this problem continued, you come all the way down to Ibrahim alayhis salam.

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And Ibrahim alayhis salam understands this problem. He's a genius. He understands this problem. So when Allah gave him the opportunity to ask, because he made him email over all of the people in the jar lucarelli NASA Mama, Ibrahim alayhis salam asked about the future generations, what means the reality? What about my children and their children and their children and their children? Because he understands what happens in history, that children forget that children fall into Schick and Allah told him that even his children, some of the most of them will forget lion, Allah divali me, my children. The problem is the guarantee does not go to them. Even your children the promise, the

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guarantee does not extend to them. And so we get the draw of Ibrahim alayhis salam, which goes back to the test. We have the angels actually in my opinion, the daughter of Rahim Ali Salaam was send them a messenger

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you know when I see him Rasulullah minmum a point raise a messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam among them? Yes, no, I lay him I A Tikka. When you only move a Makita will hikma will use a key him. He will recite your revelation to you. This is about Mohammed Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. I won't explain the story of Ibrahim alayhis salaam. But I want you to understand something. Allah told Ibrahim Alayhi Salaam that the future generation will have a problem. He told him already.

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And Ibrahim Alayhi Salaam knows this already. And after knowing this, he asked for Rasulullah sallallahu, or the use of them.

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And the sort of last item is described with these four things. What will he come? And do? You have to know him I think when you only move on Makita Baba hikma will use a key and he will come and he will recite your revolute uriarte.

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He doesn't know it's called Koran. We know that. It's called Quran that that happened 1000s of years later. he'll teach them the book and the Wisdom he will purify them. These simple words, Ibrahim alayhis. Salam understands something. If he can do that successfully,

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then they will take it and give it to their next generation. And they will take that and give it to their next generation. And they will take that and give it to their next generation, which is why Ibrahim alayhi salam, I would imagine, you could think he would ask a law for one messenger for every generation.

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Because that's guaranteed you'll no problem every every, every new generation every 30 4050 years, there's a new problem solved. But he didn't ask for also, he didn't ask for messengers, he asked for just one messenger, just one. And he knows what happens when you send just one messenger. A few generations later, everything is forgotten.

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But he asked not just for any messenger, he asked for a special messenger, a kind of messenger who will have a unique a different mission than every other messenger before. And this messenger his mission is so powerful and so unique, that if he if people learn his mission and the way he carried his message, then the next generations will be safe. They will not lose their Islam. They will continue to grow and grow and grow and grow into Islam. But they will have to hold on to the same formula. If they forget that formula, they will lose. We can hold on to Islam for 1400 and more years. Easy. But we can lose it in 20 years. We can lose if we forget this formula. It'll be gone in

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no time. It will be completely gone. And so I go back. The angel said nephew knew somebody who will be handicapped knew somebody who is what's called unfill and MOBA in the Arabic language, the present tense which means not only do we do this V right now, we will continue to do to speak so it's not just right now we have a commitment we'll keep on doing this v. and human beings they'll do it now they'll forget later. They'll get weak later on.

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What is the Lara's origin tell us about the entire world the entire existence in pseudo Juma he says you sub beholden Danny Matheson allottee

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and many kilku dues and disease and hacking.

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I won't emphasize everything about this. I just want you to notice one thing Allah says everything in the skies and the earth does this be right now and we'll continue to do

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this. We will continue to go on

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The declaration of laws perfection will happen in the skies and in the earth and it will keep on happening if all of the human beings are alive or if all of the human beings are dead. Thus we have a law will continue. That this we have the law does not need you and me it will continue. But there's something special about this beginning because ally is talking about that this we have the luck continuing, not just stopping but continuing. And when he mentioned this in the next ayah, he mentioned the Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And he mentions how will the messenger fulfill his mission that will keep this V of Allah going,

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who under the Botha Philomena tsunami,

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he Allah is the one who sent among the mean he sent among the unlettered people, you can call them the uneducated people, the uncivilized people, even they have no big buildings. They have no big roads, they have no castles or palaces. They have no good economy, they have no oil, yet.

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They have nothing. All they have is sand, and rocks. That's all they have. He sent a messenger among them.

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And what does he do among those people yet to do either him it? he recites onto them. His is this Quran. You know, today in the world, you have universities, you have big cities, you have civilization, you have modern life. And then you had this desert and tents and mud homes, that's all you had. And the Quran came in those two those tents and those motorhomes, that's where it came. And that Quran is now still the guidance for the most modern cities in the most modern civilizations. The newest of civilizations, this is the miracle of alized religion. What started in the most uneducated place in the world, is that you could argue the most uneducated place in the world. Even

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next door to them is the Roman Empire and the Persian Empire. And those people have poetry, they have learning, they have philosophy, they have those things for 1000s of years, they have those things. And the Arabs had nothing they just had their shit. And they had their their Aloha. And that's all they had. They didn't even have a big building.

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didn't even have that. And allows odo chose those people, you know, between the rock Coleman mountains

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Allah describes you will you will you came to warn some nation whose fathers weren't even worn for at least other nations they had profits before and other profits before and other profits before since this mine is around the Arabs had nothing but a lot changed those people because of this messenger some a lot more than he was at them. And he brought a change this mess what I'm trying to say to you is this Koran and this change that the Prophet brought is enough to transform our society. And if it's powerful enough to change our society so much, it's powerful enough to keep that change. My concern for a place like India in the oma like a beautiful place like Curley's or a

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beautiful country like Malaysia or the oma like you know all over the Oman. My concern is not only what is happening right now, how do we keep this oma first of all how do we restore this oma? And how do we keep it strong?

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The first step of it according to Allah, that the Prophet did that we must do some a lot more than that we must do is yet to do it. He made it.

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He will recite on to the people his if we have to restore the connection with the oma of the Quran.

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The Omar Mohamed Salah Salam has to feel a bond, a relationship with the Quran.

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So in every home, in every machine, in every gathering of friends, somebody is reminding somebody of the ark of Allah Almighty

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and this is you don't say oh I already know what Quran says it's not like that this Quran is different. It's not like any other book every time you remind it does something inside you It gives you a new life and it restores you is that the outcome Lima your ego when he calls you to what will give you life it says though our heart starts dying and then you hear something from the Quran it comes back to life again, and then it starts dying and you hear something from the author of the line it comes back to life again. So it's not like you say oh, I already know this sola I already heard this ayah No, no, no, no, no, but your heart is dying. It needs to be brought back to life

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again, yet look at him it he recites onto them his I art and this is something that is not just it's of course it's the job of the man. Of course it's the job of the Mufti. It's of course it's the job of the Hatim but it's also the job of the mother of the Father.

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The older brother of the sister in the family among the friends in the college in the university, when you're sitting in a restaurant, in every every opportunity possible, you share with each other something about the Word of the law, something about what it means. And I'm talking about a when when we say yes to either him, it is important to understand that we're not just talking about you just recite something.

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regime and people are just sitting there listening.

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Not just that, because for a lot of people they don't understand. They don't understand what the law said. We don't just recite the word of Allah, we share the meaning of the word of Allah, the lessons in the Word of Allah, that is yet to Allah hemmati the wisdom, the advice from the word of Allah, that is what brings the heart back to life that will restore and it does two things I emphasize the heart but there's one more thing, it changes the way the Muslim thinks. I can tell you a lot when I leave when I travel, I realized something. Muslims love the Quran. We love the Quran, every one of us. But we don't think like the Quran. We forgot how to think like the Quran, the Quran, the more

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you listen to it. And that's true. If you have a friend, you listen to him all the time, he changes the way you think.

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If you spend time with people, and you listen to them constantly, they influence the way that you think. If you're listening to Koran and the message of the Quran all the time, it changes the way you think. It changes the way you think about yourself, it changes the way you think about your neighbor, it changes the way you think about money. It changes the way you think about the future, about your children, it changes everything. And every time you're thinking goes back, you hear more on and you're thinking is become better again, this is why the Quran keeps saying that Kentucky, Louisville, Kentucky Lune so that you can think so you can understand. cron is not just about any

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more knowledge, but it is about thinking, reflecting. And this is something that you have to do over and over again, you know, even knowledgeable people, sometimes they just stop thinking.

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And then somebody reminds them and say, Oh, yeah, I haven't thought about that in a long time.

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They're thinking can become rusty. Just because you have a muscle doesn't mean you're exercising that muscle. Koran is a means by which that muscle is exercised. We're constantly engaged and reengaged in thinking about the word of Allah. And that's when you understand the next words will use a key him. And by doing so he purifies them, he cleans them. What is the clean the Quran, when you hear it all the time, it starts cleaning your heart, it starts cleaning things like jealousy, it starts cleaning things like greed. You know, you have some times in your life in my life, there are arguments are there is a problem. And you have a problem in your family or somebody who's not

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listening to your son is not listening to you and you have a big problem at home, or the husband and the wife are not getting along as a big problem. Or there's a problem in the business or something. There's some issue that you're having in your life. And this, this issue becomes so big, you're always thinking about it, you're going to sleep depressed thinking about it, you wake up thinking about it, you're talking to everybody in your family about it, it's always on your mind, until you start hearing more and more and more and more again, and what happens you realize that big problem is actually a very small problem. It's not that big of a problem, not a sub, I mean, we'll see. But

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in elaborate ninja is no problem that ever strikes you there's no calamity, there's no great difficulty that will ever hit you except it's from the last person. You know, Allah has permission. And you just become

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human human, blah, blah, whoever can have him and in Allah, Allah will guide their heart, oh, put your heart at ease. This is your this is us a key him. You were depressed about your problem. And all of a sudden, it's not that big of a problem anymore. You were so angry at someone you're every time somebody says their name. You like to get so angry when you hear their name. And now because of cron. Your heart is not angry anymore. The anger is gone. The jealousy is gone. The memory is gone. You're thinking about much more important things. You're thinking I think this is the worst problem. I am going to stand in front of the lesson. This is nothing not worth it. Not worth my time. But a

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lot does this you know they say in Arabic.

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You know,

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when you make something a big deal, it becomes a big deal. When you make something no big deal, it becomes a small problem. What is cron do? cron comes in gives you balance what is worth making a big deal.

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What is worth keeping this if something deserves to be small than Quran will make it small and something deserves to be big Quran will make it big, and your thinking will become prioritized. This is us again, not only in the sense of our hearts, but in the sense of our minds. The neurons in our brain there's one more thing about about this key I want to share with you, it will constantly remind you why this is the word of Allah.

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You know, over time you find in Quran Allah says we're England, Athena otisville Kitab amin baddie him Luffy Shaka minha marine generations that came afterwards, next generation next generation, those who inherited the book from their parents, they became doubtful, they started having Chuck, I mean, we follow this religion. But you know, the Buddhists, they also follow their religion and the Hindus, they also have their religion and the Christians, they also have their religion, there's so many religions, and they follow their religion because their parents give it to them.

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And we follow our religion because our parents gave it to them. So maybe ours is okay. But I don't know maybe theirs is okay too.

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Because we all got it from our appearances. Maybe if I was born in a Buddhist family, if I was born in the Hindu family, I would have been Hindu. You know, I wonder which one is right.

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You start having the next generation starts having doubts. The solution to those doubts is yet to do it him it was a key him. When from the early age going on, you are teaching children how to think

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and you're exposing them to the word of Allah. They're not only learning how to make salah and what what Vicar to make, they are learning why the most important question Why are they Muslim?

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We are not Muslim because our parents are Muslim. We are Muslim because it

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is the truth, and the law of the IR the message of Quran, when it's constantly being repeated, it shows you why this is the truth had HIV and Allahu Allah novel, until it becomes clear to them it's the truth. Every time you hear czar, that's when we imagine it increases them even more in the mind, they are even more convinced it's the word of Allah will lie in our lives. I've been trying to understand the Quran it was mentioned in the introduction. I've been trying to understand the Quran since 1999.

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And I'm in study, I'm still a student of the Quran. And sometimes I'm studying Koran, and I just have to stop and see columella

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like I just, this can only be from Allah. I have that all the time when I stood here now. Why? Because that's the promise of Allah. He will purify your thinking and refresh your Iban and remove your doubts and when you don't have this when you don't do you have to do it, him it he will use a key him. You know, come on, he ascended in NaVi Salallahu alaihe salam just like the legacy of the prophets. Listen, if we don't do this, you know what happens? Then you get a new generation of Muslims they have questions. I don't understand salon what is the point? Why is it these five different salons and what's the point of Zakat?

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I don't understand why we have an Al haram what's the big deal? They start having doubts about everything, they start questioning everything, nothing makes sense to them anymore. And you know, when those questions come, when there's a distance between the online and the Quran, then the questions come. And when the when the when the connection is there, then the questions are answered in the best way by Allah Himself. So you never even feel the need to ask the question because it's been convincingly answered before you even ask the question, you have to do it he might not he will use a key him. He then says this is the last two parts and these are different. So this first part

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was different. The last part is different. When you only move on Kitab al hikmah.

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Allah azza wa jal could have just said yet Luana him it was a key him and all he could have said yet Lou la Makita. Yet Ronnie will hikmah he reads the book to them. He reads the wisdom to them. No, he says he teaches the book. He teaches the book. He teaches the wisdom. So there's a different verb an hour is different from yesterday. So first, I'd like to help you understand the difference between yet to do in the beginning and you are limo home now.

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Yet you can suggest there's a public audience and you just recite to them. You make things easy for them to understand. Some of them are students. Some of them are not students. Some of them can only listen for two minutes. Some of them can listen for two hours, no difference. It's open ended invitation. This is what Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam, even for the Quraysh they're not students. They're not going to learn but even on them yet to Allah hemmati even on them

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You know, this is actually in a sense, the first two. First two parts of this are like data.

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And they're like data because there was somebody will listen and somebody will not listen but doesn't matter you try to give anyway. Sometimes you see you among your friends you share something about the Quran. Some of your friends don't want to hear anything. It's okay. Something went in their ear and maybe six months from now it'll grow inside their head. But maybe they won't listen right then it's okay. This is yes. He will use a key him. But now we're in a different phrase. We're in Lima homolka taba was hikma. Tallinn is two things. There's the limb, and there's the motor. And then there's the teacher. And there's the student. And they both have to put a lot of effort. It

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doesn't come without effort. The lien cannot happen easily. Like right now when you're sitting here. This actually is not ballin. This is more closer to the MIT. This is closer to that. And we are like accepted as that. But when you say I lemma, then you're saying the teacher makes a lot of effort checks on every student to gauge their progress. Did you understand? Did you understand? Did you have any repeats any reviews and he tests and the student is taking notes and studying and he's asking questions. And he's memorizing and he's learning and he doesn't understand something he comes back to the teacher and there's constant back and forth and it takes a long time. When you teach

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anything, it takes a long time. A Larissa just says about the law of this Deen and Kitab here is a reference to the Sharia Quran. Many times the word Kitab is used in the meaning of the law Kitab Allah He is the book of Allah, meaning the law of Allah mandated upon you. Similarly, the law of fasting is katiba and ecomuseum. Right? So GitHub is used many places in Quran for the meaning of law.

00:31:57 --> 00:32:07

And so Allah says he teaches them the law. What does that mean? That the Sharia of Islam, the law of Islam, you cannot just hear about it and you understand it.

00:32:09 --> 00:32:31

There's the message of Islam. That's different, the IR of Allah different, you can just hear about them, and maybe you'll still benefit. But the law of Islam, the icon of Islam, the mandate of Islam is serious. And you have to seriously learn to understand it, because this is actually very dangerous.

00:32:32 --> 00:32:35

You know, if you go to court,

00:32:36 --> 00:32:37

you better have a good lawyer,

00:32:38 --> 00:32:49

and a good lawyer as someone who spent a lot of serious time understanding the law, but you're not going to hire someone who says, hey, yeah, I listened to the law on the radio.

00:32:50 --> 00:32:54

I just heard it one time. I'll take your case.

00:32:55 --> 00:33:09

When it comes to the law, you need to have people that really seriously study the law. Serious deeply understand the law. Why? Because the law, maybe it applies in one case, but it doesn't apply in another case.

00:33:10 --> 00:33:49

Maybe it's for this group, but it's not for this group. If you don't understand it deeply, even for a judge. One case comes he says guilty. Another case comes he says not guilty. And for the outsiders, it looks like the same case. It's like the same same exact case. Why is he saying guilty? Not guilty because you don't understand the law is a different situation here in different situation there. If you explain if he explained it in detail, you won't understand why I say this is because today people talk a lot about Sharia about halal and haram. And I can I can tell you even the Muslims most of the time when we talk about halal and haram, we don't know what we're talking about.

00:33:51 --> 00:33:57

We don't know. We just heard something. We didn't really learn it. We just heard something and we repeated

00:33:58 --> 00:34:10

the genius of the Quran and the genius of Rahim Allah Islam and finally the wisdom of Allah zone. He mentions, you know, human Kitab, he teaches them the law, which means we're gonna have to go to the alcohol, the

00:34:11 --> 00:34:21

the people that study the line and spend their lifetime studying the law, and we're going to have to learn from them. And if you really want to understand it, then you have to become a student.

00:34:23 --> 00:34:51

If you don't understand some hokum, some some ruling in Sharia, you see, it doesn't make sense to me, then you have to become serious, then you have to become a student to understand it. That's just the nature of the law. But even then, even then, the law alone is a problem. There was a nation before us. They were also given the law. But they were also given shediac. They were also given halal and haram Quran talks about them all the time.

00:34:52 --> 00:34:59

And that nation, unfortunately what happened was their entire Islam was just the law.

00:35:00 --> 00:35:10

For them Islam was just halal and haram and follow them. That's it. That's all it was. So they made two things equal Islam equals Sharia.

00:35:11 --> 00:35:16

Islam does not equal Sharia. What is happening in this ayah? yet? No.

00:35:17 --> 00:35:23

That's not the law. We'll use a key him that's not the law when you leave.

00:35:24 --> 00:35:57

That's the law. And then I'll Hekmati and that's still again, not the law. The law is part of Islam, but it's not all of Islam. It's not all of a sudden, what happens in the oma when we forget this teaching of the Quran, we go around trying to implement the law of Islam. force people to accept the law of Islam, tell people this is haram, you cannot do this or this is this is fun, you have to do this, etc. And the people say Why? Why should I do it? I don't want to do it. You know why? They ask why? Because, yes,

00:35:58 --> 00:36:00

he will use a key and hasn't happened.

00:36:01 --> 00:36:43

You cannot just go straight to the law. There's a process step one, step two, step three. That's what cron is teaching us. You want the law in the land, you want the law to be followed by the believers, even even the Muslims then first you have to follow the steps. And even if you're following the law now, how will you make sure the next generation will love the law not just follow the law love the word of Allah love the outcome of Allah? Because if we don't love what Allah gave us if we if we follow it, and we don't like to, if we follow it we don't like to that's causing the follow up. Yun Fukunaga home carry home they spend but they hate it. What's the point? If we don't

00:36:43 --> 00:36:51

do if we don't if we don't love Salah if we don't love Zika if we don't want to say hello, then there's no point.

00:36:52 --> 00:37:34

And so how do you instill that love is those first two steps but now I get to hikma when you are leaving your living room Kitab al hikmah hikmah is many things I just want to highlight a couple of quick things for you. The first of them is hikma means in the way in which you will do the kitten, meaning apply the kitten, the the key the judge the ruler, the Imam, even the head of the household when he's going to make a judgement. According to the Kitab news, he needs to use a lot of wisdom. He cannot just this is the rule that says wisdom will have to be applied. That's one easy implication of a hikma. But the other interesting meaning there's lots of meanings of

00:37:35 --> 00:37:37

what I could share with you here today.

00:37:38 --> 00:37:40

How does the Quran talk about hekla.

00:37:41 --> 00:37:49

And if you really want to understand this, I will give you two words. And you have to remember the comparison between these two words in a shallow dialogue. We're done.

00:37:51 --> 00:37:57

The first word is the law. I've been talking about that. And the second word is morals. morals.

00:37:59 --> 00:38:09

You have for example, there's a law there's a red light on the street. When you get to the red light, you have to stop that is the law. If you keep going you broke the law.

00:38:11 --> 00:38:17

The law is basically yes or no black or white halaal or Hara is very clear.

00:38:18 --> 00:38:20

And when you break the law there is punishment.

00:38:21 --> 00:38:27

That's the that's the nature of the law. If If you broke a law and there is no punishment, then it's not a law.

00:38:28 --> 00:38:38

You see if the red light you stop there, and you keep going and nobody says anything, the policeman says okay, but next time Okay, just being nice next time.

00:38:40 --> 00:39:12

All it says on the side, please, please stop here if you're a nice person. But if you don't stop here, shame on you. But there is no lease. Nobody will stop because the law is not respected until there is what some some kind of authority. That's that's the nature of the law. But morals are different. hikma is different. Heckman is for example, in Quran when she filled out the Maha don't walk on the earth with with pride.

00:39:13 --> 00:39:42

Don't walk with pride. There's not a law. I can't walk a certain way in the police convey walking with pride is fine. You can't do that. That's not a law. It's a moral law says what is valid any sudden be the best you can beat your parents. So you get game and you said Salaam to your parents and the police officer says you should have said better sit on what Allahu Barakatuh excellent is another fine 50 ringgit.

00:39:43 --> 00:39:46

That's not a law. It's a moral teaching.

00:39:47 --> 00:39:59

You know, Allah says in Quran he says in Iowa Look, man, look, man gave His Son hikma. kasatkina lokmanya hikma and he gave his son and he says it to his son. You know?

00:40:01 --> 00:40:14

I'm in Salt Lake Lower your voice in Kerala, Swati la Sol hmil. The ugliest sound is the sound of a donkey. Lower your voice. Lowering the voice is not the law. I'm raising my voice right now.

00:40:15 --> 00:40:16


00:40:17 --> 00:40:27

That's not the law. You can't say so you're sitting in a restaurant Hey. And then the Sharia police comes in says 50 ring in Kerala, Swati, Lesotho.

00:40:29 --> 00:40:30

And you get a donkey sticker.

00:40:33 --> 00:41:20

No, there's a difference. Islam gave us two things. Islam gave us laws, and actually very few laws. And Islam gave us a lot of morals. A lot of hikma Valley coming in a caribou come in and hikma is what Allah gave you out of wisdom. Now wisdom is a few things. The man that we have a man and Allah a man in the Hara, Imani Rasulullah saw me man, all of a man in the rain. That's all part of hikma also. That's also Hickman. And then the moral teachings are also hikma. And we're learning now that you cannot just learn the law. You have to learn the law and the morals you have to learn the law and these other teachings together and that's why they're combined. You I'll leave you alone will

00:41:20 --> 00:41:32

Kitab al hikma you know a lot of times people have a question. And nowadays people the way people ask them questions very interesting. especially young people come and ask a question. They'll say is Facebook around?

00:41:34 --> 00:41:42

Or is is you know, our movies? How long is music? haraam is every question. Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on hold on

00:41:44 --> 00:41:49

this and if you say, well, let's talk No, no just told me her arm or not.

00:41:52 --> 00:41:59

And then because it's the law, it's complicated. It needs a complicated answer. They're like, Oh, so it's not Haram, which means it's Helen.

00:42:02 --> 00:42:02

You know,

00:42:03 --> 00:42:11

you know, a lot of times it tells you that we think only in terms of the law like Islam, all it is, is the law,

00:42:12 --> 00:42:12

you know,

00:42:13 --> 00:42:15

and has nothing to do with wisdom.

00:42:17 --> 00:42:20

That these questions are not about kita they're actually about what

00:42:23 --> 00:42:24

a lot of these questions are about hikma.

00:42:26 --> 00:42:34

Some some girl came to me one time, her mother said she goes out with her friends All the time. She doesn't listen to me.

00:42:35 --> 00:42:39

So she says the girl says to me, is having friends around.

00:42:41 --> 00:42:50

And I said, Okay, let's sit down and talk. I said, Are you allergic? And she said, Yes, I have allergy to peanuts.

00:42:53 --> 00:42:55

No, I'm allergic to

00:42:58 --> 00:42:59

peanuts aroma.

00:43:03 --> 00:43:04

Bad idea.

00:43:07 --> 00:43:08


00:43:15 --> 00:43:17

Not all of Islam is

00:43:19 --> 00:43:21

islamize. Here's a good idea.

00:43:26 --> 00:44:09

Don't raise your voice at people. When you're having a normal conversation. That's a bad idea. it's wise to keep your voice low. Deal with your parents in the best way. This is a good idea. And if we don't do that, that's a bad idea. That's hikma. It's the higher kind of common sense. So this is the practical map of the religion that was given to the suit Allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam and this when you teach it this way, notice where it began though you don't begin with Heckman. You begin with yet to Allah him it was so one last time I'll share with you why and add some new things you begin with yet to either him it because we get to it he might he that he man is

00:44:10 --> 00:44:12

as calm. Now, you know this is from Allah.

00:44:13 --> 00:44:40

You don't question that anymore. Now you're ready to listen. And now that because he's actually attalla he Maya who's at home, Eamon and when I decided that I already answered them and increases them in their email. And when that happens, now they're ready to become more and more purified. We use a key him. Now it's time to teach the law T and by the way, the island will learn the law at this level. But the child will have to be taught the law at this level.

00:44:41 --> 00:44:59

Whenever they need. Our children they need to learn the law of regarding how to pray, how to eat, how to purify themselves, they need to learn that part of the law. The alum has to learn the law of Muhammad not even how to do the judgment between the people how to do the kebab between people

00:45:00 --> 00:45:40

They have to learn the law at a different level. Not everybody has to become a P. You so there's a minimum amount of law that you need that I need, that we have to learn. And then there's higher and higher and higher levels. And but hikma is for everybody and even Hickman is at different levels. Right, the hikma for a child is something else. Like Look, man gave advice to his son. The hikma for the elders is something else, hikma for the elders is how do we talk to our young people. We need to Hickman how we talk to our young people, you know, and so this beautiful map of religion has been given to us. What I when I thought about this place, and I was sharing the video before, I'm so

00:45:40 --> 00:46:24

grateful that I got to fulfill that ambition. And I'm so my team is also so grateful. We came here. And we went on the bike run with tunku. And so honored to be a part of that. And so very grateful to really partake in that activity that we did. I was telling the group earlier all over the world I get to see a masala and here I came, I got to see artistica you know, it's just a beautiful thing to be able to live and see. Mila Blessed is the online especially the people here for what what's happening here. What I thought about was, again, what's going to happen 300 years from now 500 years from now. And how are we going to make this the strongest part of the online. We can do that only if

00:46:24 --> 00:46:29

we create a culture where Koran is being taught and learned in every circle.

00:46:30 --> 00:47:02

Every circle, every family, every machine, every women's circle, there's some Holocaust or on there's some helicopter scene. There's some HELOC some circle where people are going into data tsunami, you know, they're they're sitting among each other and they're just studying the book of Allah. Like the prophet SAW Selim describes when people do that any home of a lie any house of Allah He beat him in Utila when they're sitting there and learning the book of Allah. Allah Allah Allah Allah human melodica you know, angels come down, have photonic

00:47:04 --> 00:47:19

angels surround them and tranquility peace descends on them. You know, and this is important to understand because it goes back to the the word of the angels. The angel said that we they will cause they will spill blood and do corruption and we do this we

00:47:20 --> 00:47:21

we do this

00:47:22 --> 00:48:01

and here we are the best of all this B is the Quran. So be his marami colada. This may not be cannot be the best Subhana Allah the bestest V is the word of Allah. And when we do that peace comes on us. And when you have Sakina you cannot have facade. When you have Sakina you cannot have such good demand. You know, this book will protect not only your personal life, it will protect the online itself. I tell people, a lot of times you know we have when you have a problem people do Rukia and they recite Quran I argue that Rukia is truly effective when you recite Quran with understanding.

00:48:03 --> 00:48:29

It's truly effective when you recycle it and you understand what I was saying. That's when it protects you. That's when it offers that protection and May Allah azza wa jal make this for on like Allah says about it, the law MOBA radiculopathy, voluntary Domine dooney humans tada about the Kitab he says, What's a common kitabi avec la vida de Kalamata? Vegeta Min dooney and even do Nikita Musa

00:48:30 --> 00:49:12

he will not find any protection anywhere to hide anywhere to stay safe, other than the Kitab of Allah, other than the book of Allah. So what will keep this on my safe is this formula given given by the civil laws and the long running salon and that formula is one of really injecting the message and the reflection and the understanding of the Quran, deep inside the hearts and the minds of this oma realize that will make the state of police and the people here a model of that and an example of that for others to follow and realize that we should make the oma all over once again deeply reconnected with the book of Allah barakallahu li walakum from Coronel Hakeem when he was at Hakeem

00:49:24 --> 00:49:25

jerky I

00:49:26 --> 00:49:29

guess, a little bit, two or three

00:49:33 --> 00:49:35

okay Alhamdulillah

00:49:37 --> 00:49:47

Thank you very much. This does no man alley. This is a very good sharing session. There are lots of things to share by the bonfire by the

00:49:48 --> 00:49:53

ECC young keep the bully head fit then get Atlanta party

00:49:54 --> 00:49:58

Bubba Gala. Better no mine, Miss Rita Canton town.

00:49:59 --> 00:49:59


00:50:00 --> 00:50:11

Buddha salmon Nabil Brahim. COVID he did in town hikma. dhandapani down down, then a hastily sir conclusion and say da da da

00:50:12 --> 00:50:24

da da da da da da man. Callaghan down Manu borken Buddha Quran karate della mushara khaki Kavita apabila qurani to the butcher, Tandy, hayati city.

00:50:26 --> 00:50:35

Subaru the collagen Simo masaka this motorbike nigari need and negrini acaba, de Pekka berkata rahmatullah wa Tada.

00:50:37 --> 00:50:38

slender burrito

00:50:40 --> 00:50:57

burrito hardeen mamanuca Papa so Alan. Nikita Cuckoo. Solange Sahaja Ali Kanaka cannon masa. Okay, he would like to open the floor for any questions. So we allow for two questions. All right.

00:50:58 --> 00:51:01

This is the first one I can see here the brother please.

00:51:03 --> 00:51:07

Maybe three, the second one. Okay, please. You're the first one. Okay, come.

00:51:15 --> 00:51:16

Salam Alaikum.

00:51:17 --> 00:51:47

My question is about yet to Allah him is he? here actually I heard from I heard it and I What can I understand from the outer meaning? That just it means the Ayat of Allah. So does it always refer to Quran or anything that is the that reminds Allah that can be assigned to prove Allah. All these things can be included in IRC or on the Quran. Good question.

00:51:48 --> 00:51:53

I am Tofino. Hamada sent from Bangladesh, uni med student masters. Thank you.

00:51:55 --> 00:52:19

Great question. Sophie. is the word I art in yet Lu la him? Is he referring only to the Quran? Or is it referring to you know, you know all things outside because everything is I asked with the end of the day that creation of allies also i art and history is also iaat. I would argue that there are places in the Quran that have to be determined the meaning has to be determined by the context.

00:52:20 --> 00:52:26

And the context of this ayah is it's a response to the DA Rahim Allah Hassan.

00:52:27 --> 00:53:14

And the OG Rahim Allah is specifically about a messenger who will come and recite Allah's revelations. He will recite what will be revealed to him. And so I would argue that in this particular case, the the the primary meaning is revelation or Koran itself. You can extrapolate secondarily, maybe it includes other things, but I would stick with the primary meaning and that's further elaborated and you Halima Makita will acquire, it's actually building on the same notion, the different roles that are on planes. doctrine plays the role of ions. It plays a role of Ischia. It plays the role of tangible Kitab. It plays the role of the admiral hikma. It plays all of those

00:53:14 --> 00:53:51

different roles because it's not one thing, but it cannot be reduced to one thing it plays multiple functions, and all of them have been described. Some of you might know that the word hikma is also described like your mama chef, a very famous statement that the word hikma is the son of the Prophet says Kitab and heckuva meaning Quran and Sunnah. Right? And even though that's a very, it's a very beautiful way of explaining it. Also, because the word hikma in Arabic is an element of fear when I'm a newbie, the good knowledge and you act on that knowledge and the Sunnah is the actions of the Quran. It's actually the Quran practically. Right? So in that sense, also Al Kitab al hikma makes

00:53:51 --> 00:53:59

sense. It's the practical application of the Quran. Okay, thank you. And then we got a second question with the last one from 10 three.

00:54:01 --> 00:54:17

Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakaatuh. No man, thank you very much for such an enlightened lecture. My question is nothing to do with who come with a cup. I just from your own perception, background,

00:54:18 --> 00:54:30

you are being I suppose you're born outside the unit us? You're now residing us. Am I right? Now, I noticed that in this world today.

00:54:32 --> 00:54:38

The best Muslim Muslim practices are not in the Muslim countries. They all in the West.

00:54:39 --> 00:54:47

The perception I received the book that I make my Eman Manta means Manta.

00:54:50 --> 00:54:53

My in my mind, you know, the strength of my mind

00:54:54 --> 00:54:59

strengthened when I read a book, written not by a Muslim

00:55:00 --> 00:55:09

That time by Morris, Ohio, comparison science, Quran and Bible, when I read that,

00:55:11 --> 00:55:18

it turned me out, it turned me upside down. Of course, Morris became Muslim later. Now the Muslim practices today.

00:55:20 --> 00:55:20

And I see

00:55:22 --> 00:55:28

the love learner, Muslims coming from the US and Europe, not from the traditional Muslim countries.

00:55:30 --> 00:55:33

And a lot of laws, like you said be applied

00:55:35 --> 00:55:43

unreasonably, which is assumed that our laws, but these are coming from traditional Muslim countries? No, my question is, how come?

00:55:44 --> 00:55:50

This has happened? Is it because you are residing in a non Muslim majority country?

00:55:52 --> 00:56:11

You're a minority in your in that part of the world, and that we are on here we were born Muslims. We think that that is what the law is all about? Or is it because of some other intellectual exercises they are in the education system? And whatever? Thank you. That's a very heavy question.

00:56:13 --> 00:56:14

It's a really good question, too.

00:56:16 --> 00:56:31

I disagree with you. First of all, I think there are some incredible Muslims in the oma everywhere. And I don't believe that Muslims in the West are better. I don't. If you came there, you would know.

00:56:35 --> 00:56:46

But what I will say is that you you do find very prominent thinkers and intellectuals and diaries and things like that coming more and more from the Western world, right.

00:56:47 --> 00:56:50

And I'm just a small example of that, but much better than myself.

00:56:52 --> 00:57:04

The reasons for that are many one of those reasons is I can only share personal ones with you. I was, you know, I was born in Germany, I spent a lot of my youth in Serbia,

00:57:05 --> 00:57:15

of course, a Muslim country. And when you're in a Muslim country, there's a blessing. Islam is all around you. But there's also a challenge. You don't question anything?

00:57:16 --> 00:57:21

It's just Islam. Everybody's Muslim, obviously. So you never think about Islam.

00:57:22 --> 00:57:24

It's just a part of your identity.

00:57:25 --> 00:57:39

When you go to America, and they question everything about you, why are you Muslim? Why are you dressed like that? Why do you pray? What what is in your book, they start asking you all these questions. And these questions you never even asked yourself.

00:57:42 --> 00:58:06

So you don't know how to answer these questions, because you never had them yourself. And when you learn to spam, you did not learn Islam. Number one, if somebody asks you, why are you listen, here's what you say, and here's how you you never learn this. You never learned it. And so I had to, first of all, I wasn't even interested in the religion. And when I did, I had to ask myself the same questions that non Muslims ask.

00:58:08 --> 00:58:49

It's like, I have to take Shahada all over again, to hold on to my Islam. Because I cannot live there. Have all those questions? and say, Okay, I don't have any answers, but I'm still Muslim. I can't shut my brain off. Now I have to come to Islam. intellectually, I have to come to Islam consciously. I would argue I was subconsciously Muslim. And now I have to become consciously Muslim. And then I realized something. That the word those questions that I was asked in America, or the society that challenged my Islam, that society has now made its way onto the internet.

00:58:51 --> 00:58:56

And now the Muslim oma is being asked those questions wherever they are.

00:58:57 --> 00:59:21

So we're not safe anywhere. Which means we cannot be subconscious Muslims anywhere anymore. We can't afford it. We have to come to Islam, consciously know and be confident in and have the right foundation of why is it that we are Muslim, we have to refresh Islam all over again, like we just became Muslim.

00:59:23 --> 00:59:24

It is necessary to

00:59:25 --> 00:59:43

be in before the internet. I would argue it was maybe easier for you to pass Islam from your grandfather to you, you know, to your father to you it was easier. It is much harder for you to give it to your children guaranteed because they have Google

00:59:44 --> 00:59:49

which means they have questions, which means they have questions you've never had.

00:59:50 --> 01:00:00

And they will ask those questions. And there's some very hard questions. You know, we have to equip ourselves. So that's one of the reasons we

01:00:00 --> 01:00:37

As a minority if we're going to survive, we have to answer those questions and that builds confidence. The other thing is, how are you going to stay as a minority where everybody around you doesn't like Islam, or they don't know anything about Islam and things like that. You have to become very strong in your, in the confidence in your faith, and you have to become ambassadors of your faith, you cannot be on the defense, in a sense, you have to be on the offense. You have to stand up and speak for your faith if it's going to survive. And I would argue that a lot of the Muslims in the West were put in that position. A lot of Muslims lost their faith. A lot of Muslims are no

01:00:37 --> 01:00:40

longer Muslim. In the West, they're gone.

01:00:41 --> 01:00:56

I met somebody, it was incredible. I met somebody in Mexico, Mexico City, I went just once. And this the soon as I got to Mexico City, I did the most important thing. Look for a halal restaurant, right? There's only two.

01:00:58 --> 01:01:17

And I there was a Moroccan restaurant not too far away, I went there. And I know a little bit of Spanish, I spoke to the brother, I found out that he's Moroccan. And we started speaking in Arabic a little bit. And he told me that there was a huge immigration of Arab Muslims that came to Mexico in 1960s and 1970s. Engineers,

01:01:18 --> 01:01:28

hundreds of 1000s. And I said, so where are they are? They're big masajid in Mexico, or there was no no, there's one question 200 people?

01:01:29 --> 01:01:31

So what happened to everybody else? Where did they go?

01:01:33 --> 01:01:45

He said they basically accepted Mexican culture, the first generation was fairly Muslim, but their children became very much assimilated with the larger society. Now you can't even tell.

01:01:47 --> 01:02:10

You can't even tell which ones of them are they have some names, like Mohammed, Ahmed, and things like that. But other than that, you can tell that they're Muslim. So holla, and just six from the 60s and 70s gone, something that was in Islam, Arab Muslims, Moroccan Jordanian Muslims that have been Muslim for 1400 years almost. And in 70 years, 40 years gone.

01:02:11 --> 01:02:51

You imagine it is not something we can hold on to automatically and I'm arguing You don't have to be in Mexico City. Because of the internet. Now, this problem is everywhere. So we're going to have to be conscious Muslims now and really change the way we educate about Islam. This is why I brought up my RT he will use a key him the way in which we teach the Quran, the way in which we engage the Muslim Ummah, about the way they think about Islam has to change, we have to now become active thinkers. Otherwise this will not will be replaced. I don't say the oma will be destroyed because this will not will never be destroyed. But the Omar will be replaced yesterday and Coleman.

01:02:53 --> 01:03:00

He will replace you with a people other than yourselves, they will not be like you. So we better become that inshallah. Tada. Okay.

01:03:02 --> 01:03:03

Thank you very much.

01:03:08 --> 01:03:44

Oh, very short. Actually, I think it is unfair. If we now open the floor to ladies. I was going to say something I would like to maybe answer one more question. And then I'd like to stand in the back over there and let our mothers and daughters ask whatever questions they want. Without the mic. It's okay. Okay. Well, I'd like to because they usually never get a chance to speak to the you know, the art and the speakers, the moms, so I'm, I would love to take a selfie with you guys. But we'll do that at the end. I will go in the back first and maybe speak to our mothers and our daughters first, inshallah. And then we'll come back up even louder. But one more question from this brother and

01:03:44 --> 01:03:48

okay. Yep. Could be very short one. Okay, please.

01:03:51 --> 01:03:55

My name is Mr. Jacob khaolak, PhD student at University of Santa Monica.

01:03:56 --> 01:04:13

Now we have the extremists, who are who believe that we need to destroy everyone who's not following Islam, build it again from zero. And we have the others who believe in gradual transformation, which I agree with you but

01:04:15 --> 01:04:16

you are leaving home.

01:04:17 --> 01:04:28

My family my It was a key, which I believe this is the safe way for and logical way to transform what we have become after letting go our formula.

01:04:30 --> 01:04:33

But my question is

01:04:34 --> 01:04:59

now we have governments that and Arabic and Muslim countries whom their population do not believe in them as leaders do transformation to become a leading Muslim countries. We all believe that I'm Palestinian, I believe in as many of my colleagues or my age that our governments are not going to bring us anywhere to become a leading Muslim

01:05:00 --> 01:05:16

Countries or back to Islam as it was and plus the Western cultures that trying or in generally, generally speaking, they are pushing and trying to limit the Islamic

01:05:19 --> 01:05:35

the other sides of Islam that implies two lifestyles, so they try to limit Islam to Muslims or to halaqa or to whatever it is that just keep it there. Don't do financial Islamic financial finance don't do

01:05:36 --> 01:05:41

Islamic business, they trying to limit everything that that can be a rival.

01:05:45 --> 01:05:46

Because it is how

01:05:49 --> 01:05:54

all over the world with this, everything happening to get

01:06:01 --> 01:06:02

another heavy question

01:06:05 --> 01:06:12

I'd like to share a quick story with you my brother. I was in Turkey about a month and a half ago.

01:06:13 --> 01:06:19

And as you know, Turkey implemented extreme secularism after the fall of the

01:06:20 --> 01:06:22

nanny state in 1924.

01:06:23 --> 01:06:23


01:06:27 --> 01:06:27


01:06:35 --> 01:06:35

and in some

01:06:47 --> 01:06:48

situation in the Muslim

01:06:51 --> 01:06:52

for the lab.

01:06:55 --> 01:06:56

And the

01:06:59 --> 01:07:00

simple way, every

01:07:03 --> 01:07:04

most beautiful massage in the world.

01:07:07 --> 01:07:07

So many years,

01:07:11 --> 01:07:12

profitable change that

01:07:23 --> 01:07:24

they barely even

01:07:27 --> 01:07:27

for worse.

01:07:39 --> 01:07:43

government buildings, say Salaam to each other, they could lose their.

01:07:45 --> 01:07:49

And now they're saying Salaam to each other. And they're discussing and I'm

01:07:53 --> 01:08:01

she's a historian of the earth money. She's a grandmother herself. And she told me a story of her grandmother.

01:08:02 --> 01:08:09

Her grandmother used to work in government when the government changed from Islamic government to secular extreme secular government.

01:08:10 --> 01:08:13

And she used to memorize called on

01:08:14 --> 01:08:32

and she used to wear hijab, and she was told you have to take your hijab off. And she was some head of education offers some big role in government. She said I'm not going to take my hijab off. So they changed her job from you know, Chancellor of education or something to janitor cleaning service.

01:08:33 --> 01:08:41

You know, the moves are down because just because she wouldn't take her hijab off. Then they wanted to come door to door to check who has copy of Quran so they could burn it

01:08:45 --> 01:08:47

under the you know, inheritance

01:08:52 --> 01:08:59

so that they wouldn't find it. And she would go into there and she would recite her Koran. And she would not bring it out from there because they'll find out.

01:09:00 --> 01:09:33

And this is where the animals do you know, their filth. And that's where she keeps her most health. And the granddaughter told me who's now herself an older woman. She told me she still has that copy of Quran she keeps it inside of a bag, because if she opens the bag, the whole house smells like animal. You know what, you know, this is where they came from. But were they able to get rid of the Quran or get rid of Islam? No, they were able to hold it down for almost 90 years and then it just

01:09:34 --> 01:09:53

popped back up again. And now young people there are in the massagin it's it's something beautiful to see. They're learning Arabic. I mean, they're it's when I saw the Syrian refugees in Turkey will lie he I remembered Mahajan. Willa Hill was incredible. In I've never seen anything like it.

01:09:54 --> 01:09:59

They will. There are places in the Muslim world where Islam itself is being pushed down.

01:10:00 --> 01:10:16

In my personal opinion, you do not have to agree with this in my personal opinion, our job is not to rebel against government agencies and fight against them and do in my personal opinion, it has only produced more bloodshed,

01:10:17 --> 01:10:22

in my personal opinion, is a grassroots teaching of Islam.

01:10:23 --> 01:10:26

Because the real tragedy of Islam is not political to me.

01:10:27 --> 01:10:35

The real tragedy of Islam is not economic. The real tragedy of Islam is intellectual, and spiritual.

01:10:36 --> 01:10:51

When young people are no longer convinced that Islam is the truth, what is happening in the Arab world, mustard is empty mall is full. That's not the places where there's war happening, the places that are safe right now, where are you?

01:10:52 --> 01:11:29

Where are the young people? They are, and most of them, if you even talk to them a little bit about Islam, they get annoyed, they get angry. And that's in the Muslim world. That is the ultimate emergency of Islam. Our problem is not government's. Our problem is not secularism, that's not our problem. How did we get there, they were these people who are running the government's now and believe in these things. Now, one, once upon a time, they were youth. And when they were youth, they did not receive yet to either him it he will use a key him. And that's what brought them over there.

01:11:30 --> 01:12:10

If we don't think about the next hunt, we keep thinking about what's happening right now, we have to think what's going to happen in 100 years. If we don't produce a change in thinking, then you will not see a change. You cannot even if you change, and you fight and you win, you didn't change the thinking of people, which means they'll come back again. And you'll go back again and they'll come back and he'll go back again. The real battle is the Battle of fought the battle of influence. And that battle can only be won by the Quran, I would argue that can only be won by the Koran and people who say you can bring immediate change if immediate change could be brought and would have been

01:12:10 --> 01:12:22

brought by the law himself. So the long running asylum, there is no such thing as an immediate change. There's no such thing. There's only chaos. There's only such good demand. That's all that it brings. And that's my position on the issue, Shama

01:12:23 --> 01:12:25

Alhamdulillah, thank you very much.

Ustadh Nouman AliKhan gives a soulful and impactful lecture in Perlis, Malaysia that deals with the important lessons one must imbibe and inculcate from Surah al Jumuah.

  • Those people who were given knowledge of the Book of Allah but chose to stay ignorant about it are like the donkey that carries a load that it cannot benefit from.
  • Those who claim to be the only Friends of Allah are challenged to desire death if they are in fact truthful. There cannot be a more true measure of one’s proximity to Allah!
  • Those who know they have done well have no qualms ad apprehensions about death.
  • The death we try to run from incessantly will eventually catch up with us. Hence, it is of paramount importance that we rectify and better our actions while there is still time.
  • It is sinful to engage in worldly activities whilst unprepared for Jumu‘ah, once the Adhan of Jumu‘ah is called.
  • The worship and obedience of Allah are better than futility and business, though the latter has to be done when necessary. 

Listen intently and be mesmerized by the lecture.

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