Mirza Yawar Baig – Reminders Balance Sheet Muaamilaat

Mirza Yawar Baig
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the issue of balance sheet and liabilities in relation to personal matters. They emphasize the importance of not giving gifts and bringing in guests from non- Muslim countries to see a positive difference in behavior. They also discuss the importance of creating " Muslim society" for personal growth and the loss and gain of faith in Islam. They encourage others to strengthen their faith in Islam and create a beautiful life.
AI: Transcript ©
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In al hamdu Lillah wa salatu salam O Allah, Colombia or Allah Allah, he was happy human. Voila.

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inshallah today's the last one of our mantras on the issue of balance sheet,

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the assets column and the liabilities column as you said, there are two sides

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and now attempt inshallah is to try to lead our lives in such a way that the asset column is full of things and the liabilities column is empty.

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And that is why we were looking at how can we do that. So, we looked at especially the different liabilities, which are of furniture that they are negative in themselves as as well as they wipe out assets. So we looked at those and we said, How can we avoid them inshallah. And then we looked at the assets, what are the assets, which are

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beneficial for us, inshallah.

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Today, finally, we'll look at

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the issue of assets with regard to such things which are not of personal benefit alone, but things which are also of benefit to the rest of mankind and the rest of the world. Because Allah subhanaw taala sent us into this world, in order to create a difference in the world,

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through the presentation of Islam in our lives,

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and as well as Roger Enzo to the one said, well, Adam Schiff, you are the Messiah,

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do not walk on the earth, with arrogance, with pride. Now, this does not refer alone to simply the action of walking, but it refers to the whole attitude of a Muslim how it should be. The attitude of Muslims should be attitude of humility, an attitude of humbleness, of kindness, of compassion, of justice, of going, the extra step of doing more lavish Allah solemn in with regard to people in transactions in terms of

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doing deals. He said, always give more

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nets, he's not only talking about doing justice, you're doing justice, you give what is do, giving more not justice, giving more is more than justice. But he said give more said, if you are weighing, give more, you're giving something to a customer, if you're buying something, give more if you're accounting give more, if you are doing any deal, always give more, don't give less, don't even give what you are supposed to give, give more than that. The two benefits of this is if you are focused on giving more than obviously you will do justice, so there is no chance of you falling into the trap of injustice, which is a very major issue. So I'm delighted to say from that. And secondly,

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that is how you win the hearts of people. You know, the richest person in the world likes to get a free gift of five rupees, which he doesn't even need, but makes you feel good. You know, I got this free gift, I bought this thing about a million dollars. And you know, this whole this, I bought this Ferrari for a million dollars, and he gives me a Ferrari t shirt. And therefore a T shirt is probably made in pollachi or somewhere. It cost him 10 rupees to make, but that polite that that pollachi t shirt is more,

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you know, he feels he feels better about it, then having bought the car itself, right. I'm not obviously promoting buying Ferraris. But I'm just saying that the issue of giving more even if you know enjoy the can customer dealing since we know the effect of that the effect of so called free gifts and whatnot and you know, that actually is not free, it's built into the price. But somewhere you feel good about the fact that you have got this thing for, for free. So Alhamdulillah in terms of our dealings in terms of our transactions, in terms of, of living in the world. This is the issue of of dealing with people, Mr. Lawson also said give each other gifts because these gifts being

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hatched together they engender love amongst people to give does not have to be a big thing. You go somewhere you bring a cowboy you bring something else or you bring a pen or whatever it is not the not that you have to give expensive gifts. But just the thought that when I was somewhere I was thinking of you that day, the whole purpose of a gift is that that somebody was that you were thinking of somebody right? The Gift can be in terms of some material thing the gifts can be maybe a phone call, the gifts can be an email or or a postcard or something who sent whatever it is that so brings hearts together. Also in a

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very, you know many, many times he insisted on spreading sallam. He said I'm sure Salam is a spread salam, Salam Alaikum to each other, right, including spreading Salam in the sense of including greeting people who are not Muslim.

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I was in Australia, somebody asked me masala First of all, I don't answer mosyle questions, but they asked me this question. And they said,

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if a non Muslim says Salam alikoum should I say Baraka Muslim?

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So I said, Why do you put yourself in this position in the first place? Why does the non Muslim say salam alaikum to you? Because you never said anything to him before that. Supposing you had greeted him and said, Hi, good morning, how you doing? Then he's not going to argue I'm fine right? So your problem is solved. So instead of looking for a fatwa, should I should I say, masala or should I save alikoum? Or should I say, instead of looking for a photo, why don't you look at some developing some good o'clock and greeting somebody first? Be the first to greet right? So if you say whatever you say no to the other person, say good morning, good evening, whatever. Then your issue also solved

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was I I said, I'm not gonna tell you to do this or do that much better to try to develop better o'clock that we greet people first, that very important also in terms of our non Muslim neighbors.

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As we know the the outcome of Ramadan selasa lamb, the advisor NaVi Salah Salam with regard to neighbors

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does not restrict itself to Muslim neighbors. It refers to any neighbor like the ayatollahs of Iran also with Allah subhanaw taala mentioned neighbors who are near and neighbors who are far somebody asked as an old buddy he said neighbors were far refers to 40 houses on either side of you and 40 houses this side on your right left for so now imagine 40 houses now it's not a matter of going and counting the number of houses the issue is that do we even know forget 40 houses do we even know the name of the neighbor who lives next door right? People live in apartments they live in, you know, flat blocks of flats, they live in colonies and they do not even know the name of the neighbor next

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night. Now I still remember a time when we used to live in

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the colony of hydrocarbons colony there and we were I think we were the only Muslim family or we were to Muslims and like the rest of them were or the entire colony was only my buddies. But we knew every single person

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we knew them we knew their children they knew us you know used to go and we were all kids at that time was to go and play in each other's houses and so on and so forth. And there was a very nice atmosphere of mutual friendliness and so on and so forth right people would something was cooked they would send some food and you know we get some wonderful vegetarian vegetarian so we could get some wonderful vegetarian food and we Annapolis you know, the sweets are famous and some sweets avid we sent it to them so so thing is the question of developing a

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rapport with people. The reason I'm saying this, that I think I read Muslim and myself and you is that o'clock our dealings are the only things that other people can see. Our aqeedah is inside our heart, that even our own brother, our own wife, husband may not know, right? So okay, the inside that

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our bodies are for the most part, either in our homes, or they are in our massages. So even though the masjid is technically a public place, but obviously, it's not a place where non Muslims Come and see. So it's a public place for Muslims, but other people are still a private place. So our our evaluator here for these two things, the others they do not see, right.

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What people see is our mommy that is our dealings, how do we deal with them?

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small or big, whether it's whether it's actual business transactions, or whether it's a simple thing, like, you know, greeting somebody or onto a shop counter or whatever, right? So mamilla How do we deal with people? And what people see is our o'clock

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in terms of our manners, you know, and then what people see is our martial law, what is the Muslim society like?

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So if you go to a Muslim wedding, what is the what is that look like when people come in our weddings, we have a lot of non Muslims who come to a wedding what what are they seeing there? Right? If they come to any other Muslim function, if there is a Muslim festival, without that's public, in the city, not a Muslim festival. Is it a

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nuisance for everybody else? Or is it something which other people also say See how nicely they celebrate their festivals? Which were

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you know, there was a time when people actually used to say this

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is the Muslims see how nicely they celebrate the festivals. You know, people

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Take part Today we are received we will in some other direction.

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For us, festivals are a source of major nuisance for ourselves and others. Right? We will go and smash glass windows in the night because they destroy America or Europe or something. So they are free from all the barrage is from o'clock, the hava hotel even

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though they really we have to concentrate on the CV, we have to speak about the importance of the Muslim Mashallah there, there must be some visible difference, there was a visible difference with regard to the Sahaba is one like our language, right? There was a visible difference between Muslim society and non Muslim society. And that visible difference was a positive visible difference, non negative, negative difference, positive difference. So, that's why people were drawn to Muslim society because now we want to be like this, you know, these people are clean, and they are neat, and they are nice people and they are friendly to each other, and they are honest, and they have

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integrity, and so on and so forth. So people that we know we want to be like this, right. And that is what we need to create, we need to create a Muslim society, which is visibly positively different from everybody else.

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A person when they come and deal with a Muslim, they come to Muslim shop, they come to a Muslim business, they come to a Muslim office, they must visibly feel a difference. And please notice I'm saying feel a difference not see a difference. Seeing differences easy, right? They see you with with a beard or see the turban or something or you see the ladies with hijabs, this is easy. This is not difficult, right? To grow a beard, you don't even have to do anything. It goes even

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the action without without doing anything. Right. So that's easy. What is difficult is our class. What is difficult is our mobile app. What is difficult is the when the person comes in, what does he feel in this place? Is that does it feel any different than what I'm seeing feel? What is the difference that they feel when they come into a Muslim establishment? What is the feeling of Islam, in that establishment, whether it's a commercial establishment, whether it is any other kind of establishment? What do people feel when they come into our homes, that it is very important, we must invite people into our homes, we must invite, especially our non Muslim neighbors and so on, we must

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invite them home, we must, you know have interaction with them. We must offer them whatever we can offer them if there is any help they need. Even if it is nothing just go and offer say if you need anything, I'm here, please don't hesitate to for when you if you need something, don't go and find your cousin or somebody who's living 10 miles away we are right next door. So please tell us and we will we will we will help you if you need anything at all, in our festivals, and so on and so forth. Let's take a small gift and give it to them hamdulillah let them eat, let them not eat let us let them not us that's not our problem, we are our issues to be nice to them, give them something do

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something for them. There is this friend of mine in the US.

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The reason reasonably young husband and wife, they moved into locality. And they notice this house next door, which was you know, the grass was overgrown, and so on and so forth. And my friend, he made some inquiries, and he said this elderly lady who lives there alone, and she has some children, but children lives elsewhere. So obviously for to mow the lawn and this and that is not possible. So difficult for her. And probably she wasn't all that well to do. So she didn't know didn't sort of hire a gardener to take care of her house and so on. So this is one of my went there. And he knocked on the door. And he said to the lady, we have just moved in next door to you. And if you need

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anything, please tell us, right? And then he said, if you don't mind, your yard and so on, looks overgrown on the weekend, I'm free. So if you don't mind, I'll come and clean it up. And I do have everything. And he said please let me tell you right in the beginning, this is not a business. I am not doing this for money. I don't need anything from you. Just tell me where did you learn more and so on. And we will do all of that is one First of all, you know, this is America. Right? So she says when somebody rings a bell and he sees this bearded man standing there, what do you think she was thinking? Right? But Angela, nice woman. She said let me sort of calling the police. She opened the

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door and she's bowing to and she's absolutely astounded. She's shocked. He said, How many times in your life? Have you had some stranger come and say can I clean up your house? And can I clean up your more your garden? mow your lawn? And can I you know, do up your yard for free? Who does it? You know, never happens in your life. So Angela, she's an audit. So maybe this guy, you know he's drunk or something?

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He's talking like this. We don't even know this. Anyway, okay, so we do it. And then of course on the weekend, he comes in and he cleans up the old place and this is now this old place because back then his wife comes and says, you know next day or whatever she comes she knocks on the door. It was a self and he said

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Ma'am, you know, I am going to the grocery store, right? Would you like to come with me? Do you want to do your groceries? Or do you want me to buy something for you and bring something for you? Whatever, right? She'll pay for it. Obviously, it's not that they're doing charity, but the whole, you know, for an elderly person to get into their car. I mean, is America right? You have to have, you have to do everything yourself. So it means you have to get out, get into a car, drive to the grocery store, buy stuff, obviously, there is somebody who will get some company who will safety. And you know, some help. I mean, obviously, the woman I mean, she was like, she says, you know, my

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children don't even do this for me. Who are you people?

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You are Muslims. But this is not what we hear about Muslims.

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You know, when I see the television, when I'm walking, watching Fox News, or CNN or something, we have a different image of Muslims, right? I mean, you know, you, you're watching that, and we are here, you decide what you want to believe, right? So you're not doing this for propaganda, we are not doing this to convince you one way or the other, after you decide whatever you want. As far as we are concerned, you are our neighbor. And our religion teaches us that you are our responsibility that we have to be nice to you that we have to be good to you. If they do need anything, it is our responsibility to help you. And we are doing what our religion teaches us. Now imagine the effect of

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that on the other person.

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There's 10,000 times more valuable than distributing some book or giving some pamphlet or giving a lecture or you know, some CD or whatever all of this stuff has, you know, very little effect. The actual effect is the personal interaction.

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So now when that lady is when she is thinking Muslims, she's not thinking what is happening in this place and that place, she's thinking about her neighbor. Muslim means this person here next door to me. I remember meeting one more, lady, and this is the last of my stories today, inshallah. I remember meeting an elderly lady in America who became Muslim. So I asked her, I said, How did you become Muslim? I always am interested in these stories of people who come into Islam and why do they come to Islam? What happened? She said, I used to go to a grocery store. And there was this pallet young man, Palestinian man who was he was a Filipino. Yeah, not even the guy said, Oh, I gotta do

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something to help her in the in the store.

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So he said, she said, Every once in a while when I was buying groceries, if I picked up,

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you know, cabbage, or whatever letters or something,

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he would come and tell me, ma'am, don't take that.

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That is not fresh. Don't take that he would either give me a fresh one. Or he would tell me if it's not urgent. If he's not like, you must eat lettuce tonight, you know, otherwise, you will die It is not like that, then come tomorrow, I will give you a fresh.

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So she said after a couple of times, I asked him, I said, Why do you do this? Because you need to sell that thing. Right? I am buying it. It's my responsibility. Why are you doing loss for yourself? He said, No, our religion teaches us that we should give customers a good product.

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He said it is not price. I know it's not very what is what is the point in you taking it and you find it's not fresh, and you feel unhappy about this fact. I'll give you something which is fresh. And as far as my loss and gain is concerned, my loss and gain is with my God. Allah gives me what he gives me gives me I don't have to make loss and gain by taking something from you. So she said the first time he told me this, I thought to myself, you know what, what kind of crazy thing is he talking about his loss and gain is from God and all that and what loss and gain from God, right? He's doing a business. In Dubai, something it is gain, if I don't buy something, it is lost. I mean,

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where's God in this picture? But she said as time progressed, and I used to go and always buy from the same store, because obviously now she's got, you know, she's got she's just the place confidence in this place to say that, he will give me the right thing. And then he will talk to him and so on. And so you know, Who is God? What is God? What do you believe, and so on and so forth. And the result of that was that the woman said, I saw this religion of his which was so beautiful that it makes him and he is a, you know, not homeless, but he is a Palestinian refugee in this country. He doesn't even have a great job. And what kind of job is that a helper in a grocery store is not a

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great job, right? But he is focusing on how he can do the best in this particular job, and how he can be the nicest to people, not because of anybody else, because he believes in his God.

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I want to know who's got what is his God. So is that that resulted in me accepting Islam.

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So she became Muslim.

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This is what worked in the time of the Sahaba. This is what worked in the time in the in the period of the past, people came into Islam not because somebody was standing there with a sword in his hand, not because somebody put a gun to anybody's head. They will cave into Islam, because they love Islam because they fell in love with Muslims because they liked the Islamic martial art because they like the

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Class of the Muslims because like Islamic Society, that's how people came into Islam. Nobody can enforce a change in thinking, nobody can enforce a change in belief, you can enforce a change in behavior by either by bribing or by threatening, but you cannot force a person to change his belief. If a belief changes, it changes because the person genuinely believes now a different thing. They cannot be of no, you can't pay money for this. And you can't threaten somebody who can't kill anybody, you can kill them, but it won't change the belief, they will still have the same belief. Belief changes when people genuinely believe that this new way is or this new belief is the

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curriculum. And that has to happen only and only through the winning of hearts. And that's why I always say, Islam will prevail today, in the same way that it prevailed in the first generation, which is by the winning of hearts, people have to fall in love with us. As simple as that people have to have to fall in love with us. And then people will come to us and people will come to Islam. And that's why I remind myself and you That is our job, how can we create through our manners through our o'clock through our society, a picture, which is so beautiful, that people will fall in love with it. And of course, you might make mistakes, if you make mistake, apologize, is that after

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all, when one can always go and say sorry, so sorry. So maybe one day, you know, bad mood or something like this, and you didn't behave in the best possible manner? What apologize. WhatsApp says no apologies. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I know, whatever I did today, please forgive me.

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So the issue is that it is doable. It's not as if it's an impossible thing, it is doable. The Sahaba from Surah, salah and Rasulullah saw himself they demonstrated this for us, there is no excuse that can anybody can make to say it is not possible. It's a matter of applying ourselves for the pleasure of Allah, Adam and myself we knew that this is inshallah the secret both to having a very nice life ourselves, as well as creating a beautiful life and creating the best image of Islam in the world. Because remember, the first beneficiary of all of this irrespective of whether anybody comes to Islam or not first beneficiaries yourself, because people people will like you. And therefore you

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will have a lot of positive strokes for everybody. Right? So if I smile at you smile back at me like that immediate feedback, that immediate feedback I got, I get immediate return. So we are the first beneficiaries after that other one was Ronald Allah, creating a beautiful atmosphere, people coming to Islam, people becoming more positively inclined towards Islam and so on all of these benefits of this, we ask Allah to make it easy for us. We ask Allah subhanaw taala to be pleased with us. And we asked Allah subhanaw taala to enable us to live our lives in a way that is pleasing to Him. Most Allah Allah Allah will carry while he was abused me erotica.

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