Zakir Naik – Masturbation

Zakir Naik
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the definition of sexual engagement and the history of manhood being viewed as sex acts. They also touch on the legalization of masturbation and the potential risks of excessive masturbation. The speakers stress the importance of avoiding partnering with excessive masturbation and fasting to reduce sexual urge, as it is prohibited. They also mention the history of manhood being viewed as sex acts and the potential risks of excessive masturbation.
AI: Transcript ©
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The second question is from Mark skin

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is * haram for teens. A similar question has been asked a Salam o alaikum Dr. Zakir Naik. My name is Abdul ganiyu. I would like to know the ruling on *. I traveled and left my family behind for greener pasture for about one and a half years now. I miss my wife very much. When I call her online for video chat, we sometimes end up with *. I would like to know if this is sinful or not. A similar question is asked by third question As salam ala concert. I am Habibollah Islam from Assam, India. I am a student

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is * haram in Islam. I do this and later I regret I do Toba. But after some days, I do it again. I can't find the solution to this problem.

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I am unhappy with * and what I do.

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The question that is * permitted in Islam is a very common question. And literally, every session, I have one or two people asked me this question,

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but I've been trying to avoid answering this question. But today I decided that let me answer this question. As far as the act of * is concerned, the scholars in Islam,

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there are different opinions. But the majority of the scholars they say that * in Islam is haram.

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Even though majority of the scholars say haram, there's a large number, which also say that it is mcru. And there's another large number of scholars who say that it is Booba. It's optional. So I'd like to say at the outset, that majority of the scholars in terms of percentage majority, they say that it is haram, but a large number that may not be majority, but the number is huge. A large number of scholars, they also say it is my crew is discouraged, and no the larger number do not have majority. They also say that it is mobile. And we'll discuss this issue today. And I'll let you know that which group of scholars do agree with towards the end

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as far as the jurist the fuqaha amongst the Shafi

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and the Maliki

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almost all of them they say that * is haram

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and appointing Imam Shafi, may Allah have mercy on him. He feels it is haram. And he quotes the verse of the Quran, from Surah Al mommy noon, chapter number 23 was number five, six and seven.

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If you read sorry, Mom, you know in chapter number 23, was the one on what it faith that believers will eventually be successful. was number two says, those who humble themselves in prayers was number 3/5. Those who avoid weight talks, verse number four says that those who do acts and deeds of charity must number five, those who got the private parts, although abstain from * was domestic safe, except those who they have married, that will their spouses, that the device and those with the right hand possesses. For them, they're the exception. And was number seven says that all those who crossed these limits, they are transgressors. So here the Quran says in Surah, Mo Milone,

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chapter number 23, verse number five, six and seven, that the moment are those who got the private parts obtained from illicit *, except from the spouses and what the right hand possesses. That's an exception. And all those who crossed This limits their transgressors. So based on this verse of the Quran, Imam Shafi Mala will visit him he fav that here the verse is very clear cut, that fix you can only have with your spouse, and what your right hand possesses, and everything else is prohibited. Now this was of the Glorious Quran can be interpreted in two ways. The first group of scholars, they understand the first as you're guarding your private parts. In Arabic, it means that

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all types of sexual pleasure that means all types of sexual pleasures for a moment is only

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permitted with your wife. And what your right hand poses is that the slave girl, and now the slave woman had been abolished. So now is restricted to only your wise. So based on this worse, if all sexual pleasures only permitted with your wife, then you will * is haram. * is stimulation of your organ. And most of the time it says stimulation of your private part site that the decoration or the *. But the other group was called a fee that this was God your private parts, it's only restricted to sexual *. So the verse of the Quran actually means that you can have sexual * only with your wife and what your right hand possesses.

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Other than section *, this verse doesn't refer to other things. So if you agree with the second group of scholars, then * doesn't fall under this verse of the Quran. That the reason the scholars are divided, but if you literally know the verse of the Quran, the meaning it faith, God your private parts.

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So But naturally, there is no explicit verse in the Quran, which says that * is prohibited. And what we realized from this word, it means sexual *.

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And there are various other verses which have prohibited sexual * with people outside the marital bonds, or if they're not what your right hand possesses, if they're not your slave for me. Allah says in the Quran, in Surah Surah chapter number 17 Verse commentary to come not close to adultery, Zina of fornication, for it is an evil opening at the root level. So based on this verse of the Quran, the other group of scholars they say that this was specifically refers to sexual *, that means sexual * is only permitted with your wife, and with what your right hand possesses. Otherwise, it doesn't mean other things. So if you agree, the meaning of this

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word is only restricted to sexual *, then * is not included in this verse. So that is the reason scholars differ.

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And according to NASM, he says that our beloved prophet has permitted a person to touch his private part and that hadith, it's a start with your left hand, no problem, it is your good you can touch he also says that it is your fruit you can emit it if you want. So based on that, he says when the Prophet is permitted to touch your private organ, and that is what you do. In *, it is self stimulation. So surely it is permitted. And * is of two types one is 50 emulation. The other type of * if your spouse, or your sexual partner is stimulating you, and no scholar ever says that your wife or your spouse is not permitted to touch your private part. So

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based on this, surely the other type of * where your spouse touch is permitted. So when you can enjoy with your spouse touching your private part, then why can't you do it yourself. So based on this, the second group of scholars, which is lesson number, they feel that this was does not include * at all, it is just talking about sexual *. So sexual * is only permitted with your wife, with your spouse, and with what your right hand possesses, it doesn't include *. So that's how the scholars differ. There is an argument given by the first group of scholars who say that * is prohibited, and the code that deed of a beloved

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prophet masala Salam, which is mentioned in say Buhari, while number seven, Hadith number 5066, in which our beloved prophet of Allah Salam said that, oh, Ian, people, whoever has the means to get married, they shouldn't get married for it will help you to lower your kids and guard, your modesty, guard your private parks,

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and it can reduce those who cannot marry, they should fast for it will reduce your sexual desire. So here, the first group was called the Fae fear. The Prophet said, if you cannot marry, you should fast. The Prophet did not say *. That's the reason * is haram. Now this logic to see that just because the Prophet did not say masturbate, doesn't make * haram. Yes, what we have to understand from this hadith that the young people should marry if they can, if they cannot marry, they should fast that means fasting Musa. No, it doesn't mean that * is haram because it's not mentioned as haram.

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Suppose if I say that eat date, it's good for nourishment, and for energy, and as the Prophet says it did. That does not mean eating mangoes, haram. It means eating dead, there's good and Muslim. They are the fruit become MOBA. So it is wrong to continue

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From this hadith of say Bukhari that * is haram. It is wrong logic. Because for haram, there should be strong evidence from the Quran or from say Hadith. So based on this the second group of scholars who say it is not haram, the fifth there is no text at all anywhere in the Quran. This is the only verse with the scholars code of sodium Amin on chapter number 23, verse number five to seven when they say that they include *, there's no clear cut evidence. It only speaks about sexual *. And there's no say Hadith prohibiting *. There are some days and modal Hadith.

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We say * is prohibited but that was not good enough evidence. So we'll come to the second group of scholars, and we'll discuss what they say they believe that * is Makrooh amongst them if Abner bass May Allah be pivoting towards the companion of the Prophet, there is a person who comes to him and says that I have been *. He says that * is better than fornication. Marriage is better than *. That means the call the verdict of women above men libido Tim, who was a close companion of the Prophet Musa al salaam, according to him, marriage is better than *. * is better than fornication. indirectly it means that

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surely * is permitted, but it is mcru.

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The best is marriage. If you cannot marry, then masturbate because it will prevent you from fornication. So based on this, the second group of scholars who say * is permitted but comes in the macro category is Imam Emin didn't humble, he's of the opinion that * should not be done. But if you're gonna do fornication, then you can do *, and he puts it in the macro category. So the humbly school of thought most of them, they say that * comes under the mcru category. That means it's discouraged. And this is also said by Mujahid. He said that * it shouldn't be avoided. But if it's done to prevent fornication, or Zina, it is

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permitted. This is the view even of feminism that didn't have them says that * is macro is discouraged. But

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if you're involved in fornication and better do *, it is permitted in such cases. And he says that though * is permitted, it is not amongst the deeds of the noble people. It's not the deed of nobility. That was if say, even has that means the normal people normally don't do it. So it is discouraged. So, that is the reason this group of scholars put it in the mcru category. There are many of the scholars in this category time are not permitted discuss that. The third group of scholars, they put in the mobile category, the students of ebony Abbas, some of the students they understood that Abbas has put * in the macro category and when they say it is macro, but

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the other group of students have Bassman Allah be pleased with him. They said that it is mobile permitted without any condition amongst them.

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We have Jaffa Ben said he was a tabby, mela mercy on him and he was a student of hypnobirth mela bpdus him and his opinion if that * is permitted, there is no harm at all in doing it is MOBA. There is no sin, under normal circumstances permitted. There's another turbine by the name of Mr. Ben dinar. According to him, also, * is permitted. There is no restriction it comes down to the Buddha category. If you want to do it, do it if you don't do it, don't do it. It is in the mobile category. Even the famous scholar Imam, Ashok Ronnie, very famous, just 150 200 years back he was there. And according to him, also * is Booba it is permitted, it is optional.

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If you want to do it, do it, there is no sin. If you don't do it also, there is no problem it is under the mobile category. And even according

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to Bhargavi he says that * is mcru But depending upon the situation, if it causes you trouble, it comes down to the ROM category. And he also goes on to say that if you fear you will do fornication, * becomes further that up. So here you have three groups of scholars. One group which is the majority thing It is haram, based on the voice of Surah Mahmoud chapter number 23 was number five to seven, whereas the second group of scholars say it is Makrooh. It discouraged and the third group said is MOBA. It is permissible. It

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builds upon you. According to me, I being a medical doctor, that in our medical college when I did my medicine,

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they will say

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that when you ask

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a person, do you masturbate? 99% will say yes. And the remaining 1% They are lying. Anyway, this is just a joke. It's amongst the medical students. It's not a fact. But according to research today, research tells us that amongst the males 95% Masturbate amongst the females approximately 80% Masturbate.

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I'm not saying that it is normal to masturbate, but it is very common.

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And there is a myth that which is there if you go to some of the Islamic sites, and those who believe it's haram, they say that * causes blindness, *, it causes nervous problem. All these things are a myth. In no way does * cause blindness in Nowhere does it cause the nervous problem? Yes, if you do excessive *, they can be certain problem that if excessive *, and even medical science tells us if you do excessive sexual * with your wife, maybe 10 times a day, even that will cause problem. Success, if anything, or accessing most of the things will cause you problem. But normal * medically doesn't cause

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any problem. If you do * about the medical science that is normal, if you don't know. So it is normal. But the majority of the people involved in *, but I'm not saying it is the norm. But I'm saying that majority people do it. So based on what the scholars say, and what medical science says, I agree more with the second group of scholars, and I would say that * is Makrooh it is discouraged to make anything around you require a strong evidence from the Quran or from say Hadith and there is no evidence whatsoever, the verse of the Quran I do agree with the second group of scholars for them and the number may Allah be positive. And the other group was

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called Abner bass mela visit him, I believe with the bass call that it is not haram. And this was also a mommy noon. Chap number 23 was number five to seven does not include *. It's not prohibited it restricted to sexual *. And

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I put it because there's no evidence it will either come in the MOBA I put in the macro because I agree with the call of hypnotism that it is not the act of nobility, but because majority of women been involved in it and there is no evidence from the Quran and the Sunnah. to prohibit it. I put in the Mfu category. Everything the majority to is not correct. For example today according to research 95% of the woman in the Western countries before the past the university they involved in cinah. That does not mean Zina halal, not at all. The Quran is very clear cut in Surah Surah chapter 17 Verse number 32 That Xena is prohibited, it is haram. majority do doesn't give it a sanction to make

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it Halab. But if there is no text in the Quran, or the Hadith prohibiting it, it becomes MOBA. I put it into the macro category for various reasons. One of the reasons is not the act of the noble people. Number two, that excessive *, if haram, it can cause problems, it can cause health problems, it can cause psychological problems. And most of the time, * is associated with haram activities.

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Most of the time * is associated with *, whether you're watching a blue flame, or a * film, or you're watching have seen photographs, images, here itself if it associated to a haram activity, that again becomes haram. So if you associate * with *, or with obscene photographs, it is haram. And that is prohibited. And it leads to that high chances. That's the reason I would say that best is to avoid but if you cannot marry for various reasons that we have. So the best would be you fast as was recommended by Beloved Prophet and say Buhari volume number seven, Hadith number 5066. That all young people will have the means to

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get married, they should get married, for it will help you to lower your gaze and guarded modesty. And if you cannot marry then you fast it reduce sexual urge. And this is scientifically proven that if you fast it reduces the urge of your sexual desires. So the best is to fast but it's not possible to fast always and depending upon the levels of sexual energy that keeps on deferring. So based on this, the monster is too fast. But if you cannot order

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that's not sufficient to suppress your desire. And if you have to masturbate, it is permitted. It is not a sin. There is no evidence anywhere in the Quran just say Hadith, which says that if you must be triggered a punishment.

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You're the reason I'm saying this, that I'm in a medical doctor, I know that there are many Muslims, many of them hundreds who have come to me for consultation. And they believe because of the views of most of the Muslims. They are good practicing Muslims, but they believe it is haram. So they come to me and the similar what question was asked that he's changed, he's unhappy, and he has got mental stress. Because they are good practicing Muslims. They pray five times salah, but they realize and they think * is haram. So they get tensed up and worked up. And this causes many times big problem. Because the thing is haram, and they're doing it and they have the guilty feeling. This

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guilty conscious prevents them sometimes or many times, even to do good deeds. It disturbs them in the Salah, it disturbed them during of the Quran. So because of not knowing the fact what is then the medical science today. These people think it's haram, it disturbs them. So I would like to tell you that I'm not giving a blanket rule that do it. I'm just telling you best avoid it. But if you have sexual urges, which you cannot suppress, doing * is not haram. According to me. It is permissible. Don't do it excessively. Once in a while. No problem. Don't be mentally disturbed. That is haram. And as the questioner asked, I have asked for forgiveness. Again, I do it, I repent.

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Again, I do it. So let me tell you that if you come into this category, where you have sexual desire that keeps on differing from different people, some people high sexual desire, some people are medium, some people have less. So if you fall in the category of people who have high sexual desires, and if you're not married, and if you have to masturbate, though it is mcru outside discouraged, but don't have the guilt feeling. Don't do it excessively. Don't do it around with *. And now go to the extent that if, because of this, you're going to do fornication or thinner or adultery, then, according to me, * becomes Muslim.

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And, as mentioned, by Muslim the number, and Naboth may Allah be pleased with him that * better than fornication. So normally, according to me, I would like to repeat, I'm not giving a blanket permission all of you should do. According to me, * comes in the Mukuru category best is to avoid it.

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If you have the agenda for not married, better that you passed.

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If the head the master * is permitted, there is no sin. There is no punishment. You don't have to feel guilty. And if you have the urge, and if you think you to fornication and build on *, and avoid fornication, and marry as soon as possible, we know that * differ to different people even after marriage. *, majority of the people masturbate 70% of the males after marriage masturbate, but of course, by age it keeps on reducing marriage also reduces the most sexual * you have it reduces. So this is my view regarding *. mcru Avoiding is the best. Next option and fasting. If you don't have the urges, then it's possible don't

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have the guilt feeling and see to it that you practice and stay on the Quran, sunnah, or for your Salah and do a bother and inshallah pray to Allah subhanaw taala that he keeps you on the straight path

Masturbation is not Haraam or Sinful but Makrooh and Discouraged in Islam

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