Zakir Naik – Why speak about similarities and not Differences between Religions?

Zakir Naik
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the similarities between their religion and the people they are speaking with, particularly in the context of the V denies. They share their belief in a common point in the Bible and ask the audience to agree to follow what is common in their religion. The discussion also touches on the differences betweenraism and Islam, and the importance of following Prophet Muhammad's teachings to avoid confusion. The audience is hesitant and the speaker encourages them to ask questions and receive guidance.
AI: Transcript ©
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came from Nagpur. I want to ask you one question about Vedas, because I believe we does our main scripture of Hinduism. So, I wanted to know if you are telling or putting a common point which is similar to other scripture, why you do not put different points in front of non Muslim people, which are contradictory, or which are opposite to each other because I believe in common point as being a Hindu girl, it is very important to know which are the common point and which other different points in Hinduism scratchers, sisters ask a very good question. She said that accorded the VEDA that did point out similarities. Why don't I speak about differences and she wants to know the similarities

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or differences sister.

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If I can give a talk on similarities between Islam and Hinduism for a few hours, I can give a bigger talk and a longer talk on differences between Islam and Hinduism. But the reason I chose to speak about similarities because that is the advice given by my Creator Allah subhanho wa Taala in the Quran in Surah Al Imran chap number three was number 54. He says gulia Hello Kitab co People of the Book tala Illa Kelly Metin Sawa Eman Amina Come, come to common terms as well as a new which is the first term Alana the Illa Allah that we worship none but Allah will undo Sheikha Misha yo that we associate no partners with him. Well I

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then Alibaba in Manila, that we erect not among ourselves, lords and pits other than Allah for internal law. If then the turnback Felicia do say a bear witness be a number Simone that we are Muslims by having a will to Allah subhanaw taala. This verse of the Quran shows as a way how to speak with different kinds of people come to common terms as an EU, which is the first term, the most important term is Allah now, that is the law that we worship. None but one Almighty God. Regarding differences, Sister, I can give a talk for us together about differences. Not that I can't, but it will bring animosity, maybe it will hurt the feeling of someone that we may be forced

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to do during a debate.

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When there is a debate, for example, I had a debate with a person by the name of Dr. William Campbell.

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Is your the talk sister? Yeah, I've seen your

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talk was talking about differences between Christianity and Islam. Why you wrote a book saying there are 30 scientific errors in the Quran. And for eight years, no Muslim replied in us and became a hot seller. So the students of us, they called me and we had a dialogue with the topic was Quran, and Bible in the light of science, whatever allegations you had against the Quran, I replied to all I post 38

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points from the Bible, which is against science. He could not apply to any

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kind of debate. I'm happy to do that, if I have a debate with Hindu scholar says that way the other completely with science.

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So then I can talk about the unscientific things. But if I talk about differences, maybe you may feel offended. So if you want to go on a higher level, surely, you can ask where he's at IRF will give you all the things but in public, I personally don't want to talk about contradiction, unless someone forces me not that we aren't aware. But if you know the similarity, what I'm telling you, let us agree to follow what is common.

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For what I tell the people what is common in the Vedas, in the Bible, in the Quran. Let everyone agree that at least one book is the word of God. Hindus will say whether the Word of God Christian will say Bible is the Word of God Muslim will say the Quran is the word of God. I tell them a thing which everyone remain agree, let us agree to follow what is common for when you follow the commonalities in the way that in the Bible in the Jewish scriptures tell mood. In the Quran, we find all the scripture says there's one God, all the scripture says the last and final messengers, Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. So I'm asking this Sister, why don't you believe in one God? I

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want to ask you the question is, is that Do you believe there's one god I believe in one God, do you believe? And do you believe sister that the last and final messengers, Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him? Just because I'm asking you the question because it is very difficult to understand the Quran and Vedas. And I'm so much confused which scripture is more important for me to achieve? To the God? I mean to worship? Have you heard my lecture on similarities between Islam and Hinduism? Or mama Salah Solomon, the Hindu scriptures Have you heard that? Yeah. Do you know that your scripture say that the last and final messenger of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him? Yeah. Do you know that?

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Yeah. So do you believe Prophet Muhammad is the Messenger of God? Definitely. Do you believe? Yeah. So if you believe there's one God and you believe that idol worship is private

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If you believe that Prophet Muhammad is the last messenger in Arabic, we call you as a Muslim.

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Mr. Do you believe in one God? Yeah, I believe in, you believe that no idol worship.

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Do you believe that Almighty God has got no images? Yeah, you believe that? Yeah. And you also believe that Prophet Muhammad is the Messenger of God. So what do you have entered, you may not have gone very high, but by saying this, that there's no God, but Allah, and Prophet Muhammad is the Messenger, you indirectly become a Muslim Muslim means a person who submits his will to God. So do you submit that I am indirectly Muslim? No, if we does telling the same thing and Quran telling the same thing, so if you're indirect also no problem. Indirect also most people come by there come direct or indirect we welcome you, sister.

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Now, you know what is coming. Now if you're with us is that the last and final messengers, Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him and you have to follow him. So by following Prophet Muhammad, you're indirectly following the Vedas also.

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Then you have to find out what did Prophet Muhammad say. Then you have to read the hobbies, but slowly slowly, so now your nursery then Junior kg, then senior kg then first and then you descend a 10. But have you taken admission? I want to know that Do you agree that you're a Muslim?

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Muslim means a person who submits his or her will to God, why it is important that the person who believing in one God is called or she is called a Muslim? Yes, why? Muslim means a person who submits a will to God and the first important creed to submit your will to God is believed in one God believe there is no idol worship and believe Prophet Muhammad is the messenger if you say this, that means you have agreed to submit and then it takes time then you go to standard Amman then slowly you may know what is required about fasting about charity not to rob not to see all this comes there but do you agree to submit your will is important and do you agree to follow the

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teachings of Prophet Muhammad is important? What on Roscoe sister? Yeah, so would you like to say the shadow shadow me would you like to say in Arabic, that there is no god but one God and Prophet Muhammad is the messenger?

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Yeah, it is a one God and

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last prophet, Mashallah. Mashallah.

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I would just say it in Arabic And I wanted to repeat it. You know what you're saying the same thing. But I want to ask you, if there is anyone forcing you to say this? No, no.

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No, it is completely out of free will. Yeah. Okay. That that's the anatomy just repeated. I shall do,

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I should do Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah wa shabu shabu anna Muhammadan. Mama den, Abu Abu

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I bear witness.

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I bear witness.

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I bear witness that there is no God, that there is no God but Allah, that Allah and Prophet Muhammad and Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, peace be upon him is the servant is the Servant and Messenger of Allah and messenger of Allah, Masha Allah. Thank you. I congratulate sister. Now we have entered the fall of Islam and insha Allah for getting more knowledge we're going to first tender second standard third standard, be in touch with the Sisters of the Islamic Research Foundation and it will be a pleasure to guide you. And if you have any queries regarding Quran regarding Islam You're most welcome to ask if you have any queries even regarding Hinduism, etc most

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welcome sister and I pray to Allah Spano tala, that Megan to Jana sister.

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