Zakir Naik – Eating of Pork is ‘Haraam’ in Islam & Christianity

Zakir Naik
AI: Summary © The importance of pig's origins is discussed, including their origins as both humans and animals. The use of the Bible in various places and the legal framework for eating pork are also discussed, along with the health benefits of the practice, including the use of pig's immune system to fight infection and prevent damage to the body. The segment ends with a brief advertisement for a study on the health benefits of pork.
AI: Transcript ©
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My name is reynolda. And I'm a Christian.

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Like, cause since a long time I've been having conflicts with myself. The questions that I would like to ask today are mostly like maybe assumptions or like, things that I've been influenced from people. Like my first question. It's about pig.

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Basically, I would like to know, what exactly is the meaning of her arm? Like, is for his religion like Islam?

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It won't accuse anyone of being wrong. Yeah.

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It wouldn't say something to be so wrong. Why is pig haram because I had attended a Christian convention. And over there it was told, like there was this priest who was saying that why is Boko Haram in Islam? He gave an example saying that

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like, the same rubbish, like it was used as manual for the plants. The plants are like supposing It was a mango, mango tree, the mango guru, the roots had absorbed the same nutrients, the same rubbish. It grew into mango, and we consume it. So how is it different from consuming it in pork? And the mango

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still has a question that what is the meaning of haram? And why is Boko Haram in Islam and to give the example of the priest oppression piece to said that many or which is dirt and filth is used by the tree, the tree grows and then mango gums and we eat mango?

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Trees trying to say that even if eat the filth of the org, it may be good for someone else may not be good for others that 40 minutes to say. So in Islam at Santa Monica Shannon reads aloud.

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Sister First I'll tell you the meaning of haram means prohibited means forbidden Haram in Islam means prohibited it means forbidden.

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I will answer your question of the priests first and then I'll come to the real reason why pork is haram. The priests give the example that man you're supposed to be dirt and filth is healthy for the tree. And when the tree grows, it gives mango and we eat the mango.

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Trying to say that maybe it's haram for Muslims, but good for Christians.

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If you compare the menu or which is filled for the human beings, it may be good for the plants, because plants and human beings are two different beings, they are the same, they are different.

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But in Islam and Christianity the human beings are the same, we may follow different religions, but what is good for one human being as a general thing is good for the other human being unless he has certain problems.

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For example, if he has diabetes, then sugar may not be good for him. But normally sugar is good, it gives you energy unless he has some problem, then

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it may not be good for him. But as far as general human beings are concerned, the rule for all the human being what is good and bad is the same. So you can give the example of man your is good for some and not good for other what we have to see. We have to go to the guide. What does the guide tell us? And we will try and analyze what does the guide tell us?

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The guide in Christianity, it is the Bible. The guide in Islam

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is the Quran. When we read the Quran, there are no less than four different places where the Koran says pork is prohibited. Allah says in the Quran in surah baqarah chapter two was 173 in Surah Maya chapter number five verse number three in Suriname, chapter number six verse 145, and sadhana held up number 16 was the Mandarin 15 hora metallic Almighty the wisdom of Solomon kizi oma olallie Gary lobby for being for you for fouda dead meat, blood, the flesh of swine, and any food on which any name besides Allah's Name is taken. So your Quran say that no less than four different places that eating the flesh of pig pork is prohibited.

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Similarly, if you read the Bible,

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Bible in no less than three different places, says focus privated Bible says in the book of Leviticus, chapter number 11.

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Chapter number 11 was number seven, eight, that thou shalt not eat the flesh of swine, not touch its carcass, it's unclean for you.

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A similar message is given in the book of Deuteronomy, chapter number 14, verse number eight, though the swine has cloven foot and it chews not the curd. It is unclean for you. Similarly, it's mentioned the book of Isaiah chapter was

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If I was number two to five, that you should not have the flesh of swine. So Bible says no less than three different places that you should not have the flesh of swine. And Jesus qhps upon said in the Gospel of Matthew chapter number five, verse number 1720, that thing not that I have come to destroy the law the prophets have come not to destroy but to fulfill. For anyone who breaks one of the least commandments shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven. That means if you break one law, one jot or tittle from the Old Testament, you shall not enter Jannah so as a Christian, if you believe in the Bible, then eating pork is prohibited for you is forbidden for you is haram for you. If

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you're a Muslim, if you believe in the Quran, it is prohibited. If you do not believe in the Bible, or do not believe in the Quran. Let's analyze what does today's reason and logic and find say about po. Today science tells us that if you have the flesh of swine, there are chances that you may have no less than 70 different diseases, you can have pinworm you can have roundworm

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the most dangerous amongst all the diseases. It is tapeworm,

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it's called as taenia solium.

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And it hovers in the interest time and is very long. Even if you cook the food very well. The eggs, the OVA of taenia solium does not die. And from the Indus time, through via the bloodstream, it can go to almost all the organs of your body, it can enter the eye and cause blindness, it can enter the heart and cause heart attack, it can enter the brain and cause brain damage. And by the time you realize you're suffering from the disease, it's an irreversible damage done. Furthermore, today science tells us that when you eat pork, it is more of a fan building material rather than muscle building material. That is the reason most of the people who are regular pig eaters, they have good

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tires. They have good flaps.

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Today, science tells us that by eating pork, there are high chances of having atherosclerosis

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atherosclerosis today science tells us that if you eat pig regularly, you may have hypertension. That's the reason more than 50% of the Americans today. They're suffering from hypertension, because most of them are picky eaters.

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Today science tells us that one of the most filthiest animals on the face of the earth is the pig. Wherever you find dirt and filth, we'll find the pig there.

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Today science also tells us that pig is one of the most shameless animal on the face of the earth. Pig today is one of the most generous animal on the face of the earth. It enjoys

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seeing its spouse, seeing its mate, have * with his friend.

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In the Western countries, we have dance parties.

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After dance parties, we are swapping files you will see with my wife, I sleep with your wife. Do you think it's modest?

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And there is a scientific

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thing that you eat pig and you behave like pig.

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hope this answers the question faster.

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