Adnan Rashid – Hari Singh Nalwa and My Ancestors – Haripur Fort, Harkishangarh

Adnan Rashid
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses a fortress in Pakistan that was built by a specific person, Mah unexpectedly, and was used by the national government to subdue local physicians and resist the pressure of the military. The fortress was used to hold medical supplies and provide aid to local tribesmen who were resisting the military's the military's pressure. The speaker also discusses the history of the fortress and its importance to the region.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam aleikum, I am in her report, my ancestral

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village or count, you can call it and this place behind me is a very special place. It has historical value for myself or my family in particular, and for the people of Pakistan in general and the Sikh community also, right Why? this fortress was called hard Kishan girl. It was made by a Sikh general called Hari Singh Nava. And it was after his name, this particular city is called today. Hurry, hurry signal wa was born in 1791. And he rose through ranks and was promoted to become a general for Maharaja Ranjit Singh, the Maharaja of Punjab and cut the long story short housing Nova was sent to this Hazara region

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to subdue the local tribesmen, who were resisting the seek rule in the local area in this particular area, and part of those local tribesmen were my ancestors, my direct answers, in fact, my great grandfather's great grandfather was directly involved in resisting the Sikh rule in this particular area called the Hazara region of Pakistan.

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It is very close to the Kashmir territory and it is also very close to the capital Islam about we are about 70 kilometers away from the capital, right. And this is the fortress which hurry signal are made to subdue the local tribesmen Maharaja reducing had sent about

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three generals to subdue this area. I will be posting the article with some details in the description and the comment section for your further perusal. For now, I just want to explain very quickly that this was a very important fortress made by a very important general working in the 19th century in the early 19th century for the Sikh Maharaja, the ruler of Punjab, Maharaja Ranjit Singh. This particular fortress was made in 1821, to subdue the local physician. In fact, there's a story about this particular fortress that

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one of the local chiefs of the Carlyle people or the cloud people was captured by the Sikhs. And at night, the local tribesmen led by one of my ancestors and the chiefs, invaded or attacked the fortress, and picked him up with the chains. And the frame the wooden frame he was tied to with the chains, they picked him up, and they took him outside because they didn't have the time to untie him in there. They took him outside and they broke the chains and freedom. His name was Sardar Nawab Khan, the brother of Sardar Hassan Ali Khan, who is mentioned in the article in the description. So this is a very important fortress, not only for Muslims also for six, because six regard very

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highly. This person I'm talking about how do you signal was a very important figure in Sikh history, of course. And for that reason, I think the government of Pakistan needs to pay more attention to monuments like this, to promote them so that people from around the world can come and visit. This was the pitch made by the people then

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every time the fortress was attacked or was under threat, this ditch would be filled with water. So if you follow me very quickly, I want to show you inside, I want to go inside and explain a bit more history to sambar Nawab Khan who was a canal chief

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from the current day, hills of Abbottabad, or earlier region in the Hazara plane. He was attacked by the Sikhs in this particular for

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the seek the Sikh generals faced stiff resistance in this area. In fact, three of the main generals or three of the Chiefs who invaded this territory with the leaders,

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sorry, three of these chiefs, including Sundar unlisting, Nigeria was killed, not very far from it. So even hurting lava was nearly nearly killed by local tribesmen here for that reason to subdue them. This particular fortress was made in this territory called Hollywood today. So this is the city of her report, and it is called her report after how do you signal what the cause he made this phone call her Christian God, it was initially called her Christian God. Today it is the adaxial office, which means

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for local administration, administrators have offices there. And this was the Treasury by the way, that building there was the Treasury where the treasure was, so it feels very much intact. It can still be preserved. My request is from the pocket

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Finally government to rescue this place, take care of it and marketed advertise it for the Sikh community, in particular and for others in general, to tell the story. What happened here. Why was this fortress made? who fought the Sikhs? Why would the Sikhs resisted when they came into this territory? Following on from the Mughals and the Durand is, the Sikhs took this territory from the Durrani chiefs who are governing this territory at the time. So why were the Sikhs here? And why were they resisted and who was resisting them and what was the history around this fortress, this very important fortress, the history is very important for the Sikhs, as well as the Muslims of the

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area. And it can tell us a lot. Thank you so much for watching. There's more content content coming your way when it comes to love.

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