Zakir Naik – Is Offering Taraweeh Obligatory

Zakir Naik
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the importance of sun booked for the upcoming year. The discussion also touches on the use of the word sun for various Prophets and their historical significance. The speaker emphasizes the need to offer a prayer at the right time to receive a reward, and warns against anyone offering a night prayer with a belief.
AI: Transcript ©
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Question number 1. Is the Tarawee prayer a

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or is it a fad?

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Can a person miss it?

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As far as the question is concerned that

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is Taraweeh or is Ke Amullaal

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during Ramadan?

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Is it Farid or is it Asuna?

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As we discussed earlier a beloved Prophet Nafil

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Aslam said it is mentioned in say Bukhari

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or number 3

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in the book of Tarawe

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hadith number 2012 and it

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gives Haman Musil Asadam

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in the mosque KAMAL during Ramadan

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and people

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joined him.

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The next day, the news spread and when

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he came the next day, the full mosque

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was filled. The 3rd day, it was overflowing.

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And 4th day,

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though the mosque was overflowing, he did not

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out for camel land, for the Tarawi, which

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people call.

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And when he came for the fajr salah,

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I said,

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not that I did not know that people

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were waiting for me, but I purposely didn't

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come because I didn't want

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offering the kiam ul lail in Ramadan is

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a fard.

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So from this hadith, we come to know

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that it is not a fard.

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But the other hadith of Sahibukhary,

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volume number 3,

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book of Tarawi,

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2009. The beloved prophet said that anyone

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offers the night prayer in Ramadan

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with a belief and seeking Allah's reward, all

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his passes will be forgiven. So based on

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this, you come to know, though it's rafar,

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it's a very important sunnah. It's sunnah.

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That means a very highly recommended sunnah of

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the Prophet. Dur Farafand.

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It's Sunnatimawkidah.

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Very highly recommended

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and no Muslim should miss it unless he

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has a valid reason. He should, as far

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as possible, offer it

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and seek Allah's reward. So all lessons will

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be forgiven.

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