Yasir Qadhi – Lives Of The Sahaba 61 – Abdullah Ibn ‘Amr Ibn Al ‘As

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary © The transcript describes a complex and fragmented culture where speakers discuss personal matters and their experiences, including a failed attempted marriage and a woman testified as the sex worker. The transcript includes a series of disconnected sentences and does not contain a single sentence or segment.
AI: Transcript ©
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smilla al hamdu Lillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah, who Allah Allah, He will be here.

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So last time done, Ahmedabad, and the story of his father had also been wanted, and had mentioned that these three generations of Abdullah and his father and his grandfather and also represent a very interesting generation a very interesting difference. Each one of them has a very, very unique story. As for the grandfather, I'd also been while I mentioned that a lot had revealed at least half a dozen verses criticizing an awesome and what and some of the most harshest verses in the Koran that were revealed about the Cornish regard and all seven wide. And I had mentioned that omniplan

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was of the Sahaba and definitely of the Maha Joon but we said that he wasn't of the level of the the eyeshadow or the 10 promise genda. In fact, he was the last of the Maha judo. And so he just got the blessing of being a Mahajan. And after the death of the Prophet sallallahu, I sent him he got involved in many, many issues that he himself regretted. And I mentioned the story of his deathbed as well, that he himself said I do not know what will be my fate. But of course, we believe that as all of the Sahaba the logline, Homeworld one, and also our Prophet solipsism testified, the two sons of ours are believers even at the last minute, so the two sons of it are believers. So the fact that

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he testified that there are believers indicates that they will be in Jannah inshallah Tada. As for the son of Ahmedabad, that is, the law had been in our house, he had a very different trajectory, and he is one of the most ascetic of the Sahaba, one of the most, who had one of the most worshipers of the Sahaba and he is known as one of the four ibid Dida, one of the four ibid. Dina the Abdullah is the plural of Abdullah. And there were a number of Abdullah laws of the Sahaba, who were very, very famous, all of them had the same or some of the same characteristics, all of them were of the worshipers, all of them were extremely apolitical. They didn't get involved in the disputes between

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the Sahaba and of them is Abdullah him now Morales of them is unbelievable, a bunch of them as Abdullah bin Omar, these are of the Iberdrola those who were known amongst the Sahaba for all of these characteristics and at their foremost is Abdullah bin Allah even allows now once again, like with most of the Sahaba, especially once once we get beyond the 10 there's not that much information biographical information about him, I did what I could and the rest inshallah, today we'll be doing his a Hadith, and we will mention a narrative that he is one of those who narrated many, many a hadith. In fact, this is volume 11 of Muslim Imam Ahmed, and it is almost entirely dedicated to

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Abdullah bin Ahmed him there also we can see how many a hadith were narrated by Abdullah have an ominous analysis one of the main it's called mK 13, or the one of those who narrated many, many a hadith and why that is the case will also mention today in sha Allah Tada. So firstly, his biography. Secondly, we will do a number of interesting Hadith. And by the way, I didn't say this explicitly, but I guess I should at some point in time, one of the interesting things that people do scholars do is to look at the narrations of the Sahaba, to try to get a sense of the psychology of the Sahaba. In other words, it's only natural that the person remembers what he is most interested

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in. So if you look at obey, you have been gagged. We didn't even count was it two weeks ago? What was the number one content of his Hadith who can remind me the content the topics, what did most of his ideas deal with?

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The Quran? Exactly? The Quran, the recitation of the Koran, the blessings of the Koran, the seed of the Quran, it's not that away, have been kept, did not hear other ahaadeeth. But a man remembers what he's interested in. And a man ends up narrating what, what he himself is attached to. So one of the interesting disciplines that is a very advanced discipline, and I didn't mention this explicitly, I should have. And that's why one of the reasons I enjoy doing this class is that we're not just doing the biographies. Most of the time, I'll actually stop and we'll do some a Hadith of the Sahaba as well. This gives us an intro into the psychology of the Sahabi into where he's looking

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at the world from what did he himself Preserve. And when you look at Abdullah have nominated the house, you find that there are a number of themes in his ahaadeeth of them, his good manners of them is obedience to parents, we're going to study he was a very obedient son. And he narrated so many a hadith about obedience to parents, right of them is to listen to the ruler, because again, he was a political so you find these types of ahaadeeth and they fit in perfectly with his biography. And that's something very interesting that we find

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In the lies of the Sahaba they're implementing those a hadith that they are memorizing. And you can see their biography matching up with their narrations which is what we would expect of righteous people. So what do we know of Abdullah him and Ahmed Abdullah?

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Abdullah have now I'm gonna ask his father we already mentioned I'm going to pronounce his father married very young. In fact, even hedger said he was married at the age of guests. How old was his father when he got married? Yes, what is the youngest age you can think realistically, realistically.

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12 1314 younger than all of this. Marshall that's about 11 years old when he got married.

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11 years old. And so the law was born when an ounce was house was how old

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1212 years old panela. And this is a man we're not talking about women. We're also married at a young age. People complain about women's marriages, young men as well were married at a young age, right. So it would have been an Alice was married at the age of 11. And he is a father at the age of 12. So panela

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and nobody batted an eyelid. It wasn't anything strange at the time. See, and again, this is something I keep on saying, we problematized that era, they didn't problematize it. The age of Arusha has become so controversial, and will lie it is the least controversial issue of the serum. It's only controversial because we in our generation 2017 find it controversial, nobody in the history of Islam founded controversial, it's nothing to bat an eyelid about here is a mouse Sorry, I'm an adult. I'm with him that I was married at the age of 11. And Abdullah is born and he's 12 years old. And nobody finds that strange at all. This was the reality of those early generations and

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omnipotent named his son after his father. So his name was

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a blouse named his son after his father at the house in the house, which is very common. However, when he embraced Islam the Prophet system changed his name. Why? Because the Prophet system would change names that have negative connotations, right? We have studied this many times negative connotation and that also means the one who disobeys and I'll see allows me is the one who disobeys so when at the house Eben I'm gonna ask converted to Islam. The Prophet system changed his name to Abdullah law and the process of loved Abdullah. He said, have a smile Allahu Allahu Akbar Rahman, the most beloved of names to Allah is Abdullah Abdul Rahman. And our Prophet system named his first

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born after Islam Abdullah, remember his firstborn after Islam was Abdullah, that is, that is a thought he named him Abdullah. So I'm gonna I'm delivering Ahmed is therefore his name was changed to Abdullah. We also know we don't know the story of his conversion, all that we know, he converted one year before his own father. So Abdullah had been converted before his father. And this means he would have been in his 20s when he converted because the age difference was only 12 years between them. Okay. And so Abdullah bin Ahmed of Laos converted in his 20s and he migrated to Medina one year before his father. And then the next year his father converted and the story of his father

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already mentioned, the year before Abdullah Ahmed, one of the most famous things about him, and this is the thing I want you to memorize and remember, he was the main companion, who was known to keep a book of Hadith in the lifetime of the Prophet salallahu idea he was sent him, that is what he is famous for. Okay. Abdullah hibben Ahmed, and allows was the most famous companion to keep a journal, a diary. Not a diary, a journal is best of what have a hadith he would record a hadith directly from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and therefore he had a physical, not a book, because in those they didn't have books, but they would have scrolls. Okay, it would have parchments and

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scrolls. And he asked permission from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, whether he has was allowed to record Hadith or not, and the profitsystem gave him that permission. Now.

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These ahaadeeth are very significant. Why? Because there is a controversy. And I'm going to go into a bit of a tangent, but it's very necessary. In our times, we have those that call themselves Parana Yun, and they reject Hadith. Okay, this is very common across the globe, you will find people to say I only follow the Koran. And one of the things they point out is they will quote you some Hadith, in which it explicitly says the Prophet

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I said last Chuck to Bonnie hi ron paul Ron, who don't write anything from me other than the Quran, whoever has written anything from me other than the Quran, let him erase it. This isn't authentic and it isn't a Muslim and other books of Hadith. It is narrated but I will say the other another of the Sahaba abou shadow the narrative that the Prophet says that I'm said, Do not write anything from me other than the Koran whoever has written anything other than the Quran, let him erase it. So the Quran Yun, who don't accept Hadith, they have a long series of evidences, and one of their main evidences is this particular narration. Now, ironically, this is an oxymoron. It's a contradiction.

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Correct? You understand how people are not? They're using a hadith

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to deny Hadith. And that's an oxymoron. But that's besides the point. The question for us who believe in Hadith is how do we understand these a hadith because they're authentic, they are authentic, there's a Muslim. And a Muslim himself has a chapter heading in which he says the earlier prohibition of writing a Hadith, then he has the later concession given to write Howdy.

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And amongst them, he mentioned and Abdullah, even Ahmed then asked us to write a hadith. Okay, so the way that the majority of scholars have interpreted it is that in early Islam, the prophet system forbade writing anything other than the Koran, so that nothing gets mixed up.

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Once people began to learn to read and write, and education increases, and in the later Medina and phase, the prophet system then gave the permission to record a deed. And this is explicit, and we're going to come to these ideas today that Amina Abdullah Ahmed himself is narrating these a hadith that the Prophet system allowed me to narrate. And there are other Hadith as well that the prophets of Salaam, gave permission to narrate. And it taught him himself the highly desirable hottie himself. He said, I wrote down some things on the Prophet system and I have them preserved. So he himself said, I dictated or not dictated by I basically copied from the Prophet system while he was

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speaking, and I have them preserved they keep them with me, this Hadith, isn't it. So I live in Abu Talib Abdullah, Nam Ross, others, they would have records from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Now, another thing that I'm doing by having a homily that is famous for number one, we said is the recording Hadith. Number two, what he is famous for, along with the other Abba dinner, all of the ABA are famous for we said extra ibadah to the point of way beyond average, and Abdullah Hubner, Omar Abdullah, Abu Zubaydah, Abdullah,

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all of them were extra worshipers of Allah, beyond what even the majority of Sahaba work, and especially amongst them was Abdullah had been nominated or else especially amongst them was Abdullah Nam, Ruben and us. He had memorized the whole Koran in the lifetime of the Prophet system, which was a rare thing to do. And it became known that he would recite the entire poor on every single night. Think about that. It would recite the whole Koran in one night. Now, how is that possible? Some of our scholars have said that he is narrating this while the Quran is being revealed, which means the Holy Quran had not fully been revealed.

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So he is saying I used to recite the whole Quran. But this is at a time when we didn't have the full 30 years right now. To respond to this, we say number one, even if this is the case, our beloved nomina blast converted in the seventh year of the hedgerow and the bulk of the Quran had been revealed and the eighth ninth if he's narrating this Hadith, so basically 80 or 90% of the Quran has been revealed. So he is not an early Moroccan convert, he is a late Madani convert. So even if we say that this is a valid interpretation, we're still talking about maybe 25 Jews a night

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right? How is that possible? And this is something that really is difficult, but it has been narrated from some of the Sahaba very few of them, it is said that Earth might have been our fan. When we did his biography I mentioned this, that it is said that he would very rarely ever decide to hope or under one night, and it is said that some of the tab your own will do this as well. And this is something that is only possible if you recite the Quran without really strong Tajweed you recite it very very quickly. And I did a brief calculation myself that if you were to spend around 15 minutes on a juice, okay, a decent quick audit will take around 25 minutes for juice

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Okay, a fluid half filled, who is reciting very quickly, but observing the rules of Tajweed it is almost impossible to do in less than 25 minutes. Almost impossible. But what if you don't really observe the rules of Tajweed? And you just zoom through without one without muddled guesstimate 15 minutes, okay? And if you do the math 15 minutes times 30 is 450 minutes divided by 60 is seven and a half hours, eight hours. So very theoretically, it is possible to recite the Quran without really the wheat. Now as for with Dutch wheat, then the average recitation of the famous or raw and I know this because I have plenty of CDs and cassettes and even easier than this, go to YouTube and do a

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search for an Camila and you will find When shall we and Abdul Basit and all of the famous poorer people have put the entire poron on one YouTube video. Okay, so these are the famous Pura that are reciting with proper tweet. guesstimate How long do they take? Let's say I've been busted.

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24 hours? 24 hours?

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10? Who has 10?

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No, look at it again. vomity. That's part one is 10. There's another part two after that check. It's confusing, because you would think it says very good 2425 hours

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that Boston has their own 24 points for 25 hours.

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So days, who is faster?

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Has 20 something hours, okay.

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there are people that are a little bit faster than that. I found one some years ago, I think 1617 hours very fast, but with the tweet.

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Okay, so with the tweet, it's possible to do it in less than 20. And that diffuse, recite, like, you know, like very fast speed because some people decide very quickly, if you don't have the sweet you don't do a wonder and we'll do well then you're not supposed to do that. But then you're cutting bounce. So my point is that when you read these, it is theoretically possible. And Abdullah who else was one of those who recite the whole on every single night. And the news reached the Prophet sallallahu Sallam that he's doing this. So he said to Abdullah and this is a very important heading because from it we derive our sections of the Quran

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or an official hadn't recite the Quran in Sha and what do you think the later scholars did when they heard this hadith?

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They decided they divided the Quran into 30 this is where we get the 30 from this hadith from Abdullah Hunan blue mouse. Why is the Quran divided into 30 juicers the bottles are about as white because of this head. Is that the process that I'm said? Or anafi Sharon? Okay, so Abdullah said to the Profit System allow me to enjoy my energy and my youth.

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He wants to enjoy his energy and youth by doing more.

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Along with Stan, how do we enjoy our energy and youth when we were 20.

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So the profitsystem said, recited Fie, actually, in 20.

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He said Yama sutala allow me to enjoy my energy and youth. So the prophets have said recited fy 17 in seven days. He said Yasser Allah allow me to enjoy seven is too much. So he said recite it in three, for anyone who recites it in less than three days does not understand it.

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So that's where the now prohibition came. Do not recite the Quran in less than three days. Okay, so we have been told by our prophets of Salaam that 10 Jews a day is essentially the max that we should do otherwise the purpose of reciting the Quran is lost. Because the Quran isn't just recited just to recite. The Quran is also recited to do what the Quran is recited also to understand the meanings as if that wasn't enough, Abdullah him now, that also would fast every single day, without exception. So out of all of the Sahaba By the way, Abdullah Ahmad is known to be really the most ascetic of the worshipers and I will give you one or two examples that will blow your mind away. So the profits are

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some heard of this and said, Oh, Abdullah fast three days of the month, a lower rate for the reward of one month.

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right you know the strategies, fast three days you will get the reward of one month. So the law said jasola law, I can do a lot better than this. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said fast two days of every week, Monday Thursday. So Abdullah sent Yasuda like and do a fundament harder

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so the provinces have said okay fast today take two days off and then fast every third day. He said you know what i can do off Dolman harder. So okay, fast today and leave with the What did Abdullah say?

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I can do have one min had What did the Prophet says and respond?

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There is no awful lot of minha

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there's nothing better than one and one. And this is he said the first step home that would add to his Salah. So all of these are Hadith that we are all familiar with. They are narrated by Abdullah him now I'm gonna house no surprise, he's the one that's narrating these Hadith. Okay. Later on in his life, Abdullah Ahmed would say he would tell his students how I regret. Later on, he lived a long life, he died at five years old or so. And when he asked permission, and you said you had to like to do more than this. So the process allowed him one day One day, he understood that this was now mandatory on him.

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So he considered it wajib upon himself not upon the rest of the room

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that he has to fast half of the time. And much later on. As we'll study he became blind, he lived a very old age. And he said, How I wish I had taken the role saw for the role of the rock star means the concession of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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But he didn't. So what would he do his students narrate that he would not fast for a few days to get energy. And then he would fast continuously for the same number of days that he had not fast. Because, you know, once you get into the habit, it's easier. We all know the six of Shahada how difficult they are, versus the total of Ramadan, right? Once you get into the habit, you can just knock them off one after the other. So he would spend, let's say, 567 days not fasting, gained some energy. And then with that energy the next 567 days you would fast, and then this and then that until he died. He never gave that up until he died. And imama there have been he comments on this

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phrase. And he says that whoever doesn't follow the sooner ends up regretting it, and the middle path is always the best. The middle path is always the best. So he would spend the whole night into June reading the Quran. And he would fast every single night. This is when he first embraced Islam at the age of mean 25 or so. Okay. When our migrated to Medina, and Ahmed was a wealthy man, okay. His father was a wealthy man. Amber decided it's time that Abdullah gets married. So he found for him, a lady from the kurush, a noble lady, and he got his son married to her a few days later, also visits the household. And he asks his daughter in law, how did you find my son? How is he treating

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you? And this newlywed wife says, Where are the young men amongst us? Your young man here where the other one another one here? Listen to this Hadeeth carefully. The newlywed wife says what? narrow Mirage guru Abdullah? What a great man is Abdullah. He fasts every day.

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And he prays to God every night and he has not yet lifted our curtain or slept in our bed.

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Masha Allah. Can any of you young men follow this sooner when you get married?

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days have gone by. And she doesn't even know what to say to the father in law. And so she complains in the form of a praise near Mr. Raja Abdullah. Your Soman hardware your comb will lay all the time. He isn't a bother. He hasn't even visited me yet.

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So I'm gonna became so angry because he's the one financing everything, okay. He goes and he rebukes his son. So I'm married due to this noble lady dadada. Then he went and he complained to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. He complained that his son is basically you know, not being a man to his wife. So can you believe the Prophet says and eventually visits Abdullah? And he says, oh, Abdullah, it has reached me that you fast every day and you pray the whole night in Sunnah. And this is the famous I think all of you know it. All of you know this Hadith, because it has been narrated in many versions, but it is in the context of Abdullah Hamlet.

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house and Abdullah says yes. So, that is when the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, Oh Abdullah, I fast and I break my fast and I pray at night and I sleep, and I marry women. So whoever leaves my son now, he is not of me. Okay, so the Prophet system himself had to visit Abdullah and tell him this is not Islam. This is not Islam, this level of Riba and worship is excessiveness that is not in the May in the religion of Islam now, ironically, very strangely, this is a last put on this is his a bada. And yet it is narrated that in terms of his body structure, he was actually a tall man with a large belly.

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And it's not that he would eat a lot but a lot of people that are and you know, some people have this, you know, they don't eat a lot yet still. So he was a very tall man, a very large man. And you know, there are people like this that even if they eat very little, yet they their metabolism or whatever it shows that. So Abdullah Ahmed Ahmed is narrated that he was a man of great height and a great width as well. Despite the fact that He fasted every single day. Subhan Allah, this is one of those What can you say moments like, okay, Allah is the origin, you know, your local Maya, he creates whatever he wants. Also, Abdullah Ahmed says, we said he asked permission, some people

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complained to the Prophet system that he is writing your words. So Abdullah came to the process of as you said, the auto suta law, do you give me permission to write down what I hear from you because people are saying I shouldn't. And as I said, these headings are very important, because they demonstrate that in the beginning, and the later Islam, there were two different rulings. So the Prophet system said Ecto, octobe, right. So Abdullah said, am I allowed to write when you're angry as well? Or only when you're not angry? And some handle is trying to be careful, right? Can I write when you're angry? Or should I just ignore that? So the profitsystem said, to write, for by the one

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who has sent me with the truth, nothing comes from here, and he pointed to his tongue, except the truth. Meaning even when I am angry, whatever I say will still be the shittier because a law does not allow me to speak other than the truth. So everything that comes from the mouth of the Prophet system is something that we can use. And Abu hurayrah we're going to come to operate on for He is a very interesting so how we will come to him. Abu huraira would say, and this is one of the most interesting things from Abu huraira none of the Sahaba would narrate more a hadith than me, except for Abdullah hibben Ahmed Abdullah house for in Ocala, Yakubu Juana

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he would write and I would not wait. This is Abu huraira narrating he wrote a hadith in the lifetime of the process and I did not write I simply memorized. And the booklet that he wrote actually had a title and it is called a Sahiba. To saw the or the correct cipher cipher is a manuscript or a booklet of Sahiba is a booklet, or Sahiba, to saw that, this was the name given to the Sahaba. And the Sahaba to sada is one of the earliest books of Hadith that has ever been written, if not the earliest. But those books of Hadith were not preserved independently. They were absorbed by later books, and we will be narrating from the Safa saga today, some of the things but you don't have it

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in booklet form anymore, because it's not as if he meant it to be printed. He wrote it for his own, and he would narrate so his students then preserved it, and bits and pieces were preserved in later collections. And this is one of the famous collections of the early portions of Islam. After the death of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he continued teaching, and he avoided politics. He wasn't really into politics. They just said that he might have been appointed as a minor governor for a little while, and then he got out of that, and he did participate in some of the conquest and in particular, he was present in the Battle of Yarmouk, one, Damascus and other major cities were

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conquered. But it appears that he was more interested in knowledge than in war. And after the conquest of Yarmouk, he acquired some volumes of the allocate up the volumes of the Christians and Jews, and he would narrate from their books. So he's one of the Sahaba, who is well known to narrate from Judeo Christian sources, and the Arabic term is is wrong. Elliot is really at our Judeo Christian sources. And this is something I have referenced a few times in the series. And I'll reference again right now, the permissibility of narrating from Judo, Judo Christian sources, is something that our scholars have different about. You have three opinions to be very simplistic one

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that says everything out on one that says everything highlighted and one that says you

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sift through and you only narrate with certain conditions and what those conditions are you have a number of opinions as well. Abdullah him now Melinda asked was of those who said we can narrate pretty much everything. It was over the laxer position. And he would therefore the books of Tafseer have narrations from him that are quoting things we don't find anywhere else. And it's most likely he's getting them from the Judeo Christian so it's not to give you some examples. What exactly does this mean Judeo Christian sources for example?

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If you look up any story Tafseer of any story of the Quran, habit and copy or use of any his center, or the children of Israel in the bulk of these details, where do they come from?

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Is there Elliot? They're not found in our sources. They come from Israel Elliot, and this is the point all we allowed to narrate What do we know about injuries from our tradition? Two lines that said two lines we know about injuries. But when you go to the books of the car, you'll find many paragraphs where do they get it from? Enoch, the Bible? Okay, what do we know about heavier than carbon three paragraphs in spirit, my that's it. That's all that we have actually not even three. That's all that we have an idea we have to have either one habit or one highlighter, but I will comment, that's it. Yet when you go to the tafsir you will find the whole story. And when I gave

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that the seeds to reuse of we went into this quite a while. Okay, all of these details that are not found in the Quran or in the Sunnah. Where do they come from? Israel yet? So this is where we get our belief in our was one of those who would basically narrate from the Israel Elliot and he got them he acquired them from the Battle of cardassia. The Battle of Yarmouk, excuse me one, the current one, the Christian cities were conquered of Damascus and others. So Abdullah have now therefore learned Hebrew. He was a very educated man, as he said he was a scholar in his own right, and he learned Hebrew and he would then read the books of the ancients. And then he felt no problems

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himself narrating traditions from the Bani Israel in during the Battle of Safin. We all know his father, in the house. What a great

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diplomat he was. We all know he was on the side of while we're

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in the Battle of Safin armory. Ross commanded Abdullah to join the army. And Abdullah initially refused. And then I'ma reminded him of the rights of the Father, and that the parents have to be obeyed. And we'll find so many ideas that he's narrating about the rights of the parents. And so Abdullah have an AMA then reluctantly joined the Battle of Safin.

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And he participated to obey his father, but he refused to actually fight, meaning carry a weapon or a sword. And later on, he would say, What do I have to do with the Battle of Safin? What do I have to do with fighting any Muslim and how I wish I had died? 20 years before Safin. I swear by a law. I never hit anybody with my sword nor shot one arrow. And other commentators have said that he got away by carrying one of the flags. Okay, so he tried his best to obey his father without actually fighting. Okay. And when his father passed away, and of course, Ahmed was the governor. Right, he left a massive fortune to Abdullah have now moved in house. And as far as I could tell, he did not

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leave any brothers or sisters. So a lot of Anoma inherited a massive fortune, a multimillionaire type of wealth. And he used this to his advantage because he dedicated his life to scholarship. And he narrated a hadith and taught to people knowledge. And it is mentioned in the books of history, that when he would go for Makkah, his entourage, meaning all of the people that would go with him would reach 100 camels, just his own caravan. 100 camels are just his own family and servants and whatnot. Yet in his manners and his demeanor, he was ever Forever humble and simple. You couldn't tell from his clothes from his looks anything that how much wealth he had. And despite all of that

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wealth, He fasted half the time. And he continued to pray to her for as much as he could, until he passed away. So Subhanallah despite all of that wealth, in his personal life is a bother. He tried to maintain that consistency that he had done when he had done a young man and he lived a very long life and he saw much of the fitna and the civil war between the Sahaba and he was alive and in Makkah

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One head judge had been used have attacked maca. And he saw the garba damaged and burning. And remember I told you the story of a head judge he threw the catapult inside and the catapults had flammable material. And of course, the judge did not intend to aim to the gap again this has to be made. This is no defense of Hajaj but no Muslim intends to destroy the cabinet. Hi, George wanted to destroy Mk. And he wanted to get rid of humans obeyed. Right? But when you throw catapults, you cannot aim that precisely and had judge his forces destroyed. The cabin itself means any

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the catapult filter the rocks fell on the cabin. So some walls were damaged fire came to the walls of the cabinet itself. So the cabinet was basically damaged to the point of destruction, you get the point. Okay. So the Kaaba was was damaged to the point of destruction. And the gavel was set on fire by those by those machines, or whatever you want to call it. And I'm going to Abdullah Ahmed and Rouse visited the atom as the flames were coming up. And can you imagine the emotions that Abdullah would have, and remember, he remembers the days of Jay Z. And he was a convert in his 20s. He's one of the oldest of the Sahaba. Even our buses, a library bus is way younger than him, like 20

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something years younger than him, okay? Or not 20, maybe 15 years older than him. So one of the oldest of the Sahaba alive when this is happening is I believe now but and it is said that he cried so much that you could see the tears on his clothes, like he's sobbing, as he sees the destruction around him. And he said, Oh, people are you hon us, if Abu hurayrah himself had narrated means the most famous narrative that he had narrated to you, that a day would come when you would kill the grandson of the Prophet sallallaahu Selim, because, of course, a few years before this, Hussein, has been massacred in Karbala, and that you yourselves would destroy the house of a law. None of you

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would have believed this. Yet here you are having done these things.

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It means what type of Muslims are you, you have killed the grandson of your Prophet, you have destroyed the house of your Lord. So just wait. Allah's punishment is going to come right now. I need this in his mind. This has Domino is going to come End of story. And you know, I keep on saying to you over and over again. We think we live in bad times. Well, lucky. Can you imagine those times? how bad it must have been for them? Can you imagine? In some ways, you know, we are living in much better times in some ways Alhamdulillah to have those civil wars and to have eyes on one side and on the on the other. And that's a fitna that is a fit enough to see the cabinet in this way to hear the

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story of Hussein. And these are major fit and that Allah has saved us from Who cares if these current leaders without mentioning their names, do their coups and killed their princes and plane crashes and take 13 in the Ritz Carlton. But who cares? Honestly, any What does that have to do when you compare to this? It's nothing. These were actual Sahaba on on both sides, sometimes you have Sahaba fighting, right, and you have these people who love nama. These were fitten that Alhamdulillah Allah has protected us from.

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So as we mentioned this to visitors will be one we get a little bit of debate as well. That's one of the most

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painful stories I need to have his body put in front of the cab until it's rotting, you know, dilemmas obey the famous companion, he is literally crucified by crucified we mean you put a stake and you put his body on it. That's the crucifixion, his body is put in front of the cab in the time of the Sahaba. And his mother, a smart is watching this. And another phenomena is there. By the way, there's all happening in front of him, right? Can you imagine how painful that would be? And the cabinet has been destroyed. So there's not even the physical structure. So hamdulillah we are living in much better times. In some ways. Obviously, there's good and bad in every time. The fact that

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there were Sahaba in that time means it's a more blessing the time anyway, we have access to at least I'm delivering to us we could talk to him and whatnot. Nonetheless, the point being that is very painful time. And in many ways as well. We have our own painful times. But anyway, point being those early times were no easier. They had their own fitting. So Abdullah downloaded then we don't have any news of him at all. It's quite clear that he wanted to just live by himself get away from the fitna and he passed away. He became blind towards the end of his life, and he passed away most likely in Egypt. We don't even know where he died because he just lived a very reclusive life. Some

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say he died in part if some say he died in Makkah, some say that in Sham, however, it seems that he died in Egypt. And again, the location of his grave as well as obscure just he just died. A very

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I feel like private person. Just an advanced note for some of you who if you ever do decide to study Hadith

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one of the most famous is knots that is the subject of a lot of controversy involves Abdullah nama. And it goes as follows Ahmed, initially from his father from his grandfather, I'm going to show you right behind jet D. And I'm going to show his full name is Ahmed Mohammed Abdullah house. Okay, I'm going to show it even in Mohammed Abdullah Abdullah, so I'm going to show it from his father, that tribe from his grandfather, that is Abdullah have a diameter of the house. This is not, is one of the most famous and well documented is not and it is how the Sahiba has been preserved over the life I mentioned. This is how the sahifa has been preserved. However, a footnote, some scholars have

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disputed its authenticity because they say I'm unable to show the great great grandson, his net, his level is kind of like a sea. Just not like the level of beer as like a mediocre. Okay, in terms of memory and whatnot. So there's a bit of a controversy, and so Imam Bukhari and Hema Muslim directly, never quote, why would I be en gente? They don't do it. You find this narration in every other book, other than emammal Bahati so here, and Mr. Muslim directly he did it is in his show wire, which is a bit advanced, but not directly. He didn't use it. That So anyway, that's just for the advanced students of it. Okay. Wow, we just have 15 minutes left, and I would like literally 50 highlight

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that for you. Very interesting idea. Anyway, let's go as fast as possible. So Liz, this Muslim by Mohammed, as I wanted to show you again, for those of you that came late volume 11. Pretty much the bulk of it is Abdullah blah, blah, blah. So look is a very big volume as well, pretty much almost all of it all the way until basically the last pages is Abdullah have nominated us basically, this much here.

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This is our beloved nominee, Ross. So this look at all of these ideas that he has narrated one of the more not one of the top five, but one of the top 10 is our beloved habit of now. So I have somebody that I have chosen. And the very first Heidi's in was led by Mohammed

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Abdullah, have an amber said, my father married me to a woman from the Porsche.

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And when she came upon me, I was not able to visit her because of the strength that I had in Reba. And because of my home and my Salah, can you imagine?

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When she came to live with me, I didn't visit her meaning in her room. Because I was engaged in the worship of Allah. So one day my father came to visit. And he visited her in her chambers, because this is mountain remember, it's his daughter, and this is my home. And he asked, so how did you find my son? So she said, Hi euroregion, the best of men and of the best of men. He has not opened our curtain. Not even seen our bed. Okay, so my father came to me, and began lashing me with his tongue, wild Bunny, very sunny, very, very severe. And he said, I married you to a woman of great status from the harsh and you have shown her this and done that. And then this was

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then he went to the Prophet system and complained about me. So the Prophet system called for me, so I came to him. So he said to me, do you fast every day? I said, Yes. So do you pray the whole night? I said, Yes. So the prophets are seldom said, but I fast and I don't fast. And I pray, and I sleep, and I touch women. So whoever leaves from my son, he is not from me. And then he said to me, recite your four on once in a month. I said, Yeah, rasulillah. I am stronger than that. So he said, recite every 10 days. I said, Yeah, rasulillah I'm stronger than that.

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So he said, recite every three. Then he said to me, in the whole month, fast, only three days, I said, Do not assume I'm stronger than that. And he kept on increasing Sorry, I kept on increasing until he told me faster day and leave a day and that is the best of fasting, and that is the fast of the wood.

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And this is the Hadith that he said and then he said towards the end of his life. He said, How I wish that I had accepted the role of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but I left him doing something that I do not want to leave until I meet him again.

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You follow? I left him meaning when the process of them died. I had established a habit and I don't want to leave that habit.

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it until I'm reunited. So he kept that habit until he passed away.

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of the idea that's what we're gonna do. Simple Hadith, Abdullah said that the prophets of Salaam said any person who says La ilaha illallah wa la akbar wa Subhana Allah He will hamdu lillahi wa ala How will our hope who attended Bella, then all of his sins are forgiven, even if there are like the waves of the ocean, so memorize this La ilaha illallah wa Allahu akbar wa Subhana Allah who will hamdulillah he went to * with local water in the law. of the Hadith also of them is this Hadeeth is reported in the 40 hadith of Noah as well one of the famous heady three words memorize it. Mon sama, tanager

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mon sama, tanager, whoever remains quiet, who will be safe. Whoever is quiet, protects his tongue from lashing out is safe is one of the famous Hadith that has become one of those Hadith that people use as the wisdom of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and Abdullah have now when he narrated that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said, there is no Muslim who suffers any sickness or illness, except that Allah commands the angels who are writing his good deeds continue to write throughout his day and night, every good that he used to do as long as I have kept him in his jail, meaning the jail of sickness, okay. And this Hadith, Abdullah Ahmad was one who he would narrate

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this hadith and obviously, when he would fall sick, he is taking advantage of this hadith that he knows my strict routine allows rewarding me even if I'm not able to,

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you know, maintain this routine, and of the lab now who narrated that once the sun Eclipse in the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So he stood up to pray, and I stood up with him. And he prayed a long prayer until I thought he would not go into record. Then he went into the core, and I thought he would not raise it up. Then he raised it up, and I thought he would not go into search the meaning it's a long saga.

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Then he went into search that and I thought he would not bring it up. And the Hadees goes on every single time. And then he went into record and then search there and he began to cry. And he said in his such that all my rub, why are you punishing them? And I am still amongst them? Oh, my God, why are you punishing them and we're asking forgiveness from you. Meaning that the Prophet system was dreading that this might be the end. So he is asking a lot for us here for protection. And then the Prophet system raised his head and the sun had removed this eclipse. And he then turned around and he said, Oh, people, the sun and the moon are two of the miracles from a law. So when they Eclipse

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then rushed to the masajid for I swear by the one in whose hands is my soul, i saw heaven and I saw * and the Hadith is pretty long. And he mentioned that he had seen but the point is Abdullah nomina was present when the Salafi coup took place and I have mentioned the surgical truth in more detail. I will have nama narrated that I heard the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam say belly one knee one oh I a warhead the Suwon Benny Israel 11. Raj. This is the famous Hadith narrate my Hadith, no problem, even if it's one ayah and narrate from the children of Israel in and there is no sin in that war had this one been Israel, you know what I haven't. So Abdullah Ahmed would take this hadith

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and apply it literally, that he took it as a concession that we can go back to the previous books. Now as I said, there is a controversy in my Sierra more than one time during the five years I did it. I went into this tangent of Indiana and I mentioned there are positions out there. There are other IDs as well of them that had to do

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that I'm going to talk about once was reading the Torah. And the Prophet system said to him, oh, Omar, are you in any doubt about the Quran about what I'm come with for law he if most that were alive right now, he would have no option except to follow me, meaning that his abrogated is gone now. So there's controversy over how much we can take. But I believe Naaman was over the opinion that we can take whatever we want. And we can narrate from the bunny his throat he

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and Abdullah have Rama brow said a man came to the profits of the law while he was setting them to give him the oath of allegiance. So he said, O Messenger of Allah, I have come and left everything to give you the oath of allegiance, and I have left my parents crying. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Go back to them and make them laugh as you had made them cry. There's the famous howdy again, Abdullah Muhammad is narrated. Okay, go back and make them laugh as you have made them cry, meaning you think you're going to

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Get a lot of pleasure by leaving your parents in that state. No, go back to them and make them laugh as you have made them cry. And I'm delighted Ramadan asked that the profits of the lahardee who was sending them said are raw. Hey, Mona, your hammer hammer Rahman, your hammer and out of your humble coma. Hollis is a famous Hadith. Those that show mercy shall be shown mercy by the one of mercy. This is a very famous Hadith or raw Hey, Mona, your humble, humble Rockman your humble man from out of your humble command center or in this version earlier hammacher malice, Emma, show mercy to those in this world, and the one in the heavens will show mercy to you.

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And Abdullah have an AMA that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said it is enough of a sin that a man does not take care of those that depend on him. Simple Hadith and to the point meaning what your priority is your family, it is enough of a sin, that a man does not take care of those who depend on him, meaning your wife, your children, if you do not take care of them financially, then you are committing a sin. The way you are living their standards has to be as well.

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I've done a half an hour that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said there are two characteristics, whoever does them with Perpetua T, Allah will cause them to enter agenda and they are easy and whoever does them has done a small deed meaning a load word them a great deed. So this and what are they understood a lot. So the Prophet sallallahu wasallam said that you praise Allah Alhamdulillah do the Kabir and do this be after every Salah 10 times and before you go to sleep 100 times, okay, so the car of the Salawat and the car before going to sleep, if you do this regularly, then the profitsystem said Allah azza wa jal will forgive you. Now, again, this hadn't mentioned 10

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as we know, other ahaadeeth mentioned after the Salah, you do them 3333 34 times. And there are both narrated and obviously the better one has to do with 3333 34 time.

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Okay, we'll skip this one because of the time.

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And I'm delighted now that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, How will you be when you are remaining? And the people are not? So this is a difficult idea to translate? How will you find yourself when you are the one remaining amongst the population that is not of good quality that is of low quality, which means the Prophet system predicted Abdullah Ahmed will remain a long time, and the majority of people around him will not be to that level. So Abdullah said, O Messenger of Allah, when will that happen? So the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, when the people start breaking their promises, and they stop being trustworthy, and they start acting like this, and he started putting

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his fingers, which means war, okay, they start acting like this. So Abdullah said, What should I do when that happens or messenger of a law? So this is a beautiful idea that's predicting that Abdullah will live a long time and the people around you will be the Arabic is without let him in. And as with Allah is like, just the common, not like the good of the people, just the mediocre, or even the less than the mediocre? How will you be or Abdullah, when you are the only one remaining amongst the rest of these types of people without them in? So the so the question was, what should I do. And the response was, have the taqwa of a law and do what you recognize and leave that which you don't

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recognize, and guard yourself. Don't worry about the rest of the guard yourself, and let the others do what they are doing. You do not participate in the evil, you take care of yourself, and leave the rest to do as they are doing, do not participate with them.

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And Abdullah Abdullah Ahmed, he said, I would write everything that I heard from the Prophet sallallahu, either he was selling with the intention to memorize it, but some people have stopped me from doing so. And they said that you are writing things from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the profit system as a human being sometimes he's angry as well. So I stopped writing. And I mentioned this to the Prophet system, and I asked him permission May I write from you? And the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, Yes, right. For by the one in whose hands is my soul. Nothing comes from this except deep truth. So this is that famous Hadith that mentions his permission to get from

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the Prophet system to write a hadith down

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from Abdullah Ahmed have been asked

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Who said

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this is a very beautiful Hadith as well.

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Two people came in front of me

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arguing who of them had killed Ahmad ebene acid. Each one was saying, I'm the one who killed and they were the thing I was the one who killed me is they're trying to impress Wow, we're that they're the ones who killed Ahmad Eben. Yes. So Abdullah ibn Ahmad said,

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Let each of you give this honor he's being sarcastic to the other one. For I heard the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam say, what is the hadith of Mr. Vanessa, everybody has memorized it by now.

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He shall be killed by the rebellious party. So Abdullah Ahmed is in the audience of malware. And two people have come arguing who killed our model. And I'm the lessons to them. Let the other one take this honor each one of you Why are you fighting over this? For I heard the profitsystem say the Evil Party or the transgressive party shall kill him while we are then says to Abdullah had been armor, if this is what you're saying? Why are you on our side? from Abu Camana? Why are you here then? If that's how you interpret this heading? Do you remember how we interpreted it?

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threw it back at them? Right? So they did it they brought him? So he says to Abdullah Why are you on our side? So

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I'm the lead nama said, my father complained to the Prophet system about me. And the Prophet system said, obey your father. So I am with you. But I'm not going to fight for you. This is in Muslim Imam Mohammed. So Abdullah Ahmed explains what he's doing. I am with you. But I'm not fighting. I'm with you Why?

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obeying my father. The President told me I have to obey the parents I'm obeying, but I'm not gonna fight. So he said it straight to my face. Even though what I was doing was he said, I'm not going to fight for you. But I'm gonna have to be on your side because my father commanded me to be on your side. And this is a beautiful Hadith that shows for us the reality of Abdullah him now, if nothing else.

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So here's the famous Hadith a little bit very quickly.

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The Prophet system asked me how much do you read the Quran in?

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Sorry? I said, O Messenger of Allah, how much do you allow me to read the Koran. He said, read it in a month. I said, O Messenger of Allah, I have more strength. He said, read it in 25. I said, I have more strength. He said, 20 more strength 15 more strength. I kept on going until he said 10 I said I have even more he said seven. I said even more. He said three I said even more than the profitsystem said, law if a woman your trophy apollomon Salah, this is the Hadith. Anybody who reads the Quran in less than three days will not understand it. So this is from this hadith. Our scholars have said that no one should read the Quran in less than three days. This is a beautiful idea that

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I intend to always give a long lecture about animal rights, but I've never actually done it yet here. I keep on saying I will do it. Maybe someday I will do it in sha Allah. There's one of the Hadith that is very famous for animal rights. Abdullah nama said that the prophet SAW said him said, whoever killed a no food and Rose food means like a small bird, whoever killed on earth for for no reason. Allah will ask him about it on judgment day. Now, this hadith takes on a very strong political connotation when he is narrating it, because he's narrating it when more than a bird is being killed, and he's narrating it to the people who are participating in this bloodshed. So even

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these ideas became difficult to narrate. And yet he would be of those who would narrate them continuously. of the most famous hadith of ambit diminisher a banner behind Jedi There's a famous narration that the prophets of Salaam said this is one of the most famous Hadith about intoxicants and what is how long to drink, mascara Kathy rufa Hulu ROM. This is the most famous narration about intoxicants narrated from that famous book, I'm going to be sure whether it be a God that which intoxicates in small quantities is how long in large quantities that which intoxicated small quantities is how long in large quantities out. From this, we learn that what we look at is a

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reasonable amount of substance if we drink a reasonable amount or eat a reasonable amount, and it leads to intoxication. classic example is some of the more cheap beers that are available to become intoxicated by drinking beer you have to drink maybe for these guys that drink commonly 810 of these glasses.

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Now, we don't drink eight glasses of water at one go. We drink eight glasses in a day. Right? So to get drunk on beer, you might take many, many glasses, doesn't matter what it is that I'm saying. Mascara kathira, who led to heroin, so therefore based on that a drop of beer becomes

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okay, but if drinking

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a regular large quantity does not make you intoxicated, so for example, at some level fermentation occurs even in grape juice that you get, okay, at the molecular level if you buy any grape juice at the molecular cell fermentation worker, but grape juice in and of itself will not make you intoxicated. So even if fermentation occurs at the molecular level, it's irrelevant, because that which does not intoxicated in large quantities, does not become Haram in small quantities. Okay? And the same goes for something, let's say now, this is a bit more complicated, but this idea can also be applied for let's say, a vanilla extract. Okay, vanilla ice cream. 11 ice cream is Hidalgo. Okay.

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Now some of the ultra extreme guys say Oh, but there's quantities of alcohol in it, ie at the molecular level one times 10 to the negative five, maybe, okay, you can eat an entire gallon of vanilla ice cream Am I might have some experience in that. And it will not make you intoxicated might give you a stomachache, okay, but it will not make you intoxicated. So when a large quantity will not intoxicate, then small quantities are permissible in that case

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of the idea of Abdullah Ross, that Abdullah Ahmed was asked, which of the two cities will be conquered first kosslyn pollinia oromiya roen are Constantinople. So Abdullah called for a box that had a lock on it. And he brought the box and unlocked it. And he took a book out. This is a very interesting Heidi Abdullah later on in his life, he doesn't remember which one that he heard from the process and he took a book out. And then he said, once I was sitting with the Prophet system writing, when somebody asked him the same question, which of the two cities are going to be conquered? constantly Nia oromia, Constantinople or Rome. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam said, Medina to Huracan to Tahoe within the city of heraclius, will be conquered first, meaning Constantinople because at that point in time, heraclius was in Constantinople. Okay. And of course, Constantinople was conquered first right? In the 15th century. So they might not call only conquered it and it is now called Istanbul. And therefore this also means that at some point in time, Muslims believe

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that at some point in time, even the famous city of Rome in Italy, will be concrete, Allah knows best it will probably occur in the time of the malady doesn't appear to be occurring.

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Before that time, but again, only Allah subhanaw taala. Let's just do a few more Hadith. And then I shall call it a date.

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This is one of the famous headings that is used in the fifth of marriage and divorce. We're going to come to this when we come to think of divorce. Abdullah said that a woman came to the Prophet system complaining or messenger of a law, this son of mine, my stomach was his bed.

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And my room was his garden, and my breast was his River. And now his father thinks after the divorce, that he's going to take my son away from me.

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So the woman is saying, I am everything to this boy. Now just because I've had a divorce. Now his father thinks he's going to take away from me. So and this is the famous Hadith, we use it all the time. Our prophet SAW, Selim said, you have more right to the child, as long as you don't marry another person.

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So the general default rule is that the mother gets custody of the child, as long as there's no stepfather involved. There's 50 rulings that they have, you know, exceptions to this as well. Abdullah nama narrated that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said kulu was horrible what a Sadako well, best to go ahead, eat and drink and give charity and wear your clothes, but do not have pride. Nor is Shroff. And Verily Allah loves to see the effects of his blessings on his servants,

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which means you live in accordance with your means. And this hadith is a famous Hadith that we use to say that it is not of the etiquettes of Islam, to live a very dirty, disheveled

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Life, if you have the wealth

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and it is not of the etiquettes of Islam to live an extravagant life, even if you have the wealth, right, this hadith of those Hadith that we live in accordance with our means, and we dress in accordance with our means kuno washable welders you eat and drink and wear your clothes without mahina wala sarraf no Seraph and no pride

01:05:26 --> 01:05:53

and in the law how you Hey boo antoran near matter who Allah Allah de Allah loves to see his Nima shone upon His servants. Now, Abdullah Rama narrated this Hadith, but he himself did not live an extravagant life. He lived not we like to say poor poor life, but he dressed very modestly, and people could not recognize that he was rich merely by looking at him. But he did not dress shabbily but he did not dress basically in a rich manner as well.

01:05:54 --> 01:06:08

I wanted to do one final this Okay, one beautiful Hadith of the love an hour narrated that the Prophet system said, Do you want me to inform you about those who are going to be the closest to me on Judgement Day?

01:06:10 --> 01:06:16

They said yes, or messenger of Allah. So he said, the ones who have the best of luck

01:06:17 --> 01:06:26

and Abdullah bomber demonstrated that in his life as well, the ones who have the best of luck, hollows, let's just do one Hadith and then call the day because time is limited here.

01:06:27 --> 01:06:29

Which one did I want to finish off with?

01:06:36 --> 01:06:39

Sorry, these ones are all 50 ones.

01:06:42 --> 01:06:44

Yes, a man came to Abdullah

01:06:45 --> 01:06:58

and he said, Oh, Abdullah, narrate to me something that you heard directly from the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam. And leave away that which you found on the day of Yarmouk.

01:07:00 --> 01:07:01

Do you understand?

01:07:04 --> 01:07:19

Leave the Iliad out. So Abdullah Ahmad was famous even in his lifetime for narrating isn't it yet? So a man came and said, I want to hear something you heard from the Prophet system, not what you discovered on the day of your MOOC.

01:07:20 --> 01:07:28

So Abdullah nama said, a Muslim man Solomon, Muslim women, mainly sunny Here we are at the Muslim is the one who,

01:07:29 --> 01:08:03

from whose hands and tongue the other Muslims are safe. Now, the Hadith is famous in Bukhari and Muslim but the incident behind which is narrative shows Abdullah Ahmad was already famous for narrating from the Australia clause, one final idea to ensuring that we're done. A man said, I entered the masjid of Jerusalem as an officer and I prayed towards one of its pillars. And a man came and prayed next to me and all the people surrounded him. And it turned out that it was Abdullah hibbott Ahmed that offs

01:08:04 --> 01:08:06

so a messenger came

01:08:07 --> 01:08:38

and said, I am the messenger of yours even more our we have come He is calling you is even while he is now The what? The halifa Okay, you see, it is now the Khalifa. So, Abdullah Ahmed also said to the crowd, this man has come to tell me that I am prohibited from narrating Hadeeth like his father also tried to forbidden me who was his father. Wow. And I heard the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam make this

01:08:40 --> 01:08:49

rule to become an FC Latisha woman albenza yaksha women use smart women in middle row to determine how good or bad this is a famous Hadith that we all know it.

01:08:50 --> 01:09:21

I seek refuge in your oil law from a soul that is never satisfied from a heart that is never fearful. And from that is never listen. And from knowledge that does not benefit. I seek refuge in You from these four things, meaning, this knowledge I shall continue to benefit from it and benefit you with it. I'm not going to shut this mouth. Even if you see the more it tells me to shut this mouth. Now, why did the whole of Ah, and this is common for many of these Sahaba that they were told not to narrate Hadith. Why? Because the idea they would narrate

01:09:23 --> 01:09:59

were against the bloodshed they're headed they would narrate would tell them Sahaba to the people to not fight. And so these people got commands from those on top, stop narrating Heidi's above 100 as well got this command, we're going to come to it okay. And I've ordered a modified and he would only narrate those headed that we're not getting into trouble, but even then he would squeeze some in when the time was right. But Abdullah said, I'm not going to do it. He can give his decrees and I'm not going to stop narrating ahaadeeth to you. So these are some of the highlights of their house Sharla Next week, we'll get

01:10:00 --> 01:10:07

With another Sahabi already time is up. So inshallah with that will conclude Zack McLaren said I'm wanting to move to LA

Elaborating on the life and times of Abdullah Ibn Amr Ibn Al As RA – the most ascetic amongst the Sahaba, one among the four Abadilah, Shaykh Yasir Qadhi divulges and discusses various facets associated this great Sahaba .

Abdullah Ibn Amr Ibn Al As RA was born when his father Amr Ibn Al As RA was just 12 years old. He was named after his grandfather but his name was changed by the Prophet ﷺ due to its negative connotations and the Prophet ﷺ named him Abdullah saying: ‘The most beloved of names to Allah is Abdullah and Abdur Rahman.’

Abdullah Ibn Amr Ibn Al As RA is famous for primarily keeping a journal of Hadith in the lifetime of the Prophet ﷺ in which he would scribe Hadiths directly from the Prophet ﷺ. But he always sought permission from the Prophet ﷺ to do so and this request was affirmatively granted. Another magnanimous quality of Ibn Amr RA was his ultimate devotion to islam by means of extra Ibadah, memorization of the entire Qur’an in the lifetime of Muhammad ﷺ and recitation of the whole Qur’an in a single night. Also, he would fast everyday without fail and prayed Tahajjud every night.

Once, Abdullah Ibn Amr RA asked the Messenger of Allah ﷺ, “O Messenger of Allah! Shall I record everything you say when you are angry or happy?” The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said:
“Yes, I do not tell anything but the truth.” This is the ultimate truth since Allah SWT has explicitly stated in the Quran that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ only spoke the truth.

Among other great acts was his participation in the battle of Yarmuk and the Battle of Siffin (on the insistence of Prophet ﷺ that he must obey what his father had ordained but avoided fighting of any kind) but his heart only leaned towards matters of knowledge and Qur’an and that was his ultimate calling.

There are more than 700 hadiths that have been narrated by him and he is also said to have authored”Al-Sahifa al-Sadiqah” which was a Hadith compilation of glorious repute and understanding and authority.

Abdullah ibn Amr RA narrated: The Messenger of Allah SAW said, “Those who are merciful will be shown mercy by the Most Merciful. Be merciful to those on the earth and the One in the heavens will have mercy upon you.”

Abu Hurairah Rah said, ‘There is no one more knowledgeable of the sayings of the Messenger ﷺ except Abdullah ibn Amr. He used to preserve them in his heart and I used to preserve them in my heart; but, he used to write them down and I did not.’

Abdullah Ibn Amr RA narrated that, “I memorized the Quran and recited it all in one night. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: ‘I am afraid that you may live a long life and that you may get bored. Recite it over the period of a month.’ I said: ‘Let me benefit from my strength in my youth.’ He said: ‘Recite it in ten days.’ I said: ‘Let me benefit from my strength and my youth.’ He said: ‘Recite it in seven days.’ I said: ‘Let me benefit from my strength and my youth,’ but he refused (to alter it any further).” The Messenger of Allah ﷺ also added: “No one properly understands who reads the Quran in less than three days.”

May Allah SWT bless him and make us one like this great Sahaba.

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