Suleiman Hani – 100 Camels The Fittest Among Them
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Santa Monica.
How's everyone doing?
Alhamdulillah Smilla Al hamdu lillah wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah who early he was Sufi woman who Allah. I want to begin with a question. If you could wish for one thing today, what would you wish for? Let me add a little more to the question. If you could wish for one thing for the OMA today, what would you wish for? Let me share with you a beautiful, beautiful story. It was reported that her Mother will hug Barbara the Allahu, and one day was sitting with some companions. And he said to him and no, he said wish for something. Sure your wishes. And one of the men said, I wish this house that they were in was filled with gold so that I can spend it in charity for the sake of
Allah. Look at this beautiful wish. Maybe when I asked you the question, some people would wish for what? I wish I had a billion dollars. I wish I had a mansion I wish for my desires to be fulfilled. This zahavi said, I wish there was a house full of gold so I can spend it for the sake of Allah. He said again to men No, go ahead. Somebody else wished for something. Second man said I wish this house was filled with pearls and with every kind of precious gem so that I can spend it in charity for the sake of Allah. Amato, the Allahu Anhu said a third time to men no. And they said we don't know what to say. Yeah. Ameerul Momineen are leader of the believers mentality. We don't know what
to say. It says no, they know he's asking them because he wants to share something important. So he said all the Allahu Allah and he said I wish that this house was filled with men, the likes of Abu Zubaydah. Radi Allahu Allahu Akbar. Why aboral Veda? Because of what obey there was a real man, because I will obey the Radi Allahu Allah was of the highest quality human beings you could meet, because he was truthful and trustworthy, because of his character, because of his piety, his knowledge, his actions, but only Allah Allah and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said every nation every Ummah has its Amina has its trustworthy person. And the Amin of this ummah is Abu
Zubaydah, probably Allah one. Why about our VEDA? What can we learn from this as it leads to the Hadith of the day? It was mentioned that I will obey the rule the Allahu, and one time was with a group of companions. Someone came a group came from the Iran. This is a community that's had some people convert to Islam. They came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And when they were going back, they said, Send with us someone who is trustworthy. Do you know what he said? sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I will send with you someone who is trustworthy, a man of trust, a man of trust, a man of trust. All the companions are eagerly looking, who is this man of trust three times a man of
trust. And they said it was ever Aveda Radi Allahu Anh. Isha was asked through the Allahu anha. After the Prophet sallallahu. Alison leaves this world who would he have nominated as a successor? This is a very big question. A question of leadership and piety and knowledge all in one person. Who would the Prophet assign as a successor sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. She said I will work. They said who after that. She said Omar, who after that. She said Abu Zubaydah and then the Hadith says and then she remained silent after this. Brothers and sisters. A lot of people today want to be leaders, but they do not know what Islamic leadership is. A lot of people today want to be at the forefront
in the spotlight, but they don't know what it means to be at the forefront of Islam. A lot of people today want to be influencers they want fame and following but they do not know the responsibilities that a Muslim has when they have a position of influence or a platform to impact many other lives. A lot of people today say they want to be great leaders, but that they cannot be followers. And to be a great leader in this OMA you must be a great follower. First a follower of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam In fact, you cannot be a great follower of a great leader unless you have an ultimate role model that you imitate and emulate. And Allah subhanho wa Taala gives us the
blueprint. You want the solution you want to know how to become a greater human being Allah subhanaw taala makes it clear in the Quran when he says to us lapada Can Allah comfier, assuming he will swear to Hassan or to Lehmann Kana yamu
No, no one young woman
where that count on long cathedra indeed you have in the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa salam, an excellent role model, an excellent role model, an example for whom is it for everyone for whoever has hopes and Allah's pleasure, they're looking for Allah's pleasure and for those who are attached to the afterlife and athletes. This is such an important part of the conversation about leadership and being fit for leadership in Islam. Now, you know, when you study the biography, the CETA you know, what it means to be a great husband, a great father, a community member, a friend, to Muslims to non Muslims, and even non Muslims at times have attested to the fact that Prophet
Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is the greatest leader in history. We learn as Muslims from the following Hadith how important it is, to be fit, and I don't mean just physically or to be fit, rather as believers ready in every situation. In the Hadith that is the crux of my reminder today, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam every time you hear his name peace be upon him sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said
in number nurse who can believe me? Indeed people are like 100 camels learn to code Who told you to be Ha ha ha. Perhaps you will hardly find a single one that is fit for writing. One hardly one for every 100 that is fit for writing what does this hadith mean? Let's unpack all the lessons the traits that we need Inshallah, to Allah Our children need and onwards every generation needs to improve the state of this ummah, the people of virtue are less in number, the people of quality, real quality or less in number they are not the majority. And what are some of these traits? Imam Al Bukhari Rahim Allah for those who know he put this hadith under the the title, the chapter title,
the disappearance of Amana trust, that people will stop being trustworthy. This is a very important positioning of the Hadith, why? It means that generally, the people who are really honest all the time, trustworthy with the highest levels of trust, in what way in terms of a dunya and in terms of the akhira are less in number. May Allah make us and our children and our loved ones amongst them. Allahumma Amin, a recent scholar, he said An example is this when you look to fill a vacancy for a judge, or an imam or a teacher, a leader of any organization. He says if you really thoroughly investigate the needs of that position, and the qualifications of the people, you will find most
people are not qualified. Most people cannot fulfill the Amana of that position, the responsibility of serving people. And this hadith that we're taking the one in 100 camels, it's not about the first three generations. It's not about the Sahaba it's about later generations. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam warned them and warned us about what will happen to this world. When he said it his salat wa salam, they will come after you, a people who will bear witness without being asked to do so. They will be treacherous and untrustworthy. They will make promises and will break their promises and obesity will appear amongst them in they are attached to the materialism of a dunya and
their desires, they follow whatever desires they have. So today, when you look to fill a position in your organization, you look for someone trustworthy to watch your child, you look for something important to be fulfilled as a vacancy, you have to thoroughly investigate. And we need to ensure as we are investigating to bring up the best of people, we need to ensure the measures and mechanisms are in place to train that next generation to mentor the next group because if the one in power is not qualified, like many people in the world today in many governments and many organizations and politicians and others, if the one in power is not qualified, how do you know the one who will
replace will be qualified? If their example is one of corruption? One of bribery one of injustice, one that is far from Allah subhanahu wa taala. This is the reality today. Now, our OMA benefits by investing and investigating these matters of mentorship. What does it mean to bring people together to teach long term develop people in different ways? So let's go back to the first question I asked you, what would you wish for? And I'm going to say something that might bother some people might come off the wrong way. I don't mean it with a bad intention. Do you know what would really benefit our Muslim American community today? If a lot of board members and a lot of organizations resigned
today? What would benefit us today as a community is a lot of individuals which individuals those who are not fit for that position. Those who are not fulfilling that Amana, those who do not belong in that place. Move out of the way of the power hunger that they have
and bring somebody qualified to lead.
And I want to make it very clear. So there are no misunderstandings. A lot of people want to tear down every kind of leader, every email and every teacher, every organization, all they do is criticize and look for flaws. That's not what I'm doing here. Rather, the point is not advocating for tearing down what is good. The point is removing what is bad, what is weak of leadership so that we can build and develop what is good for our Ummah, for the foundation of that leadership will Llahi one position in this ummah has the potential to impact millions of lives. So how about that person standing on the Day of Judgment, questioned by Allah subhanaw taala, about the Amana that
they took, they held on to and they refuse to let go of when somebody more qualified, was nearby was able to lead was fit for that position. There are people we have heard say, I refuse to let go of my position, I deserve to be a board member, a politician and this and that because I donated 50,000 I did this I did that. That is not a qualification of leadership, you must know how to lead your community and that requires a comprehensive understanding of what Islam is, what responsibility is what leadership is about and be detached from power. We do not desire power in Islam, but rather, if power is given to someone as a test that they pass that test through humility and servitude in
Islam. To lead is to serve, to lead is to serve, to lead is to serve it is not serving your interest. It is not about your fame, it is not about your desires, your credit, your status, your bio, it is about serving other people knowing Allah will question you for that position. Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Lehmann Cornejo joola Will Young Well,
if you take the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam as a role model, you're taking him as a role model, because you are seeking a loss pleasure and you're looking for the afterlife, you're looking at Jannah your heart is not attached to this life. When you are not attached to this life, you do not care about positions and status, and names and labels and credit and fame. You're no longer afraid that people would criticize you, because you're doing what is pleasing to Allah. And there are so many examples. Here's an example. How many people here are supporters of Palestinian sovereignty as an example, raise your hand how many people here in support of Palestine hamdulillah there's no
problem saying that you're not ashamed to raise your hand. May Allah subhana alleviate the affairs of our brothers and sisters in every land in every place. You are not afraid, knowing that when you advocate for Palestinians, by criticizing Zionist occupation, you're not afraid that you're going to be given a false label in this world. You're not afraid by advocating for the ogres in East Turkistan, that people will criticize you or certain people will hate you for doing that. You're not afraid to speak out against the government of India that is slowly and gradually attacking the rights of Muslims in India, you're not afraid to talk about to liberalism and the reality that it is
illiberal when it comes to Muslims in America and that we are forced to claim that we are tolerant people when in fact we are the most tolerant of people upon the truth, you're not afraid, why you care about Allah's pleasure, you care about the athlete, you are not attached to what people are saying and doing, but you do so in the wisest manner possible. You seek justice, you speak the truth, you advocate for causes in the wisest most strategic manner possible to convince others that this is correct to convince others. This is what we are looking for. May Allah subhanaw taala make us from amongst them, Allahu Allah, me one time, there was a college aged brother, a young students,
part of young Muslims actually, he was looking at his phone as we were standing together. And he was mumbling something he read something on his phone, he started mumbling. We asked him what's going on? And he said, I'm in a dilemma. So I was just repeating How would Allah want me to respond? How would Allah wants me to respond? The greatest leaders, the greatest leader, the prophets lorrison have taught his companions always reference Allah. Never leave Allah subhanaw taala out of the discussion out of the equation, never leave Allah subhanaw taala out of the references that you make, in every hour, every sitting, every gathering, every discussion, every strategy, your job,
your studies, the raising of your child, Allah subhanaw taala is central to our lives central to success we were created to know Allah we were created for La Ilaha illa Allah, and you just saw five people embracing Islam Alhamdulillah this is what we were created for. And when we see these opportunities, and we see the signs and reminders, we realize it's not easy to be amongst those mentioned in this hadith, one in 100, hardly one in 100 that are fit in terms of quality, that are fit in piety that are fit in their character, that are people who are trustworthy and the reality here
or another lesson is that you are there for people. You're there for other people. How many people today are connected on social media to 1000s of friends, so called friends and followers, and they have family in their houses, they have parents who are there for them and have raised them. But this person feels more alone than ever before they feel so alone. How many people are mothers and fathers abandoned by their children in this individualistic society that focuses on materialism in a very selfish manner, after working 18 years, 20 years, 30 years raising that son, or that daughter loving them with sincerity and wellbeing for them, and some people will criticize the old man, the giraffe,
the organization's the scholars, but they're never there. They never volunteer. They're not part of any community. Some people sits behind their computer screens behind their phones, criticizing refuting looking for flaws in every part of the OMA. But Wallahi when you need help when you need volunteers, this person is the farthest person away from it, they will never volunteer, they will never show up to the masjid events, they will never be part of helping other people alleviating the affairs of others, but they are so happy to criticize, they're happy to tear down other people. They expect when someone wrongs them, everyone should come to my defense. But they do not want to be
there for other people. Another lesson from this hadith is we all have a role to play leadership is very interesting. We know from the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Everyone is a shepherd over some flock. The Father, the husband, the mother has a role. The children have a role. Everyone has a role, you might be part of an organization, a nonprofit, an Islamic center, you may be part of an MSA young Muslims, you may be part of any movement, or you may be a mother, raising your children, you are leading your children to success. When you lead your child to success, you're leading the Ummah to success. And the reality here, I'll give you an example through a story.
There's a sister, a mother of six in one of our communities, she said, I feel like I have no role or value as a mother, when I hear a hadith about leadership, because that's one side of the discussion. And the other side is the people around me who tell me that if I don't have a corporate job, and I'm super successful at the corporate level, that I'm not capable of being a leader, if I'm not outdoors, or on social media, or an activist then I'm cannot be a leader and Wallahi This is one of the greatest lies against women and against motherhood in particular, why today, as we have seen for the last decade and two, and longer than that, but especially in the last 20 years, there is a war
being waged against motherhood in terms of its value. And Muslims may be impacted by this ideology by these attacks as well. There is a war against the value and role of mothers in society raising that child and never paid by $1 or a penny, knowing that the reward is with Allah and that they are raising the next generation. So I will say very explicitly, there is no Ummah without an ohm a mother there is no Ummah without an ohm, wala he there is no Ummah without an ohm. There is no success for our Ummah, or our communities. And all of these organizations, if there are not present mothers, present for their children, loving them as our mothers have, may Allah reward them with the
highest ranks of Jannah. Our mothers have a price risk role in Islam, a priceless obligation and responsibility. And this is not to say that they cannot do other things. But that motherhood itself is one of the greatest things in this world and the payments, you're not going to be seen in a corporate space because you raise your child, you're not going to be rewarded by the legal system because you raised you raised your child, you're not going to be given credits from other people because you raised your child and you will not be paid financially for raising your child. Allah subhana wa Tada gave you an opportunity, a ticket to Jannah through every child that you raise with
love with security with mental stability upon Islam with the right understanding the right morals, the right character, the good friends, the right teachings, giving them a high standard of Islamic knowledge as well knowing that that child that one child will lie he can change the entire world. Just as the mother the single mother of Imam Al Bukhari raised one of the Greece legends in history. She's being rewarded for that as well. The mother of Imam Muhammad been rewarded as well. Brothers and sisters. The last thing that I'll say about this hadith it's about people who do not desire power