Asr Khatirah
Yaser Birjas – Seeking Protection From Evil Of Five Things

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The Arabic language has two main elements, " sights" and "immaterial elements," which are the two main elements of the Arabic language. The speaker emphasizes avoiding autoplay and stopping behavior to avoid future evil consequences, protecting from evil deeds during the night, and protecting from evil activity during the day. The speaker also discusses the consequences of the evil of the night, including seeing the dark and getting nervous, and the types of hasad and punished accordingly. Viewers are reminded to protect themselves and their families from the evil of the night.
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So now we're down to the last 2
duas that are mentioned in the Quran.
In Surat Al Falaq.
Surat Al Falaq, the entire Surat Al Falaq
itself, chapter
As a matter of fact, it is a
dua. The entire Surat Al Falaq is a
dua from the prophet
in which the prophet
used to seek refuge with Allah subhanahu wa
from the evil
of everything,
and that was part of what he what
we call
which means that the the the 2 surahs
by which you seek refuge and protection with
against specific elements. So let's start with the
first one, insha'Allah,
and tomorrow insha'Allah we'll cover Surah Al Nasb
Alaihi Ta'ala.
Here Allah subhanahu wa'ala says,
Say, You Muhammad,
I seek refuge in the Lord of the
which actually means Allahumma
inni a'udu bika. That's what it means.
As if you're saying, you Allah, I'm seeking
refuge with you because you are the Lord
of the daybreak.
That's the beginning of the dua here.
From the evil of whatever he has created.
And from the evil of the night when
it grows dark.
And from the evil of those witches casting
spells by blowing unto naught.
And from the evil of an envier
when they envy.
So the eye of Allah subhanahu begin by
It's an instruction to you and I
that we need to seek that protection from
It's not an
option. It's not an option.
This is a survival thing for you as
a human being
that you really need to see that find
that protection
with Allah
That's why we say
in the Arabic language means this is basically
the soliciting protection,
asking for protection.
Again, we talk about the Lord. When we
speak, we make Dua, we use the word
rabbanah, right? Why do we say rabbanah?
Because we know him being the Lord, him
being our Rab
he is the provider,
he is the maker, the sustainer.
So as a result, you need to ask
from the Lord, Arrab
He is the master.
And you are the slave of Allah,
Arrab Bil Falak.
Birrab the Lord of Al Falak, the daybreak.
The daybreak means what a jamaal?
The morning. Right? So you ask Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala to protect you
from whatever comes with the with the,
the beginning of the day.
Like what? Surprises.
Like, I don't even know what's written for
me in the in the day. Right? You
wake up in the morning,
everything is okay, healthy,
wealthy in your house, in your with your
And then Allah Mustan,
evil people
come and bomb your house
and shell your house. Like what happened in
Many many people, subhanallah, they mentioned the stories
that they were they were having breakfast, having
barely sitting together as one family, and then
the whole roof collapsed over their their heads.
That's an evil that requires protection from Allah
So the evil that happened during the day.
To elaborate
what is exactly I'm seeking refuge or protection
from during the day, from the evil or
whatever he has created
from the evil he has created subhanahu wa
Now when we say he has created, what
does that mean?
All the creation of Allah
All the creation of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
So that means what?
Human beings, jinn,
phenomena and disasters.
Okay. So what does that even mean here
right now?
If Allah says seek protection from the evil
what he has created,
does Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala create evil?
You jamaah.
Who is the creator of good?
Who is the creator of good?
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. Who is the creator
of evil?
Who is the creator? Be careful. Watch how
you answer it. Be careful.
Who is the creator of evil?
Oh, wait a minute. So again, who is
the creator of good?
You all agree on this, right?
Who is the creator of evil?
A shaitan.
If you say shaitan,
you're claiming another creator with Allah
Allah is the
Allah is the creator of everything,
the good and evil
as a mean of test.
evil is created
when you choose.
Like Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, he facilitates what
you choose, your choices.
That's what the meaning of the prophet sallallahu
alaihi wasallam when he says
You need to do because Allah will facilitate
whatever be created for. And we spoke about
this a couple of nights ago in the
late night khatira. This is just like literally
like the algorithm
in your life. What does that mean? You
choose bad, what's what's going to come to
you as a recommendation?
And then you choose worse, what happens?
Even worse than that. So the algorithm of
your choices
and Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala does what? Facilitates
that for you.
So how can I stop this?
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
created everything
and our job is to try our best
to make good choices so Allah will facilitate
good for us. So in order for you
to stop that sequence of evil thing that
happens in your life, stop the autoplay as
your mind.
Stop the autoplay
because if you keep your life
following your desires constantly without stopping it, it's
going to continue to breed more sins and
so on. So again,
Okay. What about you?
What about you? Do you have does your
nafs have any shar?
Your nafs, does this have any shar? Yes.
low your lowly self doesn't have evil. Yes.
Of course. That's why every Khutba already hear
from the
I seek refuge with you from the evil
of ourselves
and the evil of our deeds. So yeah,
it could actually lead to that way. So
we ask in this, we ask Allah to
protect us from the evil of everything that
he has created, and when we know that
Allah created everything, so we basically were saying
what? From the evil of everything.
Now being specific. So he spoke about the
day and now we're seeking protection from the
evil of the night.
And from the evil of the night when
it grows dark.
Why he specifically mentioned the night when it
grows grows dark?
most most plots, most evil happens what?
Nighttime when people, you know, the darkness of
their their cave, their room, their, you know,
their whatever,
yeah, any,
bunker they're hiding in and they're plotting.
Maybe today for us is different right now
because you could do during the day, during
the night, and anytime you want on the
But at the time, people, they had to
hide themselves
under the darkness of the night so they
can plot evil,
such as
highway robbers for example. They hide in the
night for instance. And you always ask Allah
for protection from the evil of the dark.
Also, what comes out when the night goes
down in jama'?
Nocturnal animals,
all these insects and rodents and all that
stuff and so on, so you see refuge
with Allah
this. Also what happens
when the night goes down it becomes dark?
You can see without light.
So you don't know what you're touching, what
you're putting your foot, what are you doing
here, what are you doing there. So you
ask Allah protection from the evil that comes
with the darkness of the night.
And he says,
especially, especially seek refuge to the law from
the evil of those witches casting spells by
blowing onto knots. So
those who keep blowing. That's naf basically, naf.
You blow. And why did he mention that?
it seems that one of the most common,
magic spells that they had back then is
when someone
brings an item related to somebody that they
want to cast a spell on, and what
do they do? They hide it into something
and they tie a knot over it.
So when they tie the knot over it
and they blow. What do they blow? There
are spells,
words words of evil,
maybe invoking the shaitan or the jinn or
the demons or whatever that is
to cast a spell on this individual so
they can hurt that individual.
And why he mentioned this here is particularly
because again, during the night.
You go when they go into their tents
at night, they barely have few lights here
and there. It's creepy by looking at it
or thinking about it. Imagine being there.
And it was very common in their culture
for these women to be actually witches and
they live in remote areas.
As a matter of fact, even in our
time these days, in Islam, they live in
very, very horrible conditions
because this is where the the shawti and
the demons thrive. Not in healthy, clean, hygienic
places, Yani. And that's why they go to
the bathroom.
And I ask Allah to protect me from
the evil of these witches and from the
spells and of course obviously
these people,
they're not gonna make spell for free. Right?
Someone has to come to them and tell
cast a spell on this individual.
So by extension, you also ask Allah to
protect you from the evil of the people
sponsor these and hire these to hurt you.
And that's why at the end what did
he say? What leads people to go to
these magicians and these sorcerers
to cast as poll on you?
The Hasid,
women and
seek protection with you, my Lord, from the
evil of those who envy when they when
they cast that envy on me.
So you can see the sequence and the
consequences of everything as it's mentioned in the
surah. So it was divided to 2 types
of evils. 1 during the day and the
other one during the night. And during the
day, he says everything.
And during the night, he made very specific
The plot that happens during the night specifically
with magicians and the sorcerers and the witches
and also because all of this comes from
the hearts of the evil ones that they
have hasad against you and will Allah protect
you from the servant of al Amin. Now,
when it comes to hasad,
hasad has different types obviously.
The worst type of hasad is when someone
wishes for something that you have, a blessing
that you have, to go away from you
and they don't care if it comes to
them or not.
Like they don't wish you higher and they
don't want that higher for themselves.
They just want you to lose that
evil people.
Less than that when they wish for you
to lose that
and it comes to them. At least they're
still a beneficiary, you know, when when they
lose it.
And there's another one, when you wish for
something similar to
what they have.
You don't want you don't want them to
lose it but you badly want to do
to have something like that. Now that's the
least form of of hasad but it's still
hurtful. It can hurt people.
So therefore, make sure to always protect yourself
and your families from the hasad, from the
Ayin and
and the evil Ayin.
So we're gonna read the dua together inshallah
And as as a matter of fact, when
we make that dua, we're gonna be reciting
the entire Surah itself.
waman salahaman aba'im.