Mohammed Hijab – Discussion and Dawah with Just Pearly Things

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The speakers discuss their past struggles with religion and the importance of the holy bus, as well as their belief in the church's faith and the trinity. They emphasize the importance of understanding the range of predictions and the potential for sexually transmitted diseases, including the idea that "other brother" is a part of one's religion. They also discuss the history of Catholicism and the shift from Catholicism to Islam, as well as the belief that God is powerful and knowledgeable. They stress the importance of asking oneself questions to determine which one is true and discuss the differences between Islam and payments, including the belief that God wants people to worship him alone and that predictions of Islam are based on observation and evidence.
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Can, like, guess it.
Maybe the other thing, I guess, for men's
when when I was younger,
I was like
22, so like 5 years ago maybe.
My brother tried to commit suicide. Okay. And
so it kinda it kinda made me like
understand. And it was it was over like
a break up like that sort
sort of thing. And so it made me,
realize that if men don't get the correct
information it could kind of mess up. And
were you were you close with your brother?
I'm really close with him. He's,
yeah. He he's like one of the my
brothers are like the best people I know.
Like seriously, I I couldn't survive without him.
Mhmm. I think probably that might have had
a bigger impact, you know. Yeah. Probably. He,
yeah. Because he's my little brother. So he's,
like, 2 years younger than me. And he's
just That sounds like a real Yeah. He's,
reason to Yeah. And he he's good now.
We'll kinda joke about it now. He's like,
I can't believe I did that over a
What kind of joke? But, yeah. He's
yeah. I I have 5 brothers so it's
like a big family. Mhmm. So
Yeah. I know. It's And doing this stuff
kinda made me understand. Because I didn't understand
why he did that. I was like, what
is wrong with you? Like, over a check.
Like, what is you know? And then it
was it kinda made me understand it, like,
more, what he went through. Did you wanna
save not save, but do you did you
wanna help men like your brother? Is that
maybe one of the reasons that he's like
he got slided? Because you realize
that he was in a certain Mhmm. Fragile
state, and you and you wanted other men
who were in that same position
not to go through what he went through.
Yeah. No. Seriously. Because
I don't know. It was
that was really hard to, like, watch to
be honest. Yes. But but he's, like, better
now. So I don't try to make it,
like, a big thing. But, you know, back
then yeah.
Mhmm. No. No. No. It's good that you
told me that because I I always try
to understand where everyone's coming from. Like, everyone's
got motivation. Mhmm. It's it's better to like,
for me to understand where you're coming from
Mhmm. Like, throughout this conversation and beyond. And
for the public to understand, I think it
this stuff is important. Mhmm. Because
people will make if you don't give them
something, they'll make the assumption. Do you know
what I mean? Like my trauma or something.
Yeah. Well, in a way, that was traumatic
for you, wasn't it?
Yeah. But
I was more actually I was more mad
than I was, like, I guess I because
I was like, what is it? What the
*? Like, why would you do that? You
know? But,
It was a calamity for you. Yeah. Well,
I don't know what that means. But It
was it was a big tragic event.
Yeah. Yeah. It put you through emotional turmoil.
Yeah. Yeah. I guess at the time. Mhmm.
So I don't know for sure. I understand.
So I I think, we you mentioned Islam.
Mhmm. And you you said, I don't know
if they'll be Muslim or not.
You're are you a Christian or what's I'm
a Catholic. Okay. So but I I'm not
a real Catholic, I think. Because every time
I say I'm Catholic Mhmm. Everybody says I'm
not real. Mhmm. So I guess I'm a
fake Catholic.
I don't know. I do have questions about
the Mary stuff. I do have questions about
it. I would say I still so I
was trying to figure out what religion I
was a couple of years ago. I was
like 22. Mhmm. And I I put all
of the religions like down.
I'm not saying this is the best way
to come to a conclusion, so don't don't
say this like you should try. This is
just how I thought.
At the time,
I felt like
I had to pick between Christian, Catholic, or
Islam, I just I felt like was too
different, you know? I just was like, I
couldn't see myself, you know?
And it seemed like at the time there
was a lot of, like, Muslim, like, prop
I would say it's probably propaganda in hindsight.
So I thought maybe, like, it seems like
people are leaving those countries. So maybe like
if I was God, I would make countries
that followed God like do better. Mhmm. That's
that's how I thought.
Then I learned about Jewish people. Mhmm. And
honestly, the things that you had to do
to join that religion, I was like, I
just don't want it that bad. I don't.
And then I was Christian or Catholic and
I picked Catholic because
I noticed how woke all the Christians were
and I felt like with no structure
Like, the idea of people reading the Bible
and coming to their own conclusions,
it sounds nice, but I'd seen it in
practice. And like I'd been in a church
that was Christian and it was like
they they were pushing the BLM stuff, you
know. And I was like what is up
with all these Christian churches hanging gay flags?
And I attributed that to
them reading the Bible and deciding for themselves.
Mhmm. Does that make sense? Yeah. So Catholics
seem to make the most sense to me.
The one thing and this is why I
say, I guess, I'm not a real Catholic
because I ask questions. Mhmm.
It confuses me
or I noticed a pattern
where people tend to elevate
women above where they are. So, like, we
kneel to women in proposals,
and they used to do that with,
kings. They used to kneel kings and the
women came in and said give kneel to
me and then all the guys did
it. And simps.
I wonder sometimes
if Catholics did the same thing with Mary.
Of course. I don't know. I don't know.
And that's why I don't Mother of God.
I'm not a scholar,
so don't please all the Catholics get so
mad at me. Yeah. Catholics still makes more
sense to me than the Christians because I
go to the Christian churches
and there's all this woke stuff.
I mean, I went to 1
and they're like he's like on the floor,
like, shouting. I'm like, what are you? No
offense blessing. It's just that's weird to me.
I'm like, what are you what are you
doing? You know?
So I like the, like, structure of the
Catholic mass. I like that it's been like
the same over time. I question the Mary
stuff a little bit. But I wouldn't say
I'm like a super,
you know, overly religious.
I think
look. A religion
a way that you'll consider yourself when you
die. Right? You're gonna have some kind of
a log that you hold on to Mhmm.
When you die. Right? So religion is like
the log that you hold on to in
a sea or an ocean after you die,
and you want the right one to keep
you afloat. Okay? You're you're not looking when
you're looking at religion, you shouldn't be looking
at that which is gonna serve your interests.
Mhmm. It's like religion is not a butler.
Like, it's here to help you and serve
in that way.
When someone is
looking for religion, effectively, what they're trying to
do is look for truth. Mhmm.
And sometimes the truth can be something
which people don't like. Mhmm.
And so the first thing I would
not just for you, but for anybody who's
looking for truth,
it doesn't matter how
different or similar that truth looks or how
weird or strange or Mhmm. It may appear.
If the truth is coming from a particular
and it is the truth,
then 1 if one is sincere, then they'll
follow the truth. Now Islam look. I if
you look at
Catholicism is Christianity.
Obviously, Christianity is broken into different sects, and
Catholicism and Protestantism are the 2 major sects.
The third one being,
Orthodox Christianity. Right? To say. Orthodox, like, the
only other one, I think, really hasn't gone
off the rails. It's probably more so than
Catholicism, by the way. Oh, yeah. I would
agree. They're they're, like, a little bit more
strict, I guess. Well, I mean,
once again,
this is my observation as a Muslim. I
think that orthodox Christians, whether they're orientalist or
oriental orthodox like in in Egypt where I'm
originally from, they have oriental orthodox church. Whether
they're Greek orthodox or whether they're Russian orthodox
or whatever kind of orthodox, Ethiopian orthodox, all
the above,
they focus heavily on the,
basically, how the church fathers done things and
how so tradition is a big part of
their religion. More so, I would say, than
Catholicism. Although Catholicism does,
obviously, believe in that as well and and
and Well, we changed a bunch of stuff,
and I found this out the other day.
We changed a bunch of stuff in the
Yeah. Oh, I figured you would you're the
you you seem like the scholar. So I
was like, you you probably know more than
me. In the seventies, I I mean, I
I don't know exactly what you're talking about
Catholicism. Mhmm. Yeah. They changed. They used to
not let women be alter servers. Oh, sure.
Sure. That. They changed I guess it used
to always be, Latin mass, and I guess
they switched that. I think that was way
before, but, I mean, the thing is there's
few things. Like, one of the major ones
is the theory of evolution.
Now that's, you've had you've had different,
opinions on that. Mhmm. Obviously, what the pope
says is from God,
in Catholicism.
But, obviously, he has to say it in
his magisterium. He can't just say walking around.
So that's one thing. You'll find that many
things that Catholics believe in the past, they
don't no longer believe. For example, there was
a big controversy in the 4th century with
Augustine because,
he was he believed that a child that
hadn't been baptized, a baby
that hadn't been baptized, would go to *.
And this was the Catholic belief
up until quite recently, and then they changed
that as well. So there there is
good evidence of a change
in verdicts and pronouncements and stuff like that
in Catholic faith. But more so, I would
say, with the holy Christianity, the main thing
that's been changed is the Bible itself.
You know? Oh, yeah. Yeah. So this is
what we would say because you were saying
you mentioned something quick key, which is that
you like things staying the same.
Right? Or or something a proof of something
being true is that it stayed the same.
Now if you look at the beliefs of
the Christians from the 1st century to the
3rd century, the 4th century, that hasn't stayed
the same. There's a clear development in
the Christology, in the theology of the Christian
So I have a question. Would the Christian
because this is what happens to me sometimes.
People will come on my show and they'll
say things. Yeah. And because yeah. And then
no. No. No. No. No. But I'm saying,
like, then Yeah. Now obviously,
I I I would you say you're a
religious scholar or, like, you you at least
debate it a lot? Well, I'm a comparative
So I do comparative religion. Okay. Yeah. I
I could just state the position of Islam,
if that makes better sense for you guys.
So Instead of speaking about Christianity. No. No.
No. You can that's not what I was
gonna say. I was gonna say, what would
if you I asked a Christian, like, scholar
person, would they agree with you on that?
Of course not. A Christian would say that
this the trinity has always been
the idea of the father, the son, and
the Holy Spirit has always been what Christians
have believed in from the beginning or or
even what Abraham believed in, what the Jews
believed in. Don't forget I mean, the the
Bible is comprised of the Old Testament and
the New Testament. Mhmm. Yeah? So the Old
Testament, you have characters like Abraham, Noah,
Moses, etcetera. They came before Jesus. Mhmm. And
so the question is, what did they believe?
Did they believe in 3 and 1 and
A Christian may say, yes. Actually, they did
believe in that even though they didn't spell
it out in any elaborative detail in the
old testament. They'll say yes to they believe.
I will say, where's the evidence for this?
That's that's how the conversation would go. Where's
the evidence for this? They will say there's
they'll bring some kind of evidence, but there's
nothing in the Old Testament,
that would indicate the Hebrew Bible, for example.
That's what the Jews call it. That would
indicate 3 co eternal, coequal
And if it were if it was so
clear, then why are the Jews not believing
that? Because remember, the Hebrew Bible is something
that the Jews and the Christians both believe
in. There's not one sect of Judaism that
believes in the trinity.
And they had the most access to this
book for 100 of for 1000 of years.
And so where Muslims and Jews would agree
is on the idea of God.
That is only one God. Mhmm. And you
go ask yourself, what what makes more sense?
Do you believe in one God
that is the creator of the heavens and
the earth,
or do you believe that Jesus himself is
God? That he he is unlimited. He's all
powerful, all that kind of thing. Which one
makes more sense to you?
Mhmm. So I have a question. Would you
guys believe that Jesus was crazy then? Because
then wouldn't that oh, oh, you're nodding so
yeah. No. No. We wouldn't. No. No. So
because wouldn't because he would be crazy then
if you because he was going around saying
he was God. So that's the thing. We
would we wouldn't agree that he was going
around saying that he was God. Mhmm.
The where we differ with the Jews and
agree with the Christians. Okay. So we we
agree with the Jews. Muslims agree with the
Jews in so much as we say that
there's only one God worthy of worship, and
that's the creator of the heavens and the
earth. It's not a man. It's not a
woman. It's not a holy ghost. It is
the creator of the heavens and the earth,
and that God is all powerful or knowledgeable,
etcetera, etcetera.
But We would agree with the Christians and
disagree with the Jews is that actually there
was this man called Jesus Christ who we
consider to be a prophet.
As the book of acts mentions, it says
that he's a man amongst men that was
sent with wonders and miracles and signs
that God did through him. Mhmm. So we
believe that God chose Jesus
in his time to deliver the message that
there's only one God worthy of worship. Mhmm.
We don't believe that he ever said that
I am God or worship me.
Even if you look at the New Testament,
you won't find him really elaborating upon this.
In fact, there are verses to the opposite
of this. Mhmm. For example, in the book
of John chapter 17 verse 3,
it says that there's only one true god,
which is the father,
and that, you know, Jesus was sent to
him. I, by the finger of God, cast
out devils. I, by the,
I, by the spirit of God Mhmm. So
such as I, by my own self, can
do nothing. Jesus is saying this himself. I,
by my own self, can do nothing. It's
a verse in the bible, a new testament.
So what we're saying is that
there isn't
it doesn't indicate
that Jesus himself was going around and saying
he was God. We believe that, historically,
what we can find about Jesus is that
really he was a prophet. He was a
messiah. He did miracles and all this kind
of thing, but he wasn't God. That was,
a Roman invention that was put in place.
Mhmm. That's the idea. So we we wouldn't
call him a liar. So you think the
in Rome, they invented that he was God?
So in the beginning, what happened is that
Christianity was a persecuted religion in Rome. Right?
So the Roman Empire is where Christianity was
was. Mhmm. And in the beginning, they were
minority. They were being persecuted by all kinds
of people. Right?
Up until the 3rd or the 4th century,
you had this guy called Constantine. Okay? He
was the emperor at the time. He had
a dream. Okay? He had a dream of
the cross and all that kind of thing,
and he became a Christian. Okay? Even though
Christianity had been a minority religion Mhmm. And
they were a persecuted
persecuted minority for a very long time.
But when he became a Christian,
in in 3/13, there was something called the
Edict of Milan, and in 325, there's something
called the 19 creed. They started to formulate
what is the belief of the Christians.
325, they said it was, you know, you
have the father, the son, and the holy
spirit. This idea of the father, the son,
holy spirit came out. Oh, and then you
guys you guys had the same text and
it didn't change. Right? We believe it. I
think I've heard Sneeko say that. Right? Yeah.
So the Quran look. So
to finish the story on this, right, we
believe that Christianity had been interpolated, had been
people have come in Mhmm. And change
the original
beliefs of Jesus. So, for example, you had
a group called the Ebionites,
and you can Google them, and it
it's open,
you know, historical information. Mhmm. K? The Ebionites
were a 1st century Christian group
who did not believe that Jesus was God,
but they believed that he was the messiah.
So they had very similar much more similar
beliefs to Muslims
than Christians do today.
Christians believe the father is equal to the
the son is equal to the holy spirit.
All three persons are God. Mhmm. But there's
not 3 gods, but one God. We would
say that's a contradiction. You see, how can
you have 3 in 1 at the same
time? Doesn't make
sense. So what happened is,
Islam is a continuation
from Christianity, from
from Jesus Christ. We believe,
Muhammad, who is the, we believe, the final
he was sent in Arabia,
and he went when he was 40 to
the cave, and the angel had an interaction
with him,
and he had revealed the Quran to him.
The Quran we believe is the verbatim speech
of God.
And in that verbatim speech of God, you
know, there are prohibitions,
there are allowances,
what to do, what not to do, etcetera,
etcetera, etcetera.
We also believe that this text and this
good evidence to show that has been preserved
for the whole time. Nothing has been changed
of it Mhmm. Unlike the Bible.
And if I asked if I asked the
would they agree with that? That the Quran
hasn't been changed or would they say
because often what I find is both groups
say the other is lying Yeah. And very
much Well, it depends on what Christian you
ask. If you if you are a fair
minded Christian Mhmm. Who's a scholar and academic,
they may say, yes. We agree with the
Muslim notion that the
Quran has not been, changed. But if you
ask a polemic
or an apologist for Christianity, you'll say, no.
The Quran has been changed just like the
Bible. Well, they wouldn't deny that the Bible
has been changed. So there are, for example,
great scholars of Christians like Bruce Metzger, who's
come out and wrote a book about how
the Bible has been changed. Mhmm.
So that's one thing. The other thing is
so we've got the idea of God. You've
gotta ask yourself an honest question. Which one
makes more sense?
Let me ask you, in fact Mhmm. Which
one makes more sense? The idea of 3
persons, coequal, co eternal, or the idea of
1 god,
if we're being honest about this. One god
or 3 persons.
Well, I guess the way they taught it
to me was that it's like,
they're gonna roast me because I know I'm
not gonna explain it right. But I thought
it was right. But it's like, it's like
3 in 1. So Yeah. Sure. It's still
one God, but it's just like there there's
it's like 3 in 1. Yeah. I know.
But you you got the father? Yeah. The
father. You got the son? Holy Spirit. And
you got the holy spirit. The father is
God. Mhmm. The son is God. The holy
spirit is God. But how many gods are
1. Yeah. Between 1. But but does that
make sense to you? Kinda.
So if I add a 4th Yeah. And
say no and also the disciples, for example
Mhmm. When when do I stop? I could
I could see how it would be confusing.
Very confusing. Yeah. You You see what I
mean? Yeah. So when you for example, if
you're if you're very sad, if you're if
you're in a traumatic situation or if you're
desperate, who'd you call out to?
Right? Which one?
I mean, you call out to the father,
the son, the holy spirit, or all three
at the same time?
I would just say God. Exactly. Yeah. And
that's what we would say. The the the
verse in the Quran that say that when
the people are in the sea Mhmm. And
they're about to be capsized and so on,
they will call out to
God in all, earnestness and sincerity. But when
they come back to the shore,
then you'll you'll see them,
ascribing partners with God. Mhmm. See, God doesn't
want you to ascribe partners with him. It's
in the first ten commandments. Right? God wants
you to just worship him alone. Mhmm. You
see? That's what Jews have said all over
the time. That's what, you know, in the
first ten commandments you'll find in the old
testament, etcetera.
So that's the first thing. I'll leave it
with you. I mean, this seems to be
the first question because that's one of the
major differences between Islam and Christianity. Mhmm. The
idea of God, that is one of the
major. Second major difference is the prophethood of
prophet Muhammad.
So is he a true prophet or not?
That's the question. Because if he's a true
clearly what he's saying comes from God. If
he's not true, prophet, then it's not. Then
it's just a man made text, man from
the 7th century, etcetera, etcetera. Mhmm. But if
we owe we owe it to ourselves to
explore the issue.
So for example, we would find that the
prophet Mohammed had a pure track record.
Mhmm. No one considered him to be a
No one considered him in his community to
be a liar at all. They all knew
him very well.
He came when he was 40 years old
after living a full life amongst them
and told them that he was a prophet.
And he didn't just say that frivolously.
He proves he provided evidences.
So the the kind of evidences that we
have as Muslims, for example,
is number 1, the preservation. Yes. The fact
that the Quran does not have any contradictions
in it. That's an important thing.
The theology, of course, of of Islam, but
also the range of other things. For example,
the predictions of Islam.
So Islam makes a series of predictions about
the future, about how life will be in
the future. Let me give you ones that
are pertinent to you to your work.
There are predictions in Islam that say that
women are going to
join the workforce with men. Oh, no way.
Yeah. In the future, there's a woman will
join the workforce with men.
This is one prediction. Another thing you've spoken
about, which is mentioned the prediction of that
profit, is that there will be or come
a time
where people will engage in promiscuity,
sexual * outside of the marital structure to
such an extent where sexually transmitted it there'll
be an advent of sexually transmitted diseases.
So sexually STDs will come about as a
result of this,
that people in the future are going to
do. So I guess my question because,
you know, I'm a believer of people are
And so it would be I would be
very shocked
if at no point in history there was
like like didn't King David have like 300
wives or something? In the Bible, yeah. Yeah.
Like people were
like to me that's not a godlike. I
mean, it might be true.
I'm not trying to be, like, disrespectful. No.
No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No.
No. No. I wouldn't put that as
and sophistication What's the best one? Give me
like the I'll give you 3 or 4
good ones. Okay. Okay? So for example, in
the Quran, it's mentioned in chapter 30 verses
1 to 4 Mhmm. That the Romans had
been defeated. And remember, we said that the
Roman Empire and the Persian Empire, they had
been kind of going at it. Yeah? There
were 2 major empires even at the time
of the prophet.
And that in 3 to 9 years, that
they will win,
and they will and they'll win in a
nearby lowland. Okay?
Now this prediction
has been
has materialized. Now you're a volleyball player Mhmm.
For example. Yeah? If I said I don't
know what the team you play for. Right?
I say, look.
Team is gonna win, and they're gonna win
5 nil. And they're gonna win at this
time in this place. Yeah. I mean, that's
a pretty good prediction. I'm getting this from
God. Mhmm. If it if the opposite happens
or if you don't win or if there's
a draw or if there's whatever it is,
then it completely discredits what I'm saying. So
would the Christians
come in so if I said, hey,
Christians, there's 50 things that
Prophet Mohammed said. Mhmm. Am I allowed to
say his name? I don't Yeah. Yeah. Sure.
Sure. I don't I don't know. I know
there's some like Yeah. We believe that's in
the Quran though. So we believe the Quran
from God. Okay. It's mentioned in the Quran
and the Hadith. Okay. Yeah. Well, so if
I said that to the Christians, would they
say, yes. You're right. All the predictions were
They couldn't deny this one. And I have
actually presented this to,
most people for Even the Christians would agree
with you? They'd have to. Okay.
On this issue, I don't think there's any
controversy whatsoever because it just happened. And there
is there is corroborating evidence outside of the
Quran and Sunnah. There's Roman primary source historical
information about this. Okay. Do you know what
I mean? So that's one thing. There's a
there's a book that was written by a
friend of mine called the Forbidden Prophecies by
Abu Zakaria. His name is Abu Zakaria. And
he lists a lot of these predictions,
a lot of them. A lot of them
is where Islam will spread, What countries it
will spread to. Mhmm. Like Egypt,
like for example, Yemen and Jordan and,
present day Palestine, etcetera. Like, a lot of
the countries that we know that has to.
A lot of them have to do with
the economy economy.
For example,
one of them is that
that interest will overwhelm the economic system so
that you will not be able to get
away from it whatsoever.
And a a lot of it is to
do with the infrastructure. For for example, one
of the famous one is that the bare
footed Arab
the bare footed Arabs will ray or compete
to raise tall buildings.
Mhmm. We know now the tallest building in
the world is in in Dubai in Abu
Ghalifa. Right? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. What the 3rd
most tall building in the world is Mecca.
It's the clock tower.
You know? So they're competing with each other
now to exactly that. Someone could say it
was a self fulfilling prophecy, but it couldn't
be a self fulfilling prophecy if the economic
situation wasn't there, if if they didn't have
money to do that. You needed to have
a certain amount of GDP to do that.