Wasim Kempson – Fiqh of Hajj Episode 9

Wasim Kempson
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of warfare, reciting the statement of the sun being the only source of power and finding the right balance between protecting oneself and others. They also touch on the use of signs of the sun in ADAS to indicate where to go and the importance of educating oneself early on during a busy day of work. The speakers emphasize the need to stay in a state of purity and avoid slipping, and remind oneself of their history.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah Allah, he was so happy woman Wallah. Dear viewers, a Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh welcome back to a new episode as we continue delving into the pillars of Hajj Alhamdulillah. We've covered completely the first two pillars, and we are on the edge of finishing the third pillar of hygiene, which is the love. And we've almost completely finished the wall off. But after we finished the wall, what exactly do we do after we finished the seven rounds of the washing Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah bad. So after the person finishes the performing of power of going around seven times,

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it is the Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is to go and perform to raka two units of prayer behind the Macomb of Ibrahim.

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Now the Macomb and Ibrahim is that structure, that if you're looking at the Bloodstone just in front of you, you'll see this metal gold metal looking kind of structure that inside looks like this two footprints. This particular structure wasn't actually always in this position. Now it is know that Ibrahim alayhis salam with his son Ismail Ali salaam that they built the or we built the foundations of the cabinet. And that Ibrahim Ali Salam used to stand on something, some form of structure or stone or something like that to make sure that he could reach to build the structure. This structure actually used to be right next to the camera itself.

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But during the time of urban Hatha Radi Allahu anhu, he removed the back further away from the Kaaba, because it is known as the sunnah to pray to sunnah to rock it up behind the Muhammad Ibrahim, but or Marathi Allahu Anhu whenever he realized that when people were performing to Raka, before behind the MACOM, which is right next to the Kaaba, this was disturbing people going making Tawaf. So what he did did all the Allahu Anhu is to move away, further away from the Kaaba so people could perform the tawaf and people couldn't perform to raka behind the MACOM without disturbing each other. Now this, as we know that the prophets of Allah holism told us that with every power of any

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throw off you make there is at the end to raka the Sunnah is to recite Surah till curfew, Kalia, you will carefully rule in the first rocker and in the second locker that you recite called who Allahu Ahad.

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This further kind of supports the view that you should be in a state of purity while performing tawaf because as soon as you're finished off, you're going to perform a Salah. Okay, so this supports the view that you should be in a state of purity. If you don't know these two saunas, then you can recite any two saunas that you like. Now, the Sunnah is that you can pray behind the MACOM of Ibrahim, however, is a must. Knowing that during the days of Hajj, 1000s of people are performing poweroff around this area. If you perform to Rucker immediately or straight behind the Maqam Ibrahim Ibrahim you will cause an accident, you're there praying and you've got 1000s of people flowing

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towards you, they may push you over and you can cause an accident 100% therefore, we say that you should not pray in this area if you're going to cause a disturbance to others. You can find another place anywhere in the masjid to pray to raka the person responds and saying this is the Sunnah. It is the Sunnah, but it is also an obligation not to harm the other Muslims. So when you have a sunnah and you have an obligation, what do we prioritize? We prioritize the obligation and the obligation is not to harm the other Muslims, especially during tawaf. So if you praying to rocket as it is going to disturb and cause accidents, which does happen, it is a must for you then to move to

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another place anywhere in the huddle and perform your two Raka. Once you perform your two rocker, it was then the son of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam to go and drink zamzam.

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In years past, there used to be the stairs that go underneath the cabin, you could drink zamzam from the sinks and faucets that were there, underneath the camera that has now been removed. The Nelda zamzam you find Masha Allah is spread everywhere in the place of sight between the two mountains. It is the sunnah to go there and to

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drink as much as emsam as you can and to also place zamzam over your head. And as we know that the Prophet saw some said concerning them, ZamZam is water is blessed water because they're metal zamzam Lima surely better that you can make dua for anything that you like. It is time on time, that it is a food that you can you're drinking Subhanallah and Abu Dhabi, what are the aligned as a side story, he came to Macau and didn't have any food and he became mashallah he gained weight just by drinking Samsung. This is a sound Hadith. Now, so you make dua while drinking Samsung

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and these are the two remaining things, although there's just not attached, not attached to the making of the toe off itself this photo often has to rocker, but the zamzam is naturally the next thing that you're going to do when you're performing the rights of the camera or the hatch,

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thinking outside the box a little bit, then we'll tell our viewers this is not really this is just on the side. No, we won't delve too deep into this. But since I'm a radula on who moved MACOM Ibrahim back a little bit during his time because of the crowds. is it applicable for us are people of authority now to kind of move it even a little bit further to help with the crowds or is that?

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So first and foremost, we say that the status of honorable Tabata the Allahu Anhu in Islam is from the very high status that he is the

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best companion after Abu Bakr Siddiq Radi Allahu Akbar Allah

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and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us in a sound Hadith which is found in the Sunnah and widowed or they can be so naughty upon us to follow my son was so Natalia Hola, Rashi, deen and mighty enemy body and also to follow the way of the rightly guided hula who will come after me an honorable Fatah bodyline, who is from them. So he has the right to do that. So his view of looking for a Muslim a benefit for the Muslims at that time was valid. Now, if you know those who are in charge, do they have the right to do that? If they see there's a muscle and that is they could, however, by moving it, sometimes doing things may create more fitna within the Muslims. Why are they

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doing this? Even the Prophet alayhi salatu salam

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had an intention to rebuild the Kaaba to its original foundation. He took the people's thought and reaction into consideration. So somebody Subhan Allah, La Santos, that the shape of the curve as you see it as a square cube, but in fact it is more oblong it is more rectangular shape from the foundation, foundation foundation level. But the Prophet alayhi salatu salam said I won't I will leave it like this. Because I don't want to create a fitna no confusion amongst the people. So we'll move on to Elisa. So Bearing this in mind, there's a it's important to find the balance at the moment. It is maybe a good thing just to leave them welcome Ibrahim, where it is. And then you can

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just inform the Muslims as we have mentioned that they can perform the tour raka anywhere in the masjid now.

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So I think at this point, we've completed the third pillar of Hajj

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and what exactly is the next and last final pillar of hedging. So the fourth and final pillar of an overall hedge is a salary.

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Now the words say means to move from one place to exert some effort to move from one place to the next verse next place. Yes, means to move to move from one place to another, as from an Islamic discipline, definition or understanding it is to perform or to move from one mountain to the other, starting with the mount of suffer and the finishing on the Mount of mandala. So after a person has finished that off, they've performed to raka Johnson Zamzar they make dua, actually, it is the Sunnah. It is mentioned in another Hadith, that after they've done that they would go back to face the Blackstone and to raise their hand and say Allahu Akbar again. This is also narrated in a sound

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Hadith after drinking those if it was done after the two raka after the samba were both on both occasions, it's fine.

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So after this is done, the person will then make their way towards the mound of software. Now Allah subhanaw taala tells us in the Quran in nasaka Wellmark watermain SHA in the both these two mountains are formed the signs of Allah subhanaw taala. There from the signs of an SLM

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in terms of Ajah Helia, pre Islamic times, people used to perform all types of Cofer disbelief on these mountains. They used to believe these mountains were places that you should sacrifice animals. So when it was made known to us that we're going to perform, say, between these two mountains, some of the companions were like something within themselves, what's going on here? This is what the the disbelievers used to do things when these mountains and now we are going between them What will people think?

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Hey, Allah subhanaw taala made it clear to them in nasaka, Walmart water, these two mountains are from the clear signs of Allah subhanaw taala they're from the clear signs of Allah genuine. So there's no hierarchy. There's no problem in going between these two mountains.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam upon going up would say after

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moving away from the symptom of debt Bhima Allahu be here. I begin with what Allah began with, ie in the Quran.

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Allah azza wa jal began with sofr and then Marwa

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in the universe in Surah Al Baqarah Allah, Allah azza wa jal says that indeed Safa and Marwa from the signs of Allah so the person is going up the mountain, that I begin with what Allah began with and then you recite the ayah So you say Bhima Allahu be I begin with what Allah began with in Asafa Walmart water minsheng.

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Now when you go and you go up onto the mountain, now there are different floors now.

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In the Harlem itself, you don't have to be on the ground floor. You can at hamdulillah go on any of the floors. And that counts for you making say the Sunnah of the Prophet alayhi salatu salam is that he upon the first mountain This is the first time you will go you will face the kava and you will raise your hands and you make dua to Allah subhanaw taala

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what the Prophet alayhi wa salam used to do you still in three sections?

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He wouldn't be doing like saying Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar. He would raise his hands as a praise Allah by saying Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. La ilaha illallah wa the hula Shaadi killer, la hula milk, wala who were who Allah Konishi poderes la isla in WADA were injured. One also there was a hazard.

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And then he would make dua for anything that he liked. I listen to Santa. So this would be one part after your own Euro, and then he would do it again. Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah wa Hola, hola, Sharika, as I mentioned before, and he would do this three times. It's not a must thing to do that. But this is what the Prophet sallallaahu Selim used to do so facing the Kaaba. After you've done that, you go around and then you make your way to the Mount of Marwa. The dismiss distance between the two mountains is 500 meters 500 meters.

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As you come down suffer after about 50 meters 100 meters you'll find this green light.

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And then after that, why not the 50 meters this is another green light it is the sooner to run for the men at the moment because the women it is they should keep themselves

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covering themselves and by doing the may expose themselves. It is so notorious to run between these two green areas until you reach the other end of Manuel chuchmah. I'm sorry to interrupt, but we'll take a short break and we'll return completing the journey of Safa and Marwah and what to do and what not to do. Dear viewers, please stay tuned as we take a short break and we'll return to the journey of Safa and Marwa say stay tuned insha Allah that said, I'm Ali Khan Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh Dear viewers, welcome back as we continue our journey of Sai the journey between Safa and Marwa as Allah subhanaw taala he started in the Quran with Safa and then he moved on to Marwa.

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So should we left off before taking the break at the person taking his or moving from software to Morrow and we mentioned the green light will just pick up from there and show. So the person and they leave, they climb down go down from whatever floor you're on. If you're on the higher floors, then it's just a flatland a flat kind of area that you're walking on from the very low floor then of course there's a going up of the mountain and then there's a turning around the mountain itself at the moment is now covered by glass perspex so people are not allowed to because it's dangerous for them so many people. So as you're going down sofr or you're making your way towards Madhwa that

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green area to suddenly for the men to to run between this area, okay. Then they make their way making the Dhikr of Allah subhanaw taala reading Quran making dua as they like. An important point to mention here is that se does not necessitate that you are in a state of purity. Being in a state of widow is not a must for you. Okay, but it is better no doubt. Why is it better What is the proof to do that or to say that we know that generally that when making dua, it is better for you to be in a space in a state of purity law you have with oil, oil and movement, as the Prophet sallallahu sallam said that only the believer truly preserves and looks after they will always wants to be in a

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state of purity.

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However, if you're unable to keep you will not know how much is not a problem. If you if you qualify you will do so you make your way to mandala. Now, as we said, going up on the mountain of software for the first time we set up that Allah will be in loss of Walmart, what dementia and you only say that once at the beginning. As you reach the amount of Marwa. Again, you make sure that you have don't take shortcuts around the hair. Make sure you go around properly. It's one of the conditions. You don't take shortcuts. You need to make sure that you reach each side of the mountain. As you go tomorrow. Again, you face the direction of the cab even if you do not see the caliber. It's not a

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problem and move to one side so you're not blocking the people. And again as you did making dua, the first time you do it again, and you do it again in three sections.

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Another person is asking maybe I haven't memorized these Moorhouse, these are very long drawers. I don't speak Arabic. Can I have my Bosnian Muslim, which is the fortress of a Muslim book of duras and things like that, then that's no problem. Okay, you can read from that book. So and then you can recite the particular to others at that particular time.

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There is no book that has, for example, this is what you should say on the first circumambulation or first circuit of auto off. And this is what you should say on the second one. Similarly, when you're doing the first going between software and model, and there are certain books like this, this is not from the Sunnah of the Prophet Elisha did not say for us, for example, to say, this is what needs to be said on the first and second and third and fourth, nothing like this. So as you did the tour out on the first mountain, you do on the second, once you're finished, you make your way back to suffer. Now, once the first time that you reach module, this is one circuit, this is number one, okay? And

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so as you here, this is where you're going to finish. So remember, the mountain that I started on, is not the mountain I'm going to finish on.

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Some people sometimes have the understanding that I need to go between the two mountains seven times.

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But going there and back is one, that's not correct. So as you start on software, you consider that zero, you make your way to model and that's one. And then you go back to software, that's two.

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And as your course when you go back to software, there's that green area, you run between that area again,

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if it is that you're with your women folk, and if by running off, you may lose them, then of course, don't run off and leave them you can stay with them. That's important, you don't want to lose them. So if it means you need to sacrifice the run, okay, you need to sacrifice the one you don't do it. So you don't use your family that's more important. So as you did on that, you go tomorrow again, you make euro and you do that until you go back tomorrow and you reach there seven times upon the last time for the you have completed the psi

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and this is the fourth pillar of the desert. So is there a difference between sigh between the different types of water or different types of Hajj as we mentioned the Iran tomato and the frog, there's a difference between these types of size or the old similar. Okay, so

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if a person is performing timeto

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they will have to pull offs and two sides. So they have their ombre off and say and then for the Hajj, they will have power off and say, okay, however, with the person who's performing a fraud, and the person who's performing Tehran, they will have

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to throw offs on one side.

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Okay, they may do too too often sigh so they move for it, we'll do the powerful kudu which is soon which is soon

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all the current who's performing current, they may do their toe off upon arrival. And then they have a choice now. They can if they do say straight away.

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Okay, then there was no need for them to do Saturday again, on the day of eight. Okay, this is something that was not mentioned before. And then maybe the viewer is thinking, Okay, what I don't understand what is happening here. Yeah. So upon the person who is performing, if rod Hodge alone, okay, Iran, there's only one side that is needed for them. They either performed the surgery upon arrival in Mecca, which is done after the

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power off that they do upon arrival. Or they can do the salary

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on the day of aid after they perform the offer default.

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So if they did it upon arrival, there's no need to do it. On the day of aid, they just performed too often is enough, because they performed say earlier, that's fine. If they did not perform bewafa upon arrival,

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okay, they just went into the rites of Hajj, then on the day of Eid, they will perform tawaf and then they will perform say, because they didn't perform at the beginning when they entered, okay, this is something that the viewers if they're performing a fraud, or they're performing the Quran, it's important for them to know these things. First, they should you know, educate themselves early ask questions before they arrive. I'm intending to perform a fraud. I'm intending to perform Quran, please, what is the best thing for me to do? So they know what they're doing? Okay, so they don't want to overburden themselves by performing two Saturdays when there's no need for them to do that.

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So this is just like pointing up a

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shipment we mentioned the day the doors to make one we're on the mountain of software and when we are in the mountain of model one,

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and we mentioned the running between the two green lights that that are in place for us. What what do we do in between all that? Are we silent? Do we recite Quran are we doing what we say show it

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to, like, you know, at every opportunity during the hedge, we shouldn't allow times just to pass by not doing anything. And these are, you know, once in a lifetime opportunities so other than when you are you know running between if you're doing that between the two green areas that Green to Green to Green lights, then make zikr remember Allah subhanaw taala read Quran make dua. Yes, you may be with somebody. Yes, it is permissible for you to talk. But you know, try to stay away from idle talk. Try to stay away from worldly talk. Okay. You know, what time do we have food tonight in the hotel or something like this or logistical issues if we get lost and we can meet a certain place? Yeah,

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that's no problem that's important for your, for your cause at that time, but try to make zikr to try to make dua try to take in what you're doing. Try to remember where these things why they why do we do this? You know, the motto of Ismail Hydra, and he said and that we know that when she was looking for water, when Ibrahim Ali salaam left his family in an empty Valley by the command of Allah subhanaw taala that she was walking and running between these two mountains. We live that moment and live that moment, remembering Subhanallah that the trust that they had in Allah subhanaw taala that you are reliving, You're reliving something that happened 1000s of years ago, and that

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Allah subhanaw taala preserved this for us to remember, you know, as Muslims, you know, we shouldn't forget our history. We shouldn't forget our heritage. Where this worship came from. This is not something that came with the prophet Mohamed Salah Allahu

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Allah azza wa jal refers to Ibrahim Ali salam how many times in the Quran.

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Mila to Ibrahim, this is the way of Ibrahim alayhi salam, the Prophet alayhi salam himself admitting, by follow the way of my father, Ibraheem Alehissalaam. So these are the kinds of things we should educate ourselves with. It's not just, I'm feeling tired, while how many? How many we got left in accounting and things like that. Okay, if you need to use a device, so that you don't forget, that's permissible. If somebody says not allowed for this is haram, things like that? Because maybe I forget, do I do five? Do I do six? What do I do? If you want to use something to allow you to remember how many circuits you're doing? That's no problem. I think they even have apps

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now to help keep track of this circling of the goblins to kind of, but this is a view, it was on your phone, it's another excuse just to check your messages.

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So if you can do it with your hands, or you can do it with these, whatever, beads or something like that, it's necessary for you then, you know, may not make it easy for you.

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The issue of the huddle comes again to mind are we are we in the state of voodoo at that moment, are we are we free a little bit. So while performing sigh, it's not a condition for you to be in a state of although it's recommended is better for you to to be in a state of boredom. But if you if you nullify you will do for whatever reason, then the salary is completely valid. Okay, it's absolutely fine. Now remember, when you finish your,

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your say, if you're performing

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I mean, you performing your Amara, you finish your site. This is the time when you're going to trim your hair or to shave your hair. For the woman, they don't shave their heads, of course, they just trim the length of one of these little finger tips from the hair, and then they exit the state of, of haram. So that's the next thing that you will do after your say if you're performing your Amara, If however, you are doing the site of Hajj, then it really depends what you have done before that if you have thrown the stones, okay, and you are your sacrifice has been done. And then it is permitted for you to trim or shave your head at that time. And then you go to perform tawaf and then you

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perform your say, and obviously there's no trimming or shaving of your head, because you would have done it earlier. And almost as best. Hanalei does up and walk around for this wonderful, detailed explanation. And this actually brings us to an end of the pillars of hydrogen hamdulillah does often or higher on their viewers. This actually also wraps up this episode as well. Until next time, as we delve into another series of obligations of hedge until next time, stay tuned in sha Allah subhana wa ecom or if not tomorrow, he will work at

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