Wasim Kempson – Fiqh of Hajj Episode 8 – Pillars of Hajj Part -2

Wasim Kempson
AI: Summary ©
The third pillar of Hajj is the day of a payment for the standing of Ottawa, and the ability to perform a hunch act on the day of a twelfth month. The importance of not being too busy to avoid privacy and privacy concerns is emphasized, along with the need for individuals to complete actions before leaving their current positions. The importance of showing respect for individuals and touching things is emphasized, as it is the most complete way to do it. The Sunroofing project was designed to show the woman in her monthly cycle, and the project was designed to show the woman in a state of purity. The importance of showing strength in Islam, particularly when it comes to men and women, is emphasized, along with the idea of touching the Bloodstone and kissing it.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah Allah earlier Sabbioni Allah Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh the viewers, welcome back to a new episode on this journey of Hajj. The fifth of Hajj with us in the studio is our chef. Chef Waseem. Welcome, Chef. May Allah bless you. Welcome back.

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hamdulillah Shia we last the episode we left off, we spoke about the second pillar of Hajj, which is the day of Otto for the standing of Ottawa. And so the third pillar we have Up next is the wolf. And if although

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what exactly is what what does the term for wealth mean? What and how do we actually prefer form this pillar of how

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Smilla hamdulillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah bad. So, we have mentioned the first two pillars, and that is the Haram intention to enter the state of a pilgrimage. And then we spoke about alpha, and there are two remaining, the third one is a toe off. Now, during the pilgrimage a person may perform off a number of times. But we are specifically talking about the power off for hunch, which is known as powerful ephah. It is also known as the office era as well. This is the names that some people have have given it.

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And it is to be performed or done on the day of a knockout of the day of sacrifice that elite.

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Now there's a number of conditions.

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And there are a number of Sunon to ensure that the throw off is done correctly. And because it is one of the pillars, we have to ensure that this particular act of a bad act of worship is done correctly. And we have in the messenger Salallahu Alaihe Salam, a most beautiful and perfect example of how to perform tawaf. What does tawaf mean. But the wharf comes from the word avatar for your TOEFL, which means to go around, okay. And as for us as Muslims, it is only permitted for us to make tawaf around to the camera, we are not permitted to make poweroff to go round anything except circumambulate around the cab, which is well known the black structure inside the middle of Masjid

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Al haram.

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So, first and foremost, to validate and to make sure that this power off is correct and you fulfill this particular act of worship. There are a number of things that are limited that dimension, just like your Salah, before your prayer, you have an intention as to what prayer you are praying. So if it's a lot of overtime inside the masjid, you don't have any intention for salata, Asia, your intention is to pray the heart. So when you perform powerfully follow your intention is to make sure that it is a new node that you are performing the tawaf for Hajj.

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This is the first one the first condition or your first condition to validate this particular activity.

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Secondly, is that the power off only begins from the Blackstone. Now previously, years ago, there used to be a line on the floor around the

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around the cab, the Pizza Hut around the cab, however, has been removed. Because there's not an exact condition or a must for you to be exactly in line to the centimeter in line with the Blackstone, and used to cause a lot of crowding around that time, people would actually make an issue to pray on the black line, or to stop on the black line and wanting to say Allahu Akbar a number of times it created problems that was removed and handled. And so as long as that person sees no matter how far they are away from the cabin, as long as they can see it, and the Bloodstone, they raise their hand, if they're not close enough to touch it or to kiss it, then they can just place

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their hand like this in the direction of the Flextone. And say, Allahu Akbar, or Bismillah, Allahu Akbar, both have financial autonomy. But the point being the second condition is that you say or you start from the Blackstone, sorry to interrupt you now is this condition with all types of tawaf or specific too often follow. So this is what I'm mentioning now, is to do with any tawaf to do and but the point of the intention is that you know that this is the offer default. So the intention will be different from a general to offer that person wants to make. But starting from the Bloodstone would be from the from any thought of that you're going to make.

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Another condition is that and this is a difference of opinion amongst the scholars. But the vast majority of the aroma are older, you know that the person has to be in a state of Bihar, in a state of purity, just as you would be in a state of purity for for prayer, you're exactly in the same state for tawaf.

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This is one condition as well. The third the fourth condition, is that the person goes around the cab, anti clockwise, meaning that when you are going around to the cab will be on your left side.

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Okay, you

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Go around is the fourth condition. The fifth condition is that you complete seven Oshawott that you go around the cab seven times completely.

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The second condition is that you go around completely, not only seven times, but you go around each time completely. So but then you may ask, Well, what do you mean by completely? Of course, I'm going to grow completely. You may see that

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the cabin in its cube shape that there is what they call hedger, Ismail, okay. Maybe some people want to go through that. However, Alhamdulillah, it's not really possible to do at the moment because they have a gate, which prevents people from going through. But for the purpose of mentioning it, that that is actually part of the cab of the original structure. And if a person wants to go through that, that they wouldn't have completed Garona cab completely. So one has to go around the car but completely

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another condition is that you each time each simulation around the cab that there's no gap between each of the circuits that you go around, this could unwell. Okay.

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When you say gap, what do you mean by gap? Yeah, okay. Well, so

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let's say that the person

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goes around the cabin and completes three, three circuits. And then they take a break for an hour. They said, this is a long gap, because the block should be a type of a bar that there's no gaps in it has to be linked with one another. Some exceptions to that is that let's say the obligatory prayer key and the Athan went and the people came together to pray Salah while you're performing tawaf, that is sufficient, you can stop where you are, you can pray with the Gemma, you finish your Salah, and you carry on from where you are. So that small little gap to offer the press, that's an exception, that's not a problem. And

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so these are the main conditions to validate to make sure that the throw off is is correct. There are certain Sunon extra things that you can do while making the toe off as well.

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So when we say the wolf, do we actually are we actually in the process of Salah for example, or is this a form of a Betta where we cannot be talking or we've just focused on throw off? Or is it a little bit more relaxed? Yeah, so we have a hadith in which the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said the Torah who will Beatty not tawaf is around the cabin is like salah, except that you are permitted to talk.

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Now when we say that you are permitted to talk the narration, it doesn't mean you can just talk about anything. Remember that you are in a bad you remember you in worship. And this is a possible means of new getting close to Allah subhanaw taala. So it's highly disliked, to start talking about worldly matters. It's disliked in the modern age now, for people to bring up their devices, to start doing selfies and talking and things like that around the Kaaba. This is something which really is very disliked, because of the because showing off, you may not intend at the beginning. But then you have to remember, what is the purpose of this a bad is this purpose of this worship?

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For you to tell everybody what I'm doing. I'm here, in would you do this, for example, film yourself, look at me, I'm going to put you know, $100 Inside the charity box, a person will say well, how can you be sincere while you're doing that, but somehow Subhanallah because the devices have become so normal for us in our daily lives. And so many people are doing it. People forget that this something was really you shouldn't be doing. You shouldn't be busy with worldly issues, especially bringing your devices and informing the world. This is what I'm doing. Look at me, I'm worshipping Allah subhanaw taala and you may destroy and ruin your worship that you are doing. You

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may have a great urge to do that. You want to inform the world what I'm doing, but it is highly dislike to do that.

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Be very careful, you may ruin the worship that you're doing. So, as you mentioned, the Hadith that you are permitted to talk so you can recite Quran, you can make as much a thicket as you can. And between of course the shape of the cabinet being square a cube has four corners

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starting at the Blackstone, and as you go round you go past the edge of a smile. The last corner that you get before the Blackstone This is called a rockin earlier Manny, rockin Leone from here it just wanted to touch it if you can get close enough go rockin rockin Liam money just to touch it not deciding not to touch it.

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If you're unable to touch it, you do not put your hand towards it. Not like the black stone. So the only soon is to touch it as you're going past it. As you go past it. Let's say you touched it Okay, from there until the black stone it is recommended to recite in Surah Al Baqarah or banner Earth in dunya Hasina Warfield Earth Irati Hassan or Pineda, Bernard, and you repeat this until you get to

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Hey, Blackstone, and then again, you will say Bismillah Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. Both are correct inshallah.

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We mentioned that it is most of the habits recommended to be in a state of purity. Dr. Hara will do.

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Action is obligation. It's an obligation obligation. Yeah, you must be in a state of purity. So if, for example, we're in the middle of the luff and for whatever, you know, passing of gas, sure, sure. I would have to exit my toe off. And how do we do that? Yeah. Okay, are we exiting the Salah, same way we would exit the sauna? Good question, right. So people in this situation are

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in two situations two scenarios. The first scenario is that the person doesn't have any illnesses because sometimes people aren't able to keep their will look for a long time they have a medical reason. If that is the case, then they can just perform they will do before the toe off and then complete the throw off regardless of what happens because they have a medical exception. Okay. As for others who normally don't have any medical problems with it, so it's a must for you to complete you will have you will look for the complete duration of the TAF. So if at any time you nullify you will do okay if at any time you nullify you will not during the tawaf you will be required to go and

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perform your will do. Now the element have differed over this issue, whether you can continue where you were, where you finished, let's say I completed three and a half or you completed three so you have four remaining however, we'll go to an item what seems to be more correct is that this is a bar that is not something which is divided or can be split up. So therefore if you broke you will at any time during the talk, you will be required to start from the beginning. This we respect all of us but alone is again for the purpose of our learning channel today. We will say that you perform you will do it again and then you will start that off again. May Allah make it easy

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Zachman Mahesh chef now unfortunately you have to take a short break. Dear viewers, inshallah Stay tuned after the break as we continue our journey in our tawaf session until the break. Stay tuned in Sharma that Mr. Equal Morano to law Hilbre care to the viewers welcome back. We left last time off at our tawaf when we started the journey of the wife and we started the seven rounds. Now she's not.

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Sometimes we find people removing their head on the men or removing their haram and they put put out their shoulder. And at times, also you see them speeding or speed running or speed walking. What's the ruling of that and what are they doing to begin with? Okay, so these two Sunon of power, tawaf was I mentioned to the different types of

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the exposing of the right shoulder for the men, and the quick steps is also for them or not whether women, this is only done on Tato off and could do.

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The awful could Doom is the first off that you do when you arrive in Mecca. Gustavo, if you don't do this, you don't expose the right shoulder No, you do the small running. But what is the story and the purpose behind this. So when the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam was they were Muslims were given permission to perform their, their Ramadan.

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The Quraysh had heard that the Muslims were going through difficulty that they become weak,

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that they were affected by fever and so on and so forth. So this news got back to the Prophet alayhi salatu salam wanted to show the people or the displays of the courage that this was not the case at all. So the Prophet alayhi salam said to the Companions, that when we go to perform alto, we will show them that we are not weak and we are not being affected the fact that we had to leave Mecca and to go to another place. So when we arrive for the first three circuits around the cabin, we will kind of jog around the cabin. Now, this isn't speed running

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a person taking long steps, you know, as a person going through a sprint race, not like that, but rather as is explained that the perfect elitism taught the companions to make small steps but going quickly, it's like a semi kind of jog with small steps, okay, this is the first thing and this has to be done on the first three circuits Okay, the first three circuits. So, the remaining four you walk around as normal, this is the first thing the second one is called a table, which is to expose the right shoulder. So that Haram is you covered there, and then you put it over here and you expose the right shoulder and this will expose the arms and as your you know, you are moving around, they

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can see that your energetic when the Prophet has done this to Quraysh who will live in displease will correct. So the Muslims and they were taken aback to see the Muslims running around the Kaaba, you know, showing their arms and showing a sign of strength. The complete opposite was shown what they thought that the Muslim

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was were in fact strong, and they were energetic, and that they were, you know, carrying out the Islam in this way. So this is the reason that the Prophet Edison told us to do that. But remember, this is only done on the powerful kaboom. Or if a person is performing or model they do in on this, their own model before the hatch of the person is performing neuron,

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they will perform this poll off, exposing their right shoulder for all seven, remember, not for three or seven, and the first three circuits jogging, and then the remaining four you are walking around. This is one this one is not a word, it's not a must. If you didn't do it, you missed it out higher on, but it is good to do following the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad. So can we think of this as like a source of Halal pride,

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if you like is, there are times when it is important to show strength as Muslims, there are times and this is something that we learned from the seer of the Prophet and so there are times when to be wise and to step back and to make some compromise. For example, like the Treaty of who they be, the Prophet alayhi salam made some compromise with a view to getting a greater benefit in the future. There are times when the Prophet alayhi salatu salam accepted certain things which may be people questioned, but there was always a wisdom and a permissibility behind that. And then there are times when as Muslims, we show strength, there's not time for compromise. These are her dude. These are

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the boundaries of Allah subhanaw taala We cannot compromise on that. So it is important for us to use wisdom understand the Quran and Sunnah correctly to interact in that situation in the correct way. Beautiful answers, Mr.

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Sharma with regards to women and their menses, for example, what is the ruling when a time comes when when it comes time for the wife and the woman have their their monthly period? And yeah, so as we mentioned previously, that the wife of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I showed her the aligner that she fell into a state of her monthly cycle during

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the Hajj. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, If Ali may have followed hutch, you do everything that the Hajaj that they will do, lady, except Allah totally people, except that you do not make power off around the cabin. So if a woman is in her monthly cycle, on her monthly cycle, she does all the other actions of the Hajj, except she does not perform to throw off the folder until she becomes pure. And then when she finishes her monthly cycle, then she performs the hustle. And then she performs her top off. And then she performs the say after it, if that is necessary for her to do is not for a person, I'm going to do the say and then I do the toe off now, because the

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size should be performed only after off. So she does everything except that she does not perform not off until she becomes pure. So what if the time have had finishes? And she she has not finished her? She does not become pure. At that point. Does she stay over? I mean with flight logistics, and how does that work? Sure. So on this issue, the alumni have spoken about it and

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so forth. It is the case for many, not everybody lives in America, they have they have flight flights to return to the particular countries. And they can't wait for another three or four or five days until a monthly monthly cycle finishes. So what I should do in this situation. Now we mentioned that from the conditions of low tawaf is that they are in a state of purity. Now while a woman is in a monthly cycle, how she's supposed to purify herself spiritually, for the type of women is that a condition?

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Some of the early metal, I haven't wanted to either have given birth to her to her to say that, what she does is that because it is upon all her judge to perform to offer that, the farewell Tov, which will mentioned ovulating channel data, farewell Tov, what she does is that she will wait until the last time. Maybe she becomes pure before this.

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But what she will do is she will perform her powerful hedge to offer the father or the tau office era, and that will countless hurt awful weather and everything in one go. She will purify herself and she will make the power off.

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And then she can leave in China on the condition that she leaves straightaway. Okay, and then some are limited like she had with Islam with no team you

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have given her or given to her to say that this is permissive before there's an exception to will otherwise what other option is there for her? Maybe she goes back to a country she can never return. So she remains her has not been completed for the rest of her life. This is you know is the Sharia doesn't look to place this burden upon an individual.

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You can look for Allahu knifes and in NEBOSH Allah is which does not burden a person beyond their capability or means. And so therefore, many of them have given it to to say that it's permissible for her to do

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Tucked and honest

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Shouldn't we mentioned the touching of a rock Millia money and if possible touching the Blackstone is that you know touching the Blackstone specifically or we have to touch it. I mean sometimes we find a big crowd over there and unfortunately things that aren't supposed to happen happen over there. How do we how do we deal with them?

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People become very excited when they see the cab and become more excited when they see the Blackstone

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Tabata, the Allahu anhu, in a very famous story, he said, was almost addressing the Blackstone. And he said, I owned I know that you are hunters, I know that you are only a stone. And if I did not see the messenger of allah sallallahu Sallam cases, this term, I would not have guessed.

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So this is the placement of it. This means Sunon it is from the recommended acts, but not a must not to validate not to validate your power off. Now we know that the most complete way of doing it is to touch the Bloodstone. And to kiss it, to touch it and kiss it, this is the most complete way. If you're unable to kiss it, then you can touch it with your hand. And then you can kiss your hand, you can touch the Bloodstone with your hand if you're able to do and then you can kiss your hand. That's the second. Or the third way is that you can't get you can't kiss it and you can't touch it. But what you can do is that with your hand, that in the direction of the Bloodstone you say Bismillah

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Allahu Akbar, you do not kiss it. So if you're far away from the Blackstone, you haven't touched it, you haven't kissed it, you raise your hand towards it your right hand and you say Bismillah Allahu Akbar. That is enough for you just to say that once and then you continue going round. There's no need for you to raise two hands. There's no need for you to have your hands and kissing and repeating like this. This is not what the messenger sallallaahu Selim taught us. You do see many Muslims, when they face in the Bloodstone. They their hand, both hands towards it. And they're kissing their hands and are doing a number of times and they're wiping their face and they're wiping

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their body. All of this is not from the Sunnah. What is from the Sunnah is just your right hand towards the Blackstone Bismillah, Allahu Akbar, or even Allahu Akbar, that is sufficient and you carry on going around, not to be too detailed about the raising of the hands, because most of us will will not get close to the Blackstone, we have to face reality here.

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You know, and inform the viewers that we're not really going, many of us will not be touching the black stone or even getting close to it. But so if we're, you know, going around the Kaaba, we're gonna say that the black stones on our left shoulder, that's great. And so you find that people either going with their right hand pointing this way, or they're raising it above their head, is there any specific form j that is done Jade? So as you're going round, and depending on the time that you're going round, it may be very busy. So are you required to have your whole body facing the Bloodstone? Or is it enough for you to raise your hand high like this, what we will say is that it

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is not a condition for your body to be face to face facing. As long as when you are you have turning you're looking, and it is preferable that your hand is in the direction of it, or just raising your hand. But if your hand can be in the direction of it doesn't have to be pointing like a right angle like this from you. But as long as it is in the direction of the Blackstone, does it have to be with your finger, no, just your hand like this in that direction, then that is sufficient for you when you say Allahu Akbar. And you mentioned a very good point barnacle Hovik, that for the majority of Muslims, the reality is that you're not going to be able to do that because of the crowds. And

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because unfortunately, that some Muslims are very, very excited that maybe they become a little too excited and then may harm other Muslims. Remember that completing this bow off is

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an act of a burden not to disturb yourself with things which may take away the reward. And if you find the sisters going on the hijab is being removed.

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One of the conditions of the mentioned earlier as well is that you cover your outer sutra or as one of the conditions of the warfield our must be covered. So if a woman is this happening and her hijab comes off, then what happens now May Allah has done Mickey's and except to Muslim in the long run shift in a very informative session is up and low here on dear viewers. Unfortunately, we've come to an end of this episode. Join us next time as we continue this journey of hedge the fifth of hedge as we continue delving into my wife and what is after tawaf until next time, a sudden ya come Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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