Wasim Kempson – Fiqh of Janaza – Session 1 – Introduction

Wasim Kempson
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of understanding death and the presence of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu in the culture of the Islamic world. They stress the need for comfort in life and the importance of following the Sun themes and not letting things happen at any time. The speakers also mention the importance of remembering death and the need for sincerity in life. They provide examples of actions and conversations with companions, and encourage people to read books and write them.
AI: Transcript ©
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Mullah Al hamdu lillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah either early or Sufi

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Salam aleikum, wa rahmatullah wa Makoto, there wasn't sisters.

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I ask Allah subhanaw taala to

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facilitate everything that we need for our learning over the next couple of days,

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and that it becomes a source of aloneness. And that becomes a source of beneficial knowledge to us all.

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And the topic itself

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is one of those topics which

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that if you don't come out of the end having

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feeling any different, if you like, then it may be a good opportunity for all of us, if anyone feels like that, to really take account of our own selves, because we're not talking about just a theoretical topic, which may or may not be applicable to us. But we're talking about a topic which

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is almost more it is talking about how I should be

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taking benefits

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of how to live this, this worldly life, how to live this dunya

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because we know that none of us will live forever, at least in this life, we will all die.

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And none of us remember how we came into this earth, none of us remember that.

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Although it was

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a big moment, for us coming into this life, imagine that you spent nine months in your mother's womb,

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that was your existence.

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You don't remember when you came into this earth

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I'm sure it was quite true, quite traumatic for all of us at that particular time, because the environment that we were living in to the environment that we're living in now is very different.

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Likewise, when we leave this dunya and we go into the next life, the surroundings will be very different. But it may be the case that

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we will feel

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life leave our bodies, we may feel the soul leave our bodies

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or we may

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just like at the buffet racism informed us that towards the end of time that there would be

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an increase in sudden death that person would be just seen as healthy everything's okay and then suddenly they just they just pass away they die.

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So you may not have time to prepare for it.

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Nonetheless, we are all here now and it's an opportunity for us to

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to think about and ponder over how we will live or how we should prepare prepare myself at least to to live this life.

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So we'll go through a number of topics inshallah

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which will

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enable us and I see myself first and foremost to

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to understand this very important topic.

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The topic is the fickle Janessa, the effect

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of the funeral prayer,

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which in itself is a very

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mechanical title talking about how do I pray Janessa is more than that. We'll have to talk about a few more things. We'll have to talk about death what is death

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signs of a good death, signs of a bad death.

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We'll talk about burials shrouding, washing the body which we will concentrate on tomorrow,

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when we make a visit to the graveyard and shop

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our beloved Muhammad Sallallahu anyway, who was

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the best man best person, best of Allah's creation on this earth, if there was anyone deserving of living forever, because of obedience, because of Torah, because of humbleness because of Taqwa

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because of hope and fear in Allah subhanaw taala. If there was anyone deserving of that it would have been the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu.

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However, Allah subhanaw taala tells us who Luna I've seen the cartoon movie that every soul every soul, without exception every soul shall taste death

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on these topics are times where I've I've not experienced death, or I've not seen it very much, even if I have been brought up, and it has been trivialized for many of us it has been trivialized death is something trivial. It's not something necessarily to be pondered over deeply. It is something to be taken as

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maybe funny, or joke or not to be taken serious.

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Maybe we came across, if there were television programs, or cartoons, or even films, Death isn't taken really that seriously as it should be, at least from an Islamic perspective.

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So throughout the many years that we have been on this earth, my understanding or the true understanding of death that I have is a correct understanding, am I in the right frame of mind really.

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In understanding this particular topic correctly,

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so our beloved sallallahu alayhi wa sallam passed away, and moved on to the next life next life, which is the life of the body, the life of the grave, and the life of the grave is not a life, not an existence that we compare to this life is something completely different.

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And we don't draw parallels. It's a very different life.

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Now the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, after performing Hajj, about three, four months later, even though the three months later, so

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that became very ill, he became very sick. And his sickness Elisa Salam was something was quite gradual. It's not something that suddenly happened.

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He was the age of 63. And that he became ill, at least, and that has stayed over the period of days and the Sahaba and it is mentioned in books of,

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of sunnah of a hadith, how the Sahaba or the lion whom I would say, five days before the Prophet saw this and he said this, three days before he died, he doesn't he would, he said this. So they documented

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how he Salallahu Alaihe Salam became more ill and then eventually

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that he left this world

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which in fact, is one of the minor signs of the Day of Judgment.

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The passing of the Prophet Aries

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now as I shallot, the Allahu anhu, she will pick her she reported and inshallah Delana

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was very close to the situation, in that that the Prophet Elisa son had sought permission from his family to reside and stay in the house of adhesion. He was unable to, from one day to the next to go and visit another of his family, at least, they all agreed and he stayed in the house of Aisha.

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So she was

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about the Aloha and having a first account of what was happening.

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And that the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam through the last moments, hours or a day or two days,

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that he was coming in and out of consciousness because of the severe fever that he had.

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He had next to him

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water like a water vessel and whenever he could, that he would take the water himself and place it on himself to cool himself down or to ask one of his family members of a Sahaba on Iran to place the water on him and on each occasion wanting to and intending to pray the Jamar to pray with the Muslims.

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But he was unable to do that and Abu Bakr on the line has you know, led the Muslims in the Sahaba in Salah.

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So, inshallah Allah Anna, and he's very final moments that she narrated that he attempted to

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he attempted a laser to place water

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over his face,

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and that he sal Allahu Allah who seldom that he mentioned Eliza.

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As she wrote, the Aloha narrated frequently him that he sallallahu alayhi salam would remember Allah subhanaw taala on all occasions, and even in the final moments of his worldly life, that he said La Ilaha illa Allah, in an in multi Surat, the indeed the in depth, that there is a difficulty sacado is like a state of drunkenness,

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confusion very much. And this is for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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And after repeating this a number of times La Ilaha illa Allah in His multi cycle rod,

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that he stretched his hand in front of himself. He stretched his hand

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and he said Allahumma fiddly. What handy? Oh Allah, forgive me and have mercy on me.

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Well I'll happily the rafiqul Allah and let me join the highest company.

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These are the last words of the Prophet sallallahu Allahu

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Allahu Allah fiddly, or how many? While Happiny before fipple Anna, Oh ALLAH forgive me Have mercy on me and let me join the heist company. And as a shadow the Allahu Anhu she narrates that he then After saying this, that his hand fell limp, and that Allah subhanaw taala

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commanded that the life of the prophet saw Selim, in this worldly life to be taken.

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So there is some form of agony, in in depth, and this was something that the Prophet salallahu Alaihe, Salam himself also faced, and that is

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the leaving of the soul from the body,

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The Taking of the soul from the body.

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Now, the topic of

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the grave, and it's another topic really, and it's not something that we really have a long time to go into. But there is a long hadith of Ebola Ebola as a pejorative, uncut, encourage you all to read, which essentially talks about the two souls, the two souls, the believing soul and the disbelieving soul and how they leave their bodies. And the journey that they both go on and what they will face.

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You know, in the Hadith, that he mentions that the believing soul is removed from the believing body, just like when water is poured out of a jug that it comes out very easily. This is for the believing soul. As for the disbelieving soul, as for the disbelieving soul, then the soul is taken from the body

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just as like a fork of phones is passed through cotton. And it drags it out. And it is a very painful

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hence the example a pain a painful experience for that disbelieving soul, or even the

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the first the first step, the wrongdoer, this may happen to them.

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having spoken to doctors, on different occasions,

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they have mentioned and they have seen amazing things, they have seen things which that they are unable to explain.

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And they mentioned things like that, when they you can see that that person is behaving in there by Allah's Will, that they're going to die.

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And that they have given them all possible as much as you can, at least before it becomes murder.

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Medicines which will take away or attempt to take away the pain so that the person doesn't feel any pain. However,

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they give them morphine, and they give them all other types of painkillers, however, that they know and they can see that the person is going through a very, very difficult situation.

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And this is a testament and that proof in that that the Prophet alayhi wa sallam informed us that the disbelieving soul when their soul is taken slowly that they will go through agonists and pains of death.

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And that they have mentioned that you know families have asked us Can you not give them any more painkiller because they can physically see that they are in agony. And they can't give them any more because of the give them any more than you'd end up killing that person with

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the morphine for example.

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This may not happen to all you may not see this, but it is evident and it is documented that this does happen.

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So, death is something that is inevitable for all of us.

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And you will find that in the Quran and in the Sunnah. It is a topic that it is not hidden.

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It is not something which is not discussed, but rather let's cross that bridge when we come to it. No, it is something that quite frequently that you find in the Quran, and likewise in the Sunnah.

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And also, in the living example of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam death is not something that was ever hidden, or know the funeral rites and what happens to the body and so on and so forth. It's not something that is

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you know, culturally or religiously you know, something that we don't talk about Muslims we talk about death quite often and in fact, we know that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us to remember death frequently. Remember death frequently? And we will go through some evidences inshallah Allah talk talking about the benefit of reminding ourselves of death frequently and the impact that it will have on that one individual. Because when you know

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Only just depth. When you look at many things in Islam, when we look at how Allah subhanaw taala

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teaches us in the Quran, unlike Why is the example of the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, you'll find that,

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that there was a particular type of person. And this is

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a more subtle way of looking at the revelation, as opposed to just looking at an, you know, a practical amount of do's and don'ts, wants don't once whether it's allowed or not, but a little more, the what is it that what type of person is that, that Allah Subhan, Allah wants me to be

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the commands, and the prohibitions will bring about a certain mentality. Now, if you live in a household, where your parents are very relaxed with you don't tell you off, never told you to do this to do that, that person will grow up, of course, they will have their own personality, but their boundaries might be quite wide. And that will bring out a particular type of person. Whereas opposed to another person who may live in a house where there is what the boundaries of what you are, and what you're not allowed to do are very, very clear that they will have a certain personality.

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Likewise, in a broader sense,

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that Allah subhanaw taala has told us to do certain things to be like a certain person. So therefore, Allah promises to be a particular type of person. So a person who is if, for example, we take death, a person who's frequently, you know, remembering death, it's not how you might say, well, that you're just morbid. That's not you know, it's not a thing you should be talking about, you should live your life and be happy with what you have with your life, because it'll end soon. The point is that as a Muslim, that we we see this just as a stepping stone, this stage of our lives is just a stepping stone.

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And it isn't the end. And that remembering death, and now enables us to, to not forget that this life is in fact a stepping stone and isn't the end for us.

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So you find that how to engage with people,

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it will have an impact on them. Because if I behave and I'm good to you, and I will be rewarded for that.

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And if I'm, you know, oppressive to a towards a person, I'll be accountable for that. So it'll affect the way that you behave with people.

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So this is something that you can ponder over. Again, we don't have a lot of time to think about it, or discuss this issue in any great depth. But it's maybe something you can ponder over maybe look at how Allah subhanaw taala wants us to be psychologically, socially, okay? Doesn't take away the fact that you can be your own person of course.

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So death is something is inevitable, no one can hide from it, no matter how righteous you are.

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And that it will happen to every single person who comes into this into this life. And this worldly life. Allah subhanaw taala

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mentions in various places in the Quran, two places where Allah Subhana Allah says that every soul shall taste death. And the first reference is in sort of early Emraan in verse 185, and the second one in Surah Ambia

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verses 34 and 35.

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In surah, Al Imran the verse actually begins with Kulu nacinda, a cattle note that every soul shall taste death.

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And then the verse continues and then translation that Allah's Pantaleon informs us that on only on the Day of Resurrection, will you be given your full compensation?

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Whoever is removed from the hellfire and admitted into the Jannah shall surely be, or shall surely attain success. And what is this life? Or what is the life of this word except the enjoyment of delusion, and the second verse in Surah Surah to MBA

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where Allah subhanaw taala says that we have not granted immortality to any human being

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and that Allah subhanaw taala

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will ensure that every soul tastes death.

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Allah's founder also mentioned that there is no escape from it.

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And wherever you are, like for example, is sort of tentatively set in verse number 78. That wherever you may be, the death will overtake you. And even if you are in a strongly elevated fortress,

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so no one or nothing can stop

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the inevitable and that is death.

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If you live a healthy life, you live a healthy life, you will still die. If you learn to live an unhealthy life, you may bring it quicker, but of course you will die as well. There's nothing that you can do to prevent death.

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the fact that we are

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I'm going to face this death.

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And at times you think to yourself, Well, maybe you should think to yourself, I do think to myself sometimes

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that what is it like that if you happen to die in a state where maybe you're in a hospital bed, or that you are at your home, or wherever you may be, but it is a death where you

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to some extent, and Alana was was the reality of that, what it is like that is the very beginnings of when your soul is to be taken.

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So eventually that you will stop breathing.

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if you hold your breath, for example, you hold your breath,

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eventually, you will have a reaction that you have to stop breathing, for number of reasons. Because your body will desire and push you to breathe, because it needs oxygen.

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And then also the something in your mind that you will start breathing because you have, I don't want to die, so I'll stop breathing. So, this is something natural within yourself.

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But then then it may came, they may and they will and alone, it was how it will come. But there may come a time when that you will may want to take another breath but you can't. You can't take another breath to put more oxygen in your body.

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Because your soul is being taken away and when your soul has been taken you can put in as much oxygen in your body as you like, but that won't return your soul.

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So it is these kinds of things. That when the Prophet sallallahu Ellison told us to,

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to remember death to remember a death in a way which will have an impact on you. However, there may be

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in a hadith which is found in

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Saudi Arabia head burn, and Sunnah and and by hotkey, which are two different books of compilations of Hadith. Imam Abdullah Hepburn and Imam would be happy. The books of Hadith are very vast, very large. They both recorded a hadith

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which was narrated by my two different companions, one of them unassailable demonic and the other one Abu Huraira Radi Allahu Anhu.

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That as a means of controlling our minds, our desires, the way that we think this restraining our greed

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that the Prophet sallallahu sallam said x zero is equal to her the mala that that you should frequently remember this, the destroyer of pleasures. And that is what the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam said to us, not with Quran Mote cathedra not remember death a lot in say like that in this hadith he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, frequently remember, the destroyer of pleasures, so that the person doesn't become diluted with whatever they have. So remember things which will remember that one thing which is going to destroy all of that,

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that even if a person you know they have a palace, they have whatever they have money, they have fame, and

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remember that what will end all of them.

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And the Prophet Alexandre then continued to say that none would remember it, while in the difficulties of the tightness of living, except that it would expand for him or her.

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And none would remember it while in ease, except

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that he would tighten for him. So when the person is going through through some difficulties, and they remember that they will bring some deviation to them.

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And if a person is living in ease, it will draw them back in a little bit. So here, Ben brings about the form of hope and fear,

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hope and fear.

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Now death, someone is thinking about death and when facing death and having anything to do with death.

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Even if you go to a hospital, which is maybe a stage

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I mean, at least we may perceive it to be that way is the stage or one of the stages that a person may take on their path to dying.

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Your the way that you are inside a hospital, the way that you behave in hospital changes. Suddenly you start to whisper

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suddenly you behave in your best behavior. Everything changes when you go into the hospital because you're facing sickness, you're facing difficulty and you're seeing it

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even when

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that you you visit somebody who's very ill, how you behave, you just naturally change

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and if you're

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To go to the graveyard, likewise, how you behavioral change as well.

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So in these times, and when I'm talking about these changes, you find that

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we are showing weakness within ourselves, the changes that we are experiencing, that we are seeing, will bring out some weaknesses in within ourselves because we feel vulnerable.

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And we are right to feel vulnerable.

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Because maybe the majority of the time I don't feel vulnerable. I don't feel worried, I don't feel scared maybe the majority of the time I don't. But then there may be times when when I do, and it isn't that those times is when I need to take stock and take account of, of my life and what's happening.

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So, a number of things I want to mention at these times of weaknesses and I'm talking at the moment I'm still within an introductory stage at the moment, if you think where we're going with what I'm talking about, I'm just giving you an overall

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a broad introduction, if you like into to the topic, the importance of the topic, different approaches to the topic, okay. And then later on we'll go into some more

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structured learning because we like structured learning

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so these times of weakness and vulnerability

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and the fact that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us to remember the destroyer of pleasures,

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what should I do? What kind of things should I remember I should remember. Sincerity of worship,

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sincerity of a burden.

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That whenever I offer my salah I should you know purify my intention more for Salah.

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I should be thankful to Allah subhanaw taala for the many things that he has given to me.

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I should

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remember that I as a human being are created weak. Mohali opinions and whatever insane was created very weak, and that you remember your need for Allah subhanaw taala.

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That if you see the sick that you you ask Allah subhanaw taala to cure them.

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And at the same time that you ask Allah azza wa jal to give you health, because health is near.

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And that you ask Allah subhanaw taala to allow you to maybe grow old and live long, with good actions. He asked for this and ask for a short life you don't wish for death. He asked Allah azza wa jal for the time that you are living here to give you whatever long life that you have, and that you should have good actions sincerity,

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and that you want to be a true servant to Allah subhanaw taala.

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Now we know that

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a person will get nothing from Allah subhanaw taala unless that deed is sincerely for Allah azza wa jal alone, you don't get anything.

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Now Abu Umar Radi Allahu Anhu reported that a man he came to the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam.

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And he said if a man he goes and he fights Jihad visa vie Allah

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and also at the same time he is seeking, you know, some praise from the people.

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What will he get? The Prophet salallahu I do some blushy and then he won't get anything.

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So the man he, you know, he asked the question three times, you know, he's fighting FISA de la, for the sake of Allah, but you know, maybe he wants something from the people as well. The Prophet aerators and said, lashing that he can get nothing.

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So unless you're a birder unless your worship is solely, solely purely for Allah subhanaw taala then you won't receive anything for them.

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And then the Prophet and this hadith is found in sunnah and unnecessarily.

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The Prophet sallallahu sallam said, in Hola Hola, como la mina, la Amelie Illuma kernohan is

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a look at my account level Hi, listen, that Allah subhanaw taala will not accept any action unless it is done purely for him

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and that it is done for his face subhanaw taala.

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So we should remember

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our actions, our sincerity of deeds

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and at the same time as well,

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as much as we want to purify ourselves and better ourselves at this time.

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We should also be aware and be very clear.

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Full of doing things, which you within yourself, or if you think are good, because at this vulnerable state, at this weak state, you may find yourselves. And for sure you have seen others do things which you think why you're doing that. And Where's that coming from?

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For example, we mentioned some of these things later.

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You go to the graveyard,

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and it has an impact on you. And then suddenly, within yourself, you find yourself saying

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you find yourself you've changed it from the sooner to do this. Now, if you want to make thicker, no one's saying you can't make thicker. That's, that's a personal thing, no problem. But because you come to the graveyard, because you now feel vulnerable, you find yourself, let me quickly make some thicker, let me do this. And let me do that. So you might start, then start doing things which maybe are wrong.

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So at times of difficulty, you need to be aware of times of vulnerability, you need to be aware that you don't fall in you don't do do not do wrong things. Things which will do this please Allah subhanaw taala, which is why, especially around death, funerals, anything to do with that bidder is so rife. There's so much better innovations into the Dean around these areas, because people want to do things, where they will be maybe with some personal name, maybe with some good intention.

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But of course, good intention doesn't correct or rectify what is wrong, the action. If I've got good intention, if that action is not sanctioned, by Allah azza wa jal, and His Messenger, Elissa sentiment, then I don't do it.

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The fact I've got good intention is irrelevant. They have to go hand in hand, you have to have a good action, a correct sanctioned action. And then of course, you need a good intention. It's not about me having good intentions, and me making up any action though, like, it doesn't work like this.

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it is important for us to also know, yes, what we should be doing, but be aware of what we shouldn't be doing. And realize as well realize as well, the human side, the weak side, the ignorant side of why people are doing these things. You may notice when you know what you should be doing. However, you may be around people who don't know. And then they may start doing things or saying things which you know, are contrary to our deen. So therefore, then you say to them, without any emotion. This is better. And every bidder is a Valera. And every bar is in the novel.

00:32:45 --> 00:32:48

It's a misguidance, and every misguidance will take you to the fire.

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Yes, it's true. Of course, the prophet Ellison told us that.

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But the manner it is taught, that you're educating that person is, is very important. So you'd understand at times, why is a person doing this.

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And we will mention some

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examples later. The how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, how he would deal with companions.

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Now there are 10s of Hadith on lots of topics that we can go through.

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And I'm sure that we can, maybe in our own time, go away and read that.

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00:33:30 --> 00:33:36

I would like to maybe just take not as many evidences, because I'm sure we don't have the time to write them all.

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And I'll mention some books that maybe you can go back to, if you want further evidences and further writings on a topic as well.

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That how the Prophet Elisa said or how he would interact with the companions, and how he would,

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how we can understand and really see why was he hated helping the why, and why was he the best person that ever existed? Why was he the best man? Why was he the best of the NBA? Why? Why? Because he realized that the way he would speak with people, the way he would interact with them the words that he, he said to them, and I fit and I was just reading upon researching some of the issues here.

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I think to myself, somebody and sometimes people come into my office, and they asked me questions, and they're in a difficult situation, I think to myself.

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I don't know what to say, I really am a loss of words. I don't know what to say to you. I don't say that it's going through your mind.

00:34:34 --> 00:34:37

And then maybe I ended up you know,

00:34:38 --> 00:34:41

unable to come to my office and you think he doesn't know what to say.

00:34:42 --> 00:34:59

Here I'll end up just making dua for you because this is all I can think I can do for you. May Allah make it easy for you. May Allah give you patience? This is Allah's decree and Allah azza wa jal will only test you with things which are according to the level of your Eman and that's the best I can say that times most of the time to be honest with you

00:35:01 --> 00:35:15

But however the profit basis and the words that he chose, I think the muster, if I sat for a week, if I sat for a month, I don't know how long I would have to sit to, to think of something which would be good for that person. However, he leaves us at

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the spur of a moment, situation came to him, he just said those words. And the words were just situation changing completely, that the person who has just lost

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maybe one of the Son, for example, will mention the Hadith. Later, he lost his son, just in a few seconds, a word was said to him, and you can feel and you can sense that the situation was changed 180 degrees, another person had a completely different view of how to experience the loss of a son,

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just in one sentence.

00:35:56 --> 00:36:13

And it is these kinds of events, these types of Hadith that we should be pondering over so that we can really have an understanding and feeling of what it means to not yes, to follow the Sunnah, of course, to follow the Sunnah. But to understand why we're doing it, to have a human side,

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to understand the human side of what it means to implement something in my life, my human life, this is also very important.

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So we will go through and mention some things like

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the innovations that people do, but to remember, why are people doing that? Because they feel very vulnerable. Okay, they feel very uneasy about what is going on. And maybe they've inherited or doing things that they've seen people do. Because maybe you do something you don't know what you're doing.

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You know, okay.

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Many, many years ago,

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that before Joomla Okay, before Joomla I'm in the masjid. The Imam gives a then everybody stands up on page two.

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Okay, let me stand up. Let me free to raka

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later on, I found out why is everybody paying this to Raka?

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Is there any legislated sunnah after that event for everybody to do? Not for Joomla? No. But why do we do it? I don't know. Maybe one person decided. And if you want to do an Africa for yourself, that's fine.

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But the way that everybody stood up,

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it was as though this was something sanctioned. And then I ended up seeing that number. Okay, well, let me do that as well.

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So sometimes we find ourselves

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I don't have any knowledge on now. I'm not sure why I do. Then you look around and see what other people are doing. And you think, Okay, that looks kind of sudden, that salah or that's a ticket, let me do it as well. And you end up doing it.

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And on the grand scheme of things.

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If it is said to you that you shouldn't do that right now. Well, isn't it just a birder? Isn't it the ticket isn't sanctioned for us? We can't make the ticket. We can't worship Allah.

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Yes, you can, of course, but the point is that there are times when you're supposed to do things and a very famous example that can be given his side of the mosaic.

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Rahim Allah that he saw a man praying after fajr paying to Raka and he rebuked him for this is not a time to pray. He said you rebuking me for for praying to raka he's I want rebuking for you, rebuking you to pray for him for praying to rock. I know

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what I'm rebuking you for going against the Sunnah, because you're not supposed to do that right now.

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And even a man who assumed a haram,

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a man who wanted to go into the State of Iran, from the grave of the Prophet Elisa to Sudan. Now, technically, if you assume your haram from that place, is a valid haram. Oh, no. It's valid. It's valid.

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Because you've done it, before you reach them, you've got the place that you're going to assume which we if you admit it will be the highlife, you done that before that as long as you don't go past it on your way to MCC and then assuming then you in violation of the places where you're assuming haram, if you do anytime before that, it is okay. But a man was seen doing it from the grave of the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, and he was rebuked for why you're doing it here. If you really want to do something, according to the sun didn't do it from where the prophet lacs, I would assume.

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So we're not necessarily looking at all those important the way they're doing it, but if they're doing the action correctly, but there may be the timing of it.

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The timing of that may be incorrect. So at times of difficulty, we're seeing things what people are doing, not necessarily I'll just follow on that I will do that.

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And how big of a Nirvana and how big of a blessing it is

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that an

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At any one particular situation that Allah subhanaw taala has given you enabled you to have enough knowledge

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that you can perform that action correctly, is a great name.

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It is a great network for you to go to Hajj for any one person to perform one of the pillars of the DEA, it's a great name.

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It is unfortunate that maybe that person will that name that Allah Israel has given them, that they can go to Hajj, they go to Hajj, but haven't got a clue how to do it.

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It is also a great Nam, that when you go there that you know what you're doing from one day to the next and that you can perform your Hajj as the Prophet sallallahu I didn't said let that one demon SAP come to you will take from me your rites of Hajj.

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So there's a great Nima from our last panel data

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that you can

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perform or carry out and live.

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How the Prophet sallallahu is and what the prophet Allah Islam taught us to do at any one time. That's a great name.

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