Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P01 015B Tafsir Al-Baqarah 92-96
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We did the verses about your son that Bani Israel they took a covenant, they were made to take a covenant with Allah subhanaw taala. And off the things that they were commanded to do was to do Ersan on who on their parents as well as their close relatives and the needy and the orphans, but who is most deserving of our exon? Our parents and some of you mashallah You did really well on the project that was assigned. And as you can see, it's very, very attractive, masha Allah, it says a little bit of him who might come out Obeah Anissa. Lira the DA has been written, and different verses about honoring the parents respecting the parents or son towards the parents are put here in
a very lovely way. And some a hadith about your son towards parents, and examples of doing your sign to the parents as well. So Michelle, this is very beautiful. See how attractive this is? How beautiful this is. This is how our actions should be as well. You know, I didn't know about this project that one of the students did, I just saw it on the table and I was like, What is this I was drawn towards it immediately. Good actions also attract you. You know, one is that we present something very nicely on paper. That's very good. That's the first step. But what is required is that we bring this beauty in our actions, because actions they speak louder than words. So just as
we tried to perfect and beautify our projects, let's try and perfect our actions as well in sha Allah.
Are the bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah Al Rahman Al Rahim, verse number 92, what are called the Jha or CO Musa will begin it. And certainly, Musa alayhis salam came to you with the clear signs with the clear proofs. But what did you do? Somewhat the husband will or Angela member D. But then you took the calf after him. Were unto Molly moon and you were wrongdoers. In the previous verse, we learned that the Bani Israel when they were told to believe in the Quran, what was their response that no, we don't believe in what has been revealed to other people. We believe in what has been sent to us only Allah subhanaw taala refuted saying that if that is the case, then
why did you kill the prophets who were sent to you? If you believed in them, then why did you kill them? Then Allah subhanaw taala is refuting them again, that you claim to believe in musasa you say that you only believe in who was sent to you and what was sent to you. But Musa silang? Was he not one of you? Was he not sent to you? Did he not bring the total to you? But did you follow him completely? Did you obey him? Did you do what he told you to do? Or did you actually disobey Him? You claim to believe in what was sent to you but you don't actually believe in that? Because when I got the jell O Musa certainly Musa al Islam came to you bill by unit, but he not is a plural off by
Hina. From the root letters were Yeah, noon. And by you know, as we have learned earlier, is something that is clear in itself while there, and secondly, it is also an evidence of proof. So Musa alayhis salam brought clear evidences, clear proofs, matters that were very clear things that were very clear. These were things that proved his prophethood that proved his truthfulness. What are some of the beginner given to Musar in Islam? First of all, he was given the torah and the Torah the way Musa Hassan was given it, it was given in a physical form. We learned that Musar Lisanna was given tablets, and on that the Torah the writings were written, first of all, the Torah. What other
miracle was he given? We learn about the glowing hand as well as the staff that turned into a snake and then previously in Egypt when the Bani Israel were there on Musa Hassan came to save them didn't the Bani Israel see so many miracles at the hand of Santa Santa so many? When all of the magician scam against Musa listen and all of their magic was finished abolished by the staff of Musa Sinha similarly for their own and his people, when they broke their promise with Musa Sena, what happened? More and more punishments were sent upon them. We learned in the Quran years of famine. Similarly, the frogs, locusts and lice, and all of their water turned to blood. So several punishments were
sent on the people of their own and the Bani Israel witnessed all of that. And the greatest miracle was that the Bani Israel managed to leave Egypt despite the fact that for our own and his people, they were there. The Bani Israel managed to leave Egypt under the leadership of Abu Musa Lisanna and the sea was split before them. They crossed the sea and for Odin his people drown and when they were in the desert, Allah soprano data sent upon them, the springs and the clouds. So many blessings so many signs so many evidences so many
The Miracles will occur the journal aka Musa will by 100, meaning the prophethood of Musa al Islam was not hidden from you. It was something very, very clear to you. But yet what was your response to him? How did you react? Some that the husband or a jeweler, but then you took the calf meaning you took the calf as a God to worship the god, men body after him. After him. What does it mean by this meeting after Musa Salam went to get the Torah we have learned earlier that Musar in Islam was called over there for how many nights 30 nights but when he was there, Allah subhanaw taala extended that stay by 10 more nights so when Musa alayhis salam did not earn the Bani Israel What did they
do? They took the car for worship samedi a man amongst them, he misguided them he said he had that Allahu ko meaning the staff is your God. What Allah Who Musa fantasy and the God of Musa Musa has forgotten meaning Musa went to speak to him but Musa still has not come back which means that he cannot find his god because there is no actual God the actual God is the scarf that I have made for you. Allah says so much the hustler he Lombardi after all those favors that were bestowed on you. After all those clear signs that you saw. You started worshipping a calf that you made of gold yourself. Were under volleyball. And you were wrongdoers, you are guilty Lolly one is a Florida law,
law, injustice and loan also means to fall short to reduce in giving the other their right to reduce the others right to fall short in it next, what is the right of Allah subhanaw taala that he alone be worship, when He alone has sent guidance when He alone has missed out so many favors than he should be worshipped. You are wrongdoers, when you began worshipping the calf, you were guilty. The claim of the Bani Israel that we believe only in the books that were sent to us, we believe only in the messengers that were sent to us. This is a claim that is false, because if such was the case, then they would have obeyed Musa Salah and they would have worshipped Allah subhanaw taala only. So
we see that they're contradicting themselves over here. What they said was a mere excuse a mere excuse they should have believed in Mohamed Salah Salah in the Quran as well. Then Allah subhanaw taala says what is 100 Meetha? Comb? And remember, recall when We took your covenant, one a foreigner and we raised a foreigner lava rain, we lifted folk rock home above you. What did we lift above you up to the mountain of two? What is the word mean? It literally means mountain that is very lush. And the word tour is also used as a proper name as a proper noun, as a name for the mountain, where Allah subhanaw taala spoke to was our listener. So we're in a hole now Meetha kakum Recall
when We took your covenant and how did we take that covenant? What a foreigner folk Welcome aboard. We lifted the mountain above you we have read about this earlier. Allah subhanaw taala is mentioning and again reminding them and the money is right. We're told who take who do this is a plural all of you take and what's the root of who do Hamza Ha, than a Harada he took who do all of you take Hamza, so, who all of you take meaning take hold off Madain now gone whatever we have given you. What were they given when Musar December returned from the Mountune? The thorough and what did the thorough contain certain instructions guidance? So who don't matter it Nalco whatever we are giving you hold
on to it. How should you hold on to it? Because what inward strength but well off? Well? Yeah, with firmness. I mentioned to you earlier that strength is of two types, tangible strength, and also intangible strength, tangible meaning physical, physical power, and intangible strength meaning the strength of the heart, when a person is determined, when a person has firm resolve a firm intention. So who are they now can be Kuwa. Take what We have given you with strength, what kind of strength is this? Tangible, that just hold on to the book? We have a very tight grip on the book. You never leave it, it should always be in your hands. Is that what the meaning is? No. Obviously when you're
holding the book, the physical book, you should hold it with strength, because the most half the Scripture deserves respect. And we are to hold it with strings so that it doesn't drop. However, what is meant over here is the intangible string, who Duma Tina can be Cova How can it be
And hold on to what Allah has given with strength. How in the intangible sense, what does that mean? Follow it? First of all, it means following it, but following it, in what way? We learned earlier EFA taught me No. And everybody will hit me with a karuna, without in that way that a person picks and chooses whatever he likes, leaves, whatever he doesn't like, is that Cova? Know, what does COVID mean? Following it entirely following it consistently, consistently? Because for that, don't you need some strength? Don't you need a firm resolve? Don't you need determination? Because what happens? Once you start doing something good? You do face the challenges? For example, you're coming
here to study the book of Allah? Don't you need some strength to do the same firm determination? It's quite possible you wake up some Sunday morning, Saturday morning, like why did I even think about joining the course. You know, I could have taken something online, I could have waited for another two years, and I could have done it. Why now? I'm making it so hard and myself. Don't you need determination to come regularly to study the book of Allah subhanaw taala, you're enough smite coming away, challenges may come up because this is life, anything good that you begin to do, you will face challenges, inner challenges, as well as external things that you have to fight yourself
and also things that come from outside that you have to fight against. So whenever a person starts to do something good, he faced his challenges, and what does he need to do? He needs to have firm resolve so that he can continue. So who Duma attina can be Cova. What does it mean? Follow the book with determination, meaning all of it in its entirety, and also consistently, not that you do one thing one day, and then leave it for the next five days. And then you have new man rush, and then you start doing the good thing again, and then you leave it again. No, this is not cool. For example, if you read the Quran, if you study the Quran one day, you feel like you know reciting the
Quran and you open up the Quran and you read two pages. The next day, like nah, I don't feel like it. Next year, like no, I don't feel like it. And then the next thing you know you're in bed, the whole day has gone, and you haven't even read a single verse. Is that a word? No. That's not the word. You have to read every single day. And you know what, when you read every single day, when you do a good deed every single day, then don't you become better in what you're doing? Don't you develop that habit and you become better at it. But if you do it once here, once there once there, then you never develop that strength. For example, if you want to improve your recitation, what do
you have to do? Recite every single day, if you just keep recitation for the weekends, then you will come beside go back, and you're the same, you will not improve. strength comes how with consistency. And for that you need resolved, follow it implemented consistently in its entirety. What else comes in holding on to the book with strength, for example, you believe in it, don't let it go. Have a constant relationship with the book of Allah have a constant connection? What else comes in it? memorizing it, reciting it, because if a person reads it, once in a while, he will read and he will forget to hold on to the book with firmness. What does it require you read it regularly, so that you
can memorize the concepts. Or you can memorize the book. So recitation, as well as necessary. Memorization is also necessary. Because if a person does not remember, he will not implement hold on to what we have given you with strength. What's the opposite of this? That a person has a very casual attitude towards the book of Allah. He feels like reading it. So he reads, it doesn't feel like it doesn't read it. Studies that one day doesn't study it the other day. This is the book of Allah, the book of who? The one who is the greatest. This is his book.
And this book deserves respect from us. It is not right, that we give so much attention so much care to other books, but we don't give attention to this book. It would be unfair, that we read other books, again and again, things that we like, but when it comes to the book of Allah, if we have to do our lesson seven times, we don't do it. And if we are asked, we say, I don't want to. This is not right. This is not the right attitude. Allah wants us to hold on to the book with strength with firmness. And in order to do that, we have to understand its meanings. And if we don't memorize the meaning, how can we hold on to the book with strength?
We cannot. Can you ever hold on to something with strength? Can you ever live by something that you don't understand? It's not possible. Understanding is the first
Yep, so this lesson, there's homework that you're given, memorizing your lesson seven times doing it seven times. This is according to this command of Allah subhanaw taala. Because if we want to have a firm grasp on the book of Allah, we have to be able to understand its meanings. That's the first step. So huduma dynaco become one, hold on to it with strength. And also they were told was smart rule. And also listen, was smart rule summer, what the summer mean, to listen. But remember that listening is of different different types. The first level of listening is just a rock, just perception. Just perceiving the sound, hearing the sound, it rock. The second level of summer is a
form of understanding, meaning what you're listening, what you're hearing, you also understand how can you understand if you pay attention if you listen attentively. The third level of summer is COBOL, acceptance, meaning whatever you listen, whatever you hear, you also accept it. And you also do it you do what is required. So for example, somebody asks you, please come here, what's the first level that you hear a sound? If you pay attention, you will understand the statement please come here. They want me to come. And if you listen, then what does it mean? That you go you respond to them, you do what is asked of you? If a person does not go, are they listening? No, if a person does
not understand, does not pay attention does not even hear. Is it listening? No. So when they were told was smart rule and listen, this means listen attentively to the commands that are given to you. And don't just listen attentively, but also follow, also do what is asked, because many times it happens, that we read the Quran, we read the Scripture, we listen to a lecture. But that's not sufficient. listening and reading are not sufficient. What is necessary is action. Because if we hear we understand, we read, we listen, but we don't implement them what use was that listening? What good is that? It's not of any benefit. You don't listening and not listening becomes the same.
So they were told was smart rule and also listen, meaning, accept, obey, whatever you are commanded. Ba Lu, they said, meaning the Bani Israel when this covenant was taken from them, because they refuse to take it initially, and then the mountain was lifted above them, take it or else you're done, you're finished. And we discussed this earlier, why this was done with them. So when the mountain was hovering above them, and they were told, hold on to the book with strength and listen, pay attention. What was their response? All of the said, Samir Anna, we heard were all slang.
But we will disobey.
Look at their audacity, Samir Anna, we have heard what OS Lena but we will disobey Ross Lena Sen are installed Well, or cin, what does that mean? Disobedience. So our slang now we disobeyed how? With our actions. So what does it mean? They heard, but they did not actually listen.
They accepted the promise, but they didn't actually live by it. Saying that I will do is not sufficient. We also have to fulfill our commitments. We also have to fulfill we also have to do what we said we will do. They said Samir, now we're assigned we here but we disobey What was the reason why did they do this? They heard the book of Allah, but then they didn't follow it. What was the reason? The reason was what was she boo and they were made to drink. We should reboot sheen. Shara. What does Shahrokh mean? Drink Kulu wash Prabhu. Or Sri boo they were made to drink ficolo Be him into their hearts colobus deplore enough. They were made to drink into their hearts. A regular the
cough. Why be coffee him because of their disbelief? They were made to drink the cough into their hearts because of their gopher. What does it mean by this? Can you drink a cough? Similarly, what eats your mouth or your heart, the cough? Your mouth, right? So what does it mean by this that their hearts were made to drink the calf? Their hearts were soaked. They were drenched. They were infused with the love of the calf. The word cherub has been used because when you pour water over something dry earth for example. It absorbs it and when it absorbs it, the water blends into the soil. It becomes a part of it. It's fully infused into it. It's
Intuit fully, completely, thoroughly. So much love for the calf that they made with their own hands that love filled up their hearts.
Their hearts were occupied with the love of the calf. And this is why Samira now, whereas Lena, even when they promised that, yes, we will hold on to the book. they disobeyed. Why? Because there was a huge distraction. There were something already occupying their hearts. You may have experienced it yourself as well. If you know that you should be doing something like for example, you know that you should be studying for your test. But your favorite show is coming in the television that favorite showed, does it prevent you from studying? Yes, you know, that you should be studying, but what will you do? You will go and turn on the television and there goes an hour do because you're busy doing
something else. You know, you understand You should be studying. But what prevents you the love in the heart, that God that is in the heart.
And why is it because the heart is drenched it is soaked with the love of the calf. The love is fully in it meaning that will take precedence over anything else. So even when a person understands it should be doing something different. He will do what He desires. He will do what he likes. And why is it that their hearts were drenched with the love of the calf. Allah says Beco for him because of their disbelief, their disbelief first when they intended to worship the calf. When they said that Musa has gone he's not coming back that's it, forget about it. They did go for go for a walk Allah subhanaw taala Allah had bestowed so many favors upon them and yet look at their ingratitude.
Forget it. We're not going to worship Allah. When the saw the people who are worshipping idols, the scepter Musa artists, Allah insha, Allah, Allah and Camilla whom Allah when they did go for what happened, they made the calf and they started worshiping it, they loved it so much that even when they knew they should be worshipping Allah, they did not do so. You see how everything is connected with each other? A person does something wrong. And then that leads him to loving that wrong. And when he loves it, he loves it to such an extent that he does not obey Allah even when he understands he must obey.
Even when it's logical to him, still he does it. So where is the problem? It's in the heart. What is the problem? It's the love, the wrong kind of love that is in the heart,
the love for something else that is stronger than the love for Allah subhanaw taala
the Bani Israel, their distraction was what Allah agent that is what they loved. But you know what, we also have a cough, something that we love so much that prevents us from worshiping Allah that prevents us from doing things that we know we should be doing. And ask your heart what is that calf, it could be yourself. It could be your phone, it could be a friend. It could be something that you love to do. It could be cooking for a woman, it could be shopping for another, it could be dressing up for another person. It could be watching sports for another person. It could be watching some particular show for another person. Something allegedly, a calf is in the heart that has penetrated
the heart and the heart is so lost in it that there is no room left for the love of Allah subhanaw taala there is no room left for the love for obedience to Allah subhanaw taala and then that thing takes precedence over Allah.
And then even when a person understands they should be obeying Allah, then he doesn't. Why? Because the love overpowers. So we all have to look into our hearts and see what is that gaff get rid of that guff like the calf that the Bani Israel made. What happened was Arneson Mk. And what did they do? They burnt it up. They didn't just melt it and use the gold into making something else. No, they burnt it and they threw away that shirt so that they would be spread out everywhere. Nobody could get in the ashes. Nobody could value those ashes even because if something stops you from Allah subhanaw taala to such an extent that you have theodicy to say Samara now while Cena then you better
get rid of that. That a person was young I know I should not be doing this but doesn't matter. Yeah, I know I should be doing this but doesn't matter. Carlos Samira know where a Selena What will she move up Ruby him will originally be coffee him Allah says old say big summer your Mortal Kombat II man who come say how bad is how evil is Bitsa how evil is Maria Morocco where it commands you work
Hands up with an email or call your email we then look at your email and what kind of Eman Do you have? What kind of faith do you have? What is it commanding you to do? You say you have email that you believe in what was sent to you know what kind of demand Do you have that you worship the cuff it's lost in the calf in continued meaning if you're truly believers, so your claim of belief this is all false. This is untrue. Because in reality what is in your heart is what the calf your Eman is deficient there is a problem with your iman called beat some a Mortal Kombat II man who come in what many
let's listen to the recitation
what is
was mountain all
want when should he move you want to be more Nigella we could
all be semi?
Me Man Oh come in.
me many.
What stops the person from obeying Allah subhanaw taala
love for something else. Can you think of certain things that we love that prevent us from obeying Allah that perhaps we need to avoid or we need to limit we need to control because if we go too close to them, then they overpower us. So for example, sometimes people are extremely happy, extremely excited about something that prevents us from being Hola. Recently, I attended a wedding. And this lady came up to me and she said, you know, like, if the bride has put all that makeup on, and she's spent so long, putting on that makeup, but then it's time for prayer. And she doesn't have to do it. She's supposed to take her makeup off and do we'll do. I said, yeah, if it's water
resistant, then of course, she said, But if she's gonna wash her face, everything's gonna get washed up. No, yeah, then she can fix it afterwards, she said, but it's her wedding. And they took so long putting on her makeup. And can she not be exempted on this day at least? I said, No. We're supposed to worship Allah subhanaw taala every single day and on the day you're getting married, please worship Allah because you really want Allah's blessings on that day and for the rest of life. So if you start your new life, with disobedience to Allah subhanaw taala, then how do you think the rest of your life will be? It's difficult, you put in so much time and effort and getting that makeup all
perfect and right, every part of the eye was checked in every part of the face was checked, and everything was coordinated, and whatever details were put in, but then a person has to really check.
It is becoming a calf for me, something whose love has penetrated my heart that I look at myself, and I think I'm looking so beautiful, and I don't want to wash it off even for Salah know, that calf should not prevent us.
What else prevents us sleep that's like a big guff for many of us sleep, that we're enjoying our sleep so much that we don't want to get up. That for example, if it's your email or your Twitter account, or your Facebook or whatever you want to call it, whatever it is, that a person spent so much time reading those things, reading what other people have said, and then he wonders, why don't I have time to read the book of Allah? You know, I wanted to do my lesson, but I just can't find the time. And you found the time to read the tweets again and again and go back and follow along. While I'm so many people. You know, I wonder sometimes when people follow 150 people, how many tweets do
they read in one single day? You know, honestly, how many tweets do they read every single day how much of their time gets consumed by such things. And then we wonder we don't have time for the book of Allah. I just didn't get the time to do my lesson. Despite the fact that we had five days in the middle Still, I'd find the time to do my lesson, while something else is distracting you money, things stuff that we love so much. We want to get more off and we're never satisfied with less we always want more and in that desire for more whether it's clothes that we get with that money or shoes that we get with that money. We spend so much time in such things that it becomes like a calf,
distracting us from Allah subhanaw taala
friends, that we're talking to them, we're chatting with them. I mean, you just met them at school and then you come home and you're texting them and then you go on Facebook and you're chatting with them really constantly staying connected with other friends telling other people while I'm sitting at Tim Hortons, and we're having this
Coffee and good for you, but you don't have to share it with the rest of the world television because I wish it came in the shape of a calf. Because what do people do? They're sitting on it sitting before it. One hour goes by another hour goes by. So much time is consumed by it. And then when we want to pray, we're thinking about what we saw on the television. And what we see on television, it makes us happy, and sometimes it makes us sad, and sometimes it makes us scared, and we're so emotionally involved in it literally. oshri Whoo. Phil Kluber himolla Angela. It says though, that love has penetrated our hearts that all we think about all we worry about is that
person we saw on the television.
Whereas all of that is untrue. But it distracts you from the worship of Allah it becomes a huge gaffe. And these hindrances we must remove, because then we will understand that we're supposed to obey Allah, but we will not be able to do so because our heart is elsewhere. We learned in the Quran that when Latina, Amano ashadha Herbal Allah, those who believe their most intense in their love for Allah, their love for Allah is the Greatest then anyone can have love for anything else. When Medina Amanullah shut the herbal Allah and only if that love is there, then we can obey Allah subhanaw taala otherwise we can be masters of the shittier but that action will not be there. So we have to
become very careful. Yeah, it's many things for some people it's amusing shows whatever it is, the moment something begins to distract you from the worship of Allah. It has to go, it has to go because if you keep it in your life, then it will continue to become bigger and bigger and bigger. It will continue to seep into your hearts go into the very depths so that it will be very difficult for you to even take it out. Just like a tree. If you leave it it's going to keep growing and growing and growing. Until the roots become so deep that even if you take it out first of all, it will be very difficult the roots still stay there. So get rid of it before it grows stronger. Cool
say in Canada if it is local and for you, Adele will Hera the home of the Hereafter or in Allah He in the sight of Allah with Allah Hala Sultan exclusively, Medina NAS, with the exception of other people but Amanda will mode then wish for death in quantum Saudi clean if you're truthful. Now in these verses, more excuses of the Bani Israel are being negated. They presented many excuses for not believing. For example, one thing that they said was that national Obinna Allah, we are the children of Allah. We are the most beloved people. Your Allah loves us the most. So we believe we obey disobey doesn't matter. Eventually, Allah will put us into paradise. Similarly, they said, we'll
call you Lanta. Messina now. Illa. A Jamar Duda that the fire will not touch us, except for just a few days, eventually we're going to go to paradise. Similarly, they said we'll call it millennia. dokolo Ginetta 11 kana who don't own us or none will enter paradise except for the one who is either Jewish or Christian. So we are good. We are fine. Allah subhana wa Tada says, the old say to them, that incarnate if it was Kenneth is the feminine of Canada. So if it was looking for you, a double FIRA down the home we did this word earlier. What's the route? Dal? Well, Ra and datalocker are the home of the Hereafter which one is that? Paradise. In the hereafter there are two destinations,
either paradise or Hellfire of the two which one is the home of the Hereafter? Paradise. Why because Hellfire is not like a home. A home is a place where you find this insecurity. But the Hellfire is not a place of peace or security. So if you think that paradise is for you Harley, a certain color for Harlem solid Hulu's a class have you heard of these terms? carless. What does that mean? Something that is pure, pure, unadulterated, unmixed. So Harley satin gives the meaning of exclusively over here. Meaning it is only for you purely for you men, dune and NAS and not for the rest of the people. Meaning the rest of the people are not going to paradise only you are going to
paradise. Jana is exclusively your home or Bani Israel if you think like that, then what are you doing here in this world? This place of difficulty of sadness of struggle of misery, why are you here further mana will Mote wish for death. Because once you will die, then you will get to Jana. So why are you in this world? If you're supposed to go in Jannah and it's only for you then wish for death so that you can die so you can go to Paradise In Kuntum Saltine if you're truthful
The word de mundo is from me noon yet a man he hopes so the man no hope wish for that if you're truthful in your claim, what are you doing in this world go to Paradise die so you can go there. Allah says, we'll learn and never get them to know who and never ever will the wish for it other than ever, Abba, it gives meaning of ever Hamza dal a bit, they will never ever wish for death at all. Why be male at the mouth at him, because of what their hands have put forth. at the mouth of the meme to send something ahead of them means to step forward. So koderma to send ahead, an ad is a floral off yet what is yet hand what their hands have put forth what their hands have sent ahead.
What does it mean by this expression, this means the actions that they have already done. Most of the actions are done with what with the hands and whatever actions we do, we are sending them for which life hereafter. So any action we do, it's as though we are backing it and sending it in the hereafter. It's like if you have to move from one country to another, then what will you do, you will pack up your stuff and you will send it you will ship it and then you will go yourself. When people are moving houses, they pack up all their stuff, they put it in the truck, the sand the truck, and once the house is empty, then they go. Likewise, whatever actions we are doing, we are
sending them for the hereafter. And when we reach there, all those actions will be opened up and displayed before us so that we are held accountable for them.
Be my god damnit ad him. They will never ever wish for death because of the actions that they have committed. Meaning they know that they're guilty, they're afraid of death. They're afraid of dying, because they know what awaits them due to the actions that they have performed. Well Allah who are Limon and Allah is all knowing this law they mean with the wrongdoers, Lolly me in Florida. Allah knows exactly what they have been doing. Allah knows about their actions. What do we learn in these verses? What do we see the Bani Israel eel? They thought that since they are the chosen people, since they're the believers, they are the ones whom Allah Subhana Allah bestowed so many favors
with, they will go to the paradise and Jana is exclusively for them. No one else is going to Jana about them.
So Allah subhanaw taala says, if that is the case, then you know what, pray for death die, don't stay in this dunya. Because Dunya is a place where you have to go through so many difficulties. You have to struggle to gain money, then you have to struggle to spend that money to enjoy that money, isn't it? And you always have that fear. You're suffering from home, if you're suffering from prison. So many bad things are there in this world? If you know you're definitely going to Paradise, and why are you here, go there, die, pray for that so that you can go. But Allah says they will never ever do that. Because they know that they are guilty.
And they want to stay in this world for however long they can because they know what awaits them. This is why Allah says well, he didn't know him and surely you will definitely find them while Jeem than wotja to find something. So you will certainly find them. And notice the noon with the shutdown. This noon with the shutdown means definitely so surely you will definitely find them who the Bani Israel eel, a Hassan see the most greedy of all people. A house. A house is from hills, her raw sod hills, and hills is greed for something. Notice, it's not just want. It's not just desire, but what is it? Greed? How is greed different from want, or from desire? The desire the want is
extreme. It's not that you want it. But like you badly badly want it because you love it a lot. This is what Hill says extreme desire, extreme love for something. This breed it is accompanied with fear, fear of what? Fear of losing it.
You like something, you want it and you're afraid that you're going to lose it? Isn't your greed going to become even more.
It's like, for example, you love to hold a child. And you really, really want to hold that child. You can't wait for your turn, you really want to. And then you're afraid that as soon as you hold the child, somebody else is going to take the child from you. This is what girls do. Right? The baby is sent from one pair of hands to the other to the other to the other until you don't even know where the baby's gone. It's like you badly want to hold the baby and at the same time you're afraid that you know somebody else is going to take it from me. This is what helps us greed. So then what
What does a person do? They take the baby and they go away so that nobody else can find me. Nobody else can see me so that nobody else can even ask me for the baby. This is what helps is that you want it and you're afraid that it's gonna go away from you so your greed is even more stronger. So you will find them the Bani Israel the greediest of people for what what do they badly want higher life? Well, as I didn't know when Nancy, Allah Hayato when they're greedy for life, they just want to live and live and live and never die. They're afraid of death, they know that eventually they will die. And this is why they want to live longer and longer, a house on Nursey or their HYAH tin
and Allah says that this love is even more than who will be in Alladhina Shaco. Even more than who those people who do share meaning their love for life is more and more intense than the love that the Mushrikeen have for life. And Latina Ashinoko Ashoka is from sheen rock F from the word chick, what does it mean to associate partners with Allah subhanaw taala in worshipping Him, or in his names and attributes in his actions in His Lordship, and shake literally means to give a share. So when a person does share he is giving share of Allah has exclusive rights to someone else. Alladhina Rashtrakuta Mushrikeen those who worship idols, for example, do they have any belief in the
hereafter? No, they don't. Even if they do have some belief in afterlife, it's not like the belief that the Muslims have or the people of the book have the people of the book or the Muslims? What kind of beliefs do we have that in the hereafter? There's going to be a day of judgment. And then people will be judged and sent to either Hellfire or paradise according to their deeds. But the machine what kind of belief do they have about afterlife? Some say that you're just going to be finished. That's it, especially the machine at the time of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, whom are you Licona Illa dog? And that's it, we're done. There is no resurrection, there is no afterlife. Now
think about it. A person does not have any belief in the hereafter. What is he going to say? You live only once make the most of your life. But you live twice once in this world. And secondly, when in the hereafter content and worth and for here comes somebody you need to come so my you're here comes somebody that he told Jerome, you live twice, not once. So if a person believes that he's only going to live once then he is going to have extreme love and greed for this worldly life. He is going to do anything to live longer. He's going to do anything to live longer to avoid death and he is going to enjoy every single moment. This is what he does. But Allah subhanaw taala says the Bani
Israel their love for this world for this life is greater than the love that even the wish they can have. And here what do I have the home one of them loves yoga do well dal, dal wood and what is harness on pure love for something? So you're what do I had home? Each one of them he loves? What does he love lo your unmoral if only he could be given a life. You're a marine meme, rumor, life age amaro your middle that are made to give age to give life. So each one of them loves that he should be given a life L for Senate in 1000. Here is if you ask them, Do you want to die? No way. Each one of them loves if only he could stay alive for 1000 years. For him the life of 60 years life of 80
years is too short, which is why if somebody dies young they say he died so early. You're what do I have the one low your amuru alphason attain? But Allah says well know who but it is not what is not a life of 1000 years it is not going to be Musa Zippy at all want to save him from what minute or the from the punishment and you are more even if he's given a long life. Even if a person has given a life of 1000 years, is it going to save him from the punishment? No, because long life cannot eliminate that. It doesn't mean that if a person lives for a long time he will not die no eventually he will die and when he will die he will be held accountable. So will Mahua be Mousasi for him and
either be on your unlock this word Musa Zi Zi Zi has I have four letter root four letters they have? They have Zaha, what does it mean? That his or her is to save something from someone in a way like moving away so that a person is saved so you can save him was actually up at all to budge him to move him to even move him slightly away from the punishment No. He will fit
Is the end and he will be held accountable. Long life is not going to protect you from death and death will not protect you from punishment from accountability. Will Allah who mislead on and Allah is Seeing be Mayor Malone of what they do. Allah is watching exactly what we do. All of our actions are very well known to Allah subhanaw taala. What do we see in this verse?
A person who doesn't have your cane in the hereafter believe in the hereafter. A person who does not prepare for the hereafter than his love for this life is stronger than his love for the hereafter. If a person's focus, his goal is only this dunya then he doesn't want to die at all. He's happy the way he is. But if a person's focus is the afterlife, then what will he do? He will use this life to prepare for that life.
He will endeavor he will struggle every single day so that he can make his afterlife much better. He will live in this dunya but his mind is where in the camera and when death comes to that person. Then he is told that yeah, a year to have enough so most of my inner ill Jerry in our beaky rally attend mandala Yeah. That yeah, you have to have enough suitable to it. Now also, who is content and satisfied content with what? How can a person be content, when a person has done something, when a person is ready, when a person is satisfied and happy with the commands of Allah, He accepted them wholeheartedly and followed them lived by them. Then at the time of death, he is told in a jury in
Arabic, go back to your Lord, come, let's go back to Allah, while you are happy, and Allah is happy with you. This can only be for the person who is preparing for the alcohol. But a person who doesn't prepare for the alcohol, then he lives in this world. He's afraid of the afterlife, and he just wants to enjoy himself to the maximum in this world.
But the fact is that long life, it cannot avert that and death cannot avert punishment. Inevitably, every single person will die can Luminar lay her fine. Even if we live for 1000 years, eventually we are going to die. Is there any person who has lived in this world for eternity? No. If a person lives up to 100 years, even that is a big deal. But if a person lives up to 100 years, how much can he enjoy? Even eating becomes such a challenge. Moving becomes such a challenge. A person is more of a burden on others than he is enjoying life. And the fact is that long life itself, it doesn't matter much meaning it's not the quantity that matters. A person may live for a very long time. But
if he spends all that time into disobedience to Allah subhanaw taala that is the worst person. But if a person lives even a short life, but he spends the time it obedience to Allah subhanaw taala and that is the best. In the Hadith the Prophet sallallahu sallam said that Shahrukh Khan, mon Tala or marovo Was
that the worst of you, the most evil of you are those whose life is very long, that his actions are evil. His actions are bad. Life is long, but the actions are bad. So a person if he spends a long life, but he spends it in disobedience to Allah subhanaw taala, then that is worse for him. And if a person has been given you in a short life, but he spends it in obedience to Allah, then that is best for him, that is best for him. And if he is given a longer life, and he spends that and obedience to Allah, then that is even better for him. What do we think that if we live longer, we are luckier, this is why when we see people we give them $1 off a long life. May Allah give you a long life in
order to the surgery thorough, that keep living? May you have a very long life. It's only beneficial if a person spends it in obedience to Allah. We see that Imam and never we have you heard of the book the other side when it was compiled by Imam unknowing, and he was very young, very young when he passed away. But when he died, he left such a great treasure for people to benefit from and you know, this is not the only book that he has written. Many other conversations, many other books. You can read many classical books, and whose name will you find in there and never we he lived a short life with a very productive, a very beneficial life.
So the Bani Israel there have been condemned over here for their desire for long life because even if they were given a long life, they wouldn't spend that in obedience to Allah, they would spend that in disobedience to Allah subhanaw taala. So what do we learn in this verse? That instead of desiring a long life, what should we desire?
A productive and beneficial life? Because we don't know when we're going to die. Somebody could be very young, and they could die. But if they have left something beneficial for people, if they have prepared something for themselves in the Hereafter, then that short life was also worth it.
We keep thinking when we're older than we will do.
such and such but how do you know you don't know if you're going to live that long you might die before that don't you know if somebody were the other who has died very young? I'm sure you do I'm sure you've heard of somebody who died very young very early so it's not the quantity that matters we should be focusing on what quality that every day every moment that Allah subhanho data has given to us we should spend it in something beneficial because if we're doing wrong then eventually we have to face it that listen to the recitation
again at
the long haul is
brought at
the map on dammit ad he more long wordy movie a lot he mean
or lethargy then
you I mean a Latina shampoo.
Yeah, what do
you model l person as you want to be Musa? Has he mean Elijah via e?
Allah will we'll see it'll be my