Reda Bedeir – Beautiful Patience
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I came all the way from Canada
Canada, and I'm a professor at the University.
I live in
and tonight is a lot going to be talking about
the rest of the story,
drive some lessons from
a lot of
sort of a 25 and 30
there is a complaint.
The complaint is by the political body.
And the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said
over and over
my people.
My followers
have deserted the parar had abandoned the property.
And it is common in this area.
If the law says it
comes up more often as an error.
It says the desertion or the abandonment of Rs five degrees, the least of which is to deserve the recitation of the profit.
Of course, recycling for all
is greatly rewarded by Allah subhanaw taala.
Narrated by afterlife.
My sister
in law
whoever recites one letter, he didn't say one word or one if no one letter
he will be rewarded.
meaning that rewards will be multiplied 10 times. And then he says
Alice loved me and I wouldn't say Alex lanolin is wonderful. While acting elephant, elephants have that same hustler.
Learn from the still hustler me will have the hustler. Can you repeat after me?
Mr. Ma, you made some key points to the law. So if
you want to think in terms of money, right, that's the only currency with a judgment.
And we only see it when we believe in the poor.
So the least of the desertion of the poor are is to desert or to abandon the recitation of Surah Al Hamdulillah. Allah Subhana Allah guide us to recite the Quran. What's next?
How many times have you heard about hospice and the family makes a pocket for them, but the respects you could be a hospital does not know one single word of what is recycled.
Right. So the next step is listen to this as
a Lost Planet. Allah says
a mother
and father have on the aisle of the
food they just read words, and they cannot go through the meanings because their hearts are sealed because of the sin. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Every time a person commits a sin, a black rock falls on his heart. And when he continues to name what happens, the first part is covered with a black layer that forms a barrier between you and connecting with the last parameter, and at that point, the processor I'm excited to proceed can
rorona fu
Cebu, what was the word? It means because of the
a layer of blackness covered the heart. So when they stand in salon which means connection with Allah does not connect because there is a barrier between you and Allah.
Allah in the rubella
indeed the heart gets rusty
kiralama Allah, they asked, How can we remove the throttle is set in our four arm vertical mode, two things that will remove that barrier between your heart and connecting with Allah. recitation of the Quran, remembering that
these are the two things that will remove that rust barrier between you and Allah subhanaw taala.
Also the Allahu Allah said it was only three years after we became Muslim. So Allah subhanho wa Taala sent us this message. Listen carefully.
Isn't it time for the believers, that the heart would humble
due to the remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Taala and the truth that has been sent in the Quran to Prophet Muhammad, it is the time so they will cry, and they said, there is time over time. So my question to my sister tonight is a time series. This is why I'm here tonight. And over the weekend, inshallah, to revive that message is
to reconnect with the words of Allah subhanho wa Taala.
Can you imagine? Back in the days anybody here like 70 years old, like me? able like 60 and a half, okay.
Okay. You know, back in the days, we didn't have email, right?
And when your flow state or your wife if you're traveling send you a message. It was not, there was no texting. There was no WhatsApp.
The only when was a written letter, right? by mail. It takes a year on the back of a camera, right?
And then once you get the letter, what do you do with it?
You open the record, right? And he starts reading relevant, and it takes you an hour to finish. And once it's finished up, folded the same way.
And you have nice dreams.
And every time you feel longing for that person, what do you do to open the letter again?
And you read every single word imagining? Right? And these are the words of somebody who's beloved to America, right? Whatever the words
are, they be loved.
When you hear them, do they bring tears to your eyes? Imagine walking in the streets of Medina, he would hear a woman reciting. He will try right away in response to her dissertation. What was she saying?
Are you here
to say I like to talk with you. Okay, Matthew.
She will say hello.
what's going to happen on the day the income passing data to the supplement and the right away, he could shut the day he started crying because of the horrors that will happen that day. Stop.
And within the parameters of what's going to happen that day, it's 50,000 years
or more of your lover
is walking
and he hears somebody recycling an area once he is dying, he falls off
and he gets sick from everybody who's listening him without going Why would he say the reason he was sick because he just reflected on the meaning of that.
He won't go there. Now when someone in the class now the I was in
indeed the punishment of you're gonna happen. Nobody can. Nobody can stop it. So power law, they live in hearts. This is why they use to interact with what's happening to our hearts today. We need to reconnect with the word of Allah. This is why we have tested classes like this
Along this weekend, we're going to stay with so useful. So I suppose my PhD, I spent five years. I'm going to summarize it in three days. But there's a teaser on Friday for free for anybody who's interested, you know, to come for free on Friday, between seven to 10 and the others will give you the video in Sharla. But tonight, I was told to speak for four hours for 40 minutes. A the number for now you know is is that anyway
so in some are reading by midnight or reading some and then we'll give you a few minutes to law q&a.
So, the first thing that I want to share with you because for useless is an encyclopedia when I sat down to fill as my PhD topic
I chopped down 300 things in half an hour.
And I can do this with you now if you are
okay to talk about anything
corruption, you know,
how to deal with crisis, is there anything is there jealousy amongst brothers, their neighbors,
the parallel the miraculous land, which is the for all is there.
So just to give a go through a few lessons, inshallah
and then some lessons in life, inshallah.
And the first lesson is
a lot at the beginning of the Torah says,
what does that mean?
Nobody knows, except Allah
is opposed to Papa, right? separate alphabetical letters at the beginning of some surah. And if you combine them all,
but how many letters are repeated? There are only 14 letters that are used at the beginning, as opposed to how many letters are there in the Arabic alphabet? Anybody knows? What my country has curly coming in. Okay.
So how many results in the
Sunni? So are you 14, in those
as if he's giving a message to the Arab masses of the Arabic language? Only 14 letters are used at the beginnings of some sort of it's challenging.
And the whole for arms composed of the alphabet that you mastered?
Can you make up a Quran like this?
A lot more than three times?
It says makeup on like this, they couldn't get down to 10. So you say can you make up things for us? No, they could have a lot of it down to the minimum, reason number two, and number 23.
And if you
will doubt
about what we have sent down to our slave service, Mohammed Salalah is going
to be to
make a console.
That will be sort of the mystery, the lack of the proper
And bring all your support to
our last
visit for ilam.
If you will not able to do this land negate the past one.
Land negates the future. And you will never be able to even make up a soil like that.
Sit a barrier between you and alpha by submitting to this forum.
But you know that some of them strive to make up a forum like this. But it was very funny. You like to get a funny story.
Okay, two people only are going to give you a story.
When I say July I want to hear like at least 200 years okay? It's gone next time.
Okay, so Allah subhanaw taala says at the beginning of the surah as it is challenging the only Allah knows the secret behind these lessons, okay. But the only interpretation in most of the books of succeed as a philosopher is in the Arabs because they are. They used to write phones. They were very famous
Sports amongst them and abode with the very respected and highly skilled and highly skilled in the community as will be the leader of the fight
and they used to compete right
in every age this competition right.
So, at the time they competed what they have cared
So, they will have the code they will come and compete everybody will drive maybe a 400 lines of verse without making the slightest mistake in rhythm Ryan drummer Sensex
and the winning would be written in gold and will be held in the Kaaba being the most sacred place on earth. And this is known as Allah Allah
what can we compete in
Miss Universe?
I don't know anyone that says you must have people that are worthy of focusing
on you math because of the Arabic language
this is the first must
be number six. Raise your hand
Okay, what's the meaning of a movie?
Clear Mashallah, this good? Is this something more than clear? Because clearly is begging
for losses and it has extra meaning
Mashallah, that's that's what that's what it means. So, yes,
Mashallah The Goddess is lava or valiant, meaning clear, but what I'm asking for it has extra meaning that that true meaning when I say it means clear in itself, but when you say movie, it means clear itself and it also provides clarification begging
like when you say fossil,
fossil, Phoenix's
and movie means is clear and self
destructive secret,
alarmingly easy for people to learn from other people who are willing to learn.
But in this lesson mobility is clear itself. But it clarifies for people what does it clarify? It clarifies the two ways the truth from the false foot upon what Y chromosome? What?
This is what lesson
Did you see this in the first lesson, you will never see
in Thursday, the Arabic language is very rich in a way that when you read
it will never give you everything. Give you an example. Allah says
Allah, Allah, Allah, what's Akita? It means the book
is still from the verb kettlebell. kettlebell means right. So, that means the document is for
a little
over a month is
for iron was put on,
put on by
exactly this is the recycled form the old form. So the forum was first to ask him to form the written form. The word is, and he said, the other word, the recycled form or the oral form, it's called and so I'll get up from Canada.
Okay, how can we prove the authenticity, the authenticity of the Koran that it was transmitted to us through
question for you? Was the article down
right now, right.
Why? Every time any if
the person was
so paralyzed at the piano, I lost the planet. land to be
What does that mean? When it comes to the seller, the customer was so scared that he might forget an idea or a word or something. So he would repeat after him right away, he would repeat again and again,
would combine the whole path and he will never forget. Just listen to the free, just be calm.
So the seller gets to override whatever was revealed to him. But if there was anyone around the customer who was literate, who knows how to write, he would write it on
a piece of cloth, a stone, you know, you know, those leaves of the palm trees, whatever.
And then, you know, a group of add up, you know, health at somebody's house,
somebody else's house, there was no need
to combine. Why? Because it was numerous by hundreds of
almost came to him. Because he says, I think we should combine the two. I said, No. What is?
This is
it it was something that should have been, should have done? I'm not gonna, I'm not gonna do something new.
So I had no argument against this until the
70s, amongst all the good kids in the battle.
Now, what if we were to consider
what would happen to the
I think it's time now to do that almost said, yes, there is a necessity now. So he made a committee
of the whole fall, chaired by the best linguist of the time, they
have your loved one, she was amazed to try.
And they sat down and they wrote everything down. And they verified every item
that was written against to listen to it directly from Apostle Paul.
the full for all, except for one.
They found out that only one man heard that I found the professor, do you want to know the is the alternative Sahabi only for people this is going to be mentioned in the class. So I promise you.
Now let's move on. So this is how we know the Quran was, you know, collected in one Boolean as a keypad, right as the written form. But the oral form is never stop. Never stop from the fight.
Never stop. Until
at one time, I was giving a speech at the University of Calgary in Alberta in Canada.
And usually we have a theme for our industry. And I picked the theme, it was very controversial. And I took the heat for that. I said our theme this year is going to be Jesus is a Muslim.
And we have T shirts walking around by
Jesus. And can you imagine what this
is like, predominantly Christians
talking about this.
And then it was an open area. And I was the one who gave the talk. And after the talk a young man, you know
what do you want to tell us here?
Is the only authentic book I said Did I say that? He said no. But you mean as
an adult?
I said you made the trip and I didn't make it. You understood this form. I thought I can prove it to you. How can you prove it?
Because he saw Arabic for a long time. He was bringing a copy from the psychic challenge that just sticks in the craw.
And then I said
now if we take all the books on earth and throw them in the ocean, I can make a claim now it's the
only one book that will come back. Is that what you're doing?
Today, let's
review the only book that will come up
I said, Just one second. And the pastor of the university was sitting next to me, as a pastor,
john 25. I was telling him in his own book,
I need to get my book.
I said,
shame on you, man, you're supposed to be faithful people. And teaching is a book that you don't know. That's really embarrassing. Anyway, I don't want to embarrass you.
But if we throw all the books, do you think that the pastor can bring you the Bible again?
a second.
Okay, you, you, you, you come here. And we like I said, you know,
the book, The first lesson,
I think,
how can we
open the book, any page
and start saying, any I
will appear in front of you, we're going to give you we're going to continue to open the most obvious, okay. 23.
Okay, and you said, 55.
Okay, 59. And then, once
the book is done,
we'll just bring some of these people in your own city here, there are 45 of them. And across the word of millions of them. So again,
he said, I'm going home.
So basically, you should know the difference between al Qaeda,
Al Qaeda,
was compiled
at the time of the Prophet Muhammad.
I told you,
the prophet of Allah
Be careful, right? And at the time of the law, this was the time when they started printing copies of the only one
we don't have versions, right. Why? Because there was expansion of the Muslims and they need to have opposite
versions of the Quran.
And this is why supply law will never be the same say
the title of man, that was the Quran says it's written according to the time of tomorrow.
Now, if we move on,
so talk about language, let's talk about something system is what it
this beautiful garden, between
two properties?
a chart would be a prophet, that is the
the father
who's the father of
a prophet
who's the grandfather of
Allah Akbar. A series of properties that
have asked
us to pull carry carrying that will carry that will carry his abusive, okay. The village, he's the son of
As far
Can anybody compete with him?
acoustal here,
they are probably like raise your hand or hands.
Right. You have
to be financial.
Could be health problems.
Could be family problems, could be medical problems.
And sometimes we get so tense, what do you say to yourself? In what we say? Why me?
Eight times a day? it times?
How many times? Five?
in Manchester? Okay. So people will say like, Why Why me?
I'm a Muslim.
I live in
the past.
Okay? So
basically, that's exactly what some people do, right?
You think by being a Muslim, then nothing should,
should be protected from every piece of my life to be perfect in this room, and this is why I compiled the comparison. Suppose
I have only two children and one of them is disabled.
But my neighbors have five,
six or two houses.
And the fact is, they have blue eyes and blue here.
Hello, Sophia. are you complaining?
Can we complain from Allah?
Allah question.
And by the way, Allah will never do anything wrong or anything evil, you always choose the best for you. But you usually understand this later on.
Because that was the turning point in your life when you came back to Allah, but they really lost your business and returned back to Allah.
Part A lot. So it looks bad.
But there is mercy disguised in that, that.
And we can only reflect on that later on. You know, somebody by the name of Steven, what's his name
used to Islam.
The power law was
the best blessing on Earth.
everybody turned away from
CBD, oil company is my fav my money.
If I have made money, fame, everything.
So what's the purpose of my life, he realized the purpose of his life.
So there could be something that might look bad at the moment.
But then later on, discover that that was the turning point.
And this is what a lot of people have been the best amongst the
number two, to one six. A lot of people have been
fighting is prescribed a formula. Why? Because their intention was to stop the car and go home, they don't want to fire, you're ready to fight paralysis.
You will find
works for you. You might dislike something but it's so
illogical, you might expect something.
Or you might like something and it's easier for you remember the job, I want to get the job. You made too much money, but you were involved in karate. And now
you might some people
submit to the Crystal Palace.
And this is very important that indeed this elephant was
never forget the ending of this era.
Allah knows what's good for you
to be happy with the principle law.
That's very important. And this is part of our being is called as the man
we accept the act of Allah our life.
Because when you accept what happened, it's a win win situation. You are pleased with the work to do. But if you are not, you are unhappy about the
A wise person would choose. I will win today institution. Now.
Can you imagine you're six years old, six year old child
He said
how the children or the parent
or the COVID is the respect.
Hey, you sometimes,
You know, sometimes it is a very bad
thing. Yeah, apathy, they say,
the dimeo support of this law.
when you use the word, it means that person your calling is very close to your heart.
So the first thing
is to be an advocate in Arabic, it means, oh, my dear father, this is a word in English.
So, those connotations in the Arabic language, you'll never see them in the first place.
Why? Because it reflects respect and closest to the heart. This is father in the most respectable way, and show that these forces are
how can we build this trust today between us and our children? Have you ever heard your son coming furious? Like you know that I want to start something new?
What do they do? One of the things you will come back to after, they will always ask their friends.
And when they do something wrong, you can ask them why is that my friend of this school?
What's wrong with it?
Because it didn't teach them I didn't have time for them. But I'm going to send this message, brother, when we go home, what's our job? Give me one word.
When you go home, what our job?
We are.
Exactly. But give me the your title. You are a father and a husband. And sister, you are a wife and a mother. But you know what we do? We go home. We're still in the crackberry.
addiction, you know how people go in the most?
They don't even look in front of them. Right? And then they get the poster.
Right? We go home and we continue our job, send emails,
like, Hey, I'm here with your friends, like I'm coming next.
And then will not contain an
exception, or until we need to change this
one time.
You know, it has been a common theme of I've never, you know, got out with my kids. So they
can we go
into the company for a long time.
Really sorry,
to finish preparing for this lecture. But you know,
everybody gets
it ready. When she comes in.
That I'm not talking to Dr.
Amato to the state. I'm so confused. My father will go out and
take a taxi.
How would you react to that?
That makes you feel bad. Right? We all do.
And when you ask somebody how many hours you spent with your with your kids at home that
six hours?
What do you mean on your laptop and watching TV? outside with them?
When I say with them, it means quality time.
You're listening to the distance to the problems.
He wants to talk to you.
And as I said, like last night, I said, You know what? The youngest ones, the ones who becomes the hero.
And then you leave what you're doing? Yes.
Have you seen this before? analytical again?
The same dumping right.
meanings but emotions right.
What are they calling for?
Just wants you to spend some time to look at
the reasons the Brotherhood uses will kill them or get rid of them. They said yes.
He wanted
Since the
disappear, there is no kill him.
It's just
he will just look at you. Which is which What does that mean? It symbolizes what I think
is given more attention to us.
Because we suppose Allah, Allah, he was seen somebody who loses his mother before puberty and use this amount of time when you're three years old.
Those who are grown up
to be much more fertile.
So going back to
the service, teaching us a lot. The idea that used to police as a child six, seven years old, with his father, assisting him in the fifth way, show respect, yeah.
And then he shared the dream with him something very personal. When was the last time that you go through at that age, or some payments or something personally?
That tells you a lot.
And then another lesson.
At the very end of the year that I decided, what is your advice
is to
not share this dream with your product? Why this exists.
But this is the statement, the only people on earth who is with you to be better than them.
No one else.
The only people on earth who would wish for you to be better than them, or your
sisters would be jealous of you. If you cheated on them in
parents would love you to be a doctor and engineer, even though they are
whatever they do.
Based on the social status of the job that they do.
So is saying to him do not share this dream with your brothers. Why?
occasion they might go something evil against you.
Listen to learn.
He says in necessary. insanity. I don't want
to give you the word.
To say tar would be the word
even though there will be
but he blamed it on.
Would you like that story?
I want to explain the meaning of Taekwondo. I think I said this in my class before.
And this will have different interpretations of the word apply.
And the best example is this story.
You know, how many of you have children between the age of three to 10?
Okay, you know, when you leave your house, and there are a lot of homes and you come back what happens to the house
to sell? Right? Nothing is
right. And then you bring up a Buddhist it's not me. Not me. Not me. However, the number of of monkeys so
not me, not me, not me.
Could it be
useful that you learn
that later Python? And everybody said no.
I said
I'm going to catch you very soon.
And then
I made a plan.
We went out. And after we came back,
same thing happened. Everything is a mess in the house. I bought them Love me Love me Love me. I said, Listen, I know.
I said, What do you mean? I'm gonna tell you and a human. so different.
Okay, how did you know
that I had cameras everywhere.
I said I had cameras everywhere. We're gonna watch the movie now.
We're gonna see the shape or the therapy.
At that moment,
they started confronting
the elders under one of
the bedroom.
And my son, your office.
A lot of this in the floor.
If you read it so far,
I had 16. And before
we are on camera 24 712 It's odd enough. So we have created man, and we know what's on the mind.
One of
our closest to her for her than the judging, okay, this is the juggler.
I see
that comes out of your mouth. It's looking down either here, if it's good, or here if it's bad. And Allah completed that picture, when he said
this record of everything that you have said or done,
that will be given to you for the
last three years.
And then Allah
says, What's the reaction of people when they get that book or that record?
Allah says
saw the
the more of
the book will be given to you.
You will see the criminal law called them the criminals, those who use the limits and the boundaries of Allah.
They will have the books in their hands, they're gonna be scared to death because they will find out that Allah missed nothing, but it was reported, even if it's the main are still severe, or a major sin can be Iran. And they will find everything blah, blah is the old thing.
Nothing's going to be missing. Be careful.
So to conclude, and
we're talking about a dream. So this is a dream at the beginning that comes to the end.
And in between the two other things they both are the sort of the three, and the four of the three shirts. Would you like to know the story of the three shirts in a three day
I don't have time for that because my time
progresses, if
you're interested, or if you're interested in it, we have two options. And
the point here is my dream to say, Yes. How many times have
three or
four to demonstrate this to someone, on Friday, Friday still free, you can still kind of say, okay, remind me to talk about the three types of dream? And how should we react to those dreams after we do?
Those three types of patients? Because this is beautiful patients,
three types of patients, would you like
to talk about them.
But I want to do something,
something really powerful.
You know,
in this forum,
we need to identify with you.
If you do this from time to time, Allah, Allah has given me 24 727 24 hours a day time.
And overtime.
He can take it play with that. Right? So would you be able to give a lot to the interview for summer, all the way from Canada? Minus 60, or zero?
minus five
is minus 50. Over there.
If you forget your gloves, your hands will freeze in two minutes.
What did I say minus 150? How do I 55? Zero to the right or to the left to the right.
I'm working on, you know, when you work with me to get some money? Yeah.
is taking the money
to be applied to this course. The only comments that I get that I get in my email after this class, that my life
this is the turning point in my life, because all of us have problems. But just compare your problems. Did you lose your mother?
say no?
Did you get back from your father, while you know that he's alive? for 40 years? Now?
Will you take him by your own mother's room into our mercifully No. What do you hope as a slave and you
we take him to serve in the house of the Minister of Egypt for years, and you think now it's time for us?
Then it gets abused by a woman?
You know,
we'll take you into jail
for seven to nine years. Now, when you go to jail?
How would you feel
too many diseases in
the prison and
uses giving power in jail?
Can you do that?
And after all of this, I dare you to tell me that you went through something, one out of a million of what is valid.
Sometimes become a good Muslim. Yes. Listen
the people who will receive the hardest.
The most difficult parts of the life of the Prophet
the heart of our The deeper the faith, or the stronger the man. The harder the test comes from Allah
says he goes from one test to another test. Another test. You should know that a lot of you but how can we take it to the why a lot? Well,
because he loves it. You know why? Every time you get this to your patient, I like space your senses. Allah will give you a sense. Allah wants you to meet with him with no sin, but you need to be patient and accept.
So this is going to change your perception of life and I will conclude with 101 or
rubberband 101
this beautiful
that uses is making
and this
can you imagine after going through all these trials and tribulations are Allah, Allah made us
after this long patience, as is
what does he say at the point of trial at the point but what is, you know, empower, listen to the eye.
And there are some
people say,
oh my lord, you have given me Power Authority.
But he didn't say
he said
some of
of the interpretation of reads to the expert, you just
you are the creator of the heavens and the earth in a unique way.
I have no one to support me in this journey, or after
this introduction
is praising Allah.
He's attributing the grace and about it to Allah, when you finish a degree, what do
wish I found the person who says I am better than
say, all this is due to Allah. He guided me to finish the degree
and say, I did I made you can do nothing without Allah.
So used to saying that at a minimum, this was the first system, he's attributing the grace of everything. So
what would he think of allowing you wasn't in the world? Six, seven years old?
Would he ever dream to be an artist and he
is attributing the bounty and decreased
knowledge? Okay, I'm smart. Really?
Yeah, a lot.
And then, is admitting that Allah is the Creator of the heavens and the earth and authentically, and I'm one of the creators
who can support me in junior ashram, none. But Allah subhanaw taala. This is exactly what we do. And in fact,
before we ask Allah for something, you can ask now, he said, I would ask for something. What
did he say? What do you want?
After praising Allah is not asking, and this executive decision to hear instead
of the ultimate goal of
I want to buy as a Muslim.
You don't want to be the king of Egypt.
You don't want to be looking horrible. You
know what?
I don't care about
a meeting with you. I want to die in a sort of submission to you.
And me, and allow me to join the righteous ones. Yeah, a law uses that.
does not consider himself amongst the comedy. He wants to join us on a robot you and me when we play presents five times in a week. What do you consider yourself a PhD
To learn from this is just the last post by the way, I just put on my Facebook. But you got the answers. Now we can just go because the homework is drive five lessons from this app. Can you imagine if we find five lessons from one hire for about 100. And
this class, as I told you, I spent five years with producers. I'm going to sum it up for the people in Manchester in two days, you'll be missing a lot