Yaser Birjas – Patience Is A Radiant Light

Yaser Birjas
AI: Summary © The importance of at least one of the following messages in the Darodavan message is discussed, with the first being a proof of faith and the second being a means of half of one's faith. The importance of shoto's weight and praising his ability to remove imperfection from attributes is emphasized, along with the need to start one's day with small amounts of good deeds to attain a bonus and avoid unnecessary harm. The importance of patience and fasting is emphasized, along with the negative affirmation of illabers and the importance of being conscious of one's actions.
AI: Transcript ©
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Tonight, inshallah, we'll begin with a hadith from

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Babu Saba.

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The first hadith, hadith number 25 and the

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chose a hadith

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that I want, the students of Tasir to

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pay attention to it.

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This hadith hadith

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Miss Hadid, the messenger of Allah sallallahu alaihi

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wa sallam said,

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which means making wudu and purification act,

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half of iman.

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Half of faith, he said.

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And then

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uttering the words

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praise be to Allah

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fills the scale.

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Both these statements

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removing any

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the attributes of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, and

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then alhamdulillah, present Allah

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combined, they fill the the the the space

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between the heavens and the earth. Then he

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is light.

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And charity is a proof of faith.

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And patience,

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which is endurance obviously, is a radiant light.

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Well, Quran heard

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and the Quran is gonna be a plea

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in your favor or against you.

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Every person departs,

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he he, either ransoms his himself

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or puts it into,

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This hadith we discovered

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in about 3 sessions,

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on the on the Wednesday classes

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for the the great

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the great value of each and every statement

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over here. I wanna see if the sun

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is still here so we can share some

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of this.

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The prophet said

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that make an purification is half of your

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faith. How is that?

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What does that mean

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is half of your faith. Half of being

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a believer, what does that even mean?

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Being cleanness? It's about cleanness?

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Well, I guess the the students are waiting

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until Wednesday probably then. Or maybe they're taking

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off on Sunday night.

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So tahor,

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purification has actually a couple of meanings.

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One meaning one meaning

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since and are combined.

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Because you cannot make

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right Without verification.

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And Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala he named

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he named salah in the Quran call he

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called salah what?

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Iman as well too.

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When they were asking the prophet about their

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salah that they've when they were facing towards

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Jerusalem, what happened to that salah?

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Allah will not gonna cause your iman to

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go to waste. He means the salah that

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you prayed towards Jerusalem.

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So if salah is iman and

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is half of it, so that's the means

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of half on half.

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The other meaning is that half of it

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that leads to Jannah and the other half

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is saying

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another hadith.

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But the most popular meaning is that

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So you have purification

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physical purification, which involves and and and and

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take a shower, and you have the spiritual

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one, which is from the inside, that purification

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of the heart. That's why it actually means

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5050 or at least in this case, actually

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part of it and half of it. So

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when we say shoto doesn't necessarily mean 5050.

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It means a category of 2.

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So that's why is is very crucial for

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us as believers in the month to be

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clean, to smell nice, to dress, you know,

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also clean at all times as much as

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you can. The second thing he says

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praise praising Allah

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will fill the scales for you. We talked

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about was subhanAllah,

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that's by praising Allah by removing any imperfection

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from His attributes

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versus saying Alhamdulillah. Which one is more valuable

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To say Alhamdulillah or SubhanAllah? What do you

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guys think?

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Alhamdulillah or SubhanAllah?

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How many of you say SubhanAllah is actually

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more valuable in terms of its weight than

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If you say SubhanAllah it's your hand.

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How many of you say Alhamdulillah?

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So why Alhamdulillah is is is more valuable

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in this case?

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Because Alhamdulillah

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is praising Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala for his

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and SubhanAllah

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is actually praising Allah by removing any imperfection

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from Allah.

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So which is more valuable? To say you're

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you're powerful, you're amazing, or saying you're not

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excuse me, Anna. You're not dumb, you're not

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stupid, you're not, you know, stingy.

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I'm not saying anything wrong about you, but

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definitely no one's gonna accept to be praised

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by negative attributes.

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We always like to be praised with positive

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attributes. So when you say, subhanallah,

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usually it comes with alhamdulil, like saying subhanAllah

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will be hamdihi.

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But alhamdulillah, you don't have to say anything

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with it. So that's what does it mean

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And then he says

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salah itself is light.

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Why is that?

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Because if you maintain the 5 daily prayers,

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Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala will give you that

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by which you could see right from wrong,

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it's light.

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That's the meaning of that salah, that is

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really light and what purpose I mentioned about

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Al Jumayr Al Jumayr, it shined the the

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days in between as well too.

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Giving charity is a proof of faith. Why

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is that? Because it's so hard for people

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to give charity from their hard earned money.

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I've been working, you know, day and night

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for this. You want me to give $50,000,

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you know, for a donation for something?

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Yeah. That's why when you give it out,

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even though you work so hard for it,

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it's and and you're getting absolutely nothing in

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return. Nothing

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except for the word from Allah Subhanahu Wa

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Ta'ala. It's a proof of faith, no doubt

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about it.

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And patience enduring hardships and pain enduring with

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patience obviously

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is diya. And the difference between and

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although they talk about light,

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Noor is reflection.

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The word Noor is reflection just like how

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the the the the sun's ray

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reflecting on the moon, so we say

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the light of the moon. But when it

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comes to the sun, we say

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Why? Because this is actually now a fire

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that comes from within

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versus a solid reflection, but fasting, the prophet

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said, which is actually part of it, of

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the translation here, the interpretation is about fasting

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as well too because it requires a lot

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of patience. So there's a lot of heat

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comes from the inside. And patience, or in

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this case fasting

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is exclusively

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Very, very, very private, very intrinsic kind of

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like a ride and worship. That's why that

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light comes from within outside.

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Well, Quran.

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So Quran is gonna be approved for you

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or against you. So you choose for yourself.

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What do you want the Quran to be

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on the day of judgment for you? And

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finally the prophet says

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everybody leaves in the morning

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going out striving

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in this life.

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So we work. We work so hard in

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this dunya for the for the dunya.

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So we all go out and what we

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do will cause us to free and ransom

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from the atrocities of this dunya, the fate

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of this dunya

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some other unfortunate day

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they are doomed.

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when he said

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Every day in the morning you're responsible to

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ransom yourself,

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from this dunya. By doing what?

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Giving on behalf of each joint in your

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body an act of charity. And he mentioned

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many act of charity saying, subhanAllah, alhamdulillah,

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all these are active charities. And then he

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says, suffice it from all of this to

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do what? Pray 2 raka, abduha time.

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So every single day, you need to transom

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yourself with a lot of good deeds. So

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when you wake up in the morning and

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start your day,

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how long does it take you to ransom

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yourself and the rest of it will be

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Make sure to start your day all with

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a that will be sufficient enough to ransom

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yourself immediately

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before you wait half of the day or

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even after that before you can do something

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significant. May Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala make us

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among those who listen to the speech and

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follow the rest of the jarrah bi'alaimin. Any

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questions in your mind?

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So the question about the the,

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why do we have that negative affirmation

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saying, illallah. Right?

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All our deal is based on that. First

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of all, you free Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala

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from any imperfections

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and then confirm that to him exclusively.

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Like first of all, you need to free

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the space and then feel whatever is right.

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That's why the Ulema, even in in in

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matters of

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when you work the act, the actions of

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the heart, said you start with tahliyah

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and then you do

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Tahliya which means to vacate the heart,

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empty it completely. Take all the negativity out

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first and then you put the hlu. Now

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we start putting the the sweetness of iman

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into the heart. So the same thing when

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you say la ilaha illallah.

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So illallah is to remove any negativity

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and you confirm, of course, Allah subhanahu the

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only and only one.

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Not sure about denying it, but overall overall.

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Of course, we do.

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I'm not sure if that relate to that

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what you're saying, but definitely as human beings,

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we're known to be, yeah, any deniers of

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hack sometimes in many, many issues. That's why

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it's very important

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that you always be conscious

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be conscious of your amal. So don't fall

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among those of jahideen, those are always just

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deny without confirming that which is right.

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So if you're gonna talk about Tahara, it's

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a long discussion here, but the eye that

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you're referring to as wajumu Tahara, the spousal

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or purified. What does that mean? Purified from

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any imperfection

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that human have in this world. Like what?

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What is imperfection for us as human beings?

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sweat, smell, use of the bathroom,

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snout, this, that, all these kind of things.

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So these are things that would make great

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you know, when you see your spouse in

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a in a not the best pleasant condition.

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But the akhira, those are those are actually

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And in addition to that, muthahar turns out

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the alaklah as well too. Their manners are

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also pure, so they don't speak ill, they

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don't gossip, they don't do anything wrong, they

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don't so the akhlaq is always pure. So

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they're purified from the inside

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and the outside, the physical and the spiritual.

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This is about the physical part.

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The other shator because shatorul iman,

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so the first part is a physical purification

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and the other part is a spiritual purification.

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