Yaser Birjas – No Gift Is Better Than Patience

Yaser Birjas
AI: Summary © The importance of showing generosity and self sufficiency during difficult situations is emphasized, as it is crucial for individuals to be successful. The speaker emphasizes the need for patience and education in achieving success, and the importance of learning to be patient and finding one's own satisfaction. The speaker also highlights the importance of balance and embracing one's own worth, and emphasizes the need for patient mental health.
AI: Transcript ©
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If you would like to ask Allah subhanahu

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wa ta'ala to give you a special gift,

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a special gift, a special trade.

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What trade or gift would you ask Allah

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Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala to grant you?

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Give me answers.

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Knowledge? Beautiful.

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While you're still in this dunya jama, wisdom.

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Kids. Kids.

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Be careful.

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Be careful what you wish for.

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Let's learn that from the prophet, salallahu alayhi.

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What is the best thing you can ask

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Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala for? And what is

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the best gift that Allah would ever give

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you? And this hadith number 26 and the

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other salihin.

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A group from the Ansar

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came to the prophet, salallahu alayhi wasalam, and

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they asked him, you Rasoolah, give us.

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Give us what?

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So just to give the context of the

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story here, is that usually whenever the prophet

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receives any war spoils

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or collection of these dakat, for example, it

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comes in massive amounts

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and everything is stored in the masjid for

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Everything will be stored in the masjid for

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distribution afterwards.

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These people know the prophet and generosity,

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That none of that stuff is gonna last

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So the moment these things arrive, everybody rushes

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to the prophet, salazar, hoping to get what?

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A share.

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I get something extra.

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By the way, including the wives of the

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prophet used to participate also at.

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We had somebody came from Al Bahrain. We

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want to get some of that stuff.

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And the prophet says, no I gave you

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a share already. Khalas, you're done. The idea

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here is that this amsar, they heard about

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the collection and they immediately came to the

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can we get some of that stuff? So

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the prophet

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gave them.

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They say,

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He said, give them more.

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And they kept asking, they kept the Prophet

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kept giving them. He kept giving the people.

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Until what he has

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already, is all done.

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Is all distributed.

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When the Prophet salallahu alaihi wasalam,

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exhausted everything that was in his position, sallallahu

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alaihi wasallam. He said to them

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Because whatever wealth I have, I will not

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withhold from you.

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Like don't worry,

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if I have something, I'll give it to

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you. I'm not going to spare anything. I'm

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not going to withhold anything from you. If

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I have it, I will give it to

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you. That's again showing the generosity of the

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He said afterwards,

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And Allah,

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and whoever would be just and modest, Allah

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will keep him just and modest.

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if you, you yourself,

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take yourself above that level of asking.

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Like if you show humbleness and modesty,

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and if you show this kind of, you

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know, shyness away from asking,

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Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala will suffice you. That's

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what it means.

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Like if you're not gonna go out there,

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keep asking the people every time there's an

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opportunity to go ask. So Allah subhanahu wa

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ta'ala will put

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He will put that sense of richness

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and sense of satisfaction

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into your heart. That's what the prophet means

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by this by this statement.

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And whosoever,

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would seek self sufficiency,

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Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala will make himself sufficient.

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I don't know if you remember we talked

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about the difference between

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and What's the difference between

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In the Arabic language means abundance.

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And you have a lot of stuff. You

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have a lot of stuff.

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means what?

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Self sufficient

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or sufficiency. What does that mean? It doesn't

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matter how much you have

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because sometimes you have so much abundance,

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but you're still you're still not satisfied.

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You're still not satisfied.

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So that's not the honey. You're not rich

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You're only wealthy, that's all. But you're not

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rich because no matter how much wealth you

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have, it doesn't set us it doesn't make

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you feel rich enough.

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So you're always worried. You're always scared. You're

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afraid that you're gonna lose this. You're

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all the time.

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But it doesn't matter how much you have

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in your hand, even if it was something

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little. But if you have the satisfaction with

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this thing, then you're rich.

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You're rich.

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What matters if you have a million or

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you have a dollar and you're happy with

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a dollar, or you're never happy with a

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So that's the meaning of being rich. So

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he says, and if you have, if you

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teach yourself to be rich,

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to start to find that sense of of

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self sufficiency in the heart, not in the

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hand, not in the money, not in your

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pockets. Because Allah

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will make you rich.

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In the Arabic we say,

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If you have a content heart,

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then you and the one who have the

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ownership of the entire world are equal.

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Because it doesn't matter if your break if

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your breakfast is only

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bread, crumbs of bread and eggs and and

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that's it, or you have a whole feast

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You're happy with that egg and bread and

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versus you know somebody who has all that

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feast and is still looking at the missing

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you know plate from the from the breakfast.

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If you're satisfied with what you have Alhamdulillah,

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then you're rich already.

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And then he said

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He said

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and whosoever

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would be patient

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Allah will give him patience. Translation a little

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bit off here

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because the word The Arabic text is where

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Why the hadith was given over here.

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We said that many, many times before that

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in the Arabic language.

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Any addition to the, actual,

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structure of the word

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will add meaning to it as well too.

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So the word for patience is what in

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the Arabic language?

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Sabr, right? If you want to tell somebody

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to be patient what do you say?

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Isber. But if you want the person to

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and intensify his exercise of patience you say

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So what do we add over in the

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word? The.

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There's there, and that

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if you even notice how you pronounce it,

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it takes longer to pronounce the word with

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Shadda than without Shadda.

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Right? So here

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which means

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if you hold yourself and if you bring

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yourself to be patient,

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which means if you exercise

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patience, if you persevere,

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if you endure, if you make the effort,

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exert the effort to be patient,

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Allah will facilitate way for you to be

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What do you learn from the statement of

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That being patient is what?

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It's a skill.

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You can learn it.

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So don't you ever come to me and

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say, Sheikh, you know, I'm short-tempered. It runs

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in the family.

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I don't believe in that.

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Don't think it is a generic.

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Even if your whole of your line bloodline,

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all of it is known to be angry

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all the time, you can still learn to

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be patient if you do what?

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Exercise patience.

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So how do you exercise patience then? Learn

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the skill that makes people endure

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and start practicing that. You're gonna fail first

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time, second time, 100th time. Hopefully 101 will

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be on the right path.

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And then the prophet said at the

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end This is the answer to the question

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I asked earlier.

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No one, salallahu alayhi wa sallam says. No

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one has ever been granted a gift

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that's better and more comprehensive than patience.

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Did you hear that?

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All what you guys have said, there are

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valuable things to ask for, including kids.

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But the prophet said, there is nothing more

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No nothing more precious

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than being patient.

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And we have learned that earlier from the

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ayah that imam imam,

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at the beginning of the chapter when he

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Those who persevere in patience, they shall receive

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their word without what? Measure.

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Which means,

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obviously and very clearly,

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that this is a very precious thing. SubhanAllah.

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Nothing more valuable than this. So ask Allah

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subhanahu wa ta'ala to help you be patient

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all the time.

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Because you can be patient with rude people,

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you can be patient with circumstances,

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patience again, stuff falling into the haram or

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enduring the worshiping Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. There's

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so much,

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so much you could use patience for. It's

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a very special skill.

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The last thing that we'll look add to

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it as well is with patients, there's always

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another skill that you need to acquire to

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balance it with. What is that?

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Patient needs what? I I hear whispers.

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Sugar. Sugar.

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Because you need to be grateful for what

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you have

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and also patience for what you lack.

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So that's very important to balance these 2

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together, inshallah. May Allah make us among those

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also. Always endure patience, And

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always exercise patience in their affairs. Any

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question, you know?

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So you ask for patience, is that what

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you're saying?

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Oh, easiness. Of course. I mean, don't ask

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Allah to test you so you can exercise

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No. Don't ask Allah to test you to

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exercise patience. Rather, always ask Allah for

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ease. Always ask Allah for your affairs to

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be easy, affairs to be good. You don't

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need to ask for for that. But

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if things go in your life that requires

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ask Allah to make you.

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