What is the Significance of Patience

Zakir Naik


Channel: Zakir Naik

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The speaker discusses the importance of patient patience in Islam, stating that it is a requirement for success in life. They also mention the importance of patientism in obtaining a return from Jesus, and explain that achieving patient and perseverance is crucial for success. The speaker emphasizes that achieving patient and perseverance is a combination of hard work and continuous passion for oneself.

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Doctor Zakir, since, Ramadan

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is the month of that trains your mind

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towards patients,

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Could you tell the viewers about the significance

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of patience?

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As far as the word patience is concerned,

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that is sabr, It's mentioned in the Quran

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102 times, and it is one of the

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most important virtues in Islam.

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And through patience, you can come close with

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And the Quran says in several places that

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Allah is those who are patient.

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Allah says in Suri Baqarah chapter number 2

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verse 45

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that seek Allah's help with patience, perseverance, and

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And it is indeed hard except for those

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who are humble.

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Allah says in Suri Baqarah chapter number 2,

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verse number 153.

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That, oh, you believe,

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seek Allah's help with patience, perseverance,

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and prayer. For verily,

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Allah is with those who patiently persevere.

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Allah repeats a similar message in Surah Baqarah

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chapter number 2, verse number 155

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to verse number 157,

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surely we will test you with something of

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fear and hunger,

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with loss

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of goods and lives

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and fruits

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of toils,

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those are successful,

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those who patiently persevere.

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And the verse continues,

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when struck with the calamity,

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they say,

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that from him we come and to him

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we return. From Allah

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we come and to him is our return.

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The Allah talks about patience, about perseverance.

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Allah says in the Quran in Surah Al

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Imran, chapter number 3, verse number 200. That

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all you believe,

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persevere in patience

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and constancy

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and strengthen each other so that we may

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Allah says in the Quran in Surihud chapter

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number 11 verse number 150.

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And be steadfast

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in patience,

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for verily, Allah will not suffer

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the reward of those who are righteous.

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Allah repeats the message in Surah Nihal, chapter

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number 16, verse number 27.

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That, be patient. For very little patience is

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from Allah.

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And one of the criteria

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to go to Jannah

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is sabr. That's patience. Allah says in the

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Quran, in Suri Al Asr, chapter number 103

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was in 1 to 3.

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mankind is in a state of loss, except

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those who have faith,

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those who have righteous deeds, those who exalt

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people to truth, and those who exalt people

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to patient and perseverance.

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So one of the criteria I go to

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is that you should have sabr.

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The minimum full kite that you go to

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Jannah, iman, righteous deeds, exoning people to truth,

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exoning people to patient proceedings. If any one

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of them is missing under normal circumstances, you

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shall not go to Jannah.

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Because Allah says

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that patience is a requirement. If Allah wants

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to forgive you, it's a different question. As

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Allah says in Surin Nisa chapter 4 was

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48. And Surin Nisa chapter 4 was 116.

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If Allah pleases,

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he may forgive any sin. But the sin

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of Sheikh, he'll not forgive. But under normal

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circumstances, if any one of these 4 criteria

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are missing, you should not have the Jannah.

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And one of them is Sabar.

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in the Quran, in Surah Sharah chapter 94,

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verse 56,

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After every difficulty,

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there is reward. After every difficulty, there is

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success. That means, hard times are there, but

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Insha'Allah, in the end, there is success. So

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we have to be on the straight path,

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we have to do sabr,

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the translation of sabr as I mentioned, it

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is patience,

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to self restraint.

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And sabar also means

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It means forbearance.

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It means endurance.

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It means perseverance. There are various different shades.

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And if a person

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is patient,

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then it gets in success. A person who's

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impatient, he gets irritated,

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he gets angry,

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he is very short-tempered,

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he may fire some of his staff, he

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may lose his school,

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he may behave badly with other people. So

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is very wrong.

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Think what you can do, you cannot do

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because of impatience.

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And if a person

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is calm and

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sober, he can think properly and success

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is more closer to him. An impatient person,

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he gets violent, he gets irritated, he gets

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and the thing which he can do cannot

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be done. Now the patience converts a thing

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which I can't do into a thing which

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I can do.

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this world as well as the

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this world as well as the