Omar Suleiman – Social Justice EP05

Omar Suleiman
AI: Summary © The Hadeeth's approach to the story is not based on a single point of view, but rather on a series of narrations that involve multiple points of view. The importance of faith in Islam is emphasized, and spending money in deeds is discussed. The trend of poverty within the Hadith is discussed, and individuals can achieve profit by giving charity. The importance of protecting one's position in the face of evil is emphasized, and the speaker emphasizes the need for people to be mindful of their actions and not give up on others. The importance of finding people who have the skills to make change and offering assistance is also emphasized. Finally, the speaker discusses the importance of finding one's own path and not giving up on others, and emphasizes the need to be quiet and not contribute to harm.
AI: Transcript ©
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Now with the discussion that we really had last week, which is a very powerful discussion, and who narrated the last idea

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of without lsvt, or the allowance, Alan Hart so you guys got the first question down.

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What's up without his actual name?

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john doe, john doe. Okay. brindabella livadi, I was led to the allowance manual. Now, the last two weeks have been narrated by the Allahu taala. And who the first Hadees, which we narrated from him was was the one with the scrolls of Ibrahim alayhis, salaam, superflee. Ibrahim, the last Hadith was when the Prophet slicin and told him that you are not fit for leadership, and he told him, Do not ask for leadership don't seek leadership. This had he is in this in a similar context, color color to your Rasulullah a Buddha says I asked the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. So it's in a similar context.

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And I was only allowed to Allah and was asking the Prophet slicin for practical ways by which he can do his part. So this has made this special. It's narrated in many different narrations, many different forms. So that's the first thing I want you to know. You'll find it in different books, and you'll find it with slightly different wordings. So you may have heard me actually say this before, with a slightly different wording because Amazon is narrating a long conversation between him in the Prophet slice alum. So one word might be different here or there, but it's the same context, the same conversation that's taking place. The Hadith is actually narrated, this one that

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we're going to go over is in a Papa Ronnie. It's narrated by uncle Kathy on the low tide and who, who asked about this question, or you asked about, about this Hadeeth during the time of Hajj, literally precisely narrated at the second of the Jamaat jamela to Lhasa, so the middle of the three pillars as they were stoning and who was crowded. He said I went to the low tide. And when I asked him, What are the things that protect a person from Hellfire? What are the things that would stop a person from from being punished by the fire? So he says, I asked the Prophet sly, send him this question. Call aku jasola I said, I said to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Mother eungella

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Abdur Mina. Now what is it that will protect a servant of Allah from the fire? What is it that protects someone from Hellfire? So he said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, a man will have faith in Allah. So to have faith Eman is what protects from hellfire. That's the starting point that would protect the person from punishment right? It starts with faith. But he knows the Prophet slicin knows the inquisitive nature of the allowance.

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And he knows that there's a follow up question to this. So he gave up without a very simple answer, knowing that Abu Dhabi's next question will highlight what he's really looking for with that question. Okay, does that make sense to you? Meaning he you know, abogado clearly is about to ask the province licen many questions. So if the Prophet slicin and makes an assumption about where what angle up without is coming from when he says what protects a person from Hellfire, that he might not give up without what he's looking for? So he gave up without a very simple answer, faith in Allah. Now what is it that you're really looking for? Because I was always has a follow up question will be

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allowed to add on by a country or a salon. So I asked the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. In America, in America, Imani Amala, are their actions that accompany faith. So what are the deeds that accompany faith? So that's really what he's trying to get up? What are some practical tips that I can do to protect myself from Hellfire? Now, it's important here that because the way that this this hadith goes on the way this narration goes on,

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does not get the answer that the Prophet slicin gives the bedwin where he teaches him the five pillars. And basically, you know, the man says, I'm not going to do any more any less. And the prophets lie. Some says if he's telling the truth, and he will, he will enter Paradise he will be protected from the fire. So he doesn't give them without of the five pillars because he's talking to a different person. And he Mama stefanini Rahim Allah Allah said that the prophets lie some understood that Abu Dhabi is at a different level. He doesn't have to teach without the five pillars right now, without is asking for more. What are the deeds that are really going to protect me from

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Hellfire? So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam responded and he said, Yoruba, Yoruba, some of the narrations of Obama on the Yeah, yo la mimma was aka Hola. He should spend out of that which Allah has provided for now. The world

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A lot. And you've probably heard me say this Hadeeth at a fundraiser, and I didn't have chance to dissect it the way that I'm going to tonight, the word love or yelled luck is different from union filk, which is to spend. Usually, when we talk about spending, we talked about nefa. We talked about in fact, spending. But this is a very interesting word, and it has certain implications, and basically means a very small amount. So spending a very small amount out of what you have, from what Allah subhanaw taala gave you. Why is he doing that? He's understanding he's telling us without right away, I know you're not rich, I know, you don't have a lot of money. And it's not about a lot

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of money, because the order for charity does not apply to just those who are well off. The command for charity, first and foremost, is a command for the individual to purify themselves. Right, it's a form of bajada. It's a form of purification of the soul. It's a form of test skeletal loop, to really, you know, to really cleanse a person's hearts, and to cleanse their wealth from any harm that would come in even unintentionally. So first and foremost, the profits lie someone wants to remove because he knows if he tells up without, you know, young feasibility law, Buddha would just come back and say I'm poor.

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Or maybe it doesn't, you know, he'll think it doesn't apply to him like, okay, what's next, but he's telling him right away, your luck, memnon was out of luck, he spends out of the small amount, a very small amount, out of that which Allah Subhana, which Allah gave to him. This is a very consistent trend in the Hadith of the Prophet slicin, about charity, and even within the poor. But before I get to that, before I get to the trend, you need to understand something very important. Poverty is discussed within the Hadith of the prophets lie Selim as a form of injustice. Because poverty is often an inflicted condition. It's an inflicted disease, it's not natural. It's not that some people

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just happen to make it and some people did not. There is usually exploitation, and they're stealing. And there are things that happen in that process. It's not just that the, you know, the few people, literally the handful of people that own over 85% of the world's wealth today just happen to make it. There's exploitation, they're stealing, there's oppression, there's racism, there is systemic facilitation of that wealth to the elite of society. So what's so fuckin poverty is discussed within the context of one and that's why some of the, you know, historians or political scientists, if you have the civil rights movement saved that economic injustice is the unfinished business of the civil

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rights movement. That's before we realized that none of the business of the Civil Rights Movement actually has ever been wrapped up, and it's all back. But you know, economic injustice, to put someone at a forum where they're, you know, in a place where they're economically disadvantaged, will usually lead people down a dark path. So the prophets lie, some discusses it within that context. That's number one. But then getting back to the pillar, getting back to the little amount of charity that you give as a form of purifying yourself and as a form of bringing yourself close to Allah subhanho wa Taala. Think about all the a Hadith of the people that ended up in paradise for

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something that they did, you know, in service to mankind. One thing that's consistent is the Prophet slicin never mentioned to us, this person who got into agenda because one day, you know, that they saw a bunch of people, and they went out, and this was a multimillionaire, and he went out and gave, you know, $100,000, the Hadith? Or what about the simple people that did a simple deed that ended up being appreciated by a loss of hundreds and getting them into paradise? It's always in that context, whether you're talking about the woman with the dog, are you talking about the man who removes something harmful from the road, or you're talking about the woman that

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she tore it into two pieces and gave it to her children? This is the context we're usually speaking about with charity, a small charitable deed, ending up being appreciated by Allah Subhana Hosanna. And it could be that one of the reasons is that the person when they did it didn't think much of it, but they thought a lot of the one they were giving it for, they thought a lot about Allah. So they thought it was just not something small. They're programmed in that charitable way. But they thought highly of a lot as they did that deed, but it's usually in that context. Okay. And you know, many of the scholars would say that, you know, there is nones of the world that will be allowed to and who

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are the exceptions, or it's normal to be allowed to and who is really the exception, this man who just is truly super wealthy, and every time he's called to action out does the expectation of him because there's generally always an expectation of the wealthy to give but there is

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isn't an expectation of the poor. So when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says it could no fear the fire, even if it's with half a date, right, you could protect yourself from it even with half the dates.

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When the prophets license says no jacket on them, no matter if you say or do not be little any of the good deeds that you would do, when the Prophet when a loss of hundreds Anna mentions the first trait of the people of Exxon the first trait of those in excellence, alladhina Yun, fucoidan FSL law, what the law, those who spent in both good times, and in hard times, when the expectation is not on them to give charity, they still give charity within their capacity. They do what they can, because they still feel obligated, even if society does not obligate them. And that's really the underlying notion here. Society has no expectation of you to give, but you placed an expectation on

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yourself to give even when you are in a difficult situation, when Oh, can I be him how fossa has lost contact assessment on your own and forcing him you prefer others to yourself, even when you are in need of that which you are giving. And the messenger slice that I'm telling us that the best charity is the one that's given? Actually, one a person talk shall fuck. When a person fears poverty. When a person actually fears poverty, when you have that fear of poverty, you hope for good, and you're hoping for security, but you actually have a fear of poverty. And even in those moments, you still feel obliged to give charity because your expectation of yourself is higher than

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society's expectation of you. And that sets the trend for the rest of the Hadeeth. What is the expectation you're placing on yourself? Before you talk about what society expects of you? What have you placed on yourself? And of course, more importantly, what does Allah subhanho wa Taala expect of you in your situation. So the best form of charity is that small amounts that you give, even as you yourself are in difficult circumstances. And that is a means that is a means of warding off a great injustice to society. Because it starts and ends with money. greed. Greed is what leads people to war and destruction and to ravage and, you know, and destroy entire continents and countries. It's

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greed, and the victims of that greed are likely to start off from a place of poverty where they don't have a fair chance in the first place. So the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he starts off with that in Masada Tino and Mossad Ducati. Welcome to the law Paragon hustler, your law firm, that those who spend from you know from the men and from the women, and they loan a beautiful loan to Allah subhanaw taala Allah subhanho wa Taala would multiply with multiply that charity for them and it's not a fundraiser. I'm not talking to you guys about charity. Because it's a fundraiser there's no fundraising, though, if you want to donate, you can go to your teen

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All right. We also see that the profit slice on mentioned to us that nothing causes a person's lifespan to be expected expanded, like sada like charity, that a lot expands the life of one who is charitable at times. And you think about what that means a person's called, that could have been that they were going to live for 32 years, but a loss of hundreds of others saw that they are generous people that they are kind and a lot extends their lifespan in this world as a result of that charity, meaning what they serve such a tangible benefit to the people around them that Allah Subhana Allah leaves them on the earth longer, even though by that indication, they're one of the

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beloved to Allah subhana wa tada and they have a reward that is waiting for them afterwards. Now anyway, this is for again, the idea of a person giving charity. Still a person thinks of himself in those moments as someone who's capable of giving charity, you have to have some level of capability. So he says, a Buddha continues Carla country Rasulullah he said, I said to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam or ATIA in Cana fafi Iran what if what if that person is too poor? He is completely in poverty, law God do my Yoruba Javi he cannot find anything to give. Let's just say hypothetically I don't even have half a date to give in charity. I am completely in you know in this devastating

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state of poverty to where there is no obligation on me whatsoever and I have no capability. Color yet Monroeville maroof y&r and in one car, the profit slice on him said, then in that situation, he should enjoy and good and he should forbid evil

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and this is referring to what what

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What facility or what faculty are you using from what Allah subhanaw taala gave you an honorable roof for nothing. And in one curse, you know, usually it refers to the tongue and other narrations, the prophets lie some mentions it particularly with Odin matter of, to say, a word, to speak a word, when a person is capable of speaking a word. And this is really important here because the profit slice on is giving us the next go to, if you're incapable of physically changing a situation. That was free speech is free, talking, leading by example, doing things that don't cost any money, that's all free. And you can find yourself Subhanallah even within the capacity of charity, and this is

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even harder for him alone, because there's there's a form of this narration Bahati, it's sort of one even 100 Rahim Allah says, the prophets lie Some even mentioned within charity itself. So you don't even have to think about other ways to get good deeds, that within charity itself, a person could insert themselves in the process of that charity, and end up getting the exact same reward as the one who gives the charity. So you could be the one who delivers the charity, you can be the one who's who somehow facilitates that charity, you could be the one that invites someone to that good. But the fact but the point is, is that you engage in an honorable Maru for nahan and Mancha to

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enjoin good and forbid evil. Now of these two, by the way, in joining good and forbidding evil, which one is is more beloved to Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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This quote, this comes back to the methodology that we're, we're laying for the rest of the issues and shall as we go through them, what's easier to do good or to forbid, evil,

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do good.

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To do good is easier than forbidding evil, but not here and in one cup, and this is from either the law school or the law and who to forbid and evil is actually more beloved to a loss of hundreds and has a higher degree in the sight of Allah subhanaw taala.

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Why because usually good isn't is done as a reaction to some form of evil. So it's solving the root cause, number one, you remove the evil, you remove the root cause. Number two, a person will usually face more opposition and face more consequences for forbidding evil than doing good.

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No one says anything about doing good. Right? It's when you start to when you start to forbid evil when you start to challenge the evil in your society, that at that point, you start to face consequences for it. And that's the one that's more beloved to a loss of habitat. That's the higher degree in the sight of a loss. Of course, you have to have tools you have to do it with their enemy you have to do with hikma knowledge, wisdom, you know, do it in a prophetic way. But stopping injustice forbidding evil is far higher in the sight of Allah subhanho to Allah than doing good. Okay, in the messenger slice Allah mentions By the way, in the in the discussion of sada he

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mentioned that every Mr. Will not Ruth, and Mancha is a form of subaqua, every time a person for commands good or forbids evil, that is a form of charity as well. Okay, so it actually counts as a sub account with a loss of Hannah Montana. So you have the ability to do something, you have the ability to speak up, you have the ability to, you know, to influence some sort of change in your society to enact some sort of change that is beyond the financial elements of it, do so. do so. Okay. Now, the next part of the Hadith is the most interesting part of the Hadith by far. And it's the one that you know, when you look at the shadow of the Hadith explanation of the Hadith, if it's

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20 pages, this part of the Hadith takes up about 13 pages. Okay, because it's a very interesting wording. He says Paul achiltibuie Rasulullah. He said, I said to the Prophet sallallahu, when he was seven, or eight in Canada, ie and last year, and yet would have been in my roof while I am here and in one cup. What if that person is in a position in society, where they are too vulnerable, to be able to enjoin good and forbid evil.

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It's too dangerous for them. They're in a vulnerable state, because they don't have the authority. They don't have the platform, or they themselves would put themselves in danger by trying to do so an example. People came to the Prophet sallallahu wasallam in the early days of Mecca and they asked the prophets license to proclaim their Islam publicly. And he stopped he told them not to do so. Without is actually is actually one of those people. When he came to the profit slice on the profit slice I'm told him talk to him he said, hide your Islam until I tell you otherwise without it couldn't hold himself. And so he shouted out Islam and almost got beaten

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death in the process.

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Even though the allowance was dangerous for Eben Massoud to proclaim His Islam when he proclaimed Islam publicly almost died, his collarbone was broken, all tight, you know, beaten unconsciously for proclaiming his Islam. So for some people, the prophets lie Selim understood that that was not their role, that's not your path. The double bucket is of the world who have that clot in society, the Omar's in the world who you can send 40 people to beat him up, he's gonna end up beating up all 40 of them, he'll be just fine the Hamza's of the world, you go ahead and you do your thing, you publicly challenge it, you do everything that you can, because you have that position to do so. But

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the prophets lie. Some recognize that people have different acts, some they have different levels, and different capacities. Some people also IE and can mean vulnerability in regards to the way of conveyance. And this is probably the hardest thing to do. But it goes back it really connects well to last week's thing about leadership pursuing leadership, you need to understand when you are not the best carrier of that message. And this is really hard for people to do to step aside because they recognize you know what, maybe I have a language limitation, maybe I have a cultural limitation, maybe I have, maybe I'm just not connecting with this person the right way, but this

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person can connect better. So let me bring this person in and let them do the part. Let me facilitate that. Good. So let me purposely step aside and facilitate the good instead, instead of trying to claim it, where I might, in the process do harm to the cause. Maybe I'm not the best spokesperson for this cause. Maybe this is not my role. This particular one, it might damage the cause because of my own deficiency. That's the peak of this loss. You recognize sincerity, you recognize that your deficiency might not give the cause its full effect. So you step aside. Okay. So what did the Prophet sallallahu wasallam say? He said to us without the allowance, Allah and who

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else know the rock. And in one narration, the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said to us, without all the allow and who you are email, Sonia, and oh, yes, not only Africa.

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Now, let me translate this in two different ways. All right. Your insomnia is to assist someone who's skilled, assist someone who's skilled? Yes, not only

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is to do something, even for the one who has no skill. So the one who's skilled and the one who is not skilled, okay? Now, I don't want you guys to get lost here. So I want you to pay very close attention as part of this idea, because it's complicated. All right.

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The prophets lie, Selim is giving us three different elements, or three different layers that the scholars mentioned here. If you are not in a position to enact change yourself, then you want to find someone who is in a position to enact change, but maybe does not have the skills to enact that change. Okay, or they don't have the knowledge to enact that change. What does that mean, I'm not a good public speaker. I know someone who's a good public speaker, I have more knowledge than that person. But I'm not a good public speaker. Let me go try to make that person more knowledgeable, let me offer my assistance to teach that person or to give them what they need to know. So that they can

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go and represent it better, because they're better public speakers than I am.

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Okay, that's one form of Yes. Now, the the person is in a position, let me go give them the skills. Another way, is looking at a policymaker influence the policymakers, I can't be in a policy position. I'm a weak person in society, I don't have much authority. Let me go to those that do have authority. And let me try to give them what they need, so that they can then enact that change. And that's extremely, extremely effective. And yeah, you would be so amazed at how little some of the people who are in authority know,

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like, you'd be amazed at some of the blind spots they have. And you just assume right away, it's all devious, and it's all malicious. But sometimes somehow there are people that have authority and that authority doesn't necessarily need to be like at a federal or state or local level, but some form of authority and power in society, and they really don't know any better. And so they're making all these blunders and mistakes. But they say really dumb things in a smart way. So you assume them to be malicious, but they just don't know any better. So one way of Yes, not really Africa's You know what, I can't do anything. I'm going to go to that person. I'm going to give them the facts. I'm

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going to give them everything they need to do. I'll provide the roadmap, then I'll step aside and I'll let them enact that change, resting assured that the reward is with a loss of Hannah Montana. See how it connects to the and keep in mind, the one who's being spoken to as a result of the profits.

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I'm having this conversation without all the allowed time I know. So that's one element of understanding this. Okay, now another element I'm going to give you guys some some of the other wisdoms that the scholars derive from this even has over him a whole lotta Adam. He actually says that, that sanera and an outcrop, okay that these two terms, it's it's really amazing if you consider the current climate in context, he says that people that are laborers that are in the working class, so he took sonor, as someone who's a skilled laborer, or someone who's doing work, he said, people that are working, sometimes their poverty, or their you know, the the injustice is that

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their suffering are a lot less obvious than someone who is overtly disadvantaged. I'll give you an example. And I'll actually read, he said, it's infected about he quoted from ignorance of the law. And he said, this, this hadith indicates that helping the skill takes precedence over the unskilled, because those who have disabilities and are unskilled are understood to be in need of assistance. But sometimes those that are laborers and are generally known to have trade skills, and they have some sort of skills in society, they are neglected and charity is not given to them, nor are their debts paid off. And then, you know, they go they go completely into the dark. Give you an example.

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When you go to the huddle main, remember this, the people most deserving of your charity are those that are working around the huddle.

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Now they're cleaning up around, you might assume, well, that person has a salary. Right? Let me go help this person. And I'm not saying don't help the person on the side of the street, I'm saying that you might would have been hazard rahimullah saying actually has great wisdom to it. And he says, This is what the prophet slicin is conveying to us with an event as well, that you might overlook the one who's working or who appears to have some sort of skill in some sort of trade, and think that they can't possibly be disadvantaged, but they might be suffering. All right, and you can read the old writings on the trade unionists and the working class and the labor class throughout

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the history of the world often gets caught in between, and frustration and anger. Gross. All right. Yes, Donald Trump is, you know, appeal to the xenophobia in many ways that exists in this country is exploited, exploited those divisions exploited that fears, but in many ways, it's populist politics, he spoke to angry, you know, the angry white working class, right. That's what every political scientists will say. And he was able to offer something like some hope that I'm going to give it, I'm going to give it back to you, the people, sometimes those people in the middle, the working class gets lost. And they feel neglected, not to bring it to too much current political discourse.

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All right. But in many ways, this is what even hudgell Rahim Allah is saying that the prophets lie some is saying, without the allowance, and who you assist someone that appears to not have a disadvantage appears to not be unskilled or not being in a dangerous position of poverty, because people might be neglecting that person. The second one, the second thought that the second wisdom we take from this hadith is the very is the very famous saying of teaching amounts of fish versus giving a poor man a hungry man a fish. Okay, so yes, not only

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has the layer as well, that sometimes there are people that, that you know, that are inherently disadvantaged. And the best thing that you could do for them is to teach them a skill and to put them in a position instead of Band Aid always using the you know, the bandage work within charity, to put them in a position where they can long term provide for themselves. So yes, not only o'clock, go help someone learn something that you know, that maybe they don't know. So maybe you're not in a position to, to give charity, you're not in a position to make any change in society. But you are in a position to teach someone who's disadvantaged in a certain way, something that will help them

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throughout society. And then third was influence the influencers, influence the influencers go to those which I already spoke about, go to those who are in positions of influence, and try to give them the necessary knowledge and skills and facts so that they can carry out righteous agendas, proper agendas, on your behalf. $1 I'll hire caffarelli profits, like I mentioned, the one who guides to something good is just like the one who does it. So that's in this capacity, and also the prophets Allah lohani Assessment Center, Phyllis Nami, pseudoknot, and has sunit and Hassan whoever starts off a good are established as a good tradition. So you give charity and other people give to

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charity. Then you have the agenda of the one who did it.

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And the one that you guided to without losing anything that you yourself did. So it could be in the capacity of charity, facilitating charity and it could be in the

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Position also facilitating a good leading someone to a good that they otherwise would not have been led to. So that's also one of the implications of Yes. Now, the o'clock and without all the alarm title and who says Gatto suit Allah, O Messenger of Allah.

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Allah at encounter rock without a set, what if this person has no skills whatsoever, and no knowledge whatsoever? Like I want to really he wants to keep on squeezing and squeezing and squeezing and getting these things from the profit slice. Um, so let's say I have nothing to contribute. No skill set, no knowledge, nothing to benefit people with. Okay? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam didn't stop he kept going with the allowance Allah and Allah your ino, mother Luba? Oh, you are no mother, Luna, they both mean the same one, the same thing, that you should support someone who's oppressed. You should go to the one who's wronged. You should go to the Muslim, the

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monk who was one who's defeated, Muslim. I mean, he's got nothing left. Go to the one who's wronged and say, I stand with you. I'm with you. Meaning what I could not change the circumstances that led to your misfortune.

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But the least I can do is I can stand with you in your misfortune I can be with you in your misfortune. Now I know when we think of solidarity, we think of protests and stuff like that. Let's bring it to a very human level. Even my boss will be allowed on who's sitting in the masjid. In the last 10 nights of Ramadan doing RT caf in the middle of the prophets. I saw them and he sees a person walk into the masjid, who looks visibly disturbed. And he goes to them and says, You know what, what's wrong with you Malik. And he tells them that, you know, I owe someone money and I can't pay them off. And I'm afraid to face that person. Even my boss doesn't have the money to pay off his

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debt. Even a boss says, Well, you know what, let me go talk to the guy you owe money to. And let me see if I can get him to extend the period of the loan period. Let me see if I can get him to give you a grace period.

00:32:06 --> 00:32:43

Even Abbas was not in the position of the auto dog model is a whole lot of spend from what Allah gave him. He didn't have any money to do that. But at least he said, You know what, let me go talk to that person. And so had a lot you know, if you think about it, the effect on that person, when even a bass tells him that, let's say if an Ibis went to the guy and spoke to him, and the man said, No, I'm not giving him a grace period. Didn't it still bring him some relief that his brother noticed him and came to him and said, Listen, you know, let me let me try to help you out here. Let me go speak to him. Sometimes to Pamela, that type of support. Even if the support does not lead to

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any tangible difference in your circumstances mean something. Right, mental, emotional, bring it back to a very human level. Sometimes someone just telling you, I'm here for you. Right? I've got your back. I'm sorry. You know, I'm really sorry, I can't do anything and But still, sometimes that means a lot to a person. That's the essence of support. So the prophets lysozyme is saying, look, you couldn't give charity, you couldn't do that what you couldn't stand up to an injustice. You could not employ someone with the proper skills or knowledge to stand up to an injustice or help themselves, then the least you can do the very least you can do your genome of Roma go to those that

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are being oppressed, go to those that are being wrong, and saying I have your back. I'm with you and support them in any way. Now there's there are many things we can take from this many ahaadeeth that I share with you one of them the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said and there are many, so I'll go through them a little quickly. The messenger slice of them said men hammer meaning men wanna thin whoever protects a believer from a hypocrites. Whoever protects a believer from a hypocrite. That is Allahu Allahu Melaka Allah subhanho wa Taala will send an angel yes Mila whom in a naughty omens the AMA and will protect his flesh from the fire on the Day of Judgment.

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So you went and you you protected you offered support to someone that was being oppressed and wrong. All you did was some form of Humira some form of protection that could be you know anything sheltering Okay, I don't want to get too political here but but sanctuary right that's, that's a movement that exists today. Right? The idea of let me protect you from from to from, from this force that's harming you. And on an individual level, let me protect you let me have your back. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. He also mentioned again to a very human level Parliament what they are and Muslim in without invade whoever responds on behalf of the believer. When he's not

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present. What is the speaking about someone is backbiting another brother or sister that you know, and you stand up and it's all been a lot of labor. It's all behind that person's back. Right? They don't know that you're defending them.

00:35:00 --> 00:35:17

So my mother and Muslim will not invite whoever stands up for his brother or sister. When, when when that person is not present, can have can Allah and your Oklahoman or not? Allah has made it a right upon him to protect that person from the fire.

00:35:19 --> 00:35:26

You know, it's all protection, right? protection, protection protection. So it's all in that context you protect your brother sister in law would protect you from punishment.

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Okay, Allah will protect you. And if you look at the Hadith, the Prophet slicin says, as a Muslim as a Muslim, that the Muslim is the brother of his Muslim law of limbo. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. So he doesn't wronged him. Alright, that's number one. You don't oppress, but then look at the other two, he does not betray him. Or she does not betray her, or he does not betray her or she does not betray him. All right, but you don't betray that person. So you're not the act of duer here the agent, but you don't do something to harm that person further. What are you slimmer, who and you don't turn them in to be harmed? Okay. Now, for the purposes of monitoring. If a terrorist

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comes to the masjid, please turn them in. If there's a criminal, then turn the criminal end, we're not talking about any of these things. I'm talking about law, your slim Oh, by the way, can also come back to that very human level, a very human level. The opposite of defending your brother or sister when they're being wronged is to actually partake in it or to submit them, submit them in the sense that that you would that you would present them to be harmed or abused. That's the exact opposite of protecting them in their absence, that you actually put them forward, to be abused. So these involve, you know, all of these involve just standing with someone who's being harmed,

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standing with someone who's being abused, that in and of itself, is something between you and Allah Subhana Allah, do you think I was adequate?

00:36:59 --> 00:37:28

Now without it didn't quit? I will that will be allowed to Allah and hakala country, Allah sudama I said, he said, I said to the Prophet slicin and eaten cannibal etha What if that person himself is weak or mcglue? Or that person himself is oppressed? Lie your story ruin your intimate drama. and wonder is nice to Tehran. Yahushua. Right, so he can't do anything. Like he himself is oppressed. I can't even stand in solidarity with someone else's being oppressed. So the prophets lie Selim says, yeah.

00:37:29 --> 00:37:47

Not to read to Antarctica, he saw he become in height, you're not going to leave any form of good for your companions to do. Like, are you really incapable of all of these things? Do you really think you can't do charity to this and this is so beautiful, the profit slice and I'm says the other one in us.

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Then restrain your evil from people.

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If you can't do any good for people, then you better not be doing any harm to them. restrain your evil from people. You can't support them, then be quiet.

00:38:05 --> 00:38:18

Don't contribute to their misfortune. You have nothing good to say. Zipit. Then counter you'll be liable Yamanaka failure can hire only Osmonds, whoever believes in along the last day, say something good or be quiet?

00:38:20 --> 00:39:04

Stop it. Don't talk, don't type. If you can't do anything positive or productive. Stay away. Yes, keyboard trolls count. armchair activist count people that have nothing to do but sit back and yell at those that actually do work about how they're doing their work wrong. Don't count. Okay? If you have nothing good to say, don't say it at all. Don't type it at all. If you can offer people support, then don't bang you know, don't hurt people. When they're when when when when you know you're not in their presence. So if you're sitting in a gathering and someone's being backed by it, and you can't defend them, get up and leave. Don't contribute the OMC Canada on us with with hold

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your own harm from people. This is how I was actually going to do I just gave away one of my hopeless I can't do this as a hopeless. No. But um this is so powerful to me. I would do Jana all the time. You got up with the janitors read about his history. I will do Jana this man who was this amazing warrior in the battlefield, always fighting alongside the Prophet slicin with the Sahaba taking all sorts of wounds. Great would ya hit FISA beat in law? You know, so he will read bandana as we call him right? Please come I made that joke with honor myself. We used to have literally a red bandana a tire on his head before every battle. All right. And this man when he's passing away,

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and his wife was talking to him he actually died a natural death subpanel but just like even with the amount of time he said the only thing I'm depending on the last panel it's Allah for is that I never used my tongue to say anything bad about another person.

00:40:00 --> 00:40:20

That's what I'm depending on with Allah. I'm not depending on all those years of battle. I'm not depending on all the stuff I've done. The only thing I have to depend on a lot with is that hamdulillah must live up to me and I never used my tongue to curse a believer. I never said anything bad about anyone, I always restrain my tongue from people. That's what I'm counting on with a lot.

00:40:21 --> 00:40:59

Pamela, that's what he's counting on. So the other one and nuts, you've got nothing good to give nothing good to contribute to the discussion, nothing productive to say, nothing productive to do, you better not be a force of evil, or force of harm in your society. All right. And this is significant to us without everybody will be allowed on Andrew because as I said, without found it found it difficult to live amongst the people, because he was harsh on them for their materialism. And eventually, at the recommendation of Earth might have been our family alone, remembering the advice of the Prophet slice on he just withdrew himself, call us for him, it was withdrawal. You

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know what I'm gonna keep on yelling at people I'm gonna keep on, you know, being mad at people. And it was not being productive, he decided to withdraw himself from it. And sometimes that is the solution. Sometimes, if I cannot help but be harmful, the solution is withdraw. It is I know that. That doesn't sound like something you hear usually at the moment. But seriously, don't get involved. If it's going to be harmful. Don't speak if it's going to be counterproductive. Be quiet, sodium Sica and a nurse and wadded up without say at the end of this Hadeeth. That's all he wanted from the profit slice. I'm at the end of it. Call it a country out of Sula, EDA. vatika. Definitely

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00:41:39 --> 00:41:43

He said, I said to the messenger of a loss of license, if that's all he does, we enter into gentlemen.

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Now think about this, the beginning of the headaches started off with what are the actions I can do with a man and then the province license gave him every action he said, Well can't do that can do this, can't do that. Can't do this can't do that.

00:41:57 --> 00:42:36

Then just withhold your harm from people in the public. God obviously was not just talking about himself, but it's a general rule. It's guidelines for people for the believers, for those that he would speak to. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Nah, man, woman, young hustler man How the * of Islam in a hadith v Omen, Fiamma had to treat a hooligan. He said the prophets license said to me that there is no believer that pursues any one of these things, except that on the Day of Judgment, it would grab his hand until it enters him into gender. Your charity would come and take you by the hands, your word of truth would come and take you by the hand, you're helping

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your brother or sister would come and take you by the hand defending them. We live in difficult times or when people were back that will come and take you by the hand these deeds will come and take you by the hand. And they would they would protest at the gates of gentlemen until you are entered into gender. They would walk you into gender. That's the beautiful Hadith that the Prophet sallallahu wasallam is mentioning to us in this context. So what are some of the lessons that we can take from this? There are a few. Okay, and I want to I want us to really think about this Abu Dhabi number one another Hadith that Abu Dhabi narrates you know that there's a famous Hadith where the

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poor Mahajan in the footer of the Mahajan. They complained to the profits license that the rich companions were taking all the good deeds. Why? Because they pray, like we prayed. They fast like we fast. But what is it, they have money to give charity and we have no money. You know, the narrative of the Hadith is without really fatty or the allowance out and I was always the one making that complaint to the profit slice of them that were poor. We have no money to give these rich people from the unsought they have all this money. So they're beating us in prayer, they're beating us. I mean, we're equal to them in prayer and fasting whatever it is, but they're beating us with

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00:43:52 --> 00:44:11

So the profit slice I'm told is that what didn't Allah give you something to give charity with to even the way the Prophet slicin framed him? In a way that wasn't exclusionary? right he didn't he framed the answer in a way that wouldn't make up without a feel left out like that's okay when you get rich inshallah

00:44:13 --> 00:44:20

Are you you know, in melburnians actions are backed by intentions pat him on the shoulder. No, he said didn't allow give you something to give in charity.

00:44:21 --> 00:44:58

He said What is it? Yes, little. He said every test to be. Every Allahu Akbar every Alhamdulillah is a sadhaka and taught him to say it after the prayer. Suppose I went back and told all the poor people that this is what we do. The rich people found out and they started doing it too. And I was all came back to the prophets license protesting once again, why? You know, now they're doing that too. And the prophets license said that he can Fabiola, yo t human Yeshua, the love the Father lighting Look, that's just the bounty of Allah He gives it to who he wants. And Allah subhana wa tada is the Bestower of all bounties, but that's above the law and that's his personality. Look, you

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know, what do I do? What can I do?

00:45:00 --> 00:45:42

Right looking for the potential that he has, and he is the one that narrates the Hadith, the main thing that I want us to focus on in this entire Hadith and the main lesson that I want you to take home, our issue as people is not the impossible things that we dream of doing. The problem is the contributions that are within our reach that we fail to take advantage of. Our problem is not that which we're thinking we wish we would be able to do. Our problem is the things in our reach that we fail to do. And that's the main thing that we take from this Hadeeth all of the opportunities all have the potential to do good that Allah has given you with your position with your skill set with

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your knowledge, with your personality. Allah has given you this whole set of opportunities. And you're sitting there saying one day in Sharla

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What do you mean one day? You've got it all right in front of you. I'm loving robotiq Rahim Allah to Allah when he said that to cover a child that night when they're feeling cold, is more Beloved, than fighting and you know, fighting in the battlefield. That's emblem Bartok, who is someone who used to be in the battlefield, those little things. When the Prophet slice Allah mentions to us that the morsel of food or the Prophet slice I mentioned to us these small acts of kindness that we could do, the good that we neglect that's at our disposal, that you just let go, you know, yes, not really. Helping someone with a disability fill out an application taking someone who can't drive to

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somewhere that they need to be teaching someone who just converted to Islam, the basic alphabet to read the Quran, even if you don't, you're not a master have to give yourself things that don't require a position or certain skill sets or leadership and you fail to do them. All right, that is one of the greatest signs of insincerity that a person could have an elbow back out of the alarm, who think about the things that made Rebecca great, I will Becca will the alarm going out to the outskirts of Medina cleaning the houses of elderly women. And he still did it when he was Khalifa. But he did it before he was Khalifa too. You don't have to be a halifa to go clean those homes. You

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don't have to be a Khalifa to volunteer, you don't have to be in these leadership positions. So neglecting the good, that is at your disposal is a problem.

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And what the prophet slicin was teaching Abu Dhabi to do and by extension, the entire oma look at what you have. And Allah will ask you about what you have and how you're using it or

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change or being or you know, or enacting some form of change. Seriously Subhanallah sometimes I see the people that are dedicated, that are, you know, that are doing such amazing things I'm talking about at a grassroots level I'm talking about within the capacity of charity, or whatever it is, and Subhanallah it's like you know, you've got someone who, who's who's really, really, really busy, and who doesn't have much, but they're always there and they're always at people's disposal. They're always working, they're always volunteering, they're doing their part. They're doing their part. That's what Allah will ask you about on the Day of Judgment. The last thing about this hadith is

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that the prophets lie Selim taught us not to look to the easier or more convenient option if we are capable of the more difficult and the one that requires more azeema and determination.

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So I should not cop out of the opportunities that I have and instead opt for a lower opportunity and then make myself feel better by talking about the opposite of that lower opportunity. Because Allah has given me this I need to do this for Allah has given you this much potential, this much reach this much ability, you better live up to it. And that's why we find you know, some Pamela Amara bin Abdulaziz Rahim Allah who I mentioned, I want you guys to remember these personalities and these names that inshallah you'll always sort of connect back to them. When you when you are in your moments where you're where you're trying to develop that as a team or you're trying to develop that

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determination. Again, file team I've been I've done medic, the wife of Omar bin Abdulaziz. She says that I once entered upon Ahmed bin Abdulaziz Rahim Allah to Allah, and he was laying down after his salon. So he had prayed and he put his head back and he was laying down after his salon. This is his wife. And she says that he started to sob while he was laying down after his Salah.

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So I went to him. And I said to him, yeah, I mean, I mean, she addressed her husband as commander of the believers. He did that to sort of make them feel better. Yeah, I mean, I mean, oh, commander of the believers, what why are you crying? What's making you cry? So he said, he said to her, I was given this position without any interest for it on my part. So I didn't want this position. I got I was given this khilafah without any desire for it on my part, he said, so I started to think about the hungry orphan. I started to think about

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direly destitute, I started to think about the widow, I started to think about the needy, I started to think about the elderly parents with many children and little wealth. And I realized that my Lord will ask me about them on the Day of Judgment, and that my opponent in their defense will be the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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So he said, I feared that no argument that I would make, would stand in my defense against the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. So he said, I pitied myself, and I started to cry. Like, he views Allah as the judge, and he views the profit slice as his prosecutor on behalf of all of the people that he thinks he could help. And he's not helping that mindset, I could be doing something for those people. And I'm afraid Allah will hold me accountable, and the profits license will be the one who's prosecuting on behalf of all of those people that I could be helping. That's something we nurture within ourselves, who are the people that I can do things for, and I'm not doing enough for all I

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knew about these people before he became the halifa. But it's different now because he has the capability to do something for them. That's why now it makes him cry. It's not like he was a man with no empathy, before he was Khalifa. But now he feels like he has that responsibility even further because he can do something for them. May Allah Subhana Allah guide us to do that which is in our capacity sincerely for his sake, and May Allah forgive our shortcomings. When we either failed to do a good that's within our reach or do wrong with something that Allah subhanaw taala gave us to do? Goodbye, may Allah subhanaw taala employ us for the goodness of his religion, for the

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goodness of the people around us. May Allah subhanaw taala use us and spread righteousness through us And may Allah subhanho wa Taala not allow us to be diverted either in our intentions or our actions from that which is pleasing to Him. A llama mean and shelter

40 Hadiths on social justice: Hadith #5 – You Will Be Asked About Your Potential

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