Nouman Ali Khan – 081 Takwir A

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The transcript discusses the history and meaning of the Surah after the implementation of Islam, including the use of past tense in Arabic language and the importance of "has" in Arabic language. It touches on the use of "will" and "will" in Arabic language to describe actions and the connection between "important" and "will" in the context of "important" in the context of "important" in the context of "important" in the context of "important" in the context of "important" in the context of "important" in the context of "important" in the context of "important" in the context of "important" in the context of "important" in the context of "important" in the context of "important" in the context of "important" in the context of "important" in the context of "important" in the context of "important" in the context of "important" in the context of "important" in the context of "important"
AI: Transcript ©
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Our humaneness shaytaan OG rajeem

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Bismillah Al Rahman, Al walkie either Sham Sukhumi rot or even then

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Qaeda what what

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what why even

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why even

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why even

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why even Ofu injured mindjet won't even

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what, what

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key making mocha

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imagine why not.

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a native Hawaiian in Hawaii in the corona de Lyonne me in Lima

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Tasha una

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hora bola me.

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Rubbish Sabri. We are silly MD. Dr. Melissa de Cali. Well hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam O Allah see the MBR he will mousseline le he was happy he will minister Nebuchadnezzar he elomi Deen Allahumma zhongda Minh home Amina Latina, Amma noir Amina Sati heart but also will have what was on the sub. I mean, no but I mean, about the Santa Monica Monica de la hora de kado. inshallah, tada we're beginning our study of sort of decreed the surah following so Tabatha in the most have just a brief few comments about how this surah connects and ties into what has already been discussed in the previous sutras. First and foremost, the two words that describe the events of

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the last day in the last two tours were a Bama and a Saha. These were the two engulfing for Elijah at a poem and then for Elijah Jett of Saha right. apama was the overwhelming engulfing surrounding calamity. A Saha was a word used for the second blowing of the trumpet, it was the screeching, deafening noise or sound that was going to initiate the resurrection. This sort of begins with almost a Tafseer of those two things. It begins in a in what graphic depicted way is the day of judgment, the Day of Resurrection, so overwhelming and so profound in its you know, in the images that are going to be depicted. Now, the previous surah ended with a depiction of what's going to

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happen to a person after the Sahaba is pronounced. So now we learned over there yo maya federal model, Amina, he will be he will be here and so on and so forth, the person is running away from his family members, and so on and so forth. So this was a personal Image and Image of what's going on with the people on the earth. Now there's, it's almost like the camera has shifted focus, and the cameras turn towards the sky, what's going to be happening in the sky while this is going on on the earth, and then it's going to come a little discard the stars, and then it's going to go to the mountains and then from the mountain is going to go under a shot and we're going to talk about these

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things. So it's almost as though the previous surah ended with an image of the people the chaos going on within the people on the Day of Resurrection. And now the imagery has changed. And another scene on the same day as being depicted that which is going on in the sky and everything else on the earth the bigger picture of the chaos on the Day of Resurrection. inshallah tada this surah is more deeply connected even though it's a country

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inclusion of the previous few schools in terms of its introduction of describing in great depth, and with very powerful imagery, what's going to happen on the Day of Resurrection, this is not the only subject of the surah the sort of shifts is subject almost halfway in and starts talking about another thing that was talked about before and how it connects. And that is actually the concept of risala. The concept of the validity of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam as a messenger and the fact that this message that comes to him is in fact the truth now how it connects to the previous inshallah, as we get to that point, then I'll share with you how the two things that were mentioned

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already before and so the obasa are perfectly connected and integrally important with what is going to be mentioned here. So we begin our movie let him initiate on Norma Jean smilla rahmanir rahim is a shampoo we'll add a few things about the word Eva first and foremost, Eva literally means when and in the English language when can be used for the past or the future, you could say when I go to the office, or you could say when I went to the office, right so you could use the word when for the future or for the past in the Arabic language, when you use the word when for the past you don't say either you say if if so when Allah says is right, in a community of Santa Ana Henry when armies came

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upon you past tense. So when an event is mentioned, that is speaking of the past is used, when is when an event is mentioned that speaks of the future, either is used either is used, okay? Now, with either we know the context is already pushed to the future tense, it's alluding to the future tense. But then in Arabic, there's an interesting feature that you can use the past tense or the present tense, after either. But we already know what does either do, it makes the next statement, future its future. So the tenses aren't really used in the way that we use them in normal language in our speech. Nowadays, it's very rudimentary. Past means Past, Present means present, future means

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future. But in classical Arabic, these tenses had other functions. And one of the functions of the past tense, when you already know the statement is being made about the future, but you're still using the past tense. How does that count, it seems like a literary contradiction. The function of that is to speak of something for sure. Something so certain, it is as certain as the past itself. So when Allah speaks of something in the future, but it's guaranteed, or he's referring to it's, it's it's, you know, unflinching or unquestioned reality, right, it's bound to happen, it's inevitable, then that thing is mentioned in the past. So we don't hear we don't find either shampoo

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to cover. That will be in the present tense, we find kuvira, which is a family album, who writes the passive in the past tense. That's the second thing. So do some language considerations that they'll give the emphasis is being laid out here by the use of the passive and also by the use of the past. We haven't talked about passive yet though. The second thing is normally normally when the Arab speaks, then they use the verb first. That's the second thing when normally the Arab speaks, he uses the verb first. So he wouldn't say a shampoo, right? He would say quwata. shampoo. He that's the normal mode of speech. So when the Assam, which is the shampoo the sun here, when it's been brought

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earlier, that indicates already an abnormality in speech. And that mode of speech is used on a number of occasions, when it is used when somebody is saying something, or you're trying to talk to someone who doesn't believe what you're saying. So you kind of have to raise your voice. And you have to put it in ways that will make your statement more believable. It illustrates the frustration of the speaker, the anger of the speaker, the even the volume of the speaker is illustrated when the noun comes first, and it didn't have to In other words, okay, so now here, what what's happening is a lot as origin is speaking to those who are in denial of these facts, and allies saying to them by

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putting a Shams First, the translation wouldn't just be when the sun is wrapped up in normal translation, when in fact, the sun does get wrapped up, when it does, in fact, happen. So it's that in fact, that's raising of the voice that's talking to the one who disbelieves in the Sahara. These considerations are really important in the Koran. Why? Because they tell us who this surah is talking to. The language, the style of the language, the tone, the emotive tone, right, the verbiage, all of that illustrates who is who is Allah subhanaw taala talking to because the Quran is guidance and discourse for all of humanity, and within humanity, there are lots of different kinds

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of people, and sometimes alleged talking to the good sometimes to the people kind of in the middle. Sometimes the people who've never heard anything before sometimes or who are adamant in their disbelief. So you can tell from the language, the tone of the language, who the first and primary audience even though all of it is directed for mankind and all of us, well, who the primary audiences in this particular case, this is the worst of the cafe. This is the worst of the skeptic or the one in doubt the cynical, right who spoke you know, and we learned this already in the previous two soldiers who spoke about the asset and very casual terms and who didn't take this

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matter seriously. So a very threatening tone is being used from the very beginning of this surah

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shampoo kuvira The other thing here the final comment so we talked a little bit about the importance of the use of the past tense, the beginning of the the noun, the essence of shampoos, we talked a little bit about the word enough that it refers to something in the future something I should have said in addition about it that is that instead of using either in English also you say if or when, right? When I go to work, I'll bring back something. If I go to work, I'll bring back something right so you could use when or if, now, when do you use if when you're not sure about what's going to happen? When do you use when when there is certainty? So we will find in the Quran sometimes

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events sometimes in and the situation it illustrates it may be it may happen in mind, it may not happen but when it comes is definitely going to happen. Because when is certain and far more certain than the phrase? If right, so that's the other thing. Now inshallah tada when we turn to these ayat, you will find quick succession. And the last comment about the language before returning we'll see the comment feature is the passive nature of these words. Allah azza wa jal does not mention himself. When he speaks of these events, he does not say when Allah wraps up the sun, he says, When the sun has been wrapped up, right when the sun has been folded up. So the passive has been used now

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Why, what's the literary function of the passive? How is that important for us to appreciate? You see in language, and this is part of the psychology of language in Arabic, we will call this part of Bulava of the eloquence of the Arabic language, you have to take into consideration who you're talking to. And we already established these I are talking to the most vicious of the kofod, the most skeptic of them, the ones who take make the most light of these matters. And these are the people the first thing that they disbelieve in is not even the author, or they're skeptical about this being nice. This being a message from Allah subhanaw taala. In our experience, normally, when

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somebody talks to you, and you don't really trust them, you don't want to hear from them. Then before they even open their mouth, you've already passed your judgment, you don't want to hear it. Right. So there are two in communication, there are two things, there's a speaker, and there's the speech, when there's the speaker, and there's the speech, if you've already passed judgment on the speaker, you don't want to hear from the speaker that no matter what their speech, you're gonna say, I don't want to hear it. I'm not going to be impressed. I've already passed my judgment. This is how people are. So think of someone who you don't agree with politically like a political figure, you

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don't agree with them, no matter what they say in their speech already, before they even open their mouth, you see them come to the podium. And you've already said this guy is gonna say something invalid, or say something wrong, right? So this is already this is kind of a human condition. Now to overcome that a lot. So just speaks in the passive Don't think about the speaker, think about what the speech that's what passive does the passive form, it highlights the the idea itself without highlighting the speaker of that idea. So for example, if I say put de la julu, a man was killed, a man was killed. I didn't highlight who told me or who killed What did I highlight the act of being

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killed itself, I'm highlighting the victim itself. So allies highlighting the sun and the stars and the things that the Arab stares at all day. These are the most, you know, the inescapable things in his view all day. It's very different from our times now, as I'm moving up, you know, south of New York, I'm noticing we're a little more in touch with nature than than we are in the farther east coast. But you know, what, I used to live in the city. You know, you go to work you go you go to college, you get in the train, you get into subway, you get out you walk down like a bunch of zombies, you don't even look at the sky. You don't even look at we're so it's such an unnatural

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state of being right that, you know, when you when you go down the street and you see like a little you know how sometimes the pavement has a crack and then grass comes out of it, or a weed comes out of it. That looks unnatural, right? It looks like it's out of place. And the reality is, that's the only thing natural everything else is based upon a law. Right? So we live in a very unnatural kind of, you know, artificial kind of reality, right? We're not in touch with nature. But the era wasn't like this. He wasn't a zombie type traveling in subways, and enlarge buildings and never even have the time to look up. It was always in touch with reality that's in front of him is the entire sky at

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night that sometimes is his roof. He's not sleeping in an apartment building or in a house. He's sleeping out in the open sky. Right, so he was very in touch with nature. Now, we begin with Mila either shampoo a lot when the sun and this is the most common name used for the sun. kuvira kubelet comes from the word kawara. You can read the query, which is the name of the surah the infinitive form the master of it the query that's the that's the name of the surah. It comes from the root letter scarf while analog which literally mean to wrap something up. And there are different words in Arabic for wrapping up like left also means to wrap up, but this word is used specifically for

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turbans more and more often than anything else. This word is used for turbans. The only other place we find a variation of this word used in Arabic literature is for horses when they wag their tails in circles. They'll say external farmers from the same route. And it will say the way the horse is wagging its tail in circles. So for example, we find a car on Mr. Mehta. See he like a choke any comments and other scholars come into the same thing that the person ran

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Around the turban around their head. The idea is that the turban is long, right? It's a long piece of cloth. And now you're making it, you're wrapping it around and you're basically closing something off. The idea is the light of the sun is stretched out. And it's compared to the stretch of the long cloth of determine and on the Day of Judgment, what is he going to do with that light? He's going to wrap it up, fold it up, he's going to fold it up. Now this verb occurs in the Quran only one other place. We find you COVID Laila, I don't know how well you could we don't know her and Elaine, Allah azza wa jal says he's the one who falls the night up on top of the day and falls the day on top of

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the night, you know, when you're wrapping up the head in the turban, then it gets it becomes invisible little by little by little until it becomes completely invisible. So the day loses its light, little by little by little, it's like the rat, the turbans being wrapped around it until it's completely closed off. So that's one of the implications of duckweed that the sun loses its light, that it's referring specifically to the light and this is why we understand the subtle ignore bustle the Allahu anhu. When he said we're at a limit, that it's been darkened, that the light has been wrapped up, the lights been taken away, others have taken it more literally not even the light, the

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sun itself will look like it's being wrapped up in something. The sun itself will look like it's being folded up and covered up, right. So you'll see the sun but it's not giving off its light anymore. It's like something is covering it, or hovering above it or around it will Lakota on them. The other thing that Ashoka any comments he says about this word, duckweed actually he ties it to the next word inky doubt, in our even new jumeau. in Catalan when it is in fact the stars that are going to have there are going to be victims of inky doubt in QRadar means one to lose color to lose brilliance, the opposite of Godzilla or goodra in Arabic is softer, softer is pure crystal clear,

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right. And that's the this is the antonym of it. So the stars will become dull. But he says also the essence of inky dark, the essence of the falling of the sky is actually an inci verb which means to fall. So first, they're going to start getting dull the stars. And you know, for us because of pollution or whatever else, we don't really see the stars. But if you travel some of these states that have that aren't as polluted or you go like upstate New York or something or Arizona or places like that, and you look at the desert sky, it's it's a different sky. And you won't even recognize Subhan Allah Allah is beautify the stars. And this is one of the most brilliant features of night,

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especially out in the desert, and allies Odell first mentioned that they're becoming dull and stale in their color and their brilliance. And then in Canada also makes reference to the fact that they are now falling. So two things have now happened, the most brilliant portion of the day is collapsed in the shampoo era and the most stellar feature of the night, the most I mean, the moon is in one place, but the stars are all over. Right, that's the most visible feature. In the end of night, wherever you turn, at least you'll see the stars right, that has now also lost its light. It's it's brilliant, and it's falling apart. So this is what's happening in the sky. The next thing allows it

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which I mentioned were evil Jeeva and when even even the the mountains seerat when the mountains are made to move casually, and you know in Surah nabba we found was Sui la tinggi by lufa Calatrava, similar ayah. But there is the word Sui rot was first and jabaal was second that was similar failure that was in the federal form. This is actually more emphatic because it's talking to a tougher kind of coffee. This is a more adamant cafe. And so the language here is tough, even the mountains are going to be made to move casually. And this is after Allah has mentioned subhanho wa Taala in the previous role GB Allah Azza the mountains that he you know, or even before that allows you mentioned

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the mountains that he packed deep into the ground, and now he's saying they're going to move casually they're going to be uprooted. And they're going to be floating about and this this year is used for casual walking, you know sejarah for example, in Arabic, it doesn't mean like caravan like Dodge Caravan. Now it is it means the caravan of all times, you know camels and horses and luggage and all this traveling, it doesn't travel fast, it travels softly easy travel, okay. soudha means to casually take a walk in a garden or something like that. So Seattle jabaal is not like a rough kind of movement. They're just floating away. So first you don't believe your eyes on what's happening at

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the sun then you see the stars falling and then when your eyes see the stars falling, what's the next thing you see? You see the mountains and now the mountain seemed like they're moving and you don't you kind of don't believe your eyes what's happening over there was so you look in Japan. And you know, for the Arab desert environment, a lot of the wild animals and beasts that they feared they were up in the mountains, they were you know, closer to the mountains, there's more greenery or there's more places caves and things like this where the dangerous animals can be. So that's where the animals work. Now what's the next thing that allows it which I mentioned, he says what either a

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shadow autopilot is very powerful. Actually. I shot in the Arabic language is the plural of oshada. Okay, and Russia are the sheep camels that are 10 months.

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Pregnant comes from Russia, Russia meaning 10. Right? So the sheikh Hamza, when it's 10 months pregnant, it's called or shala. And the plural is Asia. This was very, very important to the Arab. Like we find the comment Hassan II sharply under her emphasis woman and an Arab

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under home, right, this was highlighted by a lot because it's the most noble of wealth, the most precious of wealth, the most, you know,

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coveted of wealth with the Arabs. And this was the most honored of the me this, this is some serious investment. And the one who owns this is like, it's a pride and joy for them. Okay, so now it's kind of like owning a high roller nowadays, right? Or a good piece of real estate or something like that. It's a status symbol, and it's a lot of money. It's a lot of money, right? So now Allah azza wa jal says about these shots, even these Rashad Atilla Appala means literally means to become useless, or to become not taken care of. And the Arabs will use it even for a woman if she's not wearing jewelry, or she's not like decked out in jewelry. They'll use Atala for her. But she's she's not be

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she's not seems like she doesn't have anything to do. She's kind of useless in society. And this is the Gemini era of mine, right? They decked women out and this was their purpose for Xena for beautification. If she's not doing that, what purpose does she have? So there's a male chauvinist kind of attitude even in the language previously, then more output you know a person who goes for a job and then his boss says I don't have any more work for you can go and he's been put to waste is a person who's more artful. Allah uses in Quran, Allah tala. He uses in social hedge when he talks about a town that's been destroyed. He says we're in Morocco, right? We'll be in Morocco rather, it

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will that has been put to waste we need the town is destroyed. Javier Lucia has completely turned over. And there's a well in it. Of course, oil is a useless, useful thing. But when the town is destroyed, everybody's dead. What happens to that? Well, it's going to waste, it's being destroyed. So in what Allah so Allah says about this most precious asset, he says, when it's been let go of like, nobody cares for it, it's wandering around useless. And this was the thing if anybody saw it, they would see security around it, there's good fence around it, right there taking care of it, it's got a robot and maybe even branded with the owner's name. This is a precious asset not to be left

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alone. But on this day, when that chaos happens, when the human being who owns this kind of wealth sees the sun being wrapped up and the stars falling apart and the mountains moving, then Rashad is useless to him. He doesn't care about this anymore. And this is understand the psychology of this is of how to love if you're in a burning building. If you're in a burning building, you're not going to talk about how much money you have in your 401k.

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You're not going to talk about how your investments are going, what's your only problem now, get out of the building. You don't care about your investments, you don't care about your money, everything is useless to you at this point, except your own survival. When somebody's crashing, you know, a plane crash or a shipwreck or something like that and people are in the water. You don't care where your iPod went, or where your laptop is, you don't care. So even a shadow toilet. This is when the she camel is let loose. One thing I want you to remember is this is the first pregnancy that is mentioned in the Sula we will find that our two pregnancies mentioned in Surah. And that's a very

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poetic, beautiful connection between the two things. This is the first one when the she camel is pregnant for 10 months, okay, within a short period, then Allah says we're even Whoo hoo hoo hoo, Sheila, you know, this word wash, who am i is this mean the web, the web, Bilbo. This is the animal that does not have affection for other creatures on the land. It cannot be domesticated. In other words, this is a wild animal. Okay, wash. Wash is the opposite of ins. Okay, an instance a human being that has affection and it can show affection to other creatures, but wash a wild animal, a beast that is incapable of showing affection to others and attacks on site. This is the kind of

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animal that's called wash, another meaning of wash. That's understood in Arabic literature. For example, they will say Musharraf in the Washington, he walked on the earth watch what that means is he walked by himself, nobody else was around him. This illustrates that this person was hard to get along with. And so whenever he walked, he didn't have any company. He was by himself. So that's the two things are parallel the wild animal, the dangerous animal, you will notice he's by himself, right? And then the other human being when he walks in, he walks by himself, unless is about these whoosh, these all forms of wild beasts and creatures who shouldn't, that they will all be herded.

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Hashem is different from Gemma. Gemma is together, he should also come coming to us for gathering. But hashing is actually used for hurting animals, specifically gathering animals. And when you gather animals, you don't gather them on their accord. They don't want to be gathered, you force them like the shepherd, right? He does hush up of the animals. He hurts them forward. And this is one of the names of the Day of Resurrection. For example, Yeoman Hashem the day of hurting because all human beings against their own will they will be herded towards a lot of right they will hurt her towards that one field. All of us have to be questioned. Now alone.

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These kinds of animals now when you think of being herded you think of domesticated animals. But here let didn't mention an animal for Sheila, he said, and we'll Who's your question wild animals, animals that would never stand next to each other. And the only thing that's close to this that you might be able to see in this dunya is when there is a flood. It is a terrible kind of flood. And there's only a little patch of land left the you know, the the two kinds of animals that otherwise would be at each other's throats are standing next to each other, both afraid of the water, they don't care that the food is standing right next to me or my killer is standing right next to me,

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there's a larger fear. So when the and the mountains start collapsing, and the sun is falling apart, this huge calamities are taking place, these animals lose their natural instinct of attack or fear of each other. Instead, they have a larger thing to worry about. So they're standing right next to each other herded together, one on top of another. This is one of the meanings of questions when you're gathered really forced, literally on top of each other, crunched together, this is the state of the animals. Now look at this interesting and beautiful contrast that a lot draws from the previous surah. In the previous surah human beings were running away from each other.

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And in this surah, the animals are running towards one another. So hon Allah, the catastrophe of that day, that and again, this is a reversal of human of nature. By nature, these animals would not be herded together. And by nature, human beings would be together, and their nature is gone. So they're running away from the human beings are running away from each other, even from the ones that are always together with. And on the other hand, these animals there, they will always be a part. And now they've been brought together Subhanallah everything has been reversed. All the things we are used to are now been reverse engineered. So

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anyhow, let me move forward to the next catastrophic event will be how to Superjet and when even the mountains and I say even the mountains or the other the oceans. In fact, even the oceans, I say even because we had as mentioned first not so geological, Bihar, but it will be Haru. And when this happens, now what is I'll be hot, it's the oceans. The word before in Arabic uphole is a what's called general Killa. It's a few oceans or few bodies of water. Bihar means all bodies of water, collectively, all of them. So it's General kassala. It's the plural of multitude. Okay, so even in Arabic, there's this thing about singular pair plural and super plural. They don't just have plural,

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they also have super plural, this is a superpower, all of the oceans, all of the oceans, the vast multitudes of bodies of water, they are all going to experience this, this jif. Now let's look at this word, this G sathyaraj tanoura. And Arabic expression is used when you have a large pot, and you fill it with coal, and you fill it with fuel, and then you throw a fire in it. So you know, it's not full of things that are just flammable, they actually use to excite flames. So that's the worst kind of flame. So one of the implications of that is that the water of the ocean will actually turn into fuel for a fire. That's how incredible this this transformation will be. That water which we

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think of as the opposite of exciting flames, it's used to put out flames will be used on that day to excite flames. The only thing we can compare that to in our time is when you have a fire and you put a few drops of water in it what happens you know, it gets excited, it gets sparked. So that fire will be so powerful that this ocean will seem just like drops being thrown into it. So panela that this this fire will be blazed because of this some scholars opinion was that the Hellfire is actually located underneath the oceans when they said when it gets exposed, then this will just be like a drop thrown into a flame, it just gets to you know explode like that. The other thing here is

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that it may be a means of Ijaz, it may be allegory, it may not be literal. What this means then is when a flame is over, you know excited in a pot, then its contents, they burst out. So what this may be is an expression of the oceans not staying within their boundaries, but they may be just popping out blowing out of the oceans, the waters being overwhelmed by the flames underneath, or the catastrophic, catastrophic, catastrophic events on the earth, that the there's flooding taking place everywhere. And this may also some some comments, and maybe this is because the animals are all herded together, that they see this boiling water coming towards them. So the oceans boiling over,

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it could be figurative, and it can also be literal Subhanallah what then new fools who reject Now look, all of these things were not about human beings. They were about either animals, they were about huge things like ocean and mountain and sun, big things. And all of a sudden, the and by the way, this is from bad tours, tours, tours, the things that are mentioning, that are being mentioned are bad tours, tours, tours. And now the worst of this so far, what either new forces will reject when people persons, the plural of knifes, two kinds of plurals of knifes again, there's knifes unforce and new foods, right and also home and forsaken, right. This occurs

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enforces the weaker plural new force is the multiplied multiplied plural just like uphold on behalf and force and new force. So every single all single individuals all of them put together all of them zubeida they will be paired together this region Arabic means to pair something's literally gets used for marriage also, like if a father marries his daughter off, he will say is a wedge to key right I got you married I paired you off with this man. Okay, so does we just used for that, but here it's being used in a larger sense like the statement of the law on who that is recorded by mom and be happy in the seat of this ayah he told the Allahu Allahu says this means that the people who

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did good will be paired with the people that did good and gender and the people who did evil will be paired with the people who did evil in the hellfire. nombrado Bella's family Rahim Allah, He makes three opinions, he has three opinions about this pairing that occurs, he says first every group will be paired with their own which is the state which is the same thing or model the lavon who said he says that the souls that have departed the bodies will now be paired with the bodies again, and that the people will be paired with their deeds, that the people will be paired with each of them with their own deeds or even new forces will reject. So this pairing of the people will love Adam the

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strongest Arena in the Quran at least the the evidence that supports this the of these opinions that occurs in the Quran is closest to the opinion of our model the Allahu anhu in that the Quran, Allah azza wa jal in another place, he says, we're going to as well gentileza you are going to be paired up into three large groups. There is you know, the people of the right handers. How will you mean as hava Shimon, and then Assad mucuna mucuna like, right to these three pairings that Allah mentions elsewhere. Here, he says people will be paired, so it may be a compliment to that passage that occurs elsewhere. So Pamela, here, a little bit of a discussion on the word knifes also, it's a very

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interesting term in the Arabic language, commonly translated as Sol Sol is probably not a good translation of knifes. The word knifes has many derivatives in its root form, it has many, many derivatives, for example, and fast in Arabic is breaths. When you take breaths, okay? Or 10 Fs was so busy that an Fs is coming in the same sort of comes from the same root also means to take a breath, okay to inhale and exhale, etc. Okay, then there's almost an officer or an Air Force, okay. So, so you have an office or phenolic affiliated office omotenashi suit, right. This is the, the meaning of competing against each other in in, in the spirit of healthy competition, not like

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competing against in the state of like animosity, but like a friendly race, or like a friendly competition like we have they're not friendly many times, but like, you know, Korean competitions for kids, right? These This is for example from 10 alphas. Now, what are all of these things have in common? A back and forth? breaths back and forth? Right competition, back and forth? Right. So what does that have to do with knifes? enough's is something that is always going back and forth. It's going back and forth between the states that Allah describes and knifes and ammara. And of Sonoma and India, it's always it's not in one place. It's always moving. Either it's moving towards the

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desire and it gets that desire is moving towards embarrassment and humiliation, or it's move, it's relaxed, and then it moves out of relaxation into another desire. So it's always in motion. It's always moving. And that's really the essence of the word, knifes. They will all be paired together. Now inshallah tada what you don't know who sujet what is Elmo? Ooh, that was to edit. This is probably one of the scariest of these for the caffeine. Again, we're talking about the worst kind of caffeine. We already established that Allah azza wa jal says, When even alma ooda is an essence of rule, it's the feminine form of an objective noun. And what this comes from is what other than to

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bury somebody alive. That's what that means to bury someone alive. What is Elmo Udo when the woman or the female that was buried alive, that's the word for her mo Buddha. Okay, in a hadith that we find narrated by

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I think it's Musa

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Musa, if I find the name, I'll pull it up for inshallah, yeah, even Massoud actually comments on this, and the Saudis and what he do well, mo ooda, to the half an hour in Hades, the one who went and buried the child and the one who had born her meaning the father who commanded that you go bury here, both of them are going to end up in the hellfire. Now here, this mo ooda. Allah says she will be asked. Now in a court, you know, you ask the criminal, you ask the criminal if he did or not, then you go to the victim and you said, Did you do it or not? But who's being asked here the criminal or the victim? The victim is being asked and not the one who was buried even she is going

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to be asked, this is very powerful. It's an attack on the operation many ways. Number one, this is an attack because when when you know a daughter was born, according to a banal bustle, the alojado is a very ugly event. They would the woman when she was about to give birth, she would actually go by the day

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And she would bear the child there. And if it's a boy, well then good if it's a girl, they'll take care of it right there. They'll get rid of it just buried alive. Why would they buried alive? Number one, this was a questioning of their manhood. This was one thing, it was a questioning of their manhood. You're not man enough to have a son, this was a superstition they had. Another was that if she's a daughter, if she goes up, then she is going to be given off to another man, maybe a woman from another tribe, and that will be a source of humiliation for our tribe. So the woman child being born was a source of embarrassment in Germany culture and ignorant culture, okay, some remnants of

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that even existed in the Muslim world, sadly enough, that when a boy is born, everybody's congratulating you, but when the girl is born, you say, oh, inshallah next time

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that's a horrible thing to say Allah did not guarantee genda for people who have three you know, or two or three sons. But Allah Allah messengers or something did guarantee gender if you can raise three daughters properly, so Paloma, right? So it's a means of you know, inshallah, tomorrow, when you have a daughter, that's how you make for somebody get get into paradise, but you will, our mentality has been reversed. It's the mentality of the machinic. Really, to think that the sun is a source of strength. And the daughter is a source of weakness or embarrassment or a liability will locked on an item. This is a horrible attitude of Schick anyhow, so she's asked why even more ooda

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to solid? Why not? LSA? Why did you kill her? Why not just ask the killer? When the killer is asked? No, the one who was born and was buried alive, she is being asked why? Because at that time, who was in charge of her when she was being born her father? Can anybody question that father? Can anybody come and stand? Can she complained to anybody? Does she have the power to speak? Does she have any right to defend herself any means by which she can make a case for herself? No, nobody's there to hear voice. He has complete autonomy and complete control over whatever he does with her. So now Allah has given her a voice, the one who didn't have a voice in this world. And this is a powerful

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lesson in the Quran, one of the first things that will happen on piano is the people who did not have a voice. The people who could not speak for themselves, the oppressed, who nobody could hear their cries, and nobody would hear their cries. And even if they did, they didn't know they didn't have any power to do anything about them. They will be empowered first, they will be asked first, and some of the allama commented like a moment I'll have this is because these were the people who desperately waited for justice for so long, they will be dealt with first, when all the chaos of the AMA settles down. The first people to be asked, Are these people now so Pamela, well, why what crime

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were you killed for? So what is Elmo ooda to see that. The other thing that's mentioned by Ashoka, Nina Kamala is very interesting. He says Netaji Hassan al la live Hari, c'mon Eliza, alacati ha ha taka analyis taco Anahata. That this illustrates that by asking her and not the killer. This illustrates the extent the incredible extent to which Allah is angry at her killer that he doesn't even deserve to be talked to, in order to punish him a level talk to the victim and then execute the punishment what even turn towards him. This is an illustration of how angry allies are jealous at him. And this is a style in the Quran against those who are allies extremely angry at. For example,

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when Allah azzawajal speaks about the Christians who have taken Allah, Allah you know, to give it a lot of sun maravilla on the Day of Judgment, you don't find a lot of yelling at or punishing or scolding the Christians. You find a dialogue between a lion who he's a sinner, but that's not because he's angry at Isa because they don't deserve that they should be addressed they did such a big crime and Dakota leanness did you say to people were you the one who said this? And the laws already knows right in good to kill him though, if I was the one who said you already knew. But all of this is an illustration of how a lion is angry at these horrible horrible criminals. If you look

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at the previous solar, some things were left in the general you know, maybe the maybe the cafe didn't get it when Allah said poodle inside oma acara May the human being be destroyed how amazing the extent of his disbelief look at the expression of his disbelief he's willing to do this to a baby girl. This is the extent of the cofra he can go to in his own society. This is the manifestation the evil that comes out of you know earlimart comment that the root of all good is the heat and the root of all evil is shakin cough and these are the if you have if you don't have a man in Allah than any other evil deed is miniscule compared to that you'll be able to you're capable of

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doing it when the mind is gone. So Pamela Socotra in Santa Monica. Now, here Lazarus has been a zombie nicotinate for what crime exactly what sin exactly did she do that she was killed for? What for what crime was she killed the word of them comes from then I mean, it can be used for the smallest smallest infraction, the smallest minutus thing. Like if you're talking about sins on the street, then a parking ticket could be a one. Okay? It's a minus my newest thing could count as them and could be big thing or small thing. So basically what's being told to us, is there even a smallest thing can you find even the smallest bit of

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crime that this girl committed for which she was killed. That's what the word vembanad say.

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There's not even a question of finding a huge sin for her, find me something small that she even did that she deserved that she be killed. So Pamela, the A even been quoted, but then this is only one of the things that are exposed. This is I mean, this is the one that nobody would ask for. Nobody thought that they were accountable after they did that, right. They just walked away from it like nothing. It's part of the culture, who cares? There's nobody you know, if you kill somebody else, like a member of somebody, some other tribe, at least their tribe, people will come and say, will you kill our guy, there's some sense of consequence, with killing, killing the murder, there is no

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sense of consequence. You just walk away This was the culture. So now Allah azzawajal mentioned that which you would never have thought twice about first, but then says that's not the only thing either so who who initiates when all of the scrolls and the scrolls are the Sahaba? If Allah Man, these are the scrolls of deeds that have been recorded, when they're laid out, spread out, opened up. Now the thing of it is the word national came last time from mata hufa kabara sama Shah and Shara Shara came there was to spread out also means to bring to life so it's almost as though the scrolls will be spread out and brought to life, the contents in them will come to life before the people. The other

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thing here is the word sort of it came before also, in the previous slide, we found few Seraphim, mokara, Martin Martin Mahara, in the previous pseudo there was sort of another song, two kinds of songs, they're the sort of we're referring to Revelation, hear the sounds are referring to the Euro, the the scrolls, in closing all of your deeds, if you don't care about those sort of you will be in trouble with these. Right? those sort of those sort of came, those scriptures came so you can fix these scrolls that are being recorded. So the two things are now complimented SubhanAllah. Well, either, so hopefully, it will either summer Fukushima. And this is actually connected with the rest

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of the passage, you would think when Allah spoke about the star, or the sun and the sky, or rather the sun and the stars and the mountains, you were expecting to hear about the sky over there. But there's a break and now Elon mentions the sky. Why does he mention it here? There's some literary functions of it that we'll see immediately when we come to the next. What time is a shot by the way?

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Okay, so we'll end at 910 inshallah. Okay, so we're either sama makushita. You guys know what the word sama means. Right? That which is above literally means that which is above, commonly speaking sky, but it's a little more comprehensive than that. Then there's the word cushy, but it comes from kashyapa like kashtan buried his skin the camel to peel the skin off the camel once you slaughter it. This is crushed. cashout is a butcher because one of the first things he does before he starts chopping away as one is skins, the skins the thing so he's got a shot, okay. Similarly, keyshot is the peel skin itself. Now one of the this could be literal, it'll feel like the sky has a skin and

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it's being peeled. But it's more appropriate to understand the imagery of the eye here. Eliza was in another place he mentions when the sky On the day of judgment will be read for callate what the tank at the heart and soul of man, but it'll turn like a rose and brilliant read. here Allah says the skies skin will be peeled. When it skies skin will be peeled when you skin the or peel the skin of an animal what's exposed. The red, right the red flesh the blood, that's what's exposed on the inside. So it's illustrating how blood red The sky is gonna turn. It'll look like its skin has been peeled. That's what's being said. But then it begs the question, why would the sky look red? The sky

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is a reflection of what's going on on the earth reflects the textures of the earth. So the sky looks blue, especially blue over the ocean because it's a reflection of the earth. Now when something's going on on the earth that is so vicious in color, that even the sky has turned red. So now let's look into next is to find what is it that has happened on the earth what the Hema saw a lot and even even the Hellfire has been blazed and thought Allah is to cause a fire that towers high. So you put things in the fire that makes the flame reach higher and higher and higher. So when the jehane this vicious Hellfire, this glaring and staring Hellfire has been given towering flame. That's certainly

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not just Blaze. Blaze is too common for too many words in the Quran. bourita Tanja hemo sorry, Raja he will every word gets blazed. But this is actually a towering kind of flame. And it towers so high that it's redness is now even affecting the texture of the sky making the sky look like it's been peeled so panela but now understand how this is beautifully connected in a scary way connected to what we read in the conclusion of the last saw in the last tsunami found some faces towards the very end. What would you read Yama in La Habra, Taka Katara write some faces on that day. They're going to have this black dust on them. Right and overwhelmed with black smoke black smoke from what from

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blazing torch of a fire that is overwhelmed them in smoke and they're just black and white. This is this is the two things that are connected together. This is the fire these are the faces how what it's like the camera angles nowadays we appreciate that in film very easily the camera goes here then the camera goes there. Right and that's how the language of the Quran is it makes you look here then it makes you look there It makes you visualize these things. So what is Elijah Hema saw a lot? What is agenda to Islam, such a beautiful word. When the when the Paradise is brought close. The word was leaf what is the passive form when when agenda when the lush garden is brought near? This

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illustrates one for one the paradise already exists, because if it didn't exist, it would be created but it's been brought near it's waiting for the believers May Allah enter all of us into the paradise in the previous surah we found another kind of face. We found Whoo hoo Yama is a masala Waikato Mr. Bashara in the previsional. Some faces are lit bright. Like you're looking at something brilliant in their face turns blue light, bright and they can't stop laughing. They can't wipe the smile off their face whatever they seen, the agenda that has been brought

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to Sleaford. Now look, some things about the word Muslim. dissolve in Arabic means a portion or a great portion of something. The word zophar means status. zophar means status. We're in the hula, we're in the hula hoop and Daniela zilpha was named when Allah speaks of Solomon and he said and he says he has high status with us, he uses the original fun. Now Allah did not say what event agenda to curry but when the Hellfire is brought close, he said whatever gender to who's leaving another word that you may know that is close to the word as lava is the word was Delica. From is the laugh when the time becomes fused with that is the love was Delphi is the field or the region that you

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start, which is very close to me now. That's why it's called the close by. It's the close by place. And it is also an honored place. When somebody is brought close. Somebody brought close in order to honor somebody. So in other words, what is agenda to lose the fight means when Paradise is brought close in honor of the believers. This is an honor of them. kuriboh just brought close. But this is this is laugh actually is to bring close out of honor. So the paradise has been depicted as an honorary gift to the believer. It's like an award ceremony. So Pamela will either gender to Islam. Another interesting place we find this word in one of its variations is in a hadith. This Hadith is

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reported by Suleiman Abu Musa, Allah Allah when he says his deadly fu in Allah he be like it

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come closer to Allah honor yourself like coming closer to a lie by making tool icon. right every time you want to come close to Allah meek to look at it comes in the singular form and another narration also is that if in Allah Allah katene, plural and in singular, one last comment about this ayah we find Allah azza wa jal mentions in another place and this is your homework find it where it is. Well whose leave it lagenda to limit Athena Hyderabadi Allah says what is Li Fatima Jana to tuck in Hyderabad. Now here we find where either agenda to

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the other place we find looseleaf agenda. So this is the noun first and that one is what the verb first and what did we say? What's the normal way of speech, the verb first or the noun? First, the verb first, that please Allah illustrates how easy it is for a lot of bring the agenda close to the believers easy like the fit and form of the sentences. Easy. Here he speaks to the carpet and realize who thinks the only thing close to these these believers is destruction and poverty? And Allah says no, no, no, no, as a matter of fact, the thing being close to them. And the honor that's going to be given to them is agenda itself. So this is actually illustrating the shocking way and

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the strong way in which Allah talks about the agenda coming to the believers to the caffeine. Understand, when we think a lot of talking about agenda, who do we think about Allah is talking to who, to the believers here? No, he's slapping the disbelievers saying no, the honor, is in fact coming to the believers. That's why we the agenda to was different. At the end of all of this, there is a fairly a sentence, this is this is a sentence that begins with a verb all of these began with what a noun, but the conclusion of all of them job a shop, these are all English of Thea By the way, when when when when when you say when I go here, when I go to school, when I finished my job, when I

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finish reading this book, right when I write my paper, then and you stop there, then the person says well, then what? What are you going to do after that? Why are you telling me when because a when statement, you need to conclude it? There needs to be a conclusive statement write a concluding remark. The concluding remark for all of these previous statements is one statement. And that is ultimate enough some not every person knows what it forcefully brought from

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word what it has to present for itself. We'll talk about the word of thought in a second. But first of all realize this in its simplest form, every person knows what it has to present what he or she has to present before Allah. That's the basic idea of the eye. And it's presented in federal form. Allah didn't say enough. So nolimit is an element that's in the normal form is used. Why? Because this conclusion that every person knows full well what it has to present for itself is not some high or inescapable, some hard to imagine concept. everybody already knows that. everybody already knows inside, we know very, very well what idea what what actions I have to present for myself, what I've

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done for myself, everybody knows this. So a lot puts it in the natural form of Sumatra, because this is a natural conclusion for the human being. For the coffee, even this is natural to him, even he knows what he's done. Even he knows what he has to what he has to show for himself, literally. So there's a transition in the language to illustrate this is already within yourselves. This is not some abstract thing that you've never heard about before, like the sun being wrapped up, or the stars falling apart, or the mountains moving, or the oceans boiling over. That may seem unnatural to you. So a stronger form of language is used. But this is something deep within your psyche, you

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already notice, it might have some thought. So this is a conclusion. Now, here's the thing, understand, when there's a job shot, it goes back to every Joomla shop to every single shelf that was there. In other words, to understand and appreciate this word, every person knows what he has to present for himself. First, we go back to every idea that we read before number one, when it comes to COVID, animate

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with a new human kadala, animate,

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so when the sun gets folded up, a person will What do I have to present for myself? Then he looks at the stars, then he concludes, what do I have to show for myself? Then he sees the mountains, movie nations, what do I have to show for myself? Then he sees that a shark traveling he doesn't care. He's only worried about what he has to show for himself. Then the vicious animals are standing next to each other he's still considering about concerned about himself. This is actually the most beautiful to see of the previous solar we found liquid Lymbery immune homeostasis is in Chattanooga, de for every single person on that day, there will be a preoccupation that will make him unconcerned

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about everything around him. So he sees the sun, he sees the mountains, he sees the stars, he sees the animals, he sees the oceans, all of it, he sees, but what's the conclusion of all of it? Man, I know what I I know what's coming. I know what's coming. That's all he can think about is himself. I name it. Allah Subhana Allah. Let's talk a little bit about the word volunteer.

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First of all, in the previous surah, Eliza has given the human being an opportunity to fix what he has to show Allah to fix himself. There, he mentioned to him that he created him from a low GPA that he you know, he precisely calculated him through Mr. de la sala who he laid out the path for him so he can live his life with guidance, he facilitated the path of guidance for him, so Mamata hufa Bora, who then eventually he gave him life, or gave him death and put him in his head and put in his grave. Right. So all of this was the time of opportunity for this person to fix and to show something for himself. But now if he wasn't able to do so, then the concluding comment there was a

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landmark Lima Amma know the human being was not able to fulfill what his Lord had commanded him to do. What he wasn't able to do justice to that act. Now, if you you know, just like a child who hasn't done the homework assignment shows up, or hasn't studied for the test. And now the test results are about to be given handed back. before they're even handed back. Does the kid already know what he knows what he got? He knows deep inside, he's already feeling it. Right? So I leave

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so that it's already too late you were you had the opportunity to study to prepare to fix yourself. You didn't take a chance of that. Now you know what's coming. So that's basically what the is saying, you know, what's coming, you know, what's coming. Now? How about to present itself to present or to be present even hover? Like how about an adult we we were present for this, right? We were present for the lesson

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is to take something and bring it for presentation. And it actually includes the implication of the law, right of forcing, meaning you bring something forward on stage, and he doesn't want to be there a reluctant presentation, every person knows what is it that they have to present for themselves. And you know, even the believer is going to be nervous on that day. He's not fully confident until the whole scales have been counted. So everybody's nervous about what they have to present. And this presentation is not even something voluntary, they're reluctant about it. That's captured in the word of thought. So every person knows what's about to come.

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By the way, just a quick few comments before we take a break about this word of thought and they have been paired in the Quran in more than one place. The actions being presented. Allah azza wa jal says in Anambra run, yo Mataji Dooku lufc. Mommy, let me in hiring more Lauren. Right, the day on which every person from any good thing they did, they'll see it presented right before them was gone from simple

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Kabbalah like it here. It's the sum of all of the same pattern even from from if I. Then Allah azza wa jal says, Well, what do I do? Emmylou? How did I and sort of when is the mala bukata they will find whatever they did standing right in front of them. So it's like our actions have been given a visual form. This is similar or it's an opening up of what Allah said before what in a Saku mochila when the scrolls have been given life when they've been spread out open, it's like you can see your deeds in front of you standing right there in front of you looking you in the face, like a mirror. So we'll stop at this ayah inshallah tada because the next series of ayat are basically the next

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passage and the next half of the solar subhanak. A lot more behind the ignition to La La Land. Mr. Furukawa to Vedic

Quran Tafsir/Explanation – Juz Amma

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