Purity 101 #03 Ghusl & Types of Water

Irshaad Sedick


Channel: Irshaad Sedick

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The speakers discuss the importance of not just looking at the definition of "merely consider" and "offensive" words in Islam, but also the importance of following actions to avoid accidents. They emphasize the need to focus on the first part of the definition of "merely consider" and "offensive" words in English, and stress the importance of following these actions in order to avoid accidents. The speakers also discuss the use of water for recycling and recycling used water, the importance of reciting the Prophet system, and the use of hustle and reciting the statement. They emphasize the importance of not overdoing certain things and not overdoing certain things in order to avoid health and safety.

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Lamp tena was it no I didn't mean the rock medica or hamara Amin Assalamu alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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all praise and thank you sorry to Allah subhanho wa Taala traces peace blessings and salutations upon our Master and exemplar and B Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa salam and then masala and Omar haven't become a welcome you back to our class on purity 101 how Muslims should clean now in this class we cover Kitahara at the basic level, meaning at an elementary level what a Muslim should know on a day to day basis. So what are the subjects are the subtopics that we cover in this broad subject of Tahara they are on the screen types of water which we'll be dealing with in this class inshallah ablution. Will do we've covered the integrals they have the causes of minor

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ritual impurity, meaning the causes of breaking the wudu what breaks the window using the toilet which we have covered in the form of the lesson on East India. We will look at purificatory Beijing's translation for the windowsill right we will look at that in this class as well. Dry ablution they are mum this we will discuss in a later class menstruation hide manifests that will be discussed later. And impurities Niassa. What constitutes impurities in Islam by so before we get into the details of the laws of purification in this class, we first need to discuss the issue of the rulings because we are going to constantly refer to rulings right? What do we mean by rulings?

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We mean come? In fact, what is fifth? Fifth is

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modified to Kamisha Yeah, I'm Alia. almak Tessa mean a Diletta. A tough Celia. That's the Arabic definition for fake fake is to know the detailed laws or rules of the Sharia that is derived that are derived from the detailed proofs that's filled. So the entire corpus of

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consists of an outcome. In other words, in filth, you will learn the do's and the don'ts, right? What is a must? What is the recommendation? What is a prohibition? What is permissible? What is disliked? And these refer to five laws, five come five judgments in the Shafia a school

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they are five, right? There are five.

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These rulings indicate the permissibility or otherwise of any given action, sitting in the masjid right now. What's the ruling pertaining to that? What's the judgement of that? Going to the toilet and cleaning yourself? What's the ruling of that performing a will do? What's the ruling of that? The Salah that will perform later on what's the ruling. So the entire corpus consists of rulings, the word hokum, the word hokum. One of its meanings is a judgment, which interesting, which is an interesting concept because we are living in a world where people the moment we speak about the judgment, people say don't judge, you can't judge me, but yet the entire Sharia

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is a set of judgments whose judgments is Allah's judgments. So, when we say that, for example,

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homosexuality as in the act of homosexuality, when we say that that is haram, who is saying that?

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Is it me? Is it the Muslims?

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It a particular imam who che or scholar? No, it is Allah. When we say it is wajib that it is compulsory that you are out to be covered at all times. So you tell you tell the Sister Sister it is watching for your aura to be covered at all times. And this is the things that I say is don't judge me.

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Who's judging me?

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Who's judging? The judgment comes from Allah. Our job

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As Muslims is to learn the judgments of Allah, the laws of Allah and to apply them, and we can easily observe when they are applied or not. What is not within our scope is to go beyond what is obvious, go beyond what is on the surface level and try to determine whether somebody is guilty or not guilty of a particular crime or not. But if somebody commits a crime, and it's obvious, it's very open, right? Somebody drinks Hamid, and you say, brother, that's haram.

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Can I can that brother turn around and say, Don't judge me? Firstly, the ruling of drinking, Hamid, is that it's haram. That's not my judgment. That's Allah's judgment.

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My observation is not a judgment, my observation is button observation. And I can observe when we have to nag can be VAWA. Here, we are taught in our in our traditional Islam that we rule or we judge by what is apparent Wallah who yet a wellness Sara and Allah is in charge of that which is hidden. So you don't go around and you know,

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try to investigate into people's lives and say, you have Kibera and you commit Zina and you do that that's Haram as well, because now you are not, you're not observing what is apparent, you are making an assumption of that which you have no knowledge of. So these were the confusion lies in but people use this notion of we can judge as a scapegoat to

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sort of make themselves feel better about the wrongdoing that they know they are guilty of. Right. So we need to be careful of that. So the whole Sharia consists of rulings or judgments these are come. Now what are the five rulings according to the Shafi school of thought they are as follows.

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Why G Man Dube, sunnah, or other mandoo Benson let me just start from from over and I'll give the synonyms afterwards. wajib man, Dube MOBA, mcru Haram, these are the five but they are synonyms as well. Now in the Shafi school these synonyms represent not a different ruling, but nearly synonyms. For example, why Jeep is also known as

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followed. Why Jeep is also known as filed, say in the Shafia a school if you say something is YG but if you say something is filed, it means the same thing except in hajj, but that's a different story. In Hajj there are differences.

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Then we go on to sunnah,

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sunnah has synonyms as well. These mazahub

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from the word hope loved something that is sought after something that is beloved to Allah, sunnah.

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Musa hubz, sunnah, and knuffel is another word that is utilized as a synonym. These are all synonyms in the Shafi School for the same ruling. You get different categories of sunnah as in a more emphasized sunnah and a less emphasized sunnah. We refer to that as more akkada. But for now, we refrain from getting into the details and we simply look at sunnah and its synonyms.

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MOBA means permissible, right? Sometimes people say Halal something is halal. Now Halal can be a synonym for MOBA, but it depends on the context. MOBA just means permissible. In other words, if something is not particularly encouraged or disliked or prohibited or compulsory, it is MOBA. It is merely permissible. We will speak about each one in detail. mcru means offensive or dislike.

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offensive or disliked, by whom, by ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada. And then finally, Haram has no synonym that I'm aware of at this moment haram means forbidden something that is unlawful. So now we look at the translations of each word, right of each outcome. Everybody should try to ideally memorize the outcome along with the translations and the definitions. Okay. Why gebe are found the mean something is compulsory. There's no choice in the matter.

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Man Dube Suna naphthyl Musa hub, these words they refer to something that is recommended. Recommended, right that's not the diff

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ignition. That's a translation.

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But the problem with this is that it depends on the context you're speaking in. Like here we are speaking about rulings within sacred law and therefore sunnah means recommended, but within a different context, sunnah could refer to an action, a statement or an approval of Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam

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that sunnah within a different context. sunnah is also sometimes used as a synonym for Hadith, which isn't exactly accurate but that's another usage of the word

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sunnah can also be used for its literal meaning, which means a way right? Like what's the Sunnah of the people of Capetown for example, is that when you're done making salah they shake your hands to the right and to the left? That is a way that's not that is not to say it is sunnah to do so as in the prophets or some detail or as in you're specifically going to be rewarded for doing that. It just means the way Sunette Allah He filled out, we speak about the way of Allah in the lens. This is Allah's Allah's pattern of doing things in the earth. So sunnah has a literal meaning as well. MOBA as I said, means what? Permissible, it means that something is permissible, neither encouraged, no

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discouraged, merely permissible. mcru means something is offensive. In other words, you shouldn't do it because Allah doesn't like it. It is offensive to do it. Right. And then haram, we all know it means forbidden, unlawful. Now we're going to get into the definitions next.

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You don't have to read what's on the screen. I'll be explaining it anyway. But if you so wish, it is there for you. What does it mean when something is YG when something is filed? We know now that the translation for it means it is obligatory right. But as far as the definition is concerned, it is my you thermophore ayllu WHO ARE YOU ARE Kabuto Rico, an action that is wajib

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the doer of it will be rewarded, and the one who leaves it off omits it is liable for punishment. Notice I said is liable for punishment and not will be punished, because we have to take into consideration the fact that the person can make Toba and Allah can forgive them, but they are liable for punishment. So again, what's the definition of wajib ma usaba illovo wala your acabo sorry, ma you Sabu phi Lu y ou encore buta Rico, that which the doer gets rewarded and the one who doesn't do it is liable for punishment. That's the definition of a foreign act a word you've act that's why we say there's no choice in the matter.

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As for the Sunnah action if we speak about fear, and we say something is Sunnah, like we said when we perform we'll do washing the hands first, then the mouth then the nose and using the see work those actions are they why jib sunnah MOBA macro or haram what are they?

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They are sunnah. So what does it mean? It means my you thermophore You know who Wallah you are Kabu daddy coho It is that which the doer gets rewarded, but the one who omits it does not become liable for punishment.

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Okay, now before we go any further, let's repeat it right so you can understand it again. What's the difference? In y jeep? The doer gets rewarded, the one who leaves it off is liable for punishment in sunnah, the dog will get rewarded. But the one who leaves it off is not liable for punishment. All understood, okay. But now the problem with learning these definitions is that most students initially focus on the wrong factor. They focus on the lie your uncle buta Rico, who the one who leaves it off will not be punished. So that's where people start saying things like this. My name is sunnah I have which is Cape Town language was saying, Oh, that's not that important.

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It's only a sunnah well as a biller is a big problem with using language like this. One, you are, in a sense, belittling the rules of Allah subhanho wa Taala by having this attitude and wit to your potentially belittling a practice of the Prophet Muhammad

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and number three, you are missing out on something that we are all in desperate need of.

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And that is the reward from Allah subhanho wa taala, the baraka, right? So don't think of it in terms of only this definition, but rather focus on the first part of it, rather than instead of the second part, focus on the fact that if you do it, you'll get rewarded.

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It's free rewards. Think about it in that way. Alternatively, I like to think about it in light of the word sunnah. Coming from a practice of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi salam, and we aspire to be like him, or I look at it in light of the word mazahub. It's something that is beloved,

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and it is beloved to who it is beloved to Allah, and we want to be beloved to Allah. So we should do those things that would make us beloved to Allah subhanho wa Taala

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as for permissible actions, MOBA

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something that is merely permissible,

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ma la you are kaaboo far Illa who wala Rico, oh my Allah, your acabou Allah you thermophore Allah Who Walla Walla, Rico, it is that action which both the doer and the one who does not do will need to receive reward, no punishment for engaging in that action. It's a neutral action. And an example of that would be sleeping, eating, breathing, walking, right? These are normal actions, right? But there's a caveat to this hokum.

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There's a caveat, attributed this to the Mercy of Allah subhanho wa taala. In that, if you take a normal action, and you give it a noble intention,

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and you do it as best as possible in the manner of the messengers, then you turn that normal action into an act of devotion.

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For example, sleeping, sleeping and sleeping to human act,

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you're gonna get rewarded for sleeping, you're gonna get punished for sleeping, unless you deliberately sleep through a Salah. Right? But that's different. So neutral, neutral, things like that. No punishment, no reward. But if you sleep

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with the intention of rejuvenating yourself, so that you can perform a bad, like wake up with 100 or wake up early for budget. Or you sleep with the intention of treating your body with loving key as you should.

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And then so that's your noble intention. And then in addition to that, you do it as best as possible. According to the way of the messengers are the MO salat wa salam. And what are the Sooners of sleep this do is that you decide before you sleep, you can perform you do you can sleep on your right hand side, you can sleep facing the Qibla and all of that we turn this normal action into an act of devotion.

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And this is important for us because we spend like look at sleep right?

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A large portion of our lives are spent doing normal, not rewardable and rewardable. Actions like sleeping, you spend a third of your life sleeping if you lived for 100 years, you spent 33 years asleep on average.

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So you can turn that 33 years into reward 33 years of reward how two things a noble intention plus conformity with the way of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Okay, so that's MOBA. We move on to the next one. My crew speak about something is my crew. Ma, you there Butare coo wala you are Cabo for illovo in Arabic, this is

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the one who leaves it off. The one who leaves a macro action of will get rewarded.

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And the one who does the macro action, will you get punished?

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No. It's my crew is not haram. So the one who does the macro action does not get punished. But the one who leaves it off.

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They'll get rewarded.

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Does everybody understand that? Because you leaving it off for the sake of Allah. That's of course, the caveat. You need to be leaving it off for the sake of Allah. And the same thing would apply for haram. We'll speak about that in a moment. But look at my crew, right

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So it's my crew to stand and drink. And in most circumstances to stand and drink is considered Makrooh.

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So if you go and pour yourself a glass of water,

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and you stop yourself from standing and drinking, and you go and you sit down to drink that water, so you lift off standing and drinking, you'll get rewarded for that. Said, understood. There's another aspect to that you'll also get rewarded for doing the Sunnah of sitting and drinking. Right?

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Okay, so my crew is something that we do, and we won't get punished for. But something that if we leave it off, we'll get rewarded for

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now we go on to haram. Right? Forbidden actions. Same thing like mcru, the one who leaves it off, for the sake of Allah will get rewarded. But the one who does the Haram action is liable for, for punishment.

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Again, if you leave it off for the sake of Allah, like if the young boy

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calls up the younger or the man calls up the lady, and he says, listen to you on a meet, let's meet, let's hook up, let's go for a date. Right?

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And then he gets in the car and is about to drive in the car doesn't want to start, or he runs out of petrol. Or there's a taxi striking, he can't make it. He can make it to his destination. He can turn around and say, I'm gonna get rewarded today. Because I didn't go and commit haram. No, no, no, no, you're prevented from it. Your Nia was solid, you're on your way. But for the young man or the young woman, or whatever

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they arrange for the meeting, they say listen, we're going to meet up at that hotel room. Right? We're going to meet up the room number seven, so get me the and as he puts the phone down and he's about to leave, he hears the other one and he becomes conscious of Allah. And he sends a message back and he says, Look, we shouldn't do this. Let's leave this. Let's have Taqwa of Allah, let's make Toba.

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That person will get rewarded. Right. So this is something that needs to be taken into consideration. But these are the Arcam right in the Shafia. A school of thought. Now, I don't want to confuse you.

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With the details of other mother Hib right now, suffice to say that they are differences between the Shafi school and the Hanafi. School. Right? In the Hanafi. school they are more

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right? There's a difference between farther than YG. For example, visit difference between sunnah, and novel or sunnah, and mundu, for example. And there's a difference in that these two types of mcru. Now, I'm not going to get into those details. If you have questions about it, you can ask afterwards, right? But suffice to say that there are differences. So you may hear terminologies that are different to what we've mentioned, you may use something like my crew, 10 z, my crew to hurry me, right. Understand that this is speaking from the perspective of a different school of thought. Now, there's

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not too often do we have sort of cross over we become confused, but there are certain common practices within our community that people often confused one that I can think of, it's very common, very wide spirit is that of Antarctica if, right? If you ask the overwhelming majority of Capetonians tell me about Antarctica if they're going to tell you that you can easily do a sunnah Attica F or knuffel, Antarctica. But what did we learn in this lesson? Is there a difference between sunnah and naffaa? No. In the Shafi school, there is no difference between sunnah and Nefer. It is that which the doer will get rewarded and the one who admits it will not be liable for punishment.

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So in the Hanafi school, there's differences. People speak about the Sunnah Attica. I can't leave the Masjid. I must stay in the masjid.

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And then you say, Well, I'm going to work and come back. Oh, no, you're doing a knuffel Attica. Those things don't apply in the Shafi school. So there are differences. These are not matters of Eman and Cofer faith and disbelief. These are not matters over which we should fight or have debates. There are valid scholarly differences and they allow for flexibility within sacred law and Allah knows best. So why is this important for us to discuss at this point in time, like why are we actually discussing this and not getting into the rules of hosel? We are discussing this because it lays the foundation for all future discussions in

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Every time we speak about the Sunnah of this, this is why Jeep that action is my crew, you need to know what we are speaking about. So I hope that that clarified it in shallow to either what you should now do is memorize the five along with the synonyms

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and while you don't need to memorize the Arabic definition, at least have an understanding of the definition right for you. Now we move on to

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the the segment of text in discussion tonight. I'll read through the Arabic and then we'll we'll deal with the lesson in English because that would be of most benefit to most students here and online as well. First rune kala Masonic Rahim Allah Allah whenever and Allah will be alumi he will make them Amin fosmon Viagra milma

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Alma who Coleen waka Fearon fall Cali Luo Man Donal Coolatta Annie Well, Kathy, Rue Coolatta Annie for XL al Khali Lou yet Anna Jess will be will coup in Nigeria set if he were in LA Miata, y'all? While Matt will Kathy Rue Laietana Jesu Illa either 30 or more who I will know who are we who.

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That's the first segment of text next segment fostering fee Mooji battle husen Mooji ba to loosely Sita tune illegible hash fit fill Faraji Wahoo ruderal money while hide one knee first while we ladder while mouth, that's the second section. Third section fostering fee for all the loosely for all the loosely if Nan a near to what I mean will buy the money bill

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as the third section, so I'm not going to refer back to that again. But rather, we go into the explanation immediately in shallow Thailand.

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The first section is about Mooji bear to loosen the obligatory elements of the ritualistic purificatory bath. That's a translation for the word hosel. Okay,

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what is translation for the word husen, ritualistic purificatory bath. If you can come up with a better word, please let me know.

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husen is not just a bath? No is that the shower?

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It's a ritualistic why ritualistic because it's, it's done as a religious act of devotion, as opposed to just the normal bath or shower

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purificatory because you're doing it in order to cleanse yourself.

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Not just from physical elements of debt, but also from a spiritually

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what's the word spiritually induced state, if I can call it that, like you're not dirty?

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When you can perform or whoso necessarily correct. If you take a shower, and then the husband goes in, he has sexual intercourse with his wife. He's not dirty, he could go and they could wash the private parts and they'd be clean again, they just showered before that.

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So it's purification theory because it's about Tahara is a spiritual state that we refer to as Jenova. Chen Abba is a state of, again, sort of muscle, you're removing that state. So that's our translation purificatory sorry, ritualistic purificatory both okay.

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What are we in the things which induce this particular state? What what makes it obligatory for you to go and perform a hosel?

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To understand that, what are the actions

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that if you do them, you need to go and take a hosel does everybody understand that?

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Which actions if done, require a lucid? Now there are six more Jeeva to loosely Sita tune the things which cause a ritualistic purificatory bath to become obligatory or six. Number one, illegible hush fit fill Faraji

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the insertion of the head of the penis into the vagina, why is it so graphic because

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they are other acts of intimacy before this and after this, that you may think, okay, so only if there is ejaculation then I need to go and perform husana

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That's not what it says. There may have been no ejaculation

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Okay, now we had some foreplay there was slight penetration but we didn't go through with it

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was the what is mentioned here, the insertion of the head of the penis into the vagina. Footnote.

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insertion of the head of the penis into the front or back private part of a male or female, human or animal, adult or minor living or dead will necessitate a ritual bath. Please note, this footnote is not saying that these things should be done. In fact, we discuss hypothetical situations so as to be thorough that should you ever have such a case? It still requires a husen and Allah knows best.

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So that was number one. Number two, who ruled your money, the exiting of sperm, the exiting of semen who ruled your money?

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It's translated here as the discharge of semen footnote number 21. Reads

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it's not on this page is it?

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Yeah, male sperm and female sexual fluid are recognized by the fact that they come in spurts by contractions with sexual gratification. And when it's moist, it has a smell akin to bread dough, and when it's dry, it has a smell akin to egg white. These are just descriptions in case there's any doubt as to what exactly is the substance that came out.

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So the discharge of semen. Now notice this is a separate point, right? Number one and number two are not necessarily interlinked,

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right. In other words, a person could be sitting

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and they not off. And they have a wet dream. There was no action whatsoever, but it was discharge of semen that requires Ellucian number three.

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Number three says, Well how you do

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menses menstruation cycle, okay, obviously, that is specific to women folk. And this is something that most women would already know that if you have your period, after you have completed your period, you menstruation second cycle, you require a wholesale,

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we move on one knee first, postpartum or postnatal bleeding. Generally, after childbirth, a woman would experience bleeding for a period of time. It could be as short as a moment, right on average, it lasts for about 40 days. And at most in the Sharia, it's considered 60 days. Excuse me, but we will deal with that in a separate lesson. For now the point is that post partum or post natal bleeding will necessitate a Husa you need a hosel if you have experienced this, that was number

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four. That was number four. Number one was the entering of the male private party into the female private bar. Number two was the exiting of semen number number three was

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hired. Number four was nefarious or postpartum bleeding. Number five, I'll will add childbirth. And you may think But didn't we just discussed postpartum bleeding? The reality is you could have what is referred to as a dry birth with is no real bleeding afterwards and the lady may think well I don't need to perform husen now the childbirth in and of itself is a factor that would necessitate the husen and number six, while Mote death right when somebody dies, it is followed that it will still be performed upon that person. Right it is followed that also be performed upon that person. Those are the six causes of reversal. If any of those six occur, one must perform a reversal. Okay,

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just the side note, but in in Islam, you know, this is the confidence that Muslims have with one another.

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Muslims don't regard non Muslims as dirty like in for fee, right. But there is a sense of look, when dealing with a Muslim I know that this person is obliged to follow the rulings that I'm obliged to follow. So if they have gone through any of these

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particular acts, then it was necessary for them to perform a ritualistic purification, three, bath Overholser. So Muslims are very confident with dealing with one another in terms of purification, it doesn't matter what country you come from, what's the color of your skin? Right? It doesn't matter whether you know, the person who don't know the person, a Muslim will feel comfortable, under most circumstances with another Muslim, because they understand the importance. And not only the importance, but the details of the hygiene habits, right, in general, and Allah knows best. So that was what necessitates a husen. Now we move on to the next section, which is about water.

00:35:48--> 00:36:08

Right? I think that section was supposed to come first, but it doesn't matter because it's separate either way. Now, the conversation about water can be complex, right it can become complex, this text makes it extremely straightforward and very, very straightforward, very easy.

00:36:09--> 00:36:16

This takes simplifies water as follows a little amount of water

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and a large amount of water.

00:36:21--> 00:36:23

What is a little and what is a lot,

00:36:24--> 00:37:10

a little is considered that which is less than ignore the number that's mentioned here. Use this number instead 200 liters of water less than that is considered a little more than 200 liters of water is considered a lot. You will see slight variations, some texts will speak about 190 Some texts will speak about 216 some pixels we got 211 Because it's not an exact figure. It is an estimation based on a certain measure that was used in the time of the prophets of Allah Allah Salam referred to as a cooler but for simplification, 200 liters of water. Now why is that important? Because

00:37:11--> 00:37:13

as we explained,

00:37:16--> 00:37:18

or other as we read here in the Arabic

00:37:20--> 00:38:09

Elma who Kahlua kefir, water is a little over lot. Falco. lelou tunel Coolatta, in a little is what's less than 200 liters, while Caffi ruleta and in fact, a lot is What is 200 liters or more. Why is it important, I'll call li Lu, when a water when the water is a little you have a bucket of water bottle of water, right? Even a large bucket of water less than 200 liters, then yeah, tonight just to be vocal in Nigeria is that if he were eliminated, that water becomes what we refer to as contaminated, it becomes najis it becomes dirty water. How, by the mere contact with NASA, by the mere contact with NASA

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drop of urien as Michael sent out a drop of fecal matter

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a dead mouse falls into the water right just for a moment just for a moment, it would be enough to regard that water as impure yet and adjust so it has become impure. That is when it is a little

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this is regardless of whether the water looks different smells different tastes different or not. Why because the measurement is that it is a little water less than 200 liters. So now you can already understand the opposite.

00:38:51--> 00:39:09

When you have a lot of water, what is a lot of water more than 200 liters Laietana Jesu Illa is at a higher authority who allow new od Whoa, that water will not become contaminated. By the mere contact with fourth

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a drop of urine folds into more than 200 liters of water, it does not automatically become contaminated, it does not automatically become Niassa.

00:39:22--> 00:39:59

The only time it will be considered as a contaminated or other as contaminated water is if there is a change to the color, or the taste or the smell of the water. So one drop is not going to do anything to more than 200 liters of water, two drops, three drops, four drops, five drops, six drops. At which point does it become enough at the point where there's a change in the color or taste or smell of that water. That is when it will become contaminated water

00:40:01--> 00:40:22

Everybody understand that? Okay. So why is this important? Because you need to know whether water is dirty or not. Right. Now the as I said, there are other more complex discussions around this more complex discussions. For example, the discussion around used water used water.

00:40:23--> 00:40:28

I'm going to try to simplify it without adding too much, because this is elementary level.

00:40:30--> 00:40:44

In the Shafi school, we do not use used water for purification purposes. Like if somebody performed the will do and you collected the water, you can recycle that water and perform will do with it again.

00:40:46--> 00:40:50

But I'm asking, is that water nudges?

00:40:51--> 00:40:53

The US daughter? Is it nudges?

00:40:54--> 00:40:54

Yes or no?

00:40:57--> 00:41:03

It's not magic is when does it become nudges? We just learned about it. Now. When does it become nudges?

00:41:05--> 00:41:18

When an impurity when some form of nudge Jansa comes into contact with it did not just come into contact with used water. Now, the person used it for wudu. So we refer to that as used water.

00:41:19--> 00:41:21

So why is that? Why does that matter?

00:41:23--> 00:41:41

Can you use najis? Water? Can you wash your car with najis? Water? Can you wash your dishes with najis? Water? No. But use the water? Yes, because it's not nudges. The only thing you cannot do with it is use it for ritualistic purification for wudu for hosel. For

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what else? Yeah. And East India and East India as well. You can't use it for that.

00:41:49--> 00:41:55

Okay. So I don't again, like I said, I don't want to overcomplicate things, but I want to add one more thing.

00:41:56--> 00:41:57

If you have water

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and you add something to it, you add something to it. It's a you add a coffee granule to it is a coffee in a Jassa. Now, so will that contaminate the water? No. Is it used water? No. It's not used with either. So what is that? That's clean water with a little bit of coffee in it.

00:42:21--> 00:42:24

If you put enough coffee into it, what happens?

00:42:26--> 00:42:29

So it changes right and now you call it

00:42:31--> 00:42:32

now you call it coffee?

00:42:36--> 00:42:37

You call it coffee?

00:42:38--> 00:42:50

Isn't it? So can you take wudu with coffee? No, because it's not. It's not water anymore. So at which point could you no longer use it for wudu

00:42:52--> 00:42:59

when the color taste or smell changes, it's not not Jazza is not Energizer. But look that's not at any moment.

00:43:01--> 00:43:25

We take our US hippo drops of our US drops of our activity for five drops stowed when I put in a teaspoon now that is you see what I'm saying? So at some point, it no longer becomes rather it is no longer cold water it's called something else then you cannot use it for will do either. Obviously it's not najis it's not contaminated, nor is it used.

00:43:26--> 00:43:48

So to simplify matters at the end we say this any water in its natural state, any water in its natural state can be used for will do for sale for a stranger. Sea water, river water, dam water, pool water, water in its natural state.

00:43:49--> 00:44:02

Okay, so if you have questions about that, you know and you can think of any you can ask at the end. But beyond that, I'm just going to complicate things further at this level that's not required the last section insha Allah Allah is about

00:44:06--> 00:44:12

what necessitates ritualistic purification? Rebirth, revision? What are the six things

00:44:13--> 00:44:22

number one the entering of the male private pot into the female private pot number two was what?

00:44:23--> 00:44:25

No, man What does number two

00:44:27--> 00:44:28

say again?

00:44:30--> 00:44:38

Exiting of SEMA number three No, somebody's calling me Don't call me now. Exiting of semen yes

00:44:42--> 00:44:44

Do Not Disturb on

00:44:48--> 00:44:52

they won't even give me a chance to turn on my Do Not Disturb it's crazy.

00:44:54--> 00:44:58

Okay, number number two exiting of SEMA number three

00:45:01--> 00:45:02

What is number three?

00:45:04--> 00:45:05

Menstruation number four

00:45:07--> 00:45:09

postnatal bleeding number five,

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00:45:14--> 00:45:16

childbirth and number six

00:45:18--> 00:45:32

number six def, def. Good. Those are the six. Now we end of the discussion with how do you perform a hosted full rule do loosely V obligatory elements of the hosel?

00:45:33--> 00:46:16

What are the obligatory elements of the hosel? There are only two. There are only two obligatory elements of the hostel. How do you perform a hostel? Two things. Number one, and Nia, the intention. We've discussed that already, right. So I don't need to get into the details of what this means. Am I right? By so you just have to be conscious of what you're doing. You can't get in the shower, okay. Husband and wife. They have intimate relations. Then they carry on they go and ie they you know, speak to one another whatever the case may be. Later on. He jumps into the shower, but he forgot that he had intimate relation. So he gets in the shower, he washes himself. He gets out he

00:46:16--> 00:46:21

rises up, puts on his clothes. And then he realizes, Oh, yes, I was supposed to perform a huset.

00:46:22--> 00:46:24

But wait, I didn't shower.

00:46:26--> 00:46:28

What do you say? Does he ever hustle? Yes or No?

00:46:29--> 00:46:32

No. According to the Shafi school, he doesn't have a hotel. Right.

00:46:33--> 00:46:49

According to the Shafi school, he needs to have that intention. Okay, so that's number one. Number two, there are me ml Bethany bill to wash the entire body with water. Or to simplify it, water must reach every part of his body. That's it.

00:46:50--> 00:46:56

Like if you dip him into a body of water that covers him entirely with a knee? Yeah, he's gotta loosen.

00:46:58--> 00:47:24

That's it. Only those two components, those are food, food from the word filed. For means an obligation for rude. The obligations are loosely of washing, ritualistic purificatory both Okay, so that's it. That's a performer who said, quite simple, isn't it? So what's this other thing that we heard about the three times this anathematize

00:47:25--> 00:47:41

That's not irrelevant. That is what we refer to as the Sunnah and the Sunnah. And the recommended methodology, the recommended way of performing a hustle let's go through it quickly. Number one, to begin in the name of Allah Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem

00:47:46--> 00:47:54

I'm gonna ask you a question quickly threw a spanner in the works. Bismillah R Rahman Rahim is a part of the Fatiha not part of the Fatiha.

00:47:56--> 00:48:02

Is it part of the Fatiha or not? What are the Fatiha it is part of the Fatiha according to the sheriff a school of thought.

00:48:04--> 00:48:20

Others differ in how they interpret the best mela that's a long discussion for another time. But I have a point that I want to make here. Are you allowed to recite Quran? When you are in the state of Geneva? Yes or no?

00:48:21--> 00:48:28

Can you can you recite Quran have to read intercourse? No. It's not right. It's haram.

00:48:30--> 00:48:38

So if you say that the Bhasma Allah is part of the Fatiha and yeah, you saying it's sunnah to start off your hustle with a bass minor.

00:48:39--> 00:48:41

Now How now brown cow.

00:48:43--> 00:49:25

So Mr. Mallory discusses this, and simply put you are reciting the bass Mala which is a verse of the Quran, but you are not reciting it as a verse of the Quran. You are reciting it as a vicar. So as long as you don't intend as long as you don't have the NIA that I'm reciting Quran. It is fine. And this only applies to the bass Mala. You can't do this. Okay, I'm gonna butcher Surah Yaseen, but my intention is not to recite Quran My intention is to make a vicar now you can't do that. Right? This has a specific function, and Allah knows best. But now where's your shower? Is your shower and your toilet in one room? Yes or no?

00:49:27--> 00:49:55

In most homes today, it's in one room. So if that is the case, you don't you don't say the best manner. How do you then do it? You just have it in your in your heart, and that's enough. You don't start showering. Bismillah R Rahman Rahim. Now if your bathroom was separate from your toilet, which by the way is ideal, and our parents used to have it, you know, back in the day when these things are not an issue, right.

00:49:56--> 00:49:59

It's a problem from the perspective of the

00:50:00--> 00:50:41

The Spiritual restrictions. The toilet is a place you're supposed to go in to your business go out, because it is a place where you can be making vicar. This is why when the Prophet system lifted toilet, what did he say? Hello Veronica, your forgiveness of Allah? Did he commit the sin? No sin? What would you do? Why is he saying forgiveness of Allah, because there was a moment that he was not in the act of remembrance of Allah subhanho wa taala. And other than that, he was always in the remembrance of Allah. So the toilet is a dangerous place, in the sense of you are vulnerable there, you are vulnerable to unseen elements, you're vulnerable to shaytaan you're vulnerable from many

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00:50:42--> 00:50:46

Now, unfortunately, because we put the bathroom in the toilet together,

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we are vulnerable throughout the time that we are the understand. So it has its drawbacks. It's not haram, you don't have to go and change your house now. But understand that it's not ideal, and if you can have it differently, inshallah it would be better and Allah knows best. So that's the first thing you say Bismillah R. Rahman Rahim. The second is to remove any dirt to impurity on the body. So if you have for example, you have some nut Jassa on your body on your person, first remove that, right.

00:51:21--> 00:52:06

Semen. According to the Shafi school, is not considered nudges. It's not considered nudges, it's considered to thaw here, because it's the it's the essence from which a human comes forth. And Allah had honored human beings. So the semen of a human being is not considered now Jassa. But other than that, you remove any dirt to impurity, then to perform wudu as you would with solder. This somehow confuses many people. But how can I perform what will do if I don't have a holster, don't think of it as you're performing will do. And you can now go and pray now this will do is part of your washing ritual, it's part of your washing ritual.

00:52:08--> 00:52:29

Then next point is to pour water over the head three times intending to remove a major Hadith, a major state of ritual impurity, or hide whatever it is that you are performing the hustle for. When when you when you see this pour water over the head three times. How do you do this in the shower?

00:52:32--> 00:52:32


00:52:34--> 00:53:17

so this doesn't really become valid anymore, unless you're going to now go on to the stream come out of the stream, it's not necessary. The idea here is you had a bucket and a scoop. So you take a scoop of water, you pour it over your head, and then to be sadder, you do it again and you do it again. If you're in a shower, there is no real far either benefit in doing it in this way any longer. But if your intention is I want to do three rinses because it's gonna be similar go for it. Then to pour water over the right side of the body. Again, this is to be fatter and then over the left side of the body, but obviously this is bucket and scoop method. If you're in the shower, just

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make sure the water reaches every way that suffices, ensuring that water reaches all the joints and folds and then to rub oneself. It is sunnah this is for ladies specifically to apply mask

00:53:31--> 00:54:16

or some other form of suitable fragrance on a piece of cotton and inserted into the vagina when not into the vagina like like they would with the tampon but into the vagina. Only those bots have the private part which would be exposed when squatting right this is just to assist with whatever smell may have been made from the blood and that is a recommendation. Today you get you get specific hygiene products for ladies, right and if they if they use that that would be good insha Allah as opposed to you know placing something they that is potentially harmful. Allah Subhana Allah Allah and that is that concludes the discussion and Allah knows best

00:54:17--> 00:54:23

so now I will just leave room for one or two questions and we conclude on that note

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00:54:48--> 00:54:49

is it still cold water?

00:54:51--> 00:54:52


00:54:54--> 00:54:59

Yeah, no, no, it's perfectly good question. It's perfectly good question. So remember the the issue with

00:55:00--> 00:55:38

The coffee and the OH Ross, right? The brother asked the pool I'm asking for the for the stream purposes, the brother asked about pool water and the addition of chlorine into the water. So the chlorine while it adds a slight smell to the water, it doesn't change the water to the point where you no longer call it water, you still call it water you call it pour water is, but it's still water. So that would be that would be fine for purification purposes. And remember, it is much more than 200 liters in most circumstances. So that's fine. The same thing applies with borehole water.

00:55:39--> 00:56:11

Dam water, they may it might even look different. They might be visible algae in the water. That's not an agenda, right? It's not an agenda and you still call it water, so you can still use it. And Allah knows best is a Christian online can one recite Quran without voodoo, but not while in a state of Hadith state of impurity that requires was okay, firstly, there's a correction. The state of hadith is the state of not having whoodle The state of major Hadith or

00:56:12--> 00:56:31

Jana Abba or something of this width that's not, you know, without the hosel. So you can it is permissible to recite the Quran, from memory or even from a electronic device or the like without wudu. But you cannot do so without the hosel and Allah knows best. Any other questions

00:56:35--> 00:56:55

I must ask when you have the opportunity, right? It's not every day we speak about these things. And it's not every day when it would be comfortable to speak about them. And it's also important for parents to have open conversations with the children about these, these matters. It's very, very important and let it come from the parents as opposed to from other sources.

00:57:10--> 00:57:15

Okay, so, the uncle asked about if you have

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if you are romantic or intimate with your wife, but not actual physical intimacy, not penetrative intercourse. So then you can you have what is called pre ejaculatory fluid, right, this is known as muddy.

00:57:33--> 00:57:51

This does not necessitate the hustle because it's not sperm. It's not the exiting of sperm. But it does necessitate a will do. Why does it necessary data we'll do we'll speak about that in the next lesson when we speak about what breaks the window, right? What breaks the window

00:57:52--> 00:58:03

just to cover the question. Anything that exits the private parts breaks the window, and that obviously exits the private part. So it's not it's not that you need to hustle, but you do need a window.

00:58:04--> 00:58:28

And there's some other information as well. We said that sperm is not NASA. It's not considered magic in the Shafi school. But that fluid, pre ejaculatory fluid is considered NASA. So if that does exist, and gets onto your underwear or the like, then you do require to watch that because that is considered NASA and Allah knows best

00:58:30--> 00:58:38

barako Africa we end up on that note insha Allah wa SallAllahu ala Sayidina Muhammad Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salam aleikum wa rahmatullah Hittite wabarakatuh.