Life #11 When Islam becomes overwhelming, what should I do

Musleh Khan


Channel: Musleh Khan


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The speaker discusses the importance of consistency in Islam, including taking deeds in small quantities and monitoring money usage. They also encourage individuals to find a sense of peace and contentment in their Islam, especially in the upcoming month ofFinancial.

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What do I do when Islam feels too much?

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Salam o Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh. As that happened to you, where you question How am I going to connect with this Deen? There are so many rules. There are so many guidelines, it's too much. There's no way I'm going to maintain consistency. Practicing the deen and connecting to Allah subhana wa Tada. There's a couple of things you want to keep in mind. Number one, it's okay to feel overwhelmed. We're human beings. There were even companions that came to the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam and literally said to him, ya rasool Allah, the rules of this religion feel too much. Give me some advice, give me some direction. So here's a couple of things that will insha Allah Who Tyla

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make life easier for you. Number one, take the deen in dosages. Go little by little, don't overwhelm yourself that okay, I want to study a little bit more. And now when I'm done. Let me jump into another science of Hadith. When I'm done I'm going to go into the tip see that I'm going to study fifth try to do with the Prophet alayhi salatu salam told the famous companion ceremonial Pharisee or the Allah when he told this companion for air, okay, cool, lovey helping helper, give everything but has a right? It's right. So what that means is give everything its time and place. So when you go to the grocery store, you've got to obviously be careful what you purchase what you consume.

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You've got to monitor the money that you make that make sure it's hella the job that you have, you have so many components that work together for that moment, when you go to the store and you need to purchase something. Focus on that moment. Focus that when you're at work, you're concentrating just on work. When you have some downtime. You rest or you studying, you listen to our talk, give everything it's time and place. And as a matter of fact, that's what true wisdom in Islam is all about is giving everything it's time and it's happening. So remember that Islam is a way of life, it's not going anywhere. The most important thing is consistency, and take things one step at a

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time. This is why Allah subhanho wa Taala chose 23 years to reveal the Koran to the Prophet it salat wa salam think about that. It's not 23 days, it's not 23 hours, it's not 23 months, 23 years. Why didn't Allah just give him the Koran all in one day? It's because Allah was teaching him and all of us that this Deen, you have to take it gradually. But it has to be a lifelong commitment. You've got to really commit yourself, stay focused, and insha Allah Huhtala each and every time you do it, it'll become a whole lot easier. And very fulfilling every day. The more you study the gene, the more you connect with this religion, the more you think about it, and you revolve all of your

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decisions around Islam, the more natural it becomes. And you start to find a sense of peace and contentment because you know, you are in the most perfect system and way of life. That's very reassuring. And I hope and I pray that in sha Allah hooter Island, especially in the month of Ramadan, that we find that sweetness of the deen and that carries on for the rest of our lives in sha Allah hooter. Allah, just like Malawi,