Yusha Evans – Sunday Khatira – Masjid Salahadeen

Yusha Evans
AI: Summary © The importance of forgiveness in Islam is discussed, with emphasis on the need for a habit of forgiveness and the importance of actively praying. The process of forgiveness can be pursued through various actions, including praying tur offline and formally asking Allah to forgive them. It is also emphasized the importance of seeking forgiveness and avoiding regret. The speaker emphasizes the need to increase one's insha'abou and use it to open doors for one's life, while also not going to bed and seeking forgiveness of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
AI: Transcript ©
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Or not Allah forgives you on the day

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of judgement.

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That's that's all that you will be concerned

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about. On the day when you die,

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every worry that you've had in this world

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will die with it.

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Every stress you've had in this world will

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die with that death.

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The only concern you will have after that

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is whether or not

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Allah is going to forgive me because only

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the people who we go to paradise are

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the people whom Allah has forgiven. This is

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what the scholars have coined as the

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price of paradise. The price of paradise is

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the forgiveness of Allah

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And there are some conditions. There are many.

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We're just gonna be very short and brief.

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I'm gonna give you some some ways inshallah

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because the beautiful thing is that Allah has

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made it

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very easy

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for the believer to enter into the doors

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of forgiveness. He's made it very easy. He's

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given us so many ways. I think if,

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we were to sit here and go over

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the ways or,

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Sheikh Jabali will go over all the ways

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in Islam that are known to cause forgiveness,

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we would be here for in for the

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rest of the day. But Allah has made

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it very easy. But the conditions of forgiveness

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are a few.

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And as long as we meet these conditions,

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then we are hopeful that Allah Subhanahu Wa

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Ta'ala will forgive us, insha'Allah.

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Number 1 is that we must actually have

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We must have a feeling of remorse and

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for the sin we have committed. This is

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the this is the beginning of tawba. Is

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that we have remorse and regret for the

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sins that we have committed. For indeed if

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you're not remorseful or regretful for it, then

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the rest of them don't matter at all.

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Number 2 is to actually make tawba, to

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actually ask Allah

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to forgive you. Whether that's informally

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making istighfar

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or whether it's by formally praying turakat of

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nawafil salah and then asking Allah to forgive

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you. This is the formal tawbah. This is

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for, like, major sins as well that you

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need to actually formally make tawbah to Allah

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subhanahu wa ta'ala. And then number 3 is

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that you have the intention not to return

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to that sin. You have the intention to

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not go back to it again.

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But okay, what happens if you do do

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it again? You repeat the process.

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If you do it again, you just repeat

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the process. You have remorse, you make tawba,

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and you make an intention. What happens if

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you do it again?

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You repeat the process again. What happens if

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you do it again?

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You repeat the process again. Till when?

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How many times can we repeat that process

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Until shaitan gives up on you.

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Until shaitan despairs of you. Never stop repenting

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until shaitan has given up on you And

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if he doesn't, then you don't. This is

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reality. It is a race to who's gonna

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give up first. Are you gonna give up

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first returning to Allah or shaitan gonna give

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up on you? That is the reality. And

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we fight that fight until

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the day that we die. But the prophet

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salallahu alaihi wa sallam has given us so

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many ways, so many ways that we can

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receive the mercy of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.

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We just passed one of them which we

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know is an accepted Ramadan. An accepted Ramadan

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is the forgiveness of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.

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An accepted Hajj is the forgiveness of Allah

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Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. Umrah is forgiveness from Allah

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subhanahu wa ta'ala. Coming up soon, you'll have

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another chance in a couple of months on

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9th of Dhul Hijjah. Those who fast on

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9th of Dhul Hijjah sincerely seeking reward from

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Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. They receive forgiveness from

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the previous year's sins and the next year's

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sins You know the 6 days of Shawwal

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that just

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if you fast Ramadan,

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add the 6 days of Shawwal and you

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forget there's so many paths to the forgiveness

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of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.

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Saying subhanAllah

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100 times. Forgiveness from Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.

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There are so many paths to do this.

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And these are things that the Muslims should

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be looking for. We should be looking for

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these things. What are ways that I can

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earn the forgiveness of

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Allah So go through the different modes. There

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are so so so many of them. Some

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of them are very simple and very easy

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and some of them are much more difficult

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if you wanna get larger sins or gravity

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of sins forgiven

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But when it comes to

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seeking the forgiveness of Allah, this is something

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we should never ever ever give up on

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and never think we've done too much, never

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think it's impossible.

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It's not impossible. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is

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more forgiving than you have the capacity to

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There's also another very beautiful dua that you

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can make. You make this in the morning

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It will open up the doors and pathways

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to you. 10 times you say

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Say this in the morning insha'Allah. See things

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open up in your life. But the the

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door of istighfar is not just for the

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forgiveness of sins.

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When those who are increased in their istighfar,

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the scholars have said it opens up the

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pathways to many things in their life. Those

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who are frequent in istighfar,

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Allah opens up the doors of his bounty

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to them. Allah opens up the doors of

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his healing to them. You're having sickness, make

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Give sadaqah. Do other things that will help

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this insha'Allah.

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Open up these pathways for yourself because that

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door to tawbah never closes until two things

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happen. That's how we'll close insha'amal. The door

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to tawba closes in 2 2 times.

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For your own personal life, the door of

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tawba, the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam said,

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closes when the soul reaches the throat. Meaning

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that the angel of death has presented himself

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to you and the soul is about to

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come out, that is it. It's too late

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at that point. You now oh I see

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the reality now. It's too late. And then

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the second one, which is for the global

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is when the sun rises from the west.

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When the sun rises from the west, which

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is one of the last signs of the

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day of judgment, then that after that the

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dura of Tawba will close. The sun rises

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from the west, the dabb that will come

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out from there, the beast that will come

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out and speak to people. This is when

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the door of repentance closes. But other than

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that, it is always open to you insha'allah.

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And please, just as a as a as

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a small

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do not go to bed at night without

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seek the forgiveness of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.

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Sleep every night with a clean slate. Make

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istighfar. If you wake up in the middle

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of the night, get up and pray. Our

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Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam

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used to stand up at night and pray

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until his feet cracked and bled. We know

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this famously. Right? And Aisha radiAllahu anha wa

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raha asked him, why do you do this?

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We know that you have been forgiven. Allah

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has forgiven your past and future sins. All

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everything that you could do has been forgiven.

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Why do you stand up all night and

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do this? He said then should I not

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what is the word I'm looking for?

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A grateful should I not be a grateful

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slave? Should not not be a thankful slave

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to subhanahu wa ta'ala for this that he

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has given me? That is for he whose

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sins had already been forgiven. What about us?

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What about us who don't know? What about

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us who have no idea whether we're going

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to be forgiven or not? Our prophet sallallahu

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alaihi wasallam said I make istafar between how

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70 to 100 times every single day. This

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is someone whom Allah has already forgiven. What

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about us? We have to look at our

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condition and realize how much more we are

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in need and increase in our istafar insha'allah,

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and it will open bounteous doors into your

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life. Insha'allah, it will open doors that you

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you cannot imagine. The scholars have I remember

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sitting in a in a in a lecture,

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one summer in Madinah

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with Sheikh Mohammed Muhtar, Asham Kheti, where he

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was going through the benefits of istighfar and

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what it does to your life. I wish

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that lecture was online. It might be online

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somewhere in Arabic. But the amount of things

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that come through

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seeking the forgiveness of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.

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So always remember that anytime during the day

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you get a moment just say, Astaghfirullah.

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Whatever it is, ask Allah to forgive you

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and watch how things open up for you

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and your life changes insha'Allah.

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Let's have some nice breakfast.

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You can't get up to pray.

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Yes. There's so there are there are a

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number of different,

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du'at that you can say that bring about

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Allah's forgiveness.

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Look for all of them. And most of

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them are very short and most of them

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are very light on the tongue as well.

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Most of them are very light on the

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tongue. They're made very easy. That's one beautiful

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thing he was talking about Sheikh Mohammed Makhtar

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is that if you look at most of

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the duas for forgiveness, Allah has made them

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very easy and light on the tongue. They're

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not very complicated to say so that people

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who are not native Arab speakers cannot say

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them. They've been made very light on the

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tongue and very easy. Even the even the

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one where he said,

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SubhanAllah, he will be hamdulhee, SubhanAllah, hil adhim.

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He said it's something that is very light

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on the tongue but heavy on the scales.

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Very light on the tongue, very easy to

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say but heavy on the scales. So this

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is why Allah has made it another point

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that Allah has made it so easy for

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Let's have some breakfast, inshallah. Assalamu

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