Abdullah Oduro – Inovations of God #26 The Key to Heaven has Ridges

Abdullah Oduro
AI: Summary © The importance of sh Presentation and the use of ridges for obtaining forgiveness from sh Presentation is discussed, along with the responsibility of individuals to seek forgiveness from the church and not worship the worship of Jesus. The holy Bible's teachings are not about individual actions, but rather their minds and behavior. The holy Bible's teachings are not about actions, but rather minds and behavior.
AI: Transcript ©
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When speaking about, shirk and continuing on with

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shirk and how,

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tawhid is the only means of forgiveness from

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shirk after he mentioned the 3 types of

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the 3 types of injustices

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from Hadith

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and Hadith.

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I'm sorry.

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He mentions here,

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He said due to the fact that shirk

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is the polytheism is the worst type of

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the 3,

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impermissible for him.

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So he does, Mushrik doesn't enter Jannah. The

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polytheists doesn't enter Jannah. Only people of Tawhid,

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the monotheistic,

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the ones that worship Allah alone, the Muslims.

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He said, for verily, it is monotheism. It

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is torhid.

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This is the key to the door.

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And whoever doesn't have with him the key,

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the door will not be open for him.

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He said, and also someone that may have

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the key

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that has no ridges,

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he will not he will not be he

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will not be able to open the door

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as well. He says

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He said, and the the the ridges for

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this key

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are fasting, prayer, zakat, you know, charity, the

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yearly charity,

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pilgrimage, fighting for the cause of Allah, ordering

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the good, forbidding the evil,

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truthful truthful,

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speech and being trustworthy

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and also,

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bringing the kin together, the relatives, the family,

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making sure you maintain that togetherness

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and righteousness to the parents. All of these

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are actions which are very interesting that this

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distinction is made

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Because someone may be doing all of these,

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but they go and they worship Jesus. They

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go and they worship an idol. They go

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and worship themselves. They don't believe in

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a deity,

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but they may do all of these things.

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I'll never forget. I remember someone told me,

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I don't need god to tell me to

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walk a woman across the street, an old

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woman across the street. I don't need god

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for that. So this distention is important because

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we may be thinking, okay. He has Tawhid.

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Why are the Asnaan there? The Tawhid may

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be there but they may not be doing

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the actions. How many times, you know, unfortunately,

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we see Muslims that probably don't do don't

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do any of these. They were probably born

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or they converted to Islam, but later in

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their life, they just, you know, they just

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didn't couldn't hold on, didn't hold on, didn't

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want to hold on,

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faced experiences in their lives that made them

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turn away from prayer.

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And fasting was too difficult. And zakat,

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they don't really see the benefit of it

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because the Ummah is the way that it

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is. And me giving zakat, what will that

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really help? Hajj. Why am I gonna go

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to the desert? So these types of things

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will be said,

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from those that may believe in the oneness

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of Allah or may say that they're Muslim.

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But let's assume they believe in the oneness

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of Allah. They don't have the asnaan. They're

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not doing the actions

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of khir. But make no mistake, if someone

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that has this tawhid in their heart and

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they worship the worship the worship Allah subhanahu

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wa ta'ala,

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it's very very interesting because

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don't want to ask the question, is it

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possible? But let's think about it, really.

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Someone that really knows Allah and worships him,

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how can they be void and voluntarily not

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do any of these things?

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Dare I say it's impossible

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for someone to really know Allah and to

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want because when they know Allah, they love

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him more. And when they love him more,

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they they want to please him. So if

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they want to please Allah,

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they want to, you know, implement the structure

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that he has set for them. So it's

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believing, knowing who Allah is, knowing the structure

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he has set, and trying their best to

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follow it.

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That's the thought. That's the important part. So

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these asanas what Ibn Uqayim mentions that these

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are the the ridges for the king. And

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then he says

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He said, so any servant,

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anyone who acquires the right key in this

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life, the key of Tawhid,

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and then gives it its teeth of God's

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commandment. Gives it its teeth,

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and it has the teeth of the key

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by following God's commandments. He will come on

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the day of judgment,

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to the door of Jannah with the keys

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that no other

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keys can open. With that that no other

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keys can open. It cannot. The door cannot

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be opened except with that key,

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and nothing is holding him back.

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He says that he he comes up to

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the door and he has the key for

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the door, the proper key.

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Anyone that is like this,

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or or, you know, the person may have

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this key and their condition being that there's

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nothing that holds him back except if there

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are some type of sins or wrongdoings or

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burden that that burden him,

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because the the the the the remnants of

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those sins have not been relinquished

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from istighfar

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or from repentance. So we talked about earlier.

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What happens to this person? He says,

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and this is important.

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He says, for verily he or she will

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be withheld from Jannah until they are purified.

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He says, if standing before God with all

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its terrors and distress will not accomplish this,

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he he he

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* cannot be avoided if the person is

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to be rid of what foulness

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remains in him.

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So, basically, that person will serve in the

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hellfire until

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they are purified

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from it

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Because of those sins that he or she

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did not seek forgiveness for.

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And the the mokkifa standing in front of

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does not cause that to relinquish, and that

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is by the will of Allah. And it's

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important to mention that. That is by the

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choice in the will of Allah

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But it notice here,

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it's the responsibility

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of the servant that was not fulfilled. They

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did not take those moments to seek forgiveness

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from firstly,

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they didn't take those moments to seek out

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their sinful practices

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and to ask Allah for forgiveness from it

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and seek repentance.

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This is the first thing because that's the

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that's our responsibility

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is to seek forgiveness from Allah Subhanahu Wa

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Ta'ala. And then he says

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He says after this process of being purified

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by staying in the * for a period

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of time,

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they will be they will be purified

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from their from the dirt and the sins

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and then they will enter it enter Jannah

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for really that is the abode of the

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pure. The tayyibeen.

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No one enters it except that they are

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tayyib, that they are pure. And then he

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mentions the statement of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.

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He says the statement of the angels is

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the pure ones who,

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God says, the pure ones whose souls the

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angels take, to them it will be said

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peace be upon you enter heaven. And this

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this is a beautiful verse because you know

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what's interesting here is you know, I remember

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one of my sheikh used to say, Salamu

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Instead of us, Salamu Alaikum. And he said

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we asked him why you say that. He

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said, well, that's the statement of the people

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in Jannah. Salamu Alaikum.

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Salamu Alaikum. Salamu Alaikum utuhul Jannah. There was

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also, Salamu Alaikum Tubbatum Fudukhuluh Khaledeen,

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which is another verse here we're gonna go

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into mention here. So this verse is showing

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that the Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is talking

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about the angels that the the tayibeen,

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that they are the ones that will enter.

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And this is in the chapter of Nahal

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verse number 32. And he says,

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He mentions a statement here, those who revere

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their lord are conducted, are entered into Jannah.

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They are entered into Jannah in ranks

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they come unto it and its

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doors are open. And its guardian say to

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them, Salamu Alaikum. Peace be upon you.

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You who are pure, so enter heaven therein

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forever. Now this verse is important and it

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kinda brings the point home to what he

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was talking about because what Ibn Uqayim here

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is saying here is that, in summary,

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that the individual

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that has the key, that worships Allah Subhanahu

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Wa Ta'ala alone, but

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they don't have the ridges from the prayer,

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the fasting, etcetera, etcetera,

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that may not enter them into Jannah, which

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brings forth an important mess'allah,

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Is someone that says that I am Muslim

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and they don't do the actions of

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are they considered a Mu'min?

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Number 1. Number 2, are they considered a

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Right. There's difference of opinion on this, but

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for someone that voluntarily doesn't pray, there's an

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opinion that they're not even considered Muslim even

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if they say it.

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Right? And number 2, the person that performs

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the salat

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and there's and and and,

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the zakat

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And they have sins even though they do

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these actions. So they have the keys

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and they have the ridges. But with these

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ridges, there's deficiencies.

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That's all of us. That's all of us.

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You know, the the angels are the ones

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that are sinless. So we have those sins.

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So he mentions

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the one that goes to the the one

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that the key to even getting an opportunity

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to get into Jannah is to have the

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with the ridges. Right?

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But with that, there's deficiencies.

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So when you go in front of Allah

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on that day, yomukkiyama,

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and you stand in front of him, and

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you haven't asked for forgiveness,

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or there hasn't been actions of good that

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have relinquished the sins, or there hasn't been

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trials and tribulations that you endured that served

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as expiation for previous sins, if that's still,

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quote, unquote, left over on that day of

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judgment, after looking at the horrors and the

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things that we'll see on on the omer

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kiyama and we still haven't asked for forgiveness,

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then there's a time that you will serve

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in the hellfire. The individual will serve in

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the hellfire until they are purified

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from those

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sins. But

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and he brings the proof of showing the

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verses in the Quran that was just mentioned.

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But what's beautiful here is Ibnu Kayim says,

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So this is important for all of you

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to to really, like, to dive into the

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verse and to see the sequence in the

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Arabic language to understand the importance of the

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subject matter that we were talking about because

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it could be controversial for some. It says

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again in this verse,

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those who revere their Lord are conducted

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into heaven in ranks.

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In ranks. That's where we get Surat Zumr

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in ranks. Until they come into it,

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right, and it is and its doors are

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open, the doors of Jannah. May Allah make

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us the inhabitants of it. And its guardians

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say to them, we call them What

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do they say? Salamun alaikum again. Salamun

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So Ibn Qayyim is saying here,

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so he followed up the entrance of it.

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He he he he followed up the statement

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of the entrance of Jannah in the verse

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with the letter Right?

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That it it meant that

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because of that,

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it is implied

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that you enter or that your your purity

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is the reason for your entrance.

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And that's what he says here. A,

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for the purpose

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because of your purity.

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It was said to you,

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In Usulufic, there's something called,

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Al Mafoom Al Muqhalifa. There's a difference of

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opinion on

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the strength of the proof or even the

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validity of

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it. But here, it is something that is

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strong because it coincides with other proofs in

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the Quran as the early verse that we

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read. So it basically says here what the

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rule basically mentions is that

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because Allah said

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because of your purity, enter it. You're pure,

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fat can be therefore

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enter Jannah. Mafumu Khalafa, the opposite implication, but

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that's the name of the rule, Qaida a

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is that

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if you entered in because of your purity,

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it's indirectly

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that impurity does not allow you to enter.

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Indirect implication. I tell you to sit. I'm

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indirectly implying don't stand.

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I tell you to stand. I'm indirectly implying

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get up from the seat or do not

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try to sit down. Indirect

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And that's what Ibn Khayyim is talking about

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in this verse. So,

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again, this first pillar of Islam of the

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it is showing here the importance of the

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tawhid, the the unification of Allah Subhanahu Wa

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Ta'ala in the heart and your belief. And

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also the writ which it serves as the

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key but the ridges of the key are

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the actions which will therefore open the door

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figuratively speaking to Jannah may Allah subhanahu wa

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ta'ala make us from the inhabitants of Jannah.

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