Muhammad West – Politics – Episode 07

Muhammad West
AI: Summary © The transcript discusses the success of the Hadith group in their class and the potential for a return. The group worked hard to memorize Hadith's name and build massages and roads. They also discussed the success of the claws and the potential for a safe return. The transcript ends with news updates and announcement of the upcoming class.
AI: Transcript ©
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We live in a shaytani r rajim Bismillah R Rahman Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala Sayidina Muhammad Ali was iVh mine My beloved brothers and sisters in Islam Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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All Praise to Allah subhana wa tada most merciful most kind load created a state of the universe. La Ilaha Illa Hunan has the right to be worshipped but Allah subhana wa Tada. We submit to Him as muslimeen and we send our greetings and salutations our love to our master Nabi Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, to his perfect and pure family, to his illustrious companions, and to all those who follow me soon until the end of time, we'll be amongst them. I mean, most Allah subhanaw taala to bless us in this walk of Juma to forgive us our shortcomings in this past week, and to guide us in the week to come. I mean, what hamdulillah after a couple of weeks of having guest speakers, we

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returned to our series, the politics of faith, and we discussed for the past month or so, about Islam and politics. And we live in a time when we look at Syria, Palestine,

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Turkey across the world, Saudi Arabia, as a Muslim minority in South Africa, how do we reconcile our Deen with politics and the order by and large today, you find them, the majority of them are basically a political This issue has become so so difficult, so controversial, that you'd find even amongst the general public, for example, they would say, we turn to CSR, we stay out of politics, we give Dean and we don't discuss political matters, because it's so great and so complicated, and we tried to clarify is very difficult discussion, and through our discussion, we discuss some important principles with regards to politics in Islam. We said for example, Islam does not believed in a

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separation of church and state. We not believe that politics, we take Islam out of it that these two things are separate. No, Islam came to dictate and guide every aspect of human life, from how we use the toilet, to how we run the economy. how we do business, how we govern our people should be based on Sharia. There is no such thing as political system without Sharia in the Islamic context, we should all be Pro, a Sharia state, we should all be pro and Islamic State. And we seek to understand what that state looks like, not what some people claim it to be, not what we see happening in Syria, or in Afghanistan. That's not the Islamic State we talking about. The Islamic state of Omar bin

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Abdulaziz, we spoke about this halifa Omar Abdul Aziz, what kind of state that was based on justice to all Muslim and non Muslim fairness, equality, based on the leader being the best and the most model of all citizens being the one that sacrifices first. This is what we mean when we want the Islamic State. So this is what we all want. And we see that Islam, it makes it incumbent on us, that we should obey our authority, even if that authority is bad. Even if that authority is captured. We obey them in the heck they have a right of obedience from us, so long as we don't disobey Allah subhana wa Tada. We also say that democracy in a limited sense or democracy, not open to to

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democracy, selecting your leaders. This is Islamic, and the leaders of Islam, many of them most of them, the hula Rashid in they were selected by popular by popular

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decision from the people, the Sahaba chose the I mean, the visa club didn't appoint a leader, the Sahaba selected abubaker of the Alon, so we said even democracy as roots Islam as democracy within Islam,

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we spoke about rebelling against the leader. And we said the question is Alhamdulillah if the leader is good and fair, and just if we have an Abu Bakar, Anna Maria, following him is easy. But we know that we don't have many other workers and almost and by enlarge, for the past 1400 years, it continues today. We have leaders that have that leave much to be desired. How do we respond to evil leaders, bad leaders? We know we should obey them. Can we not overthrow them? And we said that this has happened in Islam. The Romanians were overthrown because they were corrupt. And we said, How did the old ama and if you study history of Islam, you'd find this usage panela. When you study history,

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you study about the politicians, the whole of the generals, and then you sort of study on a separate topic, the lives of the Lama, Abu hanifa Imam Shafi, and you asked, What did Imam Shafi say about the politics of the time? Even not sure if he was here? What would he say about the DA and the ANC about ISIS and Donald Trump and all these people? What would he say about that? Or would you simply say, we don't talk about these issues? We talk about sada and taco in the masjid and that stuff is outside of the masjid. Because this is basically where we find ourselves in. What did the Allah say, at V times about the politicians because we saw after all,

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With Abdulaziz, the leaders that came after that went back to the ways of being a dictator, of ruling against justice, not fulfilling the Sharia, they almost remain, they will follow this lamp. And they did good things, whether these many bad things, and they did many corrupt things, and they took lives unjustly. So what did the Obama say? And how did the allameh? How did the Obama How did they respond to the politicians, because remember, these credits became very famous, they had massive followings. They were they were very closely the rub shoulders with the halifa. So what was the relationship? So we'll talk about over the next couple of weeks, and we're doing a series inside

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the series now, the lives of the Imams within the context of the politics. So we look at the lives, we'll touch on the methods, and we'll discuss within that how they what was the relationship with the government, and each for the four times, they all had different relationships with the government, some of them very severe and harsh, and actually died in prison, and were beaten and flogged. Others had very close relationships with the government. How do you reconcile this? Sometimes even the same government, they had different relationships? So what can so let's talk about this and advice and so that we can learn? How do we respond to our government? What is our

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relationship with Jacob Zuma and the King of Saudi Arabia? Why do we respond to these people? Right, so insha, Allah with, you know, we discussed that our first Imam that we discussed this panel now before I begin, and we can't do justice to this great Imam, as a as an introduction to him. If,

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if you decide if we had to compile a list of the Greatest scholars in the history of Islam, in all fields, this man has a strong claim to being the number one scholar of all time. I said this before, when I did the series, the heroes of Islam, that my personal view, even though I don't follow his mother, in particular, but my personal view that if we were to bring a scholar from the past today, to fix our questions we have today, this man is the best suited to do it, that the scholars have been, they have this game, and I said this, that, you know, young men and maybe even adult men, they like to compete with stronger Superman, Batman, the Hulk, you know, who's stronger, who's the base

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of all played this games, and the scholars of the we've got this game similarly, who is the big scholar, in my opinion, it's a it's an opinion, Allah, Allah knows whose best and you would come down to two candidates who is number one, to come back, either to be Mr. Buhari series, the base, or the scholar that will speak about today, the scholars of Allah, when he into the field of learning, sometimes scholars into into learning and they contribute a lot to it. They write books, and they, you know, they, they, they take it forward. Others come in and they revolutionized completely, that after him that science is changed completely. It's a new science. And this is what this man did with

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regards to fic mm shafia. He says, when it comes to fick, we all of us all the scholars of our grandchildren to our glare, the father of thick is this Imam, Abu hanifa. rahimullah, Abu hanifa Rahim Allah, the scholars and other scholars is one of the tambourine of the light. And that would he says, it is compulsory on every single Muslim in every Salah to give sugar that although since a man like Abu hanifa, because he made the dean easy for everybody before him, the Dean was very difficult and very, you had to be an alum of many, many years to understand that he revolutionized it made a system that everyone could understand and that it could be taught and we could answer

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questions that not you didn't require a PhD in Hades to answer question, now they will lose there was a system. This is what the man Abu hanifa Rahim Allah gave to the oma in terms of his madhhab and I know we are here in Shafi country, what hamdulillah and we are very humbled proudly, Shafi. What hamdulillah. We like our prunes, right? But without a doubt, the Hanafi madhhab is the largest method and it's always been the largest might have been oma, but half of the soma has always been Hanafi. And countries like the Ottoman Empire, the turkey, this was the official method of the oma, the mother of the oma was Hanafi. And we know the subcontinent and all the countries in Central

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Asia, these are strong Hanafi countries, and he's madhhab, the mother Abu hanifa, and the principles he put down, were all the other motherhood mother he would follow. He was the first of the 40 moms and all the email that followed after him. Even though they differ on certain issues, they without a doubt benefited from his thinking and his ideas and his revolutionary thoughts. And what I personally love about Abu hanifa Rahim Allah, a number of things which makes him different to the other imams a normal scholar and when you ask how do you become a great scholar? You know, they will say the ingredients are from a young age. Your father must maybe be a chef and He will teach you

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Quran and you live in the masjid for the next 20 years learning

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Quran Hadith, memorizing, memorizing, memorizing when you get to 20. You're now in and now you are a student of knowledge of you've memorized dozens of books and you've memorized the Quran back to front. Now you travel the world in search of other great scholars to broaden your horizon for another 20 years or so this is basically the format of the scholars. Right off the 40 or so now you come back, and now you start teaching and you pause photography, and you write books. And then after about 30 years of teaching and writing books, you're great scholar and you pass away. This is really the the routine of the scholars of the past Mr. Abu hanifa, breaks the mold is not like this. And

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each scholar each of these are the four emails inshallah we'll talk about them over the next couple of weeks. I want you to have a image of them in your mind, and how can I explain who Abu hanifa was, I want you these two words that really captures him. He's a genius, and he's a gentle person. He's the smiling grandfatherly gentle, loving genius, that he saw things that no one else before him could see. And he could understand things in so much. He was the smartest guy in the room, the smartest guy in the world, but the way he interacted with people, he encouraged everyone else. Some people are so sharp, they cut the people around them, not this man, he inspired others, and he

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humbled himself. And that's why his mother This is not because of his brilliance but because of acceptance from Allah subhanho wa Taala that people make sada based on the format, he explained from the Hadith and the Quran panela every Salam made, but every Hanafi following from a mountain goes kintamani first Allah, this is acceptance from Allah subhanaw taala. So what can we say about this Imam, even Mubarak, who is one of the 13 that is one of the students of Sahaba he says the most knowledgeable in amongst the people is Abu hanifa in our time, is no one more knowledgeable when it comes to Fiq than Abu hanifa. And I have never seen in a man better than him.

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Chef esec people are completely dependent on bouhanni. When it comes to picking up Shafi saying this, we are dependent on Abu hanifa. We could not do without him what he did, he built the foundation, and we just built on that foundation. So if you're an authority said once again, another These are great, great scholars, I know some of these names, we never heard them. But these are the superstars of the tabea. In the big imams of that time. They said we never met anyone like Abu hanifa in terms of terms of think he was the champion.

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So what can we say more about Abu hanifa and his background, Abu hanifa number another important point to note, he was a non Arab. He was a Persian of Danny stanny origin. His grandfather was a revert to Islam. His grandfather became Muslim and was a close friend of Cincinnati, the Sahaba of the Alliance embraced Islam, and they move to Iraq and his father

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serve it. In fact, Abu hanifa many of us will not know his name. What's his name? Norman even savate. That's his name. His name is Abu hanifa in doesn't have a daughter called hanifa. But his name is not a man, even if it is for the Sabbath, and he's not a man. He's so his grandfather was at events. And we can say in his household while it was a household that was a pious household. They were but basically they were not Grandma, his father and his grandfather. They were Persian carpets, textiles merchants, they bought and sold fabric. His father was in a great shape. His father never memorized Hadith. There was no father in his family. His house was the basic ordinary simple Muslim,

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they may turn out five times a day they fostered in Ramadan, they would go to the masjid and that's within it, but they had high morals and high character. So don't think that if you don't come from a household of Allah that you are excluded from it. Or if you are from not from the Arabs that this Deen is not for you. This man was an Arab and he lived he lived towards the end of the Omega dynasty when things were really bad and he lived in a city from Kufa which is era hufa was like the Las Vegas of the oma at that time. Every idea every group every thought the Shia were the the How are you are they the you know the Jamia the philosophers, the atheists, the Christians, the Jews, every

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single group was in was in Kufa. Kufa had all the ideas every Majeed had different thoughts and many of the the incorrect philosophy started in Kufa. You also had the best scholars in Kufa, some of the Sahaba lived and died in Kufa, also in a political and back to our cities who fought was a problematic province. We said the people of Iraq were not in favor of the Romanians. You remember that? There were major in Syria. And the biggest headache was Iraq. The biggest challenging area was Iraq. So the governance of Iraq were very unjust, and they were oppressive. So it's in this backdrop when the revolution is in a people want to overthrow the government. You

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have new philosophies and uprisings happening. Abu hanifa is born into this environment, very similar to the time that we live in. We think sometimes these scholars, they lived amongst melodica. And therefore naturally, they learned things about it first time wasn't like that it was turbulent. There were so many incorrect beliefs that people fell into great scholars fell into those wrong beliefs. And Abu hanifa being a non Arab, he was a second class citizen, we said the Americans had a bad policy. If you weren't an add up, you didn't get senior positions. You did your job, you lived within the state, but as a second class citizen, and that's why it stayed. So he lived in this kind

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of environment. And as I said, he grew up being in the family business, up until about 20 years old is quite late. In any sport or field, you can't start at the age of 20. And say, I want to become a professional soccer player. I never picked up a golf club and I want to be a professional. You must be very gifted. If you want to start that agency is very late. Now. Same with Islamic knowledge to start now memorizing books upon books, you know, it's going to be a big challenge for you. But Abu hanifa Rahim Allah, he started late in his life, and how did he start? So he was a silk merchant, and he would buy and sell socks, and he was very, was highly intelligent, and highly moral in his

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business dealings. And one day by chance, he bumps into a scholar of Kufa, one of the great scholars of Kufa, one of the great tabea in a man who studied under 500 companions, amount of shabby. Mm, a shabby, so as we said, you have the Sahaba, the next generation after them, they're called this the generation of the Tabby own. Amongst them, you had many great scholars, and Shelby was a Tabby, he studied and he went around the world learning from different Sahaba imama shabby, 500 of them. And Abu hanifa bumped into him shabby, and took a little bit about him shabby.

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shabby, was such a great scholar, that when he started to teach other Sahaba like Abdullah, even Omar, the son of Satan, Ahmed, the great Sahaba Abdullah, who lived with Nabisco sallam, he would say, I hear him shabby, speaking about battles, which I was in that battle, and I learned new things I didn't know because he made other Sahaba, who had other experiences, trying to learn the stabby memorize so much. He was so you know, proficient and so knowledgeable among shabby that the halifa of the medical marijuana Omar bin Abdulaziz, his father in law of the medical marijuana, this great mega Caliph. He took him shabby and made him the ambassador to the Romans, the Christian Romans, and

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he would, you know, give convey messages to and fro. And the Roman emperor was also impressed with him shabby, and he says to him shabby, listen here, why don't you stay with me here in the Roman lands, I will give you a high position in the government. You such a good advisor, you're so smart and logical. I want you to stay with me. And I shall be of course, he said, No, I can't I have a duty to the middle meaning the halifa I work for him. And eventually, after, you know, trying his best to twist his arm, his arm, even sharp. He goes back to the halifa and the Roman Emperor system shabby. I want you to give a personal lift to the hollyford Don't eat it, give this little to the

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halifa. So after medical marijuana, halifa opens the detainee reads it. And it tells him Shelby, do you know what this letter is? Do you know what the Roman Emperor said to me? so young? I don't know what did he say? The Roman Emperor says to me, Abdul Malik that He's surprised that the Arabs have selected Abdul Malik to be the halifa when they have a shabby, a much better man, that should be the halifa you should be the halifa is a bit difficult situation now. And we said the Americans were not scared to remove your head. It was like an accessory that they removed when they didn't like you didn't like the way you look at us. They'd like your hairstyle, and you have to get off. That's why

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the Americans did things. So the halifa says, What do you have to say? So I'm sure he says no, yeah, yeah, I mean, meaning what can I say? He only says that because he never really met you in person. That's why he says that. If you meet you in person, you wouldn't say that. So of the medical marijuana system shall be no, he is jealous that I have someone like you as an advisor, and he hopes that I would execute you, but I'm not going to give him these away. I'm gonna let you go. So this great amount of shabby he bumps into Abu hanifa by chance by accident, they never met each other. They didn't know one another Imam Abu hanifa is working in the market selling soaps. shabby is the

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teacher talking to the halifa teaching the most advanced of fig sciences, and even shabby sees a young man. Look at the time it's almost doing and you're sitting in the market. What are you doing? You're a student of knowledge. You shouldn't be so and Infosys. Mmm. You know, math f1. I'm not really a student of knowledge. I'm just a salesman.

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You're not a student of knowledge. I can see from your face goodness and intelligence. And listen to me my son. I feel that if you study Dean, there will be some goodness that comes from you. That's all this one sentence change the life of Abu hanifa

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Change the life of billions of people, this chance, five minute encounter. So any formula this affected him and as I said he was highly intelligent, very intelligent young man, very successful in his business, a wealthy man well to do he dressed well, beautifully. He wore good clothing, well known in terms of his his his his prosperity and things like that. But he felt there was something more you could do. He knew his intelligence and his brightness and his his genius was meant for more. So he took the advice of him shabby, and one word Gemma muslimeen, especially to our kids can change the lives can change the lives. We encourage our kids and I speak to myself first with my own

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kids. When we get upset, we say negative things. You'll never amount to anything, you idiot, stupid span, all of these things affect and similarly Nagisa sallam, he was the opposite. When he advice he gave young people confidence. You can do this. I've said this before that amount students have the heart of when asked him he or she how and this on YouTube, how can you the amount of harm How did you get the he said when I was a kid, I was a very naughty child. But when my mother got upset with me, she would say, you know you're such a naughty boy, I make dua Allah makes you the amount of harm as well as the amount of harm today. He said that's how he became the amount of harm

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that when she was angry, she would say you will be the moment of harm I'm telling you as families. So these chants words we say to somebody can change someone's life changed. It was life.

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It didn't start off his journey to knowledge didn't start to fall, hunky dory, and he came to the masjid and hamdulillah the angels, you know, made Salawat and the The doors are open. Now. He went through maybe a few years of confusion, because now you want to start where do I start? You want to go in today, people go through I want to learn knowledge, I go on YouTubes, Panama, I associate this with the seven associate that shift. Where do I begin? Who do I follow? It puts you have Imam Abu hanifa didn't know where he fits in really, in terms of knowledge. And he goes through a process of sitting with different circles of learning, learning different things. And then he would move on

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until he finds his place. He began, we started with his first area of learning was with the philosophers in new science. So how many were discussed philosophy in depth? We never thought about questions like we eat a lot. How does a lot look? How does it come down the last third of the night if it's night here, but it's the in America but a lot of these questions. So Harvard didn't indulge these questions. But at that time, Greek philosophy into the Muslim lands, and you had these groups talking about it, you found atheists appearing, Abu hanifa was highly proficient in this area. His mind was logical, philosophical, and he excelled in these things. And one of the debates he had with

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an atheist, an atheist asked,

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which direction is your God facing now? So he said, If I have a candle, which direction does the light face. So he said, it's like faces all directions. And he said, similarly, Allah subhanho wa Taala does not face in one direction, his power and his might, his every way, and his yearnings everywhere, but we Allah is in relation to us. He's above us. But we Allah is almost confined to time and space. So he was an expert in philosophy, and in particular, atheists. He was brilliant in his argumentation, but he felt that this field of learning did not bring taqwa. It did not bring any taqwa and advise, in particular, brothers who study Islamic knowledge, who go deep into

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understanding these philosophical debates. You can debate until you blue in the face about how old the scenes the last third of the night, but if you don't wake up with the hijab that night and you haven't understood the idea, there is no taqwa in that that debate is a debate of speculation. Allah did not ask you to ask we Allah is and how he is, we submit to Allah says, above the arch in a manner which reflects his majesty, closer to you than your jugular vein. Wherever you are, is with you. This is what looks upon our diaries. So evapo hanifa of the excelling in philosophy he felt there is no taqwa in this field and he lifted when he sat with the scholars of language, Arabic

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language and poetry. And he felt this was he didn't have really a hunger and aptitude for this. So he left that field as well still searching. Then he sat with the scholars of Hadith, Masha Allah and another scholars of Hadith until today, there is a type of caliber. If you want to learn Hadith, it requires a certain type of temperament. It's not the one who's most intelligent, who's going to master it. It's the guy who's going to sit 12 hours a day to memorize it, word for word. It requires a lot of efforts. And in many ways, it didn't suit a man like Abu hanifa, who's a genius who read something and understands 10 different points to sit for hours and memorize Hadith. So this wasn't

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his temperament. Alhamdulillah Allah did not create all of us to be Hadith scholars, even the Sahaba some memorize Hadith, some memorize Quran

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Some eloquent speakers, some generals, some did a lot of things. But the names are not out there. They built the massages, they built the roads and we need those people. So Abu hanifa fell in depth study of Hadith, memorizing Hadith. Not really his forte is searching, where do I learn, I want to learn knowledge, but I don't find myself fitting in any way. And Allah knows how many months if not years, he went through this period until he comes to the masjid. And a lady who again saw this goodness in his face and said, I have a question about Pollock, simple question. And he said, You know, I don't know the answer. I don't know the answer. But there is a shift, the biggest shift

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Hamad, he had a big magic, big matchless, big lot of students sitting in the shifts, gathering share Hamad. So he said asked, let's share, and he wants you to know the answer. So he also said the to listen to the factor. So she asked the Imam Hamad was the answer. And he answers the question on Barak. And Abu hanifa. said that day in Hamad del Sur, and he would sit there for almost 20 years, he found the man he was looking for. He found this man's teaching fic frequently talk about and that's why you know, not to digress, but it is a different subject to Heidi's sort of sci fi is about is this haram or halal or haram? Chef? Can I eat this? Can I not eat that? I don't find in the

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Quran anything about giraffes? Can I eat the jet off or not? I don't know how this is gonna tell you. Now you need to make an analogy. You know, soprano 90 thing, Chef, if I'm in space, what time is fudger? What time is Margaret? There's no sun, there's no day The thing is about answering these very difficult kinds of questions that you don't find directly in the Quran and the Sunnah. And this is what Hamad was teaching. And Abu hanifa said, I found my spot, I found my place. He says he began. And this was the custom that the good the base of students had in France, and the more junior students sat at the back. So you sitting at the back with the small boys, initially. But as

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questions came up and his mind opened up in a law, and he realized Allah had given him an aptitude, which he had not given anyone in Islamic history, I have not found anyone in the history of Islam that had such a great aptitude of understanding, like Abu hanifa Mullah, it became a hammered notice this very quickly. And he said, Yeah, Abu hanifa, we are normal. I want you to sit next to me. I also see some goodness in you. So you've said after a short period, I was sitting at the right hand side of Hamad. And he told me 14 years, 10 years I sat in his class, learning from him. Then he says, After 10 years, I became I began, I became a better restless now, after 10 years, he felt

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alive. I learned a lot now for 10 years. I think it's time I branched out and I started my own class. He said I had the thought. And before I spoke to my shift, my shift spoke to me and hamotzi Abu hanifa Yabba hanifa I need to go somewhere for two months, I need to travel some way some family business, will you take over my class? So my name is Al Hamdulillah. This is what I was looking for a chance to teach myself. So Hammad leaves and Abu hanifa teaches in that class for two months. And when Hamad comes back, Abu hanifa says I made a list of all the questions I was asked. And he put he said I was 60 questions. 80 questions, these are the answers. So how much is I agree with two thirds

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of them. But one third, I disagree. You made a mistake in one third. And Abu hanifa has been I realized I hadn't learned enough. So I said another 10 years next to how much to learn. And this is the way of the Scarlets Viola even though he did an IQ test, you know it would be through the roof. And it must have been we don't know much about Mr. Muhammad, Abu hanifa might have been more brilliant than him. But he sat down and he learned he took those hours to learn with the shift to learn from amongst after he learned from him Hamad. He also said there are many great scholars amongst them. Jaffa sodic, the great scholar from the sunova Jama family of the prophets of Salaam,

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all well known scholar in Medina, he learned for a number of years with Jaffa sodic he said and I thought even Abbey raba we don't know most of us don't know who he is, but he was the Grand Mufti of Makkah. So if you lived in his time in time of Wu hanifa, you would know in the heart of Makkah, there is a scholar called upon even Abdullah Abu hanifa studied with him as well. And he studied under many, many great scholars of that time, but he was hammered and just insight. Hamad was the student of a chef called Ibrahim and Natalie, who was the student of karma, who was the slave of even mustard. So it's think again, even a mustard is a Sahabi. This disciple of Nabisco Salim even

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Maduro is that Sahabi that says, that says if I knew of anyone not out of pride or arrogance know anyone who knew more about Tafseer than me, I would learn from him that I was the winner. Every I have the Quran was revealed. I was the

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Even with all this great Sahabi even Massoud had a slave Alibaba, he bought the slave outcome. And he says outcome. I don't want you to do anything, carry anything. I'm going to teach you information. You're going to be my hard drive. I'm going to pump you with information and then you teach people. So even Massoud had the slave outcome he freedom outcome a taught a scholar Ibrahim and he will talk. So we see how close Abu hanifa is to the prophets of Salaam and also the deen of Islam is taken from slaves and reverts and non Arabs. These were the people were teaching Islam at that time. People set an outcome as Claus and he's a slave via life outcome I came to some of us

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today to marry our daughters. We wouldn't open the door for him as men's a slave and we took our Deen the Hanafi madhhab comes from this man.

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So Abu hanifa spin as I said 20 years almost with his with his teacher have met and when his teacher became ill and passed away, naturally Abu hanifa being the top student, he started to take over the cloth of Hamad he started taking over the place of humor. And his style of teaching was different to the teachers at that time. His class became the biggest class in Kufa and all the other classes closed down. Why? Because Abu hanifa This is his style he into his gathering, and he would say, my students, you have the joy of my art and all my sudden disappears when I come to teach you. He continued his businesses, and he didn't take a salary from his students, but he paid students

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students would say, I can't afford to sit here and learn share, I need to go and work for my family says Don't worry, I'll sponsor you to study in my school. And he selected the best of the students about a panel of 1000 of them and he said we are going to formulate the speak. We are going to discuss things you buy now I don't teach you but you know the Quran you have with you all scholars of Hadith and Fiqh. You and I are the same, even though we know he was on a different level. We are going to discuss matters, we're going to debate those matters. We can think of answers and we're going to write them down. And this is how the mud have began. And because time is up, we have to

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continue next week about how the Hanafi madhhab evolved. Why is the Hanafi madhhab different to the Maliki mehtab. And as we said, How did Abu hanifa respond to the times that he lived in? We said he was alive when the revolution occurred. He was a man in his prime when the Omega governments overthrown What did he say what did he do? We'll talk all about that inshallah. Next week, and we continue with the series with Nila, sola Sedna, Muhammad wa salatu salam ala rasulillah salam aleikum wa barakato

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Oh, yes. Shall I just want to announce was firstly we say exactly the height for all those who attended the quarter band program was highly successful over 70 sheep codabar 75 sheep Mashallah. And all those who assisted remember that if you assist someone in goodness, you get the food you would as well without being deducted from those people. So, for those who are the 75 sheep that your account will hamdulillah and I'll accept from the people who slaughtered and our judgment will grant them a safe return and except they hedge and all the divided and then last note that after a couple of months, we are sorting our claws once again Tuesday evening of the mafia in the masjid I'll see

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rock class open to everybody who knows might be Abu hanifa sitting here to come for the class you might find that Allah given you that blessing that gift, attend the class free of charge we during the life of Mohammed Salam inshallah Allah hi

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