Moutasem al-Hameedy – A Thematic Commentary On The Quran #03

Moutasem al-Hameedy
AI: Summary © The Halacha covers everything from the Bible to the modern times, with each segment covering a central theme and discussing the definition of Islam in Arabic. The importance of understanding the definition in the Arabic language and its use in writing is emphasized, along with the use of "medicals in Arabic language and its application to individuals. The central theme of the title is the idea that everything is in control and everything is the same, with affirmations and affirmations being key in achieving the same thing. The segment also discusses the central theme of the title, which is the idea that everything is in control and everything is the same, with affirmations and affirmations being key in achieving the same thing. The segment concludes with a warning about the upcoming Day of Judgment and a promise to be ready for it.
AI: Transcript ©
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Raheem, Hamm Alameen wa salatu salam ala sayyidina, Muhammad and rider early he was heavy in order to do.

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So we will start shall after this two weeks break from the Halacha from the class, it's going to take us a little bit of initiation effort to pick it up again, become the same speed. But inshallah we can do that.

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Again, just to recap, our halacha has two segments. The first segment goes over the

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foundational work of Sheikh Abdullah him and Sadie which is called our AlHassan. It's one of his most famous books on

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works, called the our adhesin and Motorola COVID F, Siri, Al Quran. These are the beautiful rules that pertain to the interpretation of the Quran. So we will go over the text, there is a short commentary from his students Sheikh Mohammed bin Saleh and what they mean for him. Hello, dad, sometimes we'll take certain parts of it. And we said, we'll try to cover every time we'll try to cover one of the principles or the rules. That's the first segment of our Halacha, the second segment of all Halacha, we're going over a thematic tafseer or thematic approach to the Quran. And we said we'll do that over two rounds. The first round is we are going to look at the central verse

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in every single central verse, we mean, the verse that shows the most or exhibits the most, the central theme in that particular surah. And in every Surah, as we said, there is a central theme, the most notable theme that every other theme in the Surah centers around it. And there is a verse or sometimes two verses that display this theme, the central theme, so we sort of give it the name a central verse, central verse, just in that sense, doesn't mean hey, there is thus there's one verse in the Surah that's everything. No, that's not what we what we mean by saying the central verse.

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So let's go with the first segment, which is alpha Hasaan Metallica with FC Ira Quran.

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Allah scheef have been steadily rocking along to Hala Al Qaida to 33rd rule. Al le for Willem Adelphia I was off what a summer imaginaires to feed holistic, Alok be hacer Bhima the harlot Ali. This is a rule of zero principle of tafsir that is originally linguistic, linguistic and this rule is shared between Elmet tafsir where anymore Sunil

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so this rule you will find it the same in two sciences, the science of Tafseer which is from our own Aloma Quran, and the science of assault, the principles of it's the same in a solar filter, it is part of aluminum, Bob has

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the topic of aluminum which is the general

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or the words that we use to indicate a generic things in a general sense general rules. So he's saying here, alpha lamb, which is little Elif, and L and lamb in equal the equivalent in English is th e Val. Val. Okay. When it enters before an or at the beginning of a description, an adjective, like the believers is an adjective

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almost unknown, the ones who achieve a certain a description, right? What a Smurf legend is a small edge nurse meaning a term that refers to a class a specific class or group like humans and nurse V humans, that means all of humans, ns Alif, Lam and NUS Okay, some gyms.

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Some just means it's a class it's a type, it is a type, you can say for example,

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if FM is gyms here is the type of sin when you say FM or FM when you say V sin in Arabic it means every sin is included in this for example, while in nama HetLand orbia Alpha hash mahavihara minha Wolmer Baba, well, if Allah subhanaw taala made haram all acts of lewdness and indecency, the explicit ones and the implicit ones. Well, if

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and V sin if I were to translate it literally means and V sin, which sin is talking about in Arabic, this means every sin Ethem there is Le flam L which is equal to them. Okay. When this enters to a type

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or to a class or to a

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Rand, it means every individual in this class is included all of sin. Al Islam means colonialism, all of sin, all of sin

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to feed holistic, raw means or indicates inclusivity and that's what we're talking about the rest of Iraq is inclusivity it covers every everything that to which this name or this adjective applies. So when Allah says N NAS, the humans that means every human is included in this unless there's another indication when Allah says L if

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and if them okay.

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Allah is it means every Ethem every sin, every sin is included in this or when there is a description. And there is Elif lamb before it or the before the believers. l mean one that means all the believers, unless we have another indication, that means something else. Okay? B has Habima solitary that's what the rules means. What Gardner sila, Delica, rule or soul. He's saying this rule was stipulated by the scholars of Sol, sol.

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Well, Robbie, Robbie and the scholars of the Arabic language linguists, what cefaclor Allah at bury their Lika annual enemy when Iman and there is a consensus by the people of knowledge and faith by the believers from among the believers that this rule applies across the board. So there is each map there is a demand

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for me thoroughly heater Allah. An example is the statement of Allah in Muslimeen I will Muslim at will Mina will meet at Salah to the hijab

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misdemeanours minutes, we'll call an 18 hour carnita descriptions, these are descriptions, okay. Illa Colita and all the way till the verse or Dilla, the end of the verse, The Allahu La MACURA 10 Well, Agilent Alima Allah has prepared for them. forgiveness and a great reward. A great reward.

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Aubrey that he had the hill Oh Soph kilometer now well whom in Moran in Islam? Well, Iman, well, it was so

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he's saying everyone to whom these descriptions apply. is included in this verse

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is included in this verse.

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When they become early How the * Oh Soph year camaldolese sahibi hamara TBR li Meenal MacFie Rottie will Adriel Aleem Bobino Sania young or Swaby either me how you've got is saying and the reward that Allah promised for these descriptions. Meanwhile, more minutes believers will Muslim meanwhile Muslim they are obedient and submissive to Allah will earn it in Wilcannia tat they are consistently observant of the rights of Allah

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was sabe Rena was Subbaraj their patient males and females right was saw me now saw him at lunch is the ones who fast males and females. He's seeing these descriptions, Allah has prepared for them forgiveness and a great reward. up to the level, a person meets these descriptions, the person will get that reward in proportion.

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In proportion that's important to understand as much as you have of this description as much as you meet this description. That's exactly the degree you're going to get the reward that is contingent on this description.

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For example, and this is an example from Elon Musk by him

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or him Allah Allah he says, Allah says in the Quran, one on the edge Allah Allah who will care for you Reena Hello, me Nina sebelah. And Allah will never get Allah will never give Allah will not give those who disbelieve

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power over those who believe.

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They will look at him says someone is going to ask but we see disbelievers subjugating believers, how come? Does that mean the verse is wrong? Or our understanding of the verse is wrong?

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Remember, your claim explains this and he says, he says, when a person's you have to apply this

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in proportion to the description. What does that mean? The caffeine the more disbelief a person has from the disbelievers. Okay.

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And the more belief a believer has, so he says this, apply it to the extreme cases. You have a believer who has achieved the highest level of Iman and a disbeliever that has achieved the highest level level of disbelief Allah will never cause that person to have

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Have pored over this person never.

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When he says when a person's image goes less,

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that promise in with with their case goes less, they're going to lose from that promise as much as their image goes down

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to the point where a person has a very weak limit minimal level of Eman, then they're going to have the minimal level of this promise.

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And in proportion as well you apply the other dimension a person who has disbelief

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The more a person has disbelief the less likely they are to be given power over a weak believer and so on and so forth. Okay. We're not going to go deeper into this but just to show you that in the Arabic language and in you can find this applies in the Quran, when there is a description and it is preceded by Elif lamb, which is a letter if

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the article of definition like that in English, when it enters into description it means every one that means this description in proportion in proportion

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so then he says could last for now Hala who and what Tibet ally he while Motorcity Phoebe it says we could dedicate Maccabi with Alec Kulu was finna Allahu Anhu well October Allah He Whaddon Motorcity Phoebe here are all button where shall run one axon Hakuna la whom in Valley cabbie has Habima karma be here mineral was filled with code. He's saying, by contrast, on the other side, any description that Allah prohibited that we need like those who disbelieved, right? Those who this obey Allah rasool Allah says a description

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Allah subhanaw taala prepared punishment for this.

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So the person

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is going to get the level of punishment that they will get is in proportion at this exactly matches the level of the description the match disbelief, so someone who sent up to let's say, let's give it a numeric value, someone who send up to 90% in their life and someone send up to 10% is Allah going to apply the same punishment to them? No, the person is going to be their their punishment that's promised by Allah they're gonna get in proportion to the level of their sin and so on and so forth. Whereas this is taken from this linguistic principle

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so there's a beautiful the commentary here from che from North Damian he says Aloha como either lake or Allah was Finn is that the busier that he the article was one a casa Beenox he the internal hookman more Allah Allah wa sphere do lo Allah elite Yeti radical was, well how come we are doing Roma inlet he will do then what are they? What oh, we're talking about Wi Fi. This is also this is pure soul as beautiful statement, she reached out to me and says

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the Islamic ruling or any ruling from Allah punishment, reward or any kind of, you know, results that is based on a description or an action that a person has or displays.

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if they do more of that description, or they possess more of that description, they're gonna they will get the recompense or the reward or the ruling in proportion to the level of their engagement.

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That's number one. Then he says why because the description that is given,

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becomes or signifies the reason for the outcome, the reason for the punishment or for the reward Ella, the reason is the cause the cause. So if someone for example

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if a person lies, if a person lies

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another person lies 10 times

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a third person lied in the say 100 times, another person lied, like countless number of times. Do we apply

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the description cause them to all of them a liar? To all of them?

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No, there is nuances and that's what this rule signifies. There's nuances. You cannot call someone who has lied infinitely and someone who has lied once. You can't give them the same description or the same title. Liar. kidnap you can't you can't

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This is why when the Prophet SAW seldom, you know the famous hadith of Abu Huraira when he was guarding so the cattle photo, right, shebang came to him and he took from it he caught him. He came in the form of a man. And he said, our shall deliver you to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam had you to the prophets of Salaam. He said, Leave me, you know, I have family and they're hungry, I want to feed them. So he let him go.

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He, he told the prophesied and sell them and the Prophet said he's going to come back to you. And he came second night and he came third night.

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This time when he caught him third time, he said, I'm not going to leave you now. I'm going to hold you till the prophets of salaam comes, then I'll hand you over to him. He said, please leave me and I will teach you something that if you do it, Allah will protect you from Shabbat from during that night.

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You recite AYATUL kursi. Right. So he let him go. The Prophet Salam came and asked the boys I said, Martha, Allah subhanho Berry. He said, What did your friend or your companion do last night? He said Officer of Allah. He came, just as you said. And

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then he said, That's what he told me. He told me recite a to kursi. And Allah will protect you from shape. And that night, the prophecies and what did he say? He said sadaqa. Will who will can rube he told you the truth, although he's a liar, the person who did not say he is truthful.

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person did not describe him as truthful. You can say he saw that. He said he told you the truth in this incident, but he's a liar.

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He's a liar. So the fact that he told the truth that she'd been told the truth doesn't make him truthful. Why? Because he has not matched that description.

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He has not matched that description. Okay.

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So he's saying he or she from nothing in here is saying that the description that is mentioned in a verse or a hadith, and then there is a ruling or there's an outcome that is contingent on this description, that shows that this description is the Illa is the reason is the point. Why there is this outcome. For example, if someone commits, Zina adultery,

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there is there is a punishment for that. There is a punishment for that.

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Allah Subhan Allah says was Zania to was Zanni.

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Again, this is a disk this exactly an application on this role as Zania wizardy L. L. V fornicator, the adulterer, fair female and the adulterer will mail the scription with their with Elif lammeter. Sheriff, right.

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What is the law what is the reason for their punishment?

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Is the description this description, right? So that includes every person who commits Zina,

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every person who commit Zina, this applies to them.

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Simple. Let's say someone

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quotes the Hadith of the Prophet salallahu Salam with the Messenger SAW Salam says

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cootie Ballymoney, Dima HealthVault, Amina Xena.

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Every person's share of Xena has been written upon them

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for Xena Lena Nava

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was in a Iliad lamps was in an Shem. From some said, on each person, their share of Xena has been written. So

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the Zener of the eye is looking the Zener of the hand or the palm is touch.

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Right? So if someone

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looks at haram things, explicit images,

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right? Someone say Oh, you are and someone describes him as Zanny your Zanny do we apply this? No, no, no, no, no. The description again, description has a specific reason and the reason is what we call fornication. Complete

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act of fornication. That's what this description is based upon. Alright, so we do not include this in the general description. All right.

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So if you haven't I mean, he's giving an example he's saying for either Bulter in Minella, who are John Aleem for kulana Oh, Eman COVID agile. What koulamallah Have an email

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saying hey, if you say that the believer has a great reward, the stronger the email, the greater the reward.

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The weaker the Eman the less three word clear. Thus basically what the rule is now.

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Go back to Chef Assadi he gives an example so what can daddy come through Kohli heater Allah in Santa Julio Kahaluu

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either Messiah who shot Raja Zhou ye them as a whole Hi yo man.

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Mon bgn still in sun for Kulu in sun was in

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Lemonis technolog Yokota heater Allah Enlil, mousseline Allah. So he's saying, Allah Samantha says for example, Salatin marriage, that man was created week. Humans were created me, Allah is saying insan the humans, meaning humanity in general, all of them

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were created weak, if evil comes to them, they panic. They're taken over by fear.

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And when good comes to them, they hold back they don't share like they transgress

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in law l Mursaleen. Except for those who observe the prayer.

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So that means all humans this, this applies to them

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except the ones that Allah excluded from this again. So here the rule is L Insan. It is a small Jin's type. It's a type it's a class humans. It includes a whole type whole kind, right? Humans l insert means all humans we said if all sin alright

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come on up. Hola. Hola. Hola. Hola. ously in in Santa Fe host

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when Allah subhanaw taala says while acil buy time

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in El insan V man is in loss meaning all humans, all humans inside all humans not a specific person. Although if you look at it linguistically, it's like insan the man like you're talking about one person or the human No, here it applies to everything. It's similar to an English what we call

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uncountable names like fish. When you say fish, that means every fish every type of fish right? That is similar to it. When you say flour.

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That That means flour could be wheat flour could be barley flour could be coconut flour, right? Flower is a flower includes every type of flower unless you specify that's exactly what this means Elif lamb with a type with a kind okay with a category that means every individual in this category it includes all

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okay, this is we said called a little more in our sole focus called the Lamb which is the general sense, the general sense.

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So shfm Sadie gives another example and he says what are other MoMA to a table will be he had the hill car either fill a smile in husana for in a fillable Arnim in Hershey and cathedra where he adjure Lulu middle Quran is saying one of the best areas where this applies this rule applies is the Beautiful Names of Allah, the Beautiful Names of Allah and there is a lot of this in the Quran. And he's saying this is one of the highest levels of knowledge one of the highest levels of knowledge

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Brotherman is going to take some shots from from the masjid saw if you if you mind just let him know, as a person, okay? He's not gonna show it anywhere.

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That's gonna get you in trouble, don't worry.

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For method a new bureau Allahu infc He and no law will know who will Melek will Aleem will, Hakeem will as he is what Rahim will produce was salam al Hamid Al Majid saying Allah Subhan Allah tells about himself describes himself. These are names of Allah that are also descriptions. So we have a description here and adjective with Elif lamb, right. With Elif lamb.

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He's a medic, the King, the master, and he's Aleem the All Knowing, as He is the Almighty r Rahim, the Most Merciful outproduce the most blessed and hi As Salam the most perfect al Hamid the most deserving of praise Allah Majeed, the glorious for Allah. Allah as well has Elif lamb right it's Illa

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Allah has Elif lamb at the beginning, who will lead the law who Jaime O'Meara and he who he yet he later yesterday hepco, a new Lucha Libre Edgerly

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Allah means starts with Le flam al ilah, meaning Allah, He possesses all of the meanings of Lordship, and worship, of divinity of the meanings of divinity, he possesses all of them. L, meaning all the meanings of divinity, are included in his name. They belong to Him He possesses them.

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And thus he is the only one who's worthy of worship.

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he'll say fat will come at you on the hat on Mahamadou kulula will follow Kulu who will who will you share the cola head on female Minang Ruhija lab asuran 1am Allah con balloon Jaime and moto LD Hoonah moto I'll be doing a little game called the owner the jewelry he will album that he sang. And these are the qualities or the meanings of divinity. These are the descriptions of perfection and completeness and praise and goodness that only belongs to Allah subhanaw taala no one shares no one has any share in them with Allah, not an angel, not a human being, but all of them are actually servants and slaves of Allah. So when when we say Allah, which is inflamm l ILA, he is the one who

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possesses all of the meanings of divinity or the qualities of divinity no one shares them with them. They belong exclusively to him again.

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Or moon, okay inclusivity all of them are included in that name. All of his names or all of the qualities are included in his name.

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Second example unknown medical lady law who Jamie whom an ill will who will molecule Carmen soveral For Nafi will Anil Khalifa Kulu, whom Malik hula hula, a bead on Tata CAMI Malki. Who are there yet he will Cherie yet you will.

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And also the description of Allah, the name of Allah, Al Malik, Al Malik, V. King, meaning all of the meanings of

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King kingship and ownership, belong to Allah, all of them are with Allah exclusively with Allah.

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All of them are with Allah.

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So he has the complete dominion, and ability to run his dominion, and that all of the creation are

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all of them belong to him, he owns all of them. And they are servants and slaves who have to abide by his rulings, whether they are His universal ruling in terms of Fedora what he makes or allows to happen in this world, or whether they are religious rulings that people are supposed to follow.

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And if they don't choose to follow or they choose not to follow what will happen, they will have to go through the Occam or the rulings LJ E, which is the outcomes the final outcomes of either rewards or punishment. All of us abide by that all of us abide by this one now adding more B condition under the RIAA family history, one would fill out the what if is,

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and he's Aleem, he's the All Knowing l Elene. The old knowing meaning he possesses all knowledge, he knows everything.

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He knows everything that's Elif lamb with description. Okay, this is all actually chef admin Sadie speaks and a little bit of length about it. So we'll keep the second half of it till next time in the heater Hannah, so we can move on to the next next part of our class. And here we

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we lost time. So we're going to, as we said, in this round, we are going quickly over the central theme and every solar displaying it and diverse that shows it the most. Okay, the verse that shows it the most last time, we covered I believe so little extra solar to this one we said solar, etc. We have to look at the historical context of it. It came at one of the most difficult times in the life of the Prophet salallahu Salam, his grandfather had died. His wife had died. These were his biggest support. People in Mecca started taking more more, I would say

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more liberty in attacking him and mistreating him. So the Prophet Salam decides to take a chance and check out a bar if hoping that they would actually support him and help him out. So he goes to a bar if they expel him, they treat him in the in the worst way imaginable.

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They chase him out of the city hurling stones on him and abuse. Right. And when actually Allahu anha Lee Turon us the Prophet sallallahu Sallam about

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the most difficult time in his life. He refers to that moment. He refers to that moment Sall Allahu alayhi wa sallam. So it was after this then it was hard for him to come back to Mecca. So he needed the protection of multiminer Id one of the leaders of Mecca he gave him protection to so the problem could actually enter Mecca without being executed or being attacked.

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So, so he enters Mecca, and it's around this time that Allah subhanaw taala gives him this journey to to the habit to admitted lochsa Then

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up to the heavens. And so the verse is about glorifying Allah, how he is able to honor his servant. And this is an honor to the prophets of Salaam, this surah is about honoring the Prophet salallahu Salam, by the way,

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in that sense, and that this honor happens by Allah even in the darkest moments. So Allah is going to mention certain things in the Surah that all revolve around this, all of them feed into into this

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and that Allah subhanaw taala is all here or they all see or meaning or whatever, even if it in the darkest moments, Allah don't think Allah doesn't know what's going on. Don't think Allah is surprised by what happens.

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You might be surprised, you might be disappointed. You might feel that down. But Allah is aware of everything and he has everything in control. Okay.

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So we moved to Salt Lake. Does anyone like to take a guess? Unsalted GIF? Because most of you know it's right. What do you think the central theme is also cafes. It's not easy sort of Cafe is extremely dynamic, very diversified.

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But there is a central theme in it.

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First verse, yes, the first verse right.

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Why the first verse?

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Sort of gas

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shows how Allah subhanaw taala runs

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his universe, this world this worldly life. And it shows how the Quran sets everything straight. How revelation and divine help sets everything straight. So the first verse, What does it say?

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And hamdulillah Hillary and Zina, Allah Abdi Kitab will unmute you Hello Ava. Praise belongs to Allah, that Allah is so generous to his humanity and he's so wise and kind in doing so that he revealed to His servant the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, the book. And there is no crookedness in the book, though no crookedness and revelation, meaning

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the revelation of Allah.

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linguistically, there is no crook and crookedness means like it's straight. It's the opposite of being straight.

00:32:30 --> 00:32:32

So linguistically,

00:32:33 --> 00:32:36

the Quran has no crookedness. No false linguistically,

00:32:37 --> 00:32:45

in terms of semantically meanings of the Quran, there is nothing that is off, there's no inconsistency.

00:32:47 --> 00:33:16

Everything is right in place. Everything in the Quran is right in place, a revelation is right in place. The instructions and the legislation that the Quran shows the relationships, there is nothing there's no crookedness in this, it's all straight, it's all the best. It's all the best. And because it's it has this quality of being straight, it has the, the power and the mind to straighten everything up. And I in every like

00:33:18 --> 00:33:38

anything inappropriate, iron it out, make everything straight. So if you apply revelation, it will bring you divine help, and this will straighten everything up. You will find this in the story of Alkaff. Right? Allah straight in the effort for them after it was extremely, you know, troubling for them.

00:33:40 --> 00:33:47

Then you have the story of the person who had the garden, right, and the piece of land, the two pieces of land

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when he got his, his whole state crooked, why because of his greed, and he came more attached to this dunya and he ascribed, you know, whatever he was given to himself to his own excellence, then Allah straighten all their fear.

00:34:05 --> 00:34:28

Then you have the story of Musa alayhis salam the moment more Salah he said I'm thought he was the most knowledgeable person on earth and he had this sort of element, ALLAH SubhanA Strait in his affair by showing him someone who's more knowledgeable than him through revelation. And then when the world was going through so much turmoil and injustice, Allah subhanaw taala bro, cause they'll coordinate straighten things out.

00:34:31 --> 00:34:32


00:34:33 --> 00:34:35

Allah shows throughout the solar how

00:34:36 --> 00:34:59

the His revelation and his divine help straightens everything out. And the message here for us is that if you want your affairs to be straightened secrets are in sorted calf and then following the revelation of Allah subhanaw taala and the end of solitude calf shows that clearly, Allah says feminine can or your god or be whoever hope so looking looks forward to the meeting of their Lord.

00:35:00 --> 00:35:01

I have to be straight.

00:35:03 --> 00:35:28

Allah gave gives in detail the two descriptions that will straighten your affairs out for Leah and mill Amidon saleha them do righteousness which is in accordance with the Sunnah of the Prophet Salam, the goddess of the proscenium, whether you should be a relative or beheaded, and do not associate partners with Allah in your intention in unison, be sincere sincerity and following the Sunnah. That's how it straightens your affairs. So that's solitons GIF.

00:35:30 --> 00:35:31

So they sent huh

00:35:39 --> 00:35:40


00:35:43 --> 00:35:45

Straightening things, making things straight

00:35:47 --> 00:35:59

setting, and that's that's it. But that's not that's not, you know, that's not the point. That's the secondary point. The point is, this happens. This happens through revelation and divine help.

00:36:00 --> 00:36:09

So that's why Allah saying it hamdulillah the NZ Allah, Allah is saying the point here is this happens when you follow the revelation of Allah.

00:36:11 --> 00:36:12

That's the point.

00:36:13 --> 00:36:17

That's the point. The point, Allah is not just saying, okay, Things will straighten up.

00:36:18 --> 00:36:32

Allah is saying, if you want things to straighten up, the way to do that is to follow the revelation. And that's where Allah sent down the Quran to the Prophet sauce, and that's the point. Okay. Surah Meriam anyone would like to take a guess?

00:36:33 --> 00:37:02

So it's Marymount starts with the story of the courier Alayhis Salam, right. Having his son yeah here. Then story of Maria Maria has Salam giving birth to ISA and he has Salam then afterwards there is a mention of the the debate that happens between Maria and her people then a Saudi Saddam with the people then the story of Ibrahim Ali Saddam then the mention of more Sally's Salam and Idris and ismail and okay, then Allah subhanaw taala goes on to talk about

00:37:04 --> 00:37:13

people of paradise people of the Hellfire again when Allah concludes with basically description of disbeliever

00:37:17 --> 00:37:19

anyone solid Maria

00:37:23 --> 00:37:32

Excellent. Excellent yes in the Latina ominous towards the end in the Latina M and what I mean was slightly hurty. So you

00:37:34 --> 00:37:34


00:37:35 --> 00:37:41

but I, okay, I'll, I'll show you what in my notes. I have this verse and your verse.

00:37:43 --> 00:37:47

So let me show you the back our let me just share with you the back end of

00:37:48 --> 00:37:48

of this.

00:37:49 --> 00:37:58

So as I was, as I said, I'm consulting a few references and I'll share more with more of them with you Inshallah, as we go along, but I just wanted to get a little bit used to this whole style.

00:37:59 --> 00:38:35

And with some sorrows, it's hard to pinpoint one verse you will find the central theme appearing strongly in two verses, sometimes three, like some of the sources that will come you will see there's actually three points or three verses in the Surah. Where you actually, you can't tell you're puzzled as to which verse really displays the theme. Most clearly. It's not easy. So Surah Maryam was one of them. So I'm looking at my notes here. So let's Maryam. I have to I have to, I have the first one. And how I have the second one. But

00:38:37 --> 00:38:47

so let's go with the first one. The Clora Matira became a habit the home Zakariya is the reminder of your Lord's mercy to His servants Zachary.

00:38:51 --> 00:38:53

What is soilless medium about?

00:38:55 --> 00:39:01

Story of Korea having his son yeah here what is most outstanding about the story

00:39:06 --> 00:39:20

and then I'll tell you why you chose this verse over the verse which is let me quote the other verse to you which is towards the end in the medina Mo Mo Saudi had his head Hula, hula Robin would those who have believed and have done righteous deeds Allah she'll give them what?

00:39:22 --> 00:39:29

Kindness and acceptance and love among, from Allah and from others.

00:39:31 --> 00:39:33

What is outstanding about the story of

00:39:34 --> 00:39:36

the Korea having his son? Yeah.

00:39:37 --> 00:39:42

What is shared between the story of the Korea having a son you hear and the story of Mary having her son

00:39:43 --> 00:39:45

Isa and his son What's the common theme?

00:39:53 --> 00:40:00

Exactly. cases impossible to have a child and as a careers wife is a

00:40:00 --> 00:40:08

Maria's case his wife is way beyond menopause is no children. She doesn't give children anymore. She's too old for that. Right?

00:40:09 --> 00:40:12

And in this story of Maria, Maria, he said,

00:40:13 --> 00:40:16

She's not even married, and she's having a child.

00:40:18 --> 00:40:20

She's having a child.

00:40:21 --> 00:40:55

What is this? What does this tell you? That sort of hammer, let's throw him out of Allah. So, here there is symbolism, the story of the CReality Some don't take it as an individual as a story as of a single a prophet. Here Allah Samantha is a case in point that when Allah subhanaw taala, to give decides to give his mercy to servants, Allah makes the impossible possible for them. That's what solar Meriam is about. We'll find this in the story of the Cree having a son yeah, here. You find this in the story of Maria Maria salaam, having a son

00:40:57 --> 00:41:06

a Sally who Salam, then we'll find that in the story of Ibrahim and so I'm a little bit implied in the sense of Brahim. And he said, I'm believed in Allah subhanaw taala when he was one,

00:41:07 --> 00:41:30

too young, and his people sort of thought themselves wise, but he was the wisest among them. And the reason I said it implied because Allah Allah mentions how he saved Ibrahim Ali salam from his people, how did Allah save you blame Islam, when they threw him in the fire and the fire did not burn him. Same thing. Impossible. Allah made it possible. For him more soundly, he said, um,

00:41:31 --> 00:41:35

he grew up in the house of Iran, everyone was turned out to be kava, he did not turn to be like for Ireland.

00:41:37 --> 00:41:54

It was impossible to challenge the dominion of Iran and the anarchy of around right. Allah caused it to crumble because of Musa in the most unlikely ways. He himself fell to his demise, he tried to follow Mossad Islam into the Red Sea.

00:41:56 --> 00:41:59

Very unlikely. So, story of Miriam.

00:42:00 --> 00:42:07

And some of the scholars actually pointed out to this, that this this the themes and certain sorrows,

00:42:08 --> 00:42:08


00:42:10 --> 00:42:15

when you are in a state, when you are in a state, and you need something, you need some kind of help.

00:42:17 --> 00:42:21

It helps you to read the surah that displays the type of help that you are seeking.

00:42:25 --> 00:42:33

So Surah, Maria Subramanyam is very helpful to people who have lost all physical means to what they want,

00:42:34 --> 00:42:36

and they are still in need of what they want.

00:42:37 --> 00:42:40

They turned to Allah subhanaw taala to make the impossible happen for them,

00:42:42 --> 00:42:52

it will increase their faith in Allah subhanaw taala. In that sense, solitude is thought helps. If someone feels left alone, like left, let down.

00:42:53 --> 00:43:17

Someone is let down, they feel lonely, and they feel they are without help and support. Okay, so it rejuvenates these meanings. So the main theme or purpose that a surah serves, okay, it's good to be observant as to when you are in a state where you can get

00:43:19 --> 00:43:31

out would say the most utility that you are in need of reading, reading the source, some of the sources actually talk about how the light repels the doubts.

00:43:33 --> 00:44:06

These sores, I'm sure you will find in them the seeds of the profound answers to people who, who washed who are casting doubt on the truth people who disbelieve in Allah subhanaw, taala, and so on and so forth. So this meaning occurs in many of the books of Tafseer. They say, it's actually very important to see what theme the surah is serving. And when you are in that state, you go to that Sierra, to that sort of not seeking blessings just in general. No, but us because that saw us treats that theme, it's going to strengthen your heart in that respect. Okay.

00:44:07 --> 00:44:19

So that's what Surah Meriam. So, Allah subhanaw taala is saying in the verse towards the end, and this is why it competes with this verse is that those who have believed in unrighteous deeds, Allah shall give them love,

00:44:20 --> 00:44:22

which is sometimes not expected.

00:44:23 --> 00:44:56

Oftentimes, you think, the person who, who holds on to what, to the commands of Allah subhanaw taala, they're going to miss out a lot on many things. They're gonna miss out on a lot of things. And they're going to miss a lot of opportunities, and they might actually, you know, lose connections and so on and so forth. So because there's, there's a sacrifice, there's a level of sacrifice. Allah is saying, even when it's unlikely, Allah shall bring the love of the creation and to this person and Allah Himself will love that type of person.

00:44:57 --> 00:44:57


00:44:59 --> 00:45:00

After Salama,

00:45:00 --> 00:45:03

The I'm sure anyone would like to have a guess. But sort of

00:45:14 --> 00:45:15

I don't know I'd like to have a guess

00:45:23 --> 00:45:24


00:45:26 --> 00:45:27

So how does that tell us about the theme?

00:45:30 --> 00:45:32

salata How does it talk about

00:45:34 --> 00:45:39

most of the sorrows word story of Musa alayhis salam a story of Musa alayhis salam

00:45:41 --> 00:45:42

Okay, what does it tell us about Musa

00:45:45 --> 00:45:46

central theme

00:45:49 --> 00:45:55

what the central keeps occurring? Okay, let's take him to the start of the solar Baja

00:45:56 --> 00:45:59

mer and Xena Ali Quran and Etosha.

00:46:01 --> 00:46:04

Okay. Baja is it one of the names of the prophets of Salaam?

00:46:06 --> 00:46:06


00:46:08 --> 00:46:08


00:46:10 --> 00:46:15

yes or no? Who says yes. Baja. Is it one of the names of the Prophet salallahu Salam?

00:46:17 --> 00:46:17


00:46:20 --> 00:46:21


00:46:24 --> 00:46:31

Now we're talking about this verse about surah Taha when Allah says, ha, ha, is this the name of the Prophet SAW Selim?

00:46:33 --> 00:46:44

No, it's not we don't have anything authentic. Anything authentic that the Prophet Solomon's name was Torah is just Taha is just like Alif Lam. Meem two letters are hella meme.

00:46:45 --> 00:46:53

Hammy. Bah, ha, Imam even reply has a very beautiful reflection on this very beautiful reflection.

00:46:55 --> 00:46:55

He says,

00:46:57 --> 00:46:59

Anyone who anyone statistically we'd hear

00:47:01 --> 00:47:02

anyone's studies that we'd

00:47:03 --> 00:47:09

pop or see fatter hoof qualities of the letters. So you've had to hold off who.

00:47:13 --> 00:47:16

But it's how to foot the fame hat.

00:47:18 --> 00:47:19

That'll take right.

00:47:21 --> 00:47:26

BA is a letter of is an emphatic letter is a very strong letter.

00:47:27 --> 00:47:28

It's a royal letter, okay.

00:47:30 --> 00:47:30

And here

00:47:31 --> 00:48:14

is a soft letter. So a moment he says in this surah you're going to find the balance between the strength of the prophets, Allah Salam on the stream for Allah Subhan Allah gave him and the softness of the messengers on the strength of the message and the subtle kindness of it. So he says there is a dichotomy, there is a seeming contradiction, but it's actually making two opposites come together. So he's saying ha ha Matt and Zelner Heineken Quran and Etosha here is addressing the Proffesor mountains in Aliko Quran and everyone else who follows the Prophet salallahu Salam, that the revelation that Allah subhanaw taala, gave to the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam will not lead to

00:48:15 --> 00:48:24

misery and agony or distress. Although the person who takes on the truth and they follow it, they're going to go through a lot.

00:48:26 --> 00:49:10

They will go through a lot. So physically, they might go through a lot. Socially, they might be challenged a lot, yet, they're not going to go through distress deep in their hearts. They're not going to go through the stress in their hearts. Okay, so the central theme and solar PA, and that's Allah Samantha demonstrates this in the story of Musa Ali Sam, if you look at the story of Musa Ali salaam, there is so much about the strength of Verona and his dominance and his threats. There is so much about this, but then you will find how Musa Ali Salam is calm, peaceful, and he's running his affairs according to plan. Whereas for Allen who seems to have the power and the mind, he's the one

00:49:10 --> 00:49:15

who's acting frantically and he's so desperate to hold on to the strings of his power.

00:49:17 --> 00:49:30

So you're gonna, that's why Allah subhanaw taala at the end of the surah, he tends to he addresses the Prophet salallahu Salam and he tells him to hold on to the message and not to extend his eyesight to what other people possess.

00:49:32 --> 00:49:33

Okay, so that's sort of the ha

00:49:35 --> 00:49:40

superato MBA sorts MBA is quite clear, very straightforward.

00:49:49 --> 00:49:54

Something else about sort of Baja on the show with you before we just covered MBR quickly

00:49:57 --> 00:49:58


00:50:00 --> 00:50:06

The Prophets Allah Allah Allah subhanaw taala is telling the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in surah Taha

00:50:09 --> 00:50:12

mountain Zina Alikum Quran at Tisch, CA

00:50:14 --> 00:50:22

We have not revealed the Quran down unto you, so that you go too deep into distress. Meaning

00:50:24 --> 00:50:32

there is a subtle promise from Allah subhanaw taala that we have revealed the Quran to you so that you convey it to people.

00:50:33 --> 00:50:51

And don't think this is not going to pay off sort of Baja isn't was revealed in Mecca early in Mecca don't think it is this message is not going to be successful. So it was revealed at a time when the person was receiving much opposition, only a few individuals believed in Him.

00:50:53 --> 00:50:58

Allah is saying I will not reveal this to you so that you fall in distress in distress.

00:50:59 --> 00:51:07

So this causative says they sing this surah is a clear indication or a promise to the prophets of salaam that you will that work will be successful and it will be accepted.

00:51:09 --> 00:51:12

It will be accepted. Okay, so that's the sort of the hospital MBA.

00:51:13 --> 00:51:25

Again, as I said, it's very straightforward. It's all about the eminence of the hour, but it is coming very close and the fact that humans are unaware of it or heedless.

00:51:27 --> 00:51:44

Humans have just distracted themselves away from it. So the central verse is verse number one Katara Belen, NASA hisab, Wuhan well Humphrey off lettin Maria alone, that the time of people's judgment has drawn near yet they are heedlessly turning away

00:51:45 --> 00:51:53

so the whole thing is about how the hour is going to come. And Allah mentions the Stories of the Prophets how their people as well were heedless, and then

00:51:55 --> 00:51:58

their our came meaning their death. Because

00:51:59 --> 00:52:02

we have some of the reasons that either Matt I do for

00:52:05 --> 00:52:11

the person dies, that's the piano. That's their day of judgment. That's the Day of Judgment. All right.

00:52:16 --> 00:52:25

So then Allah subhanaw taala concludes saltan MBR with a description of what's going to happen in the hour, okay, on the day of judgment

00:52:27 --> 00:52:28

on second

00:52:31 --> 00:52:35

okay, yeah, we move on to Surah Al Hajj.

00:52:37 --> 00:52:38

Surah Al Hajj.

00:52:41 --> 00:52:46

Again, the and by the way, I want to share with you who speaks or do here

00:52:48 --> 00:52:55

123 Who reads reads, speaks and reads audio? Okay. You guys have a good advantage.

00:52:57 --> 00:52:59

There is a book by

00:53:00 --> 00:53:03

Imam Amin is an Islam.

00:53:04 --> 00:53:04


00:53:06 --> 00:53:06

What's his book?

00:53:07 --> 00:53:09

The brutal Quran.

00:53:10 --> 00:53:34

I really like I wish either the book is translated into Arabic or English. Or I could learn Urdu just because of that book, The brutal Quran he made something extremely interesting. May Allah have mercy upon him. He found a pattern in the Quran beautiful, and he has sought to Gambia and EHEDG are an example of this.

00:53:35 --> 00:53:36

It's called the OTA novel.

00:53:38 --> 00:53:44

The pairs in the Quran he found out that the surah in the Quran form pairs together each two together.

00:53:46 --> 00:53:51

They form a unity together, they have similarity, and they complement each other.

00:53:52 --> 00:54:00

So Surah, Al LMB and Salthill hedge are to pair together. So let's fella Consolata NAS are to pair together.

00:54:01 --> 00:54:07

Interestingly Surah tell method, Abu Lahab and solid color wala who had a class or a pair.

00:54:08 --> 00:54:21

So there is pairs, Al Baqarah unnati Imran are a pair. So he found this pattern, very beautiful. He describes it so beautifully. So it's a good reference actually to have those two those who have access to the audio language. It's a very good reference.

00:54:22 --> 00:54:52

So again, one of this aspect of this connection between social hedge and social and via this the central theme appears in the first verse straightforward, straight forward and it has both of them deal with the issue of the hour. Define the Day of Judgment Surah hedgeye You are not suitable Rob come in as unzila Satish even Halim sought, even some found some of them for serene they say salt will hedge complete solids and MBR

00:54:55 --> 00:54:59

it complete sorted MBR. So there are sequence and they are connected in that sense.

00:55:00 --> 00:55:24

So in salted heads we're going to find Allah subhanaw taala. After he establishes in salted Ambia Allah establishes the fact that the hour is drawing nearer and people are heedless. In Salt and hedge. Allah directs the attention of humans to how to best prepare for the Day of Judgment. That's why he starts with a warning or humans to quarterback, calm, have Taqwa Fear your Lord be obedient to Your Lord.

00:55:25 --> 00:56:04

In nuzzles, edit aside the violent, quaking of the or quaking, or the shaking of the hour, is something that is dreadful, surely dreadful. It's a scary it's a very scary thing. So, so so rotten MBA establishes the fact that humans are heedless. And the hours drawing near saw lots of hedge is that although it's called hedge and has to do with hedge, while hedge, is actually under the theme of a tug of war is is one of the best ways to prepare yourself for the Day of Judgment sorts of hedges about how to prepare yourself to be ready on the Day of Judgment. Okay, so we'll conclude now it's inevitable.

00:56:05 --> 00:56:13

Charla, hopefully we can start next time at 730. Again, being the letter Allah so we can pick up the same speed that we started with.

00:56:14 --> 00:56:19

And in this segment, as we said, we're going over the central theme and every solar we're trying to move quickly.

00:56:21 --> 00:56:39

Before we go into more depth in the second round, be in the latter Hala. The last solar we cover today is Surah Al Hajj, and in sha Allah. We will continue to do this and hopefully we'll finish soon with this round is our Kamala Hara. So Allah Azza Messina Muhammad while he was happy he was

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