Moutasem al-Hameedy – A Thematic Commentary On The Quran #02

Moutasem al-Hameedy
AI: Summary © The transcript discusses the title of the book of manifested before the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time of the time
AI: Transcript ©
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mula bandha Rahim.

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Smilla Rahmanir Rahim

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hamdu lillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah while he was happy he woman Weida webidl. So this is the second segment in our series, a commentary or thematic commentary on the Quran. It's trying to trying to uncover the seamless flow of the Divine Wisdom beginning Allah to *. And we said our class is divided into su two segments. One segment is studying the book of Sheikh Abdul Rahman Saudi which is

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CO added Hassan Al Morena Allah tafsir Al Quran which are the beautiful rules or principles that help us understand the Quran and sometimes we'll share some of the commentary from Jacob North AMI and Lahemaa hula hula tan

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so let's move on first to the to the first section is the audio good

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Okay, so let's move on to the first the book of shaker nothing me and him Allah to Allah

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All right, I think I put it on my

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I think I'm okay. So what we'll do, we'll we'll do the opposite. So we will start with the with the commentary, the thematic commentary on the Quran. And then inshallah we'll go to the book of chef in Saudi and the commentary from Shay who knows me.

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Okay, so we said, now we're going the first journey. And the first journey is relatively short journey. And my initial estimation was that we will be able to cover all of the sources of the Quran in three Halaqaat, or three classes. But as I was finalizing the notes for today, it seems that we might actually extend to five or six, because I don't want to just give you a list of hey, this is the Surah, for example, and fell. And this is the main verses we said, or the central verse that that holds the central theme, and then move on to the next solo, that won't really give so much value. So we'll try and just to

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mention the surah talk about the central verse and why it's the central verse give you a little bit of glimpse into why it's the central verse and how it connects everything and the solar very briefly. And if there are some beautiful points of benefit, we will share them about the surah then we'll move on. So roughly we'll say probably all in it will take us about five to six Inshallah, I think it's worth it.

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Something you'll want to clarify, as we, on the slides, here, you're gonna see the central verse. And we need to understand that what that actually means. So the central verse doesn't necessarily mean

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that's the central verse in the soil. We said, every Surah has a central theme has a main theme, that everything else in the Surah connects to and serves. And you will find a few verses in every Surah, especially the longest sorrows, that actually harbor this theme, or express this theme. So usually, in my struggles, I'm taking you to the background of what happens is we are talking about as I'm preparing for this is that, as I'm trying to find the central verse, or the verse that expresses best, the central theme, sometimes I find a few verses that are competing on that position. And it's not easy. It's not easy to vote for one against the other. So that's a source of

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struggle and SubhanAllah. As I'm reading in the and the resources, I find it to be very interesting that the scholars who spoke about the central themes, and the sorrows are not all agreed.

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Because, again, ideas and thoughts are in the mind. And

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sometimes, you could make an idea, dominant over another idea. But you could also make the opposite. So I could derive, for example.

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We haven't sorted in Bacala. It talks about the book, which is the Quran, and it seems to be a central theme and the surah. But it also talks about the worship and the obligation to worship Allah subhanaw taala alone, that this is the mission of the humans. Which one should we take as the verse that serves the central theme? Is it Valley Cal? kitab? Ooh, la La, Buffy. Or is it? Yeah, you had NASA with Europe back home. You could argue for both, by the way. And interestingly, there are scholars, some of them were argued for this and some of them are argued for that because I could actually say that the message or humanity worship your Lord alone comes from the book. It comes from

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the book. So the book is the source. So that's the central theme. But I could also

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argue that the idea of worshiping your Lord alone the book seems to emphasize it. So the book branches out of it. So ideas are not so like well defined, like physical objects. So this is why sometimes it's not easy to define the central verse and that was as I was looking in the some of the sources that I shared with you, I haven't found anyone who tried to identify a central, a central verse in every surah. So that's a struggle. It's a struggle for us and Inshallah, hopefully, we will find some benefits in it. I have some notes that I want to share with you and I found them to be extremely beautiful. And these are from Imam Al Bukhari. So he said, Remember the buckeye. And his

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book is our main source, which is

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northern Maduro feet and so Bill Eliot was so what she's basically is trying to thread together the pieces and the gems with regards to how the verses are connected, and how the sources are connected and how everything is interconnected. nicely. So he's saying

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for and he's saying this in another book, and the other book is a shorter version, where he basically tries to focus on the main intent or themes of every solar so he says for in cooler Surah tin Maxi don't go ahead.

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He's saying every Surah has one main theme

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you down to LA whoo ha Well, I feel

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that the beginning of the shorter and the end and the middle all of that revolves around the central theme, where you struggle to i Li fi her and all of the bits and pieces in this aura serve as evidence and support for the central theme

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for tour de mer to Dallas to La so the introductions that lead to the central theme are put in order are set in order

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at Connie virgin in the most perfect fashion the most meticulous way. We're up there imagine and according to the best methodology, where either key or either can if he has show you on yet either the ideal is to do is to delay and if there is any need for any proof to support that theme or the connection with the main theme, then it is also mentioned. That's what he says about the salon. Then he moves on to say For either was solid Amuro ILA via tea. So if the

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the theme or the idea reaches its climax, its final end. Hitomi Bhima Amin who can after that, he would conclude Allah would conclude the surah with what he started with. So he would bring the end back to the beginning. From an upper fall kala la he will add another row in a hidden Allah would return again, to the first approach to the central theme of the first mention of the central theme. Alana had an aha video so Allah would return but according to a slightly different methodology that is so wonderful.

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One model and viral a William Enya, and it's another approach that is different than the first one. But it is so strong and profound. For takuna Sora to Kashia jurati Nada, Yachty Lallier. So a surah ends up being like a tree that is tall

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and beautiful

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and full of full of fruits with no haughty behavior. This is an article How you like have

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like a tree that is branching out in a beautiful way. And it was a Jana TV Anwar Xena Tillman vo Mati bad Annie apparel walk BF nanny door. He's saying it's so beautified and adorned. It's just like a tree that is beautified and adorned and beautifully organized with wonderful leaves or with neat leaves and

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branches of jewels of gems.

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Were Fernando Herman Ali Fatone erotical Macapa, aka the word and those branches. After they extend they turn back to the main branch

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what Kulu the era teen minha short baton moto Silla tone Bhima copula and each branch connects to the branch that comes before it we're sure bet in Malta Hey Martin be my bad hand it also connects to the branch that is after it will Earth little soul Attica Dr. Salah wala and thus the end of the surah returns back and connects to the beginning. Kemah Allah HammondI ha Ohama back there. And just as the end

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of the surah connects to the beginning of the following Surah

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Wan Abdullah Ohama Kubla and the beginning of the surah connects so nicely to the end of the surah that comes before it fasade Kulu right in the era tune Cobra. So every solar becomes more like a complete circle

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will stimulate. In other words, it will tilt. And inside it inside this big circle, there are smaller circles that are connect it's like a closed chain that are each one of them, makes each verse makes a complete circle or each set of verses makes a complete circle.

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Everybody to know them in a beautiful structure

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and Algebra Two bomb that are magically connected

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billini to LP, a finance rehab due to the flexibility of these branches, which are the themes in the vs. Warehouse. Anita was wholly female, the house of Sania and the beauty of the connection between the the branches and the fruits. That's what he says. It's a figure of speech. It's a symbol. This symbolic language is powerful. And it shows you how much Imam Al Bukhari was invested in his in his work.

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Okay, something else I told you, one of the references that we might use is the book of Sheikh Mohammed Rosario, Mo Allahu Allah, which is an Arabic called

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net worth of Syrian mobile alien, little Quran. And I told you the translation is extremely powerful and beautiful, and very well done. Very well done. And interestingly, the title of the translation is exactly the title of our class. That was done without intention, by the way. So this is the book thematic commentary on the Quran. This is the book,

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thematic commentary on the Quran, it's really beautifully written in English, about 760 pages, the text 760 pages. And again, as I said, it is it is extremely helpful by those who come to attend this class, if they have their own reference. The reference, as he said, is either if you if you understand Arabic, then the Quran itself almost half. And if Arabic is not your first language, or you will need English to help you out, then have translation of the meanings of the Quran. And we said any translation insha Allah will do. But our preference is the clear Quran Al Quran rubine which is a very accessible and easy to read translation and it's quite to the point in sha Allah and

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as I translate some of the verses you will find in some of the slides, I use this as the main reference insha Allah Allah. So last week, we started by talking about

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without salatu Fatiha, and we mentioned what is the central or what we believe to be the central verse in it that harbors or displays the central theme or meaning

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in a good way. And I think we reached up until so lots of we finished with Surratt alarm off and I promised you to share with you some quotes. One of them is the one that I just shared with you from a mammal epi. And here's the second one from Malika Deen al Malawi, where he didn't matter. We is actually a Shafi scholar from Egypt's he lived about 500 years ago 500 years ago. He was one of the great scholars of Egypt and his time. He says he will Quran IJA Allah has been work on a 10 Zilla while there has been Hekmati, 30 even what I've seen, is saying the order of the verses was chronicle in terms of Revelation, the time of Revelation. So when there was an incident, for

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Malika to better the Battle of better, Allah subhanaw taala revealed after that, so a lot will unfold right after the Battle of God. So the revelation was according to the events according so there was a chronological order. This is in terms of the times of Revelation.

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After the Battle of Allah Subhan, Allah revealed the second half of swords and the Emraan, which addresses the issue and derives lessons from it. But he's saying, however, according to Divine Wisdom, the the Quran or the verses of the Quran were ordered according to divine wisdom in terms of sequence and structure.

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So if you want to understand the structure of the

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On the sequence of the source and the sequences of the sequence of the verses, this is done according to the wisdom of Allah.

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So there is no random order. So Surah Al Imran was put after Al Baqarah before and Nisa for a reason from Allah.

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So this is why we say 30 busua Quran to be fee that the order of the surah of the Quran is from Allah

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is from Allah and the water table Ayat for Surah Toty fee the order of the verses within the surah is also from Allah is also from Allah. So the Companions took the order of the soldiers from the way the prophets of salaam used to recite and used to keep that kind of order as they were put in the most half. And then we have the edge map. The consensus of the companions are all the Allahu anon the consensus of the companions of the Allahu annulment. The consensus of the companions is one of the sources of legislation is Matt Aluma. And mainly the amount of the companions of the along the consensus of the companions is one of the sources of legislation in Islam. Okay, so we'll move on.

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We said we reached solitaire off, we move on now to salt and fat, salt, and fat.

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So shorten and fall, as we said, was revealed after so after markets

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better after the Battle of better were the prophets of salaam set out from Medina to capture the caravan that was led by Abu Sufyan. And the problem had only the Companions who were ready with him, which was 300, and a little bit more 310 311 380 in different numbers.

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And these were the best of the companions of the Allahu Han. So then Abu Sufyan figured out

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what the prophet Saddam had set out to do. So he changed his path and he sent someone to inform operation arrange came to meet, or to battle against the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So the verse talks about the victory of the Muslims, what happened before the battle, the victory of the Muslims, what happened after the victory, and again talks about some of the relationships between the believers and their enemies and how to deal with them.

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So the central verse here, and the surah comes in the middle, and it is for them talk to him. Well, can Allah have patola? One hour Ramita is Ramita what can Allah canola, Rama, Ljubljana, Mina, Minho, Bella and Hassan it was not you or believers who killed them, but it was ALLAH who did so? No Was it you or prophet who through but it was ALLAH who did so rendering the believers a great favor, surely Allah is all hearing all knowing

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the victory happened unexpectedly.

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The battle happened unexpectedly, the spoils of war were unexpected. And speaking about numbers, and speaking about

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logistics, Muslims had no chance of winning that battle.

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So the whole surah is actually about the fact that whatever you're planning your actions and carrying out your plans. And whatever you do, does not get results. The results come from Allah. The results come from Allah because you set out to catch the caravan.

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But you ended up in a battle.

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You did not expect to win the battle. No one would expect no one actually had expected that the Muslims would win the battle, yet you ended up winning the battle.

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So there are so many things happening in the Surah. Allah subhanaw taala

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sort of emphasizes the theme that everything is in the hands of Allah and everything's by the will of Allah. The beginning of the surah introduces this. Because the Muslims were asking about the spoils of war yes and Ohnaka and will unveil will unfold when

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they ask you about the spoils of war. Tell them the spoils of war are for Allah and His Messenger, not for you.

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They're not the decision about those is for Allah, it's not for you. So don't ask about them. Leave everything as Allah gave you a victory has Allah plans out for you, as Allah makes things happen for you that let these things for Allah subhanaw taala. So it's about attributing everything back to Allah subhanaw taala Okay, so that's it, Toba.

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The verse number is in the middle. Can anyone fetch 77? Zero?

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Or 1717? Just alcohol? Yes. Okay. 17.

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Okay, anyone who would give it a try with Surah Tober.

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And one will give you the, by the way, some of the sources are like, they're gonna give me a hard time. It's not easy, but it's interesting. It's a very interesting research. And it's interesting to see how different scholars you know approach this differently.

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And I mentioned again, I will keep repeating some of the sources that we depend upon. We have a pothead have been assured in his book, Sierra treaded water and we are we have

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mentioned the man will be at risk recently I found a book by Sir it what's called the assess fit tafseer the foundation in Tafseer. He actually goes into every solar tries to do the same things. And he's got very beautiful points.

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We have a Pharaohs Abadi, he said in his commentary, which is sometimes called V Tafseer. as well.

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He has beautiful, he gives beautiful hints. So Surah a Tober. Let me give you the background of surah. Tober is when the Prophet SAW Salem went to the book,

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right to to book march to the book to the north of the Arabian Peninsula. And

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it was time off in the middle of the summer was extreme heat. And

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three of the Muslims remain behind. And many of the hypocrites remained behind. Right. And

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there's a lot of mention about this being truthful to Allah subhanaw taala. And there's a lot of mention about actually the surah begins solat a Toba begins with

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freeing Allah's method of freeing himself and freeing the the Prophet SAW Selim from any connection to the people of disbelief, especially those who had fought against the Muslims and conspire had conspired against them. So Surah Tober anyone would like to give it a try?

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Well, that won't be a central thing. It won't be but good try. That's actually a good try.

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so let's uh tilba is actually

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no, that won't be central. Look at this.

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I put it on the screen.

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Whatever no min Allah He was already he in a nursing home and hejin ECMO. And Allah have very minimal machinery quinoa rasool

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Allah declares complete separation between faith and disbelief,

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faith and disbelief, and Allah sets the standard of standards of a new relationship between Muslims and non Muslims.

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There is something special about the Arabian Peninsula, there is something special about the people who had waged war against the Muslims prior to that point. And there is also special arrangements for non Muslims who never fought against the Muslims and who don't have plans to fight against the Muslims. Allah provides for everything. But Allah still draws the line between faith and disbelief. And then everything in the Surah is actually about this because it talks about the hypocrites, talks about the hypocrites, so Allah here this is why Surah Toba is also called Alpha they have the exposure and because it exposed the hypocrites. It separated them from the believers once and for

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all. After this, after sort of the Toba Abdullah innovativeness alone was completely exposed. That's it over

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the hypocrites were exposed. So it's separated faith from disbelief completely. And also about following the Prophet Solomon the reservoir of Tobruk or the expedition of Tabuk.

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Three of the believers forget about the hypocrites there was many of them who remain behind but three of the sincere believers remained behind kava Abdul Malik

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11 Omega and forgot the third one.

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They didn't have an excuse, but they kept putting off the act of following the prophets or Solomon marching with him. What happened?

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They postponed that so much to the point that they could not catch up with him That's it. I was too late.

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What What did Allah so we're gonna talk the Prophet Islam and the Muslims. How did he answer

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Have them to deal with them

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completely cut them off,

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cut them off. But these are believers. Yes. But here's the difference between obedience this obedience is now the line will be drawn and there is no compromise

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and take that this this toward the end of the surah come back to the as we as demand raka I said take it back to the beginning of the surah. Bara, disobeying

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this connection complete disconnection. You see the same, the sorry, the theme occurring again. And again. I had a quote I want to share with you here. Let's go back to it. This amendment goodbye again. He's speaking about

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he's experienced with his book. He says we're in the huddle. Ilma

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he says this after writing his longest book, I should put this somewhere else.

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We're in the Helen l Maslow who begged the Lord Riccati willing Kisara

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what law rule? Well, if Dr.

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Li adduct Taylor alumi a moron work for herself one or Isla Padron has to be honest with you I struggled to translate this.

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He says the root or the source of this knowledge is offering humility and brokenness to Allah.

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Of you have nothing of your own, which is a list Islam Allah, Allah, you just you bring yourself down before Allah, you helpless, you can't do anything.

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showing genuine lack and need.

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Showing as well you need for that understanding. And for that knowledge for a discipline that is extremely meticulous,

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most discrete, it's not easy to find this knowledge, not easy to delineate it and codify it

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and have the biggest and have the highest order was basically all the highest position.

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So you're saying the way to get this is humility and brokenness before Allah subhanho wa taala. By the way, remember the buckeye.

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When he wrote his first book, he was attacked,

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they kicked him out of the minute.

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They declared him to be looked at it.

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And they declared him to be an innovator who came up with something new, that was not needed. Because the early generations came up with a tafseer that was needed. There was no need for what he was doing. And it was all like for them was nonsense.

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And it really affected him. So when he did,

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he said in my life, and he writes this, I think in his 60s or 70s. And he says throughout my life, I never sought to get ijazah from the CIO or recommendation, or praise from an issue. Never did that in my life. I realized that if I get good knowledge, and if I present good knowledge, that would be my test here. That would be my reference. I don't need the words of people. And he says, otherwise, I would not wish to live long if I don't have anything to contribute, when he said but when I saw people, a lot of the people and the students of knowledge have a lot of jealousy towards me, and they started attacking me and disgracing my honor. And describing being with evil descriptions about

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my religion and my religiosity and my connection to the Sunnah. And anyone who knows me knows how strict I am on following the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said, I reached out to the big scholars of our time, and the ones who read my book, and I asked them to share their genuine thoughts and sincere thoughts about my work.

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And then he lists in his book about 15 or 16 of the statements of the scholars of the biggest movies of his time. And all of them praises work. So it's, it's it's common, it's common place, even at that time, that you know, you would find people who are against anything they don't know. And they automatically label it as as a bidder. So it wasn't that context that he spoke about this and he said, it took me brokenness and humility before Allah subhanaw taala to be able to arrive at that science. Okay. Surah Jonas.

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Now we're going to talk about solar units, which is these are solar units. Some of the

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some of the scholars mentioned mentioned it as with a blue wireless about the world, but that's not actually accurate. So it's from the mean. So we have to well, we have in the surahs that are made of around 100 100 versus 100, and a little bit more. So we have for example, a

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Jonas we have who would we have use of? Right? So these sources are called Al Amin, and most of them I found most of them talk about the book, which is Al Quran.

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The main theme is in the Quran, they highlight something, an aspect of the an aspect of the Quran surah Jonas, obviously,

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it's so Lamacchia it's in Mecca was revealed in Morocco before the Hijra.

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there's so much to heat in the solar so much about the Oneness of Allah, and that he's the only one who deserves to be worshipped and about His creation, his signs in the creation, and so on and so forth. And there's the story of Prophet Yunus and his Salaam and thus the surah is named after unit nacm. By the way, Imam Al Bukhari, he says, the name of every soul connects in some way to the central theme in it.

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The name of every soul connects to the central theme in this aura somehow, sometimes it's a clear expression. Sometimes it talks about the story that harbors the main theme. And sometimes it just is connected to the theme in in a subtle way. So

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the surah here talks about the wisdom of Allah Spano Tana And his wisdom that is contained in the Book in Salah you want us I again struggled? Because

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I found a few verses that actually explain the central theme of Surah Jonas, one of them was the beginning which was a little bit too general for me, but it was the safest choice, because Imam Al Bukhari chose it and I sort of sided with him there. But we have also Allah subhanaw taala says, Yeah, you are not at Como, Ella tomura Become what she found only maphis So do well, who then you call me You mean?

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Old people.

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an admonition and a reminder has come to you, from Allah.

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And the healing to what is in the chests, what's in the hearts and that's the wisdom that is contained in the Quran. Then Allah says about that will be for the law he will be rahmati for be daddy Kefalonia for management, say with the blessings of Allah and the gifts of Allah which is in the Quran, the guidance of Allah. Let them feel happy. Let them be happy. Let them rejoice. So basically surah

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the Surah Yunus explains the wisdom of Allah subhanaw taala in handling matters of belief, matters of disbelief in handling nations that disbelieved and in how Allah subhanho wa Taala handled the creation of the universe.

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That's what the surah speaks about. We can't say the central theme is wisdom.

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The central theme is how the Quran

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explains the wisdom of Allah subhanaw taala in dealing with different aspects, because there is a Surah whose main theme is wisdom, we're going to come to that in sha Allah. Okay.

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Surah Hood. So again, for them in what I was gonna go on to say is that I figured out from from most of them, the first verse speaks for the whole surah so it's the central, it is the central verse is the first verse and all of them are Elif la mala or Alif Lam Meem Ra, as we will see. So the central verse in Surah, toads which contains the starts with issues about belief, and about how the people of Rh reject, and then it talks about the story of Noah his salaam, and this is what his son has mentioned again. And then it talks about the stories of the other prophets.

00:34:01 --> 00:34:23

So the central theme or the central sorry, the central verse is Elif la mala Kitab and Rocky Mount AR towards them. Firstly, let me let don't Hakeem and Javier, let's break it down. So it talks about the Quran. The Surah talks about the Quran. And it talks about how the verses of the Quran were perfected,

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how they were perfected. Then it talks about how they were dissected and explained in detail. And that's what happens in Surah Hood.

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And all of this points, the whole all of this display in the Surah points to the wisdom of Allah subhanaw taala and to his deep knowledge and profound knowledge of His creation.

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Surah Yusuf, again, not easy, not easy.

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Surah Yusuf is completely about the story of use of Alayhis Salam about this 12 story of Israelis. And there is a central thing here. It's about how Allah subhanho wa Taala teaches,

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teaches and makes everything clear. And that's what the Quran does. Allah does that through the Quran. And sunnah Yusuf is a symbol of that

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Surah Yusuf is all about how Allah subhanaw taala taught us of Allah His Salam, how Allah taught him,

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how Allah taught him throughout the stages, first, through the dream or the vision he had,

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how He taught him through the trust in Allah that he had when he was thrown in the well.

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And then how he taught him to the right way of behavior when he was seduced by the wife of a disease, and how to carry himself in the palace among the elite, and then how to protect himself from all the temptations around him, and how to handle himself in the prison when he was wronged and put him in prison without justice. And Allah taught him how to how to interpret dreams, and how to handle people who are desperate for answers.

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And Allah also taught him how to run the affairs of a state. And Allah taught him how to handle his brothers when he found them, how to handle them in an intelligent way, without getting himself in trouble or getting them in trouble or even placing doubts in their hearts. So the surah is all about how the book teaches and clarifies. That's why it's called the Clear Book. That's what the surah is about. And Allah starts with teaching law states that he made the Quran in Arabic clear Arabic so that you may understand, so that you may understand.

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Okay, so this is something about El Bulava, which is, sort of

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you can say it's eloquence and speech. And it's when language reaches a high level of expression. And, and and when becomes artistic language becomes artistic. It's called Bulava.

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and Albula. There is a consensus around the definition of Bulava. What Billa or constitutes what is it? The Bella the same way as Saba truly McCall Muqtada al Han, that it is the perfect alignment between words and reality, that you are able to see what reflects reality at the right time.

00:37:57 --> 00:38:04

So it's that kind of coherence between speech and reality, speech and reality. Were even the words

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the choice of words

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and the meanings in the words are in perfect alignment with reality. Now,

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remember before he speaks about surah Taha by the way, which probably will reach the insha Allah surah Taha

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and he talks about for those who noted read and don't know the normal hydrogen roof, and so fat roof, the points of articulation, and some of the characteristics of the letters,

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he explains why Allah Staats surah Taha with two letters thought, and he takes them from the he takes these conclusions from the MaHA image of BA and her and from their characteristics, societal health, and that's extremely powerful. So he says, and he says, this is the apex of Bulava, the apex of language and artistry in language.

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He says bought

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helpful Oh, wha what a theme is a bar is a matter of strength, and elevation. And surah Taha has a theme that we're going to talk about in sha Allah that reflects that. So he connects this to the central theme in the Surah. Again, this is beloved. So using these letters, is belaga is profound is perfect. And again part of the Bulava as well, is Allah is Allah subhanaw taala in the met Kim period, Al Quran Al Makki the the Quran which we consider to be from Mecca, or before hijra, you find most of the verses are short and very powerful in their impact language in their auditory impact in the

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in the phonology, you know in the in the words and the sounds are profound. Why? Because they give striking facts. They have an impact short, shorter statements have a powerful emotional, emotionally loaded

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they got through the, you know, the hard layer of our thinking sometimes. So that's why you find most of the Quran before hijra, is actually quite short and made us alone. And in about Ilim. Allah the whole, like one page could have up to 4040 versus right, so let's uh sulfat

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soret limosa. That's right. All of these are short, very striking, powerful. So a lot of very powerful words and short statements. These are very profound. Whereas in Medina, there is need for more Muslims have settled there is need for explanation expounding talking about, so to speak the philosophy or the logic behind certain rulings. And it's more has a relaxed more of a relaxed style, right? That's bellava. So the words are suitable for them, they reflect the meaning there's actually a unity between the words and the meaning of the structure and the content. There is there is beautiful harmony between them, they are one they're not separate. There's not like two separate

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entities, you bring them together, they are the same. They are two manifestations of the same thing.

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Okay, so lots of light, which is one of my favorite.

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And again, so a lot of light is about to heat there's a lot of Tawheed by the oneness and the worship of Allah subhanaw taala long in the mind of Allah subhanaw taala alone again, so that

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follows the same rhythm as the source before it. And the central verse in it is verse number one.

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So if you notice I started putting the numbers of the verses just to make it easy.

00:41:43 --> 00:41:51

So Alif Lam ra Tilka to Kitab wala the one Zilla na cannot be can help whether I can afford a Nursey You mean

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it's about again, the book which is the book of Allah the Quran.

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And about it being the truth indisputable truth.

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It's indisputable truth.

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But most people choose not to believe

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most people choose not to believe now remember, you provide a link to this to the name of the solar avoid which is Thunder is Thunder is evident self evident.

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You can't deny when there is thunder, you can't say I haven't seen it. Right, or I don't feel it.

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He's so he's saying that Allah subhanaw taala is saying that the verses of the book, the revelation that was sent to Prophet Muhammad SAW Salam is saw strikingly self evident as the truth just like thunder, there is no dispute about it. And then, throughout the Surah, Allah spontan explains how and goes to expound on the point.

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Then Surah Ibrahim is one of the famous sources popular source anyone can think of a theme. So when I brought him

00:43:09 --> 00:43:16

Yes, yes, follow the same rhythm here. Follow the same rhythm, the first verse.

00:43:17 --> 00:43:25

And if lamb rocky turban Anza. Now who illegally took region nurse I mean, abnormality Elan, notably in Europe be him in US routed as Ezel Hamid.

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So look at what this first contains. Okay. This is a Book which We have revealed to you or profit. So it's about the revelation of Allah that was given down to the prophet, and he's going to talk about previous prophets. So that's, that's the point. So that you may lead people out of darkness and into the light, but by the will this is by by the will of the Lord to the path of the Almighty, the Praiseworthy, so it's about the book of Allah, the Quran, that it takes people from darkness to light. So Allah is going to demonstrate in this surah how disbelief is darkness in this world. And in the next, so people who disbelieve What is the punishment they're going to get from Allah and

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thus their life will be dark.

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And how the believers will be helped by Allah, that's their life will be light. And on. Then Allah concludes at the end of the solar at the end of the surah. With what is the final destiny of the believers. And then the sorry, it talks about a brand that talks about the disbelievers what's going to happen the darkness of the disbelievers in the Hereafter. And Allah mentions it in its wallets. So sorry, the the story of

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sorry, I have no right through before the last page.

00:44:54 --> 00:45:00

So you will also also Brahim, sorry, sorry, Brahim and Islam and how

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Ibrahim left the darkness and came into the light.

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So it's about how the revelation of Allah takes people from darkness into the light. So again, by the way, like some of the comments on these sources is that it's good to know the central theme because if you there is a certain effect you want you can sort of follow these themes.

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So if someone is stuck in the darkness or disbelief, and they're trying to to find the truth, try to find trying to find the light. The solar contains the elements they need.

00:45:37 --> 00:45:39

The solar contains the elements they need. Okay.

00:45:41 --> 00:45:43

Small solar cell hedgerows,

00:45:44 --> 00:46:24

salted hedger was not easy at all, was not easy at all. And I started this is verse number nine, that was a mistake was first number nine. In a known as in the Kiowa in LA hula, half Javon. Allah says it is we talking about himself, who have revealed the reminder and it is certainly we who will preserve it. And again, here preservation is the surah talks about this. The preservation of the Quran is not only the preservation of the words, it's not only the preservation of the meanings, it's also the preservation of the guidance of the Quran and the impact of the Quran. And it's the preservation of the people

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who embrace the Quran.

00:46:30 --> 00:46:41

It's a preservation of the people who embrace the Quran so people embrace revelation embrace the Quran, Allah subhanaw taala will preserve them. Salted hedgerow talks about how Allah preserves these people.

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Then we move on to Surah 10

00:46:47 --> 00:46:48

Oops, I skipped the Arabic

00:46:52 --> 00:46:52


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who can recite this for me in Arabic good it's just you with it.

00:46:58 --> 00:47:05

It's verse number 17 Can the one who create Oh Can the one who creates be equal to the one to

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two those who do not yes FMA Yeah, hello, Kim Elia Hello.

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00:47:17 --> 00:47:29

is the one who creates like those who do not create. So the whole surah is a comparison. On it's not a comparison, there is an element of comparison, where Allah exposes the false gods.

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But it talks about Allah subhanaw taala talks about his excellence in his creation and how he created the universe, his excellence in how he deals with the believers, and in his excellence in how he guides and then Allah subhanaw taala compares that to other gods false gods. What do they have to offer? Nothing so Allah is saying is the one who created like, like the ones who did not create, there's no comparison. So the surah is beautiful and is there's why there's a few verses that compete over this as well. are called Allahu Allahu Allah Hadith name. Allah said do not take two gods in the Mahabharata on one hand, he's only one God again, so it's towhead. But it's from a

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different angle from a different angle solo Telstra stitched you up.

00:48:27 --> 00:48:28

So let's have the slot

00:48:41 --> 00:48:42


00:48:43 --> 00:48:44

So what's the slot?

00:48:58 --> 00:49:00

Anyone sort of this far?

00:49:03 --> 00:49:18

That's actually a very good candidate will have to answer now what will happen as well is a very good candidate will reveal the truth and with the truth and in truth, okay, towards the end. It's a very good candidate, but it doesn't connect everything in the solo. That's the issue.

00:49:22 --> 00:49:26

Again, that's similar that's similar to this. It's similar, but

00:49:28 --> 00:49:29

not yet.

00:49:31 --> 00:49:50

Now, when I say sort of this, like, what's the verse that jumps to your mind? SubhanAllah. The that's it. You might think, well, that's talking about an incident, right? Yes, but sometimes the main theme is strongly expressed and present in an incident. Now so let's see, what is the what is the theme?

00:49:52 --> 00:49:53

What is the theme in?

00:49:55 --> 00:49:56

In the story of a slob?

00:50:00 --> 00:50:07

Not believing is there. But look at the verse Subhana levy as Surah we have d

00:50:09 --> 00:50:13

SR B IV D, Leyland middle MST, that

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00:50:22 --> 00:50:30

Excellent, excellent, how Allah subhanaw taala raises the believers and doesn't leave them and doesn't let them down?

00:50:31 --> 00:50:40

Because they look at the historical context for the revelation of the surah. When did Allah subhanaw taala take the Prophet saw them on the journey of Allah Subhan marriage when?

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After his uncle passed away, about toilet and after his wife Khadija Leelanau passed away and after what? After a dive, which is the most difficult day in the life of the Prophet salallahu Salam, Allah Subhan Allah gives you so this is a promise from Allah subhanho wa taala. Okay, it's a promise from Allah and throughout the surah that's gonna be shown how Allah says Allah Khurana Bani Adam, Allah, Allah, dignified the sons of Adam, and that talks about in different type of which is a second type or higher type of dignity from Allah subhanaw taala. And that's for the believers, Allah is not going to let them down. Then Allah talks about the children of Israel. And how because they

00:51:24 --> 00:51:58

did not stay true to the covenant of Allah. Okay, Allah did not raise them just like He raised the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa salam. And Allah talks about other things about the superiority of morality. How Allah raises his believing servants with morality when Allah gives few guidelines about behavior, like don't commit Zina don't kill, right? Do not speak without knowledge and so on and so forth.

00:51:59 --> 00:52:01

Okay, so let's look if

00:52:03 --> 00:52:14

it's not easy, you might think it's easy. What? Okay, so calf is full of themes, beautiful themes and connections, but we want to find the central theme. What's the central theme?

00:52:21 --> 00:52:25

This isn't this is one of the secondary or third level themes actually.

00:52:28 --> 00:52:31

Yeah, yes, the first verse again.

00:52:32 --> 00:52:34

It hamdulillah

00:52:35 --> 00:53:04

all praises due to Allah. So it talks about the magnificence of Allah for revealing the Quran. Not only revealing Quran, Allah the INS Allah Allah ibdv al Kitab, who sat down or revealed that has revealed on the book to His servant, while Amir Jaya Allah who he was. And Allah did not put or leave any crookedness in it. There is no crookedness. Everything is straight about the Quran, crookedness in the language, crookedness, and the meanings there's nothing like this. There's no fault in the Quran.

00:53:06 --> 00:53:17

And crookedness in those who follow the Quran. Follow it truly follow the Quran, and crookedness in the affairs of the people who follow the Quran there will be no crookedness.

00:53:19 --> 00:53:27

And thus Allah subhanaw taala. Talks about as hobbled if Allah straight in their affairs, right last Street in their affairs.

00:53:28 --> 00:53:36

And what else Allah talks about the story of Musa alayhis salam Allah Street in the effort of Musa alayhis salam will Herbert. Right.

00:53:37 --> 00:53:54

And the story of the nine there's no crookedness in what Allah when Allah supports someone, there is no fault. There's nothing wrong, there is nothing and this is why the surah is a protection from at the gel. Because if ignored, the gel is about crookedness.

00:53:56 --> 00:54:00

And this surah is about the opposite. So the Quran is the protection from the job.

00:54:04 --> 00:54:11

Okay, let's stop here at saltan is a sort of gaffe. Okay, we'll stop here. And let's move on to

00:54:14 --> 00:54:22

the Hawaii sun and Metallica with FCT Quran. Okay, so I'm gonna

00:54:25 --> 00:54:27

I'm gonna move this into here

00:54:30 --> 00:54:32

and we will get into it. Okay.

00:54:34 --> 00:54:40

So we spoke about the introduction, we said there was generally two rules mentioned in them, but we will move

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to now, I believe to be the second rule the so called as a felony. He says Why did he lie that when Fei tone did carita Thani the second Maxim it brought will be a moment alpha of law because allsole is bad. Okay, the point

00:55:00 --> 00:55:13

went in a ruling has to do more with the generality of the statements rather than with a specific reason for which this text was revealed.

00:55:15 --> 00:55:21

Okay, so a text is revealed about something about a certain incident

00:55:23 --> 00:55:24

and it gives a ruling,

00:55:25 --> 00:55:31

the ruling is it only limited to this case or is it applied to every other case that is similar?

00:55:33 --> 00:55:55

Usually, okay, this is this rule is, is expressed more in the singular, which is an emperor Toby jamoma. Lovely, lovely co setup, that the point and every text doesn't is not limited to the specific incident upon which it was revealed. But the text retains the generality of

00:55:56 --> 00:56:35

retains its origin, the general sense. He says we have the car either to interfere or to didn't be Marathi. Hayasaka love the Hiren. Kathy, he's saying and this principle is extremely beneficial. And by observing it, the person will get a lot of goodness, where anyone who has zero and rich knowledge will be a family. How were Adam Imola? How about you how your food to who anyone can hear well, Karl Otto, whether it's the back, he's saying and if a person ignores it, and doesn't and doesn't observe it, they will miss out on a great deal of knowledge and they will fall in mistakes and error

00:56:37 --> 00:57:03

will handle us whatever Carly who had her own, I mean, solely whether you read him and this principle is agreed upon by the well versed scholars from a soul. So he's basically saying and others and by the way, the sciences of the Quran and also will share a great deal almost 50% are same, or normal Quran and are sold for 50% of the material is similar.

00:57:05 --> 00:57:43

For meta or ATL or ADA to Serbia, where often no malerkotla who move as soon as Babineau Zool in nama here I'm Phil attune to what the whole alpha lacet and follow Maxwelton Allah is saying, and once you observe this ruling, or this principle, and you know that the amorphous serene or when the professor can comment on the reasons of revelation or the occasions of Revelation, these occasions serve serve as examples as cases in point and that the texts are not only limited to this, these specific cases

00:57:45 --> 00:58:32

for Oklahoma desolate Vika waka mana who Anahata Amin made Hulu V woman Joomla T Mariola Dubya. So when they say this verse was revealed about this, or concerning this and that incident, they mean that this incident is included in this verse, or in the meaning of this verse. And it's part of the indications of this verse For in combat or cut them in on zeal Al Quran woody Hidayat, he will Mati what our theory because as we explained before the Quran was revealed for the guidance of not only the early part of this ummah, but the later parts as well all the parts were Allahu to Allah Amana bit difficulty with the bodily Kitab and Allah Subhan Allah commanded us to reflect and ponder upon

00:58:33 --> 00:58:46

his book for either to the bundle and Favell am with him now and no matter how you don't know what it is yet, okay, Thea fairly Iyashi in noccalula Abdulhadi in the Anima italiana whoami through ha whenever you Raha is saying.

00:58:47 --> 00:58:52

So if we contemplate the general statements, or the general texts in the in the

00:58:54 --> 00:59:11

in the Revelation, and we understand that their meanings cover a lot of cases and so many cases, why would we only apply them to specific cases which were mentioned and not apply them to other similar cases?

00:59:13 --> 00:59:19

So that's the ruling and the commentary on chef anatomy is quite straightforward. It's quite straightforward here.

00:59:21 --> 00:59:29

So basically, what that means, there are verses in the Quran or Hadith from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. That

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when revealed concerning a certain incident,

00:59:38 --> 00:59:41

that will reveal concerning a certain incident, so for example,

00:59:42 --> 00:59:45

we have a salsa dealer.

00:59:46 --> 00:59:59

A woman came to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and her husband. Oh, Cigna. Slamet. He said to her auntie Alia cover her you owe me you are like mother my mother to me. Your back is like my mother's back to me, meaning you are haram for me. I'm not going to touch you

01:00:00 --> 01:00:08

and the Arabs for this this was considered like Pollock, but it was permanent Bullock that's it. These people cannot get together

01:00:11 --> 01:00:30

so aliveness Ahmed said this, his wife, she came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and she complained the prophets of salaam said Ma Araki look at home to Allah hey, I can only see that you have become Khaled for him. But then Allah revealed as they were talking and she she actually she was she wasn't happy with that.

01:00:31 --> 01:00:36

So she was arguing with the Prophet SAW Selim, is what called a mudra Adela the one who argues

01:00:38 --> 01:00:39

Allah revealed to him

01:00:41 --> 01:01:00

the verses and sort of modular about of the heart those will let you know about Iran, I mean, communism, okay, those who say that statement to their wives, and Allah Subhanallah instructed them to free a slave or to feed 60 Poor people or too fast 60 days and so on and so forth before they touch the wives again, and then they become halal for them.

01:01:02 --> 01:01:09

So, this was revealed about this specific story is this verse only limited to the story of awesomeness summit and his wife Fatima

01:01:10 --> 01:01:26

is only limited there. No one applies to anyone, right? It applies to anyone. There's also a companion from the commander of the province of Salem as they were going for Hajj. He had long hair and he had an he had a problem with lice and lice in his hair.

01:01:27 --> 01:01:39

And his his hair was long. So as they were on the way to Makkah, the lice was crawling on his on his face because he was it was getting overwhelming.

01:01:40 --> 01:02:03

And Allah Subhana Allah says, will also come head to head you Mahela and do not shave your hair on your head, until you have fulfilled your like the rituals of Hajj and you have slaughtered the the animals but on the way or during the Hajj he was struggling, it was painful for him. So he came to the Prophet SAW Sanlam then Allah Subhana Allah revealed

01:02:04 --> 01:02:05

feminine can be he Adam

01:02:07 --> 01:02:47

from from income family Academy Maria Don OBE at a Murase Heath FET atonements Liam and also the attend owner sock so ever had, like had an illness due to an illness or an issue in their head and their hair. Then they can shave their head before the fixed time. But they should give us another call and return they should make an explanation in return. So caribou ADRA says as beautiful saving souls mentioned in the books of us what he says nessa let fi ha Sahil accom Amma. He says it was revealed about me specifically this verse about my case specifically, but it applies to all of your Muslims, anyone in this condition.

01:02:50 --> 01:03:25

Again, another example is the Allahu Anhu. One day he was crying so one of the companions on I believe it was probably obey. ImmunoCAP asks him What are you crying? He said, I read the verse. He said, Because they ate something that enjoy he enjoyed some food and he said, I'm afraid that I will be one of those to whom it will be said on the day of judgment of the habit. Tompa Uberti confy hieratic latonia and the Quran where Allah addresses the people of the Hellfire. You have used you have already consumed all of the goodness that was written for you and they will they live now you don't have anything left.

01:03:26 --> 01:03:47

It was said about the kuffaar of the Hellfire people will be in the hellfire. I want to help. I've said I'm afraid that it will be said to me, but he's a Muslim. Right? Why? So he's taking the general meaning of the verse and applying it to him. And this is called an assault room, which is our Bible.

01:03:48 --> 01:04:18

The comprehensive statements if a statement and the Quran is general, it doesn't say this is specifically for the prophet or for the wives of the Prophet salallahu Salam, right. Okay, if it's just an Arabic statement that can be applied anywhere, then it applies. You can generalize it but or you can also generalize it where it belongs. The Hawaii marriage took this overboard the Hawaii Ridge took this overboard so they apply the vs as alumni best said.

01:04:19 --> 01:04:47

Joe isla. Yeah to NASA that's filled carefully. In fact, I do have a Muslim when they came they approached verses that were revealed about the disbelievers and they apply them to the believers to the Muslims, that was their mistake, okay. So there are principles how these are applied, when do we follow them when do we follow us which is the specific the general and the comprehensive or the specific, all of this you know, the scholars have built structure around around all of that. So this is the

01:04:48 --> 01:05:00

this is the principle of today, aka the attorney the second principle in the book alcova, Hassan and Motorolla cognitive theory. You'll Quran and every inshallah every

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Friday we will take a principle like this and just provide some commentary on it on some examples in it so that we understand it and inshallah will help us with Tafseer

01:05:10 --> 01:05:51

later on, okay, just a reminder in sha Allah and next week we have shaved with man homies Hatfield, Allah, visiting us for a week or so. So it's an opportunity for us to learn from a great scholar and benefit from him. I will say Don't miss out on this opportunity is great to be in the presence of a scholar to see how they approach knowledge, how they teach and how they carried themselves. There's a lot to learn from a person like this and so inshallah the Halacha will be cancelled. So, he will be given the hotbar the Halacha next Friday, and he will be carrying his programs inshallah over a few days, and he's, I believe, explaining two texts, one from shahada Romana Sadie and the other one

01:05:51 --> 01:06:03

is from Shiva thymine on follow up on my teeth, which are the laws of inheritance. So it's good, good opportunity in sha Allah to sit with a scholar and learn from him and benefit from his classes.

01:06:05 --> 01:06:08

I can probably answer one question in sha Allah, before we go.

01:06:11 --> 01:06:54

Any questions? Nothing. So again, just a reminder, it's good guys, okay, I'll come to you is good. Again, that you have your own copy of the Quran, or the Arabic or the English meanings. Or if you have any of the references you would like to follow or you want to read one of the Tafseer Inshallah, it's good to, it's good to follow with us, it will help you especially once we go with the second round where we're going to go into each surah and as we said, Inshallah, as to our, like, PACE Chela will finish with us every month. So we take in about quarter of videos every week, and it's quite doable. It's quite doable in sha Allah to Allah and we try Inshallah, to you know, get

01:06:54 --> 01:07:01

these statements of the scholars how this was connect together nicely. Inshallah we'll try to see how this works with us. Yes, question.

01:07:08 --> 01:07:44

No, we didn't get there. I said, we will get there but inshallah we'll get there next week. But just to give you the point of benefit, Pa is about Allah subhanaw taala empowering the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam by getting people to respond to his call, getting people to accept his message. So Allah is going to give him dominance by means of that. So the lateral TA is a dominant letter is a very powerful letter. So that's why type C insha Allah in two weeks from now, please inform anyone you know, who are regular to the class or intend to come to the class, the next week inshallah. The class is going to, it's not going to be there for next Friday is going to be for the Friday after

01:07:45 --> 01:07:46

Inshallah, in two weeks.

01:07:52 --> 01:08:06

She's going to, he's going to be for two weeks. Okay. So that gives me a good break, man. Okay. Okay. So Sorry, chef. So Sorry, chef, Amanda is going to be for two Fridays here. Two Fridays. Okay, so in sha Allah.

01:08:07 --> 01:08:20

Then we meet three weeks from now. We meet three weeks from now. The third week, yes, the third week, third Friday, from today inshallah to Allah, Allah. So Allah Allah Messina, Mohammed while you're sabio Salam

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