Dealing with Difficulties and Crisis #3

Mohammad Qutub


Channel: Mohammad Qutub


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The importance of seeking guidance from Allah's subhanaw taala and not denying one's mistake is emphasized, as well as the need for self-tightening and seeking help for crisis situations. The Quran is also discussed, including the importance of the relationship with the Prophet and the time for religion. Consistentity in life is also emphasized, and caution is advised against rushing into small things and not giving up. The importance of praying during difficult times is also emphasized, along with the use of AI and the importance of not abandoning small projects until clear goals are achieved.

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maybe remove some of the things that I wanted to do.

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Please do stay after a sharp okay, we'll stay a little bit after a short not too long. You'll be home by midnight for sure.

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So give us a little bit of time after Russia is that okay with everyone? Can we have a small you know, maybe,

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I don't know half an hour after a shot or something like that so we can try to achieve as much as we want to.

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Okay, so we spoke about never despairing, always seeking the forgiveness of Allah subhanaw taala. No matter how much we keep falling, we need to get back up. Every time you fall from the horse, get back on it. Every time you fall. Again, come back to Allah and say to hippo Allah, until my last breath, I'm going to keep coming back to you even if I keep falling. Right? Allah subhanho wa Taala mentioned in the Quran. He mentioned a low wellbeing and that he is forgiving to an Awami and an LLB are the people who continually repent.

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It means it's a continuous process. You fall you get back up, you sin, you repent to Allah, you never stop. You never stop seeking it.

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No matter how bad it gets, no matter how hypocritical you feel.

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The shaitaan is working. Your hypocrite every time you claim it's a sincere repentance. And then you start singing again. Don't listen to that voice. We keep coming back to Allah and we will keep coming back to Allah subhanaw taala. And eventually, that goodness, that piety that God consciousness in sha Allah will win over.

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We never give up. We never despair and this is the message.

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Allah subhanaw taala tells us the Noble Quran in that Hassan youth hipness,

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good deeds al Hassan that will eliminate the Soviet and the C ad is usually mentioned in the Quran. It is a reference to the minor sins, the minor sins, my brothers and sisters are expiated through these daily prayers that you're doing.

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We pray to Allah subhanaw taala. We just prayed mother and God willing, that's an explanation of the minor sins that may have occurred between us It had nothing to continuous

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opportunity for expansion of sins in the Hasselblad, you didn't see yet you keep doing good. And that witness will definitely overcome

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any sense and anything else. I forgot to mention the shake.

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Right after the, the prayer.

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He was excited. He was he was exhilarated to be precise.

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And he said, What is this beautiful congregation, I wasn't sure if he was talking about your good selves, or just the prayer in general, until he mentioned the idea where he, Allah subhanaw taala mentioned that it is off his sides, that there are different colors of people and different tongues and languages.

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And that's why I understood he was talking about us. He was so happy to see it, that we are coming in this way but coming to increase our image and increase our knowledge. He said such a gathering will even make the enemies of Islam who hate this religion, it will

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instigate avoid will irritate them because he sees how people are coming to listen to something that will soften their heart that will bring them closer to Allah subhanaw taala to learn something new about our great religion, my brothers and sisters,

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Allah subhanaw taala knows

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that the way out and the solution to the crisis to whatever crisis we are experiencing is near you.

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And the Prophet SAW Allah mentioned in the authentic hadith, that Allah subhanaw taala laughs

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And obviously in a way that is suitable to His glory, and magnificence, and then he laughs because he sees us in the Spirit.

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He sees us a despair and he knows that

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By the way out, the solution is very near.

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It's interesting that

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Thomas Edison said something.

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Along the same lines. He said many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.

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You're already so close, and then you gave up, otherwise, you're going to be successful. This could apply to our lives to our

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endeavors, or enterprises. Achievements. A lot of people give up, they were just about to be categorized as one of the successful my brothers and sisters. No man is an island. I was talking about the importance of seeking help. Everyone requires help, everyone requires the advice of their brothers and sisters. So go after it, especially God forbid, if you are in a crisis, especially God forbid, if it is a crisis in D,

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then it'll be even more difficult. Because if it's not a crisis in D, it's just a predicament it is if Tila, it's the death of a loved one, it's something else that has to do with your health are a financial crisis, you still have a good

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level of Dean that will help you get through that disaster.

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You have a reminder in your own self. And this is the best type. The countryman, the member will always was not always pick things that are suitable to what you need. Now, do what you need to hear now you are your best, you're your best doctor. You know what you need. So if you can remind yourself, if you will know this is that this hadith and these lovely stories, these touching stories, you yourself, go after it, whatever the crisis is, indeed, whether you're in love,

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a problem with the man a lot more difficult, then you no longer have that self critique that self reminder.

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Because you yourself are going through that difficulty and Eman may be at an all time low.

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And this is one of the most dangerous crisis. That's why I try to spend time with good people. Maybe they can pull you up.

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Yeah, maybe when you're with them, you feel uplifted. You leave that for a second. Back to the same, that's okay.

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But it's part of the process.

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When you spend time, it uplifts you even the Sahaba said it.

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That's a totally different level.

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the sahabi how Allah this is Hala is a hypocrite. Now

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when he went to the Allah Allah Natha Hamdulillah.

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Can you imagine if I come to you and I say Muhammad Pato is a

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So you said to enough of a hyung Mala

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was started, what are you saying? Do you know what you're saying?

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So he says,

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when we are with the Prophet sallallahu sallam, we feel uplifted.

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We feel our event is high up in the mountains.

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We feel so good. Once we leave and we go back to the families we start playing around and forgetting much.

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What didn't say how

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did he philosophize it? Did he give him some kind of a frontwards? No, no, it's not like that, brother. You don't understand. This is not what hypocrisy is. You are extreme. You're no no, no, none of that.

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He immediately looked at his own self

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deprecated his own self and said yes Wallah. I feel the same. This is sincerity. This is the jar route. This is truly being cognizant of one's situation once a man of one's relationship with Allah subhanaw taala.

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He said, Well, I experienced the same. Let's go to the prophets, Allah

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Say hello and find out. Maybe he has an answer. So the problems are seldom calmed them down. And he told them that this is natural. And that

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the important thing is that there is a time for this and there's a time for that.

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So there's a time for these Imen boosters, these classes, seeking knowledge, worship, that there's a time for what all of us do. Just play around, have fun, enjoy one another's company and so on. We're all human. There's a time for this and there's a time for that, but ultimately, seek help if you need it. If you're in a deep hole, and you can't climb out of it, you need someone to

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sell themselves I mean, we'll near you should do.

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He says that the believer in their relationship with the other believer, obviously male or female, is like a strong robust structure.

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How many civil engineers here civil engineers, strong pillars, strong foundation, well built and strong. This is how the relationship should be. This is how I believer is with another believer. Seek help if you need it. Brothers and sisters in such situations I'm going a little bit quickly because I need to cover as much ground as possible. Do not neglect the importance of the Quran.

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The Quran is key.

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And the Quran is absent from a lot of Muslims lives. I'm not talking about non Muslims. That's a given. I'm talking about Muslims. It's absent.

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It's just a book. They read every now and then maybe once in Ramadan.

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Who's the

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people whose Iman was way past our iman were reciting the Quran on a daily basis.

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Were taking and benefiting from it.

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Though their Iman their level of iman requires a lot less and they have the Quran memorized in the first place.

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The Quran is absolute, to a large extent from our lives. The Quran is marginalized in a lot of our lives.

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But Quran for all practical purposes is above a cookbook nowadays. The book of Baraka, you know, you see the Quran, we put it up you know, because we're respecting it, instead of putting it over here. But we make it we put it up so high we can grab it anymore. If you need a lamp every time you grab it, and you know remove the dust and then kiss it and put it back. The Quran is recited now in two types of events, weddings, and funerals, the house

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what's going on more? We have an event you know, we rent a nice Hall at the hotel that we start off with the lovely words of Allah subhanho wa Taala we recite for a few moments while people are looking at their phones, and then we get into something else. So it's just something to give our gathering Baraka that's not what the Quran was revealed for. It's nice you want to give baraka to your event but that's not what the Quran is here for. Quran is here to change lives

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is that when when we are allowing it to do

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sometimes a verse we were talking in the past session about that person in the hall was not able to get out this one if they understand it, and they continually recite it might give them the strength they need when they get tequila yet

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he keeps reciting it over and over.

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Again, this brings me back to the importance of the Arabic language.

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I've told you before about the importance of the Arabic language I was more flexible before about the Arabic language becoming more strictness because honestly, it's for your own good for your own interest.

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Because some of you mashallah I think you've achieved maybe a certain level of the Arabic. But for many of you, if your level of Arabic is very low, you continually hear verses like the Imam is reciting. And it sounds nice, but you don't know what's being said.

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So you're losing a lot of the reminding power of the Quran.

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because the Quran is a reminder. So if you're not understanding, when you attend these prayers continually you're hearing something that sounds nice. But is it really coming here? Is it really affecting you? The verses the sheikh read moved mountains. The idea he mentioned is about the bantered

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about how if the Quran was revealed to a mountain, the mountain would be humbled.

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The mountain itself as hard as it is, it's hard as a rock would be humbled to the revelation of the Quran, Allah Subhan Allah

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how that would have affected me if I understood it properly, if I did it, so Allah Allah of the reminding power of the Quran is absent in our lives if you don't understand the Arabic at least at the level of knowing, in a general sense what the Quran is say. Let me tell you a quick story.

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My brother,

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a religious brother, very religious brother, in fact, and someone who was expected to become a doctor, he shares a scholar

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and Masha Allah, I believe he had most of the Quran memorized. So you can say he's a half of or almost a half.

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So Pamela, he.

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At one stage in his life, he took an interest in the books of atheists, the sister was mentioning before

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he started reading.

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And because he's smart,

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he figured

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I'm gonna I'm gonna be able to weather this, you know, maybe he wanted to respond, I don't know.

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But he started reading extensively the books.

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So he told me once

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I stopped praying for about six months.

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Leaving prayer series sitting.

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We know that the scholars from long back have a difference of opinion. Some say that not praying is Kufa is disbelief

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and others took a more flexible approach when it is the opinion of many scholars. It's not something we can just ignore. It's not like a minority opinion. So he said, I left prayer. I said, Brother,

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you're practically a half.

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This should have brought you back.

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He said, that's what brought me back. He understands what he's reading. He understands what he's reciting. But imagine what must have happened to stop praying to what level Eman

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dipped or was eliminated completely, to stop praying. You know, after being someone who was groomed, being groomed to become a shaved scholar, a diet. But if he didn't have that Quran in his heart, I guarantee you, he would not be amongst the Muslims today.

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But because he was raised with the Quran in his heart, this brought him back.

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And I couldn't understand I was discussing it with him when you read these ideas.

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And you understand what they mean, even though he's a non Arab, but he understands

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this is the importance of the Quran. Don't underestimate it.

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It may be one of the other if we were to analyze this situation further. It may be that when he was reading,

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he wasn't reading just to be able to refute or respond. Maybe he was reading because he was looking for more heart

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more truth in their books. And this is what the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam

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When he saw save the hammer or the Allah reciting from the Torah

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Why did the Prophet SAW Selim gets so angry?

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We will read some of those books today.

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But it seems Omar was looking for something extra, maybe more of the truth

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in their books thus, the prophets are seldom said if Musa was alive, he'd have no choice but to follow me.

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He's basically telling him the whole truth is in what we have today then

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maybe this brother or anyone else, when reading those other books are looking for

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more truth and this is where the problem

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lies. My brothers and sisters,

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when we look at the fruits of solitude

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let's do a quick tour

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of surah Taha

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Allah subhanaw taala after taking an oath by the dawn what Blaha lately that suggestion, and then the night when it covers he says what says man with darker Bukoba macula?

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What does that mean?

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It means is telling the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that Allah has not forsaken you has not abandoned you

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and is not angry with you.

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This is speaking to the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam

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imagine what's the reason of revelation for this Aya?

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Yes, brothers and sisters, brother

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that has Godwin Galois he has taken a long time until it is revealed. Data and the Bucha Keane said that Allah has deserted his prophet Allah. But really Allah said that emphasize the idea that he never deserted he never deserted you. And another idea from Quran carry

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color in Nila Amelie Camino Colleen Colleen Colleen, I know you've been one who hates so Allah do you didn't take Mohamed Salah and you didn't desert him Baraka Luffy May Allah bless you. So this was the time where there was what is called fat truffle washing, there was a pause or a hiatus in the Revelation. This was deeply disturbing to Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam because he could not explain what is the reason behind it. So he was justifiably distressed?

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Why did the Why stop?

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There's a lot of different

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sayings and opinions that I've seen, I don't have time to go into all of them. But to the extent that even his wife, there is a narration that even his wife was telling him that the washing stopped, the revelation stopped, there must be some reason.

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The Mushrikeen as the brother mentioned,

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started poking fun at the prophets or Sullivan scoffing at him there. Yeah, there it is. In one narration, the the wife of Ebola come to me, she said, The Sheikh Mohammed has left him finally, in other words, he was a crazy man in the first place, and now it's finished. And God deserted him and no more. And he started hearing all of these things. Imagine the situation of the prophets.

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For the Prophet salsola This is a crisis. This is an absolute crisis

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for Allah subhanaw taala to come and now confirm, now with Darko Allah.

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How comforting that must have been to hear that Allah subhanaw taala has not deserted Him is not angry does not detest his profit God forbid.

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When we look at those verses, and then we go to the verses afterwards, what are the verses afterwards the next set of verses now Dr. Robert Glover Bala whatever.

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Wallace some

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beautiful meanings we can't go into all the time series now after that what

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are what are the Kabbalah?

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What's the connection? What's the, you know, this set of verses coming after Allah confirming Allah did not deserve it, then?

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I can't you didn't get human for our what Allah telling us? Yes, rather after condolences from Homicide.

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Condolences. He tried to remind him of his past history. He was orphan. He was orphaned. Then he said to them for our youth care team and Jimmy

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Lam before

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a poor poor person then he enriches you exactly if your mommy and him money means not money.

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You have indeed, as a man,

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it is real. But here it applies to money as well. He was poor and

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gave him something to surprise him. Yes, he didn't become rich.

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But he gave him something to fund suffice him his needs. Absolutely. So why now is this coming after

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telling him that Allah has not deserted you?

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It means the one who was there for you in those initial periods when you did not know Allah, you did not have the guidance. You didn't have any of this, the one who was taking care of you then and providing for you then and guided you that is not going to leave you now.

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The one who is looking after you all have this time when you didn't know him,

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to apply it to yourself. When you ally were misguided and I am almost positive. Many Muslims today have their own period of Jamelia, the brother was saying the religious predicament when I wasn't religious before so many people, many of us were born Muslim, in one way or another

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are kind of like reverts because there was a time when we kind of really came to the D. Right?

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Who brought you Allah when you were totally heedless.

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And neglect from Allah Subhan Allah, Allah, Allah was taking care of you, Allah brought to you. Maybe you weren't even thinking about it. Well, Allah He my brothers and sisters, do you think when I was young, I wouldn't be giving talks like this one like,

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I mean, it was the last thing on my mind.

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The one who brought you

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is not going to leave you now. This is a critical point to remember. When you go through that crisis, God forbid, when Eman is all time low, and you start feeling that Allah has forsaken you.

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And you start feeling

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Allah left me This is happening because Allah doesn't want me anymore. Or Allah is

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has given up on me or something along those lines, that we remember these verses. And then you did kill the team and for Allah, but whether the Kabbalah or what did the QA?

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And it's they're just questions. And then there are instructions after that. It's not a question and an answer. It's a question and it's open ended?

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The answer is well known. Yes, absolutely. But then there are instructions familiar theme.

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For happy, but ultimately what do we get from this? These meanings we need or those people need? When they go through that crisis when they go through that predicament, especially if it's one of the and religion. They need to hear this.

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Because Allah subhanaw taala guided you before,

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provided for you helped you loves you, wants you to come back, wants you to repent more than anything else, though he is not in need of any of us. If the whole globe

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relinquishes their Amen. It means nothing to Allah subhanaw taala doesn't affect Allah's Magnificence in any way or its Omnipotence let the whole world

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relinquish the Eman or apostatize it's not for us. It's not for him. It's for us.

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He would love nothing more. The Prophet La Silla gave the example the authentic hadith,

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like a nomad out in the desert all alone

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with nothing but his transport with nothing for many, many kilometres. And suddenly he lost his transport.

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And he falls asleep out of this spirit. I told you some people sleep

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since situation

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and then he wakes up and he finds his transport and all of the his food that provision that he had lost. And then he was so happy. He said, Oh my snake you are my Oh Allah, you are my expenses same sermon that I am your Lord. He was so happy. He reversed it. He meant to say, Oh Allah, You are my Lord and I am your slave sir. And he said You are my stepson, and I am

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Your Lord.

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You see the level of happiness there? Allah is more keen

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on our repentance than this person's keenness towards his transport and his provision in that predicament that he faced.

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In these

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Okay, no, let me fast forward, because I'm afraid I might not get to it eventually. Brothers and sisters, the prophets, Allah is Allah directly

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referred to this situation that we're talking about

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the authentic hadith he mentioned that Abdullah

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was married by his father, to a

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very important woman from Quraysh.

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He married her, Abdullah bin hammer being a pious worshiper,

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especially in the very beginning, that he didn't give her the attention

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that she needed.

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So he was praying and he was fasting, and he was doing all of these things.

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So I would have lost calls,

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calls her to see to ask her how she is.

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How did she find her husband? So she started praising him and she's saying, mashallah, what an amazing man is praying night and day and he's fasting and he's doing this and that,

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you know, what she's alluding to? Okay? Obviously, it's it's very nice to be that way. But it seems that he's not giving his wife the attention she requires. So his father summons him

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and he gives it to him.

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And then he says, I'm gonna take you to the Messenger of Allah. So they went to the prophets, Allah is Allah and the Prophet started asking him, and he said,

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How long do you pray? Do you pray on it? He said, Yes. So the Prophet sallallahu Sallam told him,

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that you should pray that you should pray part of the night, not the whole night.

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You asked him What about

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recitation of Quran? He said, So the Prophet told them recited once, in every month,

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he says, I can do better. He said, Okay, do it once every 10 days, he said, I can do better. He said, Okay, three days. But don't do any more than that. Fasting. He said, three, three times a month.

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fast three times.

00:32:59--> 00:33:15

He said, I can do more. The province of Salem kept on giving him more. And finally, he came to the CFO of the Allegan set up first one day, and break fast. He'd normally on the next

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move. 10 years later,

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when Abdullah bin Ahmed got older.

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He said, I wish I had taken the allowance that the prophets of salaam gave me. He was no longer able to do what he used to do in his time of youth. Right there is type of energy, mind you.

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This is because of their keenness on consistency.

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That's why he cares. Otherwise, what he's doing, even when he's very old, is probably lightyears ahead of what we do. But what he is unhappy about is what he was able to do before and what he's able to do now.

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He's not happy that he wasn't able to be consistent with that throughout his life, and we talked about consistency in their lives. This is a whole other talk.

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But he wished that he had taken that allowance for that reason. Then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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told him

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with this famous Hadith, he said he could never have it inshallah.

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We'll call him

00:34:41--> 00:34:45

from Canada, for Toronto, who has

00:34:47--> 00:34:47

a flat out.

00:34:49--> 00:34:59

Woman cannot be done for Botallack there are some different narrations of the Hadith. The basic meaning is is saying that every

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worshipper has a time of energy,

00:35:05--> 00:35:08

Shimmer, and a time of lethargy.

00:35:10--> 00:35:38

I think maybe that that's an easy way to remember it, energy, lethargy. They couldn't they didn't shovel with equally well, equally Shiva, Tim Fatra. So every Muslim has a time where they are energetic, their Eman is high. And there are other times where it's a time of leather, lethargy, fatigue, maybe even the man

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talking about physically, sluggishness, lack of energy, right?

00:35:45--> 00:35:51

Overall, they don't have the same energy that they had before, then the prophets are still upset.

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Whoever's time of lethargy, is still within the confines of the sooner

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they are successful.

00:36:05--> 00:36:10

But if your time of lethargy takes you out of the confines of the sooner

00:36:11--> 00:36:13

this is destruction.

00:36:16--> 00:36:21

What does that mean? It means during the time of energy,

00:36:22--> 00:36:27

do whatever you can do as much as you can benefit from it.

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You're gonna lose it later on, you're gonna get bold, that's basically what Abdullah bin Ahmed was doing.

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But the gauge is the time of lethargy.

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During that time, you need to be careful.

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That can be someone's ruin.

00:36:49--> 00:37:00

That's what the prophets are saying. That means by that it should, you should remain within the confines of the Sunnah it should not take you out of the

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the fault of what is that requires,

00:37:06--> 00:37:12

into or into, God forbid, leaving it all together.

00:37:14--> 00:37:26

So during the time of energy, you pray your father you die, your prayer, your sunnah, you do all of these recommended deeds, but during the time of lethargy,

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you need to now

00:37:30--> 00:37:34

be careful that you don't lose the basics, the fundamentals.

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So it would be perfectly normal in that situation, maybe you're not praying soon anymore. But

00:37:43--> 00:37:44

be aware, beware

00:37:45--> 00:38:24

of neglecting the obligation, the fault. This is what the seller is telling us. In that time of lethargy, you cannot somehow go below that bare minimum, that bare minimum has to be there. The man came to the Prophet SAW Selim, he said, O Messenger of Allah, just tell me something that I can go to bed with. So you said establish the prayer, give us a garden fasting Ramadan, he said anything else? He said, No, he said, That's it. That's all I will do. The man is telling him, that's all there anything else? The Salafi is truthful, he will go to gender.

00:38:26--> 00:38:27

There is a bare minimum

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in the time of lethargy, and apathy

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and difficulty, this is where we need to be careful not to go below that

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maybe you're not reading as much or

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maybe you're not praying the Sooners like you used to, you're not attending books like you used to be you're wasting time you're doing this and that, but

00:38:54--> 00:39:02

the minimum the farmer the obligations the pillars, this we cannot lose sight of

00:39:03--> 00:39:05

I have to always be true to that

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and this is what others have said as well.

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So for instance, having

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00:39:17--> 00:39:26

that, this is the situation of these hearts, there are times where they are going forward, okay.

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00:39:28--> 00:39:39

a very steady manner, and there are times where they are slightly backwards. They are not as energetic as

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or they don't have the same level of energy

00:39:45--> 00:39:59

that a person would have under normal circumstances. So in the time of strength, this is where you try to increase your sunnah your recommended deeds your nowhere feeling in general

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Not only in prayers,

00:40:02--> 00:40:09

but then when there's that time of difficulty, this is where you have to be careful of not the novel but the

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the basic obligations.

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00:40:23--> 00:40:26

In such situations, brothers and sisters,

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we have to, again come back to the misconception of mutual exclusivity.

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Because this is one of the tools of the bliss, okay.

00:40:40--> 00:41:04

In bliss uses this to distance us from Allah subhanaw taala, especially now in light of the Hadith we just mentioned. So, now, I know, this is a difficult time for me, I'm not like I used to be, I need to try to be careful of the main obligations, I cannot lose those.

00:41:05--> 00:41:09

So, it's understandable that I am now somewhere in the middle.

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Don't listen to the insinuations of the shape. And when he tells you, no, it's either this or that. You used to do this, you used to be this, you're a hypocrite.

00:41:22--> 00:41:35

Now you realize, no, this is a situation the prophet has told me about. I know Iman goes up and down and it fluctuates. And I am going through a difficult time. And during this time,

00:41:36--> 00:41:46

this is what I'm going to try this is going to be my new yardstick, you're basically putting a new measure the new yardstick, not the old one.

00:41:47--> 00:41:51

For all practical purposes, you are like a sick person.

00:41:53--> 00:42:01

You were healthy before, now you're sick, you don't have the same abilities, you don't have the same energy than you did before.

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So be careful of not putting too much pressure on yourself.

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Otherwise, something might snap.

00:42:15--> 00:42:22

In such situations, this is where we need to focus on even little progress that we make.

00:42:24--> 00:42:41

Not like before. Now even if I make a little bit of progress, this is progress. It's something positive. It's something to pat myself on the back for until I can try to get back to where I used to be or even more.

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But it may take time. It's understandable. It happens to all people

00:42:48--> 00:42:50

focus on that small

00:42:51--> 00:42:54

progress. And beware of this,

00:42:56--> 00:43:00

this tool of the ship pump, one of the famous

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00:43:04--> 00:43:12

in Arabic proverbs sayings is murder. You could

00:43:13--> 00:43:23

lie you truck julu or live truck Hello, there are different versions that what you cannot achieve completely.

00:43:24--> 00:43:32

You should not abandon completely. This is what we were saying before. It's not a zero sum game.

00:43:33--> 00:43:33

As it said,

00:43:35--> 00:43:36

that can be something in the middle.

00:43:38--> 00:43:52

So just because I cannot achieve everything I used to, it doesn't mean I'm a zero, you know, here or zero? No, it's not like that. zero or one. We live in the digital age. So people want to make that's not the way it is. It's a spectrum.

00:43:53--> 00:44:06

Engineers here, we didn't ask that in the survey, how many engineers? Engineers? So what is light? Is it photons or is it a wave? Is it Quantum? Or is it a wave?

00:44:07--> 00:44:12

Wave? It's both right brothers. It's both.

00:44:14--> 00:44:17

When we talk about EMI, it's not zero or one, it's a wave.

00:44:18--> 00:44:23

It goes up and down. It's not just a zero or a one. So there is something in the middle.

00:44:24--> 00:44:30

The lower I'm actually there's there's a verse in the Quran that gives us that meaning.

00:44:31--> 00:44:32

Any ideas?

00:44:34--> 00:44:39

It's things are not mutually exclusive. It's not a zero sum game, and it has to do with worship.

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Allah subhanaw taala

00:44:50--> 00:44:56

tells the Sahaba I live to who? The Tabernacle

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For about a year

00:45:02--> 00:45:03

clear was

00:45:05--> 00:45:21

the Prophet SAW Selim used to do Korea and the sahaba. And it was tiring, because it's not half an hour pm I can tell away that we do in Ramallah it's clear several hours, not only Ramallah, daily,

00:45:22--> 00:45:23

there was tiring for them.

00:45:26--> 00:45:28

So Allah subhanaw taala said to them

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00:45:33--> 00:45:38

his power through without AI, then he said, Ali moment of solver that

00:45:39--> 00:45:47

he knows that you will not be able to fulfill the duty completely, to pray throughout the night.

00:45:50--> 00:45:53

So, he forgave you.

00:45:57--> 00:46:00

So, read that which you are able to do.

00:46:01--> 00:46:09

In other words, it's not zero or one, he did he say, if you cannot do it all and fulfill it completely, forget it completely.

00:46:12--> 00:46:18

Do your best. Do what you can read as much as you can pray as much as you can. Right?

00:46:21--> 00:46:28

Foot to Allah hug. Mr. Latta fear Allah to your best ability. It's not zero or one.

00:46:30--> 00:46:36

There's something in between. So these meanings,

00:46:37--> 00:46:45

these ideas that we're talking about, it tells us to be moderate. During that time of crisis.

00:46:47--> 00:46:50

You need that moderation, especially during that time.

00:46:51--> 00:47:05

This is what Abdullah bin Salman was wishing for, he wished he was a little bit more moderate, be moderate in that specific predicament that you are in. Otherwise, you may eventually get to that cliff.

00:47:08--> 00:47:10

Deal with your,

00:47:11--> 00:47:16

with your heart in the way that is suitable during that time.

00:47:21--> 00:47:21

When we

00:47:23--> 00:47:24

go through

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these misfortunes, these predictions,

00:47:29--> 00:47:32

there is usually a burning question

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that people have.

00:47:35--> 00:47:45

And this is not always easily answered. And this honestly, actually I gave in another talk, but I'm going to try to just give you a quick summary of humanism.

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The first thing that happens when we are faced with a crisis or a predicament is is this a trial from Allah? Is this if tiller?

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Or is it a punishment? Is Allah punishing me?

00:48:04--> 00:48:11

Because I have not faithful because I am not practicing. What do you think

00:48:14--> 00:48:17

that the incident brings you closer to Allah

00:48:19--> 00:48:20

to help from

00:48:22--> 00:48:22

from Allah.

00:48:23--> 00:48:46

Okay. Mashallah. The first thing he pointed out is that there's no one answer. It depends on the case, right? So he say, if it brings you closer to Allah subhanaw taala, then it's, it's, it's not a punishment. It's just a test, right? But if it brings you further away than it is a punishment. Now, this is an interesting

00:48:47--> 00:48:50

approach. Because

00:48:51--> 00:48:53

he's looking at the future.

00:48:55--> 00:49:03

Meaning, I won't know the answer to my question yet. Because you're talking about the future. Did it bring me closer eventually? Or not?

00:49:04--> 00:49:08

But many of the approaches to this question looking at the past.

00:49:09--> 00:49:19

So you're looking at the future, the very interesting approach and may also be a correct one. Okay. Let's look at what it does. Do you mind you?

00:49:20--> 00:49:25

The way you think about the crisis in the first place, will help to either

00:49:26--> 00:49:29

make you closer to Allah through that

00:49:30--> 00:49:59

problem that predicament or further away. So proper understanding of this will help you to either get closer to Allah or further away. There was another answer. Yes. But once he tests you, He loves you. Thanks. Very nice. So the puzzle said, I'm selling the authentic hadith that Allah tests who he loves. And the ones who are most tested are the ones who are most loved. And they are the prophets peace be upon them. And of course, those who are the

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also come after them. Yes, something else so precisely.

00:50:07--> 00:50:14

Exactly. So those who are most distant are those people, they are loved by Allah you mentioned, you know, selling cinema.

00:50:16--> 00:50:20

Now in the case of unis icera, he may have seen it as a punishment,

00:50:21--> 00:50:51

because he knows he did something that he shouldn't have done, or at least the warrants seeking the forgiveness of Allah subhanaw taala So, imagine, nobody ever sought forgiveness from Allah subhanaw taala and the belly of this huge fish or wave or whatever it was, like this panic and equal to monopoly mean, worshipping Allah, Allah place nobody else's worship. If it wasn't for the fact that he was doing that.

00:50:52--> 00:50:55

Allah Subhana Allah says, a God, let that be Sufi bumped me here.

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Luck, had he not done that

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he would have remained inside bad whale or fish until the day of judgment

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and it's time for the show.