Mohammad Elshinawy – Nightly Reminder – Burying Grudges – 04.05.2020

Mohammad Elshinawy
AI: Summary © The transcript describes a video about Islam and how it is essential to forgive others. It emphasizes the importance of forgiveness and the need for forgiveness in the context of a "has been forgiven" concept. The video also provides insight into the importance of forgiveness in the context of a "has been forgiven" concept.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam aleikum, everyone Smilla Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah. While early he was severe drain

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I asked Allah azza wa jal to bless us and you in our month of chadburn and to deliver us to the month of Ramadan

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tonight's tonight's reflection on a verse will be or in Allah subhanho wa Taala said and sort of known to ovoca so dear for the Allahu Anhu and to the whole world after Him and through Him He said

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failure for US Federal I led to him gonna yell fire hola hola como

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they should they is referring to people like Abu Bakr Radi Allahu Allah may Allah make us like them they should pardon others while yours file and just let let things go.

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You know, start a clean slate. Let people start a clean slate. Allah to buena young Pharaoh mahalo calm. And here is the perfect reason to do that. Don't you like it? Wouldn't you love it that ALLAH forgive you? You know, the scholars had many beautiful things about this idea

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of them is that Allah loves to forgive. Because if you pay attention to the verse, he's actually throwing the ball, the proverbial ball in your court. When he's saying, Don't you want to be forgiven? Meaning it's really up to you.

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And so if you want to be forgiven, here's what you need to do. You need to forgive others. If you want yourself as a servant of Allah, to meet Allah having been forgiven for your sins, then forgive the servants of Allah for their sins. It

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is very interesting how people when they

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have some sort of ill feelings towards others, or there's a grudge or whatnot. They focus too much on others not on themselves. And they focus too much on this world and not the next. So focus too much on others. You like yeah, that loser creep person arrogant, no good. It's like, whoa, hold on, you're thinking about that person too much. You don't want to forgive them because they don't deserve to be forgiven. But what about you? Don't you deserve to be forgiven? This is what Allah azza wa jal is shifting our attention towards Don't you want to be forgiven? Wouldn't you like to be forgiven, then forgive them.

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Because the repayment comes most appropriate in the same nature as the deed that you did. The other issue is that people sometimes forgive others, and hamdulillah they forgive others, but for you know, they could do better on their reasoning, you know, they say, I forgive so and so or I should forgive so and so for me so I could be at peace. You being at peace, you being comfortable in this world,

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is not our ultimate goal as Muslims, our ultimate goal is to be at peace forever everlasting pleasure, and so will bite the bullet will swallow. You know, the bitter taste of being the one to let things go and because we want Allah's forgiven forgiveness, may Allah allow us and you to experience His forgiveness.

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there really is so much to be said. But just think about that, that moment where you're sitting there and saying, you know, this person doesn't deserve to be forgiven. You know, one of the sellers actually, when he only heard another man, listing off rattling off all the bad qualities of another person. He said to him, something very simple. He said, like you're staring, you're focused, you're fixated on their, their bad side, their ugly side, he said, overcoated hochma it all there is a J shut those eyes of yours and remember the day that they will really be shut and cotton will be placed over them. Meaning remember the moment of shroud when you're being shrouded when you're being

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wrapped up, to be placed into the earth. At that moment, you will know the value of forgiveness, you will know the value of worrying about yourself not worrying about others, and letting things go with others so that you can be let go of the consequences of your crimes. Interestingly, you know, we have a hadith that you know, some of the scholars deem confirmed or they deem it traceable, authentically traceable to the Prophet SAW Selim. Then when it is the midway point of Shabbat, though there is no specific act of worship to be done, or at least the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam and the Sahaba never performed a specific act of worship on the middle in the middle of

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Shabbat. There's a hadith that does seem to have some reliability and its transmission that says that when it's the middle point of Shabbat in the middle night of Shabbat, Allah overlooks the people and forgives them.

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Except for a machete, Cora Masha and someone who is a polytheist, a disbeliever, or someone who is in wish and someone who carries hard feelings and grudges against others.

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And that's really interesting because that means Shaban is supposed to be a time when we pick up the phones and we

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reach out to people and we squash things and and that is also the time when shaytaan gets us to start more beef than ever more problems than ever so that we go into Ramadan with this so Allah Who wants you cleanse before you go into Ramadan so that you can ascend to new heights and Ramadan and shaytaan wants to ruin your Ramadan before it starts by getting you to carry these poisonous toxic feelings towards others. And so you owe it to yourself in the hereafter before the dunya to be forgiven by Allah failure falls foul and so pardon people just let it go pick up the phone be the one to start the conversation. Put it behind you. I like to hipbone if you're hola hola calm. Don't

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you love it that Allah who would forgive you? Wouldn't you love for Allah to forgive you? Oh Allah who he loved that you forgive us. So help us find it in our heart to forgive others. Let it be tonight before tomorrow and let it be shot Ben before Ramadan. Exactly. Okay and everybody and

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we may be starting a new series in preparation for Ramadan, the rulings and the structure that could help us make the best out of this blessed month. What if you have any particular requests or questions on topics?

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Do send them our way in shallow Tada and we will try

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