Jamal Badawi – Muhammad in The Bible 5 – Characteristics Isaiah 42

Jamal Badawi
AI: Summary © The history of the Bible and the Prophet Mohammed's teachings are discussed, including his weight and weight in relation to the Bible's weight and weight, the importance of the Prophet's weight and weight in relation to the Bible's weight and weight, the consistent teaching of not succeeding until he has said warfare or other ways of, the importance of praise in various cultures, and the significance of the word "bringing light" in the culture of the world. The segment also highlights the importance of praise in various cultures and its significance in various ways.
AI: Transcript ©
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the Merciful, the creator and the Sustainer of the universe. I greet you with the greediness of Allah profits from Adam to Prophet Muhammad sallahu wa salam or peace be upon him Assalamualaikum which means peace be upon you. I'm your host, Ahmed Rashid. Today we continue with the fifth in our series of Muhammad in the Bible. Our Prophet Muhammad is foretold in the Bible. In today's program, we'll be looking at Isaiah chapter 42, a very revealing chapter. And I have with me to discuss this very revealing chapter, Dr. Jamal battery of St. Mary's University.

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Jamal, welcome to the Islamic focus program for the benefit of the viewers who perhaps have not had the opportunity to follow the first four programs in the series. Could you just go back perhaps in recap last week's program for the benefit of the viewers who may not have seen our program last week, okay. Last week was a continuation of the same subject of showing that in the Bible itself, there are plenty of prophecies about the advent of Prophet Mohammed we have shown in previous series the lineage of the profit that is coming from the ishmaelites side of Abraham and we dismiss some of the biased views about a sniveling and illegitimate son, which is not supported in the Bible at all.

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We also discussed in what sense is similar to Prophet Moses peace be upon him, especially in Deuteronomy 1818, and particularly the last series that you're referring to.

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In program four, we have shown that there is also a number of hints in the Bible about the location from which that Prophet is to come. We made special reference to the Bible, the book of Deuteronomy, chapter 33, very particular verses one through three, in which mentioned three distinct places Sinai, Sierra and pan, and he said that Iran is equivalent in Arabic to foreign, which is actually Mecca. And we have given evidence also from the Genesis

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that other sources also historical, traditional information, that Mack actually was the place where his mind was sitting. And that's such a reference to a prophet to come from the descendants of Ishmael, and that's nothing man but Mohammed. Secondly, we have seen another hint about the location. There is mentioned in the book of Habakkuk. And also in Isaiah, about the location about the fact that Prophet Mohammed actually was forced to migrate with his followers under persecution

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to Medina, and that they were supported there. People shared everything with them defended them. And that it was quite interesting to notice that, particularly in Isaiah, chapter 21, verses 14 and 17. There is a very vivid description of something that happened hundreds of years later,

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when the Prophet Prophet Mohammed and his followers actually had victory within a year according to the prophet in the Bible, against the pagans who can destroy them. Women should also embed that in the same chapter in Isaiah 21, particular verse 13. There is mentioned also of Arabia, in the context of this prophecy, which is a further support that again, the only measure of profit came from AB after Ishmael is none but Prophet Muhammad. Finally, women said also, the Psalms of David particularly in 84, six, when there is mentioned even of Mecca, it uses the term backer

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and as we have shown last time that

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Baca and Mecca are alternative terms that are used in the Quran

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to refer to the same thing that if you look at it as written English here, for example, MCE, which is the same as Mecca, that's equivalent to Baca and the exact term used in the Psalms is very close. It's almost identical. Really, you're talking about Baca as you know, pronunciation phonetically might differ a little bit from one language to the other, but you can tell that's what the sons of David is talking about is maca. And there is no other prophet after Ishmael. From that entire Ishmael a branch of the children of Abraham, who came from Africa.

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One, and that is the last prophet Mohammed. So that shows very clearly that this prophecy and destroy enemy applies to none, not just applies applies to none. But the last prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.

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Moving on into today's topic, Isaiah 42, particularly verses one through 211, one of the major points that you'd like to bring out on this political reference, in a nutshell, and perhaps we can discuss that, we find that in Isaiah and the 42nd, chapter chapter of Isaiah there are, there isn't very clear and revealing profile about that Prophet was to come, which is consistent again, with all the prophecies that we mentioned, we're all points are all pieces of the puzzle are really putting or getting together. First of all, we will be showing that that prophet will be known as the Servant and Messenger of God, a very clear title and very famous title of Prophet Mohammed. And that is

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particularly clear in verse one, and 19 in chapter 42, neither

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secondly, that his face would be a universal faith, which is clearly implied from verses one, four, and six. All of these are in the same chapter 42.

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Certainly, that this prophet will be given a complete code of law,

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which is clear from verse four, we'll discuss that

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the rest are description about that prophet of being patient, and that you will be victorious against those pagans or others who seek to destroy him and to destroy the new community, the Muslim community that is clearly implied in verses two, four, and 13.

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The most remarkable thing in this whole prophecy is that it says that that profit would be from the descendants of kadesh, or at least implies that he's coming from the villages and cities of Qatar, or that Qatar, and Qatar, according to the Bible education that is actually the equivalent of Eritrea, and that is very clearly implied in chapter 11. And that leads us to again the conclusion that in this additional prophecy, there is no other person where this prophecy perfectly fits, but one, and that is Prophet Mohammed, the last Prophet, peace be upon him. Okay, well, perhaps we should go to Isaiah 40, Chapter 42, verses one to 11. And look at it a little more depth. How about

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if I read the verses in order, and we'll pause after each and you can see how the points that we've just mentioned, are illustrated,

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turning them to Isaiah 42, reading from verse one.

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Just as you clarify which version you're dealing with, reading from this is the King James Version of the Bible, Isaiah 42, beginning with verse one,

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behold, my servant, whom I uphold, mine elect, in whom my soul delighted, I have put my spirit upon him, he shall bring forth judgment to the Gentiles. Well, there are three remarks that could be made on this. First of all, it describes that Prophet as being known as acting as the servant of God, a servant, but a beloved servant of God.

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And this, as I indicated in that chart earlier, is very relevant to another title that is given to him which appears in the same chapter in verse 19.

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The term messengers, so putting the two together, that this person then would be servant, and messenger of God, and by the way, the word messenger also is used in Malachi,

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chapter three, verses one through three. So there is a consistent mention also that now, on this point, it is very well known that even though all prophets in a sense could be regarded as servants and messengers of God. But we find that there is no prophet who has been so well known with the title of Servant and Messenger of God more than Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, I'll give you a number of evidence for this. First of all, throughout the entire Muslim world, billion or one sets of world population every day, five times in the call for prayers, the praise and dimension of Muhammad is there. During the prayer itself, the five daily prayers, dimension and praise of God and

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Muhammad is this and again, the term used up to who are the servants of God and His Messenger. The very basic creed and formula by which the person embraces Islam, if he's convinced, is to recite that I bear witness that there is no deity but one God Allah, and that Muhammad is His Abu who are a pseudo His Servant and Messenger in voluntary prayers that the Muslim does every day, some do, beyond the five required five prayers.

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Again, there is dimension and repetition of Mohammed being the Servant and Messenger of God. In all the prophetic tradition, it always says, it was narrated that the Messenger of Allah or messenger of God said such and such people even in his lifetime used to address him, or messenger of Allah tell us what should we do about this or that. So the evidence is very consistent historically. That there is no prophet that has been so known with that title, Servant and Messenger of God, more than the last prophet, Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. The second observation that there is mentioned there's of mine elect, the equivalent of mine elect and Arabic is an Mustapha, which is in fact,

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another name, one of the famous names of the Prophet sallallahu Sena Prophet Mohammed that is known also as Al Mustafa, that elect who was elected or selected by God, both in terms of the meaning of the word and the metaphoric meaning of being elected also, as a name and as a description.

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Thirdly, the verse as you recited it says that God will put his spirit on him, or places spirit on him. And of course, when you talk about the Spirit of God, you're talking also about reference to Revelation. And we find, interestingly enough, that the Quran itself describes itself as spirits from God. In one verse in the Quran, it says, identical hyena eleiko han membrana. Thus we have revealed to you or Muhammad Rouhani, or spirit from our comment that's very consistent again with the term spirit from God, and that appears in chapter 42, verse 62, in the Quran.

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So putting these three points together,

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I think it's, again, a perfect segue.

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Okay, let's move on into verse number two,

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which reads as follows, he shall not cry, nor lift up, nor cause his voice to be heard in the street.

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This is obviously a description of the decency of that profit. The This is it as derived from his teaching, and his character and actual behaviors, particularly in discussion or relating to other people. And we find the evidence on that is very consistent. The Quran, for example, has forbidden compulsion in religion as it appears in chapter two of the Quran. And even though the Quran did allow Muslims to engage in warfare, it did so for the purposes of defense or for the purpose of fighting oppression, or defending themselves, but never, for compulsion. As we have indicated in the previous program, the teaching of that Prophet, that prophesied prophet has been very clearly

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indicated in the Quran. For example, in 16 125, it says, invite to the best of your Lord

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in wisdom and in the best possible manner, in discussion with the non Muslims in verse 20, in verse 46, Chapter 29, it says, do not argue with the People of the Book except in the best possible way and the most courteous manner.

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The Quran makes it clear, if you use the exact wording here, his voice will not be heard in the street, the Quran, in one verse, chapter four, verse 148, it says God does not like that even would be announced or noised. Abroad except injustice has been done to someone quoting a very wise man in the past Look, man, when he was advising his son,

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that appears in chapter 31, verse 19, it says, lower your voice, for certainly the most harsh of voices are the brain of the earth. So that again, is the teaching of consistently of not raising the voice of being being vulgar in discussion or relating to other people. Not only do we find this as a matter of teaching, but even the consistent evidence historically about the characters and behavior of the Prophet, Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, we find that this teaching was not confined to the Quran, but fully embodied and manifested in his own behaviors and dealing even with his enemies. Right. Okay, moving on now to verse three.

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A Bruce re shall he not break in the smoking flax shall he not clinch, he shall bring forth judgment and the truth? Is there anything out there that

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Okay, there are actually see points also on this just happens to be superheroes. According to some scholars abroad, read the word read itself or Ed.

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Some believe that it is in reference to Egypt, because in zekiel, for example, chapters 29 verses six and seven, there's mention of read as something that grows in Egypt so it could be also used as a metaphor for each

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If that is true, then it could be a reference to the recommendation, and the exhortation that the Prophet made for the treatment of others, and in particular, the people of Egypt. And we have cited in the previous program, the kind of tolerance and the guarantees that were given to the people in the monastery of St. Catherine's in Sinai. And they have been always strong recommendation to be kind to the Egyptians, especially to the fact that some of them will not, or the rulers

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were not as aggressive as rulers of other empires at that time. And they were more relatively more receptive to the gestures made by the prophet. And actually some claim that even the Egyptians were helping the Muslim army coming to liberate them from the Roman journey.

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The smoking flex, is rather ambiguous. It could have two meanings I read one interpretation that this could possibly refers to respect and honoring science and knowledge. And there are lots of documentation you find in the Quran, the Word of God as well as the saying of Prophet Muhammad, honoring knowledge and reducing suffice to say that the very first word revealed in the Quran is read or recite.

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But another interpretation, if you check some other translations of the Bible, it also talks about a saint.

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Smoking flax, he shall not extinguish. And if anyone does use the history of the world at the time when Prophet Muhammad was sent, that's faintly

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lighted smoking flags could possibly a reference to a civilization that was just eating itself. The corruption that was in the on Earth at this time, was threatening the whole tree of civilization, as some historians reported, so he will not quench he will not destroy that civilization, but rather save it from this degenerating forces, whether these forces were in matters of beliefs or actions or cruelty, or tyranny by the two super powers or empires at that time, the person and the present in

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the third observation is that in your what was the term you had in the third, and the last part, he will bring us on to truth. And you'll find that in the New Revised Edition of the translation of the Bible, it says, bring judgment to the nation, if I remember correctly, just bring justice to the nations which is even more revealing that he will liberate other nations under the yoke of the tyrannical empires at that time and bring justice and this is a matter of history. And we can have a whole session on this issue of how justice actually was brought, and many people who have suffered, all kinds of casualties have been liberated under Islamic rule. That's something that has been

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acknowledged even by many of the critics of Islam themselves. Right. Okay, moving on to where are we we're in verse number that was written. For now, he shall not fail, nor be discouraged, till he has have said judgment in the earth, in the aisles. So wait for his love for his law. What again, it seems to be quite consistent with what we've been talking about before.

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When it says that he will not fail or be discouraged until he sets judgment on as it definitely refers to a prophet, who will not only preach and be persecuted, but a prophet who will persevere

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and he will not die until he brings forth a community of believers and establishes a new order that is to bring justice. I don't think that you could claim that after Moses, any other prophet really meets this criteria, but of the peace be upon him. Even in the time when Muslims were very few in number one, they mercilessly persecuted and they have no hope whatsoever. The prophet of Islam, Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon us always to repeat that God will give you a victory of all those pagans, God will give you a victory against the superpowers at that time, and you will really bring justice to other nations.

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If you compare that, for example, with another great prophet before him, Prophet Jesus peace be upon him, we find that for example, in the Gospel, according to john, Chapter 16, verse nine, there was evidence that Prophet Jesus peace be upon him was justifiably discouraged when he said they believed in me not. He always talks about a prophet who is not honored even in his own in his own country, in the Gospel of Mark, chapter 13, when he talks about the parable of the fig tree, again, almost implying that he lost hope that the Israelites would really come around and believe in him as a prophet and hopefully leave also in the next profit coming up the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon

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him. A second observation. It talks also about the eyes shall wait for his law. That's again a confirmation that this is a prophet who will have a law. If I recall it correctly. I think it was in Matthew chapter five, verse 17. When Jesus said, I cannot destroy the law of prophets, I can

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say that does not affect the Prophet Jesus. Even though we believe in his prophethood there is no dispute on that.

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According to the dictionary of the Bible, it says ions could also mean dry places. So whether you're talking about is in the literal sense, or dry places it perfectly fit the advent of Islam, Islam having spread in the desert areas as well as the farthest aisles. The biggest example is that the largest Muslim countries, Indonesia, but 100 20 million Muslims, in the eyes, their word Islam spread exclusively by machines by trade, in addition to many other islands in Malaysia and Aizen Caribbean, everywhere in the world, the law that that profit has reached all this remote areas. Again, to me, it's crystal clear. All right. Moving on to verse five, Thus saith the LORD God the

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Lord, He that created the heavens and stretch them out. He they spread for the earth. And that was that which comes out of it. He didn't give us breath under the people upon it is fair to them that walk there in

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the comments. Well, of course, this verse simply says that this is ordained by God, I wonder if you could also perhaps six and seven and take them together because this one is not dealing specifically with prophets, verse six, I the Lord have called thee in righteousness, in will hold thine hand, and will keep the and give the force of the people for light of the Gentiles, to open the blind eyes, to bring out the prisoners from the prison, and them that set in darkness out of the prison house.

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Well, in essence, if you really look at it, and by the way, the word bring the light of the Gentiles and I believe in another translation also to the light of nations, which is more consistent with the message of the Prophet, the last prophet being that to the entire humanity, Jews and Gentiles alike. But it's obvious from what you read, especially six and seven, that he would lie he will lie it that would open the blind eyes, which should not just be taking in the physical sense, bringing the blind to see but rather in the spiritual sense also being able to see the truth. Those who are imprisoned just like again a person who is depth spiritually or not receptive to the truth, he will make him

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able to receive that truth.

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Also, talking about people imprisoned in the darkness, that he will bring them to light. The darkness here spiritual sense could be a reference to the darkness of ignorance of darkness of dogmatism, and brainwashing which is not based on solid foundation of faith. And this is very consistent with what the Quran describes itself as bringing light to the people. For example, in verse 173, Chapter Four. The Quran describes itself as Nora movinon light manifests a clear light, an interesting verse in the Quran in chapter 14, verse one, it uses terminology which are almost identical with what appears in this. That is, it says Elif lamb wrote a book which we revealed unto

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you, in order that you that is you Mohammed may lead mankind out of the depths of darkness into light, by the love of the Lord, to the way of him, the Exalted in Power Worthy of all praise.

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So that's the description has been agreed that the description of the Quran as a document, holy book, by which God will open eyes which are blinded, open ears, which are deaf, and guided hearts, which are misled.

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Moving along then to verse eight,

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I am the Lord, that is my name. And my glory will not give to another, neither my praise to graven images.

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There are two basic observations on that. First of all, it says, My God, I do not give to others. I think a very reasonable interpretation of glory here would be or would mean the owner of prophethood. That is the revelation that I own our previous prophet in the past, I not give it again to another, to the Muslim. This sounds like a very clear indication of the fact that Prophet Mohammed is going to be the last of all prophets and messenger and nobody else would receive divine revelation after him. In the second part, it also there is reference to graven images, which shows or at least give a hint that you will be raised in a place where idolatry is rampant. And that is

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precisely what was in Mecca or in Arabia before the advent of last prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, right. Okay, moving on to verse nine. Behold, the form of things are coming to pass, and new things do I declare, before they spring forth I tell you of them.

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Can you tell also because, perhaps, sing on to the Lord a new song in his praise from the end of the earth, either go down to the sea, and others

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There in the aisles and inhabitants there are.

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There are two interesting points here. One is that it says, sing a new song unto the Lord. And of course in Scripture since a song also could be referred to Scripture, right? So the Muslim, does that mean that this is a new revelation? Not only a new revelation, but perhaps a revelation in a new language, a new song. And as we know, the Quran is the only scripture that has been revealed in this language in Arabic And most of the Old Testament has been revealed in a particular language, it could that be a reference to a new revelation in a new language, and that is Arabic.

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Okay. The other point is that, again, it talks about the singing praise in all parts of the world. And as I mentioned before, the call for prayer, the prayer, regular five daily prayers, supplication, there's always hundreds of millions of Muslims every day, who keep repeating that praise from all corners of the earth.

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Going on to verse 11, it says, Let the wilderness in the cities throughout lift up their voice, the villages that cadair doesn't have

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let the inhabitants of the rock sing, let them show from the top of the mountains. That's interesting reference here to nothing could be more crystal clear. Actually, if there's any doubt about the interpretation of any of the previous verses, this answers it. It mentioned specifically the villages of kadesh. You go to the Bible, it says in the book of Genesis, chapter 25, verse 13, it says that Kadar was the second son of Abba of Ishmael, right. And we said before that Ishmael has dwelt in the wilderness of Paran. That is in Arabia *. What could be more evidence, clear evidence that that not only this, that we find that in the Bible, sometimes the term kadesh is used,

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in reference to Arabs, or to Arabia in particular, for example, to just to justify this and give the evidence in the book of Ezekiel, chapter 27, verse 21, it uses Qatar in a sense of, of Arabia. Indeed, this is not the only thing for example, in some other Christian sources, like the dictionary of the Bible did, edited by James Heston in 63 edition page 547. It says specifically, and I quote, kadesh, would coincide with the Prussian Province of Arabia, in the south of Palestine, and to the Egyptian borders anyone with the slightest knowledge of geography knows that the south of Palestine, yes to the border of Egypt is nothing but he does that is a province of Arabia, which houses Mecca

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and Medina, the two holiest chains of,

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of Islam.

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The last part is even quite interesting. It says, What let them shout. From that inheritance of the rock sing. halftime show, from the top of the mount from the top of mountains, anyone who has been in pilgrimage in Mecca, or even saw a film of that, in the ninth day of the hedger, when the nearly a million or more pilgrims, that's the largest gathering ever, anywhere in the universe, in the in the world, gathered together, specifically on Mount arafat, shouting praise, or chanting, I should say, Praise and glorification of God, a vivid description of what were to happen hundreds of years after the Isaias prophecy were made, and something that had continued for 1400 years, and still

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continued to take place. Brother, we have one minute left to the program, I wonder if we could go back to your chart, maybe you could just very quickly highlight the major points that we've discussed in this very revealing

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versus the 42nd chapter of Isaiah. Okay, we have set first, that there is mention of him in verse one and 19 as a servant and messenger of God. And we have indicated that this applies to none really in a very clear way. But Prophet Muhammad is very famous that you'd have a universal face, and the eyes would wait for his law. He will have a code of law, complete code of law, which applies either mainly to Moses or to Muhammad, particularly, that you'd have patience in dealing with people and the way he argues with them that will have victory over his adversaries. And by the way in verse 13, which we didn't have time to get to. It also says he shall prevail over his enemies even though it

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says the LORD shall prevail. But of course, that could also be a hint that that he will give victory to his servants over the adversaries. And finally, the most striking one that he is coming from Qatar, which according to the Bible is Arabia. All of this applies to none. But one person and that is the last prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him just perfectly.

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Well, this is very interesting. Chapter, Isaiah 42 verses 111. That's our time for the day we want to thank you for watching Islam and focus, please come back.

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Next week, thank you

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