Jamal Badawi – Muhammad in The Bible 4 – Location Paranmacca

Jamal Badawi
AI: Summary © The importance of Paragon in the Bible is discussed, including its significance in relation to profit job, profit job, and the history and traditions of foreign language. Paragon is a symbol of the holy city of Jerusalem, and its significance in relation to the migration of Prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Jerusalem. The transcript also touches on historical significance of Paragon, including its significance in relation to political climate and its historical significance in relation to the holy road. The segment ends with a mention of a future program and a thank you for watching Islam.
AI: Transcript ©
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Name of God the Merciful, the creator

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of the universe, greet you with the greetings of all the prophets from Abraham to Prophet Muhammad sallahu wa Salaam or peace and blessings be upon him Assalamu alaikum which means peace be upon you. In today's program we continue with the fourth in the series on Mohammed in the Bible, or Prophet Muhammad is foretold in the Bible. In our previous programs, we've looked at Bible prophecies which have given us an indication of the lineage of Prophet Muhammad of some of the characteristics of Prophet Muhammad, particularly in comparison to Moses La Silla. And in today's program, we're going to be looking at some biblical prophecies, which gives us a clue as to the location from which this

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prophet or Prophet Muhammad was to come. have us my guest on the program, Dr. Jamal data, we have St. Mary's University, welcome to Islam and focus.

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For the benefit of the viewers of the program, who may not have been able to be with us for last week's program, could you just summarize last week's program for their benefit? Okay, basically, we were continuing last week on the same basic theme that we started earlier, that it is very obvious, from the book of Genesis, that God has made a very clear and desolate promise to Ishmael, the second the first son of Prophet Abraham, peace be upon him, to bless him and to make him a great nation. In fact, the very term a smile or a smile, the name that was given to a smile was given through the engines, and actually it means God hears or may god here,

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we have tried to clarify that there are so many biased statements, which are made in the past and still even being repeated today to try to discredit the ishmaelites branch of the Abraham's household at the expense, or for the benefit, and sit are favoring the Israelite side. And we have indicated that this is contrary to the Bible itself, and reflects some kinds of prejudice really against the same the second branch

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of Abraham's children.

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So this point, I think, has been clarified enough.

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But the other point that we really focused more specifically in the previous program, was the analysis of the prophecy in Deuteronomy, particularly, verse 18, in chapter 18, in which Prophet Moses peace be upon him,

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says very clearly that there is a prophet who is going to come after him from the brethren of the Israelites, ie from the light side, and that that Prophet would be like unto him, and then we have indicated and then charged if you're called, at least 10 points in which we find the similarity between Moses and Mohammed are very, very close. And really much more than any similarity that could be drawn could be drawn between Moses and any other Israelite prophets, particularly due to the fact that Moses brought along Mohammed also brought a law, there is nobody else in between who claimed to have brought a complete code of law. On the basis of that, then we have concluded that the only

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measure of profit non in history who came from the ishmaelites side is the last of all profits, that is Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. And that was a very clear evidence. Either way, you look at it from lineage side or from the prophecy of Prophet Moses.

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Now, is there any indication? We mentioned that the theme of today's program is going to deal with

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indications of location of the Prophet Muhammad? Are there any indications in the Bible about the location for which the expected profit was to come? Is there any reference that you can share with us? Sure, there's,

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maybe I can just summarize in the beginning or outset of the program, the

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the major points that we can discuss today that relate specifically to the location.

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This is particularly covered in the eichenberger

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in the, in the Bible, in the book of Deuteronomy,

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particularly in chapter 33, verses one through three.

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We will be showing that in this prophecy.

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There is mentioned their parents

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profit to come from Paragon.

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And Paragon is equivalent in sound, and Arabic to foreign,

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which is actually a reference to Mecca, from which Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him has come.

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The references to this wood that we'll be discussing relates particularly to the book of Genesis chapter 21, verses 21. And also chapter 14, verse six.

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We'll be showing also that the name, Koran has also been mentioned in the context of the migration or the forced migration of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him from

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Mecca, to Medina. And we find that there is a vivid description to this particularly in the book of Habakkuk chapter three, verse three, and also in Isaiah, chapter 21, verses 14 through 17.

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Not only this will find that there is reference also specifically to Arabia, and the Bible in the context of those prophecies. And that particularly has been mentioned in the book of Isaiah, chapter 21, verse 13.

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Finally, the most interesting point is that we find that the name of Mecca has been mentioned in the Bible, because Mecca is also pronounced Becca, as we'll find in the Quran, and then the tank of some Arabian tribes, and that the term Becca has actually been mentioned in the Psalms of David, particularly in chapter 84, verse six concluding that this science, about the location of that Prophet applies to absolutely none. But the last prophet Muhammad, peace be upon his people, perhaps, if we may, we can start by quoting the Deuteronomy,

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quotation on this and find if we can analyze it, and see, in what sense does that relate

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to start with,

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in the book of Deuteronomy,

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it's really it's

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chapter 33. And this is the blessing were with Moses, the man of God, bless the children of Israel before his death. And he said, notice this, the Lord came from Sinai, and rose up from seir. unto them, he came,

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he shined forth from Mount Paran. And he came with 10,000 cents or 10 1000s, of saints, from his right hand went a fiery law for them, he loves the people, all his saints are in by hand, and they sat down a die sheet, everyone charity of, of diverts,

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the most crucial point. And this prophecy given by Prophet Moses is the second one in which we find that Moses, peace be upon him, gives three particular places whereby there is an important relevance to the whole issue of Revelation and Prophethood. The first one it says, God came from Sinai, of course, when you say God came from Sinai would not mean God came physically, because God is not limited by space, or size. But of course, it means also that revelation of God or his mercy and His compassion, right, and that, in particular is in reference to God given the Torah, to Prophet Moses on Mount Sinai. So there's there isn't much difference in interpreting that portion, I suppose.

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And then it says or talks about another stage of Revelation, or guidance and heroes from Sears onto them here, spelling Cir.

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I checked the the dictionary of the Bible on this particular point in the 63 edition. And there are a number of meaning given to Sears

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that it is a whole right clan, one of the clans that lives in the biblical times as one of the points which define Judea

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as a district south of the Dead Sea. But the interesting force, the definition given in the dictionary, the Bible, that's particularly page 894, it says, it is probably the mountainous district of East Alabama, people buy the edomites

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according to some scholars, this probably could be a reference to profit job, because profit job actually was an edomite who descended from Israel who was the brother of Jacob, the son of Isaac. So this this is the second location

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But the third one really is the most interesting one. It says that God also are and He shines forth from Mount Paran. The essential question here is this, where is Mount Paran?

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I was surprised to find that for hundreds of years, the true meaning of Paragon has been concealed or confused in such a way that contradicts the text of the Bible itself and Confederates, the facts of history.

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For example, we find in many biblical

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literature, references, especially the let's say, the dictionary of the Bible, they say or claim that parent is the inland part of Sinai

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or, and that shows again, the lack of certainty, the western slopes of the Sinai, Sinai Peninsula,

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when in fact,

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the true meaning of Paragon is simply the Arabian Peninsula.

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This is justified in the Bible itself, because if you refer back to the book of Genesis, particularly in chapter

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21, verse 21, it's they're talking about prophet Ishmael and this again, the King James Version, I suppose that other versions would have very similar wording anyway. And he that's Ishmael dwelt in the wilderness of Paran. And his mother, that his mother, Hagar, took him a life out of the land of Egypt. Now, it is very well known, we always hear that they say the Jews and Arabs are cousins, right? Because Ishmael, actually is regarded as the grandfather of the herbs. So they relate to Abraham through Ishmael. And it is very well known that they settled in Arabia, and that the center of Arabia actually was Mecca from which Prophet Muhammad was later to be raised. Yes. So parent

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according to the Bible itself, according to the effects of history, in fact, false and not really, and

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likely, perhaps, to go on and develop this point a little bit further than that you say that

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Brian wasn't interpreted has been interpreted by some to be located either in Sinai, or in Mecca. Now, why should we

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accept the interpretation, which suggests that Mecca is the proper location for prom over the other interpretation? Okay, one thing I have already given. That's in Genesis 21, right 2121, which is quite obvious that that's why the ishmaelites do it. Of course, it's quite possible that sound Dutch my lights might have went to some other places, but the bulk really are the genesis of establishing the what least one branch of the Arab race was in hijas, which includes Mecca and Medina, the two hottest shrines of Islam.

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But there are at least four additional reasons why Mecca is the proper interpretation. In addition, first of all, in the book of Deuteronomy, in chapter 33, verse two in particular, we notice that it talks about three different places.

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Notice, because it's just one after the other, it's in the simplest, right? One of them was Sinai, right? It's fine. The second is seers, whatever interpretation is given right before giving them the diction of the Bible. And then the third is paren. If paren was referring to Sinai, then it's redundant. It's just useless, senseless repetition. Because Sinai has already been mentioned. So then it's the first to a third place. And that's it. This, obviously, is maca. We find that the Bible support this point because, for example, in the Genesis, chapter 14, verse six, in the Moses Book of Numbers, chapter 10, verse 12, in both of these places in the Bible, we find that it talks

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in such a way that it makes a distinction between the wilderness of Sinai and the wilderness of Paran. So they are not really the sensing and furthermore, very simple and logical reason.

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What major prophets has come or was sent in the wilderness of Sinai after Moses.

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Pretty obvious, none, none whatsoever. So that's even a just a manifestation of history, that this does not disprove it does not apply to any of the Israelite prophets. The second reason, if you think of the term Paragon itself, as we have shown,

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and they had this chart earlier, that the term

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Paragon as it appears in the English translations of the Bible is

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Exactly the equivalent in Arabic to the sound. Foreign, just like many people, for example, would say, an Arab in Arabic, it says about Palestine Philistine fit with the sound F, whereas in English, it's simply P. So there's no problem with it. This is simply the equivalent. And if you really analyze the term foreign according to some scholars, they say it comes from the Arabic word foreign. And foreign in Arabic means the two runaways. The reason being is that when Hagar the wife of Abraham, and her son Ishmael, were placed in the wilderness of, of Iran, or in Makkah, some people thought that they were runaways from their family, and that's where possibly the name of the

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mountains or the area was called, after them. In Hebrew also, I read that il feront also means sanctuary. And this is consistent again, because that was their sanctuary. And not only this, we find that the Quran describes the Kaaba, as a house of peace and a sanctuary. So, whichever meaning is taken, it is very consistent, in fact, with the fact that it is really maca.

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A third important reason is that we find that for hundreds of years, many of the ancient era geographers has always used the term foreign to refer to mica, which is equivalent, like you said to Python, which appears in the Bible, right? So for example, in an old reference called the merge and we'll build then this the same kind of terminology is used that maca is the same as foreign. This was not just an invention, definitely that was tradition that has,

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you know, continued for hundreds of years.

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The first reason is that history and traditions hundreds of years before even Mohammed was born. So nobody nobody can say that this is concocted just to prove his refer to it. Hundreds of years, we find that there are clear traditions of the Arabs descending from Ishmael, they always grant him as regard him as their grandfather. There are even physical evidence relics, since the days of Prophet Abraham and his son Ishmael was also regarded as a prophet. In fact, we find that the relic for example, the car by itself, as the Quran refers to it was built originally by Prophet Abraham with the help of his son, Ishmael. In the Kaaba, there is how is also the Blackstone, which is a relic

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memory to from the days of Prophet Abraham and the symbol of monotheism.

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With find that there are other evidences also that you could explore, which shows very clearly

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that when we talk about foreign or foreign equivalent, we're really talking about McCann, that's exactly what the Bible prophesies

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at Sinai, which is a very dubious argument, right? In addition to the evidence that we've just discussed in the Bible, and some of the evidences that has manifested itself in the historical accounts.

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Are there any claims in the Quran itself about the relationship of Ishmael and Prophethood? to Mecca? Mecca, not in other words, you're looking for internal evidence also from the Quran, aside from the Bible and the Bible, from the Quran itself, right? If you want just for confirmation, there are plenty. I'll just give you six quick examples of this. For example, in chapter 14, verse 37, it quotes Prophet Abraham, praying to God and saying, Oh God, I have placed my progeny that is Ishmael.

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In a place with until, or

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barren place, near your sacred house, so the second house was not even to exist before. That's the Kaaba. And also in the Quran in chapter two, verse 127. It describes that when Abraham and Ishmael were raising the foundation of the Kaaba building, the Kaaba, praying to God, or Allah or God accepted from us. That's another reference. I think I mentioned in a previous program, also, the heads of Safa, and Marwa, which is part of the rituals of pilgrimage until today, and this is quoted in chapter two verse 158. In the Quran, which describes the safa and marwah and how, according to Muslim tradition, this was the place where Hagar was running back and forth in search for water for

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her son, Ishmael.

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Firstly, we find that the Quran also in more than one place described the Kaaba as elevated it that is the ancient Taoist entered the house of worship even before the temple in Jerusalem was built. The quotation appears in chapter 22 and verses 29 and 33.

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Again, the command is given to Prophet Abraham

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In chapter 22, verse 26, that you should purify the house of Gods for those who come to worship and to have pilgrimage, hundreds of years before Paragon became a very regular part of the Islamic faith or the practice of Islam. Finally, one of the most interesting one appears in chapter two in the Quran, particularly verse 128. When Prophet Abraham, when he placed Ishmael, in Mecca, he was praying, and he says, Oh God, sin for those people from among themselves, that is from the descendants of Ishmael, a prophet, who will teach them or purify them and teach them the book, and wisdom, and guide them to the straight path. So this is an interesting idea, again, that shows that

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Prophet Muhammad was not just something that happened by chance, it has been prophesied, it has been a fulfillment of the promise of God, to Abraham, a promise that was made to Hagar, according to the book of Genesis, that her son will be blessed, and he will be made great nation, and the prayer of Abraham in Makkah, when he placed his son, that sooner or later, great prophet, final prophet will become from the project. So it's quite obvious when you put the points together, that whether on the basis of the text of the Bible, the text of the Quran, history, tradition, physical evidence, and relics that still exist until now in Arabia, particularly in Mecca. All evidences very clearly in

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support that they, the real profit that was really referred to in this prophecies is none. But Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. Any attempt to try to scrape ishmaelites eyes, it's simply like to try to deny the sunshine when it's already so clear and so obvious, right? Going back to the Bible, are there any additional verses in the Bible which you mentioned Paragon or mount prom, which was spurred

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by Thomas getting twisted here, which would throw some further light on the Deuteronomy 33? Two. So you know, help us to get to make consistent educational? Yes. Oh, yes. And indeed, it does provide that support. Of course, I mentioned before Genesis 2121, as the place for dwelling for ishmaelites. But in addition, there is a very interesting verse that appears in the book of Habakkuk. And chapter three, verse three,

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let me read it first. And but before I,

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okay, let me do this first. And then I'm gonna give you the interpretation given in the dictionary of the Bible.

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In verse three, it says, God came from two men, and the Holy One from Mount Paran Selah. His glory covered the heavens and earth, and the earth was full of his prayers. According to the dictionary of the Bible, under tema t Ma, which probably fits to the same thing that's on page 961. It say that this is a large oasis in the north of what is now Medina, the second holiest shrine of Islam, to which the Prophet Mohammed, as you know, was forced to migrate under the persecution of the pagans.

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And in that sense, then, dimension of Mecca and Medina, is both there in the very single verse, who is that holy one from Iran or from Mecca? None again. But Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. There is even an much more interesting citation that you find in the Bible, in the book of Isaiah, in chapter 21,

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particularly in verses 14 through 17, let me read at least part of it. In verse 14, it says the inhabitants of the land of tema, again, the closest place you can refer to to Medina, broth waters to him that was thirsty, they prevented him with that bread, him that fled, for they fled from from the swords, from the drone swords, and from the bent bow and from the egregiousness of wars. Now, this is a very clear reference, when one has some background on Islam, very clear reference of the migration of Prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Medina, when he was persecuted, and his followers, and indeed in history will find an ample evidence that he was received with water and bread. In other

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words, people shared what they have with the new immigrants coming from,

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from Mecca, they defended them, and they took an oath to help them in case the pagans attack. What is even more surprising is that it gives a very vivid description as to what happens to the opponents of the prophet who came to destroy them and kill them. And what will happen, actually, is that they will be defeated and it gets even the time frame. But it was just this is not only giving us an indication of the location, but it's also prophesying certain events surrounding the country.

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On this particular approximately, it's particularly interesting, I know that we're running a little bit short of time, but I would refer particularly to verses 16 and 17, in which that is mentioned there that those the glory of Kadar shall fail and that the mighty men of the children's garage shall be diminished. And it says Actually, this within a year, within a year that this will happen. And historically, the very famous battle of bash in which which Muslim for the attacking army of the pagans actually took place in the second year of hijra, or migration that is, in one year, according to the exact prophecy of the Bible, within one year, they have victory over the the mighty men, the

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leaders of Christ, where many of them were actually killed in this aggressive war that they tried to wage against the Muslim. I don't know what could be more crystal clear, not only in terms of place, but even exact historical development that has taken place right.

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Beside to mention the prom. Is there any other mention in the Bible of Arabia in a way that, you know, it's clear to anybody who's reading it that it relates to the advent of the Prophet Muhammad, the very same chapter I was quoting

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Isaiah chapter 21, to show that it's in the same context, the very previous verse, that's verse 13. In chapter 21, it says, the burden is upon Arabia, which could be interpreted to mean that the burden of carrying the message of conducting and leading the new religious liberty revolution in the history of the world will fall upon Arabia, especially if we know that in many places, Jesus peace be upon him, for example, in the parable of the factory was threatening that people who rejected him and might really result in the fact that the owner of prophethood are implying the owner profits which might be taken away to another nation, that with the bank or bear fruit of that, not only

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this, the most interesting part perhaps if we can focus on this is in the, the sons of David. In 84, verse six, we find that there is mentioned there of the term, Baca ba ca. As you notice here,

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I have an Arabic here's the two alternative terms used for maca, maca and Becca with B.

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Both of them are mentioned in the Quran. For example, maccha is mentioned in the Quran in chapter 48, verse 24, but it is mentioned also as backcap with be in chapter 396, verse 96. And it's quite obvious in both verses that you're talking about the sensing that is Becca and Mecca is the same some commentators in the Quran say that this is just an alternative thunk of some Arabian tribes to say Becca instead of Mecca, Mecca. With a system in English it's certain phonetically it should be written ma CCA or k k, which is equivalent to the normal spelling Mecca, which is an adulterated form. So it's the same Mecca or Mecca.

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The term used in the Quran, Becca, phonetically should be written by a CCA and the sons of David, and this is it for verse six. It is back at the a CA, which is precisely the same thing. Some people claim that back is only an allegorical place, but I wonder many scholars go into great lengths trying to prove certain minor places but when it comes to Baca, why is it allegorical, even though the whole other prophecies are very consistent, pointing out to the same thing that it is Mecca,

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brother Jamal and the 30 or so have left in the program? I wonder if perhaps you could go back to

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the main verse discuss the program that is Deuteronomy 33 verses two and show us in the context of this verse.

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that it does, in fact support interpretation,

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in that it does in fact, relate to Prophet Muhammad. Okay, if you check the autonomy one through three, you'll notice that there are two important clues. One is that it says that from his right hand went a fiery law that means he will have revealed to him a complete court of law. And there is no other prophet after Moses who claimed to have a complete court of law but secondly, which is more interesting. It says with him 10,000 since that was precisely the number of Muslims in one crucial event, and that is the bloodless

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re conquest of Mecca when Muslims returned back to the homes they were driven from. Okay, unfortunately, we run out of time, we want to thank you for watching Islam and focus.

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Next week, we'll be back we hope that you'll join us we'll be discussing Isaiah chapter 42. For those who may want to read this chapter before next week's program, thank you for watching Islam and focus. See you next time.

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