Jamal Badawi – Muhammad in The Bible 6 – About The Quran And Kabah

Jamal Badawi
AI: Summary © The interview discusses various references to the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, including his accomplishments, religion, and the use of words like "has" and "cross." They also mention a new song about the state of the people and a program about backup. The interview concludes with a suggestion for a follow-up program for the following week.
AI: Transcript ©
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In the Name of Allah, the beneficence the Merciful, the creator and Sustainer of the universe, I greet you with the greetings of all the prophets from Adam to Prophet Mohammed Salah was alarm or peace and blessings be upon him Assalamu alaikum which means peace be upon you. I'm your host, how much Rashid and my guest my guest on today's program is Dr. Jamal betawi of St. Mary's University. Welcome to the Islamic focus program for the Jamal and today's program where we'll be proceeding with the sixth in the series of programs dealing with Prophet Muhammad, and in the Bible or Prophet Muhammad is foretold in the Bible.

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In previous programs to a brother Jamal, we've looked at a number of references a number of prophecies in the Old Testament relating to a prophet that was expected or prophesied by the Israeli people. And last week's program we looked at Isaiah 42, and the profile profile provided of that prophet in this particular chapter, for the benefit of the viewers who might not have been able to get share last program. Could you summarize the conclusions that reached after looking at Isaiah 42.

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When we analyze the, the 42nd chapter of Isaiah, it was quite obvious that there are so many indications about the identity of that Prophet, and we said that it applies to none. But Prophet Mohammed. First of all, it says that this prophet is mentioned as the servant of God and His Messenger, the messenger was repeated. And he said that even though all prophets actually are messengers of God, but only one prophet has been very clearly and very universally styled as Muhammad, the Messenger of God. Secondly, it indicated also that this prophet will rule you will become a judge that his rod will not only be limited to prophecy, or Prophethood, but he will also

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be a leader of a community and a head of state. And again, after Moses,

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David and Solomon, there's not a prophet ready who meet this particular criterion.

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Certainly, it was mentioned about him that he will not cry, he will not let up, he will not feel discouraged, and he shall not fail. And definitely, this applies to a prophet who was able, God willing to continue and complete his mission, to bring it to finality, and actually to have victory over his adversaries were sought to destroy him.

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There is mentioned there also about the universality of his message and that the eyes would be waiting for his law. And we said again, after Moses, there is nobody, there's no profit to claim to bring a new court of law. But Prophet Muhammad,

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it was mentioned that through him, God will open the eyes of those who are blind, and bring those who are prisoners of darkness. And nothing could really be more descriptive of the ignorance of the Arabs before Islam, and the fact that they have really opened their eyes to the truth. So define a profit. There is mentioned there that God says, My glory I will not give to another which means also that His revelation, the God of Revelation, the divine revelation, given to that Prophet would be the final revelation, and no other prophets will come after him. Now 1400 years have passed, and I don't think that anybody can have really a strong claim that he has received a new revelation from

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Seventh Lee, it was mentioned there also that a new song is going to be sent unto the Lord. And again, we said that this is a reference to the fact that the new scriptures, as the word song is referring to, would be in a different language and new songs, that's a new language other than the language in which other

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Hebrew Scriptures have have been revealed.

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And finally, we tried to show that to prove that the context of this chapter in Isaiah chapter 42, is really dealing with non Prophet Mohammed he had a very conclusive evidence from verse 11.

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And in which there is mentioned about the joy of the settlements of kadesh. And he said, according to the Bible itself, Kadar is the second son of Ishmael, which means that that Prophet actually is coming from the descendants of Ishmael. And as you mentioned early in your question, no other Prophet, no major prophet really has come from the ishmaelites site.

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And it's from the first son of Abraham, but one, and that is Prophet Muhammad, the last Prophet, peace be upon him.

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In the earlier programs in the series, we've looked at a number of references and relating to this expected profit. We've looked at references that deal with lineage and as you've just mentioned, we looked at we've traced the

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the lineage of Abraham's first son Ishmael, and we followed it through and we've seen as you've just mentioned, that there have been no,

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really no major prophets that have come to that line other than Prophet Muhammad. All this criteria meets all of these criteria.

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In addition to some of the references that we've already looked at, are there other references in the,

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in the Bible about the give any clues about the lineage of this expected or prophesized prophets that will come even in addition to what we covered in Genesis where there's no mention of Ishmael, right? Yes, in the book of Isaiah, in another chapter in chapter 11. And as mentioned in the very first verse, and they shall come forth, out of the stem of Jessie, je SSE, I'll come to that word, and branch shall grow out of his roots. Now, the word Jessie has been sometimes misinterpreted to mean, the father of David.

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And some people try to apply that, in fact, to Prophet Jesus peace be upon him saying, All right, he's the son of David.

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I'll give you evidence based on Christian sources that show that this is not a correct interpretation.

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According to the encyclopedia, biblica, Cheyenne.

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replica, under names, and by code, it says, Jessie

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is contracted from Ishmael. It is the contraction of the term, Ishmael. Because in Hebrew, when you talk about Ishmael, just like Ishmael, which could be abbreviated he, yes, the same as Jessie. Like I said, just according to the biblica, Secretary of Public itself, it is known that Jessie is the exact name of Ishmael contracted.

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Another logical reason also that this is the proper interpretation is that

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when you mentioned about somebody coming from the stem of Jesse, definitely, if you assume, even for the sake of argument that this was the father of David, you don't say from the stem of Jesse, but rather from the stem of David, because David is much more prominent in the Old Testament than his father, that shows again, that it actually refers to Ishmael. But that's not all. We find that the remaining description of that prophet in chapter 11 of Isaiah that suggested the first verse

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applies to none really. But Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him at least some of those description applies only to him. Some others apply to him and may apply to others. But you will see when you put the points together, it mentioned for example, that the Spirit of God would rest upon him.

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And as we mentioned in previous program, that the Quran itself indicate that the Quran is a spirit from God that has been revealed to the Prophet Muhammad is on revelation

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that you will be given wisdom, knowledge and fear of God and anyone who studied Islam and knows about the statements of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, despite of his dedication and worship of Allah of God, he always has indicated his was the most fearful of God not fearful in a sense of being scared, but one was really very particular about not getting God displeased with him.

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And not only this, we find that, like I indicated before some description applied to no other person who came after this prophecies were made, but the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, for example, it says that He will judge unrighteousness that's still in chapter 11,

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which means that he will not be on your profit, he will also be a ruler. Again, who else came after the Moses, David and Solomon, who was both a prophet and a ruler.

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He says also that he is going to smite the earth with the rod of his mouth.

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And that is a reference to the impacts of the Quran. The beauty and wisdom contained in the Quran, which challenged the eloquence of the Arabs of which they were very proud. And we find that until today, even people who are not able to read Quran in Arabic we find that some turn to Islam embrace Islam because of the truth and beauty of the Quran even in incomplete type of Indian

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translations. I've heard of many cases like that, which means that the real conquest of the word really was not the sword as has been mistakenly interpreted by some.

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It says also that in the same chapter 11, in Isaiah that his resting place shall be glorious.

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And everybody knows that the second measure, holy shrine, Islam is in Medina where the mausoleum of the Prophet Mohammed is located.

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In addition to this, something that's really interesting, it says also, in chapter 11, that he is going to assemble particular First, well, we'll assemble the outcasts of Israel, and gather together the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth. It is interesting to note that historically, there have been lots of problems trying to trace as to what happened to the Lost Tribes of Israel, the 10 tribes. There have been lots of research on this, especially from the 16th and 17th century on where many researchers traveled to find out why, or what is the lineage of Jews, for example, who lived in India and around the end of Pakistani subcontinent. And some of them have

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found on the basis of the study of features and some of the customs of the people there, that apparently, they were Israelites, tribes living in what is now known as Afghanistan, and Kashmir.

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Now, if we were to interpret this person who agreed to assemble those dispersed tribes of Israel, as referring to Prophet Jesus peace be upon him, then we are definitely mistaken, because those people are not Christians. Everybody knows that Afghanistan is almost 100% Muslim. The area of Jammu Kashmir is very strong majority Muslims. And of course, when you talk about assembling those last slides, it does not necessarily refer to physical assembly, but all of those tribes assemble around Islam or that Islam unified them, and actually to ascend that when they come to pilgrimage. Yes, you get Jews from Afghanistan, Jews out prior to as Muslims were Jews, previously hardcore ancestors

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were to grandstand from Kashmir and also the ancestors of Jews who lived in Arabia, even itself, like the Jews have been in the guard, for example, where became Muslims when the Prophet migrated to, to Medina. From all of this, it is quite obvious that this description, again, not only may be applicable to Mohammed, but in fact put together apply to absolutely no other person after the prophecies were made by Isaiah, but one, and that his Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him? In my answer, or your answer to my previous question, you refer to this, the made references to the fact that the expected profit would be not only a prophet, but also would be involved in a leadership

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capacity would be a ruler, a head of state, or a head of a head of state.

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Are there any other references in the Bible that indicate that these references refer to Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon there are plenty in fact, I give you a few of them. For example, in Isaiah, the book of Isaiah actually is quite rich with this type of prophecies. In chapter nine,

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particularly verses two through seven.

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There is mentioned this very specifically, especially in verse seven, that

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they the increase of his government, and peace, sorry,

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it's diverse before that, in verse six, it says, the government shall be upon his shoulders, the government shall be upon his shoulders, in other words, he would shoulder also at his responsibility as a leader of government and heads of state. Now, the other aspect about it also is that

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the very same chapter talks, for example, in verse two, about the people that worked in the darkness have seen great light, they that dwell in the land of the shadow of death upon them has the light shines, talking about people who are in the darkness, and what could be more dark than the pre Islamic herbs, people who are involved in all idolatry, practices, all kinds of deviations from the truth. So they were really living in this darkness and the light that shines forth for those people really is nothing but this land that brought them again to the level that God wants it for them. The level of people who have not only been believers, but even carriers of the source of guidance to the

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rest of the nations.

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In addition to this, if you continue also in the same chapter, chapter nine, you will

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Find that other

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description are given, that this person will be called Wonderful. And anybody who has studied the history of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him realize again how much achievements were made in such a short time. How superb was he, as a missionary, if you use the term mission, somebody who conveyed the message of God and how even his enemies come with, and some of them were so much attracted by his manners and his kindness that they embraced Islam after so much enmity. It says also, he'll be called counselor, that is provided guidance for people in all aspects of life. It mentioned also he'll be called Everlasting Father, in a sense also, when you take it metaphorically that he would

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be the father, the spiritual father, of prophets, prophets with his because he's the editor is the last of all prophets who brought the message of all of these prophets into fulfillment, is described in the same chapter also, as the Prince of Peace. And the word peace, as you know, is one of the words which comes from the same root as the word Islam comes because Islam means achieving peace, through submission to the will of God. And as such, we can say also that the Prophet, Prophet Muhammad is the Prince of Peace, because as the Quran describes him as a wonder Muslim Ian, that's in particular in chapter 39, verses 12 verse one that is remembered as the first or the foremost

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among the peacemakers are the people who submit or achieve peace by submitting to God. It also mentioned that there would be no end to his speech and some other translations of the Bible that says, not into His kingdom. That is, there is no end to his teaching and history, manifest that, that 1400 years after him, we find that Islam still continues and grows and now constitutes about one fifth of the total world population instead on the on the go. So he's not and actually to his message. That is, it has not been abrogated,

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or superseded by any other revelation that came after him. And finally, in addition to all of this,

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cures that you get in chapter nine of Isaiah, in the book of Habakkuk, chapter three particular verses three to six, which we cited before, in a previous program, it describes that person as one who stands and measures the earth.

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And this is, again, a reference to the early conquest were most of the tyrannical empires at that time crumbled under the Islamic

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conquest. And people were brought again to freedom of choice in the matters of their religion and their lives. It mentioned also about his power that the mountains will discuss it in front of him, again, showing the astounding victories that the Prophet and his followers have achieved against those tyrannical rulers. And furthermore, in the same book of Habakkuk, it mentions about that Prophet having the power in his horn, again, mentioning the magic or the influence of the Quran that comes out of his mouth, on people, of various nations and all kinds of all parts of the world. And so, again, putting it together, it's so obvious that nobody really meets that description. But

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well, we've had a very interesting time looking at

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a number of the references related to lineage, we've looked at some of the references and references and Isaiah, which gives us a pretty descriptive profile of what of the characteristics that we could expect this profit. And if we just add these same two points very unequivocably to Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon them. Are there anything, anything that you came across in your reading of the Bible, which gives any indication about the kind of revelation that this prophet will receive? There's something that's really stunning to me, anyone who studies the history of Islam, as you know, the first revelation that came to Prophet Muhammad, as narrated in all authentic

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historical differences that he was meditating in the cave of Hara outside of Mecca.

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And then it says, engine Gabrielle came to him, and he helped him very strongly said, read or decide. He said, I can't read, actually the original Arabic word mat and avocado, which would mean, what shall I read or I can't read or I'm not learned.

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Or it also means somebody who's learned I'm not learning. And then the engine had him twice. And then he started dictating on him the first revelation that came from the Quran. This is something that has been universally understood and accepted by all authorities. Let me just quote you from Isaiah chapter 29,

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verse 12,

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and see how that description is consistent, if not exactly the same, and has been given to how revelation came first the Prophet Mohammed again in it

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They are 2912 it says, and the book is delivered to him, that is not learned, saying, read this is crazy. And he says, I am not learning.

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Just word for word, almost word for word, what the prophet responded to profit, the two were injured. Gabrielle. So this is one. That's how the revelation first is going to come to him and that he would be unlearned. And everybody knows that the Prophet was, of course, unlearned, he's not there was not literate. Not only this, another aspect that is very distinctive of the Quran that it was not revealed. All, as one sort of Scripture, like the case of the Bible, for example, or the Torah given to Moses on Mount Sinai, yes. But everybody who started the anything about Islam, and how that came about know is that the Quran was revealed, in piecemeal, over a period of 23 years,

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right? At times, even a single verse would be revealed at times a small section would be revealed. Now, let me go back to the Bible to see again the similarity.

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And chapter 28. And Isaiah, particularly verse 10, it says,

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For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept, line upon line, notice this line upon line.

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Here, Ellison, and there's a lesson.

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here a few verses, and there are a few verses. That's what it really refers to. And this is precisely not only what is known historically as to how the Quran was revealed to Prophet Muhammad, but what the Quran itself mentioned about it. For example, we find that in chapter 17, in the Quran, verse one, verse six, it says, it is a Quran,

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which we have divided into parts from time to time, in order that you or Muhammad may decide to people in intervals, and we have revealed it in steps.

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exact description of how the Quran came about.

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Also, I mentioned before in the discussion of Isaiah chapter 42, that it says about a new song unto the Lord and new language and the Quran, again, is the only scriptures from the descendants of Abraham that has this totally different language, Arabic language. We find also something that I just discovered today while reviewing this, which is really amazing. In the same chapter of Isaiah, chapter 28, in verse

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we find that there is a very accurate and meticulous description of the state of Mohammed when he received revelation. It reads, from for with a stammering lips, with a stammering lips and another tank, will he speak to his people?

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Another tongue, we have said that already Arabic but what does it mean here to say with a stammering lips. Now I checked the Webster's dictionary. And they get two meanings for stammering stammering in a sense of stumbling in speech, impediment in speech. And of course, we know that this meaning can never apply to Prophet Muhammad was known to be quite eloquent.

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The other meaning given in Webster dictionary, and I quote it says to speak or say, with involvement, pauses and rapid repetition of syllabus of syllables and sounds as from excitement, etc. In other words, stomach also mean that the person does not have any impediment his feet but he's so excited, or under certain tension, and so involved that he speaks with pauses, he repeats what

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from my understanding of the Quran, I found one verse in the Quran that exactly gives the same description of what happened to Prophet Mohammed, people who observed the Prophet receiving revelation, notice that he was under tremendous tension. He used to repeat very fast the words as dictated to him through Angel Gabrielle because he knew that this is the word of God, he cannot change he cannot. He was very meticulous about not missing a single word. So that let him speak fast, with some kind of stemming. That's why the Quran in chapter 75, verses 16 and 17, address the Prophet that says, move not your tongue concerning it. That's concerning the Quran. To haste, here

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with it is for us that is for God to collect, and to promulgated. And finally, there is also a prophecy that you find in the Bible. The description given to that prophet to that promise Prophet, will be preserved in its purity, for the shortest time just to give the reference in the Psalms of David. Number 12, verses six and seven. It talks again about God's promising to preserve that word of his and its purity. Again, if you look at it objective Dennis

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Starkey, there is no other revelation or scripture in the entire history of mankind that remained intact in its original language with ample evidence available that it has never changed, or added or mixed with any other philosophy. But one and that is the last revelation, the Quran given to cover

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we talked about.

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And we've talked about the nature of the revelation that will come to this expected profit. And one of our earlier programs, we talked about a bit about the geographical indication location of where this profit would come from. We talked about one of our earlier programs about the similarities between Mecca and Becca, which is worth mentioning.

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Are there any

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in this gives us a general indication of the location of where this problem will come from? Is there anything

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to being a little more specific about geographical location? Is there anything specifically mentioned in the Bible about the Kaaba, which is the Sacred House of other smart? Oh, yes, actually, in this the question of the Old Testament references, you can go on forever. And then we want to move also, the next program to the prophecies in New Testament, and give some references just indicate what they contain.

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In addition, like you said, to the mention of backup, there are many prophecies in the Bible that talk about Zion and Jerusalem or New Jerusalem. And this was understood by early Christian, including Paul himself, even referred to not necessarily to Jerusalem, in Palestine, but to New Jerusalem, using the term Jerusalem as a holy city. Just like when people for example, say that the Wall Street is the mecca of businessmen, it doesn't mean that it's another Mecca is simply the place or the symbolic symbolically. And we find that in Paul's letters in the to the Galatians, for example, in verse 25, even though he's tried to be less than the descendants of Ishmael, he cannot

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deny, for example, it's saying that Mount Sinai of Arabia, yes, getting to

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the second wife of Abraham. So the Mount Sinai is also not necessarily in Sinai, but also a reference to docket foods or another even talk about the two continents. One of them applies, of course, to hegewisch. That's to the descendants of Ishmael. In addition, in addition to this, there are three differences in Isaiah, one in chapter 52, verse one, in which he talks about New Jerusalem, putting on its new beautiful garments, that it would be a place that only the clean and unseco and the circumcised can enter. In Isaiah chapter 56, verses seven and eight, it talks about House of God which would be available for all people, there is nothing to prove that more clearly

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than the pilgrimage with nearly a million or more people from all parts of the world coming every year. In Isaiah chapter 60, particularly verse 11, talks about the structures whose doors will be kept open day and night. Anyone who has the slightest idea knows the Kaaba for 1400 days has always been open, the door has always been open day and night in all seasons.

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Not only this, like I said, the same

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context, as we find in many of these references in Isaiah mentioned kedesh, who are the descendants of Ishmael? What could be more clear that this is pointing very clearly, to none, but

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we only have less than two minutes left brother Jamal in today's program. And there's another area that I found very interesting. We were just chatting before today's program, and I missed the

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prophecies that you were sharing with me about the shift of prophethood from the Israelite branch of the household of Prophet Abraham to the other branch, that is the Ishmael It was also even the things about the name even he was to address that. Yes, yeah, yes, we have about a minute left and maybe you could comment on that. In the in the Solomon song. I have that here in the

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in five, verse 16. It mentioned about a person who is assassinated in the Bible altogether lovely.

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The original Hebrew word for that is Muhammad Zim Muhammad him according to the Christian sources itself, the for example, the Jewish Encyclopedia biblica. The suffix Iam stands for dignity and greatness. That's why for example, and the name of God that says ello him so i M stands for dignity, just like you say we, for the for God, even though he's singular.

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If you just confess if you remove this suffix

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I am you end up with Muhammad.

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All you have to do is simply compare Muhammad with Muhammad

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which shows that going to the original even there is a hint or anything

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I have the name of that Prophet it might be slightly exaggerated, but you can just compare the two lines. I wish we had more time to go on and develop this further tomorrow. Perhaps in our next program we can but unfortunately we've exhausted our time for today. That's our program for today and

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hope you enjoy being with us. Come back next week. For our next program. Thank you for watching.

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