Ismail Kamdar – The Miraculous Nature of the Quran #04

Ismail Kamdar
AI: Summary © The transcript discusses the use of "one God" and "one person" in the Quran, as it relates to the teachings of Islam. The confusion surrounding the definition of "weekdays" in Arabic is discussed, as it is often misunderstood and used to be a general overview of the universe. The history of Islam and its use in English is also discussed, along with the importance of learning to live by the Bible and finding a way to live by the Bible. The importance of graduates in learning and practicing Islam is also emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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hamdulillahi rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala Karim Allah Allah He was

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so humbly that we have reached the final session on our digital Quran miraculous nature of the Quran presentation, and we still have a lot of content to cover. So inshallah I'm hoping to cover all of it today. If today's session feels a bit rushed, please forgive me, I'm trying to cover at least another eight more slides in in today's presentation and we're already starting about five minutes late. So

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initially, we're going to do one hour on a case study and in one hour on refuting those who claim to be claimed that there are mistakes in the Quran, sometimes I split, it may be 20 minutes on a case study and half an hour on the mistakes issue. And Inshallah, if you study that way, we should be able to cover both topics. So

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for case study, very simply,

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I think it's important that we, when we study the various tools

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that we look at them from a perspective of,

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of the miraculous nature of the Quran, any sooner you can actually take any

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and study it from this perspective. In this case, for example, we're looking at surah Allah class, so why did they choose to look at the class? Two reasons. Number one, don't have much time. So I chose the short, right, we're going to do a full one hour I would have done up to the user persona walk here.

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But we are doing this in about 10 or 15 minutes. So surah Allah class will surprise number two, it assumes that the class is actually one of the suitors where you can really see the miracle of the Quran, like many of the miracles of the Quran, are linked directly to this one tiny Surah made up of four IR that all of us have memorized, right? All of us inshallah have memorized this surah. So we say one of the miracles of the Quran is that it promotes the best understanding of towhee. And this surah summarizes the entire concept of tau e for short versus think about. So I think about the fact that you have four verses four lines of poetry as the output of gluten. And in these four lines, you

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have all of partida all of the everything you need to know about Allah subhanaw taala is, is mentioned in these four lines. And at the same time, it rhymes. It's eloquent, it's the best choice of words. It's all of this, while at the same time, giving you a perfect description of the Oneness of Allah subhanho wa taala. So an example of the perfect choice of words is Allah subhanaw taala using the word I had said, Wahid, when he says Kulu, Allahu Ahad say He is Allah.

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Now, generally, in Arabic, when you're saying something is one, you use the word why? That's what we all learn in school, right? Why? But in this verse, Allah uses the word not why. Why? Because I had means uniquely one. When you see why would you mean like one out of 101 out of 1000 or a million, it's one, but out of something else, when you use the word I had, you are not just saying Allah is One, but you saying that he is the only one in this specific category. So again, we have perfect choice of words, we have perfect poetry, all four lines rhyme, Allah is telling us there is only one God, there is nothing like him, he does not have any children. All of these various concepts related

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to Tawheed, which we have entire books about. Each of these concepts we have entire books about are summarized in four lines that align perfectly right. Then we say another miracle of the Quran, is that it is easy for people to memorize, even if they don't understand a single word of it. And this is a perfect example of that. Almost every Muslim in the world has memorized all the class, even if they don't understand a single word of Arabic. Even if they don't understand throughout the class. They can recite it perfectly from the memory. Right? Why? This this heaps of the Quran is part of the miracle of the Quran. Then this is a tough scene. We said that one of the miracles of the Quran

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is how deep each verse is, then you can have entire books on each verse of the Quran. Now look, it's surely a class. It's four verses. But Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam described this four verses

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1/3 of the Quran. And again, the author might have said there's two meanings of eating water. The first meaning is that it is the you recite it three times you get the reward again

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All right, that's the first one. But the second meaning of it being 1/3 of the Quran is that the Quran message is divided into three messages, the Oneness of Allah, the afterlife, and the result of the prophets. Right? These are the three parts of a pita. And 1/3 of the Quran focuses on up on the Oneness of Allah. And the entire 1/3 of the Quran is summarized in these four lines. So you can take these four lines, and you can expand upon them with * point of syrup on top, see if you can do tapsee of the Quran with the Quran. And you can bring in on 1/3 of the Quran and extra verses, you can do the scene of the Quran with Hadees and you can bring in the Hadith to explain these verses,

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you can do the scene of the Quran from an Akita perspective and you can bring in long explanations of each verse you can write entire books explaining the surah and then you can explain from a domestic perspective, you can explain it from a narration perspective, in my opinion perspective, there are so many ways to go into it that really, if you actually take the time to study for the class, you are studying one

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if you actually understand the surah you understand the message of 1/3 of the Quran, which is there is only one God and there is nothing like him. He does not have any children and oil. I have anyone

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see the Mandela?

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We have the in the final?

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Why do people I know you must remind everyone who's logged in online to just

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Okay, so

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the message of the surah finally, it agrees with the picture. And it is the most logical description of Allah subhanaw taala.

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You know how many people have converted to Islam just from this one.

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Just from this wants to know, when you read the biographies of people who have converted to Islam, you will find hundreds of people that just this one surah alone was enough to convince them that this is the true message of Allah. Why? Because the message of the surah the description of God in the Surah matches exactly what's already in the human soul what's already in your fitrah that your Phaedra doesn't believe in a God that is like

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your fitrah doesn't believe in a God that is

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that that is multiple in nature, or they have the font or they have the sun or has a family. All of these are manmade concepts, right? The Bidra already has this idea that there's only one God and there is nothing like him has no beginning. And this is the message of Turati class. So when you say you saw a class, you see the perfect message of Tawheed. You see a message that matches without pitra you see a message that is perfect in its eloquent, perfect in its poetry, rhyming perfect in each word choice. A message can be memorized by anyone with this, or even if they don't understand you a message so deep that is equal to 1/3 of the Quran and entire books can be written about. And

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finally, what was the challenge given to the correction? produce one surah, like not a single pagan of Makkah took up the challenge to produce one surah like

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we are talking about producing a surah that's 500 verses long or 200 verses long. This is four verses, Could any of the masters of poetry produce four verses of equal brilliance and depth as these four verses they didn't even try? They didn't even try. Why? Because they looked at this. And they said this is not something that a human can invent. This is something beyond human abilities. And that's why those who still wanted to reject it, they call it magic, right? Because they couldn't come up with any human explanation for it. So you see with one surah extra class, we have the all these different angles to come from and you take your time and reflect on you can break down word

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for word, you can look at the miraculous usage of the word whole miraculous, miraculous meaning of the word a farmer, you can look at how Allah described that he has no children noise anything like him. And the word he used over there how general it is, right? So for example, the word use over there doesn't mean he doesn't he has no son means he has no child. Right? The word used include both genders. There are many words you could have used over there, but I chose specifically the word that includes both genders. Why? Because the pagans of Makkah believe that the angels were the daughters of Allah. So this verse is repeating them. Meanwhile, the Christians had believed that Jesus was the

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son of Allah. And so this verse was refuting them as well. So executing both by having the most generalized choice of words, the most perfect choice of words. It's good, some outline with the rest of the surah and so like this in

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one surah we see the miraculous nature of the Quran. Now if you come to a final topic, and that is, you know, whenever we bring up this topic and we tell people about the Quran the miracle, we always get the, but you know, but I've been on a certain website on Google. And, you know, I found 1000 mistakes in the Quran, right or 1000 reasons why

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the Quran is not from Allah. And you always get these questions coming from like, from teenagers, or people in their early 20s, who are discovering the these things for the first time. So they get very shocked and very scared. And they're like, I found a website by a Christian preacher who claimed is 100 mistakes in the Quran, we are finished, what you're going to do, relax, these so called mistakes have been pointed out to our teachers. And they have been refuted throughout the ages, you will find a Christian preacher coming today and bringing a certain so called mistake in the Quran. And you find a book written 1000 years ago, there just as the same point and say that some people are saying

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this is a mistake in the Quran, explanation. And these are new things that they are bringing about. These are recycled arguments. And there are very simple ways to deal with it. Now,

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generally, what we do is we take every single one of these examples, right and we refute them one by one, what I want to do is teach you a methodology, a list a checklist to go through, they can help you to refute any argument that is raised against the bar, right, a simple checklist that will help you to refute any argument that is raised against the Quran. The first thing is, you don't always accept the premise of the other person. Right? If the other person is telling you that this is a mistake in the Quran, we don't automatically say, Oh, it's a mistake. Now hold on, what are they actually saying? You will find? Most of the time, it's a mistranslation, right, that the translation

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they are using is wrong. The translation they're using is not what the verse actually means. Or it's a misunderstanding. The Quran is saying one thing, the understanding completely differently, right? Or

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didn't study the Tafseer of the boss, right? And this is very common, I mean, how many non Muslims actually studied?

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How many Muslims actually studied?

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Right, and you'll find many of the verses have been explained in the books of some of our top co authors. They focus on what they call Hugh Masekela to Quran. The difficult to understand verses of the Quran. And they will say that this was the Christians, you think it's a mistake, but this is what it actually means. So when you go into the Tafseer, you'll find Okay, with a perfectly reasonable explanation for this first, it is not a mistake.

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Then we have what I think is the most common today, I see this almost every day on the internet. And that is when a verse of the Quran or hadith is clearly a metaphor or Arabic proverb or or Arabic idiom, we have some people taking it literally. I'll give you some examples of that. This is very, very commonly people say, Oh, I found the mistake in the Quran. And when you read it, it's very obvious that that verse is meant to be metaphorical, and that person is taking it literal.

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Number five is a lack of understanding of Arabic eloquence and practical exception. So one of the things they like to do is they like to see that the Quran has grammar errors, and they make a list of grammar errors. And this is coming from people who don't understand other people who haven't studied Arabic are pointing out grammar errors. And

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the problem with this is that Arabic grammar books were written long after the Quran was revealed based on the perfect grammar.

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Right, it's not the other way around. It's not like 1000 years before Islam did the old outdated laws of grammar and in the Quran came to agree with that it's the other way around. The Quran was revealed first, and based on the perfect grammar of the Quran, the laws of grammar were taught right now what happens is sometimes in any language, the way we speak the words we use our grammar, our our choice of words, they change over time. So certain forms of grammar that were that were common in the early years may not be common today. To someone who only knows contemporary Arabic, may think something's a mistake in the Quran. When you go back to how Arabic was spoken at that time, at the

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height and perfection about it, we find it's not a mistake, it was a common figure of speech at that time. A good example of this is the is the verse that they always point out till conclusion, right till Gruesel these prophets are these messengers according to

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Modern grammar goes it should be hula eco. Yoga is used for non humans. All right, this is a grammar rule. However, when you go back to the time of Rasulullah saw yourself, you will find that many other tribes would use the word yoga with a plural like muscle. It was the norm of that time. It was only hundreds of years later that the cultural norms shifted and this stop being No, right so it looks like a mistake because we don't understand the Arabic of that. And this is why one of the rules of Tafseer is that always understand the Quran based on the Arabic of the time of a formula for long, but don't try to interpret the Quran based on modern Arabic because the meanings of words

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change the grammar grammatical usages, this is what every language right means of words change our grammatical usage changes. For example, the Quran has the word sejarah. What is the word sejarah mean today?

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A car that the Quran speak about cars. No that time so Yarraman a caravan a group of people traveling together. So when the word sejarah, using the Quran, you understand it in the meaning of the word of the Quran, or the meaning of Arabic at that time, not in contemporary reality. Right. And finally, finally, we have unfortunately, many many cases of purposeful and blatant misinterpretation. Very, very often, when people claim there's a mistake in the Quran, they are purposely and blatantly misinterpreting the Quran to make it look like a mistake, even though they themselves know that this is not what the Quran means. And that is the worst case of them all

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because here they are being dishonest. In the first five cases you can see, okay, they misunderstood. You know, let's explain it to them. But in the sixth case, this is a person, you know, being very purposefully dishonest and misinterpreting the Quran. So let's look at examples of others. Alright, let's start with translations. So sometimes somebody tells you they found a mistake, they may claim it's a scientific mistake, or it's a it's a logical mistake, or something of this nature, very often what they claim to be a mistake. It's just a matter of translation. The most common example, the Quran says that the Heavens and Earth were created in six days, six a year,

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right? Now, you will have people claiming this is scientifically impossible. Why?

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How do we measure this by the rotation of the earth?

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So how is six days occurring before the earth is great? And you get the argument, right? This is the argument they made? Well, when you go back to actual classical Arabic, and by the way, this is actually applying, even though it's been brought up today, by scientists, you actually find a few books written 1000 years ago that addresses and they said that a young doesn't mean days, a young means a set period of time. Right? Like Allah says in the Quran a day or a yo in the sight of Allah is like 1000 years.

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So it's not talking about the Earth's rotation, it's talking about a set period of time in the sight of Allah, it says the Day of Judgment is equal to 50,000 years. So again, nothing to do rotations have nothing to do with 24 hour periods. Yom means a period of time. And so they say in this verse, again, this is the classical interpretation of this verse, yo,

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does not mean a 24 hour day, it doesn't mean that the Earth was created in 624 hour days, it simply means six blocks of time, six pairs of times, six

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groups of time, right at six blocks this imagine that early time before all of this existed was put into six blocks, right where different creations came about. And therefore you have a meaning that makes sense. Now, this is the most obvious example where a translate a meaning gets lost in translation. The word Yom in Arabic means days, but the word Yom in Arabic also means blocks of time for periods of time. Now, when you translate it to English, and you translate it as days, the other meaning gets lost. And that's why we go back to the early books, and we find all of the dictionaries, all of the Quranic dictionaries, when you open to the word yom, they have the meaning

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days, comma blocks of time come up period of time, all of these are equal meanings of the word. So therefore, this is not a mistake in the Quran. And there are many other issues where they

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translate something in a certain way and they say, Oh, this is a mistake in the Quran or problem with the Quran, but in reality is simply just a translation issue. The next point is misunderstandings. And they are four main misunderstandings of what which people will their so called mistakes in the Quran. Number one is the existence of non Arabic words.

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So this is the argument that the

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that those who criticize the Quran make. The argument is that the Quran says it was revealed in clear Arabic or impure Arab, but there are words in the Quran that are not Arabic in nature. What do you mean by non Arabic in nature?

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For example, names is Maria and Ibrahim come from which language?

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Hebrew these are Hebrew words, right? But they have been aerobicized and become part of Arabic. And so they are in the Quran. And there are many other words like this in the Quran. So they are saying how can this pure Arabic if there are words borrowed from other languages in the Quran? Now what this is this is people not understanding how languages work. If I say I'm going to give a language in pure English, I'm going to give a lecture in pure English, right? And in my lecture, I used the word algebra. And someone said hold on algebra, those roots are Arabic. You can't use that word your lecture is supposed to be English, the argument makes any sense. It makes no sense because that word

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is now part of the English language. It is now something you use in the English language, even though its roots are Arabic. In fact, if we look at the English language today, most of the words we use come from other languages. If you actually break down your conversations on a daily basis, you will find you are using words that are Latin in nature words that Arabic in nature, and Africa we use words that Afrikaans nature was a guru in nature, we have all these different languages that we bring together. And if the word is now officially part of the language, it's still considered pure English, the Arabic is the same. So when they say they found a mistake in the Quran, the Quran

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claimed to be pure Arabic or the borrows words from other languages, we say there's no problem those words have been added besides they are now part of the Arabic language these names that is my either April or India now Arabic names, right, which are a bit different from the Hebrew version. So it does not in any way contradict the claim that the Arabic of the Quran is pure.

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Then another argument they make that based on the misunderstanding is they'll say, Oh, your see your Quran is perfectly preserved. So why are they 10 versions of the graph? Right, this is the argument. Why are they can versions of the Quran if you claim that the Quran is perfectly preserved? What do you think the response to that

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the origin version to the Quran, the attend recitation of the Quran.

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And the perfect preservation of the Quran is so perfect that all 10 recitations have been preserved word for word would perfect the dream would full change of narrators from people today going all the way back to the prophets, all of us. It has been preserved in all campaigns. Now, one of the reasons they can't understand this is because the whole the whole idea of 10 recitation of the Quran is the other worldly concept is not something that humans invented humans. Humans don't have kin recitation of the book, right? We wanted to watch a different bringing extra meaning to extra eloquence, right? We don't have this. This is a otherworldly concept. This is one of the one of the

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aspects of the Quran that make it beyond human. The fact that we have 10 recitation, all of which come from Rasulullah. All 10 Go back to Rasulullah, sallAllahu, wasallam, and all 10 We have perfectly preserved right until today. Again, the only point they don't understand it, the only reason they don't establish they looking at set versions, like how you have different versions of the Bible is not in versions. If you look at the Bible, some versions have more chapters and others, entire books and chapters have been removed. Because some people believe those chapters belong in the Bible, or they say it doesn't. There's nothing like this in the Quran. Rather, every Muslim

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believes that all 10 recitations are from Allah, all 10 recitation have been publicly preserved. There is no one recitation with 113 Surah one this additional 150 surah. I wanted to teach you a 90 students, no, all of them have 114 surah. All of them have the same verses, all of them have the exact same Quran, the only differences are in the areas where Allah has revealed multiple

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right? So this means it means that we need to bring about understanding of what has multiple readings actually mean in the past. In the past, we would shy away from this topic. In the past a lot of Muslims especially in certain cultures would completely

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ignore this topic. They wouldn't teach the children about it they wouldn't teach students about it they wouldn't allow it copy that our knew they would they would see that the Quran has been preserved at every Bukhara and don't mind

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CASA is exactly as he was in

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Somalia. Now what's the problem with that?

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When you see every Bahama CASA is exactly the same as it was in the proper set

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the proper send the window, but

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there were no dots to write the Quran was revealed in a way that allowed for multiple weeks later on dots and vowel signs were added in to make it easy for naught.

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And these were standardized according to the culture of the people based on different presentations. So some people adopted the recitation of one Korea another, adopted the restriction of a different Imam. And then all of these became standardized into 10 presentations. But they all go back to the hula. So it's a lot so when we say every dot every partner dama CASA is exactly the same as it wasn't the time of the purpose Lauricella led mistake in our rather, a stronger argument is that they attend recitation of the Quran, and Alton go back to the formula to log Islam and allows for multiple sides of the many different ways to recite the Surah, all of which are acceptable.

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The meaning does change in a few verses, but it's complimentary meaning not contradictory. It's complimentary, not contradictory. So again, you shouldn't say the meaning doesn't change because there's a holder partea molecule, the dean and molecule have two different meanings. We say it's the meaning changes, sometimes but it's complimentary. Molecule meaning master the Day of Judgment molecule, meaning king of the Day of Judgment, there's no contradiction. Allah is both of Allah's infinite color. And he's perfect presentation or preparation is that instead of revealing a taboo person, say revealing molecule, the molecule, he just revealed this one verse two ways to give us

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two to two of his attributes in one go, right? So there are multiple meanings, but they complement each other. And this is a huge medical can recitation of the Quran with slightly different meaning, and you still can't find a single contradiction. That's humanly impossible for anyone to put together something of this nature.

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Okay. The third argument they make is that they claim to find contradictions in the Quran. Now, again, this is an area where a lot of us get

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a really simple argument against the so called contradiction in the Quran, we need to define what is a contradiction? If we don't define what is a contradiction, they can be calling something a contradiction, but in your mind is not a contradiction. Why? Because you have two different definitions. Right? So for example, the Quran says there is no compulsion in religion, but the Quran also calls for jihad. So there's a contradiction, right? Or the Quran tells you in one verse, The Quran says that the EDA of a woman is one of a widow is one year, another verse, it says four months attendees to say, oh, there's a contradiction. These are no contradictions. A contradiction, the

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definition of a contradiction is two opposite meanings that cannot be reconciled. That there's no way to reconcile, for example, if somebody said, the Quran, or anyone had to say, for example, that Moses died a certain year, and then another one says Moses died in a different year. This is now a contradiction. You can't reconcile two different dates of death. There's no way to reconcile us all these points in the Quran, where people claim that there's a contradiction. It is often very concise very easily, either logically or through tafseer or two abrogation. Right. So for example, there's no capacity in religion and the person of jihad is a very simple logical explanation. There's no

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contradiction, right? You can't force a person to accept Islam. Right? You can't that's not what jihad is. Jihad was the Muslim expanding the borders of the Muslim empire. But the people in the Empires remain Christian. They remain Jews, the remains of ASEAN, the main Hindus, nobody forced them to become Muslims. They remain following the original religions. There's no contradiction. Or the other example I gave. The worst thing to the EDA is one year and diversity into is four months attendees. What's the explanation for that?

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It's on the board. What do you think's the explanation for widows? Right for the widow it says there's two verses about the middle one says one year once is four months and

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the very simple explanation it's on the word abrogation.

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Every single book of Tafseer explains that in the first year of the DRA, the one year he was up, and about a few years later, it was reduced to format. And both verses remained in the Quran to show us how Allah made things easier for people with Allah wandering

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Kept it one, but made it easy by usually to format verses in the Quran or one abrogates. Right? So even you need a translation of the Quran with diverse saying that the end of widows one year, you always have a good note or bracket saying this person.

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Right. So again, here the explanation is aggravation. What's happening brings up another issue, that the raise the concept of aggregation is something that a lot of people are uncomfortable with, right, especially non Muslims, especially people who are hearing about it for the first time. abrogation. You know, when people hear about it, they think of it like, Oh, God changed his mind.

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That's what they think of right there. Oh, proceed on this reading.

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Okay, that's a good point. Right. So abrogation means that this is the point, if you understand why a lot of these issues can be avoided. If you understand definitions, if you get the definition, right, all of these things will fall. So one of the main problems with abrogation, as I said is, we don't know what it means. Many of us don't know we say abrogation, we don't know what it means. abrogation means that Allah subhanho wa Taala revealed certain laws at certain time, and later on, replace them with other laws, right. And those laws were from the beginning, then to be temporary, right. So for example, give you a very, very simple example from that.

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Initially, it was haram to visit.

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Initially, it was haram to visit the grave, then Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, I used to prevent you from visiting the graveyards. Now you may visit them to remember. So this hadith abrogates, any Hadith that she says around

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why, because what happened was, certain laws were revealed just for the Sahaba as a way of training, and they will replace towards the end of time with the universal laws that Allah wants us to follow. So they were laws meant for the Sahaba for like five years or 10 years to follow as a means of therapy or for them as a means of training them. Right. And he wasn't meant was never ever meant to be something that people often tend to follow. So for example, the EDA of a widow being one year, that was there initially only for the sahaba. Allah already knew that for this Uma, it was going to be four months and 10 days. Right. But that came later when the Sharia was being perfected. Right?

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So Allah revealed certain things in the beginning as the needs of Serbia and certain laws came they received also, for example, with the loss of alcohol, that in the early years, no, there were no laws they did the laws became that shouldn't go to the masjid when you're drunk. Right? And later on, it became that is completely prohibited. So this is a gradual reputation. So no one can say oh, the Quran says, Don't go to the masjid when you're drunk. So if you get drunk,

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you can't follow that person. Because that verse was meant as a means of therapy of the sahaba. Because understand that there was a culture of, of alcohol consumption people they were addicted to it. You couldn't just expect them to overnight, keep it up. So the revelation came gradually. And as you can gradually wherever laws came before,

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all of this happened during the lifetime of a civil law, slowly Saddam by Allah.

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So when we talk about abrogation in slavery mean, Allah abrogated the law. It can't be done by anybody else. It was done in the time of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam before the verse was revealed, say today I perfect

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right before the revelation that was abrogation took place. Right and so many times that people think the the contradiction the Quran is not a contradiction. It's just a matter of aggregation. Right? And if it's more question that we can have it towards the end, because we need to move a bit faster.

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Okay, this is another one I find very silly. Very often, when the Quran says one thing and the Bible says the other day, we have people say, Oh, here's a mistake in the Quran, right? They say, Oh, here's a mistake in the Quran. For example.

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The Quran says that, or rather what most Muslims believe the Quran says that

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Ibrahima Islam had to have the dream to sacrifice himself to smile. And the Bible says Isaac, right. So is this a contradiction?

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Would we call this a contradiction or a mistake in the Quran?

00:34:26 --> 00:34:37

gets a good point. What's the name from ancient? Right? But there's also the main point here is for us, the Bible is not our criteria for deciding what's a mistake.

00:34:38 --> 00:35:00

It's not we don't consider it that authentic. Right? We can produce chains of narrators from us to Rasulullah sallallahu some for the Quran. You can't produce that for divide. It has been through multiple revisions, multiple entities. So it's not on the same level of authenticity. So if the Bible says one thing, and the Quran says something else, we won't recommend

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As a contradiction, we look at this as a correction, that the people before had the wrong understanding of this topic and the Quran came down to correct the understanding.

00:35:09 --> 00:35:15

Right? So just because the Bible says one thing, opposite, it doesn't mean the Quran

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as Muslim, we should, our default should be the Bible for people, because maybe this was edited later and added later and start from the original revelation to the early prophets. Okay, we have 15 minutes left and

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foremost like to go to. So this like I go to it very quickly.

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Many times people take into account mistakes, and it simply means that they

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did not study the Tafseer. Of course, it's as simple as that. Right? There are entire books of the scene where they focus on the specific verses, right? There are two example.

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In the past century, the great Tunisian Malik is

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he wrote this massive 30 volume book.

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And a lot of the deputy focuses on responding to the so called mistakes in the Quran raised by the Orientals. So this is a massive masterpiece written in the contemporary era. This is like my main book of reference teaching,

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where all of these things are addressed, that if somebody is claiming, oh, this is a problem with the Quran, a stake in the Quran, the Quran, you can easily open the stuffs here and read the explanation, unfortunately, only available in Arabic. But now there are many websites and YouTube channels that have brought this information to English as well. So many people today have taken up the task of explaining this person and showing us the proper meaning.

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The thing about Islamic scholarship is that he never hid these things. If a verse of the Quran seemed confusing, if it seemed difficult to understand its meaning seemed problematic. The scholars throughout history, they never hid it. I never say oh, don't talk about that verse. Don't let people know what there was no, they addressed it head on. You bring up the verse natives here. You'll say this is a verse of the Quran. This is what people think it means. And this is how we understand. And there'll be other verses in the Quran to explain it bring the Hadith to explain it, you see to explain it. But very often, the seer solves the problem. That if someone tells you this verse is

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problematic, what was the first thing you should do? respond to them? You should study that I've seen of course, if you study the depth of that verse, you should find an answer.

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the next point is taking the metaphorical literal.

00:37:41 --> 00:38:17

This is one that often makes me laugh. There are so many verses in the Quran. And he says that are obviously metaphors. They are obviously figures of speech. It just how people talk is just how languages but very often when people claim they found a mistake in the Quran, it's a metaphor, right? One of the most common examples that really makes is that you always find this warming brought up by so called ex Muslims. They claim one of the reasons I left Islam they would say is because the Quran says that Zuko named saw the sunset the muddy water. Therefore, the Quran is saying the earth is flat in the sunset.

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Right? So they say see, therefore the Quran is wrong in Islamic law.

00:38:23 --> 00:38:27

Now, what's wrong with this phrase? What's wrong with this line of argument?

00:38:29 --> 00:38:35

Because if you open Soraka, it does say Luke or name saw the sun setting in muddy water.

00:38:36 --> 00:38:37

What's wrong with the line of argument here?

00:38:41 --> 00:39:08

This is a common figure of speech in any language. If you go to the beachfront, and you're watching the sunset, you thought you know I saw the sun sitting in the beach, doesn't mean you believe the Earth is flat. That it doesn't mean that you believe that that's the spot where the San Jose every night, it's a figure of speech is how people know. Allah is describing what Zuko name saw what we'll do Corning's experience at that moment, it doesn't mean in any way that the art promote the Quran promotes that young

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we're in trouble you know, any flat earthers here might get angry with me for making this point.

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There is a flat earth movement amongst Muslims in certain countries.

00:39:25 --> 00:39:34

And dBc on this verse, as well, but here's the interesting point is that amongst the earliest people to believe that the earth was a globe with

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the Muslim believed the Earth was spherical in Asia, hundreds of years before the West discovered it we are living about 800 years ago, Muslims believed the Earth was a sphere and Christianity was that why? Because Muslims had no problem going to the science and not seeing any way as contradicting the Quran. Okay, here's another metaphor that they take. very literally. When money money slams people address, they say

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Oh Sister, how, how can you do this? So they say, Oh, this is a mistake in the Quran, it's calling my belly, the sister of our,

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again, this is a peak of speech, that it is an honorary title that you call someone sister of a brother of one of the famous ancestors. Right? This is a common figure of speech in Arabic. Many times the problem is that, that the person looking at these verses doesn't understand Arabic because they may understand English because of speech. But every language has their own figures of speech, they have their own metaphors and similes, their own idioms. Every language has it's not just English. So you have to understand that language is because of speech in order to understand what these verses are saying. And if you do that, there's no problem right? That Oh system our room

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doesn't mean that she was the system husana It means you are the descendants of their family. And this is the honoring the title given to it again, a week of speech be taken. Literally.

00:41:00 --> 00:41:03

My finally, we have

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the nowadays know very blatant mis interpretation of the Quran to make the Quran look bad, the most common one, kill them wherever you find it.

00:41:16 --> 00:41:24

Right? This is surah Tauba is for six. We always hear them saying oh, these Muslims, the Quran has included wherever you find.

00:41:26 --> 00:41:48

And it's very obvious what this verse means. Where it was revealed why it was revealed what he was up for. Even the people who are seeing this very often they know this, but they ignore it because they want to paint a picture of Muslim being legit that does others. Right. So what's the meaning of this verse? Can anyone explain it to me?

00:41:50 --> 00:41:54

This was killed him wherever you find them. What's the point? What's the purpose? Well?

00:41:56 --> 00:42:33

Yes, this is a war time verse. It was revealed during a specific war during a specific battle, as a group or as an instruction to dealing with a specific group of people, that the proper slogging salams history with the people of Makkah had just been violated. And the rematching now to go and respond. And this was revealed specifically for the enemies for that battle. Is not a verse that you follow in every context. And everything is at the end of practice is a very specific verse. It doesn't mean that any Muslim anywhere in the world, could anyone ever find that no one in the history of Islam has ever.

00:42:35 --> 00:42:43

No one right, because when Muslims conquered lands, they left the people they default the religions. I mean, how long ago did Islam reach India?

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Then you will know,

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all the way back to the first century of Islam in the time of well even wasn't the first when Muhammad even assimilated army to parts of India, right? The Indian pirates had kidnapped some Muslim woman and Mohammed even concentrate in India and took over those that that became a mess. And over the years, we've had to deal with you. So that year we've had the Mughal Empire India, it was ruled by Muslims for hundreds of years, yet still has the majority into population. Why?

00:43:14 --> 00:43:16

Because we don't take this personal training.

00:43:18 --> 00:43:27

We don't kill them. wherever we find it. We let them be. We let people be right. We introduce him to Islam, we do Dawa. We will buy Islam we have Sharia law, but

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people are free to follow their religions. And this is why you have Christians in Serbia in Egypt, whose ancestors go all the way back to the sahaba. Because from the time of the Sahaba until now we have an intermediate practice.

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Because this verse does not mean what are the enemies of Islam one people to think. Another similar example to that the verse in the Quran did not take the Jews and Christians as allies, often they translated again, mistranslation of India is translated as do not take Jews and Christians as friends. Right. This is again a wartime verse talking about alliances between nations, that you cannot ally with the Jewish or Christian nation against Muslims. They say don't see other southern countries today, but the people are getting banned from going to this country. So no need to mention, right. But Muslim rulers need to know you don't want alliances with the enemy that we stop.

00:44:22 --> 00:44:59

He has consequences to this and it is completely haram doesn't mean you can't be friendly to Muslim, non Muslim doesn't mean you can't be kind to non Muslims. It doesn't mean you have a non Muslim palette school. But work doesn't mean anything like that. This is talking about military alliances. That's what this verse is talking about military alliances against Muslims. Right. So again, it's a matter of purposeful misinterpretation, or in some cases, just simple with translation. Some data we come to the end of the session, and to summarize what we've studied over four hours, we've learned that the vertical of the Quran is multi dimensional

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In the past, many of us will look at it as either scientific medical, or nobody can write any book like, and those would be the only two angles, we look at it. I'm saying let's look at it. There are many, many dimensions and layers to the vertical of the Quran, from its poetry to its wording to its effects on the hearts of people who impact society, to its agreement to the fitrah. To its descriptions of the past with predictions about the future, there are many different dimensions to the miracle of the Quran. Different aspects reach different people, different aspects hit different people, even amongst the Sahaba it was different things about the Quran that attracted them to

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Islam, even those Sahaba who heard one verse of the Quran, and they said, this message makes sense. And they converted to Islam based on the message of one verse of the Quran. And they were those who heard the recitation of surah. And they said, This sound is unlike anything humans have ever produced. And they converted to Islam based on the impact of the Quran on the hearts, and they were those who were masters of poetry, and they looked at the poetry of the Quran is this is not something you produce. So every aspect of you to different people, and if we want to reach people with the miracle of the Quran, if we want to get out there and really get this message to people,

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then we have to approach it from a multi multi layered approach. You can't just take one aspect and expect that to appeal to everyone. You have to bring in different aspects based on the person's personality based on the person's interests based on what their what stage of life the person is going through, whether it's dealing with a Muslim youth or whether it's dealing with our we have to bring a more multi dimensional approach to adjust our Quran.

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Thirdly, we learned that the allegations made against the Quran by those who are saying oh, the Quran is not America is a mistake for the contradictions. The arguments are baseless and easily.

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Just as many websites out there screaming mistakes in the Quran, they are even more websites. And sometimes the answers are so obvious it's laughable, right? That people are so desperate to find a mistake in the Quran that they're going to miss translate the verse or purposely misinterpret the verse, or lie about the verse, or sometimes they even make up words, they say, Oh, the Quran says this. When you look at it, there's nothing like it in

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all of this clearly shows that they are no desperate to try and find any mistake in the Quran, when there isn't any at all. So how do we this is our closing, not all of us? How do we experience the miracle of the this is the practical, every Muslim must develop a relationship with the Quran, where you feel it's very good in your life. We look at the Sahaba I received the impact of the Quran in their lives, how we change them, but they actually experienced real miracle to the Quran. We have the story of the famous leader of the of Medina, in his name, but you'll see the Ronnie logo, where he's reciting Surah Baqarah. And he looks up in the sky and you see the cloud full of lights above

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his head. Right? And he asked the practices and he tells the population about about his experience and the prophets allowed us and says that those were the angels of mercy coming to listen to your recitation. So he experienced a miracle through the recitation of the Quran, and many others have as well. So how do you experience somebody who have the Quran to recite it on a daily basis, you study you study in steps here, you reflect on it, you think about it, and most importantly, you live by if you live your life by the Quran, you will more and more see and experience the miracle of the Quran in your life, so many different ways. From the verse of the Quran coming to your mind. He did the

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verses of the Quran, healing your heart during difficult times to your Eman, reaching levels that never imagined piecing the sweetness of fate, all these different verticals come together only when you recite study Exactly. Try your best to live by the Quran. You have to open your heart the Quran for it to have

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at the end of the day.

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Allah subhanaw taala tells us in the Quran, that is a guidance for those who have Taqwa for those who are conscious of Allah.

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And Allah shahada who ever seeks guidance Allah will right. So if someone's heart is closed to the message of the Quran, and the miracle of the Quran, no explanation in the world can ever convinced. Why? Because they've closed their heart to they have no intention of but if someone is sincere, if someone is sincerely seeking the truth, whether they are Muslim or not, and they sincerely engage with the Quran and study the Quran and reflect the Quran and think about the Quran, they will find it to be the strongest evidence in this region and therefore it is very important when we are doing our data that we bring in the Quran and we bring in the miraculous nature of the world.

00:50:00 --> 00:50:05

If we focus on this in our with our with that we come to the end if there are any questions we can take them out

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Didn't we see the cutoff point is when the first was perfected for religion, right in the last year the prophets life, so they can be no abrogation of their once the Prophet slogan has passed away his vocation. So no one can come later and say, oh, we need to abrogate this. Oh, Allah wanted us to abrogate that you can't do that. The cutoff point was at when that verse was revealed, means at that point in time, the Sharia example.

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And that perfect Sharia has to be followed.

00:50:58 --> 00:51:24

So abrogation only works within a limited space. You can see the first nine years of the mature phase of the prophets like that that was a period where laws were revealed when to be practiced for five or eight years, and then they were replaced with the public. Right? So no one can come later and say that Allah wanted us applicators, you can't say that abrogation has to come from above. It has to come through a verse of the Quran or he can't come to anything.

00:51:29 --> 00:51:32

We mean, like in Dawa or?

00:51:38 --> 00:51:40

Right? You mean like somebody is trying to change their life?

00:51:41 --> 00:52:24

Okay, so the question if somebody is trying to change their life, can you apply this method of graduates? Well, that is the method apply to our whiskey by all know, the masses of purification of the soul, that you don't push someone to just give it up? You work on him. So the overtime. So, you will you will tell him what you do is you let him know each other, but you take him in phases from the greater or lesser to a lesser urato know they reach a point where as close to as good as they can get. So it is it is it's the only way to do this is called the Quranic method of Dawa. So for example, if someone converts to Islam today, you don't expect them the next day to be a perfectly

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pious practice equals the Navy after you're going to gently bring them into the religion. You're going to teach them what's most important. And then you're going to teach them the next thing and then teach them the next thing over few years. Take him on a journey. And you're going to expect him to be perfect within one day or one week. And we see this even in the Hadith, the prophet slaw with some tea. He said when he said, while you can travel to Yemen, he said make things easy for the people don't make it difficult. He said you're coming to people who are Christians. He's Jimbo, he, if they accept though he escapes Allah, when they suffer breaks Allah systems, aka three gave him a

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step by step that he wasn't in one day we'll give them everything was a step by step plan to bring them into the future. Right? So this is the karate method of Dawa. Again, we won't call it aggregation. And we won't say Oh, it's fine for you to do it. We'll say it's not fine. But we'll cross that bridge later on let's let's take it one step at a time. I do that that's what we do.

00:53:31 --> 00:53:32

First, and

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we're in

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the corporate world. Yeah, it can get very complex for so in general, when we doing our we keep it simple. If you're going to be an absolute expert, then you put the complexities of it right. But for the average person, you keep it simple, right? There are certain laws that were revealed earlier on relate to aggregate valuables. And that's all you need to know now whether the verses are still in the Quran or Allah lifted the verses now that gets a bit more technical. If someone brings up a specific person we say yes to this first, they see how it would say, but that knowledge is not necessary to go into everyone because becomes a very technical science, abrogation itself the entire

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field of study.

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Okay, shall

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in the

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era, so that's a better translation. Yeah, it's a better translation. So again, you know, many times things are just lost in translation. Right?

00:55:01 --> 00:55:05

The or the example of that that we mentioned earlier was

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yeah allies or friends right when people translated as do not take Judeo Christian that's friends yeah it's a translation is all yeah doesn't mean friends only means allies

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it has made me there multiple layers, right? Allah says Allah.

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Allah is the Wali of the believers. He doesn't mean friend in the sense of how we know them. It means he's our guardian and protector, it has a completely different meaning. So the word has many different meanings. And sometimes you need to translate something, the actual meaning of the verse or force translation so when sometimes when someone tells us the mistake in the Quran, the first thing to do is check the Arabic maybe it's just a translation issue. And that's very very much the case in many of the examples that we bring up

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okay, if there's no other questions, we get approved now everyone we have intention

00:56:07 --> 00:56:22

The next topic I'd like to tackle proofs of profit witness because he continues on this all the proof that Prophet Muhammad Ali some of the true prophet so we covered one of these bushes in the Quran, but the other way to do the Prophet right so I'd like to do four to six sessions on that.

00:56:23 --> 00:56:43

Okay, so inshallah we start in January into four to six sessions on proofs of prophecy. By the way, at Yaqeen Institute, we have put together a curriculum for high schools on proofs of property, and the miraculous nature of the Quran is free to download on our website. They really helped me to teach this at the high school level for children and inshallah we should have a coupon cruiser preferably next year as well.

00:56:46 --> 00:56:51

Okay, so with that we will conclude to handle Robin was alive. Allow me to come to you

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