Said Rageah – The Last Messenger To Mankind Prophet Muhammed Yusuf Estes 2
![Said Rageah](
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The deen show discusses the loss of the Prophet Mohammed's life, the importance of being independent, and the use of the internet to bring news to people. The segment also touches on the use of language to describe oneself as a woman who claims to be the creator of the world and the importance of learning about Islam and not relying on media coverage. The segment also highlights the importance of respecting women in Islam and not disrespecting them. The importance of being open-minded and visiting deen show and website for more information.
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peaceful, peaceful peaceful
Villa Alhamdulillah Assalamualaikum, which means peace be unto you welcome to another episode of the deen show. My name is indeed Dean as a way of life is snam which we try to help the people understand clearing the misconceptions. Thank you very much for coming to the source to learn about Islam and Muslims. Now today, we're going to be talking about the last and final messenger, the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon. You've heard of Moses, you've heard of Jesus peace be upon both of them, and other messengers that came. But this is the last and final messenger. He hasn't just been sent to the Arab living in Mecca. He's been sent for the whole of mankind, we're going to be talking
a little bit about his life so you can get familiar with him. You've heard about the testimony of faith. We've talked about this in our other shows, which is that one bears witness that there is nothing there's only one God he is the only one worthy of worship, and that Muhammad peace be upon him is his messenger. This is what brings someone into Islam, but you got to get to know this man. So we're going to give you a little bit of some highlights of his life. We have a special guest side. And when I get back, I'll tell you his last name, sit tight. You're gonna read a bottom and we're gonna bring you back here on the dean show.
Peaceful peaceful, peaceful.
Salam aleikum?
wa rahmatullah Sade, Ravi Shaikh say the ragi. Right. I say, right. Right. Right. Thank you very much for being with us on the deen show. We really tried to help educate the non Muslims on Islam. And we thank you for being with us. We want to talk about there's a lot of misconceptions about this last and final messenger. Some people have never heard of them. They're going to hear about them today. We're going to start off if you can help us God Willing about him. His life even before prophet Let's start from there, who he was where he was born. From there, we'll go, but smilla rahmanir rahim o salat wa salam number one. I am very excited being here. And may Allah subhanho wa
Taala reward you for hosting me. And I think this is one of the most exciting episode you would have. Why? Because everybody knows about God but they don't really know about Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam you can ask a certain Muslim who's God what is God and where is God and he can tell you a lot of information about but as soon as he asked him who is Mohammed Who is he? We don't know much about it. So today inshallah we will go over that a little bit I will talk about him so the longer that he will send them and we will explain to the people what this man did for the NATO the oma will say for all mankind humanity, and inshallah we'll go over this well before Islam is asking
about before he became a prophet of God.
See Mohammed sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as a child, before he was born, he lost his father. So he was an orphan and his mother raised him but two years after that he was giving away to a desert people because there was the custom of the atom, to send their children outside the city environment so they can learn about the language, they can learn about the culture so they can come back and come back to the city and be as strong physically and mentally and so on. And then shortly after that, his mother passed away, and his father, also as we know, he passed away then his grandfather took the custody of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam. But it was not long enough. Shortly after
that he died, he passed away. Also, his ankle polyp is the one who raised Him from eight years old until he became until he died, I mean, until the ankle died, they reach age of 40. He was there for him to support. Now, as a young man, he was a very quiet kid, very intelligent, very smart, he would not engage with nonsense things that other kids do, he would behave he will carry himself in a very manner very acceptable on a well behaved child, child may do. And then everybody in the city they loved him. Why? Because he was always eager to help. He was always there for the people who are in need. He was always trying to do something for the community. Being a member of the community means
being a member that is active that he's doing something to improve the lifestyle of the people in that area. Then when he became he was 14 years old, his uncle took him for a business trip to show him how he should do business because it is very important.
For life or for the Muslims, for the young people, especially, to depend on themselves, they should not rely on their parents all the time. They should not rely on the system, but they should go out and be independent and be someone that can contribute something to the community. And then after that, he went, he's by the age of 25, he married women who was older than him by the name Khadija been to Hawaii. And she was a very wealthy, really well respected lady. Now keep in mind at that time, women were not respected at all, you know, men will go on as soon as he was announced that his wife had a baby girl, they will go on bury her life. But this this woman was well respected in the
community of the city of Mecca. And after that, he became surely 10 years after 15 years old after that it became a problem. Can we just rewind just for a second? Can you give us were there any signs anything before Prophethood while he was a child, were there any incidences that were unique? Absolutely. There was so many incidents when he was around eight years old.
still living in the desert. And this is what everybody needs to you know, do that. Do that little mental, you know, image in your head and see a little child with his brother.
Another brother, though he was with him in the desert, taking care of Shiva. And all of a sudden, these two men come out of no place out of nowhere. They all wearing white, they look very unfamiliar. They don't look like a travelers they're not familiar with. And what did they do as soon as they got to Mohammed Salah while he was a child, the one of the men said Is this the kid? And the other one say is this is the kid that we're looking for. So they grabbed him and they put him down, and they cut his chest open. Now when a sibling saw that when his brother saw that he had to run and get help, but meanwhile would they did they open his chest while he's still alive is still looking,
he can relate to that story. And he related that story to us later. And he said, this is what they did. They took my heart out of my chest, and the Washington with a special water that they had. And they took something dark out of my chest and they said, Well, this is the share of shades on and this young man, he shaved on our devil has no shear and the life of this young man. And then by the time the other kid came back with help, Mohammed was standing some a long while he will send them standing there. This chair has been in a while back. And he was still used to show the Sahaba the companion or you said look, this is the mark of that incident. He had that he had that scar he did.
Now were these angels. What was this was Angel debris. An angel is a mockery. To angel in Jabra, would we say Gabriel Gabriel? That was the same that would come to the other Angel was Michael Michael right. Okay. So from that, that was one incident. Now we come and continue on where there before his leading up to his prophethood How is he amongst his people? How What was he known as his character, this man, even as being a young man, you know, in maccha, there was a place a house that was known that a network this place if you're not 40, and over, you cannot have a membership for that house was the dark cloud. But Mohammed was given this, because he was very mature, was loved by
everyone. People trusted him everyone loves everybody loved this is document this is a document and he used he used to call him an amine, which means the trustworthy man that everybody would trust. They have they want to travel, and they have something that they want to keep, and they are afraid that they may lose it will take you to Muhammad Allah and he wasn't. And that continues even after he became prophet. And they were fighting him. They were still said, Well, we can no Trump cannot trust anyone but this man, they will go and take this stuff there to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And the other incident that is worthy of mentioning here is when there was a flood of the
time, and the one of those days and the Kaaba we call which is the house of Allah in the city of Mecca was destroyed. So the people have already said, let us rebuild the house of Allah and allow the people to come that was the first house built by verse to house bill by him. And by the way for the non Muslims who do not know this. Everything that we do almost everything that we do, when we go for pilgrimage, is commandment ration book Prophet Abraham Abraham. Did you know we did not introduce anything to what he did? When we go around the house? That's what he did. When we move we traveled between the two mountains suffering Well, that's what he did when we drink from the well.
That's what he did on so on. But the point is, when they were building the cabin, there was this rock that Abraham was given to form a law of the heavens, and that remains still in that place, and he's still in my camp.
And then all the chiefs of the hallways were fighting over who is going to place this rock in the place of the Kaaba, would you call return on your money. And they were about to fight and kill one another concerning this. And then one of them said, Listen, if we continue to argue with this, we will not go anywhere. So the first man who walks through that door, we will accept His judgment. And Mohammed was the first man who would walk someone long while he was set him. And everybody said, this is the mean and mean, and we trust him, he's trustworthy, and then said a lot he was he said, What is the problem? And they say, Well, this is the issue that we have. And then it's very easy,
very simple, because he was very intelligent, very, very intelligent man. He was a man that was built to lead not to follow. It was a man, Allah subhana wa, tada agreed to be a role model for all mankind. So he said, is very easy. And he took all these over Garmin. And he said, Well, you everybody placed a rock right here. And they did. And he said, Well, all the chiefs of the tribe, grab this, and let us carry on this lifted, and when they reach a certain level, and now I'll place it where it should be placed. And everybody's like, that is what we were looking for all the tribes that were fighting. They all grabbed this cloth. And they all so he smoothed this out. Oh, yes.
Yeah. So when we when he's saying sallallahu alayhi salam, this is wishing Peace and blessings on the last and final messenger, the prophet Mohammed who sent for the whole of mankind, we talked about, we're giving you glimpses of his life. So you can from here, see who this man was somewhat. And then you can continue on investigating on your own because he is indeed a messenger for you to follow. You follow the follow yonko to fall your whole family to follow. So we're gonna go on from here talking about, we discussed, and there are many more incidences and we're just giving you a few before he was an adult. We talked about that one unique situation as a child, but there's many more
but we don't have time to grab those. We talked about before his prophethood he was known as the truth when I've heard different nicknames. You know, this is knuckles, this is a neck ghazali this is all sorts of crazy names. But I have not ever met a man this is the truth, especially today's society, you know, people are lying, deceiving, cheating, but even amongst his enemies later who became his enemies who actually love it, love it, love him, they come to true for that we learn that now let's go about the revelation, how it came when it came. Let's talk about this and what happened.
Back check this out.
Welcome to the mailbag, this portion of the Dean's show that deals with subject to the EU, the readers and the watchers and those who want to write into us and ask questions. I'm used to Festus. And of course, maybe some of you know me from some of the other programs that we do online. But today I want to deal with this subject. It's it comes to me in the form of emails and get calls on this subject. How do I know it says here that Mohammed is really who He said He was? How do we know Muhammad is really the Prophet? And what he's bringing is really on target? How can I know that this isn't something from the devil? Maybe the devil wrote the Quran and tricked Muhammad into believing
it? And we've heard this a number of times from different people. So what that's what I think I want to tackle that today. And let's let's talk about this.
First of all, what do we know about Mohammed but we're talking about Muhammad peace be upon him, who was born in the Arabian desert to the Qureshi tribe in about 570 ad, and then live to about 633 ad. And during that 63 year period, he was well known and established as being honest, truthful,
quiet, humble, kind, generous,
and one of the best friends you could ever have.
Now, we're not talking about some of the other pretenders to the throne here. Like, I want to mention, some people like Gula Mark made in India and claimed to be some kind of Prophet No. And people like Elijah Muhammad who claimed to be a prophet, but that we're not talking about that. We're talking about this Mohammed, who lived 1400 years ago.
And one of the things that we can know about it is there has been more information gathered about Mohammed than any other human being more people today are named Mohammed than any other name in the world. Also, there has been more written about him and authenticated about him than any other person if you want to make a biography of a well known
person with established references that you can rely on. Mohammed is your choice, and many people have done so. So you have testable evidence immediately to say that yes, there really was a man that was really his name that was way was born. This is where he died. And this is what his followers said about him. So what we did, we developed a website so that you could go to it, taking your time to learn as much as you can about Muhammad, from his own sayings, from sayings and teachings of his powers and companions, other people who knew him that weren't necessarily Muslims, and then from people over the history since then, who have commented about him such as George Bernard Shaw, and
Gandhi and others. So you can follow up on that. Let me tell you what the website is, it's got everything on there, you could call it Muhammad, A to Z. That's going to be at prophet of Let me repeat it, prophet of, go check it out. And it will turn your back over now to the deen show already in progress. It came when it came, let's talk about this and what happened.
Again, it is in a nutshell, we will put this in a very concise way Rasulullah sallallahu it was and by the way, we say sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you know, peace be upon him. It is not only from Mohammed, but we say that also for Jesus. We say that for Moses, we say that for all the prophets of God, because all of them to us are on the same level, we believe in all of them. But at this moment, he realized that living in that society, which means women do not have any right. Which means if you're not Arab, or if you're not from Makkah, people will not respect you. If you're a servant, people will treat you differently. If you're a different color, people will not treat you the way
that we treat other people. He realized this is not a life that a man should live. So what he used to do, and he also we used to dislike the idea, man, who would go kill his own child they were doing, they would do that, as a matter of fact, they will go on a mount was say, God, if you give me this number of children, I will sacrifice one of them for your sake. And he will bring that child to the city in front of their idols, and everybody is watching and he was slaughtered that child psychopaths Exactly. But people thought that this is we're doing for God. People would thought that this is good. This man is so righteous, that he sacrificed his own son. So hammer say, this is not
acceptable. So what he did, he withdrew himself. And he used to do this once a month, I'm sorry, one a month out of it once a year. And he used to go leave the city leave the people and used to go out in a place in a mountain called hot Hara. And he used to stay there for hot not just contemplating thinking about how this creation came about, who is the true creator behind this? What is happening? What would happen to us after we done? Are we here for purpose? Is that a purpose for our you know, for our for our existence? Is that a purpose for us during this? Is this man is cheating or mistreating other people? Is he going to be judged? You know all this was in his head? And this are
Abraham and his son Rahim Allah, is this how we used to contemplate before he received the revelation. And Khadija and this look, this was very unusual. Man used to say to their wives are in growing. Are you not following me? That's it. Yeah. But I saw realizing No, she's my wife. She's the one that I trust. She's the one who knows my secrets. I honor her I respect therefore, she has to come with me. But she is just a little bit away from where he's contemplating is, you know, meditating, AlLahi salatu salam.
And then one of those days, he used to see in a little cave that can only fit one or two people maximum. Yeah. And all of a sudden one of these days, he sees this man out of the blue, as they say, out of nowhere standing in front of him. And he's talking very powerful, you know, authoritative tone and saying read sort of law number one, he shocked. I mean, there was no introduction. He was not the man is climbing up to the mountain I could feel I can hear him. No, this man just appears right in front of him. And then he says rate knowing that Mohammed cannot read or write. And by the way, in Arabic When we say echo, they translate most of the time read. But it can also translate
mean recite recite, right. So when you say if you have a few moments, a poem and you say I will not say to you, you know only recite in Arabic I will say echo, no say so echo means recite or read. So he said read I said what should I read? And then he grabbed him. Now imagine a stranger community. You
Grabbing you squeezing so hard. And he said, I felt my chest bones are crossing I mean, it was so painful. And then he released me. And he said, read, and I was instead of sharp with what. And then he grabbed me for the second time. And he did the same thing. And I said, we'd work and he put in, he grabbed me, until the third time, he said, Bismillah, secondary holla, read in the name of your law. And that was the first is the first verse that was revealed, but also this ayah contains so many benefits, indicates so many things. Because when he says extra means to read, you know, later you will learn that was the beginning of civilization, beginning of the people have to learn how to
learn to read and write, because without you being able to read or write, you cannot really go far. So this is when
we first I was indication that this woman will be Amara will be civilized, this nation will be named as civilized, and this people and the companion The purpose of the law will leave us alone. Now after that, you know, look, again, keep in mind, you're talking about a bet when you talk about people who do not respect women. What is the promise of the long run? He will send them do? He ran to his wife? He ran to his wife, a lot of people will say, No, no, no, no, I will not go to my wife, I will go to my uncle. Or I will go to my inner and I will go and seek the protection of someone that is strong. But you know, you want his wife, because that is the relationship between husband
and wife. This is the release this is the fear and that's what a loss It was your anabaena commodity and a lot of place between you and her and mercy and compassion. So when you feel down, you should go to your wife. When you feel that you know everybody is against you. You have you got hot, difficult day, you should do like the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and you should go to your wife. So now he went to his wife. And this was when the revelation first came. Now you had people we talked about before this, who loved him, they called him to trustworthy. Now he's coming with a message. Tell us what this message was? What did the Creator God Almighty Allah want him to do? And
how did the people's perception of him change because of this message? Now?
He stayed in that situation. He came back to Hawaii. JOHN is nervous. She doesn't know what is happening. You know, she calmed him down. She says, No, Allah will never disgrace you, you do this, you do this. You're such a wonderful man. Allah will never disappears you. So don't not worry, do not worry. Now we stayed in that state calling people secretly for three years. So the first one we accepted, some was his wife. And that's why in some again, and I know this show is not about the rights of women. But in some we respect women, because they were the first thing to accept. Yeah, the first person who accepted the sun was a female Khadija, and as you know, the first person who
was doubt died for his son was also amamagna. saber. So we always respect the women, and we put them in a higher than a lot of people do not understand. But in 343 years, he started calling people to Allah. And he's telling them worship one unique God. It's not he is not she, and by the way, the reason that we say he in the Quran translation, because in English, we have it. And we have she and we have he, but in Arabic, we only have he, and she, we don't have it. Therefore, since God, Allah subhanho wa Taala is not a human, and he cannot be, you know, he or she, they can only be it than the people so well, it's in Arabic is sounds very disrespectful.
disrespectful. So they said, who he. So that's how we translate with what it means he but they we cannot say God has gender, no gender, no gender is not male is not a female. It's not white is not a human is not in us is not what us is above his creation. And this is now in this way. He was calling people, his friends servant except Islam, his friends except Islam. And then later he came out to the people want a loss, it was under asherah to say, go on what your people he was giving direct command from Allah. And then he came out, and he stood on the mountain called Safari smart mountain. And he said, yamashiro all the people of courage, and everybody came, and he told them, this is what
he told them. If I tell you, there are enemy army behind that mountain, marching towards the city to destroy you, what do you believe me? And they say, of course, you never told a lie. He said, Well, I am the messenger. org of a law and I'm warning you for what you
Do not know about and then hear some of the people rejected some of the peoples or some of the people who say no, no, no, no we will stick to our forefathers. He is the first person who was rejected was Abu lahab Shatta. Bela wrote to you is is what you got us today here. So this is from there on his his his what he called his follower is that growing and growing and growing. And then the range they try to kill some of them is torture. Some of them, it could be that they were persecuting all Muslims. And then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said that
they migrated and migrate to the city of Medina. Yeah. So this is unique, that he basically he came with a simple message, to leave all the idol worship, worshiping statues, men worshipping the creation and just worship his unique God, the one goddess, and now these people who loved him because of this, they started to have a resentment towards him. Well, they did not really they would not against him, there was a lot they were against the message. And when I was soufiane, the head of the kurush when he learned that Mohammed marry his daughter, he said, that is such a wonderful man. And after some time, because people is a true they were used to their customs, but after they would,
many of them, the intellectuals, they found that this can't be from no man, this is from even they started to come to Islam, especially the younger people and the people who were educated. And the people were open, we're open minded, so well, you know, man is not telling us anything that is unusual, something that your your mind or you you will reject it is very basic worship one God, be a decent person, be able to live with other people. And this is the message of Muhammad, and the message of all the prophets of Allah. He wasn't before. He didn't bring no new message, nothing new. It was the same message worship one unique God. That's what I wish if you can interview my friend,
good friend, Tony. Oh, accepted Islam, because initially he wants to guide Muslims to Christianity. Yeah. And he thought, you know, they must worship a little black house in the middle of the desert, they worship a man by the name hammer, they worship a rock. And then he came to the conclusion. And then he sent me the material. I gave him the Shahada. And they you know, hamdullah has a website that he is telling us from the Bible from a different he's telling us the Christians should play they should pray like Muslims. They should not pray like this. They should go kneel down and pray like we pray. He's proven from their documents that Muslims make and the Christians should under you
should make rudo evolution like we do. So everything that we do is not new, is something that other prophets did, and of the Prophet were preaching. And he went a little further and fell on his face and prayed to himself, he prayed to God, this is, this is in the Bible. How we make evolution is in the Bible, worshiping, submitting your will, to the will of the Creator, is in the Bible. It's all there. So tell us briefly where it is a for someone who wants to go deeper into this, because this was really short has given us some highlights, what's a good book that somebody can read to study more about his history and his legacy? Well, there there are a lot of books are we talking about
something authentic, something authentic, I think in the book,
I have gotten the seal nectar nectar that would be the best sealed, sealed metadata is the best book that I will recommend anyone to read. Because it gives you all the you know, authentic material, and it gives you you know, tells you from A to Z and everything that you need. So that would be a good book, if you want to know about Mohammed Salim Ali. Just some closing comments, advice for those who've had. Now we hope that many people had an open mind. You know, we're sincere, but some people you know what, they've been misguided by some people misrepresenting Islam, you have some false perceptions due to the media. What do you have to say to them? I would say to those people,
do not rely on anything but yourself. After your Creator. Be open minded. What do you need to read? Let me tell you a very short story I have we have enough time. I never told anyone before. When I came here, I really did not know much about Islam. And I went to Catholic school. And in the Catholic school, I was like, Why do I have to be a Muslim? I mean, I was born as a Muslim. But why do I have to be a Muslim? Can I not be a Judeo Christian or even atheist? So I went out, and I said, let me explore all other religions that exist. So I read as much as I could, and I learned about them. But the one I at the end of the day, the only thing that really made sense was Islam because
it was very
basic, very simple. Now what we want for the people to do for the last minute is the open mind. Use your mind. Forget about everything that you learned about Islam. Forget about what other media said about Islam. Just go if you will know about Islam, don't ask anyone but Muslims, don't go to non Muslims, but go to Muslim and they will tell you about Islam, to zacco. How to thank you very much for being with us. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for hosting. Thank you. And I like to thank you for sitting in through another episode of the deen show. For coming to the source, this man was the last and final messenger to mankind, no more messengers to come. He's a role model for you, for me,
for everybody. We stop taking the celebrities as role models and take God's Messenger as a role model. We will be better off but it's up to you. The message is there. It's simple. It's unique wish you've got alone and not his creation. ponder over this. Think about it. And come back and visit us often every week here at the deen show calm, th e d e n All of our shows on the website if you missed us on the cheap TV in Chicago, until next time, I set them all equal peace be unto you.
paalam el amin, which means as a trustworthy man that everybody would trust, they have they want to travel, and they have something that they want to keep. And they're afraid that they may lose it will take it to Muhammad Allah and he wasn't. And that continues even after he became prophet. And they were fighting him. They were still said, Well, we can no Trump cannot trust anyone but this man, they will go and take this stuff there too. Mohammed sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And the other incident that is worthy of mentioning here is when there was a flood of the time, and the one of those days and the camera will call, which is the house of a law in the city of Mecca was destroyed.
So the people have always said, let us rebuild the house of Allah and allow the people to come that was the first house built by verse to house bill by and by the way for the non Muslims who do not know this. Everything that we do, almost everything that we do, when we go for pilgrimage, is commandment ration. What Prophet Abraham Abraham did. Yeah, you know, we did not introduce anything to what he did. When we go around the house. That's what he did. When we move, we traveled between the two mountains of FOMO. That's what he did. When we drink from the well, Zamzam. That's what he did, and so on. But the point is, when they were building the cabin, there was this rock that
Abraham was given to, from a law of the heavens, and that remains still in that place. And he's still in my camp. And then all the chiefs of the rage were fighting over who is going to place this rock in the place of the Kaaba, would you call the money, and they were about to fight and kill one another concerning this. And then one of them said, Listen, if we continue to argue with this, we will not go anywhere. So the first man who walks through that door, we will accept His judgment. And Mohammed was the first man who would walk salamati he was sent him and everybody said, this is the amine amine and and we trust him, he's a trustworthy, and there's a lot he will send them. He said,
What is the problem? And they said, Well, this is the issue that we have. And then he said, Well, it's very easy, very simple, because he was very intelligent, very, very intelligent man. He was a man that was built to lead not to follow it was a man, Allah subhana wa, tada created to be a model for all mankind. So he said, is very easy. And he took all these over Garmin. And he said, Well, you everybody placed a rock right here. And they did. And he said, Well, all the chiefs of the tribe grabbed grab this, and let us carry it. And this lifted, and when they reach a certain level, and now I'll place it where it should be placed. And everybody's like, that is what we were looking for
all the tribes that were fighting. They all grabbed this cloth, and they all so he smoothed this out. All Yes. Is that a southern license? Yeah. So when we when he's saying sallallahu alayhi salam, this is wishing Peace and blessings on the last and final messenger, the prophet Mohammed who sent for the whole of mankind, we talked about, we're giving you glimpses of his life. So you can from here, see who this man was somewhat. And then you can continue on investigating on your own because he is indeed a messenger for you to follow. You follow the follow yonko to follow your whole family to follow. So we're gonna
Go on from here talking about, we discussed, and there are many more incidences, and we're just giving you a few before he was an adult, we talked about that one unique situation as a child. But there's many more, but we don't have time to grab those we talked about before his prophethood he was known as the truth or not, I've heard different nicknames. You know, this is knuckles, this is a neck ghazali this is all sorts of crazy names. But I have not ever met a man. This is the truth, especially in today's society, you know, people are lying, deceiving, cheating, but even amongst his enemies later, who became his enemies who actually love, love, love him, they come true for that we
learn that now let's go about the revelation, how it came, when it came. Let's talk about this and what happened.
Back check this out.
Welcome to the mailbag, this portion of the deen show that deals with the subject or the you, the readers and the watchers and those who want to write into us and ask questions. I'm used to Festus. And of course, maybe some of you know me from some of the other programs that we do online. But today, I want to deal with this subject. It's comes to me in the form of emails and get calls on this subject. How do I know it says here that Mohammed is really who He said He was? How do we know Muhammad is really the Prophet? And what he's bringing is really on target? How can I know that this isn't something from the devil? Maybe the devil wrote the Quran and tricked Muhammad into believing
it? And we've heard this a number of times from different people. So what that's what I think I want to tackle that today. And let's let's talk about this.
First of all, what do we know about Mohammed but we're talking about Mohammed ease be upon him, who was born in the Arabian desert to the Qureshi tribe in about 570 ad, and then live to about 633 ad. And during that 63 year period, he was well known and established as being honest, truthful,
quiet, humble, kind, generous,
and one of the best friends you could ever have.
Now, we're not talking about some of the other pretenders to the throne here. Like, I want to mention, some people like Ghulam Ahmed in India and claimed to be some kind of Prophet No. And people like Elijah Muhammad who claimed to be a prophet, but that we're not talking about that we're talking about this Mohammed, who lived 1400 years ago.
And one of the things that we can know about it is there has been more information gathered about Mohammed than any other human being more people today are named Mohammed than any other name in the world. Also, there has been more written about him, and authenticated about him than any other person, if you want to make a biography of a well known person with established references that you can rely on. Mohammed is your choice, and many people have done so. So you have testable evidence immediately to say that, yes, there really was a man that was really his name. That was where he was born. This is where he died. And this is what his followers said about him. So what we did, we
developed a website so that you could go to it, taking your time to learn as much as you can, about Muhammad, from his own sayings, from sayings and teachings of his powers and companions, other people who knew him that weren't necessarily Muslims, and then from people over the history since then, who have commented about him such as George Bernard Shaw, and Gandhi and others. So you can follow up on that. Let me tell you where the website is. It's got everything on there, you could call it Muhammad, A to Z. That's going to be at prophet of Let me repeat it, prophet of Go check it out. And then we'll turn your back over now to the deen show already in
progress. I would came when it came, let's talk about this and what happened.
Again, it is in a nutshell, we will put this in a very concise way Rasulullah sallallahu it was and this by the way, we say Sal, Allahu Allah, he was suddenly you know, peace be upon him. It is not only from Hamlet, but we say that also for Jesus. We say that for Moses, we say that for all the prophets of God, because all of them to us are on the same level, we believe in all of them. But at this moment, he realized that living in that society, which means women do not have any right, which means if you're not, or if you're not from Makkah, people will not respect you. If you're assertive.
And people will treat you differently. If you're a different color people will not treat you the way that we treat other people. He realized this is not a life that a man should live. So what he used to do, and he also we used to dislike the idea, man, who would go kill his own child they were doing, they will do that, as a matter of fact, they will go on a mount with say, God, if you give me this number of children, I will sacrifice one of them for your sake. And he will bring that child to the city in front of their idols, and everybody's watching and he was slaughtered that child psychopath Exactly. But people thought that this is we're doing for God. People, we thought that
this is good. This man is so righteous, that he sacrificed his own son. So I'ma say, this is not acceptable. So what he did, he drove himself. And he used to do this once a month, I'm sorry, one a month out of it once a year. And he used to go leave the city leave the people and used to go out in a place in a mountain called hot Hara. And he used to stay there for Hartman just contemplating thinking about how this creation came about, who is the true creator behind this? What is happening? What would happen to us after we done? Are we here for purpose? Is that a purpose for our you know, for our for our existence? Is that a purpose for us during this? Is this man is treating or
mistreating other people? Is he going to be judged? You know all this was in his head? And this are Abraham and his son Rahim Allah He sent him this how we used to contemplate before you received the revelation. And Khadija and this look, this was very unusual, man you say to their wives, I am going are you not following me? That's it. Yeah. But also realizing No, she's my wife. She's the one that I trust. She's the one who knows my secrets. I honor I respect therefore, she has to come with me. But she is just a little bit away from where he's contemplating his, you know, meditating. And he set out to a certain.
And then one of those days, he used to see in a little cave that can only fit one or two people maximum. Yeah. And all of a sudden, one of these days, he sees this man out of the blue, as they say, out of nowhere standing in front of him. And he's talking very powerful, you know, authoritative tone and saying, read sort of law number one, he shocked. I mean, there was no introduction, he was known the man is climbing up to the mountain I could feel I can hear him know, this man just appears right in front of him. And then he says, great, knowing that Mohammed cannot read or write. And by the way, in Arabic When we say echo, they translate most of the time read. But
it can also translate mean recite, recite, right. So when you say if you have a few moments, a poem and you say, I will not say to you, you know only recite in Arabic, I will say,
you know, saying so means recite or read. So he said read I said what should I read? And then he grabbed him. Now imagine a stranger community you grabbing you squeezing is so hard. And he said, I felt my chest bones are crossing I mean, it was so painful. And then he released me. And he said read. And I was instead of shocked with what. And then he grabbed me for the second time. And he did the same thing. And I said we want and he paused and he grabbed me until the third time he said this mirror became Larry holla read in the name of your law. And that was the first the first verse that was revealed, but also this ayah contains so many benefits indicates so many things. Because when he
says extra means to read, you know, later you will learn that was the beginning of civilization, beginning of the people have to learn have to learn to read and write because without you being able to read or write you cannot really go far. So this is when
we first I was indication that this will be Amada will be civilized this nation will be a nation that is civilized, and this people and the Companion of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Now after that, you know, look, again, keep in mind, you're talking about a bet when you're talking on people who do not respect women. What are the problems on the long run? He will send them do? He ran to his wife? He ran to his wife, a lot of people will say no, no, no, no, I will not go to my wife. I will go to my uncle. Or I will go to my you know, and Hamza, I will go and seek the protection of someone that is strong. But you know you want his wife because that is the relationship between
husband and wife. This is the religion This is the fear and that's what Allah azza wa jal anabaena, coma word that one and a lot of place between you and her and mercy and compassion. So when you feel down, you should go to your wife, when you feel that you know everybody's against you. You have a
You got hot, difficult day, you should do like the promise of a long while he was settling, and you should go to your wife. So now he went to his wife. And this was when the revelation first came. Now, you had people we talked about before this, who loved him, they called him to trustworthy. Now he's coming with a message, tell us what this message was? What did the Creator God Almighty Allah want him to do? And how did the people's perception of him change because of this message? Now?
He stayed in that situation. He came back to Hawaii. JOHN is nervous. He doesn't know what is happening. You know, she calmed him down. She says, No, Allah would never disgrace you, you do this, you do this. You're such a wonderful man. Allah will never displace you. So don't not worry, do not worry. Now we stayed in that state calling people secretly for three years. So the first one we accepted, some was his wife. And that's why in Islam again, and I know this show is not about the rights of women. But in some we respect women, because they were the first thing to accept. Yeah, the first person who accepted Islam was a female Khadija, and as you know, the first person who was
doubt died for Islam was also amamagna. Savior. So we always respect the women, and we put them in a higher than a lot of people do not understand. But in 343 years, he started calling people to Allah. And he's telling them worship one unique God is not he is not she and by the way, the reason that we say he in the translation, because in English, we have it, and we have she, and we have he, but in Arabic, we only have he, and she, we don't have it. Therefore, since God, Allah subhanho, wa Taala is not a human, and he cannot be, you know, he or she can only be it. Then the people said, well, it's in Arabic, it sounds very disrespectful, disrespectful. So they said, who he? So that's how we
translate with what it means he but they we cannot say God has gender, no gender, no gender is not male is not a female. It's not white is not a human is not in us is not what us is above his creation. And this is now in this we were calling people, his friends, servant, accept Islam, his friends accept Islam. And then later he came out to the people when a loss it was under asherah. To say, go on what your people he was giving a direct commandment from Allah. And then he came out, and he stood on the mountain called Safari smoke mountain, and he said Yamashita hoy, all the people of courage, and everybody came, and he told them, this is what he told them. If I tell you, there are
enemy army behind that mountain, marching towards the street to destroy you, what do you believe me? And they said, of course, you never told a lie. He said, Well, I am the messenger. org of a law. And I'm warning you for what you do not know about. And then here, some of the people rejected some of the peoples or some of the people who say no, no, no, no, we will stick to our forefathers. He's the first person who was rejected was Abu lahab. Bella wrote to you is is what you've got us today here. So this is from there on his his his will call his follower, that growing, growing and growing, and then the range, they try to kill some of them, they torture some of them, it could be that they were
persecuting all Muslims. And then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said that his mobile, they migrated and migrate to the city of Medina. Yeah. So this is unique, that he basically he came with a simple message, to leave all the idol worship, worshiping statues, men worshipping the creation and just worship is unique God, the one goddess, and now these people who loved him, because of this, they started to have a resentment towards him. Well, they did not really they would not against him, the mess a lot. They were against the message. And when I was sofian, the head of the operation, when he learned that Mohammed marry his daughter, he said, that is a such a wonderful
man. And after some time, because people is a true they were used to their customs, but after they would, many of them, the intellectuals they found that this can't be from no man. This is from even they started to come to Islam, especially the younger people and the people who are educated. And the people were open, they were open minded. They said, well, no man is not telling us anything that is unusual, something that your your mind or you will reject it is very basic. Worship one God, be a decent person, be able to live with other people. And this is the message of Muhammad and the message of all the prophets of Allah Allah. He was
Unlike before, he didn't bring no new method, nothing new. It was the same as a worship one unique God. That's what I wish if you can interview my friend, good friend, Tony, oh, accepted Islam, because initially he wants to guide Muslims to Christianity. Yeah. And he thought, you know, they must worship a little black house in the middle of the desert, they worship a man by the name, hammer, the worship of rock. And then he came to the conclusion. And then he sent me the material, I gave him the Shahada. And he know Hamdulillah, he has a website, he is telling us from the Bible from a different, he's telling us, the Christians should play should pray like Muslims, they should
not pray like this, they should go kneel down and pray, like we pray. He's proven from their document that Muslims they make, and the Christians should, and the Jews should make rudl evolution like we do. So everything that we do is not new, is something that other prophets did, and of the Prophet were preaching. And he went a little further and fell on his face and prayed to himself, he prayed to God, this is, this is in the Bible. How we make evolution is in the Bible, worshiping, submitting your will, to the will of the Creator, is in the Bible. It's all there. So tell us briefly where it is. For someone who wants to go deeper into this, because this was really short has
given us some highlights, what's a good book that somebody can read to study more about his history in his legacy? Well, there there are a lot of books are we talking about something authentic, something authentic, I think the book
here called the seal nectar see letter, that would be the best book, the CO vector co vector, that is the best book that I will recommend anyone to read. Because it gives you all the you know, authentic material, and it gives you, you know, tells you from A to Z and everything that you need. So that would be a good book, if you want to know about Muhammad, sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Just some closing comments, advice for those who've had. Now we hope that many people had an open mind. You know, we're sincere, but some people you know, what, they've been misguided by some people misrepresenting Islam, you have some false perceptions due to the media. What do you have to say to
them? I would say to those people,
do not rely on anything but yourself. After your Creator, the open mind, what do you need to read? Let me tell you a very short story I have we have enough time. I never told us anyone before. When I came here, I really did not know much about Islam. And I went to Catholic school. And in the Catholic school, I was like, Why do I have to be a Muslim? I mean, I was born as a Muslim. But why do I have to be a Muslim? Can I not be a Judeo Christian, or even atheist? So I went out, and I said, let me explore all other religions that exist. So I read as much as I could. And I learned about them. But the winner at the end of the day, the only thing that really made sense, was Islam.
Because it was very basic, very simple. Now, what we want for the people to do for the last minute is the open mind. Use your mind, forget about everything that you learn about Islam. Forget about what other media said about Islam. Just go if you will know about Islam, don't ask anyone but Muslims, don't go to non Muslims, or go to Muslim and they will tell you about Islam, to saco how to thank you very much for being with us. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for hosting. Thank you. And I like to thank you for sitting in through another episode of the deen show. For coming to the source, this man was the last and final messenger to mankind, no more messengers to come. He's a role model
for you, for me for everybody. We stopped taking the celebrities as role models and take God's Messenger as a role model. We will be better off but it's up to you. The message is there. It's simple. It's unique wish you've got alone and not his creation. ponder over this. Think about it. And come back and visit us often every week here at the deen show calm, th e, d and all of our shows on the website if you missed us on the cheap TV in Chicago, until next time, I set them all equal. Peace be unto you