Isam Rajab – Methodology In Seeking Knowledge EP 3

Isam Rajab
AI: Summary © The importance of learning Arabic for understanding the legal system and personal growth is emphasized. The title of the Quran is 10 volumes, but contents are unclear. The importance of reading and learning to understand the internet is emphasized, as it is necessary for practical guidance and personal development. The importance of learning to understand the title of the Quran and its implications for teachers' understanding of the legal system is emphasized, along with the importance of reading the title for practical guidance and understanding the concept of "the internet." The importance of reading the Quran for understanding the internet is emphasized, as it is a must for students. The course is designed for beginner levels and provides practical guidance on writing a text, while also addressing the importance of protecting religion and the Sharia.
AI: Transcript ©
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smaller hamdulillah salatu salam ala rasulillah Allah lasagna.

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Today inshallah, we will talk about practical steps, certain things that you have to do

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in order for you to be on the path of seeking knowledge properly.

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language is the key here

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because based on how you will seek knowledge, the language that you select, and the availability of the books that will determine how far can you go

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I had to search online to see what is available in English. In Malaysia, it's hard for me, that's what I want you actually to do, please.

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Next week, if you give me a list of the available books in Malaysia,

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in each

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type of the knowledge, we have the Quran and its sciences. Okay, so what is available there?

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sciences of the Quran, mainly the Tafseer. That's one of them. Then, Phil,

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Phil cache in particular, if that's what you want to pursue, and this is the common here,

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or other schools of thought, and after that, the next step would be faculty love, the fact of disagreement,

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books that are written

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and mentioned more than one opinion one school of thought, This is too so we have

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science sciences of the Quran

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mainly tafsir

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we have FERPA

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personal FERPA

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what is available in our sole FERPA principles of jurisprudence

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that is solid.

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And then after that, there will be also other books like Maxim's of fiction.

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And then after that would be my pasta, the Sharia objectives of the religion, all these are advanced sciences that are not suitable for the beginner the student of knowledge is beginner to go and read in them because he or she will not be able to understand and if he or she were able to understand still they will have difficulty knowing what they are reading. So

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we're finished now with this then we have

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sciences of Hadith allume al Hadith, mainly masala Hadith Hadith terminology

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had these terminology

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then the books of short haul Hadith

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the books that comment and explain

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the Hadith books

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what is available there.

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So, now we have fit and it sciences we have had Eve and it sciences or an and it sciences, then we come to an important type of knowledge which is the app EDA.

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What is available there.

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sciences of Arpita

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the oneness of Allah subhanaw taala as smart and perfect names and attributes of Allah.

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So you will inshallah come up with the list of the names in Mali. What I'm going to do now is I'm going to explain to you in general, and that's in English, if I were to give this session in Arabic, it would be different. It would be different Why? Because the books that are in Arabic are abundant.

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They are available.

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Like instead of one book, you have many books, many choices. So depending on your students, what do they want, you give them a list, but in English, we are limited. I remember even when we put together the curriculum for Aris University, we had to struggle with the available books because what's the use if I tell you this isn't

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book but it's not available in English, how you will be able to benefit from it. Now the solution would be, and this is something you need to consider solution would be is actually to learn Arabic.

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That is a solution. Now, for many of us, we don't like this because it's hard. But doing that will save a big deal of time for you later in the future.

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The true student of knowledge, who wants to become a scholar cannot do that without knowing Arabic, this is a fact. Now with English, yes, you will learn a lot I'm telling you, you will learn a lot but you will reach a level where you cannot go any further you have to know Arabic, why is that the Quran was revealed the not language, Arabic. So instead of trying to understand through a medium through a translation, you are reading directly from the Quran, you are reading directly the word of Allah subhanaw taala. So it's not a waste of time to invest one or two years just learning Arabic.

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And I see hamdulillah here, they have some courses, learning Arabic, and they have a curriculum. So this is something you need to consider this is something you need to think of seriously, learning Arabic. See, even for Arabic speakers. For students of knowledge, there is an entire type of knowledge. That's why I'm telling you, it would have been different if it was in Arabic, because there is what we call now

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in English, its grammar, but in advocates more than grammar.

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Because what we have in Arabic, the word itself could change without changing the letters, just the articulations fat harbor Mikasa what is above and below the letter that changes the word. So you need to know what we call

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the position of the word itself. It could be in the front.

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But it could mean three different things. And this is not available in English.

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Like Mohammed, Baba Ashman Mohammed here,

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Mohammed hate.

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That's the only way you have it in English. We start with subject, verb and object in Arabic, you could start with either one,

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either one, depending on

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what do you want the listener to know. First, you start with

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the object because you want to pay attention to the object. So Mohammed is actually not the one who did the heating, but he's the one who got the heating. This is possible so

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in the Quran, there are certain ayat where this is clear that Allah subhanho wa Taala starts with the object iaca namboodiri that's a clear example why Allah says Yak and Abu you alone, we worship

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What's the difference? When you say we worship you.

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We worship you. Or you alone we worship. In Arabic, it's different even in English. Maybe you don't notice it, but it's clear in Arabic When you say Yak and Abu

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you alone when you say yakka you leave out anything else? Anyone else. But if you say we worship You, it doesn't mean that you don't worship someone else.

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So they say in Arabic,

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putting the

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object in front

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means specifying and limiting.

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Okay, that's just an example. And there are many examples as well. So this is something you need to consider seriously because then also the available books would be a lot. Now by the way, this is a general question. The copies of English books that are done by darussalam and other bookstores. Are they all translated to melee or not necessarily? Do you have like a similar because I'm looking back here. I should have invested some time but I didn't have the time to look. I look at some books and I don't know these are Malay or English.

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Most of them

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Yeah. So this is something you need to know because i i don't know even if I look at the book. Some of them look the same, but you would know what these What is it? I cannot read Molly still. So

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You come with a list and we will see what is matching. Now, I'm telling you what to start with, in the past, for the students of knowledge, they didn't do what we do nowadays. What we do now is we have one class for, let's see, and then another class for artega. They didn't do that, they would start with one type of knowledge until they finish it.

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So, they start from the beginner to the intermediate, and then the advanced. After that, they will move to another type of knowledge. And then after that, they move to another one all the way until they finish, but in our time, because we live in the age of speed, what are we doing, we are taking almost everything together. So we will we will follow this map because this is the what's going on now.

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If you tell people start only with one type of knowledge,

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they may not follow that. So let's do what is common now.

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To the best available or the best ability that you can have to seek the knowledge number one, the Orion How much do you memorize from the Quran, remember, knowledge is an objective by itself or a means

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is it

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by itself an objective or it is a means for another objective

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means to

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please Allah subhanaw taala how

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when you know how you're going to please the last panatela by implementing what you know

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that is your purpose. So some types of knowledge are

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or most of them they are means to pleasing Allah directly or to other types of knowledge that will because now for instance, the Arabic language now it will help you understanding the Quran better. So it's a means for another thing which is understanding the Quran when you understand the Quran that's better, or an itself memorizing or and that's an objective. This for you is an objective.

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You cannot say oh, what's going to help me, the memorization of the Quran. Even if I did, I don't understand it. Still, it should be an objective for you. So make it your intention from now, no matter how long it takes from you, a student of knowledge cannot be really a student of knowledge without memorizing the Quran.

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Therefore, whenever you read the biographies of scholars, they mentioned what half Quran and he memorized the Quran when he was at the age of seven, at the age of 10. You rarely find some of them, or one of them memorize the Quran later.

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Over 15 that would be very rare. So now you are 2025 3035 even 40 Don't say I am too old. You are never too old to memorize the Quran. Even if you start with one.

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A student of knowledge cannot be a student of knowledge without memorizing the Quran, one of the famous real

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one of the great era in Syria, he died two years ago. Just two years ago, he passed away. He is a butcher by profession. That's what he does, he cuts me

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and he memorized the Quran in his shop every day spending several hours cutting the meat.

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He has the knife and all other tools. So he put the Quran in front of him every day one page until he memorized the Quran. And not only that, he went ahead and got ijazah with the memorization of the Quran, and he started teaching the Quran all that happened in the late age.

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He died recently over 90 years old Rahim Allah was very old, but he didn't look that on.

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And his picture when he died, they showed it to everyone that he was smiling.

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These are the people of the Quran.

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You see, so never ever underestimate the value of the Quran. It's the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So everything goes back to the Quran. Everything goes back to the Quran, that was the source. At the time of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, how many books are available. Now we have this we have that everywhere. You have a big library.

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But at the time of the prophet SAW Selim, what they had was the Quran. So again, make it

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Goal number one memorizing the Quran

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that by itself is a goal for students of knowledge. They would not start with anything until they finish the Quran.

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But for us nowadays, I'm telling you, go ahead, start with other types of knowledge as well, but your time should be invested mainly and mostly in the Quran. Because it is by itself an objective.

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Even nowadays, who would people let them leave lead their prayer?

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Who are the ones that lead people in prayer?

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The ones who know more the Quran, even if they don't understand it. Now, I'm not saying it's better not to understand it, it's always better to understand it, but in your case you want to memorize but you don't understand. So you want to understand first so all that will take time. So memorize the Quran and understand it if you could do both, that's even greater. That is greater but memorizing the Quran that is number one. Okay. I hope you keep this as Goal number one always, every single day you ask yourself, how much of the Quran Have you memorized? It is by itself and objective.

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The Quran, reward great, the reward of the memorization of the Quran is great. On the day of judgment,

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the Quran will come. This is what the prophet SAW Selim said like a frail man.

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So the one who memorized it would look at this frail man, this weak man and say, Who are you? And he says, I am the one that kept you awake during the night. I am the one that kept you from the food from this today. Every businessman is looking for his trait, and I am going to protect you. I am going to defend you. This is what the Quran will do. In another narration, the prophets Allah mentioned that the one who memorized the Quran, his parents would be crowned.

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So imagine the parents are wearing the crown. One jewel in this crown is better than entire Earth.

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So imagine that for the parents. What about the one who did memorize the Quran, how much reward he or she will get?

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Recently in Syria, one of the youngsters she finished memorizing the Quran, and usually we have like a celebration we have sought. Our teacher was happy she was proud. Again, when you have a student that is finishing the Quran, you feel that it is achievement for you, not only for the student, so she told her, we want to set the date for your celebration. We want to invite your parents and everyone that you may want. She said no, I don't want that. She said Why?

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She said I want to ask you first. Is it true that on the Day of Judgment, my parents would be crowned? She said yes. She said I want to surprise them on the Day of Judgment. I didn't tell them that I memorized the Quran. I want them on the day of judgment when they wear the crown to ask how we got that to say that it is from your daughter. See how sincere is this girl. She's This was recently just recently happened. So your intention when you memorize the Quran is just to please Allah subhanaw taala before you look for what people are going to tell you or what are going to respect you or they put you in front to lead the prayer. It is to please Allah subhanaw taala it is

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the word of Allah. So this is the Quran. You start with the Quran.

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Everything is related to the Quran. Now mainly what we have is the sciences of the Quran. This is what we have.

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And the main science is Tafseer. In Arabic, we have many books, many of them called sciences of the Quran, Allah Quran, how many there is about 7070 types of sciences of the Quran.

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Like what

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I asked were revealed

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there are if that were based on the reason of Revelation.

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So you know, the context of the higher it will be clear and I gave you the example yesterday about going between Safa and Marwa

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if you read the ayah without the context you think that it's okay whether to

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walk or not to walk, but that's not the ruling the ruling is that it is a must. Why because of the reason of Revelation, the context. So there is an entire science called as Babu

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Babu causes of revelation

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then we have

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have something called mucky and maddening what was revealed before he draw and what was revealed after he drew, you look at the Quran, you look at the sutras and immediately you have a map that this was revealed earlier, this was revealed later. So you have kind of chronicles of the Quran how or which students came first, because the order we have the order now we start with what Surah Fatiha, then Al Baqarah that doesn't mean the first surah that was revealed Al Fatiha and the second Surah Al Baqarah. No, there is a wisdom behind that the order of the Quran that we have but the first Sooners were revealed. We have the first five Ayat of surah Allah that was revealed first. So

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when you know what was revealed, first, you will have even better understanding. So that's why itself is a science matki and madonie.

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Then we have a Atilla cam, the is about the rulings, only the rulings because we have in the Quran, I asked about stories,

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history, we have the oneness of Allah subhanaw taala. And then we have is about the outcome, the rulings, some scholars say they are roughly 500 is

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less, or roughly less than 10% of

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the entire

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Ayat of the Quran. So you have only little links, every idea and the rulings that pertain to this idea. So this is an example I'm telling you this, you don't have to know all the sciences as a student of knowledge you should. But again, what is available in English.

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Very good book.

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It is long, but for you the beginning of it. That's a must for a student of knowledge is the book of Pepsi loving caffeine.

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And that's why I wanted to show you here because

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let me see, if you turn off the light I think it will help.

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Yeah, this is

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serving kefir. This where is it is

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this one?

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You see the 10 volume set?

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Volume One, only Volume One. Now, by the way, as a student of knowledge, you have to have a library

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in your house. What are the books that you have?

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You cannot every time go online? Yes. Now this is an alternative that we have books online. But like this book, how can you read it, it's not available online, you have to have it physically.

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You have to establish a relationship with reading with the books. So this is a book that is a must to have bought for you as a student of knowledge what you need now is almost the first 60 pages of volume one. Why? Because it talks about the ayat it talks about the sciences of the Quran In brief, so you will have brief not enough not full understanding of the sciences of the Quran, but it is a good introduction.

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This is something so that's

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one, then

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this is another good book.

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an introduction to the principles of the fear.

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This introduction was written by one of these scholars have been Tamia Rahim Allah. Here, what you have in this book is the explanation of that introduction. So it's even easier. Sometimes when you read directly from the words of scholars, it will be a little bit difficult, but if it's explained, it will make it easy for you. So, this is an explanation of the introduction, this introduction to our to the principles of Tafseer. Again, the Quran is open anyone can benefit from it, no one can tell you stop reading from it, no one can tell you stop understanding it, but there is still a way a proper way. You cannot come to any eye and say this is the interpretation you have to be qualified.

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So here it will give you like a guideline of certain things, not everything but many things that how the ayat are interpreted. So this is a good introduction

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for you to one of the sciences, which is

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the Tafseer

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so now when you

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read the Quran,

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memorized it, at least you're reading the Quran and everyday you should have a portion that should be read one juice, three juice, five juice, whatever you can read. This by itself is an objective. For a student of knowledge, you have to read the Quran one later

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lefou Alif Lam Meem have it flat mean, these are three, these are three letters, not only one so you get 30 Hassan. So this is by itself is an objective. You read the Quran, now you are on the way to understanding the Quran to understanding how to interpret the Quran, how you deduce the rulings directly from the Quran.

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So, when you move to the Tafseer, what do we have in the Tafseer, one of the best books available in English, the one that I showed you?

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It's 10 volumes. It is large, but there is a summary to that. So you should have this book. But you start with something smaller. Like the brief interpretation.

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The brief of this one is like three volumes only.

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So you,

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you read the three volumes, and then you move to this one. why I'm saying this One important note. One thing that you should remember always, never be in rush. Never be hasty. Well, there is 10 volumes, why would I go for the three volumes, I have the 10 volumes, so let's go for this. Chances are you will never finish reading them.

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You will start with volume one. If you finish it, most likely you will stop at Volume Two, maybe halfway. If you finished it maybe so it is not easy. That's why always, always finish what you started.

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finish what you started. This is a problem for students of knowledge. They don't know where to start, because they don't have the clear map of what to do. If they did start, they don't finish what they started for you. And I saw that. I don't know if I told you that before when we were students, some of the colleagues you find with them a book of Hadith Sahih al Bukhari.

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So first day they are reading from Salah Bukhari. So expect them to keep reading until they finish next day, they have another book book of al Qaeda. What's going on? What happened to that book? Nanaki that is more important, we have to understand our Creator more. Okay, next day book effect. What is this? Well, I need to learn the practical knowledge, practical rulings. So they go from one type to another type and they never finish.

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So you start something, finish it.

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Therefore, when you start with the tafsir, take a book that you finish it completely, completely, then you move to another book. That's why the 10 volumes, you should have it why these will be like references for you. Yes, you're not reading from them from cover to cover always. But an idea came to you and you wanted to understand its meaning. You have this encyclopedia, you go back and you see its meaning. Because it's there you have 10 volumes. But generally, you read the three volumes, you read it completely and then you move to this one. So that's the seal

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after the Tafseer we have the sciences of Hadith

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or lwml Hadith.

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Why this is important for many people, especially the non Muslims

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and the new Muslims as well. How we received the religion,

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the Quran, there is no doubt about it, because it was multiplied narrated. You go anywhere in the world. Someone made a mistake immediately. Not only one but a lot of people will correct him or her why it was multiply narrated, it was verbally taken from the prophets. I send them by the companions from the companions by successors from the successors by their successors all the way until our time we have a list Actually, I could show you I personally made the list of the famous

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The famous narrator's of the Quran, not everyone because you cannot trace everyone. So the Quran there is no doubt that it came and the last 100 Allah guaranteed the protection of the Quran. But what about the Hadith?

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How do you know that this is something the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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How do you know?

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At the time of the companions, late companions, the young ones that lived alone, and the successors of the companions? Some people started narrating things that are not true, but how can you tell it is true, they started the process of verification of every single Hadeeth. Just like now I don't know if you have this here the credit score, if you want to go and buy a car installment, you go to the bank, they see your credit worthiness because we have this in America, two people buying the same thing, one of them get it cheaper, why? Because his credit score is higher.

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This is built on time based on the time, your credit, how many times you were late in your payments, how many times you paid on time? What are your assets? What do you have? How much credit is there on your balance? All that is a factor, then they determine what's your credit score. So in Islam, for every single Hadith, we have more accurate system.

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Immediately you could tell for those who have knowledge, this is weak. This is authentic, but how people don't understand that we have great type of knowledge that no other religion, no other civilization has which is a lumen Hadith.

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The sciences of Hadith, why mainly tracing the narrator's scholars came who is narrating this hadith this man who is this man? This man is so and so. How is his memory? Was he telling from his memory or he was telling from a book he was telling from a book Where did he get it from? From so and so? Because that's the chain of narrators. Okay. Did he meet with him? When did he die when the Batman died? In what place? Did they meet?

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Very hard process they went through

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don't think that imaginable Hydra Rahim Allah His book,

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haphazardly became number one book of Hadith.

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Number one book after the book of Allah, why he chose only authentic narrations from the authentic narrations. He said I chose only the ones that are the top

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he said I memorize 100,000 Hadith that is authentic 100,200 1000 that is not authentic.

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So, the ratio whenever you have one Hadith that is authentic, you will have two that are not authentic from this 100,000 how many hadiths does he have how many narrations he have in his book

00:33:14 --> 00:33:15


00:33:16 --> 00:33:25

So, that is 7% he selected from what he had from what he memorized? How much 7% only

00:33:28 --> 00:33:36

again there was a process how to understand that there are books written one of the best books

00:33:38 --> 00:33:41

is Makati madness Allah

00:33:43 --> 00:33:46

let me see where what is that one?

00:33:47 --> 00:33:51

I hope I still have it because I tried to copy it

00:34:13 --> 00:34:16

is here just a second than

00:34:19 --> 00:34:21

an introductory as this is the one

00:34:28 --> 00:34:29

man effect

00:34:32 --> 00:34:33

aluminum Hadith

00:34:34 --> 00:34:37

or it's known as introduction of witness Salah.

00:34:42 --> 00:34:49

What does it say here on the top and introduction to the science of Hadith.

00:34:52 --> 00:34:54

That is a very good book.

00:34:57 --> 00:34:58

Another one

00:35:14 --> 00:35:15

Another one is

00:35:20 --> 00:35:21

called the textbook

00:35:22 --> 00:35:24

on Hadith studies, this one.

00:35:31 --> 00:35:32

This one,

00:35:33 --> 00:35:41

that one might seem a little bit difficult for you for one reason why, because it is a translation from a scholar,

00:35:42 --> 00:36:10

a classic work and classic work needs more time in reading and understanding. But it's better, I always recommend the original work. For a true student of knowledge, he would go for the original work, these are easier, this one is definitely easier to read. So you might want to start with this. But go back to that one that is better. So these are two options in English in Arabic, I would have given you a lot.

00:36:11 --> 00:36:13

There are many

00:36:16 --> 00:36:16

other books.

00:36:17 --> 00:36:22

And by the way, for I forget, you see where I opened

00:36:28 --> 00:36:29

this website.

00:36:37 --> 00:36:40

Just let me show you, for I forget

00:36:44 --> 00:36:45

the center.

00:36:48 --> 00:36:49

Let me see what is the

00:37:00 --> 00:37:04

Center for Muslim contribution to civilization.

00:37:06 --> 00:37:09

This is a branch of the college in Qatar.

00:37:11 --> 00:37:15

That center is funded directly from the royal family in Qatar.

00:37:16 --> 00:37:18

Their books are the greatest.

00:37:19 --> 00:37:26

The best books, and this is the list of them. You see, this is what I'm going through their books are the best.

00:37:27 --> 00:37:46

One thing though they are classic work. There is nothing recent like something that is done now. All their books are classic work, original work. And they were done in a very, very high standard. The translation is not done by only one person but by a committee.

00:37:48 --> 00:37:51

So any book that you get from them,

00:37:52 --> 00:38:02

you see always there they have the Center for Muslim contribution to civilization, any book that you have from them

00:38:03 --> 00:38:05

is useful. But again,

00:38:07 --> 00:38:13

it might not be suitable for you at this time. Maybe later, because some of these books are advanced.

00:38:14 --> 00:38:15

Some of these books

00:38:16 --> 00:38:24

are advanced, and some of them like this one electoral ferry the unique necklace. This is about the history of Al Andalus.

00:38:28 --> 00:38:30

This is about the history of Al Andalus.

00:38:32 --> 00:39:23

So it's not related directly to you this one, one of the books, part of the curriculum for master's students in our university, the ordinances of government. Why this is a political book written by one of the scholars, Shafi scholars demanded malady, but he talks about the order of the state the rules on the duties of the halifa, who is eligible to be halifa, for the Muslims, what are the duties of the judge who can be elected as a judge, the PR the diplomatic relations, everything is here in this book, but for you now you start with the main types of knowledge. And then you go to these books. Same thing when you go to any website for books like that Islam library.

00:39:25 --> 00:40:00

Okay, this is an example, real life lessons from the Holy Quran. No book is not useful. Every book is useful, right? But it's not time for you. You have a map, okay, you have a direction. You go through that direction. You don't go right or left. Every book is useful, but it's not time for you. Many times people come to me and tell me this is a book I want you to read. I say I will try but I don't promise you because I have. I have other things to do. And I can put it on

00:40:00 --> 00:40:09

The list if there is time, yes, I can read it. If not, then I'm not going to read it. The same thing for you. You have priorities. So back to our sciences of Hadith.

00:40:11 --> 00:40:21

two books you have two choices textbook on hubby's terminology that is recent one. And the best one is the method masala, the one that I showed you.

00:40:22 --> 00:40:39

That will give you a clear understanding. Of course, even if you read it by yourself, you will understand only so much you need the teacher. You need someone to explain someone who lived through the narrations can tell you what does this mean can show you.

00:40:41 --> 00:40:47

Once you finish that, then you go to the books of Hadith.

00:40:49 --> 00:40:55

The books of Hadith. Also, Hadith should be something that you read

00:40:57 --> 00:41:01

scholars in the past, they memorized

00:41:02 --> 00:41:30

a hadith. memorization of Hadith for them was an objective Why? Just like the Quran, you're memorizing the Quran and every letter you read, you get the reward. This is Heidi, what you memorize is the Sierra the life of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. So that by itself is an objective also, not only to learn to learn the rulings, but to know more the prophet SAW Selim. So they call al halfhill. What's the meaning of Al hafjell?

00:41:34 --> 00:41:42

The one who memorize that is the half of generally, nowadays we call some people half What do we mean when we call someone half

00:41:44 --> 00:41:57

who memorize Quran to them that's not even considered something or achievement memorizing the Quran I told it's the first step. Have you at their time is the one who memorized at least 100,000 Hadith

00:41:58 --> 00:42:00

100,000 Hadith.

00:42:02 --> 00:42:08

Now when I say Hadith, it doesn't mean the text of the Hadith. It means the Hadith within aerators

00:42:09 --> 00:42:10

within aerators

00:42:11 --> 00:42:35

it sounds exaggeration, right? It sounds difficult. It's not difficult because those people that's what they did. That was their business for us every day we have many things to worry about the features of this laptop, they form the so we also have fought but in different ways in many other ways, not in the knowledge, but for them that was their focus.

00:42:36 --> 00:42:37


00:42:38 --> 00:42:47

there is the sciences of Hadith. These two books will give you a clear idea then there is the books of Hadith. We have the authentic books.

00:42:49 --> 00:43:05

Saya Bukhari and Muslim. We have recent scholar who passed away abandoned Rahim Allah, He tried to select and choose the authentic narrations from the rest of the books, tsunami, tsunami, telemovie.

00:43:07 --> 00:43:08

Tsunami been major

00:43:11 --> 00:43:12


00:43:13 --> 00:43:16

abodo a tirmidhi. They've been major

00:43:18 --> 00:43:36

animals and suddenly say four books. Some people say that the six authentic books this is not true, because they are not all authentic. The only ones that are authentic, which means you don't need to check on the validity of the Hadith. It is authentic, once you read it from the books Sahil Bukhari and Muslim

00:43:37 --> 00:43:43

then the rest of the books, the four books, some of them, they have weak narrations.

00:43:45 --> 00:43:54

Those scholars, why didn't they worry a lot about the authenticity because they tell you we gave you the chain of narrators. You check on them.

00:43:55 --> 00:44:05

They they their job they told you it's narrated to me from this man. This man took it from that man that man took it from this companion and this companion took it from the prophet SAW Selim.

00:44:06 --> 00:44:29

Somewhere between three to nine people. These are the chains of narrators, the minimum is three. Imam Al Bukhari, the shortest Hadith that he had three people between him and the Prophet size Allah the longest was nine, nine people. So somewhere between three and nine people, nowadays, this is what is called the rainbow region, the knowledge of the people

00:44:31 --> 00:45:00

to see their credit worthiness, are they credit worthy or not? Nowadays, this type of knowledge is not existent. Why those people passed away already. What we could do is to open the books and see the degree of this man. We cannot anymore validate or this credit this person why they're not there anymore, but the people who were alive at that time. This is what they said. There are scholars like even harder. He gathered all the knowledge

00:45:00 --> 00:45:05

writers that are mentioned in these books and listed them, each one gave him the

00:45:06 --> 00:45:22

degree or the level based on the words of the scholars. So that's what usually people do for you. Now, again, there is a lot to talk about, but for you now, as a beginner in seeking knowledge, once you learn the

00:45:23 --> 00:46:09

basics about sciences of Hadith, you go to the Hadith itself. You start with Sahil Bukhari and it is available I'm sure it is also available in Mali. So whether it's in English, of course, the best is in Arabic, but if you don't know Arabic, you have English, or in Malay, you read it That by itself is an objective. Reading the Hadith is an objective. Then, again, you go to the commentary, on the Hadith. We have Albury shareasale Bukhari big book that took over 10 years. Imagine 10 years working on one book, trying to explain it. That's what they've been allotted. I don't know if it's available in Mali for Turnberry, is it available

00:46:13 --> 00:46:15

why they are better than you?

00:46:16 --> 00:46:17

You let them do something?

00:46:18 --> 00:46:24

So you can understand and read the Indonesian. So when we will have it in Malaysian.

00:46:26 --> 00:46:33

Okay, so this is one book Sahih Muslim. Also it was explained by Mr. manoli.

00:46:35 --> 00:47:07

First, again, as I said tech, first things first, even Sahil Bukhari a lot of narrations are repeated. So the site itself, the book itself, could be six volumes. But you could have it in one book. What do you have the summary masaharu start with that. Why I'm saying this because who finished it from cover to cover? So you need to start with that. Then you go to the full book.

00:47:08 --> 00:47:10

And then you go to the commentary.

00:47:12 --> 00:47:22

So that's about the Hadith. We have the sciences of Hadith. We have the books of Hadith. The essential books are six then we have three more books.

00:47:25 --> 00:47:27

Mainly Muslim of Eman.

00:47:31 --> 00:47:39

Muslim doggy Mama, big book, Imam Ahmed Rahim Allah, do you know how many narrations they memorize? How many a hadith

00:47:41 --> 00:47:42

1 million,

00:47:43 --> 00:47:50

1 million. But most of them are not authentic. Actually, he started with his son.

00:47:52 --> 00:47:55

For three years, he was teaching him the Hadith.

00:47:56 --> 00:48:04

After he finished he told him all the narrations that I told you in those three years, he said yes, he said all of them are not authentic.

00:48:05 --> 00:48:55

All of them. Whenever you hear them, they are not authentic. That's what he started with him. Then he moved to the authentic narrations. This is a madman. That's why they call them a meme. And as soon as the meme of lasuna what he memorized is something huge because he went to many shoe. When he started in his place in Baghdad after he finished no one else to take from he went to another city. At their time. It was not easy to move. He traveled east to what we call nowadays, Iran from Iran to Afghanistan, he went that far. And he came back. He went to Egypt, he went to Egypt, all that walking or riding, not flying, not driving. So it was not easy. It took them years that was their

00:48:55 --> 00:48:56

life. So

00:48:58 --> 00:49:09

Muslims have a management that's one book, once you finish those nine books, mostly there is no other Hadith that is authentic is outside those books. Mostly.

00:49:10 --> 00:49:26

You have them you have this, these books, and you should have them the books the full book sale Bukhari, Muslim, semolina, sorry, even magic at Timothy a Buddhahood. All of them you should have them why they include the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam

00:49:27 --> 00:49:28

when it comes to now,

00:49:37 --> 00:49:40

so this is about the Hadith. Next we have

00:49:42 --> 00:49:51

which is the practical understanding of the rulings. And what you start with his textbook, small text

00:49:53 --> 00:49:55

in one school of thought,

00:49:56 --> 00:49:59

in one school of thought, nowadays again, if you go online

00:50:00 --> 00:50:04

You find some books they call them like, let's say,

00:50:06 --> 00:50:29

Phil Kolkata was sooner fake from the book and the sooner This is not a way for a student of knowledge. They always started with a school of thought, what is the common school of thought here? shuffling. So you start with the textbook, brief textbook and the common one, the one that is known most method ABC job.

00:50:31 --> 00:50:33

And it is available in English

00:50:34 --> 00:50:35

textbook in Shafi.

00:50:37 --> 00:50:58

Abu shujaa is one of the scholars Shafi scholars. He wrote the textbook, the statement is brief. It's simple and it is direct. Actually, most of what we take in the course, most of it is from there. And I noticed you have here. Could you give me one of the because it's in Malaysia, I think

00:51:00 --> 00:51:01

only Arabic?

00:51:03 --> 00:51:03


00:51:07 --> 00:51:11

This is Yeah, this is Arabic while you have this?

00:51:17 --> 00:51:38

Oh, okay. Okay. Yeah, this is a current book, that he it's called the heap. What did this chef do? Dr. Mustapha Alba, he's Syrian, a Syrian? What did he do? He came to that text. And every statement, he mentioned the evidence for it.

00:51:39 --> 00:51:56

That's all what he did. For a student of knowledge, you start from the text only? Why, as a beginner, you don't have to know the evidence as a beginner. I'm not saying you don't have to know the evidence. But as a beginner, yes, you don't have to know the evidence why you are following now.

00:51:57 --> 00:51:59

You take the text,

00:52:00 --> 00:52:04

you know it. And I'm saying you know it, because in the past, they would memorize it.

00:52:05 --> 00:52:22

How big is it, it's about 20 pages, 30 pages, it takes from them a month, less than a month and they memorize the text. Immediately. They you ask them about something, they tell you the phrase from the text directly. But this one method amisha it's very, very brief.

00:52:25 --> 00:52:32

Not only that, they compose poems, to facilitate the memorization because poetry is easier to memorize

00:52:33 --> 00:52:42

than mere text. So they did that as well. But that's why I'm telling you in Arabic, it would have been different this session would have been different if it was in Arabic.

00:52:43 --> 00:52:45

So after doing that,

00:52:47 --> 00:53:05

after finishing from the text, and why I'm saying that text you see in the course of fit, what we have clear statements, direct statements, that's all because you have the solid knowledge at the beginning. You go to read this scholar said this, that scholar said that what will happen, you'll be confused.

00:53:06 --> 00:53:32

This is what happens nowadays. People say no, no, I want to know all the opinions. No, as a student of knowledge, beginner, you start with only the text in one school of thought. After that, you go to the second level, still, it is not even intermediate, it's still in the beginning level. You go to another book that is bigger than this one, but in one school of thought as well.

00:53:34 --> 00:53:58

Like, I mean Hajj for a moment. Naui Rahim Allah, it's bigger than the textbook. After that, you go for the evidences. Still, you are in one school of thought. Then if you wanted to expand, then you can go for the books, what we call physical health, the disagreement of this agreement and one of the great books. It's also here in this

00:54:00 --> 00:54:04

but remember, that's the end. That's not the beginning. That is the end.

00:54:10 --> 00:54:20

Be there too much the head that's why it's called budaya. The beginner for the one who is performing HD hat, it's called the distinguished jurist primer,

00:54:21 --> 00:54:22

Volume One and two.

00:54:25 --> 00:54:28

This Imam he follows the Maliki school of thought.

00:54:30 --> 00:54:34

Okay, but but he mentioned

00:54:36 --> 00:54:43

the other schools of thought. And the thing that is very good about this book, he mentions why they disagree.

00:54:45 --> 00:54:50

Which is very helpful, but not for someone at the beginner level.

00:54:52 --> 00:54:59

This also is actually part of the curriculum of various university but in the advanced level, not for year one

00:55:00 --> 00:55:15

For you, too, that's later why. First you need to have solid knowledge in one school of thought otherwise you will be confused. You'll be confused. Now, what's most what people are doing nowadays? Unfortunately, is this they say, No, no, we want to start with this.

00:55:16 --> 00:55:28

No, you don't start with this, you end with this. You start with one school of thought only. But the beautiful thing as I said about this book, he mentions the reasons why they differ.

00:55:29 --> 00:55:46

In every school of thought almost you have a similar book, where a scholar mentions the opinion what he believes is the correct opinion based on the school of thought. And he mentions other opinions like in the Shafi school of thought, we have the book of Imam nawawi el muchmore.

00:55:48 --> 00:55:49

Is it available in Malay

00:55:51 --> 00:56:08

in English, it is available and much more. Remember, now Rama, Allah, He died before finishing this book, he reads the transactions, the book of transaction, all the book of very bad that all of it is finished, he finished it, but then he passed away before finishing

00:56:10 --> 00:56:57

or completing the book. He mentions the correct opinion according to the chef, a school of thought the evidence and then he mentioned the other opinions. And the handily fifth of remember, we have the book called alimony for Kodama, the same thing. He mentions all other opinions, big books, these are big books. Okay, it's good to have them. In case one time you heard about the case and you wanted to know the opinions, you go and open it, but not to start with them. Chances are you will never finishing reading them. You start with a brief textbook, then explain textbook only the text only the text then you go for the evidences for one school of thought then if you wanted only then

00:56:57 --> 00:56:59

you go for these kinds of books.

00:57:02 --> 00:57:02


00:57:03 --> 00:57:09

once you reach that, then there is something that combines

00:57:10 --> 00:57:13

fake and Hadith, what we call called Hadith

00:57:14 --> 00:57:31

narrations that are only about rulings. Just like the ayat about the rulings. The Prophet sighs Allah is giving the ruling about a transaction about divorce about a bad day about anything. And we have a book called the wrong data.

00:57:33 --> 00:57:34

On the telecom

00:57:36 --> 00:57:37

it's a small book

00:57:39 --> 00:57:46

500 narrations that's all less than that. So these are 500 narrations, but all of them about what

00:57:48 --> 00:57:59

rulings And the beautiful thing is that it is authentic? It's narrated in both Sahaja Muslim so these narrations you don't need to check on their validity they are authentic,

00:58:00 --> 00:58:09

every Hadeeth what are the rulings that will help you but again, this is not beginner level. This is advanced level.

00:58:10 --> 00:58:24

Then we have blue will muram also, it's the same thing but this is advanced. This is over 1000 narrations okay? And some of them are not really authentic.

00:58:27 --> 00:58:28


00:58:30 --> 00:58:36

Okay, what is the purpose? Here? The Hadith is about

00:58:38 --> 00:58:47

rulings. So you are not only reading that purification has to start with the right hand and then the left hand you have the Hadith

00:58:48 --> 00:59:11

from the Hadith you are learning the ruling and what scholars said. But that's again, advanced level. And I'm telling you you read this scholars, when they were students of knowledge would memorize that they would start with on the clock and then they would go for Bulova muram then they would go for another one 5000 narrations, Mancha, Calabar

00:59:15 --> 00:59:23

but for us now, time has changed. So we're asking you only to read and not even now later. You don't even read it now later.

00:59:25 --> 00:59:25


00:59:27 --> 00:59:28


00:59:30 --> 00:59:31

this is about

00:59:32 --> 00:59:48

the basic feel of one school of thought fit with evidence then if you wanted to go for a second color, then physical Hadith. Then after that also alpha principles of jurisprudence, when you are reading

00:59:50 --> 00:59:57

you know, the ruling only what you know is the ruling. But what about the principal?

00:59:59 --> 00:59:59


01:00:00 --> 01:00:12

This ruling came, how scholars reach that conclusion that this is the ruling. This is something you study in principles of jurisprudence.

01:00:13 --> 01:00:50

And there are many books written about principles of jurisprudence in English. One good book is the book of a current teacher. He is a doctor, actually at the International Islamic University here. The book is good. There are some notes, you have to be careful, he's hanafy, not chaffey. But the book generally is good. It's called principles of jurisprudence. And I mentioning this book because again, for lack of other alternatives in Arabic, I could give you at least 10 books at least. But in English, this is the one that comes to mind. I don't know if you have anything in Mali, for Solon.

01:00:51 --> 01:01:40

So this is helpful, why it's helpful because, you know, how scholars reached that conclusion that this is the ruling based on that. It will help you in the methodology of deriving the rulings. So you're not only learning the ruling, but learning how this ruling was formed. That's why books like that are solid, what do they discuss? They discuss the book of Allah Quran, what are the ayat of the how we are derived from the book of Allah, the Sunnah of the prophet SAW Selim, the validity of the Sunnah and then they move to the rulings from the narrations. Then they go through each map, unanimous consensus of the scholars of the Muslim Ummah, why it is an evidence who said it is an

01:01:40 --> 01:01:52

evidence who disagreed, then they go to chaos, how to perform a chaos, how a ruling is based on another ruling, how to reach a verdict, all that is discussed in person and

01:01:53 --> 01:01:58

then after that, there is even an advanced science Maxim's of

01:02:00 --> 01:02:01

Maxim's of

01:02:04 --> 01:02:21

like what I give you one simple Maxim kulu, neji sin Haram. Every impurity is prohibited. That's a maxim. So anytime you see something that is impure, you don't need to ask is this halal or haram? Why?

01:02:22 --> 01:02:33

It's haram kulu every this type of knowledge is advanced. It will help you or give you overlook an overlook over the rulings.

01:02:35 --> 01:02:36

You have to have Maxim's of

01:02:37 --> 01:02:41

scholars said no judge is allowed to

01:02:42 --> 01:02:45

carry a verdict without knowing the Maxim's of

01:02:48 --> 01:02:51

we have five major Maxim's

01:02:52 --> 01:03:13

and omorovicza Casa de that's number one. It's based on the Hadith of the Prophet SAW Selim actions depend on their intentions about our use al Han is to be removed. Anything that causes harm is to be removed. And from every major Maxim there are many Maxim's derived as well. And there are many books

01:03:14 --> 01:03:22

in English Actually, I don't know if there is any available books, but what we did at the university, we translated one of the Arabic books

01:03:24 --> 01:03:29

and inshallah life could be available, this is actually part of the curriculum for the next program. inshallah.

01:03:30 --> 01:03:47

Once we confirm it, finally, next semester, inshallah there will be a subject of Maxim's so that's Maxim's, then after that there is another type of knowledge that's only for the advanced, you see, so you have fit

01:03:48 --> 01:03:55

and fit many levels, then you have a suitable fit. When you have Maxim's of fit when you have objectives.

01:03:57 --> 01:04:01

macassar the Sharia objectives of the religion Mikasa the Sharia.

01:04:04 --> 01:04:07

And a very brief statement.

01:04:08 --> 01:04:19

At the beginning of this type of knowledge, it says that the entire religion came to preserve the five necessities, five things that are necessary, the Sharia came to preserve them.

01:04:21 --> 01:04:21

The self,

01:04:23 --> 01:04:43

anything that causes the destruction of the self is prohibited. So that's number one, the property and the money, the Sharia came to preserve your property and your money. So anything that takes your money that is prohibited generally, that's number two, protection of the religion that is number three,

01:04:45 --> 01:04:47

protection of the honor.

01:04:48 --> 01:04:51

So backbiting is prohibited. slander is prohibited

01:04:53 --> 01:05:00

and so on and so forth. So these are the necessities. And from there again, you have the rules.

01:05:00 --> 01:05:22

If you look at a general objective, is it going to achieve one of them? This will allow you in our time, especially in our time, most scholars, they use that in our time across the Sharia, to see the rulings for the current things that are happening in our time. You go back, there is no ruling you read the books of scholars, there is no ruling in the book.

01:05:23 --> 01:05:35

You want to do as you can, but it will be very difficult. You want something more general, that's what fulfills the purpose. Now passage of Sharia the objectives of the religion.

01:05:36 --> 01:05:41

Okay, so that's about fifth. Then we have

01:05:42 --> 01:05:44

we had the, we have the Syrah,

01:05:45 --> 01:05:55

which is the history of the biography of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, you need to know the Prophet sallallahu wasallam your messenger, how much do you know about

01:05:56 --> 01:06:00

so this is more general because it is history.

01:06:03 --> 01:06:11

And we have many books, and this is one of them. As I told you any book that from this center center for

01:06:16 --> 01:06:19

Muslim contribution to civilization,

01:06:22 --> 01:06:28

the life of Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. This is written by a man I've been given

01:06:30 --> 01:06:33

the same author of the FCC.

01:06:34 --> 01:06:38

Okay, it's big book. This one is big book and I don't recommend it for you as a beginner.

01:06:40 --> 01:06:42

But it is a good book.

01:06:43 --> 01:06:58

What we have nowadays, one good book, The seal nectar. Have you heard of this one, seal nectar although this book is not suitable for non Muslims, why it is a translation from the Arabic version

01:06:59 --> 01:06:59


01:07:01 --> 01:07:05

the the English writers, people who write in English they have a different style.

01:07:06 --> 01:07:13

But for a student of knowledge, this is good book there is another book for the same author mobarak 40.

01:07:14 --> 01:07:32

When the moon split, it's a little bit shorter, smaller, easier. So you start with this one, then you go to them then you can go to this one or even to a bigger book. And until now it's not finished translation but they have already four volumes that demand

01:07:34 --> 01:07:44

the demand for remember when Karim Rahim Allah, it has four volumes already and inshallah the rest will come probably it will be seven or eight volumes.

01:07:49 --> 01:07:58

provision for hereafter. That's the name of the book provision for the hereafter. zagal March we had the IRA had the hiring labor

01:07:59 --> 01:08:00

for a man who came

01:08:02 --> 01:08:06

it is available in English and I don't know again in Malaysia, what do you have, you should have

01:08:08 --> 01:08:09

some books.

01:08:12 --> 01:08:21

So that's the Sierra, we will stop here inshallah. I hope you have enough for now to start with.

01:08:22 --> 01:08:40

And let's see where you can go how much you can achieve. But again, please, I want your homework next week, because this will help you I could have given you a big list of books but in Arabic. Okay, that will not be helpful. You want something

01:08:42 --> 01:08:47

practical for you either in English or in Mali. So we'll see inshallah, what you will have next week.

01:08:49 --> 01:08:51

Does Aquila. Hello, solo cinema.

01:08:52 --> 01:08:56

Any questions? Any anything before we leave? Yes.

01:09:09 --> 01:09:10


01:09:12 --> 01:09:16

to salic it's green cover. Yes.

01:09:21 --> 01:09:24

It's I told you it's called the wrong data Salik.

01:09:25 --> 01:09:31

I didn't mention it for two reasons. First one, this is not the beginner that's that goes to the second level.

01:09:33 --> 01:09:42

Okay, it's still considered in the beginner level but second level not the first one. First one is Bettina. We should Yeah, that's number one. Number two, the translator is a big Sufi.

01:09:44 --> 01:09:49

And he added to the book, things that are not there at the beginning of the end. That's why I didn't mention

01:09:50 --> 01:10:00

the book itself is good. I like it because it has Arabic and English and I know what's going on there. I have the Arabic version. I like it many times. I use it in the English, but I didn't mention

01:10:00 --> 01:10:07

For that reason, if you have it, you are careful you know what to do? I would say yeah go ahead and read it.

01:10:13 --> 01:10:20

The translator no Harmon killer that's the name of the translator yeah he's not regular Sophia is extreme

01:10:21 --> 01:10:23

yeah so that's

01:10:25 --> 01:10:35

what that's why you need someone that's why the scholars did not just come like scholars like that they had to you they had teachers mentors to tell them what to do what not to do.

01:10:40 --> 01:10:58

How do you know for you? How do you know because he would tell you do this and you say yeah, this is a ruling and then you don't know that this is wrong. This is not from the book. This is not even on the scholar said even in Arabic. Many scholars warn people from certain books, like Pepsi.

01:11:00 --> 01:11:27

For instance, one of the scholars His name is azim Actually, he was more desolate from the deviant sect of Mata Zilla. His book is excellent. He goes back to the Arabic language. He gives you linguistic translation very good. But they told people be careful from as a machine because he has facts and you don't know when they will hit you. That's what they say. So you have other alternatives. It's better.

01:11:30 --> 01:11:31

Any other questions?

01:11:45 --> 01:11:46

Okay, just like one lock here.

Special course by Yayasan Ta’lim & Arees University. Conducted by Dr Isam Rajab. METHODOLOGY IN SEEKING KNOWLEDGE (session 3)

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