Bilal Dannoun – Tolerance Gentleness And Forgiveness

Bilal Dannoun
AI: Summary © The importance of forgiveness in Islam is discussed, including the use of clemency, tolerance, and softer punishment methods. The speaker emphasizes the need for gentle and tolerance in relationships, avoiding negative consequences, and building confidence. The importance of learning to be creative and disciplined is also emphasized, as it is crucial for achieving good outcomes in learning and teaching others. The speaker also discusses the importance of avoiding war and choosing the easier option, while emphasizing the importance of avoiding negative consequences and building a positive attitude.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa sallahu wa Sallim wa barik ala nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi moraine. All praise is due to Allah and may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and upon all those who follow his footsteps, who follow his Sunnah who follow his methodology until the last day, respected brothers and sisters in Islam. Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Today inshallah huta Eilis lecture is entitled, tolerance, gentleness and forgiveness in Malmo, nowhere rahima hula hula Allah dedicated a chapter to this topic are two chapters to this topic. One of them is entitled

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Babel helmy will enter war risk, which is the chapter related to clemency, tolerance and gentleness and the other is related to forgiveness. Now,

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we have three terms that emammal now we are Hema hula whoo Tyler is alluding to and the first one is a Helen and Helen as has been translated is clemency or it could also be looked at as forbearance, being forbearance or being compassionate or being lenient or having mercy, okay, this is a hill, a hill, okay. Now, another word that was used here that in this chapter was an A, and then here is being tolerant, having tolerance towards others. And the third word that he uses a risk and a risk

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means being gentle, being gentle, and these are all traits, these are all similar traits, okay. But some traits are a little bit more specific than others. Now, when we look at L, Helen, l him is to contain yourself, okay, or to restrain yourself, especially during times of anger, during times of a club of anger, and not being hasty to,

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to punish,

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to punish others, or to pass judgment regarding others. So this is having him being for Barrett.

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The other word is Annette and n is tolerance and not doing things hastily, and not passing judgment without thorough thought prior. So you don't quickly you don't be quick in executing a punishment or a judgment without giving it some time and really thinking about it. Okay. Also, we have the word risk, and risk is to be said, means to be gentle to be lenient,

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even if someone is deserving of a punishment. So having this gentleness, or a riff, even if somebody is deserving of it now, the only exception would be when it comes to the Sharia or to the laws of Allah whereby Allah Subhana Allah has given clear instructions to carry out a punishment, to carry out a punishment. So for example, when we open up the port and to sort of a new sort of annuity in the second verse of this surah, Allah subhanaw taala talks about the punishment of as zanni or azania to was zanni. The ones who commit adultery, the ones who commit sorry, fornication, Zina, those who commit fornication Zina, Allah subhana wa Ireland, he says was there near towards any

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federally do coolabah heading Minh who may attend Delta well, whose combi hemara Fatone feeding Illa. Now here, Allah subhanaw taala specifically says that the the zania the zania hear that in reference to is an unmarried an unmarried woman zania was zanni is an unmarried man

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fell found guilty of sexual *. Allah subhanaw taala says federally do Kula hidden men who may

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then last

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Each one of them 100 times. So there is there to be last each one of them with 100 lashes. And then Allah Subhana Allah says, one can beat him out photon feeding Allah and do not be taken by PT. So here Do not be taken by pity for them in the religion of Allah, in other words, our laws law. So

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the point that we're making here is that yes, as Muslims, we are gentle and we do pattern but there are times where this is not warranted. And this is

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because the Sharia of Allah subhana wa Taala is there for the protection of society as a whole. So, when you have these laws in place, it is out to benefit the society as a whole. Otherwise, if these things if these

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acts which are deemed as severe in grave acts, or sinful actions, if they are to be pardoned, then they can be a great deal of fitna of widespread corruption on this earth and in societies. So Islam has imposed the severe punishment and penalty for certain crimes or for certain scenes, which are for the benefit of society as a whole. So when it comes to

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Zina, when it comes to fornication, or when it comes to adultery, if a person is to be convicted, and the punishment is to be given to them, Well, in this case, there needs to be at least a confession. There needs to be a volunteer confession. So somebody has to come to the judge and say, I confess that I did such and such an act, then they

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they would be punished. And likewise, if for witnesses, there has to be four witnesses for sexual * there needs to be for witnesses who witnessed the act itself, before judgment can be passed. So, so not, not all sins are not all wrong actions are to be pardoned, especially when it comes to the shadows of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Now remember, no Rahim Allah who to Allah. He includes a verse, the first verse that he mentioned in this chapter,

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is from sort of Allah Emraan verse 134, Allah subhanho wa Taala says, we'll kill the mean and Hiva will afina annina. Swallow who you have been watching in Allah subhanho wa Taala here

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talks about

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talks about one of the traits of takuan and mood takuna. Those who have Tukwila weren't keen on Muhtar, Kent or moutoku, whom Jenna has been prepared for and one of the traits and the characteristics of the people of gender who will go to gender and the people of taqwa Allah subhanaw taala says will tell the mean Allah hive will tell the mean and hive means those who repress or suppress the anger, who suppress their anger, who control their anger will kill the mean alive. So

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so when they become angry, they actually control their anger. And

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Allah says, when I feel that I need ness, when I feel and Ines

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those who pardon others, those who pardon others. Now, when we go when we look at those who suppress their anger, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he complimented this verse with a hadith. In the words of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he once said, les says Shadi do the surah that the strong person is not the one who can wrestle his opponent to the ground, or who is you know, good at wrestling, mistura. What is in the machete, do levy yamla Kuhn epsa, who and alojado but the strong person is the one who controls himself, or suppresses his anger. The one who controls himself when he is angry, that is the strong person. That's how you measure your strength as a human being

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how much control do you have over your anger

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Allah subhanaw taala says will cow the mean alive. Those who control their anger will laugh ina and Ines and those who pardon others.

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So when it comes to pardoning others as well,

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now a person

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is pardoned, if it's certainly not to do with the Sharia of Allah subhanaw taala. Well, there's no specific punishment that should be handed out or meted out to the person who commits a sin. But if a person for example, let's say for example, a person who has committed a sin, and this sin, there is no specific punishment for then it's up to a person to it's up to, for example, the judge,

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or the one in authority to hand out the punishment. When do you forgive and when don't you forgive? Now, the basic rule is this. If a person

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is known, not to be remorseful or regretful and he's going to it appears that he's going to continue with his with his scene or with his evil Okay, then this person should receive a punishment, but if a person is is regretful and remorseful, and this person is sincere,

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then this person

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is encouraged to, to forgive that person and to pardon that person. So you look at you assess the situation.

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So a person who will not only repeat his offense, if it's likely that he's not going to repeat his offense, then it's encouraged to forgive that person. And then we find in sueded assura, from the Quran in verse number 40. Allah subhanaw taala says feminazi was Lucha for Andrew who Allah Allah. here Allah subhanho wa Taala is encouraging pardoning and encouraging forgiveness. And he says, But whoever pardons and makes reconciliation, his reward is jus from Eliza Richard. He's rewarded from Allah azza wa jal. So there is an encouragement to forgive people but you need to look at whether there is a benefit is going to come about

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in that pardoning or not.

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Now mmm now we Rahim Allahu taala.

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included a number of other other yet and from amongst yet that included Allah subhanho wa Taala says,

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show forgiveness, enjoy what is good and turn away from the foolish. And then in another area. Allah says the good deed and the evil deed cannot be equal, repel the evil, the evil with one which is better.

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And, and in another verse, Allah subhanaw taala says And verily, who so ever shows patience and forgives, that would truly be from the things recommended by Allah azza wa jal, so there's a recommendation to be forgiving and to pardon. Now, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has mentioned a number of hadiths to do with being tolerant and being forgiving, and being gentle. What have you thought I want to share with you is the habit of Eben at best of the love one woman that we find in Sahih Muslim. It's about two qualities that Eliza which are loves. And this hadith is whereby the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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he said to one of the Sahaba

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Abdullah case, he said to him

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in a thicker hustla Taney, you hit boom Allah, I'll fill mobile Anna, he said, You possess two qualities, you have about you two qualities that Allah subhana wa Taala loves. So, what are these two qualities that Allah loves? He mentioned them and he says they move while Anna and him and he said they are clemency they have been for barent having forbearance and tolerance being tolerant. Okay. So, these are two qualities that Allah subhanahu wa taala loves and so we should you know work our utmost to have those qualities within us inshallah and not being hasty to pass judgment and punishment towards others. Now, Allah soprano water Island

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we learn here

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Is raffia he is raffia in this hadith is next how do you how do you survive for the love wine that we find in hiring we find the Muslim

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Allah one huh what Allah has says the prophet SAW Selim said in Allah Hara Fie upon you. hibore rifka Phil Embry coolly that Allah subhanho wa Taala is for Behrendt and he loves forbearance in all matters. He loves forbearance in all matters. So again, we have to remember that mildness

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also brings human beings closer to one another, and on this on this count, Allah likes it very much because it brings us closer together when you are mild.

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In another Hadith

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I struggle on her also report that we find in Sahih Muslim in Allah her affair Can you hit risk while you're on the island, risky mela, European Island own fee? Woman europei lmsc where Allah is, is for Baron and he loves forbearance and rewards for forbearance while he does not reward severity, and does not give for anything beside it. And what's besides forbearance?

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So again, let's remember that the opposite of being mild is being harsh, and being severe. I mean, think about it. If the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was harsh and aggressive in his dour, do you think he would have won and captured the hearts of so many people? I mean, you know, during the farewells, pilgrimage, when he was on the mountain of out of fat, he had at least 114,000 Muslims in front of him, okay, that he captured their hearts as a result of his pristine teachings. And yet,

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we find a verse in the Quran whereby Allah subhana wa Taala, addresses the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he says to him, while I couldn't have been a volleyball pal, Bill and fuck them in How long had you been harsh and aggressive, hard hearted football, Holly's a very, if he had a hard heart, lung fog domain, how they would have fled from around you, the Sahaba wouldn't have been so close to you. And that's the profits for love while he was selling.

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So again, there are there are many strategies and many techniques and many traits that can make you a people's magnet, you know, a people magnet so whereby, you know,

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people, you attract people. So again, one of the most beautiful thing is to be gentle, and to be easy with people and to be tolerant, and to be forgiving, and gentle. Now, another Hadith.

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And this is another very beautiful Hadith that we find in Muslim, it's the Hadith of

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said in the rifka layer, kuno fisheye Illa Zanna will use The Omen che in English and that riff that whoever whenever forbearance is added, whenever forbearance is added to something, it adorns it, it beautifies it and whenever it is withdrawn from something, it leaves it defective. This is a very important Hadith that all of us should remember, when we come across a moment whereby it's going to be a really challenging in a scenario whereby, you know, you really want to sort of shout and scream and, and and show that somebody is wrong and they've got it all wrong. And you know, they're just being stubborn or they're being arrogant, and

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they're speaking out of ignorance. And you know, you know that you've got a really strong case, but if you if you conduct yourself in an aggressive way, you are going to spoil the situation, that you are going to turn away that person. So it's very important to remember these words are the precise lm that you now need to be gentle, you are in a situation whereby you can actually you know, you can you know, your choice of words and your mannerisms is what's going to basically make or break this deal or make or break the situation and I think really that's why we really have to always

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you know, not get angry and not allow anger to to permeate okay our minds because what happens when you become angry is that it paralyzes your mind and when you're when your mind and your brain is paralyzed you

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I can no longer make the correct judgment. So it's very important. That's why anger, it's very important to control anger and not get angry you could be making the wrong choices and the wrong decisions and the wrong judgments. So remember this hadith in North Korea, kuno fisheye in in lezana when a user Omen shading election, that whenever there's gentleness, it's going to beautify the situation. And whenever you remove it is going to disfigure make a defective and ugly

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another Hadith. This is a very interesting Hadith this next one, at the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is the story about how a bedroom

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a desert Arab who is away from the you know, the Muslims, he comes in to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam smashed, you know, prompts are sometimes mosque or message at that time, didn't have you know, carpet, I mean, it was pretty much dirt with some gravel or pebbles. And this man, he actually comes to one of the corners of the masjid and he just, you know, does his thing he just urinates You know, he needed to go to the toilet and you know, they never had, you know, toilets as such, you know, back then. So, it's the habit of Abu huraira your loved one. What about that we find this originally, and I bet when urinated in the mosque, and some people rush to beat him up. They

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got angry, you know, how dare he, how dare he, you know, urinate, in the, in the, in the, in the masjid in the prophet SAW Selim Masjid whereby, you know, each prayer that you praying in the prophet SAW sellers messages with 1000 prayers in and he you are urinating, they wanted to beat him up. Okay. So, the prophet SAW Selim, he saw them he saw that the rage and the anger and they they are approaching him. And he said, he said, he said there Oh, there Oh, leave him alone. Don't hurt him. Don't touch him that Oh,

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Rico, Allah boldly. He

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says lemon man with an Obi mingma for in NEMA. birthstone Maria syrena, welcome to bathroom was serene. He said, leave him Leave him alone and pour a bucket of water over it. You have been sent to make things easy, and not to make things difficult. So again, making things easy on people. I mean, what would they have benefited and gained by harming him? They would have turned him away. They would have given a wrong picture. Okay. And that's what happens. People look at, you know, our actions, people are looking at just our words, they're looking at how we conduct ourselves as Muslims. Okay. So, in another narration.

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He basically states that this man was so pleased with the way the prophet SAW Selim handled it. He said, Oh, Allah have mercy upon me and Mohammed and nobody else. He was ignorant. He thought that the mercy of Allah is can only be limited, he can encompass or envelop others. So he said, he said, may Allah have mercy upon you, me and Mohammed Salah. So then, the prophet said, I said to him, No, he said to him, that Allah has mercy can encompass all. So again, that's how much he loved this action of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So, you know, hamdulillah a positive outcome, a very positive outcome. And again, it happened through gentleness and being easygoing, inshallah hota

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Island. So again, this hadith brings into light the fact that leniency is also vitally needed in the sphere of education and discipline, when you come to educate others, when you come to discipline others, you need to be lenient, easygoing, build rapport with your students to begin with, win their hearts over, very, very important when you are, when you are teaching others to, especially in the beginning, you want to win over their hearts, and win over their mind so that they can always Now listen to you and respect you and, and take your hate have your advice.

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Now, otherwise, if you start to treat, you know, them unkindly, they're not gonna listen to you. They're going to be just they're going to block they're going to just be basically block you out of their mind. You know, they're too upset and they're too angry with what you had you the way you initially you initially treated them. So we learn also from this hadith of how to give doubt, you know, so we learn how to give doubt that there

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hikma to be applied there is wisdom that is to be applied. And, and we also learned that you know, whenever there is you run on somewhere that water is itself is in and of itself a purifying agent. That is the process that I've said just, you know, pour some water over as long as there's some running water over the urine, okay, that will clean it. So that doesn't have to be soap, that doesn't have to be detergents or what have you. That water in itself is is a hole that means it is pure in and of itself and it is purifying to other things. So water

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the pure that water is a purifying agent.

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The next Hadees

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is the hadith of * or the Allahu anhu that is found originally Bukhari Muslim, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said yes siru Allah to us siru was Shirou Allah tala Pharaoh, he said.

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He said make things easy. Yes siru you sir. You sir make things easy. Well, to us zero and don't make things difficult. We're best shoe and before monka give Bushra which is glad tidings Okay, when to nephew and don't repel people don't repulse people. Okay, so some you know we often hear this saying that Dean is you sir that Dean religion is easy now. Yes the religion is easy. What does that mean? It means that if you cannot pray standing you can pray sitting if you can't pray sitting you can pray on your side if you have an excuse. Okay, it means that if you can't foster in the month of Ramadan, you can always make up those days after Ramadan. It means that if you don't have the

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financial or physical means to perform hajj, then you can always delay your hedge that's what you said remains here the deen is useful but some people have gone too far in when it comes to to the statement that the deem that the religion is easy, you know don't make things hard and they say well you know, we don't have to pray on time we can delay our prayers because Allah is All Merciful we can you know

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you know we can just Ramadan you know, we can we work these days we have long hours and you know, Dean is not made to be difficult. We say no, you have a wrong understanding of what the statement of the prophesies send them. Okay. So it means here that we do have many concessions. We do have many concessions in Islam, but we need to ask about this conditions and not be making up things about our religion. And, and and saying that Allah subhanaw taala is all merciful and he'll forgive me and words to that effect.

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Another Hadith

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is the hadith of Jerry Raven Abdullah the loved one for his fan of Sahara Muslim, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. He said, Man, you are a mere rifka you are amin highrock Kula, he said he who is deprived the forbearance and gentleness is in fact deprive of all good.

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A person who is deprived of these qualities is deprived of much goodness. The next Hades is a very familiar Hadith to all of you inshallah, who to Allah, it's the hadith of Abu huraira the Allahu Allahu Allah that is originally found in Sahara Bukhari. It's the Hadith whereby a man came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he said to the prophet SAW Selim oseni oseni means give me some advice, give me some advice. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, let us let us have meaning don't become angry throughout the damn Iran. And he repeated this a number of times. He repeated this time become angry, let us stop. So

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he, people would come to him and ask him for advice. And the prophets just just because for example, now that you've heard this Hadith, and you heard this scenario, let's say someone comes to you and says to you, can you please give me some advice for the sake of Allah? And then you go, Well, I remember that. A man came to him and asked the same question. So I'm going to also give the same advice. Will when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gave advice, he assessed the situation of that person, and he saw what is it that that person needed most? Okay, and he saw that that person needed it would be better for him to be from amongst

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those who controls his anger so he reminds him of don't become angry. Okay to some people that he

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would come to him, you know, they would ask him, you know which action is best in Islam. And sometimes he would say to one person, you know solar on time and to another person he might be Jihad to another person it might be sadaqa because he knows he has he's a person of wealth to everybody the process Selim would address according to their in a situation according to the situation.

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So the next Hadeeth the next Hadith is the hadith of Abu

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abu allah said that even aos are their loved one who and it's fair to say Muslim, the prophet SAW Selim, he said Verily, Allah has prescribed Sn. Now here sn means kindness that Allah has prescribed s and kindness for everything. So when you kill, you must, you must make the killing in the best manner. And when you slaughter, make your slaughter in the best manner, let one of you sharpen his knife and give ease to his animal and woods in order to reduce the pain. Now, this hadith Subhanallah even when it comes

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to, for example, being on in a battlefield, so if you are on a battlefield fighting the enemy, okay? A believer is told not to let his passions of enmity of enmity and hatred go wild. Okay, Islam is always teaching us to be gentle. And that any an even an enemy or a cruel criminal shouldn't be put through a torturous death. Torture in Islam is not allowed, even if you are at war with, with with your, you know, with somebody, this is not allowed in Islam. It's not, you know, Islam is against, you know, during war of killing women or children or old or older people. Okay, this is, you know, not allowed, not allowed to, you know, to, to break trees and even in war.

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And so panela we find in the pre Islamic era, like in during the J helia. During the days of J helia. The days of ignorance.

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The period, it was a it was a prevalent practice, it was a it was there was this practice, whereby that the limbs of a victim, the limbs of a victim, were mutilated before they were finally killed that actually mutilate the person before they actually killed them.

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So Islam came in and, and you know, put all these rules, okay, and regulations into the into place, you're not allowed to do that. This is haram. Okay, and this is a sin in Islam.

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So, even to panela, when it comes to slaughtering animals, you know, Islam teaches us how to slaughter animals, you know, mentioning the name of Allah subhanho, wa Taala, sharpening the knife, ensuring that there is, you know, the blood, the blood does flow out of the animal, blood is not going to remain inside the animal because that also makes the meat not good for consumption, as has been proven. So

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when it comes to animals, for example, even slaughtering an animal away from the sight of another animal, okay, and this is how we treat animals. So Pamela, when it comes to slaughtering them, and this is something that is allowed, you know, what can be said about, you know, being war and fighting others.

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So, again, Islam is about a quick death for the animal, when it's being when it's being slaughtered.

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And ensuring that at least two of the art of the four arteries are severed, and that, you know, it's not severed from the back. Okay, but it started from the front, quick, quick death as quickly as possible is what's what Islam teaches us when it comes to slaughtering of animals. And so panela we find that, you know, when when when we talk about halal meat, when we say the word halen, Hillel actually

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means wholesome. So when you're buying halal meat, you know, you actually, you know, you know that what process that meat has gone through in it, that it's that it's healthy for consumption, that there's been an animal cruelty, okay, there's been no torture, okay, that it's been slotted according to sound ways or methods and under a wholesome inshallah.

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The next Hadeeth again, shows

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Is the prophetic way of doing things. It's the Hadeeth of I show the loved one,

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that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, that whenever he was given a choice between two matters, whenever the prophet SAW Selim was given a choice between two matters, he always chose the easier as long as it was not sinful to do so. But if it was sinful, he was most strict in avoiding it. And he never took revenge upon anybody for his own sake. But when a laws legal bindings were outraged, he would take revenge for Allah sake.

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So again, the prophet SAW I sell them

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the two things between which the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would make his choice could be something to do with the religion of sanctity with the dunya.

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we find, for example, that whenever he had two choices to make, he chose the easier one.

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So why make things difficult on yourself or difficult on others, when you do have a choice of two things, if you have a choice of two things, and both of them are halen, and both of them are permissible than always the rule is choose the easier one. Don't choose the heroine

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Okay, if you can go to you know, if you can travel, if you can travel to Mecca, alright to perform your pilgrimage and you have you can go by ship, or you can go by plane, you have two choices. One is easier than the other will don't say well, I want to go by by the means of transportation that is more difficult because I want more reward.

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Well, the province I sell them in this heartbeat is making it very clear that when he had a choice between two matters, he chose the easier one. Let that be our way of doing things as well. They'd always choose Daisy and if the easier one is haraam, or contain elements of sin, then keep away from it. That's what the prophet SAW Selim is teaching us

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and we also learn that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam okay?

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If he had a choice between war and between peace, he chose peace.

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The promises then would not opt for war, he would always look at ways of if there was a peaceful way of resolving things.

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Likewise, he never retaliated for personal reasons. The promises have never took personal revenge. Okay, the only time he would, you know,

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take action is if the limits of Allah azza wa jal were transgressed. If the limits of Allah subhanaw taala will transgress then he would take action.

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In the last Heidi Fitz emammal Noah Rahim Allahu taala.

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in this chapter is the hadith of Ibn mestrado Allahu anhu. whereby the prophet SAW Selim said, shall I shall I not tell you whom the Hellfire is forbidden to touch? Whom the Hellfire is forbidden to touch? And he goes on and he says, It is forbidden to touch a man who is always accessible, having polite and tender nature.

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So the Hellfire will not touch those type of people believing people of course. Now the next chapter is

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His forgiveness and forgiveness of the ignorant. And

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Allah subhanho wa Taala says, who's the law for what more bill Murphy were added and jehlen show forgiveness, enjoy while enjoying what is good and turn away from the foolish and turn away from the foolish.

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And Allah subhanho wa Taala talks about those who pardoned men and now Allah subhanaw taala he loves those who do good.

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Mmm no rahima hula huhtala. He mentioned a number of hadiths.

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And the Hadith he mentions the hadith of Ashoka law. And this hadith is found in Bukhari and Muslim. It's the Hadith whereby

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she asked the prophet SAW Selim, have you ever experienced a day harder than the day of the Battle of food? Now we know that the prophet SAW Selim during the Battle of offered he was injured. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. He was injured during this battle, and the prophets face was wounded in one of his molars was broken one of his molar teeth were broken and he fell into a

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Heat that was dug up by armor,

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raw hip, and it was the bathroom in which his uncle Hamza was martyred and the disbelievers had mutilated his body, body of hands over their loved one who Allah said this was a very, very trialing battle for the profit center. So he or she says to him, did you ever go through a more trialing period in the Battle of Oxford, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam? He said to her, indeed, I experienced them or the dangers at the hands of the of your people. In other words, the disbelievers from amongst the kurush. The hardest treatment I met from them was on the day of acaba when I went to Eben ibid le an avid coolin, who was one who was one of the chiefs of pif with the

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purpose of inviting him to Islam, but he made no response to my core. So I departed with deep distress. I did not recover until I arrived at a salad. They are raised my head and saw a cloud, which had cast its shadow on me.

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I saw in it jabril he spoke Hebrew in the cloud alayhis salaam who called me and said Indeed Allah, the Exalted, heard what your people said to you, and the response they made to you. And he has sent you the angel in charge of the mountains to order him to do to them what you wish. And then the angel of the mountains called me, greeted me and said, Oh, Mohammed, Allah, listen to what your people had said to you. I am the angel of the mountains and my Rob has sent me to you so that you may give me your orders, I will carry out your orders. If you wish, I will bring together the two mountains that stand opposite to each other at the extremities of Mecca, to crush them in between,

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but the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, I rather hope that Allah will raise from among the the sentence people as will worship a loved one, and will not ascribe partners to him in worship. So what we learn is the patience of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and that's when he went to pif, and he was driven out of life and despite him being injured, this is a very, very tough time for us tougher than the time have offered.

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And yet we learn about the prophet SAW Selim forbearance and forgiveness and forgiving nature that he had, even towards his enemies who are causing him and inflicting harm upon him physical physically.

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So he was very patient, he had self control, we see the process of selling tolerance, and Yanni and this is very, very important during times of trials and tribulations.

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Another thing that we learned about the Prophet sallahu alayhi wa sallam is that he never hit anybody.

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And in the Hadith that is fantasias Muslim.

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The prophet SAW Selim, as he mentioned, he never hit anything with his hand, neither a servant nor a woman, that of course, he did fight in the course of Allah. He never took revenge upon anyone,

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for the wrongs done to him but of course, he exacted retribution for the sake of Allah. In the case of injunctions of Allah, other unlawful acts were violated. There is another incident during the time of the prophet SAW Selim. And we find this incident in behind a Muslim.

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And it's whereby the prophet SAW Selim was once he was wearing a cloak, with a very thick border, when a bad one happened to meet him, he took hold of the side of his cloak, and drew it violently. So he took hold of the cloak at the color of the processor. And he, he's basically doing this to the Prophet salla while he was selling.

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And I noticed that the violence of of that jerk had bruised the neck of the prophet SAW Selim, it bruised his neck.

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And the bedwin said to the prophet SAW Selim, give me out of Allah's wealth, that which you possess. And so the Messenger of Allah turned to him and smiled and directed that he should be given something. So here's this man in a pulling in the process cell and he's bruised his neck. And the professor said, and just turns to him, he smiles and says, look, give this man what he wants. He could have said, Look, you know, punish this person, he could have said, you know, let's beat this person up. But that's not from the character of the province. I love it, it was said, and he's our role model and he's the one that we should be following in his footsteps and

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Yet the prophet SAW Selim, he mentioned one of the prophets of Allah of the past, because this was the the trait of being forgiving, and forbearance and clemency. This is a trait of the prophets. And in this hadith of Eben Masato, the love language that we find in Bukhari Muslim

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the prompts are seldom said, I can see the Messenger of Allah.

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Or must have reported, I can see the messenger of asylum look like one of the prophets of Allah whose people beat and made him bleed while he was wiping the blood from his face. And he was saying our law forgive my people, because they know not.

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That's how the prophets a prophet was beaten up, he's there was blood pouring from his face, and he's wiping the blood and saying, Yeah, Allah forgive my people. That's, that's, you know, that's the sort of qualities that we want to see in the Muslims in shallow Thailand.

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In the hadith of Abu hora de la Guan Hua, and this is the last Hadith mentioned in this chapter of forgiveness.

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It's the height the prophet SAW Selim, he said Lisa Shadi to be surah. In Nana Shetty, the lady Emily who left sahoo and delicata, that the strong person is not the one who wrestles his opponent to the ground. That's not the strong person. But the strong person is the one who controls himself in a fit of rage of of hubbub of extreme anger. Okay.

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Now there is another chapter that you may well know what a hammer hula hoop pilot he included here it's called

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the endurance of afflictions. And I just want to mention here and he mentions one Hadith. And basically it's a very important Hadith because it applies to a lot of us

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at one point or another in our lives, and it's the highlight of Abu hora de Allahu Allahu Allah, there is a Muslim, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said,

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bahala reported that a man said to the messenger of ultra Selim, I have relatives with whom I've tried to maintain good relationship, but they sever relationship relations with me. So here I am, trying to have these good relationships, good relationship with my relatives, but they sever them, that they cut off these, these ties, they always you know, for example, maintain him.

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He said, you know, whom I treat kindly, but they treat me badly with whom I am gentle, but they are rough to me. So, the prophet SAW said him, he said, if you are as you have said, then it is as though you are feeding them hot ashes and you will not be without a supporter against them from Allah as long as you do so. So in other words, for as long as this person remains gentle with his relatives, who are trying to cut off the ties with him, and trying to train him in a harsh manner, then he is victorious over them he's victorious over there, and he will have a supporter with him for as long as he continues to behave with him in a godly manner. So again, we will have people in

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our lives family members who will try and sever relationships and make things hard here the Hadith is teaching us to go gentle to go easy on these people inshallah who Thailand so inshallah inshallah we'll leave it

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we'll leave off on this hadith and last time as best musculus pantalla to make us from amongst those who are gentle, those who are tolerant, those who are forbearing and patient and forgiving towards others. And we ask Allah subhanaw taala for these traits which are from amongst the people of Alberta foon, who will be from the people of Jenna inshallah, to Allah to Allah who hiren was sallallahu wasallam albaraka and in the b&m, Mohammad Salam alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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