Muhammad Salah – Prohibition Of Malpractices In Commerce And Marriage Proposing

Muhammad Salah
AI: Summary © The Hadith statement is a statement that blocks evil and shun evil competition. The narrator emphasizes staying away from trees and cars, as well as the importance of staying away from trees and cars. The conversation then shifts to marriage, where prices are discussed and the importance of giving birth to a new family and partnering to benefit from price birth. The speakers also emphasize avoiding activities that can damage a relationship and avoiding activities that can cause money loss. The segment concludes with a brief advertisement for a seminar on the topic.
AI: Transcript ©
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continue today with the previous chapter shutdown number 355, which tackles the Hareem. OBL have a real baddie with Dr. rockburn whereby he will help but Jada has Bertie. He is Zana.

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the prohibition of malpractices in commerce and in marriage proposing

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today's hadith

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is a very comprehensive Hadith. This agree that it's a very sound Hadith, highly profound

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collected by Imam Bukhari and Muslim and others. And the narrator is the wonderful beautiful companion Abu Hurayrah of the Allah one Hadith number 17 170.

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This hadith is all of the greatest means of blocking the means of blocking the means to hatred to heart feeling to envy to jealousy,

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to shun evil for others and evil competition. Everything

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as you know that in Islam, and the Muslim jewels considered Set Dosa said those are the blocking of the means which lead to what is forbidden is one of the means of legislation.

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And we spoke about blocking the means repeatedly before when I give the example when I said Almighty Allah says while at the caribou Zina enamel can officiate and was the SME in the area of Surah Al Israa in which a lot on mighty says in chapter number 17 Don't you go nears and stay away from it

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when Allah Almighty said in Surah Tomita shutdown number five

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Oh, who you believe in Alhambra? One my Cyril on suborders them odd so Minami shaytani fish Danny boo avoided leave distance between you and wine and drinking and serving. You know, do not approach it Do not come near it.

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When Allah Almighty said to Adam Ali Salam and her work

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to live in Jana in heaven, and II have its roots and trees as much as you want. Kula minha Robertson, Hisashi toma yet, Walter karamba, the shedule artifact akuna minal volumen, just one thing, stay away from this tree.

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Allah meant do not eat from the fruits of this tree. But in order to be secure, and not to fall in the sin of Eden, from the fruits of the trees, just stay away from it. Don't even sit in its shade, keep distance. That's called Alabama. So this hadith that we're about to study right now is about blocking the means and you will figure it out once you know the Hadith. And once you hear the English meaning, but as usual,

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since we'll become seekers of knowledge, and we'll deal with riobel Salah him from an academic perspective, let's go ahead and read the Arabic text and enjoy the beautiful, fascinating words of Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam the most eloquent person ever walked the earth. Arriving royal authority Allahu Anhu are

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now rasool Allah is Allah Allah Allah selama and you have your aha little ly bad. Well ATHANASIOU while a beer or Raju Allah they agree. Well, I have to I hope that he or he will let us a little more Atul Tala aka Latech Murphy, here with the rewired color now rasool Allah is Allah Allah Soleimani Teleki. When you have more, you will in our or be understood upon model Atul Tala COVID When you stammer Raju to sell me or he went to her and in Nergi what Austria whatever canali before I share with you the English meaning of this hadith, I'd like to assure you even Arab

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look, ordinary people who are not specialized in the religious studies when you pass on this hadith for them and ask them what is the meaning that have a really bad and nourish a so that for our nephew, you know, yeah.

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And Austria never heard of that before. I don't know what you're talking about. Why am I saying that? I'm saying that because it

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Even if you are an Arab, native Arabic, born and raised in Mecca, in Cairo, Egypt, in Damascus in Hashem, or in the root of Lebanon, anywhere in the Muslim world, not because you're an Arab, you're automatically understand these words you would have to seek knowledge to comprehend them. Okay?

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So all of us are alike in this regard. And now let's learn that English meaning of the two different durations biblecourier or the Allah and then in sha Allah will explain them and we'll know the health of each. So, Abu Hurayrah Raja Lavon narrated that the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi was a lemma forbade that a man in the city should be the commission agent of a man from the desert. Oh share, he explained that last episode I know. But this is a segment of today's Hadith. And He prohibited the practice of an Josh and Josh and will explain what nourish is in sha Allah shortly. And he also

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the Prophet salallahu alayhi salam forbade offering a marriage proposal or engagement. When somebody else have proposed and his proposal is either pending

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or have been accepted. All he should make a proposal of marriage while that his brother, his brother's proposal is pending, or that a woman should try that a sister of hers should be divorced, so that she might take her place.

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There is another narration in which Rasulullah sallallahu Salama forbade the people from meeting the caravan on the way we're entering into business transaction with them and the selling of goods by the ruler of the City on behalf of a man from the desert and the seeking by a woman the divorce of her sister, so that she will marry her husband and a practice of a nourish

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and leaving the animals on milk for some time, in order to look huge and fat would be others at the time of selling them in order to convince the buyer to pay a higher price or to purchase them by

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Let me ask a question

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in order to explain the introduction which I gave earlier

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I proposed to marry a girl

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and the family said Masha Allah What an honor you you belong to a very good family and insha Allah and so on. Then somebody else knowingly he knows that Mohammed Salah purposed to marry a god, but he was in love with this girl as well. So he went, the family are happy with me. And they said higher and in sha Allah. So he also goes and he proposes to the same God.

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I want to ask you what would be my feeling when they know that somebody even though I propose and the family is happy with me or they give me a word? He said so what they're not married yet. And he goes and he proposes to the same God. What I say No problemo, we're family we're brothers. Even if he marries her I'm okay with it. No one would act like that. Because when I chose this girl when I proposed to her it is because of prayed is the hara and as an inquirer then I saw her and I liked her Hollis, I made up my mind and when they say the it's an honor and we're happy with you that means they're happy with me as well. So the engagement is mere commitment to get married me a

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commitment to get married and we all know that it is not a marriage nor is it a marriage contract even but it's a promise to get married. During this promise it is not permissible for any one

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to offer another proposal unless if he knows that we're Mohammed changed his mind

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and I told the family Allah cut that Allah Masha file we deferred I wanted to take her to the stage she says no, no, no, no, I'm going to stay Lahore. Yeah, honey, I'm just giving an example. So whatever, okay, who broke up? It was near engagement whenever even shook hands hamdulillah so the other guy wants to propose Masha Allah, may Allah bless you and your family. Or after the family accepted my proposal. They figure that oh my god, he's already married. He has told kids Oh, no, I would love to have you but you know

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Um, unfortunately, there is one problem that because you're already married Katara Lahoma Shafaq so they turned down my proposal anyone else wants to propose please but now while the proposal is accepted and pending and we are in a state of engagement it becomes haram haram haram forbidden

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because if you do and you're coming in driving most Aiders and you're able to turn the engine on from your remote control and show off some people say but these guys will off this guy carries a British passport and he's gonna take take our daughter with him to the UK and so they will say to push up Muhammad you know, cut the Rolla browser, but you give me a word he about somebody else proposed and he is a much better financial situation than us. This is absolutely Hara. So, out of the box Kush, what if the rejected me and they accepted the proposal of the second person? He has done something haram. So what he has done is haram and it's a major sin, no questions asked. What if

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the go on and they get married?

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Well, their marriage contract be valid. Will they be lawful to live together as a husband and wife or not? Yes, it will be valid as a marriage, if it fulfills its conditions, pillars requisites.

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She's happy ejabberd covered consent of the Guardian, the witnesses, Hollis as a marriage. But you know, I did propose and they turned me down because they're blameworthy, he's blameworthy. They've committed a sin. But if she marries somebody else, it's Helen marriage is lawful.

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Because our engagement was simply mere promise to get married. That's why we say to all our daughters, our sisters, our viewers, please, when you're married, you don't go out with your fiancee. You don't say Let's have some coffee at coffee beans, or Starbucks or you know, and he touches your hand and he holds your hand and you go together, you watch a movie, or you go shopping in the mall, you just engaged. And engagement means nothing more than promised to get married. And that's why if the girl is not interested, she will cancel it and call it off. And she's not blameworthy. She doesn't have to seek anybody's advice. Nor she has to speak to the fiance, nor she

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needs his consent. This is not divorce, cut there Allah no problem at the Allahumma Shafaq.

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The second, or actually the first and the Obeah how they're really bad in but that we covered in a couple Hadith in the previous episode. Somebody from town, the baboons, the villagers, the farmers are bringing the food. And they normally sell it in the free market or an offer market once a week, once a month, or whenever they have the harvest. So professional persons would meet them and say you don't have to worry about dealing with that. Let me take the whole thing. And I will buy it from you and I'm giving you that much price. Well, the business of selling and buying with an agreement, the guy says give me 300 Here is 300 Knowing them 250. All of that is permissible. But you've harmed the

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community, the common folk, the people in the town, they were waiting for this guy because he sells his good number one fish, and cheap. So for them it's a win win situation and for the farmers likewise. But when you intercepted the caravan or the constant out buy everything, whether you pay them right away or you act as a commissioner say look, if you're going to sell them in the market, we're going to sell them at a very cheap price. Let me sell it on your behalf. And I will guarantee you I'll get you a higher price. This is the work of a commissioner commission Asian that too is haram. Why?

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Since several decades back when I was studying the 14 hour Hadith

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and I read the short of ignore Raja al humbly

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and I read a few lines I own jumped off my seat out of joy and delight. I said How beautiful is this religion? Very proud to be Muslim. The hadith was he was explaining laywoman or huddlecam heart Daniel herbaria. He made your head bonus. And he gave examples they had to come head to head belly actually in my head Boolean FC means none of you will become a true believer. A perfect moment. Not until

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A man unless he loves for others, for his brothers, for his sisters, whatever he loves for his set for himself as much as he loves for himself. So he gave the example of

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emotions, warehouses full of commodities merchandise, and then somehow the prices go down. So he's affected. On one hand he have lost financially, but in on the other hand, he's very happy. I said to myself, What will make him happy? He is happy, because reducing the prices is good for the entire Muslim community. So yes, the person will be affected is only one person

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will encounter some loss. But look how many people

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would be delighted and will benefit because the prices went down. So is happy for the Muslim community because they will benefit out of the reduction of the prices. I said to myself, I'm very proud to be Muslim. And Allah He this advice benefited me so much. When I have some foreign currency and the local currency, the inflation rate is getting bigger and bigger and higher. And the foreign currency is getting higher. It's not actually getting higher. The local currency is losing ground. It saddens me but I only have foreign currency it saddens me because those millions of people will be affected. And when they say Masha Allah, the local currency has increased its value against the

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US dollar, I'm happy because the people now can afford it. The people will be able to purchase even important items at a lower rate. This is Islam.

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So the Prophet sallallahu sallam said, when he forbid and here we are ha literally bad in for the season. And he forbid one at an ashram and nourish which is to offer a higher price in front of a buyer in order to allow him to buy Yanni.

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I want to buy a bike for my son.

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And when I was standing, the guy said it is the last piece, Jeff and for you. It's only 3000 Oh Ma sha Allah. So I'm negotiating with him. Can you make it a little lower? You know, I only have 2500 and another guy shows up and says, Hey, I want that bike. This is unfortunately it's only one on this man is buying it. How much are you selling it for? He says 3000 I'll give you 3200s

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So you jack the prices he added 200 and the seller is actually selling it for 3000. So it says I'll give you 3500 Well that was not an option you that was not an option. You know somebody is buying an item. So he offers a higher price.

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Either because he genuinely wants this bike or this merchandise for himself. And he wants to take it even though somebody else is finally finalizing the deal. This is haram.

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Forbidden, this transaction is haram and it is haram for the seller to sell it even for a higher price. And it is haram for the second person who is doing a Naresh is to do so. So what am I supposed to do? Wait and sit tight. If I decide to take the bike Hannah's cut that Allahu Masha Allah, may Allah bless me and bless you and find another bike somewhere else. When I say oh, no, unfortunately, I cannot afford the thank you and I'm turning away. So like I said, I'll take it. This is Harlan. I'm in the middle of transaction, and you offer a higher price. As a matter of fact, now, people do this even online in order to allow the buyers to hurry and purchase the item even

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though it's its value is much lower. Because the human nature is like that when they say actually there is a great shortage in cars in imported cars. And in the color there is only one vehicle remaining.

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Even if I'm not interested. Many people would say you know let me buy it. Maybe I can sell it for a higher price. Since there is shortage since there is shortage. So if somebody is already making the deal and buying it, you should not intervene. Salespeople and nurturing sometimes the hire guys in order to do this now, Josh? So you say no, no, no, I'll take it for 3200 As I said earlier, is he buying it?

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No he's not buying it. So what is happening here? He is working for the Silla

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for the immersion in order to lower poor people lacking experience like me to buy it. So interviews are salaam now and in a dish now whether you're an Arab or non Arab, whether from Somalia from the states from Russia or China, you already know what is necessary and you know, it is haram. Some people think Sheikh, this is business and everyone is free as long as my cash is ready. And look, I didn't force the Scylla to send me something again it says Well, I just offered and he said yes. Haram. Haram, haram, you know what it means is haram. Even if the the system does not recognize this haram. Okay. And you still go for it any precious item Wallahi, I can assure you, you will be a

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This car, maybe you will have a car accident and it will be taught oh well don't worry about it. I have a full coverage. What about if you lose a limb or your son or your daughter or your wife? Don't you play games with Allah? respect Allah, loving Allah brothers and sisters does it mean to say I love Allah I love rasool Allah and every Molad we distribute lot of halwa the true love of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam study Hadees like this now and in measure Shala stepback it's over. Abdullah of normal Hatha Radi Allahu Allah.

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In one incident when he was having his own son having an issue with his wife, his his son was very jealous. Bill Allen said, you know, I'm not gonna let my wife go to the machine and she wants to go to the machine there is Daddy in their Salah there is no mas. He said no. So his father said but are you heard the messenger of allah sallallahu Sallam says, let them know in a line massage it.

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Don't you prevent women from going to the machine said by Allah I will prevent her.

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It was like the Day of Resurrection. Abdullah had normal started beating his son and he said will lie he will never talk to you and He will cut him because he said How dare I told you rasool Allah is Allah Allah Salam said and you say I will still do the opposite. Who are you? You know, this is from Abdullah him Norma, true love from people who say we love Rasul Allah Salah Salem, but they care less they do not even worry about violating any of his commandments or prohibitions. They never love the Prophet sauce and the fakers. Subhanallah

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Well, I had a hit but you are here and not to propose to marry a woman while there is another proposal from his brother, which is pending

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on a test to Tala of the ID, Murphy in her work, can we find the most eloquent person on earth to phrase it the eloquent Subhan Allah

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number one, let me give you the general meaning.

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In slang,

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somebody is already married.

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And he loved his secretary or coworker. So he's interested in marrying her. She's much younger than his wife. She's very pretty. And she was those revealing clothes. So he's going crazy. This is typical, you know? So he says, I want to marry you. In Holland.

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She says, you know, but you know, I live in a very, she said, Don't worry about it. I will buy you a flat by the river Nile by the ocean. Okay, what about the ride? The latest car is used, I can afford it. I only have one problem, honey, what is it? You know, because I do like to have a co wife. And I don't mind marrying you. Even though you're way older than me. Even though you have kids. But if you become solely for myself, what does it mean? She wants you to divorce your wife. So you live in a society where taken another wife is halal, and it is legal as well. And now she's taken advantage. So an abuse Allah Selim forbid and test Allah mattala off to her. Look at the word. Look how the

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Prophet SAW Selim phrase it Oh, do you have her sister? This woman whom you want this man to divorce her? Is your sister

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Would you like to be in a similar situation? And if you insist Wallahi will be in a similar situation, what goes around comes around? Follow cochlea. So the wording that the Prophet SAW Selim chose is to remind the audience, she's your sister, fear Allah. Then Lisa Murphy in, it's like the wife is having an inner visit. So the husband gives her a monthly allowance, he buys the clothes, especially if she's a house engineer. She's not working, she's staying at home to manage his house to raise the kids mashallah, she has Akela Farah May Allah bless you, but the other woman keeps wearing those revealing clothes were in the makeup to drive him crazy. So, she is asking him to

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divorce her like to turn upside down her plate or this will she receives the provision and so that you will take the whole thing this is haram as well. Likewise the word

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and the study to Morocco to Allah Katya and in the second region and Nitish is explained or referred to as an Yestermorrow Raju Allah so me Fe and finally at the three the last word in the Hadith what is the Surya if if you attend the sheep or if you're a shipper

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you know, I like to go to the farms where I can drink camel milk, goat milk, the milk it fresh, soon the other still a milk huge What if they do milk it milk will stay there. So next day there will be a larger dose and the other will get bigger and bigger thing What is this? So people are selling the animals a camel or a goat or a sheep they will stop milking this animal for several days so the order will look so huge and the buyer will go crazy and will be elude oh and I want this one. Okay, then when the milk it will happen to the milk afterward. Well, that was the harvest of several days actually. Normally it doesn't have that much milk but the guy the seller the shipper told me this is

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only for today. That's haram that's cool. What does Surya rish

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deceiving is haram in selling and weighing in ruling and advice in Menasha fairly seminar

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