Bilal Dannoun – To Do Or Not To Do The Do S And Dont S Of Ramadan

Bilal Dannoun
AI: Summary © The importance of having strong faith in Islam is discussed, including the concept of "fit and effect" and the importance of detoxing during fasting. The three phases of Islam, including fasting, praying, and waking up, are also discussed, along with the need for consistency and avoiding distractions. The importance of prevention and fasting is emphasized, along with the need for proper health and transportation to avoid accidents and mis shots. The segment also touches on the negative consequences of fasting, including problems with health and bleeding, and the need for proper documentation and preparation for accidents.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa sallahu wa Sallim wa barik ala nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi etchmiadzin or praises due to a lack of May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and upon all those who follow His guidance, who follow his way his Sunnah his creed, his methodology until the last day, respected brothers and sisters in Islam. salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. Today inshallah, to Allah his lecture is entitled to do or not to do the do's and don'ts of Ramadan. And so today we'll be talking about the fifth of Ramadan and the standing rules related to cm or

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fasting. Now, it is very important as Muslims that we understand this Deen and that we don't just blindly follow other Muslims. Allah subhanahu wa taala in the Quran says Fae lamb and hula Illa Illa Allah, we need to have certainty,

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in knowledge about who allies origin is.

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And so when it comes to creed and belief, we have no doubt when it comes to our belief in Allah azza wa jal, and the tenets and the articles of faith that we are required to believe in

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part of having strong Amen. And strong faith is to have an understanding of the components or the elements of our religion of our Deen. In one Hadith, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said in the Hadith that is collected by Bukhari and Muslim men you read the law will be higher on you factor houfy Deen

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beloved messenger, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that whoever Allah wills good for him higher

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we will give him understanding in their religion, who Allah will give him understanding in the deen in the religion. So if you ask the higher if you are after goodness, and the goodness here is the goodness in this life and the goodness in the hereafter? If you're after goodness in this life and goodness in the Hereafter, then

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it is about having an understanding of the deen and that's why it is it is more harmful on the shape on for there to be one fucky or one person who understands his Deen and who is knowledgeable and who is spreading this Deen that to have 100 worshippers because that one person can influence 1000s and then there are the their students and their students, students and so on. So part of our Deen is that we have an understanding of the deen of Islam.

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And this hadith encompasses men, it encompasses women, young, old Arabs, non Arabs, the Muslims, human beings and the jinn. mejuri the law will be here how you run your deen. So we need to make a serious effort in understanding our obligations and not just blind following our parents or blind following them, this Muslim or that Muslim, and then hamdulillah today we live in a very resourceful world, whether it's books, whether it's the internet, whether it's Michelle, whether it's Islamic institutes and colleges, we have no excuse. So today inshallah huhtala we are talking about Ramadan, and rules related to Ramadan. Now Ramadan is the name of the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. It

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is the month that comes after the month of Shaban in which the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam would fast most of it

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and it is the month before the month of show when in which it is recommended and too fast at least six days of shall well.

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Now the name Ramadan is derived from the Arabic word rumba. rumba stands for the intense heat, intense heat and a sun scorched ground. So, a number of reasons have been advanced to explain the linguistic connection between

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Between rumba and Ramadan.

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And from amongst these explanations we have, that it refers to the hot, dry sensation of thirst during this month of fasting, and that Ramadan, scorches out evil, like the sun scorches the earth,

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and just as heat, shapes and influences, all matter whether organic or inorganic, so does Ramadan shape and influence the believer. The woods for fasting is 3am to abstain. So linguistically, the word cm means to abstain abstinence to refrain.

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And we see this word used in this context or in this meaning in the Quran in surah. Maryam when she says, In Nina Vettel toliara man is so mad that I have made a vow to other men to Allah of abstinence, to not talk to people that's cm of the Kalam cm of speech.

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When we look at now cm in the shadow of Islam, or technically speaking, or as per the muscala, as the real me call it, it's an act of worship. cm is an act of worship,

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that a Muslim

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adheres to abstaining from the things that are the move up their art, which are the nullify is a fast thing, from the break of dawn which is fudger.

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until sunset, which is Missouri, coupled with the NEA.

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That's pretty much what cm is about. It is about

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it's an act of worship,

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abstaining from the nullifies of fasting, that things that break your fast from fudger until Muslim but you have to have the Nia the intention. Now there are two types of fasting in Islam. There is the obligatory fasting, which is where Jip or I should say is far because it is one of the five pillars of Islam, so it's a fourth and there is a fasting of Ramadan.

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Then there is a proto word. co Matata word means it's optional fasting. So not Muslims are not only

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legislated to fast in the month of Ramadan, but they also have other facets like what, Mondays and Thursdays the prophet SAW Selim recommended fasting Mondays and Thursdays, like fasting what they call the white days because the sun is the moon is a full moon and the light of the moon whitens the night, okay, and they are the 13th and the 14th and the 15th of every lunar month, like also fasting Ashura. Ashura is the 10th

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day of the month of Muharram. And it's the day that Allah azza wa jal saved Musa alayhis salam and his followers from Freetown and his soldiers.

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So Ashura, by the way, used to be a compulsory fasting This was the first compulsory fast in Islam.

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And then it was substituted by the month of Ramadan, fasting Ashura fasting six days of the month of sherway, that means any six days in the month following Ramadan, and if you fast those six days, and they don't have to be consecutive, it is as if you have fasted the entire year, because each day that you fast is worth 10 days. So therefore, fasting Ramadan is for 29 or 30 days, assuming it's 30 days times 10. How much is that? 300. And then we have the six days, multiply that by 10, we have 60 360.

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So therefore, when you fast for Ramadan, and you fast six days of show, well, it is as if you have fasted 360 days. So it's like you fasted

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an entire year. And if you do that every year, it's as if you fasted your entire lifetime, by the time you meet Allah azza wa jal.

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There is the fasting of our effect, fasting on the day of our affair the day before eaten up Ha.

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So these this is about what type of fasting There is also another type of word you are compulsory fasting, if you

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violate certain acts in Islam,

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And that's another lesson altogether inshallah hota Island. What is the greatest objective of fasting of CME? If you were to be asked, Why do you fast? Is it because Allah wants us to undergo hunger and thirst, no alive so it makes it very clear why we fast the objective

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of fasting. The main outcome for fasting is to gain taqwa. Allah subhanho wa Taala says, yeah Johann levena Monaco de ballet como si

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kuchibhotla la Vina musica de Nicola nicoma Allah commented

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that fasting has been ordained for you as it was ordained and prescribed for those before you so that you may gain taqwa. So that you may gain taqwa taqwa means the fear of Allah azza wa jal or reference of Allah or piety. Now there have been many definitions of taqwa because that was one of those comprehensive words containing a comprehensive definition. And as of the live in Misrata, the Allahu Allahu Akbar. He said when he spoke about taqwa, he said that it is about anuva Allah have Allah usr, it is about obeying Allah and not disobeying him.

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When you cara, Salah Yun said that he is remembered and not forgotten.

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When you scara Salah look for and that he is shown gratitude and thanks, and not Jani ungratefulness So, there are many definitions of taqwa. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when he spoke about fasting, he said

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that was so jhana it is require he said that it is a shield. You see, cm should shield you. You'll see em acts as a shield between you and that which will bring about the wrath and anger of Allah azza wa jal.

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So, the main objective of cm is that cm is a disciplinary month, a spiritual month, detox month, but not detox for our physical bodies, that de toxifying our spiritual beings. So we come out purified, we come out purified. And there are so many exercises that we spoke about in last week's lecture entitled Ramadan for a limited time. For a limited time only. There are many exercises that will increase our taqwa and that will cleanse that will cleanse our our sins and and also, inshallah hota Allah.

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Few as with Amen.

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I want to just take you back

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on a journey regarding the history of Ramadan.

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Ramadan mighty brothers and sisters in Islam was legislated in the second year of the Hydra. The second year, after the prophet SAW Selim migrated to Medina. So in other words, the prophets of Allah while he was sunlamps first Ramadan, how old was he?

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55 because remembering he reached, he received the prophethood became a prophet at the age of 40. He stayed in Mecca, calling Tito hit for 13 years at 53. And in the second year of the hegira is when it was prescribed that he was about 55. So the first ever Ramadan for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was at the age of 55. So Pamela,

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so he was a Monday and it was actually legislated in the month of the month that we are in right now before Ramadan. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, He fasted how many Ramadan?

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A total of nine Ramadan's, a total of nine Ramadan He fasted. That was it. So some of us have fasted more Ramadan and go fast more.

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So, fasting, my dear brothers and sisters in Islam, Ramadan, is compulsory.

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It is farmed. It is for blind, it's an individual obligation. And we've the proof for it is in the Quran in the verse that I read out to you, it is in the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad wa sallam in the Hadith. And you all know the hadith of Islam has been built upon five pillars Shahada, Salah zeca

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sama Ramadan, the fourth pillar had debate. That's the proof from the Sunnah. And the proof is also there is eg mal consensus scholarly consensus that fasting Ramadan, without a shadow of doubt is compulsory. And anybody who does not fast this month is athyn and has committed a major sin.

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So Alhamdulillah al Ameen.

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We learned that Ramadan went through three phases. The first phase when it was legislated, you had the option, as per student, Al Baqarah. In verse 184,

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you had the option to fast or not too fast. But if you chose not to fast, then you had to feed for each day you didn't fast, a poor or needy person. That was the first stage. Then this verse was abrogated new secret, it was abrogated. And then what happened is that

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it became obligatory to fast you had no choice unless of course you were ill.

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Or you had a valid reason not to fast. So but the difference here in this phase is that if you slip through McRib, to the next day, you will not allow to eat or drink until the next day, the next month.

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Even if you pray to a share, if you pray to a shirt that's it, and you haven't eaten Well, you cannot now

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eat or drink until the next day. Also, Mehretu relations conjugal relations marital intimacy was not allowed not in the day and not at night. Which brings us to the third phase and it is the phase that we are enjoying right now. And that is that it's compulsory, but if you sleep room available, you pray a shirt you still are allowed to eat and conjugal relations, marital intimacy is allowed only at night and not in the daylight hours or the hours of CME. So, these are the three phases.

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The next issue is the commencement of Ramadan. How do we know when Ramadan commences? It is by the siting of the new moon, this new moon or Crescent or as it is known in Arabic as the Hillel, the Hillel.

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And if it is cited if the new moon the Hillel of Ramadan is cited, then we should fast the next day. We should fast that day. If it is not cited because it's a cloudy day,

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or simply not cited, then we continue to count Shaban as 30 days and then the following day would be the month of Ramadan.

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And circle back on verse 185, which is where they are yet about fasting or revolve. Allah subhanho wa Taala says Furman Shaheed them in como shahara Thalia song famine shahida Shaheed a means to site. Financially, they mean coma shahara failure soon, that whoever witnesses the month, should fast in the heartbeat found in Bukhari and Muslim.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said fast when you see it, in other words, the crescent and break your fast when you have seen it. In other words, stop the month of Ramadan when you see the crescent again which will be the crescent for the month of Shadwell.

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And if it is hidden from you, if it's hidden the crescent, then count 30 days, then count 30 days, then there are a few key arguments. is one witness sufficient? Or should there be two witnesses at least? And we don't have the time now to go into the arguments related to that but there are records regarding this.

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We have a what if scenario. What if on the day of doubt, there is a day which is the day the last day of show, Shadow ban.

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It's called yo mas check the day of doubt. Whereby it's doubtful whether this day is Ramadan, the first day of Ramadan or the last day of shaman.

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Are you allowed? What do you do for example in this situation, by the way, this film was shocking a lot of fashion was shocked

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that they have shocking or like you can't say in Islam. It's not legislated.

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To say, Look, I'm going too fast just in case. Well, if you do that you have disobeyed about Qasim, which is the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, as he himself has commanded. So therefore, the process lm said to ever fast, the day in which people doubt has disobeyed above costs.

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So let's say for example, it's your wish shack. And then news comes to you, that today's actually the first day of Ramadan.

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What do you do? There, Allah said, you refrain from eating and drinking out of the respect that it is the first day of Ramadan, and you simply make up that day, caught up, you make up that day.

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there is instead of the remainder of the day that you make up that day due to not having fulfilled one of the pillars, because we're going to learn that one of the pillars of fasting is the intention. You might say, Well, hold on, I didn't eat or drink. I haven't eaten or drinking, drank and anything, just in case I just thought maybe I'll just wait a bit. Well, guess what? You haven't had the intention prior. So therefore, that day is not accepted. And this is the opinion of course of the majority of development, including email with Chef Iraqi Mahalo to Allah Ahmed. Mohammed even told me about him whom I love, which I mean.

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And the proof to this, is that on the day of Ashura,

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he sent a messenger to the people with the instructions, whoever has eaten, should fast the remainder of the day, and whoever has not eaten should, has not eaten should fast. Indeed, today is a day of Ashura. So I showed up was compulsory, as I said earlier, and so there was some people who woke up, and they had already eaten.

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And there was some who hadn't In any case, the person instructed that they fast for the entire day. Now, when it comes to the siting of the new moon, we have different opinions amongst the LMS, which causes a lot of problems, and a lot of confusion, especially when we live in the Western world, whereby we don't only have like, you know, one, one body, whereby different organizations with different methods might have moms who follow different schools of thought,

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a different opinion. I teach a different opinions when it comes to this issue.

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Now, there are three opinions pretty much in total.

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The first opinion is that Muslims must fast once the new moon of Ramadan is cited anywhere in the world.

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So if the new moon is cited, in any part of the world, that's it because Allah Subhana Allah just Furman showed them in coma Shara, the month has been seen by somebody in such and such a country.

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And so, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said, Sue mulero he he will have the ruler at first when you see it and break your fast when you see it. Well, it hasn't been seen. They take this hadith and attack the area. And this is a valid opinion.

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The second opinion is that Muslims should fast based on the siting of the new moon in their own region, in their own region,

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their own, maybe you know area, and this is based on a hadith that we read in Sahih Muslim it's the hadith of Quran Hadith Quran so if you want to look up the Hadith so we don't spend too much time and get on with the more important stuff inshallah Tyler

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you can look up the Howdy, howdy scribe in Sahih Muslim is evidence and supporting this opinion. The third opinion is that the countries that share the same or close time zones should fast together.

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this is also another opinion. So for example, in Australia, we have very close time zones with Indonesia, with Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei or Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, India, very few hours apart, you know, whereby it wouldn't be such an inconvenience to inform the community about the advent of the month of Ramadan.

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So therefore, my dear brothers and sisters in Islam as you can hear now, there are three different opinions. Which opinion Do you follow? Well, that all depends on you know, if you're living in the Western world, which message

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Which organization you are attached to. And the reality is we are attached to our local Masjid our local community and some communities, they are distant, maybe an hour or two or three apart.

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One of the

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best approaches is to go with your Jamal, to go with the people that you associate with. There is a hadith that is found in Sinhala Timothy.

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And it is also found in Sahara, Jameel Sahib. So it's an authentic hadith, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said, so macoun sama, comio matassa Moon, walk you through Komiyama to Pharaoh, what are commanded to the throne. He said, first thing is the day that all of you fast collectively. And breaking your fast is the day that all of you do so collectively. And

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your sacrifice and what you're eating up here is the is the time that you do so collectively. So it is best to always go with the gemera for the case of unity, having unity in the community. That's what it's about inshallah, with the island

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as for computed calculations, as far as taking into account the determination of the new moon, by way of, you know, astronomical calculations, or astrological calculations, or mathematics, then these are deemed as unacceptable, as unacceptable methods, based on the Hadith, of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that we read in Sahih Bukhari and Sahih, Muslim, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said, We are a nation, which does not rely on writing

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or calculation to know the beginning or the end of the month. And then he said, the month is either 29 or 30.

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The month is either 29 or 30 days.

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The matter is very simple. And one of the best solutions for the Western world is for the ruler

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of a state or of a city to have a body

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whereby the Muslim community go by this body and the opinion that they have collectively agreed upon. Whether it's the first or second or third, all opinions are valid. All opinions are valid, because they're all based on moon sighting. But it's up to them to agree on a method on one method that will benefit the entire community that will benefit the entire community.

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And so the great scholars of the past

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well aware of this science of calculations, yet none of them resorted to it. And even taymiyah Rahim Allah, Allah has said that,

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on science is an innovation, it's actually a bidder. Let's move on inshallah Cara from moon sighting now, to who must fast

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the ones who must fast.

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And the conditions of when fasting becomes compulsory. Of course number one is Islam, to be a Muslim, if you are a non Muslim, and you are fasting, even if you're just doing it, to trial it out because you're,

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you are a potential Muslim, and you are thinking about becoming Muslim. I'm sorry to disappoint you, but that fasting is not accepted. It's good to trial it out. But what is even better, is to join your family of Muslims is to join the family of Muslims 1.7 billion Muslims and fast and then your fasting is accepted in sha Allah who to Allah.

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Number two, the same person if you are an insane person, it is not obligatory upon you to fast. Number three, the one who has reached the age of puberty. If you are fasting and you are

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below the age of puberty, it's not compulsory, it's recommended and also have a loved one home or back home. When it was Ashura fasting. They would their children who were fasting at a very young age because they would make them fast. They made sure they ensure that they will fasting whenever they cried whenever they cried out of the

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hunger pains that would give their children toys made out

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Whew, as we read in Sahih Bukhari to occupy the mind from hunger and thirst, until the time came for breaking the fast, that's to do with Ashura imagined fasting.

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So it's still recommended. And the ones who must fast are those who have reached the age of puberty. And there are signs of reaching the age of puberty in Islam, whether it be

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the growth of pubic hair,

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once a child has pbk, underneath their armpits, or on the private part, they have reached puberty, whether that happens at the age of 910 11. That's the first sign that a person has reached puberty and they are accountable. That's the age of accountability. Secondly, is the age of 15. Let's say they don't have any pubic hair and they've reached the age of 15. Then now they are accountable, with or without the pbk.

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Number three is having wet dreams experiencing wet dreams is a sign that a person has reached the age of puberty. And in the case of women, it is the monthly cycle or menses.

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The fourth condition,

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or the fourth person, the fourth condition for CME and fasting to be obligatory is that you are able to that you don't have a chronic illness, or an illness that prevents you from fasting.

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Being a resident is another condition. So if you're traveling your way traveling, you have a concession. It's not obligatory upon you to fast and we'll talk about that in a moment.

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And of course free from any excuse for too fast.

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Now, for those who are obligated to fast but don't fast, what is the compensation? How must they make up for not having fasted? Well, according to the man with Chef era, Hema hula hota Allah is his opinion is that he needs to make up those days only if you're not fast, without a valid reason to make up those days. The second opinion and that of Imam Malik and Abu hanifa Rahim Allah

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is that they need to make up that day. And they have to perform the cafaro a compensation. What's the compensation that they fast two consecutive months

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after Ramadan?

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The third opinion and this seems to be the soundest and most correct opinion and the law soprano dinos best is that they must repent just sincere Toba sincere repentance. This is the opinion of chef Mohammed bin sila Hello say mean, Rahim Allah wa Taala a more contemporary scholar. Because fasting has a fixed time. And you can you have to have a legitimate excuse

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not to fast for you to choose to fast beyond the prescribed time, then it won't become acceptable.

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So this is an act which is an innovation therefore, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. He said Whoever doesn't action that is not in accordance with this affair a bounce will have it rejected.

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Let's move on to the pillars of fasting. There are two main pillars of fasting when we say pillars we're talking about are can they miss a few or missing one of these pillars, your Salah your Seon is not accepted. Number one is the need for the validity of your CRM you have to have the medium the intention.

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This is based on the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that we find in sin an ad that would send an unnecessary and that is according to shuffle Alberni, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Whoever does not determine too fast before the budget. Before the break of dawn, there is no fasting for him, meaning the fasting is not accepted. He would still have to refrain from eating and drinking, but the fasting is not accepted they have to compensate for that day.

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And there are four conditions for the acceptance of the intention of the Nia number one altruism, you have to have a positive assertion as opposed to a near allemaal aka there is a new year there is a suspended intention, firm intention and fasting not year maybe maybe not depends on feeling. I could be ill tomorrow might be traveling, not to show you have to have a firm intention. Secondly, attack in an attack II means being specific in your

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Pretend your intention that tomorrow, I'm fasting one of the days of Ramadan, I'm not just fasting because I feel like it or because this is good for my diet, I tie in the third condition is attribute and attribute means that the intention is made before fudger.

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The fourth condition that they do need, there is

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renewal of the intention, renewal of the need. Now, there's difference of opinion here amongst the roadmap to opinions.

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The first opinion is the opinion of Imam Malik that it is sufficient to have one near at the beginning of the month of Ramadan, at sea that Nia is for the rest of Ramadan. So you have one intention, I intend to fast all of the days of Ramadan.

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The second opinion it was that of the majority, they said that an intention is required every night, every night before budget. And this seems to be the strongest opinion based on the Hadith that I read earlier, that you have this need. And it's a very simple, and by the way, it is not

00:36:15 --> 00:36:25

from the sooner to articulate your Nia there is no sooner or Hadith or a from the Quran that says you need to verbalize your intention.

00:36:26 --> 00:36:49

Macedonia to open the place, the storehouse of your new year is your heart. So the new year is in the heart, and then hamdulillah that we don't have to add to the New Year. Because if we had to add to the new year, and we forgot and we fell asleep, you have to make up those days. So there's no articulation, the very fact that you set up your alarm clock

00:36:51 --> 00:37:01

to wake up for support for that blessing meal, during that blessing hour of the night that 20 minutes before fudger that you need.

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The very fact that you're having some food that's unique.

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As for outside of Ramadan, you don't need to have any year, you can actually get up in the morning after the sun has risen. And many hours could pass and then you haven't eaten or you haven't drank anything. And then you could say, you can actually say I want to fast today, and you don't require any year. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam one day he came into the house of I should have your loved one Hmm. And he said to her, do you have anything? In other words, anything to eight?

00:37:45 --> 00:37:48

As you said, we didn't have anything to add on to the house of the province. I said that I have anything.

00:37:50 --> 00:37:54

He said, he said is an initial, therefore I am I'm fasting.

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Therefore I am fasting. So prophesize tell him doesn't have any near here.

00:38:03 --> 00:38:47

So the question is, when will you be rewarded, you will be rewarded from the time that you actually intend to fast because there'll be a very different for a person who actually intended and started their fasting from the beginning of the day to the one who happen to you know, sleep in and actually begin their fasting from one o'clock for example, or 12 o'clock or in the afternoon. So the reward is from the time itself, we sit there are two pillars of fasting, the first one was the need. The second one is to abstain from the muhfucka. Right, to abstain from the things that nullify your fasting

00:38:50 --> 00:38:52

and in Sacco and the most accurate

00:38:54 --> 00:39:00

and the tariffs have been either explicitly mentioned in the court, no sooner.

00:39:02 --> 00:39:03

Oh, they haven't been.

00:39:05 --> 00:39:37

Now the move up the rot. We have, we have to abstain from between fudger the break of dawn, all the way up to mastery. So as soon as the Ivan says Allahu Akbar, for fudger. As soon as he says Allahu Akbar for fudger then we have to stop. And as soon as he says Allahu Akbar, as soon as he says Allahu Akbar, for the amount of time we are allowed to eat and have to wait to the end of the event.

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And we find in the Quran Surah Al Baqarah verse 187, Allah subhanho wa Taala

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he says,

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he eat and drink until you can clearly distinguish the white thread from the black thread of the dawn, then fast until the night of peace

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During the time of the prophet SAW Selim, as you read in Sahih Bukhari there was a man a Sahabi, by the name of Id even had him. And I'd even heard him he literally when you heard this verse, he took a white thread and a black thread, and he placed them under his pillow. And he placed them under his pillow.

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And during the night, he would look at them

00:40:25 --> 00:40:48

to distinguish whether he can tell the difference between the black thread and the white thread. He took the verse literally, and said, so Pamela, the next day he came, he couldn't work it out. And he came and told the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam what he was doing. And the prophet SAW Selim, he said, Tim, you must have a long pillow. Because this is actually in reference to the blackness, the blackness of the night and the whiteness of the day.

00:40:49 --> 00:40:59

So it's actually incorrect to follow as some Ramadan calendars, they have a column that says him sack

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himself, refrain stuff. So what they have is before budget, they have a column, which is about 10 minutes, it's like a safety buffer. You know, this is the safety net stop here. And then there's the future time this goes against the sooner it goes against the synopsize Center. And anyone who is putting together our Ramadan calendar should not include this innovation should not include this insect, colon, we have to actually do insect regarding the insect refrain from putting down this column called insect.

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There are a number of things that nullify your fasting, number one, food, drink, and anything that has the same meaning, or same effect as food or drink, whether it's for example, blood transfusions, or whether for example, drips, you might go to hospital hospital and they have a drip, or whether it's kidney dialysis. These are things that break your fast.

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If a person eats or drinks in Ramadan, or outside of Ramadan out of forgetfulness, they continue their fast the profits, even if you've had a full meal and you forgot the arm, like but I just hadn't, you know, biryani and

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whatever other dishes you have kebabs or tabula and

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the highly valuable highly Muslim, he said, Who ever forgets, while fasting and eats and drinks should complete for Verily Allah fit him in gave him drink, Allah azzawajal gave you that. But if you see somebody they are eating or drinking, do you remember the Hadith is Allahu Akbar? How lucky is this person?

00:42:56 --> 00:43:08

You know, and you sit there and you know, and just wish you were in their position? The answer is no, you should actually tell them because they could be doing something wrong. And we have a duty but admirably narrow.

00:43:09 --> 00:43:11

In joining the good forbidding the wrong.

00:43:15 --> 00:43:41

As for unintentionally breaking the fast before the right time, let's say you break your fast, and you actually thought you thought that the time of Muslim has commenced, but you got it wrong. The clock was wrong, the radio got it wrong. You're going by the very fact the disappearance of the sun, but it's a cloudy day and you broke your fast assuming that the sun has set and then the clouds disappeared and

00:43:42 --> 00:43:48

there was the sun. What do you do? Do you make up that day? Or don't you make up that day?

00:43:49 --> 00:43:53

And the sound is the opinion is that there's no makeup of that day it was unintentional.

00:43:55 --> 00:43:57

Anything that's unintentional.

00:43:58 --> 00:44:02

It's different than a letter to a prisoner in nesina.

00:44:05 --> 00:44:06

Our load

00:44:07 --> 00:44:10

do not hold us accountable. If we forget.

00:44:12 --> 00:44:21

Or we make a mistake and the process of selling said the roofie column, the pin has been lifted and on three types of people is no accountability.

00:44:22 --> 00:44:36

And that is an misia and one who forgets a lot of forgetfulness and the young boy who hasn't reached the age of puberty the young child and there are proofs and evidences also regarding this point.

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The second thing that breaks your fast is marital relations during the days during between federal and Muslim

00:44:49 --> 00:44:55

countries conjugal relations, spouse, spouses or

00:44:57 --> 00:44:58

engaging in this in the Haram way.

00:45:00 --> 00:45:15

There is a heavy This is a very serious offense brothers and sisters in Islam. And there is a hadith that is found in Bukhari and Muslim whereby a man came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and he said, yo rasulillah haylock. I'm ruined.

00:45:16 --> 00:45:24

Mallika process Salaam says what has destroyed you? What has ruined you? He said, I have slept with my wife during Ramadan.

00:45:26 --> 00:45:41

So, the prophet SAW Selim, he said to him, do you have a slave that you can set free? He said, No, I don't. He said, Are you able to fast two consecutive months after Ramadan? Because I can't I don't have the ability to do this Allah so Allah.

00:45:43 --> 00:45:49

He said, Okay, can you feed 60 people, poor people feed 60 I can't do that. Yeah, so Allah

00:45:50 --> 00:45:59

and if this person is in a really terrible state, prophesized, let me set the what he's going to tell you next. He said there.

00:46:00 --> 00:46:01

And then so panela

00:46:03 --> 00:46:08

somebody came, came and gave the prophecy I sell them a basket of dates, idea.

00:46:09 --> 00:46:23

The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said, Where is that man? referring to that man who was ruined his team Here, take this basket of dates, and give it to the poor and needy as a compensation as your cafaro

00:46:26 --> 00:46:35

and the prophets and that man, he said, Allah, kar amenia Rasul Allah. Do you want me to give this to someone who are poorer than me?

00:46:38 --> 00:46:42

And then the province I said, I said, Take it and give it to your family.

00:46:44 --> 00:46:55

And actually, that man, he said, By Allah, there is no one between these two mountains may have been at Liberty, poorer than us. That's how poor he was.

00:46:56 --> 00:47:00

So there was what's known as the cafaro. Alcohol, lava.

00:47:02 --> 00:47:18

Sariska fara. If a person has conjugal relations, that's why prevention is better than cure. It's better to prevent yourself from approaching your spouse during the day, which means no kissing, no fondling, no hugging, just in case.

00:47:19 --> 00:47:45

Otherwise, if it happens, number one, if you know of a slave, somewhere in the world that can be set free, you have a duty to send money to free that slave. Number two, if you can't afford it, or you don't find a slave, you must fast two consecutive months, including the day that you missed, or including the day that you violated.

00:47:46 --> 00:47:50

And if you break one of those days without a valid reason, you must start again.

00:47:52 --> 00:48:01

It's very harsh compensation. Number three, if you cannot, if you do not have the health or the ability to fast two consecutive months,

00:48:02 --> 00:48:04

then feed 60 people

00:48:05 --> 00:48:08

feed 60 people, that's the compensation for it.

00:48:10 --> 00:48:21

And a cafaro should be made for each day that you did this for each day that you did this. So prevention is better than cure.

00:48:22 --> 00:48:25

Don't put yourself in a weak situation.

00:48:29 --> 00:48:29

The next

00:48:31 --> 00:48:33

one of the factors is deliberate vomiting.

00:48:35 --> 00:48:53

If a person deliberately vomits by either putting their finger down their throat or by smelling something deliberately to induce the vomiting, or by pressing their stomach or doing something to bring around, you have broken your fast and all that's required is to make up for that day.

00:48:55 --> 00:49:06

And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. He said as per the Hadith that we find in spinach AB there would whoever vomits accidentally while fasting, then there is no making up needed.

00:49:08 --> 00:49:12

And if he formats deliberately, he should make up

00:49:14 --> 00:49:16

the force the fourth

00:49:18 --> 00:49:39

one of the most accurate is menstruation and postnatal bleeding. When a woman has her monthly period, it's obligatory for her, not too fast, and it is obligatory for her to make up those days she didn't fasted after Ramadan and before the next Ramadan

00:49:42 --> 00:49:47

unlike for example, select If a woman has her menses she doesn't pray.

00:49:48 --> 00:49:59

But she doesn't make up those prayers. What's the difference because I'm a woman may have seven days of period, her monthly cycle seven days now

00:50:00 --> 00:50:20

Seven times five. If my math is correct is 3535 praise could be quite burdensome on a woman to make up. But seven days or six days, you know, as Matt said, the woman who goes to 15 days is the maximum not only difficult to make up after Ramadan,

00:50:21 --> 00:50:35

and she becomes sinful if she leaves them for after the next Ramadan to make up those days, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the Hadith fansite Muslim Hadith, inshallah Allah subhanho wa Taala.

00:50:36 --> 00:50:44

She said, we were ordered to make up the Miss days of fasting, and we're not commanded to make up the prison. So there is he, Matt regarding this.

00:50:48 --> 00:51:07

And, of course, the first thing, the first thing of those days don't have to be consecutive, so that I have to be in a row and that can be made up in the month before the next Ramadan in the in the month before the next among in the month of Shabbat as I used to delay them to the month of Shabbat.

00:51:09 --> 00:51:16

Of course, if a person commits an act of Cooper, or says something which makes him real leave the realm of Islam,

00:51:17 --> 00:51:20

then the fasting has been

00:51:21 --> 00:51:22

invalidated and

00:51:23 --> 00:51:25

a person must make up that day.

00:51:26 --> 00:51:33

Likewise, according to the majority of their own *, which is actually Haram in Islam.

00:51:34 --> 00:51:38

If a person does this during the days of Ramadan,

00:51:39 --> 00:52:10

the most correct opinion is they have to make up that day only. And they don't have the cafaro which is similar to having marital relations or conjugal relations in the days of Ramadan. Only the Torah is what is necessary only the Kaaba is what happens. Some people there have a release or a condition where they have this prosthetic fluid that comes out of them and this is known as muddy, muddy, okay?

00:52:13 --> 00:52:19

Does not invalidate the fasting, only the money or the * that

00:52:20 --> 00:52:27

that comes out of the person deliberately. Okay, is what invalidates the fasting.

00:52:28 --> 00:52:29

And of course, if a person

00:52:31 --> 00:52:46

intends on breaking their fast I look at it, I can't handle this anymore. I consider myself as I've broken my fast, they've released their intention, even if they don't drink or eat. They've broken their fast because you have to always couple your fasting with the intention.

00:52:47 --> 00:53:04

So having the intention throughout the day until the break of until the break of until the sunset. Also another one and there's some controversy amongst the roller mat is bloodletting or as it is known in Islam as hijama,

00:53:05 --> 00:53:17

hegemon or copying or what is similar to it. bloodletting, according to Mohammed the Messiah hilarious, I mean, this also invalidates your fasting.

00:53:18 --> 00:53:30

However, if a person has a nosebleed, or a prick or little bit of blood that comes out and unintentionally a cat, then that does not invalidate the fasting.

00:53:31 --> 00:53:46

The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said in the Hadith that is found incident AB there would Sahih Hadith, the copper and the one who cupping is done have both invalidated their first off para el * move well, Matt June.

00:53:50 --> 00:54:25

So now all these things that invalidate the first apart from menses and the first only invalidated if three conditions are met. Number one, the person was unaware of the ruling and not ignorant of it. Number two, he did it knowingly and not out of forgetfulness. And number three, he did it by choice and not by force. And that's what chef Mohammed bin Sala Hello samian said what are some things that don't break your fast patches for example, nicotine, glycerol.

00:54:26 --> 00:54:53

Those type of patches do not break your fast topical creams, gels appointments. They do not break your first inhalers. puffers. This is compressed gas. It's not food, it's not drink. It's not nutrition. It doesn't go into your stomach. This gas goes into your lungs, and this does not invalidate your fasting according to the most correct opinion amongst all ama and some scholars have different

00:54:56 --> 00:54:59

IE an eye drops and ointments.

00:55:00 --> 00:55:21

nasal sprays and drops as long as you know for sure they're not going to go into your throat. So it's best to avoid likewise mouthwashes goggles sprays, you can have him but if you know that they're going to go down your throat, you can invalidate your cm. So better to avoid them prevention is better than cure,

00:55:23 --> 00:55:24


00:55:25 --> 00:55:29

pessaries these things do not invalidate your cm,

00:55:33 --> 00:55:34


00:55:35 --> 00:55:36


00:55:37 --> 00:55:45

or those type of injections as long as they do not contain water for injection, sodium chloride

00:55:47 --> 00:55:48

that's trust and

00:55:49 --> 00:55:53

these type of things then yonni they don't

00:55:54 --> 00:55:55

invalidate the CM

00:55:57 --> 00:56:25

we move on and chautala the other things that don't nullify the first thing using the misiak The miswak is the brush the Muslims used their toothbrushes from the tree of the era to find it in the Arab world using that throughout the day does not invalidate your cm there is a weak Hadith regarding this that you know you can you can perform the C work before noon or before vote but not after vote. There's not an authentic hurry you know, so

00:56:26 --> 00:56:43

you know this is something to remember I mean we find some Hadith regarding fasting that a week that a lot of people that you know use and it's in circulation, like the Hadith su Mutasa who first and you will be healthier, this is a weak Hadith. Okay, and other Hadees

00:56:45 --> 00:56:52

brushing your teeth with toothpaste, okay, this is makrooh undesirable to do this, because you can have

00:56:53 --> 00:56:56

remaining aspects of the, of the toothpaste coming down

00:56:57 --> 00:57:21

your throat and besides, for those of you who have bad breath, and we all have it in during the days of Ramadan and fasting. This is not because of our mouth. This is because of our stomach. The stomach in here is what's producing this odor. And so even if you brush your teeth in your garden, whatever you do, it's only momentarily what a few moments half an hour an hour.

00:57:22 --> 00:57:40

So let it be, let it go. And know that Allah azza wa jal, he loves this smell like her new family saw me in the law he up to a woman Rachel missed that the smell that is emanating from the mouth of a fasting person is more

00:57:42 --> 00:57:48

any sweeter in fragrance than the smell of musk. So let it go and show love with the island.

00:57:50 --> 00:58:08

When it comes to what you're allowed to rinse your mouth and you should rinse your mouth because it's the sweetener but when it comes to now, it's thin chef, which is the sniffing of the water, which is the Sun nanomesh Normally, it shouldn't be done in Oman, because there is a hadith and the province of Solomon said the

00:58:09 --> 00:58:34

Philistine Shafi are based in Shaka Illa and takuna saw Emma barely go to extremes when you come to what they call douching or sniffing the water up your nose, except if you're fasting, it's a very, it is very healthy for you to do this, by the way will do to sniff the water right up there at very cleansing and very invigorating and refreshing. Except if you are fasting.

00:58:36 --> 00:58:46

If a person for example, has a * between budget and between mockery, that does not invalidate the CM. If a person wakes up after budget

00:58:48 --> 00:58:59

because they never had to hustle from marital relations, or they woke up in the state of Geneva because of a *. And they also they leave it to after the budget.

00:59:01 --> 00:59:12

The same is valid, just have to perform the hustle. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as we read the Sahara Bukhari would be Juniper from his wives at the time of budget then he would take a bath and completely as far

00:59:14 --> 00:59:24

as I said earlier, involuntary * involuntary vomiting, bleeding, they don't break your fast having a blood test,

00:59:25 --> 00:59:46

or PIN pinprick for a blood glucose level check or blood group tests doesn't break your fast. It's only when large amounts like you know, a whole test tube Okay, or in large amounts are taken out. That's what the difference is. And as we said Hamada muscle growth I mean the hem Allah Allah He said it does break your fast.

00:59:48 --> 00:59:59

If a person kisses their wife or kisses their husband, or fondling doesn't break your fast, wearing perfume does not break your fast. Playing cold does not break your fast

01:00:00 --> 01:00:26

But some of these things should be prevented, so that the person doesn't fall into the harem. Those who are exempted to fast non Muslims, while they are exempted while they are non Muslims, but really they should embrace Islam, and fast with us, the elderly people, the frail people, they should feed a poor person for each day if fasting is hard on them.

01:00:27 --> 01:00:39

A child who has not reached the age of puberty is exempted the sick now when it comes to sickness, there's a general sickness, General illness, fasting does not worsen the sickness, you should fast.

01:00:40 --> 01:00:48

But if you have a chronic illness whereby you need medication, and you're not going to get better after Ramadan, feed a poor person for each day that you miss out.

01:00:50 --> 01:00:56

Or you have an illness whereby fasting will exasperate it, make it worse fear of failure poor person.

01:00:57 --> 01:01:02

And there's no harm for example, after Ramadan together 30 people that are poor and just feed them.

01:01:04 --> 01:01:18

And Allah subhanho wa Taala he wants as for us, my dear brothers and sisters in Islam, you read to become will use Ravana you read to become a nurse. Our Deen is easy to align. Our Dean is very easy. But we have to understand our dean and apply.

01:01:19 --> 01:01:26

And Alyssa Powell Taylor says law that there should be no causing of harm, and there'll be no reciprocating harm.

01:01:27 --> 01:01:34

And so my dear brothers and sisters in a stem also from amongst those who were exempted from fasting as a traveler, the musafir.

01:01:35 --> 01:01:38

If a person's traveling is hard,

01:01:39 --> 01:01:46

even if he's traveling by airplane, or whatever it is, then yes, if it's hard, they should

01:01:47 --> 01:02:20

break their fast and make up before the next time upon. If, however, it's not hard, then it is better to fast. That's the most balanced opinion between the scholarly difference when it comes to the moussaka between those who said you have to break your fast. And those said, No, you shouldn't, you can and those who said, you know, depending on the hardship, and that seems to be the strongest opinion because a lot of it says in the verses you read to be common use for a while actually to become an officer Allah wants for you is and isn't for you hardship.

01:02:21 --> 01:02:47

Now, if a person for example, is a traveler and then becomes a resident, so for example, you're coming back home from a travel and it's halfway, it's midday, for example, do you refrain from eating and drinking until the evening, then the answer is no. You can continue to eat and drink because Had it been most rude to ever eat at the beginning of the day, and then he should eat at the end of the day also.

01:02:48 --> 01:03:21

As for pregnant women, or breastfeeding women, they have a concession to break the fast if fasting is going to cause harm to themselves, or harm to the fetus or to the child. So there has to be a reason. And that's where our sisters need to get sound advice from a Muslim doctor regarding their condition, and every person is different. And especially in some countries where the days are very short, and you have the opportunity to have some food and Muslim is not too far away.

01:03:23 --> 01:04:10

The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said that Allah has given concession to the traveler to pray half of the salette and for the traveler, the pregnant and the breastfeeding. The fast or fasting is a concession for the breastfeeding and the one who was pregnant. And had it is found in sunan ibn magic there is difference of opinion amongst the roll Emma as to what should a woman who broke her fast because of pregnancy or breastfeeding do between those who said feed only between those who said maker up only those who said feed and make up. Okay, and those who even went and gave a different opinion. Allahu Island. What seems to be the opinion that is most dominant from one

01:04:10 --> 01:04:24

generation of scholars to the next is that she makes up those days, that she makes up only those days that she's compared to the sick person who needs to make up his days. And Allah subhanahu wa Tyler knows best.

01:04:25 --> 01:04:32

Just regarding the issue of makeup and making the day is up and more issues were to women.

01:04:33 --> 01:05:00

If a woman for example, has her menses, and she becomes pure in the daytime, does she refrain from eating and drinking for the rest of the day? The answer is no. She continues to eat and drink because of the hadith of Ibn Miss Ruth. But the last one was that earlier that if you break your fast in the beginning of the day, then you continue at the end of the day but of course, don't eat or drink in front of your children because they don't understand. They might think that

01:05:00 --> 01:05:18

You are violating one of Eliza which URLs, laws unless they understand the whole concept of menses. If a woman has is the hair that is the hair that is defective bleeding, some women they bleed defective bleeding is not period blood. This blood does not invalidate a cm.

01:05:20 --> 01:05:24

If a person takes pills

01:05:27 --> 01:05:35

to stop the menses okay to stop the menses, then these pills

01:05:37 --> 01:06:02

which actually cause menstrual irregularities and not recommended should leave it up to Allah azza wa jal No He created you don't take these pills just because you want to fast in your insisting Yes, in some circumstances for Hajj for example, it might be recommended and a good idea to have you with a big group and airlines and you've got to fulfill your pillars and what have you. Ramadan, make up the days in shallow Thailand, but they don't affect your fasting,

01:06:04 --> 01:06:08

postnatal bleeding. When a woman bleeds after childbirth,

01:06:09 --> 01:06:16

there is no minimum number of days the maximum is 40. Once you get to 40, even if you are bleeding, then

01:06:18 --> 01:06:21

you must commence your fasting,

01:06:22 --> 01:06:40

bleeding due to miscarriage bleeding that occurs prior to the 80 days this is known as defective bleeding. And this blood does not break your fast and bleeding that occurs after the 80 days of pregnancy or postpartum bleeding and this blood does break the fast and the mistakes must be made up.

01:06:45 --> 01:07:02

This is pretty much the major rules related to fasting and the month of Ramadan. I asked ally xojo to give us an understanding of this theme and the rules and regulations regarding regarding all the aspects of Ramadan May Allah subhana wa Taala bless us this Ramadan

01:07:04 --> 01:07:28

mallus pantalla include us from amongst those that every night he frees from the Hellfire mela sprint that gives us the strength to perform LCM lpm across throughput an hour is accepted in Ramadan. Liverpool Qatar is accepted in Ramadan mela give us patience steadfastness.

01:07:29 --> 01:07:40

And Allah subhanahu Allah knows best what sort of love was send them over about a cut and in the b&m Hamad was salam wa Alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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